Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Aug 1948, p. 11

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HURSDAY AUGUST 26 1948 pinchhitter All year long he had carried his to such my in such 51mm mi swnlglilgslick whichdisplayed the was mm mm than lord largest knot hole seen on tile dla 1mm iiioiid iii selloolls Illlt for this oc The plavcxs on bum 5110 Humid canon it was filled Piysoii llelileis made their usual ltp01dl1pakjnp inunc But in no closedii liiarcll and Paul Megel mm at all they piled onto Roach 1500 hit lllillltl Vllfl llllh Iltall who had 11 hard trip to the bench field stood iii the proper position an Imm ImmI he imamrd 101 it Illihlllilml hillltl Th lllllll fioliie Weary and scuttled iii his was away from IId Ills paw and the call plate umpire Archie Marshall The The game was am of the must 11 Illlth WWI IU1HltIIIW lllillt excitingI playoff tilts imaginable and without blinking all eyelash on one side ware kings who the batter allowed it to go by were leading 32 in if begun Th UUHI lond ill UYK Slllkl seven series and standing guild one ball The liillers illlield vere Chume of claiming mm of ma chirping for Uncle lid to fire that mining two gamed ball and he did The crowd were the other bench sat Prvsons tense the teams on their toes as Grille Winners during the sched tlle hat was swung The echo of wellhit softball playos They had played their unmiss 3up or oowiu to trained observers that many Canadian farmerswcie losing of control and correction of out in body quaptity a11dlaud ooding erosionvetc oridproblemis that of occupied farms withdecreasing PlaxiiledJSaving likeupliinned production duexto impoverp IfarminglymakesserfseRegular fished top rsoilfa another is aliandoned farms nCOod soils now under forest cover might bi better milized as farms branch and to talk over your There is the PYOIIIOHI of proper land use policy con Isiiioioionro MotOrmen Defeat Prysons Grille in Thrilling Finalel Gord RoaCIis Single In Ninth Gives Harris Motors 65 Game Secgrii Senior THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARREL ONTARIO CANADA Championship BOX SCORE the modest lithe wliippet who rose and congratulated Laklng for his 13 WWI tattered iiillforiil but nevertheless made by nappy ule aild underdogs throughout the money Oil Murray Fifefor the fifth game and the starry intielder pro duced Ii victory Slfll extending their gambling arlii the Grillels once more threw holding his own except for the odd wildness The fever struck him bad inthe fth when he issued three walks to load the sacks and two men out One had ball was pitched to Roach and coach Moe Stransman called for Elsasscr to Elsasser smothered the fire by forcing Roach to ground to Jerry Held at short He went on to work well and hurled himself out of trouble as quick as he fell into it Meanwhile Harris were faced with the absence of their number one moundsman Jack Turnbull Using strategy at most every possi ble moment they gave the start ing aSSIgnment to husky Lorne til the eighth when he was tagged for two sticcessive singles With no hesitation he walked to the bench and made way for Aildy An drunyk Andy allowed single and gave walk while one error was committed to give Prysons the front and what appeared like the ball game The game was denite see saw from inning to inning which saw some spectacular elding plays made by alliplayers ltsso easytoudeon newsafetypicvcd Prysons opened the scoring in Fiieitonesond keep within yourbudgetl the second 85 B013 Platl drew Just drive inwell put them on and walk 3dV3n09d 0n Moe Strans mans single and tallied on beau tifully executed sacrifice by Cec Cook The third stanza was won by Harris who drew up or even foot lmnge terms to suit your income MORRISON Viidtldbaliii Afliivcfffdiilf meredahomruntostartthe cal 31 Bradford Sh Barrie 1y Moe Hines folldwed with mm For years it has been apparent forming to soil type and fertility and climate and that quality 9fthelr cropsvlhmugh Conservatiouris so great unwise use and abuse of the problem that only Federal and Im TOdgyt healmg of th Ptovihdalactiopa I3Qordiilated world shortage of food the need for cOnservationoffariIr ized farm groups over period Smmlshwld he Obvmuli Of yours Will solve it experts OvaryQue with the best effortilf oforgau say But conservation must acumen deposits at interest vsteadily growWe invite you to open on occount at our nearest problems with our capable friendly manager 20540 Incorpqroted 18 Brando II Nq Fife at their rivals and he was lClICVe Davies Lorne hurled fourhit un IIlSJIS AB II II Gnllers Won Two and Lost Four in BestofSevenrio 31 Billch If Ye olde men of softball Harris Motors finally put theGimns II II pillcers on Irysons Grille by 65 to retain the senior softball ifftlftltlw II ehzulipiouship It all trapped at Queens Park before an esti gjlll1iw muted 1000 spectators and the curtain fell rather suddenly wk last Thursday evening Melmd As the night faded away so didPrysons game cock little nine who were slipping tliclr veins for every ounce MN energy obtainable and were succeeding until the illiith in 37 35 llng HARRIS AIS It II TIMI In lbw CIn toured the grounds and the runners llilies lb ll WM Vlitlll ll tllllilx Mill Ill were away All fiends turned tltl hillllSLll CUIICIIIHUH 41 Dbl ward Megers area in liiiazeiilelit Iliiiis 3b Plumb Mr lt15 callilch wall the rst lltlSL our Norris li away and Hal Laltliig Wu illllllg 51mg um apple and Mvgrr scur Italiisay second as Allalris Ivele taking 11M swiftly to impot uml make talking m4 then filial batting speedy ilglit mm the plum Roach rt fielder Jillltlilktl to tile plate With it was too mm Hal Laking flavors VIIIUV IIIIIIISIV WWWI crossed the platter for the mailing Shewchuk ct about the hints of lllttllvll for 11 rim and the championship And Alidiunyk 37 01027 Runs batted lllfldlkillg Slitw iIiuk Roach Stransnian ileid Took llatt lloliie run Slitw chlik lwobase llIlSltt lIiiies lleft oil bases IIHIIlS Irysonl Bases on balls Fifi Cl Andru iiyk Illsassir Davies Struck UlllriAlltllllllyk Davies Ilits 011 Iife ill 23 innings lilszis ser ti ill 13 innings Davies iii innings Andrunyk ill innings Winning pitcherAlidru nyk Losing IltllllIQISLISSH Uln piresArciiie Marshall plate liar Marshall bases walk ltlilespopped to Stlallsiilaiil land Steve llines knocked brother Moe into fieldcis choice Iiied Norris punched single toleft field but Ilatt erred allowing lliilcs to scaliiper home free complete trip on Shewchuks sin gle laiil Meger and Goring con nected for safeties ill the fifth with Meger scoring to draw the read ing at 33 and there they battled until the SLVclllll when Harris shoved Norris home Desperately hanging onto the ropes after being knocked down three consecutive tilnes the Gril lers made one last stand Goring paved tllc way witlra single in the eighth and Murray Richardson produced his first hit of the tilt Plait knocked Goring across and Laking erred on tile throw to first after picking up Stransmans drive Hines was forced to leave the base for the catch and he quick ly relayed to Ramsay at the plate but Richardson slid under safely to give Prysons the lead Andrunyk began to take matters into his own hand and he failned Elszisserand Reid before Fife pop ped to Miles In the bottom half Of thctninlh Laking brought Norris home with single and set the stage for Roach and his gamewinning blow Most sensational plays were made by Norris Stransman and Goring Norris caught hardhit Megcr ball while running away from the plate Stranman made onehanded pickup on hot grounder over secondand Goring was johnnyonthespot to haul in pop fly which squirmed from Jerry Reids hands Freddie Norris led all teams at bat with three singles while two apiece went to Hal Laking Al Shewchuk and Clare Goring MARIrTHOMPSON HAS TWO TRIPLES COPACOS WIN 64 Copaco and Valley Taxi girls stagedtheirbest softball ame to date when they Wound their schedule at Shear Park Wednes day Aug 18 Before small crowdL they fought through seven innings out of which Copaco emerged victorious by 64 count Both Edith Hare of Copaco aud Dorothy Miller Of Valley hurled great ball with Hare allowing eight hits and Miller 10 Miller claimed two strikeouts while Hare registered one bad first inning when Copaco streaked forfdufirili was the Taxr girls downfall Marjorie Thompson tripled and tallied as Mickey Kashner produced sini gle Hazel Lang sent Kashner scurrying home and she incturn worked her way over as Dorothy Knapp singled Knapp scored on Ann Bowens drive before Hare flied to right field for theffilial out Valley fought back Land drew within one run of theCopaco total in the third inning An error to hewchuk Harer and singles by Robbin Lennon andF Enought the total to an exciting of Muriel Plante and Marj Thump son alongwith double byHazel Lang for two runs ley was goodfor one run Lois Allsopp was the third out with two on bases Hazel Lang and Marjorie Thomp son headed the Copaco attack with three hits each Two of Thomp sons went for triples and Lang contributed pair of doubles Ann Bowen with two safeties were next in line double play going from Knapp to Lang to Kashner featured the fielding plays with two hits each shOwed best fer Valley VALLEY 003 000144 COPACO 400 moi6 103 Umpires aurice Hines plate Stove lms bum Campbell accounted for the runs which The rally in the seventh by Val Mickey KashnerDoLKnapp and Mary Wood and Robbin Lennox The thrilling match museum quieted however when Copaco hit Miller for two triples off the bats IFomler Colt Star iVoled Best For gGravenhurst Club llflvll Ilileil most valuable Volell Eplayer on ile ElamLinust Indians illiicke team till all le 1917411 scam llllflit Iirls speedy little Illtlllill tiilllt Illall was re cLlllly pi st li it until trophy Iltlfl the IIIA At the Ullltilllilll of the hockey season all playls on the Indians llllclfl cast voli for the player they thought Li most valu able totin ttalil IIIIIINIE JONES When the ballots veil tabulated Bernie hail lIttII lltll the iilaioi ity of votes Lis Iolilistoil secre tarytreasurer of last years team made the presentation to Bernie The OIIA awards one trophy to each team and which is to he given to the player who Is voted the most valuable to Ills chll Not only was Iiiruli given the distinction of winning the award Each team counted iii the fourth lltltt scored on Jerry Reids drive for Irysoiis and Davies made the Jtll he is also the first iiieiiihel of the Indians eyel to be officially named as the most valuable mail on the club recently purchased home in the north section of Glchlillurst He played centre for Barrie Junior 13 Colts ill 194344 We congratulate Bernie on win ning the trophy which he so right for many years to come TOURIST TRADE IN RILLIA rillia NewsLetter The tourist business around Oril lizi fell off last week as result of the cool wet Weather In num ber of cases cottagcrs and cabin dwcllers cut short their vacations because of it Fewer callers were reported too at the Board of Trade Highway liiforiiiation Bureau The nulnber of callers appeared to be about the same as it was for the same week last year instead of the Customary IIICICIISC BRADFORD iiiARsu CROP survey of the Bradford marsh crop shows 56345 acres cropped this year with onions having the largest acreage and lettuce closely following THE SOUTH SIMCOE SOFTBALL LEAGUE closed another suc Lu imiig sll tLIlltIIi hoping In be picked uu lllll is iiifinite part Of tlllttlls life lie unlimiic to iiy ill llzc best ll kllilivs iloiv Local ball clubs feel an Im lllllc lillltl enuncs to lllkll impeetlve fields and hale flotliJH utter bill good harmonic of Llil pasture small 011 ilkltrYI loan lairii Sllfltl has the laugh on llarllc when it comes to fliliilhizii fl iir Illtll uvals If this distiict The park is built on small lllftlS little from big league appearance Beneath tile Lleviii uef illimills while high above the cloud Is press box Iilllil gtpcalicl iiiler viiiirlii what brand of ball played in our Illilllluiflll ltll Ililllla Legion staged all exhibition illilllt vvltli Illly Somal llfitlll hl lights of the oval and triumphed 2131 behind the llklilill pitiili of tuition Crooks While he was registering l7 strikeouts llls Illlil tl iiiltlueiilg 18 hits In plliyoff tilt of the Orillizi Illtltlbllltll and oin ilitltllll softball league Ontario Hospital wallome Longs total of Illl llils tltltCtlllCl li the sliigfest Another Hlllllilll victol obtained by Iofiiiilioiis Ill the senior league Iltll IIoI Crooks pitched them to 210 Win over Vliileys IillllLl all the top players ale stuttid ue tearful ItIIIIA BOMBERS of the lilterliiediate Oltll coiiillieiieed Ilorli llfllltli$ttl here Bernie is the son of Mr and Mrs Charles Jones He is iiiarriid to the form er Yvoliile Ronald of town and has frilly deserves aild hope to see him wearing the Indians uniform catclicr Elwood Jeiinctt is nigh on to 50 and Herman lSrilltnllld 13 hilt Liiil Till FILTER IIIItltlli FLYEHS tzlli ill Ilte ol ILLhit tlll BJIIA Colt inior iozitc 41411 impalel to ldtlii tile tl to to lltoii Shutting gtliil ale doeraci to toti lain silevt one of the Ili Illtltltlll inll iiil 111 attractive fashion hilt small lot which legglue ei llfl silliilller iiiolllil lilL uzltsldels are forced to la itll lul to lilake the sting worse our traditional rivals ziilo ii oi lumen at ever gauze which ielas the name of the appioacll maxii his iccord and wlzai lllttllllfll is Strong lights L2lv tflv In llll every possible chalice Nil long llll ball and above at lill optrate without the constant risk of financial llltilltlllgt What inference it Would make to leagues iii Ilalllci shake IllEIOlllS OI SOFTBALL GAMES lll the Orillia jillilllxil into one lilsler or hot and cold nights prevail whatever it is the gtIl football practise last Illursday on the hack campus of the liner years iii the league consisting of letelboro Oshawa rillia and 1011347 challiplolis ohlllg Izillopiiig Ghosts the Boliihers have come Kltlgt on two occasions tocoppilig the title Jiill leltis ei ook Iliil lolil Iloaill are local footballers who donned IIoiilbcr uliifoliii last year and Is expected the sonic boys will return to the fold Also on hand til Ilari it lloii Stewart star Iuieiiiaii with llCI iiaiiipionsiiip teams and last year with Waterloo College Tickets for the season are being sold at lllt modest sum of one dollar In the past two years although they failed ltlwlll the group lillia had all iiilpressive record of nine lllS one iie two losses This year the Bollibers hope to build strong team around their veterans who include Mush Bond IauIlOIlrien Jilil IVlIlllLlilLl llob White and Dave Ross in the backfield alld KCn Newark Ken Brown Ernie Boorer on the line Clive Nasiiiith and Jack Dougaii at end lliese boys nearly till have been with the Bombers since the beginning and have shown tremendous improvement with each season Among the iiewcoiiiels will be Maury Street ex high school athlete and loniiiiy Caldwell who prior to stretch in the Navy did three year tour in the Little Bigi Four League with UIS IN THE SOUTH SIMCOEBASEBALL LEAGUE semifinals at lvy Monday they had Ii real grime as the lloiiiestcrs beat Utopia 54 lwo evenly matched tellins battled right down throuin nine innings of airtight ball The same teams clash in the seCoiid game tonight Ilhurs day at Utopia At Ivy the veteran southpaw Herman Jeiiliett matched hook for hook with his younger rival righthalider Bob Elliott oft Utopia alid fanned nine It was total age of 93 years the Ivy veteran brother battery tossed suCcessfuIly against Harold Bells Utopians as nobody would suspect it to see them whipping that baseball around This battery was knocking the batters down in the same league 2n years ago HERE AND THERE icport has reached us that Ray Frenchy Mayer has signed with Shawinigan Falls Cataracts of the Quebec Sen ior Hockey League Mayer is on the reserve list of Houston of the USHL Ab Demalco has opened new restaurant ill North Biiy and also had stay in the hospital recently but nothing serious and he should be reporting to the Cleveland Baronsf training camp at Brandon next month in good shape Wally Samaiiski has bCOlll hurling standout ball for the UAWA ill the Oshawa Softball League OASA Double variety Harry Holmes former Barrie restaurateur and sportsman keeps active in the game Harry is liianaging New market Vets in the North Yoiige Softball League Owen Sonnd Mercurvs OHA Senior club have arranged working agreement wuhi Providdnce Reds of the AHL Murray Fife aiid Bob Gillsoil 1948 Mercurys are slated for Providence tryouts cessful season Monday night with the annual allstar game at Cooks town The AllStars chosen by vote of team coaches from the other teams in the league Churchill Bradford chroy Stroud Bond Head Tottenham Mount Pleasant and Fennells defeatedthe cham pion Cookstown Club 514 in game featured by sparkling fielding on both sides big CIOWd turned out and the proceeds go to help several playerslnjureddurlngthe seasonone Of whomFletcherofFell nells suffered broken ankle in June They almost had to play another game to aid those hurt in the benefit match Early in the game on Monday catcher George Martin of Cookstoivn had finger dislocated and as Cookstown had no other catgher able to hold the terrific slants of Harry Couse the plate umpire Jack Hughes of Fennells who is also the league secretary donned the mask while the injured catcher tookover the umpiring This went on for several innings until ahard foul hit Hughes andripped quite gash on his chin That was enough catching for him and he returned to umpiring and Martin with his finger well taped took over receiving Couse again After the game the Cookstown team lined up Oil the field and two trophies werel presented to them the Mitchell Cup for league title and the Hon Earl Rowe Cup forplayoff championship This is the second yEar in row for Cookstowu to win the honors and captain Harry Couse dared the other teamsto take it away from them in r1949 There was mighty chorus arose fromthe Churchill Tottenham and Bradford represent atives on the allstar bench so it looks as if there will be keen competition again next season The league was revived in 1945 after the War lapse and Fennells took the honors that year with Stroud win putinl946Withuninemteamsihisgear the entry list hit its highest The seasonis not quite OVer as the South Simcoe AllStars are planning garneragainst HarrisMotors of Barrie centre Simcoe senior champions in Cookstown some night during the next week this ex hibitiontjll to prep them for big game theyhave booked at Shel burne on Sept against strong Toronto team TOIWITHDRAW FROM SAL 2ND SERIES SAVINGS BONDS Finance Minister Abbott has anv nounced the second series ofCan ada savings bondrwillbe with drawn from sale August 31 The third series will goon sale in Ge tuber Mr Abbott saidihe action yvill not affect any application where arrangements for payment have been made prior to Amiga31 SURE MUSCLES CAN 85 Illinn uickrelief useless stdrying N1 nostronzodor LHMF Eeonoinkulolne MINARDS LINIMENT Ladles or Mens $4995 Other Styles $5995 SCHOOL OPENING Complete stock of parts and accessories LOWEST PRICES UIIRYS scintilan so will am no SOVIET FARM TAX 01 July 1948 lfle SoilIt Gov lent lfitlticd the tax on farm independent LUupclullve farms rd only to the Ar an Tammi from cultivating an id cf kecpiug cows as their income The es of farmers SLAM 19 RUNS IHOLD Grill illliil Queen IltfcuILKI dll will and primary LJil Ilcc if tax lt lillcanl of 2000 is iilcicased from $IUU Repaired All Work Guaranteed TIME PAYMENTS IF REQUIRED ar loaned while yours under repair White Rose Service Station BORDEN ROAD 831r13 Barrie to 32 a4 still wrong lhieei all lead gtlleti es finally Elt and until iil tilliri of lllllgt KIJYIICW Styli Alleills If III infrilll Ill lflillurll if Illhl ill Tllllcr lib Iiuhl liotl if ngi If Lilli5 Iilmtv If 003 dlii itll IIIIIIII 11 ozlgfl Glenn lc Illl5cll Ialvlll IANII ilI if Read Examiner Classified Ads DO LLA THOUSAND$ CANT BE WRONG GENERAL MOTORS OWNERS Save Those Precious Iii Jilly We First Offered to tile Iulllie Across Canada IlllIMIJNDOIS $$$ ur Purchase From War Assets of Brand New flyo flirter Carburetors 3000 FOR ISII IN THE FOLLOWING ARS ANI TRUCKS CHEV CARS alltLIRUCKS PONTIAC CARS and TRUCKS GMC TRUCKS Also Adaptable to Many Other Makes and Models 1000 Customers SAVING 1932 to 1948 1937 to 1940 1932 to 1948 Over lakeli Advantage of This leriifie Offer and Report Ireineiidolis Saving ill Gasoline Efficient Operation Vehicles You too can be Smart and lhrifty by Ordering Yours Today Our Supply is liiiilg Iastso Dont Delay You Ivill Never Purchase Another At This Price When Our Supply is Exhausted Ilave Consumption pills More their LIST PRICE OUR PRICE s3460 IIIIC GAS SAVER $1000 Cash and $125 Weekly For 10 Weeks ORDER DIRECT FROMJOMUR TRADING CO 109 FRONT ST OR FROM YOUR NEAREST GARAGE OR SERVICE STATION DOLLARS Tllisvmornipg Mrs Jones operled saving glibourhood branch of The Bank ofNova Scotia She was little timid when she entered the bank But very efcicntman made it so easyforlier RCCOIIIII at net This man was the teller Quickly he explained the simplicitme inakiilgepOSjIS liJiistIet me have yOurlsignafi1re lllrglouesvlie said Now here is yourpassbOOk It is copyof the Banks ownrccord Of your deposits all done in few nllllll BlltINIlS feltslieliad metafriend Tilt was nos Each mair and womanon the staffs of The Bank of NovaScOtias more than 300bllinclleisiispj trained to makeibanking service built efficient and pleasant Whatever your banking needs you will nd in TheBank of Nova Scotiu than and women who can help you transa your businessthe wayag you like it ct

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