THURSDAY AUGUST 19 1948 OWOHO NEWS or pending text iiil Glenna Mir iLLkJ Miss Dow enjoyed the iamkend at he Miss Gcitiude Eckei liuiti Chtloid neile Missiaipaiet iiiiillliriill Toron to lrlittl it Reg Beitiztiiis last wetK Ra McFadden of 58 Midland Prince hoiiie to Weeks vai cation Linn Ann and Bobby Jervis lo ronto are holidaying at Fred Tuilies Miss litpita holidaying with home Miss lithcl May Kimberley enjoying this Week with friends Toronto Mr and Mrs Jarvis Mossop To ronto Spell the weekend with Miss Pearl liaiii Hisliop Toronto spent the weekend With his sister Mrs 11 Webster Mr and Alis Fenton Tor tinlu called on Mr and Mrs ll Wade Sunday Ml and Mrs RoyWWit lin visited Mr and Townes on Wednesday Miss Roberta lll1lltli Ottawa is visiting her grandparents Mr and Mrs it Black Mr and Mrs llrittoii lostcr lo ionto visited the loriners uncle loster on Friday Miss Margaret Terry Reg Toronto spent few days with her mother Mis Wm leriy Mn and Mrs Smith Cameron and Son Byionliive returned to Shel bume after visit with friends WANTED YOUNG WOMEN YOUNG MEN for Harvesting Peaches Plums Pears Apples Grapes Tomatoes and other Fall fruits and vegetables ACCOMMODATION IN FARM SERVICE FORCE CAMPS August 15th to November 15th Campers must bring blankets sheets and pillow cases For further information write Ontario Farm Service Force Richmond Street East TORONTO ONTARIO Auspiccs DominionProvin cial Farm Labour Committee Maiie Graham is iiltllitcj ii ioir taro Mrs ecii tintigtlitl at Eat ng Bells iiotiici Mb lorunio Spent last wetk with Mrs Qoes in Mr and Mrs ELMVALI We are sort to report that 21 ray is lit in Torciiu iiI an and tits it lili retained to their home in ii tr BI after visiting tii Little Mis Simpson LhlVLlI and ion Birblni are 11111 the torn 8155 Bishop Moses Amy Davidson Ioionto Mix Tor Vina Melemie and Violet ILKlt weekend 31 and Harrie spent the tlie hitters pdlvliir ll Wade Mr and Mrs Geo lliidsoii llaiw iltoii anti Mis ll Scott Uiiiiia visited at the home of their inelie ei iliii llr Keast and Miss Velma Ferry Toronto spent the weekend it itii min the iatters mother Mrs Wm tciry Miss Ethel Whack Cal was ill tiiiest oi iolt ii1 Tiligt weck strict and Mi Wt the loiiiicr Tubman visited Win unit Mr rat ll We are soiry to report that iis lieien Stone is ill anda patient in iiiv RV Hospital Barrie ller iziaiiy iiiends wish for her spccdj re covery Visitors last week wit Mrs Webster were Mr and Mrs Montgoiiieiy Mr and Mis McGavin and Mr and Mrs lIail Craig all of Stiattoid Rev and Mrs Miiidock have 11 turned nto Montreal after spiiiiiimi several weeks at the home of their daughter Mrs Melarlute Mr and Mrs oker loii onto were the guests of Mr and1 Mrs Kimberley last week Mm Myrtle oker and John Staid To ronto were there for the weekend llickiing had the liiisiigtl tune to have the small bone in hisl right 111 just above the wrist cracked when struck by Sledge hammer while Working at the pumping station on Saturday TownesDickie Nuptials At the Anglican Rectory on Sat urday August 14 1918 Miss loaii Dickie granddaughter of loliii Dickie and the late Mrs lliekicwas united in marriage to Clarencel Townes eldest son of Mr and Mrs Arthur TownesElmvale by Revl Stiibbs They were attended by Miss Marjorie Edwards and Britt Bell Two New Homes Being Built The foundation of Camp bells new residence just west of his garage was completed week by Herb Ritchie dation of Web Archers new resi dence just east of Emerson Adams is also completed the work being done by Kenllitchie Board of Trade Carnival Despite unfavorable weather aI No wonder baby loves it Libbys Custard Pudding is supersmooth homogenized by an exclusive Libby process that makes it exiraeasytodigest Only the nest farmfresh milkand eggs are used and vLibbys Custard Pudding is packed in sanitary enamellined tin safe and con venient for storing the unused portion Like all Libbys Strained and Homogen ding 0am your bab two ized Baby Foods Libbys Custard Pud mportant exclusive benets easier digestiiliilityan more nourishment perounce of food Both these claims made only by Libbys have been sub siantiatedlby clinical and laboratory tests Choose your babyslmenu from Libbys wide selection of baby foods Your grocer has or can get the following varieties Boots Squash Carrots Spinach Peas Montana Spinach lear up yegctablos Vegetables Vegetable Soup Baal and Barley iBacon iliidBurlay Apples and Prunes Apples and Apricots Appl Sauco Peaches Custard Pudding 11 ii Beardsall and other iriiiids libl John Porter io ii Tili liltll last The non n1 Trumpet Band Attends Derry Sound iiv 7gt 101 ilflltii Ivilltlyli rlelirstiun in turn litiiilti Ilonpi iilloid Ronald lit liiizill lltllxl iiillilli ion Sbliiid iia Aiciiii izetii Viit Mttitnril FrenchPlayer Nupiials iiii ill Iiuiilu iflii Ili liili il illi Set when liditli =I 311 illiti of lZIllltit lie the bruit Donald Samuel liunch oiinitvi son oi Mr and Mn lltll hunch oi Wanrim iblxs Ulllilillttl with Raymond liilyl oi loionto uncle tiuiilii loi 1131 VIJIII irliri Iionc3 llay lot the llltlt as iiitiiit and MI lvl ioioiito soloirt in lillllt by lli talri IIll lll Iilit Enllill liliil in 1iooilelilll ti Wt ttiililetl ill ti Iilio til 11 lllt anus and Kile lillttl ii ide oi 1itllll llezuiiy roses hie5 Shiilcy lliiyer Sllll oi the bride 11 icd in turquoise bioead ed tallcia and lll maid of Izoiior She wore matching halo itiirltlilliiti cascade of pink ear iiaiioiis as till the bridesmaidMiss Pisen Johnston cousin of the bride Iiir down was yellow bro iaded talcla and net Little lion nic French and Luella Stone dressed to pink oruaniiy frocks and carrying no of sweet peas were liower girls lordoii ilyei friend oi the iirooiii was best llfi ei oi bsidc such The man and Joe Johnston and Gerald liirneh were the ushers liollowim the ceremony recep tion was held it iowes inn where Mrs Lionel llayer received the iuiests weaiiiii lipured silk jer sey dress with black accessories and co age of red roses Mrs wcn French mother of the groom assisted in grey rose silk jersey dress with matching acces sories and corsaize of red roses For their honeymoon trip to Hali burton the bride wore light blue uiibardine suit with navy and white accessories Mr and Mrs French will reside at Waverley Upper and Middle School Results Elmvale High School The following is the standingob lained by the Grade XIII pupils who wrote their examinations in June and which have been released by the Dept of Education Schedule 7510011 74Ji IGILGSH Credit Victoreiine DraperEC EL Hist Gcom liii Statics Phys 19A FC Joan lyci=EC EL Hist Gcom Trip Stat Plin EA Ft 66 Stat 1Phys EA FC Stat CI Ann HarvicEC EL Hist Gcom Trig Stat Phys ice Elmer McFaddenEC Hist Gcom Trig Stat Phys FA EC Audrey MiddletonEC EL VGeoniii Trig Stat Phys FA FC Jean TippingEC cEL Hist Gcoiri Trig Stat Phys FA FC Out of total of 58 Upper School papers written 53 were successful Middle SchoolGrade X1 and XI Francis ArcherEng Geom Chem James ArcherEng Mod Hist thmat Melville BairctteMod Hist Geom Gwen BeacockMod Hist Gcom Chem BettyBcardsallZEng Mod Hist Gcom Chem From Marjorie DrapeiMod Hist Gcom 1Chem Genevieve DrysdaicMold Hist Gcom Chem Marion Fiirlongng3 Fren Jack HandyMod ist Gcom Chem Shirley HandyEng Mod Hist Chem Lat Fren Catherine HunterGcom Chem Ronald FrencleGeom Trig Marion IiiirloniiZGeom Trig THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA toasters iz Lavatiilcli 11113 ii Rain Toronto iliil cl holidaying Hula and Betty of 1a Layeri hi Mai liilll VVLl and at Lyons 10 Ralph rrv Slut lle Uniit Li market 11gtlll Mi lx IA Lanilci iii 11 Bailin and mi IlLlJaIit v= zaii minis Mis laliulS like mam tlliltt iii inalillmilt lltiil Itll Itilt at it week iid aid vle hit lrLIr 31 lfi hiatu lii1l iettaiiiid to the aoiildaiid Mz nHIl Mi Albeit Gibbs rc ttiriied Toronto dui week at the hoIie oi ii ilt Harry Wilson Sherman ilil Dies While Helpng to Fight Iire liillt illiltxjx nation ircapeii imim ll our and an adjoining lliilitilll iie iiiiiie ililtgtlill ihIiialay lllnlln iii broke out Iii 13 ii ha which went up in iiilit iiiioiii tlii help oi ilillliiil Ill barn and buildines wci slitd Allisioii liie liiiizadc aiiicd when the ire was Iill lilltiii cotmoi llariiii ilit isle elice liiilliil oi Mr Dickey dioppcl Andie aineiori lloiiitii rig Iniiltlt Within attli in hits alter Sgttllillil month pgiients litre and Hair ovei ivl ciiiidiii 1p at Iiic swim last 3111i iIie picsviited Mr Ricoin IIlIliriill ilthitl loi helping litllUIi son of and Reynolds lead 1h iiiis In have his arm lliokili shoulder on Saturday was kicked by litilM on Iitlll on which lie iioiked tois at liiiiiiiiasoiiE tid iC Mr and ll and Mrs ii Young lltlii Mr llaibii Mi and Mix and liaydoii ilarbti and all titliti Iilit llL ias liripiiii with illi Iie lie was Sh iaii liali ii itiili year lXIIlZIl our titilli siiipili wile lllil lainilv it linitcd WMS eiitrtaiiied the llaiid at picnic on iliiiis Mrs aidie bus was liaiici ed for illl iii ol total of 111 papers wrii isioii All report voiideiiiii itll Wili Sliittfilli as ausrnauas 20 scrcsn on CRUSHED oz Tm BROOKFIELD CHEESE PKG VIIVET noun ittt GREEN 24c 35c 23c 13c 21 BAG TOMATO diiltn PARIS DATE FOR SANDWICHES gt CREAM 0F 301 TOMATO HEINZ VINEGA TIN MALT CIDER COTTAGE BRAND 2402 who OBLAWS BREA to 01 um WHITEWHOLE WHEATCRACKED WHEAT citAss runs for ms he 20c Luis JannesonEng 3od His Gcom Chem Fren Madeiinc JohnstonMod Hist Gcom Chem Marilyn JonesEng Mod Hist Fren 722 10 erson ng Mod Hist Gcom Chem2 Bi11McClLingEng Mod Hist BABY EGODHREJBOTW STRAINED libbys Evaporated Milli find HOMQCENIZED Bus45 is Homdgemzed too Chem Edward MaileggMnd Hist Geom Chem Andrey MairEng Mod Hist ZVGcOmilgChemJZLapllml Phyllis MarrMod Hist Gear Chem Williarn ONeillMod Hist Geom Chem Donald ThompsonEng Geom Lat Marlene TurnerMod Hist Geom Chem Ray TurnerEng Geom mitibudg jhairSpogklmtsgsrs most THE MEAT or MANY usrs etwise when you economical meat dish iVilndi itlr iric lilililied Iu iioiiii ii Wiizim All McLeans eot liii 29 PAGE FIVE Mew wavmm gnomeoai Mix ASPICE CAKE iii PBEllj lo LLilrt lily II to on 1311 im ii and II iiii igt14l iili Ill lsil liiiicli iiilth on San li oil and Ii ltllil ll 11110 MI lid law loll iz will tulipli lu litll Ili itlli Ma Will Melai iiiliii cl iii iiii 11111 playing games swimming eteia few days Midlanl and itunul 21 Hallie QUALITY PRODUCT OF THE LOBLAW BAKERY MADERA CAKE LOBLAWS NEST ORANGE PEKOE are EL TEA RED LABEL PKG ms PKGHEU 0P 71 iLOBLAWSJACK JlLL PEANUI BUTT ROSE BRAND PICKLES swear 16 MIXED oz TL PURITY FLOUR FOR ALL voun 713 CONCENTRATED JAVEL JAVEX 355 lit 552s 10x01PlG 0th I3c Sttzs 29c ifdf 25c E96 39c 39c 57c 1601 JAR MOTHER FARMERS TE BUCES BIRD SEED CRUNCHIE utiliin PICK MINUTE TAPIQCA 1533 GOLDEN AR CHEESE lIBBYS BEANS IN$MilSVsIEcE CGWANS COCOA 12331 Rgriilgziik 4IMENTO SALADA IEA ORANGE PEKOE PLAIN or PIMENTO 20 FL 01 TIN lLB TIN BABBITTS QUEEN PKG LAIGE BTL zinc Ml RINGS 29c RUBBER JAR RINGS are JILLY JARS MASON rRuIr JARS 5m 89 MAson rRuir JARSme cox103 ASSORTEDTPICESLIEiM 9c spiRrr VINEGAR men L3 AAML st $ARDENFRE5IL FRUITS veneraatei ONTARIO VEGETABLES ARRIVINGIIN PLENTIFUL SUPPLY PRIcEs ARE REASONABLEQUALITY Is Goon 599 Now new Low Pmcr IOMAIGES tats this Sat lSERVE THEM OFTEN anEKu lllTIlCEiitlfiftaglziokI5o GREEN PASCALVleVORIIQC GREEN PEPPERS tWETv 311155 BIIIK cAllllOlS jitlitttimisxloct FlkLtAARSEEADS EVA1 No 71 GRADE IoLss25q COOKING ONIONS 359 RIIIABKGAS iitigiilriliiii Lug5c Duiisismt159 CALIFORNIA suuxrsr VALENCIA 11 uucn oRiLnaEs san Inn 233 noun on or above armorstiter scone SIZE new shusdws cape realism GRARErRuIr 41F0R32= MrssquEM on trespass berm 53 ivoava VPICKHNESlIcrtlft Wilts snow BASPBERRYJAMSEEMM333 ll DDcT CLEANSER 8102 BOTTLE 501 PKGS GovEnnoR SAUCE cunts rEMnrchE DISH 21c 25 Freslily4Cround In Jiffy LOBLAWSv PRIEEQFAZBKBIEE MAPLE LEAF CAKES TOILET SOAP IOILET soar BAMAY 9c FLY SPRAY FLY SPRAY suriuox CLIBERJYRED MARASCHINO CHERRIES 01685irLE HEINZ ML iKiETfHUPPfanllc ELENwooo ARTIFICIAL VANILLA 80iJUG 10c LOBLAW Anomalies co SMOKED MEATISQFQMILIITY LpsnwhrtrnilriI IrANcv srririsoR irresiswds PORTERIIOII my 5057 gvp CIIoica WING SIEAKS IIIRIIASTS 142ch DOGFOOD cuoIcE IlaII SIRLOIIRerAKsInsists1315 Rounb STEAK IFiiisis Lngbge GENUINE SlliilNC MEAIY LEGSTIWHQLEM AlF 13611E BACK or SHOULDERROASTS 4817 PICNICgsrrLE IIUNCIIMERI Ditlaus AIIIIICIIEGIIIIOLI SHCIDI rumineon1w Flavors NOCOiAIf 4CRI594SUPRREMlrWVijWr