Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Aug 1948, p. 5

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DARRIE EXA 31111212 ONTARIO CANADA CANADA MUST END LBOlQLENCE Homemade CuIIeREADY JOURNAL ASSERTS 11 111111 r492 August 33 Aim Heidi 1311110 post NLtkrlhl with 131101 111110 3111 Ilayxr 11 111111 on and 3111s DixJn lltl 11011115 in Guelph INC 115 Vhittmi 11nd IIAIEIS 111 11 25111ng 110 15 31141 13 Mr and 21 Mr Lind Ittis 1111111 Coupe HAKVwd JillllILIiIlIL 11 am 11K1 ulnfhle lutttvsfljhhilitmuui lllljlxl MI and Jr llmmllgilif Mr 11 31115 W111 14111111110311diallmwnffvm wan mm lnrmnlj EH11 EILSF ljllcliniiudulills Motrin larlt 11gt toopei 111 11111 imm Mm Rwy Timmy 11111011 liLIitllxilllilltLIilIlDS in ligihy l1till 3111 1H1 1i51111011 10010 Sutton IbI1IS 311515 Styri audtiyelyn Whuuni 01 thnhunis hmwdrd 11k 11L1111mm on Mr and Mrs Dunn lort Clcdzlddlni in lilinvule Saturday 11101th and Mrs 20111111111 Toronto visited Miss Hoseinary King critertaziacrh 111111110 c1111 111111 ex 111 Qgtllu1 11 INN dziv hot 0001 Willi Mrs It Mc 11111111101 of her girltricnus at 21140 1110 1111111110 Atdlu1111111111111I 111112111 birthday part 111 Yfunxlay 11111l1 111 and ditchuili Inil1 hm Mg 111111 liftgt15 11010 11011510 05 Iiu of 1111 ln 3111111 McManaiuen Mrs tl11rgtoi1 di 11 llanwn otl 11 him 115 Mix Chocolate Cake in 60 Seconds 311 $5 011 11110 uh Lunlplrclls Cane MIN the Add 113141111 milk or xxzizir gt111 31111 112 Light tender thiltlAIS 11 111111 Campus11 11110 T111C0 11111 St 13111110 11 and 110 on Sunday 1gtI0l uday In Allb Vil returiud to 1011 131 II Ii 1115 17 H114 Flavors CHOCOLAYE GOLDEN 11 mn should Cid IL It 111 9111 ho of 51111115 11 Acre 111v 111115111 winiv are L11tl Io Imdlv Hurt when 111 and 1111s tnlliilc on 41111111 also want 10 HAIR11111110 111101021 11 pvnt Sunday 11 the 11111110 111 their Iirotlnr 211 outlsg Midliurst Mr and 11 tiallatzgher mum and Miss 11111110110 loircr It Montr0al spent Sunday with the 1unnrs parents Mr 111111 MIS tudtauglier Mr and Mrs toptland and lluuclas lloiniii 81101510 and Patsy llodg0rs Jim Ward ud Miss Ilttty While all of 11111110 Mrs Mel ook 11nd 0hildr0u Stroud were Sunday visitors Mr and Mrs W111 opcland 2111 Mr and Mrs Hotlgcts Mrs lluddl ton and MISS 151111 lluddlcstou oi Strozid lgtilcd at the l1o1n0 oi outts on Sun day Miss 11udd0ston toiinerly of 111121 0111111111111in giadizatmi as 1111120 from the 11V 111111111111 Bar 110 this 5111111111 and won 501101 arhip which 1111105 1101 to six iuonin coors0 it St MILhacls Hos pital toronto this Fall Mr and 3111s Archer TIOlllli Miss Kathleen 5111110 tlurugu Sly and Mrs 110 11 New Toronto Mr 1111 3111111011 Rush and Tostigiin Long Branch Holiday visitors Mr and Mrsf las Kidd and Raymond ZlIJHIIICSj Whittons Miss Violet Platt New York tttld MISS Wilford of TUIUIIIUI 11 Sam Ilatts Misses Merv Stephens Rosemary Quinn Annei Smith los0pluur Donoher James 101 and Kenny Stph0us of lo1 Iouto at Win Stephens llrirbara Ncill loronto atherine ONeill BAXTER August 23 3110111 lastl Miss Norine Elliott weekend 111 New York Miss Edith llllis 1111110 571111111 Sunday with h0r sister Mrs l1 lltlisoii Allan Robertson of Fort FruncIs Qiiidi w11311111 From one of the most itloctivo 11nd est known medicines for bowel complaints Insist on DOCTOR FOWIERS EXTRACT 01 is spending t0w days With his aunt Mrs Denney Mrs Shiitlnand two childrrn are spending couple of 1000113 with friends at Keswick Mr and Mrs Muise of 101ra Nova v0r0 Sunday visitors With Mr and Mrs Dutlin Mr and Mrs Gibson and family Weston spent th0 v00k0nd with Mr and Mrs Robinson Mr and Mrs McFarland and daughter Sharon of Coulson tlt Sunday visitors at llaughs Mr and Mrs Menary and daughter l0rtrudc of rongevulc and Mr and Mrs 101111011 and two daughters Thornton were Sunday visitors at Ruddicks gw7 0C nDont waste the good pot liquor Use it in and 11s Misse wilhr Iitljlt 1101 111111110 111311491113 1L gutsts of 3111 Ross latsonf011110 81 1111110 past 12001 Mr and Allllltlll and iitltl weekend 11 Mr and 11s tlIurlm Strangutrys 1111100 Gould has purchased the Post lilicr lllock and intends 1111011 1111 an 01001r10al supply shop lhisg pitiptll was 11IIII by 1110 1110 llilNlll lIisIIIIEtItl 1011 htdltl ace son of Perry lluiibarton is spo 11111111 the sunini0r 11111111111111 111011111110111 tlr and 11 11 Martin Con lIIIunstith 110 and Allan 11nd 110d Martin all 111110 1110 1111111111111 tn 0111111111111 1111 oi 11111110 up 0110111 0011111 liinltfwltiliu Mirs Yvoiznt lonibs daughter 11 and Mrs 111111113 li1sh00n nppointcd principal 111 the ruial school 111 $8 No 11 Ta 11011 Wye ltrv Mr loiuhs Well known to many in llIrton lottIu 1111111 and 52011111111101 IIIshytiriair 011111110111Iious 10111111111 WWWH +o+111sioumy vani India Mr 87810 Afsmiih Roy Merrick Take Port St Georges 6011 Match lhrco 11101111101s of Harrie loll and ouutry luh took part in the Ontario Golf Associations annual Heniors louinnin0nt 111 Toronto St l011rgcs roiiiso last lhuisday This is for active golfers over F111 and to our knowl0dg0 Il10 first time Barrie man has competed 111 ll Davidson of lorontt tliffsidc won the championship with to lead the tield of 911 golfers Mrs Ira 111111101 5110111 1110 511011 11 17111111111111 gutsis 1111 llllt11111 My 11111101 10 11ld II11gt 111 itvoninls Dui 1112 110111111 111 chi performed Liyl Mrs Ultl will solo ask Mani 11 111 coinl 13113111 aidship 1111 its EilJHiIWl gt1100lt111 gt3 NEWLOWEEL 11111 1115 111 111111 11111 111 31111 the 1001111111111 the 114111 employed 31 311111 11112111111105 tlltlgttl 01 un1 0111 110 ii1101111110 111 law and 111 and gtllhttltl b0 in1r1ittl 111 00 to it that gt11 1111 30M of tanuda 11 1111111111 111 Tiiple Buy 13 11 Dates and 1111011 1111 12 11 thtllgti Bench 1111 101gt111 II tangron Inclsnary laws this sort 3110111 111111 11112 11111111111110 today to 011111 111111z111111 cannot 110 111101111011 and 111010 1111 no1 runny 1111111101111111 ot the law 10111 tut111 llillt 1110011111 is to 110 110111 01I 11 11 parsonage in th 00111112 1gt111Ilf llll VISIT LOBLAWS Tea Coffee Booth IN THE NORTHWEST SECTION OF YHE FOOD PRODUCTS BUILDING CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION AND ENJOY REERESHING CUP 0F EITNER PRIDE or ARABIA conEE OR LOBLAWS FINEST ORANGE PEKOE RED lABEl TEA SERVED WITH PIECE OF MADEIRA CAKE for YOU RECEIVE COUPON VALUED AT lOcREDEEMABLE ON POUND or EITHER or THESE LOBLAW BEVER AGES AT ANY LOBLAW STORE IN CANADA drained from spinach souprorrhealthful cliilletvegctoble cocktails 111 1111 division CliffBBrowr toured Ilit layout in 1111 gross and with 14 handicap had 72 net one EufitlIQ4IIlWIStiiitfIt Hire1+ This dependable funiin remedy WILD SIRAWBEthYi And General OSBORN 99 Real Estate Brokers Insurance GARVEY Listings invited on HOmcs Businesses Farms Summer Cottages and Lots MONEY TO LOAN 0N MORTGAGES WILSON BLDG guite Phone Barrie 5229 Mniv WOOD CUTTING TIME IS HERE AGAIN AND WE HAVE THE ANSWER LABOR PROBLEMS TO YOUR THE PIONEER The Lightest Power Chain Saw on the markitoday with the Revolutionary New MultipOgt Engine Weighs only ipOunds LESS CUTTING ATTACHMENT There is no eilccsSweight on the PIONEERTIt goes into action trimmed to bare cutting essentials handles easily andfcarries through the woods with remarkable ease 11111210NEEREIS the answer ttlgreat demand for rrarroneman powerjawwhhzh Will give continuous 16 liable service under all working conditions dwm efJ ficiently handle up 71030 cutting attachments The blade andchainffoithefloEER Is the result of vast amount ofresearch producing cutting unit which will out fast and clean in any type or condition ofwood LEADING THE FIELD WITH lThe New Multiport Engine Longiners haveideveloped this revolutionary 112 Tugger swivel trol Filigcrllght clutch Heavy duty antomotlve type newengtneuwhiohls rathat Eight pesitsion sunningbrblide with fingexj tip con cartelnsrt unionanal canjbe operatedrin either the falling or bucking pdsuion 11y thetouchof the finger Differential DoubleActing Oil Pump RV Simplified troublerfree deSIgn ensures constant supw plyfot oil from haindlebarxeservotr to bar andchain AutomaticRewind StarterY troublefree automatic starter at new design Patent applied for Filtered Fuel System Aspeciatly designed filter unit fuel system ensures clean screens throughout thea fuel atallttmes Supplied with Barand 3112111191412 181 If and line gauge 24 30 Parker Hannah MASSEYHARRIS DEALERS silaswhiaso West Phone 3571 Barrier 1111111 group iivision Stillllllllld 99 gros less 211 handicap for 79 not My lloy Merrick had 93 gross less 22 handicap to II 1101 AURORA lllOlJllCE STROUD REDMEN 71 EXHIBITION Aurora had too much baseball knowledge lor Stroud Redmcn Wednesday Aug 18 when they handed them 71 trouncing at Aurora In an exhibition tilt Although hits 111111n0111by each club were few Aurora gaining three 11nd Stroud also managim three the five inning atlair was nightmare for Stroud Johnny Bowman on the mound for the ltcdmen found his loan suffering from fuh1bilitisinthc rs inning The 111st thrcc batters to Aurora reached first on errors our two of them crossed the plate We the homestch 20 lead 01 10 hits Ron Davies and Jack Woor teamcd for singles in the second for Strouds only counter but Aurora kept piling the margin with an other pair of runs in their hal and again on no hits This time it was Bowman vhcirw ms to blame ashc issued two suc cessive walks Simmons and Mo Hale supplied triples to the Aurorz cause in the third for run vanr then they were held off the scorc iheet in the fourth One double 11nd threewalks accounted for an ther two runs in the fth Despite the Redmen settling dowr 11101 the opening frame Johnny jowman did not respond In ve innings he walked six hit out batter and fanned four Simmons 01 Aurora issued but two fre passes andfannedsevenvi Megher Simmons and McHak supplied one hiticach for the win jerswhile Ron Davies with tWI 1nd Jack Wood with one took can it the Strand interest KilIEBfliackFler Ailgng 100 Miles In test made to kill black ies which for many years have causec heavy toll among cattle 615 pounds of DDTdissolved in 01 were sprayed by aeroplane ove tlfe South Saskatchewan River Fish Creek on May 25w The plane crossed thept yard wide riveriagonally 16 times anc 111 this ivay theDDTwas applied quabout 403mlllion gallons Of rwatei VWhich owed down stream aIi threeandamalf miles an hour On reaching the rst rapids two miles down stream the swathc sprayed by the plane onmed iv cOntinuops 111mE which 90 minutes to pass given point Thevappli cation was planned so that thi river received concentration 01 DDTequivalent to One partin 10 million sufficient to ow Over given Spot for 35 minutes The test proved completely successful $78800 BUILUING PERMITSD From January 1948 to Julyl 1948 building permits issued in Gravenhurst totalled $78330 while during thesame period in 1947 per mits valued at $93032 were issued 1701 the past two years the up praisal value of work being done by building permits sold has in creased each year The permits issued in 1945 were $52700 White in 1946 the gure skyrocketed to $121020 Againin 19471 the permits revealed mark ed Increase totalling $143635 for the year after fapplication took two hours CEIIEIIY SIAI LOBLAws IACK 812ml PEANUT Burma GADEN FRESH FRUITS 61 VEGETABLES CdliforiabVolencids car can Juice SIZE 288 SUNRISE CABBAGE ONTARIO GROWN GREEN PASCAL ONTARIO GROWN For Delicious Pies Salads and Desserts ONTARIO GROW salmon fATTRACTwELy PRICEO IN OT BASKETS some The Oftenlofl BLuE RIBBON TEA Dalilic P02 IONE SIZE fAVAlIAELE IN EACH 510 IVONTARIolowaNL FIRM GREEN coon SIZI nuns IS BUNCHESliIc AXTER 7ONTARIOGR0WNNO GRADE COOKING ONIONS 51 10c APPLEFORDS COOKERY 10 SHEET PACKAGE 29C AYLMIEIE CHOICE NI 20 FL IzTIN5C MUFFETS IltlAItER llc HEINZ MALT CIDER 0R WHITE IIIIIEIIIIR 1111111221 shitplim Its35 311111111165 PKG Ila ZINC 21 JAR RINGS 29 FOR JARS Visit and Take Part in the IOBLAWS GIANT MARKEI BASKET SPELLING BEE at the FAIREX FEATURES OUTDOOR THEATRE JUST NORTH or ONTARIO GOVERNMENT BLDG CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION VELVET BRAND H011 11 PASTRY RENNET POWDERS JUNK AND lllluz CREAM or TOMATO SOUP 01311 NABISCOSHREDDED WHEAT ZPKGS 25 GLASS Taps 00 20 LOIS MEATIFS Em 18131331 29541911 JAMSJ muss JOHNSONS 610C011 wa 1114591 JillV JARS 53c ACO MAZDA IAMPS 25 FOR CAKES PKG 0F 12 OZ PKG MOTHER JAcKsONs JEWEL sHonTEquo SCEEETANSER 211N525 35c REG CAKES MASONSMALL 15 FRUIT JARS 89s BURNS FOR sNACKs ETC VTTB 29c GLENwooo ASSORTED SPICES JE SEYBRAND TIN GALLON WHOLE MIXED IPKG 19c ORANGEPEKOE VaLBL MAPLELEAE JIFFYFORREDGEMOTHERIACKSONS PKG 1102 CELLO PK 33c PKG THE PERFECT CLEANER ttiizsc mom MASONLARGE cnowu BrundCORNSYRUP MRS 193 BROOKFIELD CHEESE ms 24c L3 216 SPIRIT or BLENDED COTTACEE BRAND wunEWIIOLEWIiEAICRACKEowHEAT mtg IOBLAwsnEAO 11210 77 WATER SOFTENERCLEANER 19 so RYE In BISCUIT PKG MAKES DISHES SPARKLE ORANGE mot Vrm SPIC suit 23c so c1113 39 19 29 TPORTERHOUSEKB gt dCEoIIRcIEINER FOR RUGS 602 UIIHOLSTERY BTL 0x11100131 2C 111111115111 35 sinLomioIwmo flb STEAKOrROAsI ROUND STEAK tugr ROAST SIZE 344 lbcqc WITH BEANSIN 15 oz TOMATO SAuCE TIN 23 IIAMB OR HALE 115c BREAST NEcks aa Ideal for ing or on mI LEAN PEAMEALED Mtronxnocxsj II LARGE PKG 111115111 10 FOR DAVIS 10z GELATINE mi 110111131111521221 111 mm PREPARED MUSTARD 921111 mucus IN nus ADVERTISEMENT EF FECTIVB we 26 21 1511me noun ttlBIAW GROCETERIAS Co lIMIIED

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