DALSTON Mrs News spending thi er in Orillia Mi and spending tn then Son ill 51131 Miss home aunt in Mr and ronlti of Mr llcl and letcr Mrs have ltIli letertnuu Lilli parents iltli 3115 Jill Lmrwi wetks tin lliilotllv an Kin ii iii born this Mr one 32i spondim with itlr phcns llit Allis Jean llzle inonttis lllllil iiun of iinltiE Les Angelis Miss Mario Walker sin iii the an Camp in With the lie li Congratulations gt more and Mr Mai it North lla iv Saturday Geo liiiilw viio rw ticut ill the lui it it pital until Sunder lliS lililill ll him spot Ily retina to Miss lit it and Mrs Dull limit inc Miss lili ii Mrs Paul itililllm attended the li l=i lw wedding in oili lll eat Mr lelll Tilt liftnl all iii he if Mr and Ali lliicii llitlllllilh iiiii giion UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP lililllil Barrie Business College iii Toronto Street Barrie llione lSBl listuhlislicil iii 18 Standard and Condensed Courses In Secretarial and Business Subjects Day lasses Begin September 7th Night litss Begins October 5th EARLY RIIGISIRAIION IS ADVISABLE lose Com Principal Member of the Business Educators Association DUPLICAIING SERVICE IYPEWRITER RENTALS CONCRETE BLOCKS PLAIN and ROCK FACE All Sizes SAND GRAVEL DELIVERED ANYWHERE Canada Concrete Block it Tile Co BARBIE ONT Phone 3009 Rio Box 151 Rundown Feeling May BEOlin caused Byllervous Trouble Strained tense nerves are often the cause of restless nights improper rest night after night is quickly followed by loss of appetite irritability and tired rundown condition For disorders such astliese Milbnrns Health mAmgmmcndNeive Pillssro liiglilylihecittl13121399All other ingredients they contain help to improve the blood content slimlilute thniieous system and the appetitid digestion thus helping to promote sleep Milburns Health and Nerve Pills are sold at drug counters 0VOTytll0re The Milburii 00 Limited Toronto Ont wands these tough longwearing Dominion Royal Tires Get yours now for safer driving Theyre in Big demand 707 Blake Sis arlotte PHONE 3684 sTROUD Lead Reduced to 40 lt vxuiittwi of few luiwiflllti of Allandale gt lil lnlkllllh htbsl l3r Berger tup llajutl on the was llll Hunt in gtkcillli despite the gtitltgt iCOLTs TROUNCED iiio AT MIDLAND his LUISL In the Midland victory it their best in every lepaiiineiit Mid pyariis whitewashed Bar ilts llU in Midland Friday take the first game of Kath Sinnoc League ctiii mt ll Ii liltlttilttll young Jack Beati the teams lByeai old on the aforementioned passed ball threat ball of the walked four and gave up eight hits of Deschaiiips fly fth the ficldiiiJ spent the long itckclltl with Miss gem of the around and dropped two soil unrest builder to get more than one Safety Dagg Willi his double DCStlliillIILZ iid Aikin rolled out to end the line screws on Writ iiilttcid liie summed number of BY Beauciiamp wliified eight Dallth walked but one and helped lllgt ii and yh cause by handkiig four assist rm punhubgn iiit KPH it Abllfultu 23nd Starlaiit ree Pies Herald Clpilly nmm Nm oiia tdllulliiv in con tie mintd llllt vw smg 15 3r Itiilfeitiice in the Biadfoid Town few weeks 3115 Kartii Lulms Toronto liall Aug 31 from it am to pin The subject will be Health l5tfivlk and After Forty The lad lLS of lzltoid WI are invtted to at tend bluntly biing your own lunch tel lll be provided Rust ii1ll made fine catch of turned Reba lintthll AllS Fied Jenkins of lIdnmnton MWan mum 2rd mo Mlmmdln lgtllll hLi daughtti ilis Lott utters with three singles in ionii MW at bats and Was the only Shipi night then rial jut iucuvel fully iiiw Uriltlllillll 531 Barrie p1cmo Bmwhuw Single tYif lm but Um me aiidmcotiine Xiliiiiigltitiiiiei coml Ia ziiiviimuitim linxdvzlit imiiui 319 519 16 tilvtvd ihc eight lllllotzil My Ime km Ilml OM Bairie LcGrar lb Ihonipson pt 11 wt Whtd bus mi Aikiii lf Richardson ss Straclianl KLW 1mm not its far as third One of on Ridden Comwvn cf pup ti latter 1tllils erased at the um lib Tribble 1b T1 lily 34 ncfi Hue latciiaude to Beancliaiiip Mkzumigilym 0mm 11 gt71=gtll1L lilvi Slim and t3 il in lllttllt score on short quwmp mi gukfn 3b Raps TIPilm minian 10 MN Tlmt 10505 iude lleiiichiuii Burris lf iyll Reality and riiiSharpe cw my hum Cf Adumilf my Hanni mm WWW WP lciuhile the Shipyards were in ioimxil he iliiiii ltlllli llaiold Todd Alum on SCH hm mm Midlmm 701 KW liil liiiil lcliiis cited otit iv toll count Ion llob ies aud tollilitilttl on Sun iitii1o llt Itm tii lltll static Mciioxvaii lit the final set illilL and liev laisie Lu 11 Stimin Aug llil li iilttl leklL Ycbl 11 illtv4i holiday innwe Allanuale their only trlttinpli Iviip 51 ME oii ill night web 2041i wini it lliiiilir li will iomiaei film lliltl iiiitiong and II sl lillilllll Lilliiltllii in the twine moi llull iiiii iii to pin ll1l ii lillEth latio At Hummus Situini litulllllis iii llaiirltoiis gut llivtiut and llllllllt lmwliiti uicclt was the Siillc of act izy on lIilucsdziy afl All lll iitti it to lliaw ttiiiduig Mlll minim ll1 iii when lli rinks parl Etmcu iiiii itll will be imputed iii iiiicd do lcs play at itll Hi ti llall lltllit Fllf llllrt for high tl cc went to Nilr and fli Mitchell Sec oinl in three wcle Mr iiid Mrs llall lllillltll Willi two high llltl lilllli in position for third piie were lr tliftoii and Mrs iii lilli fourth and last token Aiigzitsi Bil was won by Mr Garrett and Mrs ili lttl Al Jack VScott iie ioiiug With one high lillilll this week at Alcoua nun1 331s lleaiilce lii islian llceton MIDRURST last wetk iili Miss Juanita lunrou li and Airs l5 lllilllS Lawrence coicd in the very first iii ii iioiii there on llerb llioinpson iHitlltxl fair ball for the visitors lliougli errors kcpt liiniv in ioiible most innings Best the lidliud crew could do after that on single runs in the 3rd 4th 5th ll titll innings and errors helped it llilll all llcaucliainp meanwhile was ilvlllll almost perfect ball lle lti World of stuff Friday night Illl what was more important Itll where it was going In three the first five innings he retired lx sale in order aided by clean tiltiling by his mates Strachan got Eire on an error in the second and Richardson drew walk in the liililill otherwise Barrie drew iilunk lit the sixth however they did tlireatcii briefly Cot Tiibble drove his single to right to open the in ning but was forced at second when liiii Ollearn madc good play on lchars hard smash tier lii and Ross visited Mrs August 23 on last vcek Animi laicuek lnromo was re liiiiitv will meet on Vcd uewiiig old acquaintance here last week Mrs ilill Harrie spentmime lays last tvlt lll ltlis Frank lllrtlirV Jillitlliliill Sept at Mrs lniiaiiie lllacks obituary regarding Mrs Alid toriiclt will be found iii the Youll like our prompt service cousin SERVICE STATl0lil Barrie Show thiebasement of the Uni Vet ted Church on Thursday evening with Mrslvin Maw as hostess Thd speaker epithe evening was Mrs Blackwell of Stayner who gave very interesting talk on colored photography and flowers She alsoqslmwedasnumbcnaoLizoels gof colored pictures of the beauty ts of Ontario including Stayner Midlinrst an pringwa er ar The business part of the meeting included plans for the Health meet ing on Sept and for the plowing thatch banquet on Oct It was also decidedto send box to the Thornton WI in Englandin time for Christmas duet by Misses Beth Henry and Louise Spears and reading by Miss Marion Ar nolct were very much enjoyed The flower show was the highlight Gillie evening Nith keen competi tion in nearly every class Many WelCSu1pllSd to learn that there ivilere so many beautiful flowers lgiownin thevillatge gardens Mrs MonkmanandMissPearson Io Cookstpr were the judges and their awards were as followsn Egg Cup bouquets Mesdames Smith and Kennard ZinniasMes dame5 Fletcher and Spencer Pe tunias Mesdames Carr and Speersf Living robin arrangement Mcsdames Fletcher And Boakepl Dining roOm arrangement Mes dames Fletcher and Carr Glad ioli spikes Mesdames Londry and KennardD3h1ias blooms Mpsdames Maw and Fletcher Sweet Pegs Nlesdames Fletcher and Speers Asters Mesdames Speers and Fletcher French Mari golds blooms MOSdames West ahd Johnson The assistant host esses were Mesdames Wanless Black Boake Bone Brethet Carr Cunningham and Doggett Next WI meeting will be on Sept 22 when Lashley will be the speaker children Toronto Mr and Mrs Jorgenson hometo Saskatoon as or an 1e l0ldati4050607 Man Youre Crazy Forget yodr use musnuds are no py st 70 Try popping up with Ostrex Contalnslontmmrweiik rundown feallng due solely to bodys hick obiron which man men And women onil old lry Getter Ton it Tablets for non youngerfeeling this very day New get acquainted size only We 10qu at dmil atom everywhere ZIif ZHEEIS who have been to Europe visited Mr and Mrs Wm Coward on their way Mr andMrsMUIiay Bell and family Owen Sound and Mrs Mc en Lake have been visiting Mr and Mrs hie llioiiipson then drove hot one which bounced off Browns glovc iiio left ficlclptitting runners on second and third It was scored as ill error although it might have been as easily called hit Lchai llioiiipou and Strachaii Poland Beaticliaiiip and latciiaudc Unipiies Wilson and chanor SECS for treatment of Rheumatic and Arthritic Pains Neuritis etc Those who have lost work Iiiid lowered their illlOllKtl due to crip pliiig Arth tic rind Rheumatic nch have found laiiitigcn invest Arth ritis must be treated curly real iiiciit Ask your drug gistZtodayl Price $600 Bottle llANIIGEN lABORATORIES UMHED TORONTO Dot Richmond St First YearGrade IX These books are for al Little OxfordDictionar Gerah General science Book GO0djealtL Living English Large Loose Leaf Note GeOgraphy Notebook Zipper casewith refill Second Year Gfade fGeneral Mathmatics General Science Book Geography for today Scribble AN EDDY QUALITY PRODUCT Paints 50 Modern GeOmetry for Schogis COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE Britain and the Ewrp re 47 General Mathematics Book Cours Primaire der Fancais Africa Australia NenLZealand Classical Mythology in Song and Story Regulation Science Notebooku Paints Little Oxford Dictionary Building theiCanadianNatiOnu Cours PrimalredeFrancais Latin for Secondaryschools tillt Mm Hum was eitiscd when he tried to some gt Mrs iittciidoiL llLlll visned mu hlis tilts Smith are sinmini this week with friends in plillllfluifm ddmmm tlw llitl Valley district if litiiii tit Illiilfiv The bestbackgroundamancanhave my in mforcodenametakers WWWwmiw vetnon lilllllil lliils lilltllfllCtl Al31ictlll1 l31llfll2 M11 gives you more of those sparkling liitlli troiii oruii Viere 10 ms ls was banied pica patient in one ot the lliiSln litklislleOlU1n vangvmev has praise Winning snapshots hmws am md hm mm returned home after spending some Canadian KOdak C0 leited Toroum iirlauz in Mac llieldut of Niiig UIWAVRF 3111 alllgSMEullmp aii Falls visited oti Sunday at munXitaritiomnilmm Mlvag Itll Ln md Aug Lump criiian has purchased the house It Unnimhmv iiillili 35153 ilOrNINiifdillyilWeds MR ANDERSON DISTRICT MANAGER ma an Kdk Flm lietroil spent last week with tlie luiiiieis gtllot Mrs Russell Coui Entzift Ellksmirx tmgrcal Cor DunIOp and Bayfleld Barrie the lm the Omhar yellow tei and called on other friends in all when iiiciids met to honoi rs the iliage KODAK ISATRADEMARK Mrs lziinieson and Miks Mi md 115 OHMv CC Mum1m Jmmcsun are 1mm US Miss Viola gowdlcytholFilltO wlice crccmwtw canwmzeeocgwmmcccmwewawceemmowemcmccoWWW Vivn week to take up residence in town manic my wel piesentcd With chest of SllVCI mm Mm Jamison with Miss Winnie Moiitictli rcad Miss Hamilton will hold short couise Health Before and After gmmgwing UChrO mer ahicll Forty iii Thornton on Sept 11 mm mcl gcrved by the lioui it Hit to to pin to which all the ladies from Thornton Ivy Litigaiunh giftitlrsqgg and Cookstown are invited Rom Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs ClIiliillltSiill ipClAided MhandJMrIs gtAAW Poems Chicfly Narrative 65 at till urora rs Lorna Doone 90 zlxcltwiiligldltPIgellllingdldhil Arithmetics Grade 20 Julius Caesar 55 isliaron of lslingtoii Mr and Mrs Junior Mathematlcs Grade 30 Book OfBetm Stories 75 Bernard Jobbitt of Toronto mncc To in wns NW 22 Commsmon and Grammali Grade 30 Regulation Seience Notebook 40 Tier 1lt rwontoissonct or Pbl Sh 100 Trinity WMS met at Mrs Wests int ggmchggewith Mr ddpgqon 11 if 11 10 00 0190ng Wide Geography Notebook 40 on Tuesday afternoon The sub of webrid Junior History Of England Grade 27 Th XI 001m Mars id It ear ra nct discussid was What Piicc ul Viqmn Mrs Snider md Mm Pm spener Grades to 35 lrecltloni This made very line Mr Ema Mrs Ami 5mg WL Little Oxford Dictionary 90 giromponmcc program and Have bovsSiiwnt the wekcnd in Poi SPellelltGlades an re Bl AncientEMediaevalyiStOly $125 much food for thpught Dom First Book of Canadian History Grade 60 New Al ebraf Hi ho 85 Bus Trip to Niagara Migs 1mm BMW of Glow New Course Bookkee in 95 On Wednesday the Thornton WI won last ng withMr qno Mr Cours Moyen de Francois Part $125 Ispiinsored bus trip to Niagara Gm Bidwon Reader In Canadian ClVlCS Grade 40 pour Lire Avec Plaisir H5 Thlllli319hi 201 To 0990 Mr andMrs Douglas Fraser of Public School Health Book 50 tunity of Vismng this beauty spot St Cathaes visited relatives b1 D1 35 Latin for Secondary Schools Of OntarioArby GtayCoachvbus hereattheweekend 001 Ctlonary Elements of Physics $1 40 IWhiCh 10 here about am an Kenneth Richardson nOwaEiiu Avontanorieaderstmyw 77 Rl arrived home lime ner mid al 0r Ont spent part of lastweck With Mary John and Peter Grade 12 night All enjoyed the day and M1 and Mrs Simon Glass of Parnassus before me Crowd brokg up hen Mr and MrS Roy Mchckm Garden of Stories Grade 35 Reading for T0day Bk and M1 and Mrs Tatton VCIC in Golden Windows Grade n35 dmg and courtesx in driving the Tolsloiisuotrginthigzgggseggof Tomm Gateways to Bookland Grade 35 Creative English Pilltl all EllOLlItd thchalls and the to is aspeding hex holidays with Treasury Reader Grade 35 Regulation Science Notebook 11619511 35 0i he Mr and Mrs Currie Baldwin Treasury ReaderGrade 35 511 wth Mr and Mrs Rob Four The Womens Institute held their 01i353vesl are his McMastcr me and LiemturevGrade 50 Little Oxford Dictionary 790 ILJI meeting and annual flower and Mn mde Garry Cuff and Life and Literature Grade 50 Modern History Cours Moyen de Francois Part Intensive Reading Grade XII Latin for Secondary Schools 1students inethis grade Latin Reader ChemistryA First Course Chemistry Manual omepman $120 Learning townie Regulation Science Notebook Upper SchoolGrade XIII Little Oxford Dictionary 90 North American and ModernWorld $235 New Analytical Geometry Plane Trigonometry Endstatics $165 $150 Book AlgebraA Senior course Senior Physics forHigh schools 5UpperSchoOl Physics Chemistry4A Senior Chemistry Cornish1 Latin Prose selectionstror Grade gnu unqu and divideTs LatinPoetry Selections for Grade XIII 90 Latin Composition $l15 Cours Moyen cie Francals Part Book 75 Maria Chfapdelaine Hellly Shorter Poems 90 Short Stories and Essays North 85 South America English theIBgUIO Selections for 194849 rs Exercrse Books Pen C118 Rulers ErasersPens Ink and all school requirements carried in stock THS PHONE 123ole oooso vOb BARRIEONT 44 t4