VV 13013 NEWS THIS WEEKS ISSUE 7900 Copies AUYHOIIIID AS ICOND CLASS IAIL DEPT OTTAWA On Sco FIRST WITH THE BEST IN BARBIE ALWAYS COOL AND COMFORTABLE THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT 230 RM Mamm5 owemg 0L spicy sprikiing comedy romance about gal so prim and guy with whim Hosp PH cred BUICH HUME UNA itNKlNStRUNYNMERKEL PLUS NEWS Color Cartoon5 Musical with Ray Noble Eve Shows 655 and pm MON TUE WED MAT WED 230 PM EVE snows 655 and PM PLUS THESE Anne TREATS JUVENILE IURY COLOR CARTOON ENTERTAINMENT THURSDAY4 FRIDAY SATURDAY VERY FINE FEATURES ON ONE PROGRAliIMAEiMT nun gastritis rowan iiiiity lYNN snows 630 anSWELLHITf ALPEARCE IN THE GREATEST COMEDY HIT IN YEARS MAinStreet Kid Two Are Injured August tilLlg to Highway 90 mar and severe let injury and Mrs Rawn also had ziiid suffered litlli lllltltj twere taken to the Royal Victoria gated the ilCLlthlll Miss Helen Laird of liaiiie mad the ambulance BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY AUGUST 26 l948 Borden Highway In Parade Sept liftei9puiidiiigtit on Friday was an accident Station Rziwii stiffeied facial cuts llcl face iiijuied Ilotli ital at Bairie IV Cons Lou Ilntlcr llltgtil cd of cinnicice liawii tliitll to pick first aid to Illi retui rnd the hospital ANNOUNCEMENT Expect Three Bands Stays McCarroll lliiee bands are expected to take pail the allithninplan Parade cai driviii by Allan liziwirage tin 33 of va Liiwcll collided Witll in illnlliil humCSa It bEEIQ bus The tlllili were travel dme on LP em ling in opposite directions her up after taking her husband to Irwlsh to thankiin many friends for their patronage HOSTESS SHOP 48 Elizabeth Street Lena Honsbeiger es and to tell them that at the close of business Sat Sept 4th the will be discontinued My new business at this locatiOn will be announced Sept Prizes Prizes Barrie is on the Air HERE is YOUR OWN HOME TOW Quiz Program STATION CHUM Dial l050 Each Wednesduy at 530 Hear Your Own Neighbors Interviewed in One of the Stores Mentioned Below Hear Interesting News and Current Events about Your Town Be Expecting Phone Call from CH UM Toronto It Will mean Prizes for You Sponsored by the follOwlng Progressive Barrie Merchants CottyisClecmers Cusdens Pharmacy StephensOns Iewellers 65 Optometrists Home Appliance Shop Camera Craft Supplies Studios Christie Groceteria Stransmans Ladies Wear Garners Mens Wear Sporting Goods Barrie Tent Awning Co Barries English China Gift Shop Corner Cupboard Bakery Delicatessen The Sarieant Co Ltd Barrie irs Humnnw iii comm c1v suohurosmurc AUDIENCES on WOMEN 2m 7m ATqP Norm Attiuoairi MISSION MATINEE 50c Tax Includedi GRANADA 50c Tux Included EVENING FIRE DESTROYS ATKINSON BARNARE SEES AT SHANTY Billie iiiiSLLELlliiliOltgiEdi it Parade Marshal McCarroll Illlrllill it it ateini HM tl the faint of oznas Atkinson crude van from loionto and Hi lift rural flext of seven dairy vehicles All types of vehicle will be wel come in the parade and prizes will awaiilcd for the best decorated Further information may be obtain it the office of the Chamber gm mm tilt lliltl lcrcy llildiert the lurvdi lll Sitizidp lll 25 minis lat tons of hay 1200 bushels of oitgt the in of ua Mr itcaiii of horses out and one calf But the hull and four calves were lost About 25 pigs were herded to Ill it bit It was about 620 when the alarm was sounded over phone there was littlcthe neighbors could to rie but it was too late to be of lll selves that the nearby buildings were not in lin inediate danger tti opposite side of the road from the barn caught fire when embers fell inside and it was spouting smoke and re like volcano fa th pi i0 Springwater Park Friday three years ago James Hart surance but not nearly enouin to ms oelock llllllwllt iiiliiriiiig lite brillii in the train lASSAULT CHARGES LAID AT WASAGA lllili Hi ilwt of those peismis charged git iiclt were freed at the Magi ilsirihis to iit lll Barrie yesterday im ittlt5gts declined to wirienw tlll Crown Attorney Shanty lav it was totally llilii liaiziiiioiid said tiieie was llltfvtl vitli practically all the Hlillll AtkinsIii went back to the About it oi if llillli inshid into the llUllgtt in of the tire and when the went out the rhino ham or llaiuc in the barn was ii El lllilSS illltttll ti threshing machine which was the barn was also lost load giant standing beside the barn ricztioyed lliblicit inaiiagwl to get the door but they turned and back into the siiiokeiilled ildiiig OlO this tele time the system but by The tire truck arrived from flar icli use After satisfying them house and other the firemen rc riied to Barrie hollow basswood tree on the The Atkiiisons had moved to illlS mi from the Ridge Road about It is the farm was formerly occupied by There was some iii at it tip new building and com pensate for the seasons bumper crops Kiwanis Division 1Picnic on Sept to The 10 Kiwanis Clubs in Divis ii No will hold picnic at Midliurst on Sept McCarroll Barrie is general chairman and has arrange ments well in hand It is expect ed that there will be large dele gations fromjll the clubs Itwitl be In the nature of familypic me and Kiwanians are expected to bring their families uchanan and his committee have charge of sports and have good program lined up for old youngand Greenaway District Governor will be there and speak good time is assured 22 OBA baseball playoff Meaford at Stroud Saturday Aug 28 One mile east Mixed dancing lt2jand7 pm FAMOUS PLAYERS COMING EVENTS Admission 25c To ITs INTIMAT iltoiimw who had befii llltgtss then advised ili not 10 starting at 300 00 5b Watch for gala opening of Pine Crest new modern dance centre of Anten Mills 35b oliii he could do The l5lllil5 were ordcied by fili plll to illt lllu cows at Ti 43 if in inminv 0133 vili and timiv was no sign of tirv mm re charged scs for the Tm witn Vicioi Kclioe Ind Eddie indicated they were not tfiiiizlx of correct ideiiti ication and Vl the fungitrait said thtre was not vllill for conviction The and two and half bins of wheat mm or not All the tliieshliig had been done With the exception of onc field and tan of the other persons either and Human Matroniatto Samuel iStulmg and James lreiniier were all freed when the charges were withdrawn lrauk Siotlieis who was also charmal wili assault was remand cd in custody for one week with hail slll at 8300 lie was the only person charged with assault who did not lilt the bail Jack Kazlnir pleaded guilty on drunk charge and was fined 315 and costs of $375 Other cases in Connection with Wasztita Beach were heard later in the day KEY CASE In the key case of Alfred Ro inaiiocliarged with assault upon Victor KehOe the defence showed clearly that the aceuscd was not implicated Willi three other youths Brian Stieeter Vincent Downs and John ny Paul he had gone to the Beach on Aug in Strecters car lie is steam fitter and had worked steadily for four years and has two weeks holidays with pay They had taken cottage behind the Hiawatha and had enjoyed the week there On Satuiday night he had seen bunch of boys in truck Some he knew by sight ARRIE ExAMiNER At tlietiine of the fight he had been in the cottage Father Mortahan Toronto stated that Romano had been member of the St Marys Finish Band for some time and had been in the boys choir of the cliurcliwhen younger He was also active in sports Brian Streeter rooferby trade had been with girl friend at dance zit the time of the fight of boys and said that the four He too had seen the trucklad ad decided to pack up and pull out for homebecause as he put it When you see gang of fellows around together it means trouble Defence Counsel asked for dis inissal to which His agreed Worship Crown Attorney Hammond expressed disappointment became the leading crown witnesses had failed to identify any of the accus ed except Romano when on the stand In charges against Carman Matromatto Bremner all of Kehoe consequence he so they went outside fThe YearlsMOst Revealing Picture Unfit to Fight to Love to Marry NATURE withdrew Samuel Stirling and James assault against Victor Kehoe Employed in an other part of Wasaga Inn had with another employee Eddie Stumpf gone into the main entrance to in vestigate but the gang had gone out Kehoe said that they were in MINETS PAvmo Section 3Poges 13 to l8 THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Held Over Now on Its 2nd Week at Sheas Torontos Big First Run Theatre WALT DISNEYS GREAT NEW MUSICAL COMEDY Melody Time STARRING Roy RogersDennis Day The Andrew Sisters Frances Langford Freddy Martin Ethel Smith Buddy Clark Fred Waring The Dinning Sisters Sons Of the Pioneers Jack Finn at the piano SllOWlNii ON THE SAME PROGRAM Timber Trail With Monte Hale Lynne Roberts Fay Willing Both Features in COlor STARTS MONDAY AUGUST 30 You can get away with ANYTHING if youve got the YELVET TOUCH Watch out when Rosalind tangles with guy she cant quite handle Its perfect blend of laughter and 51 osalind Russell Wmlswir lt TOICI FREDERICK DRlSSON PRODUCTION nho cloning 80 Gem Claire Trevor 52 ydney reenstreet swab by lEON AMES FRANK McHUGH ico nosim wmcn KINGsrono DAN roam cloned by ladio Pictwu group of about twenty short dist was with the group but could not ance away identifyany other person One of them held up his fists Kehoe had seen man coming and Kehoe not waiting to be at down from the back of the Hotel tacked struck first Some one of who when questioned said he was the gang said OK lets get him getting away from the gang And theyclosed in giving him Shortlyafterward the gang came severe Heating causing injuries to up called him by name and asked chest and head His right eye was if he was allright He went with also badly injured by kick them Again voice said All right thats enough and they left him In colonial times the barn owl Stumpf gave similar evidence useful destroyer of Vermin was Both men said that Alfred Romano shot on sightas bird of ill omen DONT MISS THIS BIG NIGHT HASPLANNED SQUARE and ROUNDT New OFFICEOPENS 130 and 615 9COMEEARLY TWO PERFORMANCES ONE PERFORMANCE DAILY pom BOX OFFICE OPENS 715 pm NURSES IN ATTENDANCE AT ALL PERFORMANCES PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS IN ADVANCE CAPACITY SOLD ONLY Allg OEOITeStras Our POpular Ramblersplus Good Old Tyme Musicians for the Square Dancing MlDNIGHTJ Sunday Aug 1205 New AttractiOns sNAPTY MUSIC BY THE rowanmsar 0PIECE ORCHESTRA PLEASE PUT IN TABLE RESERVATIONS EARLY THAT YOU WIEL NOT BE DISARROINTED DOOR OPENsaocLocig Dancing Evecyrweok iQrohestra FRI SirSAT Recorded mild Gent 75 Sit