PAGE SIX or=ror===o=ro===ror= z=0==o=o==o=o==o=o=== at genuine bargain Reg $4595 to $5575 SALEPRICE o===or=ro===ror=roz==o==o===o=o==onn==o=o===o=o===o=o=o=o===o=n advancing inpricenow is Men Grey serge Suits pure botany wool single breasted models onlyThe old reliable for hardwear and smart appearance $365051 to $4150 19 1948 IriE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY AUGUST DICE SAID All Summer Stoek Must be Reduced to Make Room forour Fall Stock Sin iii The ideal suit for lounging about cool good looking comfortable just what you need for these hot days Sizes 30 to 38 in waist made up in smart grey or sand tropical cloth Regular $1395 SALE PRICE Mens Squall JACKETS plain shades also de Signs ideal fer summer wear or fall long sleeves crew neck severalcolors Youll like them $349 Reg $495 SALE PRICE with bib blue or black Sizes 36 to 44 Quan tity is limited so be here early to get in on this outstanding special Reg $375 SALE PRICE pair Mens Tee Shirts while only Reg $125 SALE PRICE 5c Here is Real Value Mens pure wool yarn dy ed WOIsteds in various stripes checks single or double breasted styles in lounge Drape or Natural models Sizes 36 to 46 Reg $5000 SALE PRICE Buy your tail coat now an save money It has been longtime Men Qveralls since we could of fer you such out standing cloths styles in topcoats slipon models in tWeeds and pole cloths all sizes SALE PRICE 2295 AND UP $44 95 Mens Navy Blue Pure Botany Wool serge Suits in single or double breast jed styles Guaranteed fast colors With clothing Mens Fleece Lined Sweat Shirts white good quality sec onds sizes 36 to 44 ideal for summer Or fall wear SALE PEEL$L59 WMenisJerseys tripePartms patterns also plain sand shade small and medium sizes Reg $125 SALE PRICE Mens Dress Khaki Shuts Basement Store Specials sizes14 to 15 only Good quality broadclothfi Long Pants Boys Spoil Begum 5300 Buy these back to school pants now qt great Areallysmart assortment fancy de savings Smart tweeds also cord Sigmund plaids also plain Shades SALE PRICE 28 to36 Reg $525 up goy 285 sultqble f0 SChOOI wean Augizes your time to buy new suit Sizes 36 to 44 Reg $4495 to $5295 strontium Boys Aiiiiie socks Assorted colors and sizes Reg 75c SALE PRICE 55c pair Mien5 Ankle Socks Hundreds to choose from smart range good In Mp SALE 65c pfandup prices =0 We have smartest Selection in years styles smart shades pat CDme in now and pick one Sweater weather isvjuslt around the corner GREATLY REDUCED PRICES ALLTRoiiSEEs Woods famous mak ers of golf bagssev eralto choose from leather bags includ ed come in andsee those now name your pattern or col or we have it very nals all aim us ICE SWEATERS pullDVer sleeveless or terns and designs Youll like our all styles canvas Boys Cotton Polo Shirts small medium and large sizes huge assortment to choose from SALE PRICE 39 and Boys Slack Suits brown or blue Sizes 10to 18 yrs Al very good quality made up in smartstylequantity is limited so be early for these Reg up to $575 SALE PRICE $249 SALE PRICE 399 $135 and up 39 Mens Sport COats Trousers SALEPRICE and up Value value Here slyour chance to des Raincoats buy at long wanted with hats to matchslicker Cloth remark able bargain green red and blue and other sp coat atgreatly re ced prices all styles shades Colors to suit both father son in plain shades Checks donegal weave patterns Sizes 36 to44Wi mReg7$1750 to $2895 SALE PRICE 1$195P10$2350 MensiTroiisersiZ Match up that Odd suit coat chogsge pair of trouserstogb with that sport coathuy yourodd trousers new for going i1 back tOschOOlgAll sizes allcolorsp Ages to 10 yrs SALE PRICE sEI Boys Sweat Shirts Whiteldd YHOVWIcine Ranger design Your bOY W111 like one of these ideal foriall or summer Wear Ages to 14 yrs Regular SALE FREEZE$1 $6777 777vi Boys andCliirens lazers Shades winebrowngreenorgrey Mens Work Ages3to 10 Yrs Reg$4r27iv 5arleaPTice Knee jlpancofsoles leatheivsoleshoWeveitQ all wool tweeds assorted shades goody game lines are in xbrokeri fsizes IslweightCiggood trouser to start your boY ngOOl Chance foryou to Stock up on back to schoolin fwork bootsativerylonrices it jSizeseioiz yrs 7Req$275 SALEppm nsALE rEIcEI$279 AND and $398 at GREATLY REDUCED FOR CLEARANCE ends Must betsatiation 9r Yourfttmncranaea TDP Dia13435 ll