Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Aug 1948, p. 9

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THURSDAv AUGUST 19 1943 MAGISTRATES COURT NOTES Mrs Works 15 viSiting hc sistcr Mrs Gray in Tomato Pitts Utrlctli Bell Toronto is the most of Mrs Pctc Letts if WW nil1 As lcd Ncsiiitt spent the vccktnd 0er WNW J41 Fiitli Mr and Mrs Milton Reid AIM Wain It Miss Ruth IItltI Toronto is $3 75 or an allurlatixt 154i dogs 1spcndint ilLr holidays with Muss Li lionncliv In roiiiirtini with the urciuniil Luck JWK wtde Jill ilays at Boinccuurs Bcach With his when Mr itl tlis t1uI leliict inng Jack vtuc injmctl ilulll Robinson of Mr and Mrs Barty Jr until vamarkri was fincd Sill withfizunily Now bYork arc Visiting gt lliLll treats are Nix Hf V18 in Mi and Mrs Itusscll Ilood Alhston wcrc Sunday Vlslttils WIIII Mr and Mrs Roy Jack Mr and Mrs Kendall of Bristol England lsllttl with Mr and Mrs Sn and Time Sil urclcss Driving Niilson IIuoaill of Minnow 1ikt iicor Sudtiuiy was cnnrictrd of 314 IEHHIK Why itiPd lCicighton Wicc during the week before Mliilistzzitv loslvr last Fll Mi and Mrs Rcid North Ba da Ilc was fltmi $11 and Costs arc visiting With the Iattcrs IlilIi of $14 Till Ihr tliziict was laid tents Mr and Mrs Walter AlllinV following an utiticlit oii Iliuhwayl WIIIIIUUSI OWN and M155 11 just south of Barrio on July II Williams Toronto Spell WI lhdiaulis car was damaucd to my5 mm smor Mrs MrV Wight Inst vcck tin tt n1 51 ml WWI Mrs Lou Stephens and llarold to lllt oxtciit of $2 and Miss lait zittcndcd the wcdI gangen ding of their nicce Miss Mary IHopkins on Saturday at Niagara Falls Miss Marjorie Canning Mrs McMillan Mrs Reid and Mrs chks anoycd motor trip to Mount Forest and Oivcn Sound last wcek Mr Spicci is now paticnt in St Joscphs Hospital Toronto after kncc opcration Ills many fricnds hopc Iic Will soon recover and bc ablc to return home soon Sunday visitors with Mr Mrs Mauricc Itcid wcrc Mr and Mrs Jack and family Hamil ton Mrs xoodftllow of Stroud and Miss Mary and mayo Jack Miss Beth Wicc and Mcrvyn Dalc Tottcnham at Creighton Wiccs Visiting Preacher Rev Mr chdcrson Baptist Min istcr of chroy occupied the pul pit Iast Sunday and preached vcry impressch sermon to an attcntivc congrcgation The United Church congregation are most grateful for his assistance and also greatly ap prcciatcd the beautiful solo hc rcn dcrcd during thc service The scr vicc is canccllcd for Aug 22 Annual Frolic Fun and frolic cnlivcncd the vil lagc Friday evening when the sports committee chosc Friday for treatment of Catarrh Sinus Antrum etc DROP after DROP after DROPCatar rhal poisons infect your entire system destroying the tissues and suppingyonr vi Youcan com bat thcsc pois ons safely and effectively with LAN GEN ii treatment that counteracts the effects of the germs causing these diseases Price $600 Bottle ANTIGEN tABORATORIES IIMITED i2 Rithmoml St TORONTO am IVI Hal CORBETTS SERVICE STATION Charlotte Blake Sts Barrie PHONE 3684 Curtire specialists will give youfost action on any fire iob wlielher its xing flat or vul canizing tire For expert re service drive in today and after spending their holidays here SALE OF ll CHRISTMAS SEAL bilc chcst Xray clinic will tour counties and IIIL districts of Sound Itllllig thc suinmcr mouths Aug 13 to hold tlicir second carm val and strcet dluicc lIic sticct was cured oll from tho lt Silttaro on thc cast to riitit St on the vcst and was glistening with cut orcd clcctiic bulbb while homts in the vicinity gradously taintd on their outside and porch lights lrccord crowd was in attendanco and lllL midway ran truc to ItillllL The little foikwortintheir clam cut with tho tiin pond which was eventually fished out tlic last as pirant fishing lowly live kittcn goodly numbcr had Iivcly scs sion at the bingo tablc but lllt inA tcrcst thcrc lcsscncd Iltn the strains of music led all to the dancv ing floor Gcorgc Dcitiich of Nnn tyi hcld tho lucky numbcr in thc draw and was the proud winiicr of cwt of granulatcd sugar lhc nct procccds amounted to $490 August 16 Mrs Shanahan and Miss Rita visited in Toronto Miss Ruby Craddock 0f Waubau shcnc is visiting Adrian raddock Miss Patsy Kenny of Barric is spending few days with Maurcen Fallon number of young pcoplc from here are working in thc tobacco fields in Stillnldzth Miss Frances MacDonald and friend of Allzindzilcsiicnt thc wcck end at MacDonalds The MacDonald family havc moved into the house rcccntly va cated by Mrs Doran The threshing machinc is again in the vicinity The grain seems to be turning out well Miss Marie Marlch who is visit ing hcrc won prizc at the Free Press Herald picnic at Midland Mr and Mrs James Marley and family have returned to Toronto Miss Albcrtinc Coughlin spent few days at home and Mrs Coughlin returned with her to visit in Port Elgin On Saturday cvching Hornills Taxi was badlydahiagcd when it rolled over into the ditch just out side the village Noncof the occu pants were hurt BAXTER August 16 Misses Olive and Doris Ruddick spent the weekend in Toronto Miss Jean Gordon Toronto is visiting atrthc home of her broth er Gordon Miss Florence McKnight RNlof Toronto is spending her holidays at her home here Mrs Roger Desjardine and child ren have returned to Toronto after visiting with Mrs Walkom Mr and Mrs Ferguson and family0rillia are spending some holidays with the farmers parents herc Mrs Edgar Denny and three children have gone to Port Morian Cape Breton to spend month with her father The monthly meeting of the Ladi icsAid washeld at Mrs Wal Muskoka rm BARBIE EXAMINER amour ONTARIO CANADA National tlltsto UI now by Iltll in intpossriilc dtic Xiay cquipintnt this new mo ork and Sirncoc and Iarry Iltl by the OBITUARY MRS ROBBINS lIic dcath of Mrs Robbins ncc ilitCe Alexahdcr liccton Shuck sad nolc anioiithcncsii dcnts of Everctt Stiflcrini from hczirt condition for tho past two tltlSSl1t dicd hat hcr honic at Everett July27 1918 at the age it IIII She had plcasing personality which made lltl popular through out Illt CommunityBorn July 18 1910 at Mincsing she movcd to Evcrctt in 1931 nnd married NUIVEII Robbins tlic followinutycar Be sides her husband she leaves to mourn her loss twu daughtcrs Shirlcy and Donna her parents Mr and Mrs Gcorgc Bccton of Barrie one sister Mrs Mclvillc Bulnicr thani Barrie and one brothcr Gordon of Ottawa Thc funeral service conducth bythev Millcy ofAlliston and Roy lillcy of Barric was held Thursday July 29 1948 at the fam ily residence and thc Pentecostal Churclif Alliston with intcrmcnt at Alliston Union Cemetery Pall bcarcrs wcrc Sparling Carlton Alexander Dol inski Compton and Il Robbins Friends attended from Ottawa To ronto Barrie Glen Williams Dun cdin and Dalston At the scrvicc Mr Phillips sang The Love of God The congrega tion sang The Lily of thc Vallcy and This World is Not My Home These were the favorite songs of Mrs Robbins FREDERICK ROSS MJ Dr suddenly at his home 140 Dunlap St on Wednesday evening Aug II 1948 He was in his 67th ycar Born at Guthrie Ontario son ofJamcs andEtlpIIliiiZt Ross ho had attended Barrie Collegiate andthe Univctsity of Toronto and was graduated in medicine in 1903 He was for some years assistant to his brother the late Dr Ross of Barrie Later he spent four and half years ovchcas during the First World War as an officer with the Royal Army Medical Corps scas he rcsumcd the practice of medicine and suxgry in Barrie at his brothers home and office aftcr the death of the latter in 1919 He was member and strong support or of St Andrews Presbyterian Church Dr Ross who was unmarried had been in failing health for soy eral years His death howevcr camc unexpectedly and was deep shock to hisrelatives and friends by whom as well as byna largc number of patients in Barrie and the surrounding district his mom ory will be held in profound rc spcct and grateful affection to Ross of Barrie dich On his return from ovcr Ha tramvireo by Home Sitiillallllh Hill pcis wciatioi it can Xray the Ilttll Xiay gttltt0s can iitlh whmo lltItilt they were of liutt for sculpt up August lti VI and Mrs Ilawn spcnt fia lay lll Barrio III Iloldcn and wifc spent tht ttltlltl in Toronto timid mrt in the Anglican Church ltdnesday afternoon IIK Williams Windsor had charut of thc scrvicc in thc IltsliyltllflllClllllCh Sunday lbs Downs and baby of Pct whom arc visiting thc formcrs partiris Mr and Mrs Downer Norma llounsomc is sptnding wwk with hcr aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Wm Beach Coldwatcr English and daughtcr Mrs iVltWattcrs attendcd tho horsc rans at Ncw Hamburg chncs tar sh August 15 Thu school housc is bring paint ed ready for icopcning in Sep tcmbcr number from hcrc attcndcd thc Itllltlltl of Dr Frcd Ross of Barrie last Friday IItttSilllt is in full swing and crops are considcrably hotter than previous ycars Mrs Irwin Almita Dotioit visited with Robinson Inst wcck Mr and Mrs George Ellis and Mr and Mrs Jos Tiflin visited fricnds in Orillia last Thursday Mr and Mrs Allcn Miller and Dorothy Mr and Mrs Jack Ellis and Miss Bclla Miller Barrie wcrc ghosts of Mr and Mrs Don Young cr Orillia Sunday Elliottiv of Mrs John Grain Mixtures Are Roc0mmended For The Highest Yields Since an average of close to one million acrcs is devoted to grow ing of mixed grain in0ntario each your the selecting of the proper mixtures of seed is of great im portancc says John MacLeod Ontario Department of Agricul turc Tcsts have provcn that an oatbarlcy mixture will give largcr yield than either oats or barley alone The addition of flax wheat or buckwheat has not given profitable increase in the yield 61 food Value of mixture The recommended rate of seed ing is 50 lbs of oats and lbs of barlcy or 100 lbs of xture per iacre approximately bushels ofoats ind one bushel Iof barley or 212 ushcls of the mixture an acre rccommcndcdzAlaska Cartier or Ajax oats may be sown with OAC 21 or Barbofl barley Erban Beav er or Beacon oats may be soWn with Galore Byng Montcalm Velvet Barley vb CHIN FRANCE Cornell Wheat Beats Dawsons Golden Chaft Wheat growers haw bun rytv lating for some time in The winner Lorncil 333 slipsriot to the old fa sons Golden hatl artoz II Waddch when 13 the Ilcpzirtmcnt of Field ll ry tiAtS An unusual ttrlftltllltl stagcd at Button in Jul lots of toinLIi 39 and iiitl Cinldcn hail of txactiy 1w cacti had tiettn sidc in cxactly each casc iii pit p51 Illt Milly The results wrie Nlllllli prising loar itligt of ila yicldcd lllT bushels oi rtLIiirin Is an acrc Tilt sumo aria tittlii ncll 595 yiclded 1477 hush IV 369 bushels pcr acic awm ncll an advantage of matt2 busting an Itcrc Sonic vintcr killing octtllhll cacti plot but the tIfilllittii hut cxtcnSivc Howvvcr IIEI Hill Spring With IIYIIIK Wllitls rahalt Britain HosCuturol Contacts Germany and The Outside World University studontS lrom twrlw nations are now leltlltlllll stunvut school in the British Zont of itl many This has been Jointly by the Education Branch of tho Control Cmnmissioii and thw Canadian Committcc of tilt lilttl national Student Scrvicc lhi wch coursc is litinc Iltltl Schloss IIocn in StllltSintllltiIl slcihTStudcnts from Gnltllhlll the United Kingdom the USA Canada Ncw anland and Fauoi pcan countries arc IlVlllL and studying togcthcr and sharing tin1r nations During the cpursc thwVl wilthcar lectures on philosophyE political scicncc and literaturc tr llvcrcd by cmincnt pronsans in Canada and Europc The Drum of Studies IS profcssor from To ronto University tillllillllill Just Fancy That tlly Express Staff Reportcrsi HOT CROSS buti Iiakcd IIIBI years ago came back to Southaiiip ton yesterdayby post from Can adn The ban was bought on Good Friday 1846 by Southampton girl for her sailor swccthcart But Ilf ncvcr camchomc ho was drowntd ror many years the bun was always placcd on the Good Friday breakfast table In 1904 tho ownlt cr then an old woman gavc it to an emigrant couple as kccpsakc That couple Mr and Mrs loc Gunstonc of Barrie Ontario scnt it backwith its littlc DISHNV for Southamptons museum former Bariic lady rcsidcnt in England for some years has sent the above clipping to fricnd in Barrie CASH INCOME 0F FARMERS Cash income to Canadian farm crs from th sale of farm products during the rst thrcc months of 1948 was $403330000 The increase over thesame period for 1947 wasl $63562000 SHITIC as The following combinations are BUY BICYCLES FOR PASTORS sgtcr badly but Cor inn Llano an titli Ihi5 new wt in Ilytik Ilrltcl rt aicly was lzIIIiItLIJLVtI azio On and tins was laIlttltd in the in Ix tail tr two It is ufi vaw smut is our ii iasny it Ontario ii itk13l jiuvi aim filfll which Aint3 lidxttldllutrl Ontario iiiiiicil 39 by 31 lNllIIR NEW OWNERSHIP AND IAEEIENI Barrie Business College tit Toronto Street Barrie Illionc 4824 Established in IBM Standard and Condensed Courses In Secretarial and Business Subiects liay liisscs Begin Scptcmbtr 7th Night Class Begins Octobcr 51h Ii R1 REGISTRATION IS ADVISABLIC Jose Com Principal lImtur of thc Bustiicss Educators Assurlalltlil IIU lthAllNG ICE IYllblitR IIIIlt IlllNTALS Good Companionsy Men who try Old Chum stay with it for keeps For Old Chum has character all its own distinctive aroma fresh cool longlasting avour Buy package of Old Chumtoday om ClIIIM The Tobacco of Quality BuRbOCK ELOOD BITTERS Helps to stiiiiulatc the action of the bowels kidneys liver and stomach It aids intlie elimination of wastes and impurities from the body The result is often smoother clearerSkin Burdock Blood Bitters is sold at all drug Counters Ile Milburn Co Limited Toronto Ont Thc Committce UninvTEcisef lief of The United Church of Can ada announces thatthey purchasod 20 bicycles for the use of French LProtestant pastors TthVVVpurchase of the bicycles is part of wide spread relicf program being car ried on by The United Church of Canada for thoaid of ministrs and congregations in Britain Eur opc and the Far East The Com mittce=aleo announced that 200 parcels had been sent to Japanand will be distributed to Japanese Christians The CARE parcels are 29 pounds in weight and can be bought for $10 Rev Dr Mutchmor Secrea tary of the Committeeon Overseas Relief released cxccrpts of letters beppreciation his office has re ceived from people overseas koms on Wednesday afternoon with seventeen members present InlZ months the family of one pounds of wool Thomas ROSS Of stroud and by two sisters Mrs Alex Campbell of Guthrie and Mrs VW Mason of Toronto giltasin rcdcccascd by Nibsisters Guthrie and now runs nd by three brothers men Dr Ross and Arthur Rog of Barrie an VictorRoss ofHamilton he funeral serVice Friday Aug VA 13 held at the Lloyd and Steckley 7V Funeral Home was conducted by Rev James Fermi RevVVN Sinclair Thgor alerted bi nthEWTAHv gus Ross There were beauti ful floral tributes and friends and relatives attended from the sur rounding district and severaINOnw tario centres to pay their last re spectsIhe pallbearers werc Dr Howard Rossof Orillia Ross RobertsonudV St Thomas Libya Campbell ofToVron7to Geo Camp bell of Guthrie James Rossof Willowdale and BB Warnica of Innisfil Interment was made in Guthrie Ch chCemetery ANGUSM all medi urnifure ooxov H841 fOAMMOIig chr green elds thiebgbbd smell pi on warm earth rand of timothy Clovcri the brim aishadowy refugefroththsun Qndays IDiirlngi Remaindertof ugusts OPEN5WEDAESISMSAtrium former Yearsthis change infstore hours with thelorigweek end for Tilly and August only hots provdVictitisfdctoryTo both customersctndstaff We ask your cooperation again this year Timcnow to ch Iiiiiking arrangcincnts for extra helpjfor hag vcstingand Vthicsihing crows and money to finance opcrations thc crop is 591d Moncytb mccmhisnccd is always availzible Sunday at the Rayeil Bank Calldonl your nearstibranchmanagcr and feyaggssigejoggfmgm discussyour loan requirements with him Ask him too about Measurei Farm Improvement Loans and how they can be used for the and Installd benet of the farm thc farmer and his family Barrie Welding and MachineCo friends at Keswick and Toronto 17MuicasteLStg MrS Roy Wiltson and son of Ottawa are visiting with the for Crating3744 Barrio TORTABLE mers parents Mr and MrSAlbert Middlebrook Mrs Legge Toronto visited xWELDINGM Ancgnd ACET VV VSTEEL FORSALE BARRIE BRANCH FISHER with friends here at the weekend Mrs Gauley received word rigid an Toronto visitebs at Cling Busulis on GATE OR FENCE last week that her niece MiSS Grace McMaster of London had been fatally injured ina car colli sion at Elgineld Out On Wednesday afternoon Aug 11 Mrs Leslie Rose and Mrs Vic McMaster of the United Church WA werehostesses for an after noon tea on MrsMcMasters lawn There was good attendance and pleasant aiternoonwas spent In hour all for CAunniig 129l3lDunlopISt Phone

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