THURSDAY AUGUST 26 1948 MINESING F=t CHURCIIILL Lr August 23 zsrted fiiends in Ruth McLean Alliston Miss Maguire is visiting ltliivl lives in Stayiicr Audrie Middleton Elfinale iSlIl ed at Downeys Irvin Addison of Silusbotili Sash is visiting relatives lieic Mrs Plowright Stayner was visitor with her Sisters here Mrs Parker Toionfo was the guest of Mr and Mrs Parl ker Irene leiiieiifs is Visituii herl SISICI Mrs Riddell at Kllklillltll Lake Mrs Plowrighf spent til few days with relatives at Stoiifl ville Mrs McKinsiiy and sons are spending two weeks at Smiths lails Joan Priest is spending two weeks with her grandparents ail Elmvale Mrs Campbell and childieii Barrie visited her sister Mrs Ti Young Mary Wood and Miss Dobson of Barrie were weekend visitors at Woods Marion lillin and friend from Saskatoon Sask are visiting the formch aunt Mrs Bonser Mrs Diisfo and Miss Bourii of Orillia enjoyed motor trip to Sudbury and Manitoulin Island returning by TOIMIIIIUIy Mr and Mrs Dickenson and Paul of Hamilton spent last weekend at the manse Paul remaining for ti holiday with his grandparents MayesIlasfings Wedding Congratulations to Marshall Mayes and Vera Ilaslii of lot fenliam who were marrit at MoulI ton College Chapel in Toronto on Wednesday Mr and Mrs llariy Maycs Marion and Ewart attendch the wedding Sunnidale Corners Mr and Mrs John Whitesidcs and Robert Bennett Alliston visit ed with Mr and Mrs Melvillo Bates on Sundav Congratulations to Mr and MrsI Archie Culham nee Ruby Prid hainl on the birth of daughter Lynda Kathrinc in Hos pital Collingivood on Sunday Aug 15 HAS GREEK NAMES The planet Venus is called Phos phorous when it appegysmhs morning star and Hesperus when it appears in fhccvening PRINTING Quality Whatever your print ing needs we can do the job to your complete satisfaction TIIIIARRIE EXAMINE 1Sunday at Robt of Mrs Sept August 23 ll Dean of Toronto spent the weekend at Sloans Ianl Melelm Beetoii Sinclairs Miss June Bowen of Cooksfown is visiting her tuliSlli Kay Sloan Mr and Mrs Wm Browning spent have motored to Gaspe Peninsula Mrs Winchester and Betty ISIIv edat Mrs Patersons on Ill day Jas Boyd Longford was ii visir for the home of Thomas on Sunday Miss Bette Walton Toronto spent the weekend as the guest of Cath arine Paterson Mrs Barry Tromble Allan visded at Ronald during the week Mrs Wm Constable Ralph and Linda Lou of Toronto spent the week with Mrs Sturgeon Mr and Mrs Weeks Six of Markham were guests of Mr and Mrs Sloan during the week Frank Rogerson of Blythemspcnt ii few lziyswith his brother and sister Reuben and Tuna Rogersoii The flower show held on Wednes iind son Allans lday in lnnisfil Park was as usual huge success For details see the report elsewhere in this issue Mrs Macllicrson Public Health Nurse Oshawa was an in terested visitor at the reopening service in the United Church on Sunday Her father the late Rev Ross was former pastor here Mr and Mrs James Ross were also present They were guests of Mr and Mrs Allan rgt August 23 Sam Lester Toronto spent last week with Mr and Mrs Walter Hutchinson Mrs Traynor and daughter Lynn Orillia spent day last week llll her parents Mr and Mrs Dan McArfhur The WMS and LA met at Mrs Wm Pcnrcys on Aug 18 with good attendance of members and several visitors to welcome Rev and Mrs dc Groot who will be in our midst for short time before their dc parfure to their future studies Rev Mr deGrooi gave splendid address on his work and experi ence while stationed at the mission elds in the West which was much tannoyed by all All were pleased HARVEY COLLIER age 12 acci denlully wounded his bititliei Dean ape in hunting lll dent on their farm at lift New Lowell on Wednesday last week They got the rifle from the barn and vcie shooting giouiidliogs Iii exchanging the weapon ll acci dcntally discharged and flieshot vent throuin Deans right thigh Dean was confined to the Royal Victoria Hospital at Ilaiiic for few days llaivey tolliei is shown in the top pictiiic with his brother Dean in the bottom photo Mural spent it pclil and few days With their daughter and Iiolidiiying with Mrs Juidinc this PAGE mam THE BARBIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA MI TO THIS GODS laean iii link mythology was the physician of the gods Now the Word hymn of thanks day Willi Mr and Mrs Jack Ellis Billy Man has been under the dotlo caie for the past MD weeks and is improving at lane UPHOLSTEBING IIEMIIIIFIIILIIS SIIDIO COICIIES OCIASIONAL PIECES AND ANIIQIES We have very Lupe selection of rovciiiius Utii Ull is done iii oni I5iIliII Illlp by litii experienced vlillilitll Telephone iiili it you dc an estimati pick up Lilitl tllltl promptly illiynliclc iii SJIiCUU Coiliil Barrie Tent Awning Co TEL 4314 34 BAYFIELD ST WW IINIVERSTIY an 19 out of hlzb school two years and want to to university II It poulNe to work atwa through without put llng my palm In dcbl spent the vcireiii Mi hltd Ciinartin Mrs Ho iv 80wme prlil limit uxicr hyl Alex Iclili Ml Dilittll weekend Willi Wood Minising Mr and Mi lgt=ic llllllgt lioiii lioito Ailgtlsl 33 liiliit hand Valley with he father vlir llivliop 311 ltawn and disday in Coiling humv lerllsiiil rillIll llit Li and Mrs Ciaiiniiighain Li fitIll Spent the wch With Win Mm it Am nio spent ti Midland visited the Village In ilrs lI McWal Mai Sllrli anal Sullv aoaii vfailacc will litr iizoliici iil Sunday and lis Blair and diiugli raw ii ililll the cckciid With Mr 317 ilis ii Dr litizy Burlington had cilaige of the sciviccs iii the Im oyiprian Church last Sunday IMF Mrs lleniiywoith and family oilaiguood spent the past weck with Mr and Mrs Imstun Mr and Mrs Bill Minird USA lltlll the past Week With the lat ters bits Preston and lainilv Iaiiics Wilson returned to the LISA lhiiisday after spending lllUIllIl at the home of Miss Mac liitusti Mi family Willi the fabiiis gt Mr and Mrs Win Charles spent vlis Ernest Loinaifin ii eitipic of weeks Mr and Mrs Lilian to be ONTARIO STOCK YARDS BULLETIN featuring WALLY FORD our Tutu41 morning IIML 900 715 am Lorne Aiiitin and son llizaii are spending two weeks home of lltl grandfather Allen Brentwood IIiiI Examiner Cldssified Adlets lsiil Mtlliitlll and are holidaying parents at the and Mi Toronto foiiiitis husband Mr and Mis Blair Mount Dennis Mr and Mis lI Robins and fam ily and Mrs Luniinis returned from llrilin lieacli after several vccks at their cottage the Cedars p3 BOND HEAD Aa1 It certainly is it you have the backbone sink if Go see Dr WJ Dunlap Univchin EXIUXSIUII and talk to him There are funds to help deserving students There is plenty of night Saturday and holi day work in stores and shops for smart lads Your first year isnt so hard that you cant put in working lime too Then if you stand well in first year results you can apply for bursary to help wtlh ices books and so on Plenty of oppor tunities for gogeticr Shy My boy friend ls no nhy hate to take him mywhctc with me Honest he stands there like stick wlthoul openln hls mouth L1 there any way to gel boy so that he acts naturally and Isnt tonguetied Iles II If you really like the guy help him and dont pick on him When you go out with him see that you give him buildup IBIIIIK film into the conversation naturally August 23 Miss Amy McKay Toronto is week Ronald Grills Toronto spent Fri day night with his uncle Short ridge Mr and Mrs John Copeland and tMr and Mrs Forgzin Toronto m0 1lured to Markdale on lliursday Ilcv and Mrs llcarn have returned after week with Mr land Mrs Aincy at Miiliiiiir Lake Lodge Mr and Mrs ll Landerkin To ronfo and Miss Irene Shaw Lon New Presentation by Lenthric SEIDLITZPOWDERS Box of 23 MINERAL till 16 oz 7c 40 oz 69c ion spent an evening last week with the foriiicrs mother Mr and Mrs Jack McLean and Mr and Mrs Ted Ilipwell were on motor trip at the weekend to IBraccbridgc IIalibuifon and other points Mr and Mrs Baxter and iam 1r BLIPILILLJIMUWSSLE anClla Italic and Diane Duncan Bradford spent Sunday with the forincrs In This hot dont expect him to wise crack lI hes not made that way Theres way to help himbe smart enough to find it BABY EXPENDITURE Win wlll It cost me to have my baby Were dreading the expense PEROXIDE room Piisii is 2m 35 iNiiisii STILL Hiiiiii SAllS 33 65 com LABEL con LIVER oar 89c nonunioniiiiiiiiiiiuitziisooc 4m129 Doctors fees will rangg from 525bp Hospital lccs rearrange from $40 up depending on how IOIISIIIIIII girl for IINIICOII lung you stay in the hospital Your August 23 The WMS will meet at the home Harris Wednesday Mr and Mrs Norman Scott and Charlie and Lorne spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Aurora Mr and Mrs Richardson enter tained Targc number of friends Land neighborsaf barn dance on Friday evening Aug 20 very enjoyable time was spent by all Mr and Mrs Dobson spent Sunday in Toronto Bill Dobson returned home with them after weeks holidays also Mr and Mrs George Nixon on fortnights va cation GOOD FISHING IN SKXE Skye largest island of the Inner Hebrides off Scotland has little arable land but has numerous Then Aiiiie crime with one bands is open to you TheRoyal Canadian Air Force openings for players of the For Full Informulion Contactir Officer CommandingL rivers abounding in salmon and ltrout THEFLUTE THE BASSOON THE OBOE THE CLARINET Flat rHE TROMBONE THE FRENCH HORN of Canadas finest military has above instruments Central Air Command gIAFTNER Wrist333 Foil THHPALL AND WINTER MONTHS KINDLY raid HXTRAc MILK AND CREAM ON TSATUBDAYS km LAKEVIEW DAIRY BARRIEALLANDALE DAIRY NORRISDAIRY LTD SMITHSFARM DAIRY Alton Scott ca1a ermI August 23 Donna Scarl and Ruth Snider visited in Toronto Miss chnia Drinkill spcntrlast week at her home here Joseph Leitliwood Toronto visit ed Mr and Mrs Archer Miss Joan Wood of Barrie spent few days at her home here Dclsie Edwards of Vasey is visit ing her aunt Mrs John Miller Sorry to hear of Joan Robson and Mrs Lloyd Armstrong being ill Aldcnc Elliott is spending some time with the Furzicotfs in Barrie Mr and Mrs Fred Johnson and son Toronto visitcd with tho Darbys Mr and Mrs Greenwood ot Kenosha Wise is visiting Rcv and Mrs Farncy The Mission Band held their meeting in the form of apicnic at Hoskin bush Betty Townes Orillia is holiday ing with her grandparents Mr and Mrs Robson Mr and Mrs Nelson Edwards Iand family Vascy spent Sunday lwith John Miller Mrs Hilda Hughes returned to Toronto after spending some time with Mrs Wood goodly number attended the WATIERLEY shower for Mr and Mrs Donald French in the school room on Thursday evcning We welcome Mrs French toour community == Newton Robinson August 23 Shirley Bateman visited in Bar rie last week Mrs Walker Toronto was at her summer home here last week Mr and Mrs Avery of Espanola spent the weekend at Rowes Mr and MisELHoughton and familyvisited in Stouffvill on Sunday Mr and Mrs Hutchinson and family Terra Nova spent Sunday aILEO Harriscin Misses Mary and Dorothy Lain son of Barrie are at Houghtons for two weeks Mr and Mrs Earle Lennox and family of Fort William are spend ingthree weeks with Mrs Lennox Mr and Mrs Lloyd Coborn and Panic Mrs west and Coborn spent Sunday with Mr anders Jelly of Bradford Mr and Mrs Holt and family Egbert and Mr and Mrs Oliver Connell and family Barrie spent Sunday with Mrs Connell wim LORDOFMISRULE The old English kingsj during Christmaswaseasonl Happointed master of mirthand in known as Lord of Misrulo Wh omri manded noun of funmakers rid ing hobbyhorses arid dragons Read Examiner Classified Eliminate Wrist combination of valuable vege table remedies blended together under rigid standards of purity Milburn LaxaLiver Pills are often valuable in flierelief of constipav tionand minor disorders of the liver stomach and bowels They lielptlie eliminatory organs and clear the system ofwnste which is often the cause of constipation sick and bilious spells headaches and heartburn Once tried youll be deli litd by the renewodfoeling of wolbeiiig which they help to WV produce Milburns LamLiver Pills are on sale at all drug counters The Milburn 06 1141 Toronto Ont valcscmgladyconfains rleyeiieWHImstmmw supplies oil powder plns soap and so on are about $l0 You can make bassuicttc for eight dollars All these expenditures are relative We are sorry to hear that Bill Bicedon is in St Michaels Hospi Twccd BouquctnndTalcum tal Toronto after an operation for Aumcmciypriced 313275 appendicitis All wish him speedy BISCARECO FOR INDIGESTIOIL 30c and 99 BEERMN WINE WITH VITAMIN Bi 9c ioi2oo Dont you think we re all aptio spend too much on dondads for the first baby Main thing is Io have good doctor for you cross riiHH CLOWES min Tuuilng GI BSIYI Own Ilblel to quickly bring um mid Aug 23 itiitffii Leonard Willis Barrie is lioli whaling da rim with Dale Fraser lIIiLand Mrs Madden visited powdemdcmd Mr and Mrs Prince Orn Station recently Mr and Mrs Jordan Dennis Allan and Richard of Toronto are spending this week at Frasers Mrs Hcalcy and Ross accom panied by Mrs Raincy of Cal igary and Mr and Mrs Lin lfoot ofToronfo visited at Niagara last week To Give Names of Former Farm Owners The Womens Institute will meet at Mrs George Healeys on the evening of Sept Mrs Dicker convener on Historical Research will be in charge of the program Each one is requested to give the names of former owners of their farms Roll callA pickle recipe MAGNESIAUrgB Bottle of 20 ozs CELERY NERVE TONIC 602 39c 16oz79c DYSPEISIA REMEDY 02 39 16 oz 79 HOUSEHOLD LINIMENT oz23c sex 43 MILK 0F MAGNESIA TABLETS Bums or 100 29c CASCAIIA TABLETS GRAINSS some 0F100 29c 29c49c89c EPSOM SALTS Miniciiiiiiir runs 16 oz DODDS BORACIC ACID Miin ANTISEPTIG isoz 19c KIDNEY igtius BicAiiiioiiAiE or soniiimiu mini 16 0217 POWDERED BORAX FOR Liiuuiiiiv use 18 oz 13 ARDMATlc CASCARATonlcLaxative3oz196013 39c OLIVE OIL Puiii VIRGIN oz 33 8oz 59c Skin Cleanser oz 294 15oz 57c 7SALOTYNEW SANTAX HOWATEII BOTTLE Guaranteed 99 SANTAX TOILET TISSUE FOR 299 SWEET NITRE KIDNEY PILLS 29 IF YOURTENDENCY TO CONSTPATION IS INCREASING Send your questions to KATE AITKEN 225Jarvis Street Toronto Ont Non AlhIlnc Shampoo That Bvingi Out The Natural Beauty of the Hair HANS AIIO PURIIIIS YOUR DENIURES OVERNIGHT 00 If COLD II OIHMIGIO NIIIIII nva lunnl ml IlIIISH BESTSHIP ASPIRIN Goes to Work Instantly to Relieve Pain 18 29c and 79c gt 1m ciiiiiii BLOOOIIRIIImtb STOPS PERSPIRAIIOII Instantlyro ponplvodn days Am d7 Don not not dresses or menTibIlu KIDNEY PILLS 45c MARLIN BLADES Atarlin HighSpeed HIGH rPrm Blades for IOcIOfor 25c UNCLE SAM LIKES LOBSTER About 70 per cent of all the lob stcr canned in Canada goes to the United States leaving 30 per cent for domestic consumption accord ing to Canadian Grocer Incident ally Canada is said to be the only country in the lobstercanning business Normal yearlypack is around 60000 cases Double Edge VOII FEMININE HYGIENE FOR HOUSEHOLD USE 35 is an Romovu min from pmpimlon on coma in seconds Don not Inith Ikln Andxpdc gt mum AIR BRUSHES hisifja PRICES rumArndwnliihenmnzm new Professional PROLON BRISTLE Formeva ingxjenigieamogengewililo two ryouimi L75 200 THE INVIGORATOR CLEAR 57 THE ROLL WAVE gt Eomvly450 plus manna RQLLWAVEIUNOR IrVIIIIIC3MB Mms CLUB STYLE r323 31 33 295 949 395 WAXES and CLEANERS ROLL WAVE wrm COMBfFomiorIyJIi 430 Tamblyn iiooiwsx lb 27 British Lemon OiIIZo 1842 for35x SIieII Ftiynildvelblisb 8oz42l6oi 72 sm OJCedar Oil Polish 4431 25lZ61 50 200 Energine NonInflammable L4 59 Johnsons Floor Wax Pasie 29 lease2 lbs 401 IIIIIIISOIISIFUIIIIIIIIGPOIISIIy mm PUNIIS Beauty Piiiilucts Ponds Cream and 69 AugeIEace 444 18 Cheeks Rouge 34 Lipsticks popular shitloa65l clamtcllgsi alllllllllllmes cGNES PERFUMEAS CHANEL no5 dUJR DE RUSS CHANEL NO 21 GARDENIA GARDENIA EXTRACT N0 CUIR DE RUSS EXTRACT No22 3oondsso $5 $10 1750 waywardmammals ENLARGEMEIIT SPECIAL IIXpEII To Any Make Get our Advice on Your zyBattery Troubles 25 Years Experience Dept Manager ALF POTTER zlOoi 49l6oz 59 Iolinsons G01Coal pint $9ulrl 98 hem Old English Wax Paste Ib 592 lbs98l Remedy Old English NoIlub pints 59qiiarfs98 PAST CH ism FRECHABGING Old Epglish Scratch Remover May we suggest that you 40 ition 49 drive in every tWO weeks Chan FIOOI Wax Paste lbs 98 gt Mystic Floor Wax Paste Ib 49 or baritgry Check up SIIeTDry KIEeIleI gal 60 container extra We shall be pleased to dthFSi if ren er lS ree erv cc MIR copmammgcrq ry From Ignition and Carburetion Lavender Perfume Your Own Specialists Exide Batteries for every 1251353 Choice Lotus Cologne 150 and 250 mm purpoSe Removal Corn and Callolnu To Size luvs YOU our twin to MAN BRENNA is Bond Street Perfume 350450 smbomusixiu Lavender Dusting Powder 165 AUTO riiiciiiic 33 BAYFIELD ST TREE STORE HOURSMom Tues Thurs Fri from 830 mm to AI PHONE 2464 DELIVERYr 830 pm Wednesday 830 qmto1230pmVSqturda830am Phone 2650 to 1000 pm Open every Sunday 12 to 27 M9 pan BARRIEONT