Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Aug 1948, p. 4

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PAGE your Earl Mountbatten Will Open CNE on Aug 27 154 rf When the qiiitiiiii land 1i ilaaiax Maui and lit iridle tt 11 that it 12 iitiiii Eh Ilti ii lulliili tl11i llo Ililii ricixiiiiii 1iiilui ii June LCBIllllIllI1f ASW FREE ul of standard the recipe turd teetering 70 delicious wruyylgi me libbys Muslmd in your coking Just send your name and oddieulo lihbyi Chulham Onlario DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK it you doniggree that tubbys Prepared Mustard ii the best you have ever tailed IiiililliiiiS or errw inrInbcrs was liiurt woman standing on the run way Iiad lplaiie to make lihe iiieiall LNH PREPARED MUSIARP 079 75970 Iiouii smear HERES WHAT TO DO Send the coupon below with 600 in coins and the trade mark label the Modern Miller or the Shield from bag of Blossom of Canada or Camp beilg iourto the LAKESIDE MILLING co LTD ronouro SO MUCH EASIER TQUSE Sifts directly into mixture without muss works with one hand leaving other hand free for stirring etc ideal for gravymaking and recipes calling for cups of sifted flour quickersiftingwith 8blade agitatorandspringsteeihandie completely Englishmade rust proof throughout LEGIS cnaa Womans Viewpoint on Ibis and That ltlillolii II$ lilli ate some of the things iiu thins liiitliciiiii coats iiak Iltigtltlt ildy liii liii lliilllif wiiili laiiuiiiu liltJb ieer 991 ti ii Iii than tnil era 11 iiilti Eliii ii iiua ills 1I17i came ti iii iiitawa 1xi inn v1 and 5i if you like to do View or riizi iu lull icl that cyeiettis lililll iiii ili 11 April it lepu lll lazl Loud Itiilli it Iii puri orii loi llI iii in iigitiiiiiie be able itiil in Shin yoa ili lnii lugs to button of itriitii liar ecu lotilui tli Illi llI Ii puti lItUiilv Ii ii1=rll Iii ltd tttaIMk rlul tl liitlllslliil io icuui iiieii Alli the ll ii xiii Hi It uI lilltgiililllli sliili hmleiiui jieie oi lilli liilllli Iioilitl llli loin coats iiito slant iiicy Iiidl ltliiiilll lioiiidr pIdIiiii Rita Meyers of Kitchener it eiveii eiIlit tor of ii iltlllitl aiieraii lili Iliiiis iilli burst into at an airport Sydney NS iilllil ytaiied on one side of Illi plane and Miss led the passengers to an iiliillllt cii on the other side The lll$illli leaped in feel to the gzioiiiid lliile iioiii ot tiie illli ilii inc HI Xiixlil Si fainted She to board the trip to Scotland valued at $100011 was totally destroyedr Kate itken director of womens activities for the aiiadian Nation al Exhibition is planning to enter tain represeiilatives of romiiiuni llie throuiihoui Ontario to lunch eon on Wednesday September lhewvonicn ot Barrie who have ieeeived invitations are Mrs Montagui Leeds ORE Mrs Laurie Miss iJiliei rosslaiitL Mrs Marjorie llaiiiiltoii Mrs Frank luiiloyle and Mrs Grant Mayor and lllillll collapsed been British Fashion N0lTll next exhibition to be staged by the iii ternational WoolSecretariat at its showrooms in Regent Street Lon don England will he Childrens Clothesin Wool The collection will be shown on niarioriettes and the displays will take pkice twice daily from Monday September 13 to Friday September 17 An attractive redhaired Eng lishwoman Mrs liiorrowTait is at present attempting record flight around the World Sheuis flying singleengine lirislca SuperAce According to her own statement Mrs Luaan toL round the world in singleengine pianel5eeaiise it it about the only thing that hasnt been done yet According to present plans she will reach Winnipeg from the Far East onAuizust and her aircraft will be on display for thatday After that she will to Montreal where her plane will be on display three days She willthen return to Britain via Reykjavik The South Simcoe District Wom ens Institute are sponsoring con ferencc Health before and after forty under the leadership of Miss Gracevllamilton to be held at jBradford August 31 Strand Sept Thornton Sept Beeton Sept to which all ladies are invited vlll Iloucis toi BELLE swam August ill Iili her aunt alt wetk 11 ltlkil Cook spent Ltd oionto str oi letnwawa 11gtiixi in Lamb 1igtl two week with Miss visiting iiinl at irt Ii iiiltllllu passed away sud limillillg from ltaii ilil TM and iiiry May weeks 31 hitii iiiIiie one lii Jack and iam ly Hamilton and Mr and Mrs 15 lioiiiizliy and Allan oi Toronto spent the weekend at lroiii Ulr gt Mn Mrs li ombley Leo iitiiiiiic and handy Mifanil Mrs iliiztiiis llit rpilil ilraeii rind Anniversary Baptist liurch large congregation was press cni Sunday evciiiiii to join in the iiitywreond iiiiiivcisary services of the ilclie ljwari Baptist Church and the dedication oi the new addi ililll which has been lrteiltlfwtll pitmi Roy Smith minister or the Silhllilo First Baptist huieh war the speaker and de livered an inspiring address The chuich beautifully decorated the occasion lluiiiic Illl service new pulpit tliiiie lliinllltti to the church by John loiriIis iii llltllllll of his iioliLi Iiii seiviee of dedication oi the lit additional rooms was led by the pastor and Mr Smith litltiuliti the new rooms in prayer to the service of iod lie pointed out that ill addiiii to the church Jill aiid at and Mrs Shirley Wasaga and Ti =iiibley lllt last Week 13 property the piopie of the church had contributed valuable service Iioi only to the church but to the roiiiiiiuiiity as whole Mr Smith spoke on the topic llecisions and observed that to day more than ever belore we are living in vorldiil decisions De cisions that are unavoidable 10d has iuven to mankind treewill and as result the responsibility lies on the shoulders of men The evil and sin present in the world today are result of the wrong dc tisloiis oi men The only hope for the world today is that men lsiiould decide as individuals and the Christian hurch as whole for Christ At the conclusion of the seiviee the congregation was invited to visit the new rooms at the rear of the church The ser vice proved to be one of memor able pleasure During the service Mrs Baxter and Mr Hender soil sang the duel Ivory Palaces LLHL August 16 Mrs arter is spending to days in Toronto The iiiost of the tobaccofarins have started priming Mr and MrsxVW Miimberson and family are spending few days with friends in Toronto Jimmy Rawn is spending few lays with Mr and Mrs Coch rane at Baxter Everett Mumberson and Rawn spent the weekend friends at Mount Forest Gloria Cochrane Baxter spent few days last week with her grandparents Mr and Mrs Steve iiawn Mr and Mrs George Rawn of Guelph visited with Mr and Mrs Fred Mumberson over the week end Mrs Joe with Fred Mtimberson and Mrs Mum bcrson returned with her for weeks holiday Dr and Mrs Jim Mather and family Burlington visited the formers mother over the weekend his daughter Anne staying with her grandmother Mr and Mrs Knowles mot orcd to Sundcrland on Sunday to visit the latters parents Rev and Mrs Halbert Alice Knowles returned home with them after spending week with her grand parents Miss Matthews took motor trip to Northern Ontariotlast week Bernice and Doreen McGill and Betty Matthews of Toronto are spending few days twiththe form ers grandparents Mr and Mrs itawn LAKESIDE MILLING CO LTD Dept B3 Toronto Can Please send inc neharid Flour Sifter enclose 60c in coins and one trademark label from either Blossom of Canada Flour or Campbeils Flouror receipt from my grocer showing purchase of same ADDRESS utnrnTo1 inf irnovmtrp Send in the uniaorunarcI IIIIVIIDVI UOIVI Or send the iy EDGAR August 16 Miss Wright of Allisto visited her aunt Mrs GBidweli recent Mr and Mr and Mrs Strachanand Gary spent Sunday inTorontoL Donna returned with them after few dayswwith iicr aunt Mrs CouttsMidland Visited Mrs Shelswell Miss Patsy and Bobby Hackett visited their aunt Mrsz Handy Dalston last week RLlSSeil re turned with them for few days The WA will meet at the home and Mrs Partridge Mr and Mrs SteveBawnspe couple of days lastWeek with their daughter and family Mr andMrs Norris Cochrane Bax ter mm CHURCHILL Augustin Lorne Matchett motored to Bon nechereon Thursday Mrand Mrs Cyril Spence and Son spent Sunday at Bass Lake no bi liriuto IMH leegiast tiiite nunL Mrzvizp ol Kitchener at iteiive airline sleiiiides who as czcditid llll pthlliilli lll1tl iii Syiliity NS lul gtlli calmly led ii pLirstiiniis hour flaiiziiiplrziiisaiiada Air North Star to safety liye inw numbers also escaped when lc ioiiitIiiiiie piaiie struck 2d mt mound of taitli iiid lllll iii to tiaiiies It was en route from 1oiilieil to lrestwiek Stjotlaiid ORNTON til Auiziist iii liev lloivggett and Mrs Hop ecit returned home on Satuiiiay alter spending month at illilt Hilllllt at oehill Ali and Mrs Speeis and AIM Louise spent Sunday with Dr lioy lllaekstock and Mrs illaek itltli at Willow Reach Mr and Mrs iired avell lo spent several days last Week with the loriiiers sister Mrs ll West Mrs turrie and daughter of iIliii vale visited her sister last week Mr and Mrs McKenzie spent the weekend with their daughter in thllord Threshing wheat and clover are llll order of the lay Mrs lieath and iss Whiting have been spendiiii ii week in ril lia Billy Getlions Ilew to Sudbiiiy last Tuesday to visit with his un cle Mr Morrison Mr and Mrs Dan Gethons and aiida are holidaying at their eot tie The citizens of our village were shocked last Tuesday morning when they learned that Mrs Aiid rew orbett had passed away in iltl sleep Stolen ar Recovered While on business trip in the Owen Sound area two weeks ago lieiiry had his car stolen liie car was locked at the time but the thief gained entrance through window Ventilator Mr Henrys coat and several other things that were in the car at the time were found short distance away but no traceof the car was found until last Friday when he received word that it had ership several times 21 Iiayiiii illit CENTRAL one and iai tainta iii Tii Tile iilbbin tioii Mich holidays 21 Dilgt litiilii Kirkland 1I holiday Ill ll p2 Mis litti flirtau Mr and Mi lil laniil lozoido lli liil 1i and Kiss iiuivr liiie and riliiti ZtIIiILktx in the eoiw niiinyy illti printing then of 31 iiis out Ligtdill mo tored to Blamaaicr Sunday hllnrrs Bttli and Siiiiity liliiliiltl lltilli after liuiidro prrii with tlicii piandpaitids Mi and Mis The Iyiiiiiiitiiy of the coiiiuainiij is tstiiilrxi ti illi iaiziilits and lrltillt oi the ic lli loiiiuil lrl ho iow lilli and iiiiii1ililiieliiy IIoilipa piile suddenly lasi week will be ticatlj in red iii specitic coiiiiiiiitiii Memorial The amino Illl Iiiiiilaiili held Siiiiiia Hue Liar ilil ilueied lxy di thiml ltliltiltl iii tllli il tilil color pail oi the tliillizi liiiiiiili of tie tiidiui iliili iii vhaiiie of ll iiillil ill iii leiiiiaiiee The president iiiii liciiiii read the list of lllilllif and lilVtilil ill cha of timlsiiil bv Mr lunch with ttllliii Last loi and Mciiiii was niiisie lili HOLLY August 11 Jean Semple of Toronto holi li the home of Mr and Mrs haunt this week Weddini licll were tiiiitliiiiz iii the Holly area last Saturday llljlll when ilelcii Patterson and Iiiiiiiiie lymlall were married We all wash them both the iite of liappil iiess and iood wiring in illiil new lili llveiyoiie will be pleased to know that both Mrs Stan lxiiii and Airs lot tochrane have ic tuiiied to their respective homes from the RV Hospital We wiin them both very speedy recmcry and especially lorMrs lxini tube free of her east which certainly must be very unpleasant this hot vcaiiier lini lapp who has been home on ti 11day furloiiith from the ilCAF at Fort Nelson ll is leavini for duty Monday iiiizhi or Tuesday iiioriiiiiu He has to be in Fort Nelson August 215 ilruee will not be home for two months linen he Is expeciiiii to take elerks administration course at Sunlight is the source of all colors as well l1ll1gti0n FliNIMMllNlAI SOURCE liiilii lliiiy IIciclt oIiiiiliii llll ii llit THURSDAY AUGUST 19 1948 Delicious Cool Drink Directions Make tea exactly as ulecil un 40 While still hot pour into glasses lled with cracked Add sugar and lemon to taste SALAiiii IrEuL lliil llobsoii is spending week with his Mr liilli llilliil lhcre Ill be no Sunday School or worship service two Sundays Aug iiiiilei United thiirch Good Plulc and Sunday 56 mottziiikarma You an also obtain from your WOOL and ulna wool knitted BLANKETS CAR RORFS SKI CLOTH frLA AA Mr and VliS tarot leiasIEr and family and Mi and Mis Fred llarris visited with iiiends at Whitcvale Sunday Mr and Mrs larence Holt and family ookstowii gt110 Sunday sisters in Toronto Mrs Everard llii friends Mr and Mrs Stanley Dick To ronto spent the averkend With the latters patents llairis at Correspondents are requested to have their news in by Tuesday noon it possible for the next and 211 in ANKE made from uour own W691 itVf Every home can use extra blankets suit lleecy blankets in glowing jewel colors iiiiippcd edges or satin bound find these blankets are MADE FOR YOU from your own WOOL or from your salvage iiuol knittal goods This service in great demand in the west is now available to eastern SUITING CLOTH Canada through the opening of our depot In Brampton leCFRlNG YARN Ontario Let us send you full particulars LIP AD MAN70 and me your new catalogue giving full informltIIn concerning product mule by Sulutduwm Wool Produtls NAME ADDRESS lit it II Owned and Operated by the People of Saskatchewan 011533660 crs DEPOT BRAMPTON ONTARIO GIVE Stevens Mount Forest spnt few days ivith Mr and Mrs Mary Elizabeth Reggie Ottawa is spending week with Mrs Harry Banting M11 and Mrs Pratt To Mrs Harry Banting Mr and Mrs Jack Banting and been found in garage in Toronto in the meantime it had changed owii lronto spentSiinday with Mr and family spent SillldayWilll Mr and Mrs Herman Jennett Mr and Mrs Elvin Smyth To ronto spent the weekend at Mr and Mrs Davis Mr and Mrs Speers and Robert Keown attended the Black Knights celebration in Owen Sound on Saturday Aug 14 Visitors at Mr and Mrs James McDermotts on Sunday Mr and Mrs lupling and Mac Miss Tupling of Honeywood Mr and Mrs Dempstei of Highland Creek Mr and Mrs McKiney Mrs McMastcr of Philadelphia ndMISSDQlllSlILWln and friend of Nobletown BEAVER is BORN BRITISH London England August 15 Canadian beavers at the Dudley Zoo are proud of new baby and according to vital statistics it is the rst beaver born in England since 1916 Theparents were sent sagifflast0ctober from Jasper National Park in the Canadian Rockies Mr and Mrs Fred Castle Tor onto Moir Robt Farrier Jr lloronto spent are visiting with Mrs Mudern Milv ler trademark from Blossom of Canada Flourran 311 purpose our or bread buns rolls Shielddrude ma friam la Flouran ex oeilent ourforw as ry gm oFMrs Strachan Wnesday evening Aug25 Mr and Mrs Johns of Wind sorMr McKerrol and MissBrow of TaiontoMr and Mrs Homer of Brehtwood and Mr and Mrs Duncan of Thoinhill were recen Visito so use Jumpers $395 ast wekavithaelatives ontherthr Line Mrs Berkinshaw of Tor ontoiswvisitingrelatives in the Village Kenny Beeton gtMir Mrs Roger Stureon his cousin Margaret Sturgeon for the last week Mr and Mrs Constable and familyjToronto are spbnding $aas unitses $195 tew days With friendehere Misses Mary and Lillian Slow and Miss Ella Altridge of Hamil ton are holidaying at Chinook LodgeHaliburton gt hile3 the Hattis in process of re ecorating the has been visiting library books VAre you going thru the functional mtddle age period peculiar to womeh 3852 yrs Does this makeryou suffer from hot ashes Compound has WbatDpctors caua stomachiftdutceectlr LIIIiIAErIIIIIIiAIIIr may be obtained at the brim of the librarian The Horticultural executive met at Mrs ESloarvs on Monday even ing and made nal arrangements for the ower show tube held in Innisl Park on Wednesday 18th Miss Ann Constable is home after holidaying in Kitchener St Peters and St Pauls had combined Sunday School picnic on Wednesday at InnislPark The weather was ideal Swtmming was the afternoon program About 60 sat down to supper after which races were enjoyed by children of all ages ball game completed the evenings fun DOUBLE BBEATHERS imlunu um NW The articles ab ceuedDipuot ieel nervous highstrung tired Thou potty Lydia Pinkhtuns Vegetable Coma poundtorelievesucbsymptomslPinkhania IIEcErAiiLE gamma THEY sans iiil Mr and Airs Charlie Mercer or Wiigw wwri Yes that downiiiqu bean aivdi teary Eatisties Auriga Other 7beans are sodownright irresistible sucCuleatandsatisfying alsWLibbys DeepBrownd BeanerOu see Libbys prepare theme special patentedjjyay which copksevery beanrighl through Itovthe centrejust exactiyj rigbtatllfhen theyre drenched inLibbysown savourynomatoysauce brimfui of satisfying appetizing avour No wonder men prefer Libbys DEepBrowned BeadsAnd no wonder womenikefto starve them Just heatlthem through and theyrereadyiServe Libbyls often because theyre thrifty too Double Yur Monty luck It iv dont spoof MullhypngupI Imminent our Nip non dlllclpul Mum Yum Em

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