Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Aug 1948, p. 8

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PAGE HIGH $393000 Iii lulu Low Rail llircs Io Ihc lIr tiROIlTtifkf anzidian National EXHIBITION AT TORONTO Yo itla ltlit liltI Sl AUG 27th SEPT 111 Fan and our third for thcRound lrip lovcrnnicnt Tax Extra Rood tlillt Iiuusday lll ihith to Satuiday Stpicnihri IllIi iiulusivc RETURN LIMIT SEPT 15th from information Agent run CANADIAN NATIONAL oi pm vr liii llil lvi til IIil til Vtst yttIi Minlaid iAiilitiii films of lict Iltl illt douiivaiail icitmoi Marlin piusidtd at lIlSm livinott II Anon iflit any Iliflllltl durinu thc Ciltliitilly lraditionally thc bride tlllilttl of tiiilii ll Iiiilt litfi mini llllttl II Klir it lAiIltI to liar lilt mum and iilitlt Itll Ihc Lords liaycr and Ilcraiisc ONE FACT IS WORTII THOUSAND VOROIINOIESS CLAIMS Check these facts coinparctlieni with the clniinsofnny other tire 71hcn youllbc cons vineed of loodyenrs grent superiority youii goimyear EXTRA MILEAGE loodycars are built to deliver longer more dependable service EXTRA TRACTION Iondycnrs grip better rcsint skidl ding on any road any weather EXTRA SAFETY looilycnrs give extra blowout protection because of exclusive Supcrtwiat cord construction EXTRA ECONOMY 91mdmruhiLmorn miles per dollar to make them the most economical tire you can buy lirrutz Contracts Let for New Outpost Hospitals by Ontario Red Cross ioi new ils at grill con tm al tiiic New lilultz Ill dirti 11 Ic Iliilallc IIidanLidiirlS Of itu Touriilu alc Ilir lr1lttli 37 tiara or ILIIIII nceded luxtvilali lain savior illfiii ti1llilll1lll III iiimmrr is IKJ II Mid spunh llx itllLIVV midri con Nipigon Huntsville Vulltl Ilulitlwll it appioatlill Um melmii ii plidl lita Elil Li Greotest Day iniEood iAt CN Exhibition is 3Wednesdoy Sept Brant muslin or the in Ex Illlzilll bond Iimlucts Day on nliidt Srptruilwr lst From prong to closing lilllt on that day tho food iilcicliants of tivc tiilllllltllli II tic on tho ilcil in Ili llti any Food lluildiiig to prom int2r Ilasl ili Food Products Day ill lno tl liztikv all lllt2tlll nttciid iilililV llllil ll IIil2 than not this iii il rs ltttil is IIIII ititt tnil hlllll til 19 am tlntvti IIIL sh skirt and Sam Shorkms trcalcd iii Ilt iittilict ai ixillcatc rniliiold lud PM will fill It litltllt klt pr llit church to tho gtliillll ot tht Iailzrngrin lnltiinu March on tho gum lltl iatiior Sho was unwind lli Whitc slippcr satin on IIIIIN liIl sweotlicait illiilllllllL bodzcc long pointth shows and skirt swtcpmc trio lull tiltlliil tram lIil cm iroitItiul cll of tulle illusion fell train toronct of lllltg and Stltl poliils Shc tllL doublc strand pcails tho jiftof tho groom and wulilttl tastudc bouquct of initc Hi piiiiitss iiukliiic roscs ttciidina tho bridc vcrc her thrci sistcrs Miss Ltnoic Wcst as maid of honor and Misscs Elaine and Ivlorcntc as bridesmaids utitrncd ilikc in cordcd rayon tat icta DQISIIIS of ion iiluc corntlow for ycllow and slicll pink with pointcd collars squarc nccklinrs littrd bodiccs tlounccd skirts trimmcd with sidc pcplums Ihc attcndants worc matching mittcns Illoral hcaddrcsscs and carried Col Vonial Iiiillqlltb ot roscs and sweet pmis Littlc Miss lJiaVnc Dutly was the tlmvcr girl in frock of rose satin with sqtiarc nccklinc ttcd bodice VluIl flowing skirt and carried polite Cblonial bouquet of roscs and swcct pcas Mr Douglas Boon of Toronto was uroomsman and Messrs Douglas Bcllcville pcrtormcd thc ushering duties The Iiiidols gifts to hor attend ants vcrc silvcr pendants and to the soloist earrings while thc grooms gifts to his attcndants wcrc vallcts Following the ceremony re ccption was hold at tho Lantliorii iniiwhcrc the brides mothcr rc gown of lilac matching gloves with corsagc of cream Talisman roses ilSSlSlOCI by the grooms mothcr wearing coral nylon sheer with lace and navy accessories and corsagc of crcani Talisman roses For travelling the bride and groom chosc matching slate blue gabardine suits the bride wear Ving navy accessories and corsagc Vot white roses silk jcrscy and floral with hat Gucts were present from Otta iwa Ohio Flcsherton Toronto lMontreal andAngus The grooms giandmotlici and gicatgrandmoth ccivcd drcsscd in lloorlcngth illoirtlith of the tits lhrir II llt Siliitlti iii prich for 1in who isit thc Food Building tditdiy Scpttzubcr Isl IIic in pitrs oi Illl grand draw will go to tIu it uinntis of tho cvciit loir than fltiil othcr pi izcs arc otzvitd in thc dayIona litasurc tiutit tulixit ttlllllL Convention Canadian Federation of Business Prof Womens Clubs lho llth birnuial eonvontion if Iillsllltss and Professional Wo mtns Iulis throughout anada was thd rcccntly in Robina Snsk and thc dclcgatg picscnt from the Barrie Iub was Miss Mildrcd Public Ulilitics Commission Miss Marconi IlyiidiiianKC of Toronto National licsidcnt strcsscd in hcr addrcss to the con vntion the cxtremc importance of II and clubs in smallci ccn lt gives girls tho benefit of bclonuing to an organization that is not only national but inter mc BARRIE EXAMIRER 3mm ONTARIO CANADA LEWIS MILLIIIAN Ilillt told iii ililafzv Hwy not fully ai Canadians until thcy lic such the RUthlh and Sallrti vi slasnnurs day lion Vancouver il itt gtrlclic fidllxil uI Victoria lloitl It Ilial cvtllcllliult DUI tu assauzptiuii that lllr it Nova Scotti haw just inm from ltirks tiip zlzai liovincc daring which tour by bus around its iioiii IIlla to Halifax ppm for aiioiis Jitilutls lilAII along ll tulllt lIiJl IEK mul No Smith was to me an un rlu5l iivuntiy ixtrpl for what Lad mined from history books and Loni no acmiaiiitancr ugh Nova Mullahs who had migration to On lhr did not to bc t$ Iiitltlll iiom the ivst of us lo tlm nani Holiday In Nova Scotia dtVtcctttl iii lllllil dccpsrattdl tract that tlicy tlt not only tlllltlxlll tiu tliatthty wcic of fpll tor llcrtl or cult to us Ontari iiII Sonic Jllsllfltulllili inr this ho found in tho fact that so au of the hiin positions in busi iht plUItSSlOllS and in the Izuzth huto llitll appropriatcd by Ncw Scotsmtn The same Lilli hippcnrdwand suppose is ltlil happening in England wlicrc tier alvdonians crosst the bord tiosrcntlvd upon London and iuvk control of things situation Inch prmokcd jcalous English Ilal lo Wittc that scurrilous book liit IllSpttlklelll Scot lhcrc is rtscmblancc bctwccii Illt lucky south coast of Nova Scuba and thc SouthWest coast of Motlliiid and the similarity ex tonds to the pcoplc particularly last of Halifax and Cape Breton uhrrv the Mills and the Maintclls Iuvhcvo prcdomiiinty Halifax rc lltiitltd mo of Glasgow with its rump rambling strccts but it liaktd thc structural solidity of tho tIydcsidc city Ihc houscs of Mali flisfltvcli in tho downtown arcas arc all built of clapboard giving the city primitivc appcaraiicc ihc sticctcnrs arc of thc looncrl ltn so is as good as vigorous chiroprac tc trcatment This howovrr is Hvoii lthlM rcmcdicd and was told that an upt0date trollcybusl scrvicc is to be introduced But the Ilnligonians seem to lovci old things and Nova bcotians gon national in scopc It rniscs the prestige of tho business girl in the cycs of her cmploycr Ono highlight of the convention was presentation of the award Woman of the Year to Mrs Nora Arnold Mayor of Prince Ru port and hartcr President of tlic I3 and club ilitlt An invitation from the Halifax and club to hold the next convention in 1950 in that city was heartin accepted McBiido iihltlmlrjavid Johnston of Museum EXhihifS Supplied by Simeon County Womens Institute N0 269 AN OXS SHOE Fiom the Garden of Sqdn Leader George Rodgers Whilc Squadron Leader George Rodgers Drury Lane Barrie was filling the soil in his garden he found an ex haps century or more ago About the shoe bit of mystery shoe used per Who used it And how did it get there For the garden was once the late Dalton McCarthys When we find something buried in the soil we associate it with by gone days Very often pieces of crockery or lost coins particularly in older cOuntries have been an invaluable aid in historical re search The ox shoe takes us back to the for oxen were used to clar the land and travel rough roads Shochere made to protect the clovcn hoofs of the oxen We appreciate the thoughtfulness early settlement of our country and interest of the giver and wish orally cling fondly to the memories of their historic past Thcrt lllti llltltltlllllls cvcrywhcrc and the old cmveyards contain weatheravorn llIt varicty and ride on thcml blalt was trcidcd Thch first ad TEURSDAY AUGUST 19 1948 um tin strenuous gmui tlllIldeH papcltiiillt Mri U3lolig ago of itmtl val lilc Incl and aw Ilft OI dc 3x and balIIir lift in Ilfltl of tho Ill neutral out tom in taizada mu is strik fineg wantonzit tt 1hr quitt tit Itlndrcds It islagrs III 1L tlm mm ta Lizgrr on the MA with 213 ad too Lsici UJULIII rung Mamn last ljtnCCItI Conic of the uni irf and tho Billisla is now uv and lustful aw Iia hallo rtllllltls soldiers and scllltls53 mm mum built better than thry rwr hear ml Iril trltld LI ytLus Nola Mtlt Ninth A12 Labour1 441 to lllc how and it was Ihclt Illa the destiny of thc Dominion Canada and perhaps of thc Ullllxtl nil FOOLISII BIRDS mi Illi Most hads toizxfantly ittivc and 1Ilptlligtitkl 13 Iilllt lill lIiilllSEIVES out tiilllxgtltflllivl IlitailJIig oi old in ICV Iit ii liiiirtllll Nova Scotla has distinctive flat of its own and suspect that tho people are more proud of bring NOW Scotlans than vanadium The beSt IXICligloutida Him canhave ThuV bu KIWI Usmost ofuui tul ICJIMMw writch and fIlltSl poets had Tilt lilcasurc of meeting twu nowhstsi KjZdo 06176 of wide reputation in the ptlstillii of Will It Bird in Halifax and Ihonios Iladdall in HIV thrivmgl little town of Iivcrpool on IIIII banks of tho littlc Rivvr Mclscy also made discovery of to llll now Italllltlltillipkicl of Hire vmi tagc in Andrcw Mcrkcl whom intt at thc Port Royal Habitation on the outskirts of Annapolis Roy whvrc tic Iivcs in pastoral ru MR ANDERSON DISTRICT MANAGER for Dunlopand Bayficld Barrie Indispensable for quick going ovrr of the floors linoleum etc Eits corners bottcr than any other mop Head is of the Du Pont Cellulose Sponge and is used for many different cleaning tasks such as sinks walls stairs woodwork baseboards panelling desks autos window glass etc May also be used wrung out dry for cleaning rugs Complete directions for use and for cleaning goxwith each map but it will be great advantage to you by having its many good points explained to you at 398 oucns HARDWARE WE ARE AS CLOSE TO YOUR II OME AS YOUR TELEPHONE WE DELIVER PHONE 2556 80 Dunlop St Barrio SERVING CANADIANS Old Tins LITTLE rutfowri Eluckyboy with Chemistry and its products to serve him at every turn Thowater he drinks the containers in whichit is servedi his nursery gleams withispeciallycreatedfu paints and enamels Nylon Cellophane and bathes in is puried chemically Chemistry improves his food and makes today crs wcre guests of honor at the wedding The bride and groom left amid slioweisVlof confetti for motor trip to thc Southerrifoatcsand on cir return vill reside in Belle 11Clcrpperton St NLBarrie om Phone 4335 YULCANIZINGAND RETREADING cellulose lm and plastics add to his comfort safety and enjbymcnt And Chemistry Symbolized by the Ovaltrademtlrk of CIL will continue toiirotectand Of Eggs in Diet Improved summerz egg produc RIANY STUTTERERS More IVDOOVOOUVoplejwthe tio another meaiistoSaVE costs United States are handicapped by W91 maintain Production I11 stuttering said prominent doctor summer Uder Present Corlditions recenuy WT canphe made more profitable than servehimrthroughout his life its uses and Winobroadening Withevery P3551115 years of the principles of adequate hous ing apply equally in summer and winter VPointsto be observed in summer production are the comfort contentment and proper feeding of the birds 2i take outtheV win dows open the doors and make the poultry house as Cooland airy as possible Vt3 keep the house andnests clean free from lice and mites 4i ampl supply of drink ing Water Never let the water fountains gojdry liens suffer in tensely from lack of water on hot day lotsofgreenfeedL they greaf conditioner and ii good dust bath VThe birdsdo like todust themselves DUNDALKCEMETERY SCENE 0F VANDALISM Tuesday night July 13 six tombstones in Dundalk Cemetery were overturned and the tops bro ken 011 three of them Apparent ly the offence was committed by parties who had chosen the ceme tery for drinking party as bro ken beer bottleswere found at the scene The discovery Was made by Ben Smitten caretaker of the cemoterynwhon he went to attend to hisdutiesp Goldwater Council will expropri ate property for Hydro line and Water will be cut of those in ar tears on Sept 00ITBEOdelicidus 3th satisfying Wannawuw Manama an In alkydCola amt Vanda uniu for him further joys of his gab den EffiCiency Economy lin wintr It is possible to main tain 5060 per cent production in Summer as well as in winter When conditionsarejright hen canlay all the year round Many

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