oiigh good this year Th populationbf England and wales says products from the land 910 Township travels 200 miles every year to attendthe Oro Fair because he knows that thereinonedayiationeplacqhe will cd from 16000000 to 43000000 iii the lasthundred years One of theinialn reasOns Tfor thlsilncrease has been the remarkable de gclinein intentmortality century ago for every 1000 babies born 153 failed to survive FAG TFO ESTABI SHLO IIOA Published Thursday Morning by TIIE HARRIS EXAMINER LTI Muriel ll EN FRISIDENI AN MANAGING ECEICI vc PRESIDENI no GANG IllltlZAItIL Possibly one of the most unhappy coni ineiits made following the gang warfare at lasaga Beach last Saturday night was that of an American visitor who remarked ddni know Canada was like this The particular citizen from Ohio had at lyctl in this country for the first time that afternoon and be checked in at his hotel itisaga Beach couple of hours after tlltl he was sitting with two other hotel iuests on secondstorey porch overlooking itoigian Bay warning about WALLS Without twenty youthsinvaded the porch and this American visitor was set upon and kicked and beaten Two teeth were titktiiiiiiiiiiiii gash in lils lower lip required five stitches lle was left unconscious and bleciiing The fact that this young man was prob ably mistaken in the darkness for some other person does not lessen tlioiiatiire llrLlllnlllllllllitllullitillllpdlglllittllltilltid by thc Minl offence Other persons notconnected with the gangs were similarly injured It will require more than the work of the police to clear up such condition as now prevails in Ontario All the police can do is answer complaints and then round up those known to have offended the law At place like Wasaga Beach the persons who oper ate cabins and restaurants and places of amusement hav ltSlllSllllltltl maintain their establishments in manner that dis couragcs persons who appear likely to cause trouble Such habits as openly flouting the Lords Day Act after being warned to close up by the police do not tend to make healthy atmosphere for summer resort that caters largely to American visitors But more important citizens should take an interest in community life in an effort to try and find out the background of per sons who will associate with gangs known to have been in trouble with the law The law can take its course in punishing those who are coiivictediofoffences But the kindof occurrences that have been taking place throughout Ontario in the past few months appear to have stemmed from organized gangs This type of organization requires in vestigation and report It has gone far en FALL FAIR TIME The month if September is Fall Fair time in Simcoe County This year Barrie and Cookstown are resuming their annual fairs followiiig the wartime suspension With these two additions there will he nine fall fairs in thecounty next month The fall fair is big event in the life of any community On the farm the fall fair is looked forward to with eager anticipation for several days Prize cattle are prepared for showing collections of roots and vegetablesj and sheaves of grain are selected with care farm women bring out their fine preserves and bake special pics for the domestic clas ses school children chOOSe their best exampl esofworkdone inthe previoastermprecaivar old lady paring for the fall fair ishard work on the farm but it is change from the normal routine and there is pride in exhibiting the The day of the fair itself is the climax of days of preparation It is day of celebrating and fun and music Horse races and games1 of all kinds are always big feature The fall fair presents an ideal occasion for the urban folk and the farm folkto getto gcther for few hours The towndwellerl enjoys sharing in the delights of seeing thel best products frOm the surrounding country side There is another feature about the fall fair that makes it fan importantgathering place for huge throngs of people large percentage of urbandwellers Were originally from the farm and larger percentage havel relatives who are still on the land The fall fair provides happy locale for an annual chat and gettogether One former resident meet practically all the friends and neighbors and relatives he knew in his boyhood days There is universal appreciation of the fall fair This is shOwn by the fact that there are grants of money from townShip county The Simcoe County and throughout gQntario appears to be very nEALTiiJveoeumiriox moans the monthly jcommentary of the United Kingdom Information Office has increasJ But why Con memberi is good man and you dont really MEMBER OF Class Weeklies of Conada Audi Bureau of Circulation Canadian Weekly Newspapers Aswclatioii ithlithS 3a or they BrLtalri $2 00 year 53 co year duSINESS MANAGER ti introduced Li Britain and shortly 1llltlltilti the iirs iiationwuie census of population was taken From that date until today the itllt1il Register Office has kept wiiLcli give an accurate picture of the state ol Britains population throughoutiiie years information published ii the Registrar Generals quarterly returns throws light onI many aspects of life and health oi the pulpit It shows they can expect to live longer marry later and enjoy better health than their eancestois Statistics also reveal considerable changes in the frequency of deaths due to certain diseases An outstanding example of what can be achieved when sustained effort is made to eradicate particular disease is reflected in the mortalig figures for diphtheria At the beginning of this century some 65 out of every 100000 children under 15 were dying out of this scourge Between the two world wars the rate was still as high as 29 But as the direct result of the largescale im istry of Health during the recent war the ratt was down to four in 1946 Last year only in every iiioooo died from diphtheria initoii asscd in 1038 AS ltslllt tl IfaII ll In um um Jnly make at 73l information is now obtaini much additional ed at the registratioiiof blltllitlltl deaths Field surveys are also carried out regularly by trained workers to obtain systematic in formation on the incidence of sickness in Britain Citizens and their doctors willingly co operate in providing this information which forms an essential basislor population sur vcys It has added greatly to the Value of statistics whichhavc often served as neces sary starting point for many advances in social and medical science They have pro vidcd foundation on which to build the social services of today and represent valuable yardstick by which to in asurc pro gress year by year They show that Britain is nation advancing stadily towards well balanced littltliy and virilc community OPINIONS OF OTHERS SIIIAW IIAT PLAYERS IMIRlISS VIUSKOKA fllunisville Foresteii The Huntsville community has enjoyed enrichment in cultural entertainment this season tliiough the presentations in light drama given by the Straw Hat Players This group of professional stage artists has presented four wellknown plays in their first season engagemen in lluntsville and while the available facilities for these productions have not been perfect there has been good average at tendance at each and all who have heard them have felt that this venture in the realm of summer en lertainment foimthis community has been cmiiiEntly voiihvhilc The series was sponsored by the Rotary Chib of Huntsville in support of their established program to build tip more substantial background iol cultural entertainment in Huntsville during the tourist season The hope is freely expressed that the Straw Hat Players may return again next summer ELECTION ECHO tFrom The Printed Wordl From doctor who was engaged in some election eering work for the Progressive Conservatives in the latest Ontario election comes the story of The doctor had attended the family for years and knew that the ladys husband who had dietlta few lmonfhs before had been staunch Progressive Con scrvafiveSo when he asked her how she intended to vote he was greatly susprised to get the answer Liberal he protested Mr the sitting Pro know anything about the Liberal candidate do you Thats not the point said the dear old lady As long as my dear husband was alive didntgdare to vote for any party but his New Imgoing to show that have mind of my own THE ADVERTISING BUSINESS YorktownEnfcrprise Sask People dont makeia beaten path to thewmousefrap makers door unless they know he has made better mouSetrap and has stock for sale at price they can pay That is what the advertising business is all about according to the monthly letter of the Royal Bank of Canada Mousetraps and pig iron automobiles and breakfast foods are useless if people remainin ig norance of theirexistence and unaware of how they may be used Advertising serves the manwho pro duces by enabling him to dispose of his goods and the man who consumes by tellinghim what is avail able io add to him satisfactions in life The question is sometimes asked41nd not only by persons yvithoueer economic ideaswhy advertise The answer can be given by drawing three circles big one smaller one inside igandiasrnaller one insiderthat The little circle indicates the number of prospects that can be met personally by the sales force the next larger shows the wider group that province and theDominion Farmers andfame reached by wellbuilt mailinglistjwhilethe town dwellers work s1de by side on the board of directors of the fall fair Scores of persons give freely of their time and talent fall fair is an admirable institution It is dough more than holiday Itis daygwhen the farmer and urban dweller getitogethr ytoreview7 the results if the years harvest FCrtunatelythe harvest in outerwcircle shows the extent to which prospects can be canvassed by advertising in its various forms of publication and display One of the first positive rules is that advertising is an investment not speculation Gambles in adver tisingfollovVed bydisappointment andretrenchment arewosteful Another ruleis that advertising is fruitless if the advertiser does notoffer Something whichwill genu inely serve some human want The third rule is not to expect dyerWhelming re turns in the wayof sales fromthe first ad or tWo Advertising does not work that way It deppsits in the impression until he has welldefined picture him not is advertising useful tothe consner Well itkeeps him informed Whetheu the advertisement be one or the mammoth billboards catalogue full page newspaper spread or one of the tiny items in the miles ofclassified ads it should bedesigned andwritten to tell people about something they theifirstygar it year the infant mortality rate reached the alltime 10Wrecoid ofjiill 4000 reason for the increasein Mn the teaidlly improving he expectation of Women 63 years ago 118540 and42respec it Indy01 ulatlon trends of population trends Qualsrstemzotregle arriwa and booths was may want to buy not about something the advertiser wants to sell We said that advertising works for the consumer as Well as for the advertiser it also works for the community It helps stabilize industry and employ ment it emphasizesquality which is certainly community service and it is factor in competition Which helps keep prices withinbounds It may be said that advertising has these qualities it tends to make for better products at lower cost it informs the people about new commodities and new uses it helpsto raise the standard of living it fosters understanding of competitive business enter prise service yital to continuance of ourfree wily life records ofitheproduct and the Service it will perform for IHE BARBIE EXAMT uvcQ 50 Years Ago II BARR ADVANCE August 13 1895 Harrie Local Notes tiecaLtii unpaid liLtl iiic Ticznuici iltlmi Iii Icilir lt Let in pay for Gllt sins panl Stitltly IlclaI I3i lid aiicziis it if 300 excin attraction was alJiai Ativti Bind of 33 tiies damcivil In liof Zeller llo liii ltkIl lillillflligtlii lil years lltie wezi iiiteifaiuctf to dinner at tHaltllti fel IlilSLlI LiIIvL the band was taken for to lire Bay loin on the lIn arprise in the afternoon there Iiias lilLliirsi match Barrie vs Iiterloo Illt latter Winning to days piivceedings ended Vlllilltm Johnstons llllis on the lll strainer Long loiii vere well pilllulllmtl lI lieiiiiose liaiiussi iktl sold will to iiu lcgaii ol liiflilllilm The lintezpiise brought ovci Illltlll persons from Jacksons loiilt on Safniday Mach isiliiii and Itllll was done the lllitsi IllulfI III Ilitifsfliiy IUIIIZ boxes of chicse veie iiflciiil and llaiiil semiWeekly ci lll lb Sir oiiipiiroi took about 20 local fislicriinn to Fox Island for days fishing James Van shipped fififl barrels of apples to Manitoba and the North west as well as large pitiiititiosT to Gravyilliiirsl lliacebiidue and larry Sound special train from Detroit passed iliioiigli Barrie with about Iltlf excursibiiists from illichigan to spend several days on flic liiskoku lakes Town ouncil had busy night session during which Fifi accounts ranging from 02c to $23460 were passed The Fire Lntlciwviltcrs advised ouncil that unless the electric fire alarm system etc be introduced the Towns rating Would be cut down from to Simcoe ounty Briefs lien Tracey recovering from the seriousWinjuries received in the previous weeks storm at Minc sing Early potatoes at Mid hurst sprouting in the hills Water very scarce among Vcspra farmers some havmg to haul it daily from the mill pond With the bar vcst nearly completed of Utopia the crop was reported good onihe viible pea crop was considerably below average Licuf Srigley of Holly attended rifle matches held in Toronto Threshing in progress at Grcnfel with pea crop failure except with Mr Marshall who took 280 bushels oil acres Mr Nixon of Barrie had the contract of taking out stumps for Hector Cameron Mr Marshall put new addition to his house Mr Young sold 27 bar rels of apples to Mr Vair big pine tree belonging to Jacob Mchrmott was bloWn down and three coons in the tree were killed The Hawkestone correspond ent wrote that everything seemed to indicate that Hawkestone will yet be the equal of any other place on the lake as summer resort Baker thriving business man has sold his store to Linton Stone with view to starting bicycle business in Barrie Fiftysix names on the roll of Hawkestone School Metcalf and Kissock forming partnership were erecting store room for hardware implements and carriages Potato growers of Hawkestone reported good yield Congratulations were extend ed to Victor Ross Angus Campbell Fred Rossand Kirkpatrick olaGuthrie the last two being among the three studentsin the Primary list in Barrie collegiate to take honors Archie and Norman Campbell bf Guthrie erecting handsome residence des cribed as credit to the neighbor hood and one of the nest houses in Oro Brampton Councillor Eavors Speed Trap Advertising pays off in dividends at least that isthe belief of Coun cilloiCaLmenCoreuihoin Bramp ton Council proposed that large signshould be erected each en trancere to the town notify unw WaiTand speeding motorists that speed trap is in operation infihe town area think we are more interested in seeing the rateofpeed of cars passing through the town cut dovvn than in the collection of nes from Speeders he declared if fwerrerect sign saying wehnve speed trap and the 30 mph speed limit is rigidi ly enforced they willlslow down Mayor BecKCOtildhotuagree With this proposaltsaying that eVery tawvnheknwithat hadya speed trap kept it seeret Well asped trap certainlyisnt giving theftown ang nameras sertedVCouiicillor COre iMimico has one said Main Beck Yes andlook at the name its got Aretorted Councillor Core Council decided to lookintojtie matter atthe next Read Examiner Classifieds council meeting 3mm ammo CANADA 5o rf Mis Lav La llaiia lii tl tilllltliltl HI tiiaiilccli lie liaziicciiicr It SI iiltle The Hills lIlils YIIILI lttAl llai liv if tleiii iitaiio lie is grad ii oi llEiiiie tollugiiuti lrefifufe uou mn 25 Years Ago IIIIC IlAItlilE EXAMINER Augusi It lfllll Barrie I0II Notes ouiiiiaillt lIlIIIlII lllt ililill of in iclei on Sunday night min luii all his caiiols ripe to lliilH and twenty hills of pota tow oiinfy lIniiiiieer ainp la ll liiliillltl work on ounfy roads owiiii to aaicliy of inch and trains IIIIIItIlIlii in liar Ili has been very biisk this suin tini said II llobcrlsoii iiiniia pr of the llall Planing Mill to lhe IIXLfllllllll Van laitri IlillllltlI the IllSl gar Ill Ililllli IL yiais iiio is II opm Hll station on lillia IIII St In and Mrs Illtlt on and daughter lslltil Miiud vli Mark llobinroii at lleailipiart tt Ill Iifllllllll Park Mr zinil ilrs Stanley Iinilerhill and will attended the annual exhibi tion of the Aiiiciicaii llailioltis So tlil inliocliistcr NY Dal slack hip and the late 11 has been ap hant3 Estate Estate Former squad ri Beami and staff pilot with the graduated this yin ill Arts from the University Iotlier WWWW Lurruns to the EDIE ARTHUR KING IN NEW POSITION Ediiiunton Alta Aug 19 war MacLaren Esq Bum Examiner Lth Barrie Dear Mr LIuCILlltIIWYUU may be little surprised to see me as sociated HIII the above society The John Howard Society of Alta Since retiring from the bank last Burris iiiiniv nouisos youngest and when the society was Liclllgi formed for the Province of Al berta was asked to join As you no doubt know it is formed for the purpose of assisting in the lit liabllitntion of prisoners fromf gaols My work is going to With the Fort Saskatchewan gantf there being another liaison officer for Letlibridge The work is Illl terestiiig and think will like it As have disposed of my house at Fort Saskatchewan have tlillllgutlwllly address and will be living with niy My new address is Arthur King 10630 blst Ave Edmonton Would you kindly have my aill dress changed on your records so as to get the ITxtiiiiiiiei here Willi kind regards yours truly ARIIIUII ii llNll IS The president of our so iety is George lleiiWood form brother of the late ll ll llenwoodi formerly of The Bank of Toronqu Barrie reservoir not able to water either Illllllttl lawns or streets daughter litiitIFarmersare Urged to analSave Clover Seed At iiicitinr til the Seed Mar lkctiiic and ubliciiy toiainitiw oi Unwrmwml lilie liiitiiio iogi lnproviiiniil As Ullillif iiilzitioii tiiiziilc that laiiiiiis lii uviimviu iiicoiiiaueiiiiiii to saw There is in excellent ix Two IL31M market but lillllllllllul olll ii lliltl THURSDAY AUGUST 26 1948 FARE AND ONETHIRD FOR THE ROUND TRIP Anxiiiiie from llztlu oilotk noon liidav tflltllllltf iril until 201 pm IIItIl tlltillhtl xiii Ill llllN lento diviiiiinon noilaicr than iiiiilniglii Scpicuilivr tli Standard lime for iiiarmada lin trialom LGIIIJN your mmmi Pacic ugrt Iltttiil rotations and thus produc ing maximum crops for the elli cient output of milk and meat pro ducts now cleaning years cartf iilly advises fields intended for seed should be iogiied of woods than 200 seed cleaning plants are sunably lovcr for seed IllllllttI tlicie illl er De ut Attorney eneial and il sttfions of siiflicicnt lllttulltills that the yieldE iensuiiiilily good has located lifziiio equipped to do thorough job of clover the crop foi sale llltll that Seed minim llcltl man of the clover More in various These are After the Illllll recent years supplies ofl seed is cleaned grade certificate itltntl siitl have been soiiiewliiif should be obtained before offering During recent been marked second in crab race and would have lxllS feel that home supplies should tendency for growers to clean their had more honors had he partner be built up lll order to provnlc seed instead of offering it to buy rels of bottled beer Huntsville as electric light bulbs Were confiscated Toronto club bought 75 acres in South Oiil lia 0n Lake Simcoe intending to build 50 cottages for its members ltev Norman MacGillivray ol1 rillia while playing tennis ati shipped Juddhaven fell over 7foot wall sustaining fractured shoulder and injuries Beth SILSSUII 12 years pupil of Edgar scliooll Won the cash prize donated by ion White at the annual regatta IIW N9 Cmlbll lo Illll itlictl lollt prizes lst in mens sin ITWII the EllllllCer IIll tench lllt liillizi inoc Club cup taking me high marks OWL Wy um Rig35mm OfIelvWIISMW HBStVhUVSTnr the for doubles gles gunwale race and filling and Extcnsion tcring his 17th year in that school George Howe proprietor off merit and deinciit marking of cm the waysme Innv GraiglmlSIv mukl ployees in force for some time on IE lurked imPIOVtmtmS Oii the Canadian Northern Linesl aii AUEUSI Ihe Vailabk minl nounced Under this system merit iiaiks to be granted for meritori ous and demerit marks forviola tion of rules net total of deinciit marks resulting in dismissal from The service Number of initi robberies in Allandale latclyup paiently by young boys Three ju veniles in police court charged with stealing eggs from Morris Alexander These were from gang of boys who had tent down near the bay They stole the eggs from the cellar cooked them on fire in readiness and then ate them Morris said he lost 15 doz The boys got lecture and the parents had to pay for the eggs Simcoe County Briefs Most farmers at Antcn Mills have their wheat hauled in but can do no plowing owing to dry hard ground garden crops almost failure Henry McGowan 01 Weybiiin Sask spent week imongwold friends at Midhurst Daniel Buckley of Pliolpston im proving his prcmises by first class cellar furnace nicely painted wire fence in front of his house new garage and reshing ling his stable Station yard at Phelpston almost clear of wood again Contractors on marsh drainage making little progress Stayner citizens owing to low in Lefroy were helping to fight the fires in the vicinity of De Grassil Ioirit Twentyseven houses mostly summer homesserved by Hydro in Shanty Bay to ieqiiiieiiiciits for improving regu ers in the rough banking syslem 77 hash banking system Association Life Representativet HausaTONif Barrie Mommas Now open roe BUSINESS AT Expert Eieciricana AcetyleneWeldingu ornamental Iron Inimeand Outside stain Railing GeneralBlacksmith efciency and dependability is unsurpassed to the changing needs of the country it tradersand tit7serves your personal needsgtoi customer Hos to TearforVirespriggcynxof regularbankingrtransactions This privacy his completely free ofpolitical pressuresof considerationsit is Trooth in Canadian banking practiceand tradition rcoplraslIliisCuiiudionr way with conditions In lands where freedomisVdeniedwhere every Land ls apolilisql fool every bankera Slaie official Stole monbpoly of banking proposed by Socialists here would forging pollenn on you seousprrbsvvouazhank fasten the Mauls for serves Canada szprodcers her industrles her in the wod CQmPetitiYELIIExible adaptable