Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Aug 1948, p. 7

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THIS WEEKS ISSUE 7900 Copies AUYNOMIID IICUID CLASS IML 70 DEPT OTTAWA MIDLAND WIN HOSE LAYING COMPETITION One hundred remen with their wivesand families at tended the tournament of the Sim coe County Firemcns Association at Camp Borden on Wednesday afternoon August ii Midland Fire Brigade with time of one minute and 28 seconds won the Simcoe Cup for the fast est time in laying hose The next three in order were Penctang 141 Coidwater 213 and Alliston 232 There were seven men on each team Other tire brigades represented but who did not take part in the contest were Barrie 0rillia Elin vaie Stayncr Bccton Tottcnham and Camp Borden Demonstrations of fog nozzles for putting out oil fires Scott air packs for enteringsmoketilicd buildings ansul dry chemical for smothering res and pulley attachment for removing persons from second or third storey windows were given The Camp Borden Fire Brigade with Capt peorge as chief acted as hosts for the occasion Committee members who made arrangemenlsjor tthoumaman were Pres Phillip Blake of Mid 85th Year4N0 34 DELANEYS BUILD FAST RUNABOUT SOLID MAHOGANY 15ioot runabout with four cyimdcr marine engine has been built by Delaney Boat Lines and Services Limited and the manager William Delaney says the firm is planning program of boat building for the coming winter Leo Cahili of Smiths Falls has been engaged as the foreman in charge of boat building lie is the third generation of boat builders The runabout recently complet ed has been designed to have alt thc speed of an outboard with all the convenience of an inboard ilie Brennan Junior fourcylin der watercooled marine engine weighs only 165 pounds and will turn up to 7000 revolutions per minute This engine will take the runabout through the water at 25 miles an hour Of solid mahogany construction the boat has beam of 50 inches and seats live comfortably The entire boat weighs under 600 pounds and is priced at $1650 An extensive program of boat building by Delaney Boat Lines this coming winter will include small boats of various designs land VicePres Ernest Miller of McMulkin of Barrie Watch for the OPENING early in September of the New Modern rL Dance Hall PINE CREST One mile east of Anton Mills on VesprawTownline near Highway 21 Proprietor CHARLES MILLER LUMDEIIMENS $1000 NONOCCUPATIONAL ACCIDENT POLICY PROVIDES PRINCIPAL SUM WEEKLY INDEMNITY HOSPITALIZATION $200000 $2000 per week $400 per day OPERATING ROOM ANAESTHETIC 8r OTHER BENEFITS CONSULT Sarjeant Insurance criuii IIArrorrAuuor innisliiPark Lake Simcoe DANCING WEVERY FEATURING ON SATURDAY NIGHTS Al Austin and the Harmonizers CABARET STYLE TABLES RESERVED Bring your party and enjoy dancing by the cool waters of Lake Simcoe ADMISSION 50c in afternoon BARRI ON COMWRIGH and SecyIreasr7Com TARIO CANADA THURSDAY AUGUST 19 1948 porn of impact Section 2Poges to 12 incur an Truck Smashes Auto iFrascr Volley 00d Breaks Off Tree lumps Embankment Last Saturday evening their an accident on Highway it of Barrie at the 7th cont innisiii 1938 car diiirii turned from the highway at righthand turn truck driwn by lsmr lmrtnt 85 Major St Toronto Lvrt be stopped by the lllhi tent of about $300 then through stone piicinihrd fourinch tree lliilpl om in 18inch embankment and lnzallx halted about 300 for from Ill The tiliik damaged to the extent of about 200 The truck had the auto on the been lllillllit The driver of the truck Erna illititltil liww with careless Cons Laking drivunz by WORLDS Hllil WAlliltWA The Great Lakes and llitli tlii necting waterways forni ilit tnild most important Inland tltl MEMBERS OF BARRIE FIRE BRIGADEFWere among thciol fog nozle which is particularly effective in smothering the 100 firemen who attended the tournament of the Simcoelan oil fire Firemen from the following brigades attended County Firemans Assocration at Camp Borden on August 11 the meet Alliston Barrie Camp Borden Elmvale Goldwater Among the demonstrations was this Spray from no ERIE COUNTY POTATO MEN VISIT SIMCOE Four potato growers from Erie County of New York State were in Simcoe County last week to in spect fields of seed potatoes They were pleased with the results from Simcoe secd they bought last year and they expressed the inten tion of ordering some moreseed lthis coming fall Members of the party were John Norton assistant county agri cultural agent and officials of the Erie County Coop Association President Blakeley of East Aurora Mr Phelps of Chaffe NY and Mr Benz of Hamburg RFD NY Harold Whiteside of Barrie chief supervisor of the Dominion Seed Potato Certification branch talk on the physical aspects of Simcoe was given by Stewart Page agricultural representa tive brief summary of the tour follows August proceed to farm of Wilfrid Murphy RR Barrie crop planted with seed brought in from Charlton 300 miles north scab experiment sulphur experi ment fertilizer test visit Frank Eiphicks farm of Irish cobblers and katahdins visit Nicol Wilsons farm ttons and scabresistant variety test visit farms of Ruthven and McCague at Alliston before returning to Barrie Noon luncheon in Barrie leave for Vern Walts farm Coutts cooperator in variety test Gordon Bidwells farm to see chip pewas farms ofCW Brown Rex Watson and Lorne Handy via Craighurst to varietydtestaffan of Spurgeon Brown Chippewas on farm of Mor risDaiby at Wyevale spend night at Northeln Hotel Penetang August 10Visit farms of Forget and HarrLBeauchamp vis it farm of Joseph Marchiidon and Vilniichargeof the tour here was 815m Beaudoin to see soya bean test and katahdins visit farmsofCle merit Marchildon Alcime and Ida Maurice visit farms of Austin Desrpphe they to Thunder Bay for lunCheon visit other farms in Lafontaine distIrct and discussion Several potato growers of the county accompanied the officials to act as hosts on the tour boweiGeis 4Runs Copaco Girls Trim Vglleylqxi BratII Copacutgirls are beginning to show signs of their twoyear cham move out if their slump Wednes day Aug11 at Queens Parkvthey hit and ran toa smashing 2111 triumph over Valley Taxi The tAhhhffdeIicious JerseyOldllyine icecreami Imnever too cold for thistreat Try ied Wonderful ICE CREAM spciaif ur for this wek is Win ensures themygfthird place in the standings Copaco girlsiscored in every Win ning Theyheida 130llead before Valley raced for 10 runs in the bot tom haif of the fourth Copaco outscored their rivals 41inthe fifth andadedgfour in the next inningto reply Kay en was responsible to four the winners runs while Haze Lang Edith Hare and Ann supplied three each Rita nes Dot Goring Hazel Wright and Marjorie Ilonghurst tallied twice eachto head the Valley at tack COPACOK Bowen Thompson yKashner Lang Knapp Bowen ness of the poster Hare Miller Plant VALLEYLennox Jones Germ mum rage for the entrants is 16 pionshipd form as theyrrsteadily CHAMBER or COMMERCE NOTES Springwater Park The Chambers program of in creasing thc bird life at Springwat on Park Midliurst has been in operation for two years In 1946 pair of White Pcafowl and pair of East India Black Ducks werc obtained Adamsonu Superintendent of Midhurst Forest Station recently received quan tity of pheasant and quail eggs donated by the Barrie Chamber ofI Commerce Efforts are being made to obtain Green Peacocks and Teal Ducks and as soon as these hard been secured they will be added to the wild life population of this beauty spot at Midhurst Rural Home Improvement StewartLpage Norm Simcoe conditionsandevents in Europe Provincial Agricultural Represen tative and Clarke Chamber vicepresident soon will score the rural homes entered in thecurrent Home improvement Competition This contest which commenced onI September igof last year nishesl at the end of this month Three prizes will be awardedto those having effected the greatest meas ure of improvement and the prize winners will be announced at the Chamber of Commerce Farmers Day on September Plans are being made to increase the range ofthis contest for next year and the new competition will get und er way on September Industrial Area of Ward5 Deletion of some Townowned property in WardFive from lhei industrial area has been recom mended by the directors of the Chamber of Commerce This de cision CQYiifth rstrart or survey on property industrial whichfthehamberis undertaking at the request of the Barrie Town Council The lots in question were in isolated locationsin the area and considered to be better suited for other purposes Miss Rural Simcoe1948 Col Garry Lee OBE MC direc tor of the Miss Rural Simcoe beau ty contest has announced that the Contestants thisiyear will be Te stricted to the rst 25 entries re ceivedattheChamber of0m merce office The girls will be competing for the title wonlga year by 17yearold EdnaCarruth ers of Stayner RR The mini years and theymust have been resident outside of an ipcorporated town in Siche CourEyfor at least tiiespEtfhree monthsiSiiig1egiilS only are eligibleforgthfe Contest mammograms At=jthe August directors meeting the fChaniber of Commerce Aerrang ed for the purchasefrJf set of aerial views of Barrie The photoi graphs includeshots taken from ai point south of the CNR yards at Aliandale oneof the business sec tion of Barrie anda view offthe inew Muniipal Building and the northern section uptMulcaster St These aerial photographs are the who worked fromgan aircraft pilot ed by NormanCoppingof Barrie Aircraft andVSuppiies OnDisplay artONE The Chamber is taking advant age of the advertising opportunity for Barriewhen thenewzre truck is put On display at the Canadian National Exhibition iniToronto large poster with Barrie sales twis is being prepared to stand alongside the truck in the display area Some of the new aerial photographs oithe town are beingl blown up to add to the effectiye Death of Pops Cooper Po Cooper was perhaps the ing Wright Campbell Wood Mil mostpopular contestant at the two bar Longhurst Moody UmpiresSteve yHines plate MauricejIiinesbases Barrie speedboat regattas and the directors wholeheartedly adopted Nutman Clarkestsuggestiop that Fire Extinguis effs work of WCarnpbell oertroud NW WIS Lk MATTHEW ALTON the ACBCs European correspondent who has reported wartime and postwar and the United Kingdom for Cati adian listeners since 1943 spoke aea meeting of the Canadian 1n slitute on Public Affairs at Lake Couchiching on Wednesday August 18 Mr ilalton returned to Canada for welldeserved twomonth holiday his first trip home in three years While here he is tak ing time off from his ranch in the foothills of the Rockies to cross Canada on speaking tour in his talks he is discussing Bri tain under socialism the possibilit has of Western union and European politics basing his remarks on hisl personal observations of the de velopment of people and events in the United Kingdom and Europe over the last sixteen years During the coming week Mr Halton will speak to Rotary Clubs in Toronto Ottawa and Montreal and to the Niagara Falls Kiwanis Club Recommended for Different Installations From Office of Fire Marshal For galeinestorages and motor ized equipment re extinguishers areiecessary of the type suitable forgasoline and oil rresf ForumL stallations on trucks itractlfsior recommend the buCkrakes we type Midland Pcnctang Tottcnham Otillia Bccton and Stayncw OWEN SOUND PLAY FLYERS HEREWED OBA JR SERIES Barrie Junior Plych move into the first round of the On tario Baseball Association Jr playdowns Saturday Aug 21 when they meet Owen Sound on the rivals diamond The Second game of the best ofthrcc series will be played at Arena Park Wednesday Aug 25 commencing at 330 pm Flycrs defeated the North enters in two straight games inst year but reports are that Owen Sound now have stronger club It should be good series with Flyers de pending on Bob Hillier Bill Hagan and Carl Emms to pro duce the wins from the mound Both lliliiELandHaganJiave registered nohit norun games this year CNE DATES Fri Aug 27Opening Day Sat Aug 28Warri0rs Day Mon Aug 30Chiidrens Day Tues Aug IiiAutomotive Day Wed Sept lFood Products and Merchants Day Thurs Sept ZWomens Music and Art Day Fri Sept 3Press and Radio Day Sat Sept 4Manufacturers Athg letic and Floral Day Mon Sept GLabor Day Tues Sept 7lnternationai Day Wed Sept 8Agriculturists and Live Stock Review Day Thurs Slept 9Transportation and VComriivergiailTravelers Day Fri Sept illInterprovinciai and Service Clubs Day Sat Sept llCitizens and Cadet Day CAR ANDTRUCK SIDESWIPEe truck and at car were each damaged to the extent of about $50 when they sideswiped each other on Highway 11 at conces sion of inniSfil about 740 pm last Saturday The truck was driver by Gordon Flynn Gerard St Tordto and the car was driven by Ellis Jackson Beaver Falls USAA iiw ogt USED TWICE heavydiity lquart carbonatetrar frgiggonddustjsaved from cutting chloride re extinguishers of eith mused for fine polishing erthemump etypeAor the stored pressure type Carbon dioxide ex tinguishers are considerably more expensive and their weight causes complications in mounting them on vehicles Foam type extinguish erLare toobulkyforwvehiclesand when used in garage buildings are liable to freezing in the winterr tinie Only those carbon tetra chloride re extinguishers should be purchased which areiisted by or bear the approvallabels of one recognized testing laboratory lettergofsympathy be despatched to Mrs Cooprat Kansas CitylVfo Pops atv75 years of age was still keeping pace with the best in the business Twicewinner Of the rPicton Gold Cup he dearly wanted td win itanthird time He was trying for the third Win early this month but in the heavy swell his boat left the water and crashed down on top of him Rushed to Syracuse NY hospital he died few days later One of the most popular drivers on the circuit his kind and gentlemanly manner made him thousands of friends Welcome The Chamber of Commerceweii comes to membershi Dickf Steele of the new Barrie English China andGitt Shop Dr Corbett Bob Hodges of BarrieAl landale Dairy the GreatWest Lite Assurance Co represented by Har ry Reid and Charlie Agnew of Strathdee Transport Read Examinerjcmaieda HAS MANY WIRES There are approximately 226 steel wires in standard piano ilm 1H ii Wlilltlthi1 in nzzikv iii truck damaged the car to the eel how at loitoxniiiui iVictims Receive $l00 From Barrie Lions Club has been Nichols inn tub of i=1 Birth John Smythe Queen St lilltlIlt lltll lif Sum in mi July 1948 iivisnigy The Ic anpval to iinlblaiztz of the Fraser lwwi iii unit The lt ti SHWliI tint been to ind it In lids =ltlli lftl rim otril re Imn weir ilistiiitzal ill itill iiint in lilit=li tl oiu iziz ii rifigtie=vxniori iiiui iii 3111 will iliiilik liii lii ilzi rillllllutil for ttllll7il Willi gliiittflll tliutpgg or $100 =gtIl Lil iill iii mnwiy tr rrlzlis and tlltl ililtfilllrfl iat many 1c iiitltttl lllEil lll ilils distress our piiiic in iwuu one Lion lub wt anzirizi Your for iioiiii illllSlii lllltlll linplw ltniizc liilll iub lIiiwi wmorovznIvororxnawuouowxmouo you100 TAILOREDTOJIIZASIIRII oaonnronn MiifttliLNOW IT PRICED AI $4750 $4950 to 37700 EXTRA TROUSERS iii DESIRED HAVE YOU SEEN OUR STOCK SUITS Sizes 35 to 46 SINGLE OR DOUBLE BREAST MODELS from $4750 SPORT Olt ODD PANTS All Sizes $475 to $1395 SEE FOR BOYS WEAR Sizes to 12 years WILFH TODD MENS AND DOYS WEAR 55 DITNHH Sl BARR OMWOVOWVOAOIOI00JJYlf0gt010I0gt0M Again on August 27 the gates will swing open on the worldfamous Canadian National Exhibition There will be thousandthings to see and hear Agriculture Music Industry HorneMak Col Marshall President Your GRAND szND TICKETS NOWAT ing Art Science Business and Sportsall will be on review Such collection of thrilling features youve never seen before Dazzling exciting entertaining instructive Plan to come to the CNE Elwood Hughel General Manager gt IerM We Wellington Hotel Barrie Ontario GET SCHOOL CLOTHES DRY CLEANED EARLY TH IS BETTER WAY Mothers get Oohiidrerisischool clothescleaned now Youll be delighted when you see liowfresh and deanthey are colors bri liter spots gone Rememger clean clothes last longer and Sani tone Dry Cleaning costs no more than ordinary cleahv ring call us today The iwght Cleaners liifittiimm 88 St CLEANING mml arias JP

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