Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Aug 1948, p. 20

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Similar 51 tiezil 11121 the if cctvcd tlizi litiii Rtfllii charge of ol 111 112111111131 tut 11111 convey 11tilii Sound other 11111111 111111 Sliili 111111111111 iinliiiiili ti 411111111111 stiikini mrr from if but of 15141 LtiVltiI 11111 g1 11v llials 1l1 1111 and 11111 ilii11 11 t111 siiip loi 11 had no 11111111 slum12 1111 17111111111111 11 it why in t1ttl liVllo1iiIii iini 311111 llh Iy aiconipaiiiiil bin to Midland The men all 11111111 111111 111 1111111011 CSU Men are Sentenced gistrate Foster live rllfkil 121 911 Canadian $tJlI sentence 211114 EPHed i1tl111 irate fluid hearing 1111 By Ma illite if th biennial 111 gt71 rtllllo arti lf g11 till 13 llmzi 1s Iiiiiiiii tlit Elibi litvlwfi 15 Hl iitiiiiii1ioi opinion ll 611111111111i 51 It 15 us 11V 11 Iiill 11 siiuctnii 11 As tLlJll 111 Jun 11 1131 Til iiilt 5111111111 ili V1111 lull union SUPERFINE POWDER FOR LASTING SHINE 01111111 Willi i11b59 kroch 2151 9130 burnt 1111 Btl BEEKIST No WHITE 11011111 29 ASHCROFT TOMATO CATSllP 1122291 ASSORTED VllEIliZ sons 12 25 FANCY T010 JIIIIIE 20$ 10 IONA STANDARD GREEN PEAS 213 11 CORONATION PLAIN nurru ouvrs 1151 ONTARIO N0 SWEET PASCAL than narrow ONTARIO GROWN NEW CROP No ONTARIO NEw CROP No1 lbs 41511 POTATUES ABRWIS 011111113 oNTARio No FRESH GREEN ONTARIOVNoi 1Bradford Iceberg for ONTARIO No Large Bunches for 95 ONTARIO No La Sweet ea GHESS 79 oe Baskr Quart 1Box Vi ONTARIO 7Nq7113u ONTARIO FANCY mm FTTTTR ooxsrowu WERE AT BARBIE VVc 11 gti1t nitinc 1111 11111111111111111 Iaiie Mapes passed away in the jlioyal Victoria llospital Barrie on 11 37 lli uniti 11 McDonald lileanor lIoi 21211 11 Mapes was the daughter 111 the late Mr and Mrs John i1iiiis 111 fy iiilil recently she IIII ifli Kl ll lHilriVl llflIl IltllNIlS IIIISI spoil Limliotind 15ij 11111 at least 1001 ytniis older lfiaii liorre 1211 liltlllLf ii11 Sitar gt 121 CHOICE NEW PACK UNGRAVDED warm rang Iat dummifzmd FAN CY CARNATION E03110 Milli AUSTRALIAN NEW CROP 0011131013 YUKON CLUB Cetents Only 201 39 431 V2 115206 WAWW 00113500 filial 250 5131113th 11m 1115 1151c 11491 CUSTOM GROUND 0111111 METRE BLACK DIAMOND 0111 REESE OLD FASHIONED will 11 towns if R1013 Am VEEEMEMS THERES ONE PRICE NONE HIGHER OLYMPIC VIC 12 oz tin 39c 11 KAM tin 35c 10 25 ROBIN HOOD QT EASY MIX 77 illor TeodBiscuitSor Pancakes pkg 39c ANN PAGE elitism 2410 at 311 he le rindleisslb 1173113iecelb69c Abs7 1114 9c 11 59 bonelesslb 75 1st5 RIBS WELL TRIMMED 11 118 9t sruitks 1b52pigg lb 49 11 11gt lc CSMVOKED 311ch BREAKERS PEAMEALED SMOREDVSHANKLESS HALF HORST sLICno FRESH PLANES OVERDUE FROM TRENTON 1ii tiree Harvard lest from Tren 111 over Barrie if 111 11 They 11 1111 home airport 11 11 111 1111 of the 5101 11 lll1piii 0111111 lt V111 mi iicv night landing Lawlnics 111re tiol tilliltti but they 1il1hli and if he planes 111 tlull itilllll fuel to return cmilti have landed 11 the liar 11111 911511111 MRS JANE IIIAIIis 1fcr two weeks illness Mrs icstletl VNltil her daughter Mrs Peter aliey of Toronto after winch she moved to the famin Iliillt at lvy She lived in Barrie number of years The funeral service was held 1111111 Thornton and interment iii liy Anglican Cemetery lallbear 111s were bred Arnold and Andrew forbotl of Tliointon Geo Davis 1111 Arnold listen Davis and Harry Hunting 111 Ivy daughter Mrs lctei Valicy of To iouto four brothers William El niei Thomas and Ernest Gaines all of Ivy three sisters Ethel 1111113 11 ivy Mrs Btiscombc of Barrie and Mrs lctmett of Angus also one grandchild MISS JESSIE QUANIZ Following lengthy illness Miss Jessie Bruce Quantz passed away on Tuesday August 10 at the Royal Victoria llospital Barrie where she had been patient for some time daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Edward Quantz she was born in limisfil and her entire life was spent in that township and in Al landalc faithful member of lgssa Road Presbyterian Church site had been active in the work of the Evening Auxiliary and in other departments Miss Quantz was also it member of the Barrie Horticultural Society was lover of flowers and took much pleasure from the beautiful garden at her home 79 Burton Avenue Jther surviving members of the family are Voneisisfer Mrs Alpin Wicc Allandale four nephews flurry and Laurie Harkcr Lorne and Bruce Wice Another sister Mrs May llarker predeceased her year ago The funeral was held on Thurs day August 12 from the Lloyd and Stcekley Funeral Home where the service was taken by Rev Dr Sinclair of Essa Road Presby terian Church who paid tribute to her life of loving service Many beautiful flowers expressed the re gret of relatives and many friends Some present from distance were Miss Mina Ross Pcterboro Mrs Copeland and Miss Kennedy Toronto Mrs Hilton Leith Orillia Mrs Jack Dunlop Coldwater Mr and Mrs Harry HarkerMCapreol Mrs Michell Richmond H111 Interment was 111 St Pauls Cem etery Innlsiil not far from her former home Pallbearers were Fleetham Galbraith Mar shall Sr Warnica Cook and Dalton Lennox WheatrGrowers for flour feed orseed Sow Sealed Seed ltpays because itis Low inloOse smut count Pure no mixtures Highcggxminationwand stronger plants all light grain being cleaned out Clean Government sealed which assures you or getting What you pay for For your 1948 supplyQ Phone or Write GEORGIAN 311v SEEDPRODUCERS ASSOCIATION it Dunlop St Phone 519114 Barrie REPRIGBRATORS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY KELVINATOR ReachIn door 17 cu it $22500 KELVINATOR xneachrn doorlo cu $35000 KELVINATOR Deep Freeze new 10 cu ft $37500 WESTINGHOUSE It DeLuxe new $36900 Also Washers Electric Rang es and Appliances Wagner motors all sizes instock Farin Wiring Estimates Free LATIMERS REFRIGERATION 81 ELECTRIC Pnounzozw ALLISION r111 artisan 13111111111 ONTARIO CANADA 1111111011 1113111111 iii lcuctang ll Enid Daley Lorraine Madigan 49 e1 nearing and E2 and 13 T1 yaids back 11 Li mm 22 tuii 13 75 yards backl fllilusi Ann Harris hound cl1l Shear lirk tlcntincns Gordon Anderson fiioinpson 11 11315 Park Brock and Innisfil haunting racewundcr Cal Given 111 1111511 St Ronnie Gibson Land Partitiin Ross 11 LiiiS under tirerunning Mary Tiltilliolland Harold Poe 21 21am 1117111 51111115 in the 1111 aui it was 1c itinazitcd 111 the 111 Bill Monger zte unmil began circling ltlflil pin and they of Bone heard nahed the were are no facilities 11I li 111110 liallit Air 111 31 311311111 enlisted the 12 if Lists l1x1cibs from 11V Iiiiiidlaxi and Vai 1111 1i together with seven pri izzziiis iiiovc 1111 the airport 1111 31121 liiuiiy liatt liilly at Ellflsll T10 yards breast or Mary Teddy lei man 215 Perry Jim Rose iiiilerland lliils Liftll fill yards breast or Margaltl Sampson 1111 11 11111 Patterson 1111111 Madigan 49 Sanford and Penctang llcndcl lc ry lloii Mini Iloaii 11iils were arranged to 111 i1 the runway 11111 1l 111lice aided 111 the pro uni 11 new through their radio tlzic it learned the air 111 11 were overdue from Trenton Uniform McVeigh tuoi Marshall 40 North Flutter kicker Jim 10 Centre Phillip Morris Mary itluld McBride Penc 15 Cumberland race rl Ray Wal lcrddyrllrlills Jim Rose Shirley Il1iietli 111w 91011 1111 Jim Rose running 11111119111911 1111 livinpcufcldt uiilwrlaiidz Al lion Noble llios Iil Sau lwys 6le iindegwatcr 5lill1 ill umberland Clapperton Toronto to Forbes ancilla McDowell Ili1iill Saso 203 Bayfield inls flltllllvrflufter kickvil Don trsoii 03 Bufferin Joan 311111 11 l1t 1111 111 Florence Margaret Anne 111d Durant Mich Girls 078 underlwatcr swimil lime Johnson 11 Elizabeth Gwen llobson Iligh St Milll running lloijton raccsl Florence Sheila Hersey 1le Berczy Joan Miller 11 McDonald Iatsy Pratt 17 Granville lloys 11115 lilcanor 01011 7100 crawll 11oiu1 Donn 411 Perry Don Bend er Mary Ted Carter 21 Perry Teddy Mills 110 Kcmpenfeldt 010lln7100 lli1l1etli McVeigh 13 lenctang luiiior Piiiiol2SO free style Doug Duane 111 Mary Ken Pratt 65 Mary Jerry Turnbiill 80 Sanford llob Marshall North Senior Patrol4300 yd free stylc Laurie Spencer 46 Ellen Jerry liunbulf 80 Sanford Boys 078rsitting on botiom Alex Staiijvyck 22 Mary Reg Cumberland Brian Wiles 50 William Sam Cziiicilla Ill lapperton Girls 67llsitting on bottom1 Gwen lzlobson lligh St Linda Robinson 411 St Vincent Carol Aime McLean 21 Worslcy Boys 1213200 yd crawlwl Btid 26 Parkside Gordon Anderson 56 William Ross Mor row 34 Sophia Bob Thompson 59 Cumberland GUTHRI August 16 am glad toreport that Ewen Caldwell who has been quite ill is much improved Holiday visitors are Mr Mrs Weir of Toronto and Wil low Beach at Walker Caldwells Miss Lawson of Toronto at Caldwells Mr and Mrs W11 bert Stoddart and family of Tor onto at Mrs Stoddarts Mr and Mrs Lloyd Campbell Mrs Ma son and Miss Mary Mason all of Toronto and Mr and Mrs Fred Campbell and children of Chatham at Alex Campbells Death of Dr Fred Ross community was shocked to hear of thd passing on August 11 of Dr Fred Ross of Barrie dueto heart attack He had endeared himself to his Guthrie patients not only through his extraordinary medical skill but also by kindly interest in each individual His memory will ever be remem bered and revered because of his unstinted and generous giving of himself and his talents although he himself suffered greatly He was the last of thefour Ross doc tors all brothers EDENVALE Leif to mourn her loss are 0ch 115 411111 Forbes ockbti r11 and This deeply many his profound August15 Mrs Wearc sorry toirepor Gilchrist on the sick list er and Mrs Harry Gitfenand family spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Lyman Waller at their cot tage at Jacksons Point Mr andMrs Gregg Davr Terry Churchill Mrs Porritt Harold and Fred of Gilford visited Mrs Rupert on Sunday Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Russell Sage on the birth of baby boy on Aug 14 inthe Gen arine Hospital Collmg and eral and W00d1 mWeqextend sympathy to thevfam hit of the late Mrs NRobbins who pased away recently at Everett Mrs Robbins spenther childhood ere and was highl dby all who knew bet ENGLISH SEED TESTS tzCoating cerealseeds with ferti lizer before planting is new trick being tried byrBri experts tests Carri clays tish sbilffertility ed out at the East Malling research station yield in creases of 110pounds per acrewith 2wheat and 250 pounds with oats iiiere obtained by coating the seed With di and tripotassium phos phate compounds Which contain both the essential elements ofpot ash and phosphate The seed was soaked in five per Cent solution of these chemicals then dried at approxima before planting Wheat seed wasgdamagd by sol utions stronger than ve per cent but barley andoat seed tolerated per cent ltgt EXPENSIVE THEN Minnie 16th and 1711 centuris Icceecost nearly $30 pound tely 72 degrees up to W953 GREEN RONT STORES HARDWARE CHINA GIFTS TOYS VERDRAY LAMPS Repel insects 50 Watt 45c 100 Watt 55c Use on Verandahs Porches and all out side Lights Insects dont like cm MILLERS ALL WIDTH SLICERS Sl65 Instantly Adjusted Cuts Bread Evenly KEEP COOL KEEP COMFORTABLE Dtir Electric Fans will do both $095 $745 $975 $1095 $1350 FISHING TACKLE and AMMUNITION COOPERS DRIKILL lbs for $100 For Stock and Poultry Very Effective NEW ZIP GRIP CLOTHES LINES $169 includes pulleys Tiirnbiickie Joiner 50 ft double Clothes Line and Zipper was $495 Real Bargain WV Alums iLkwriLriiizprEs cons BROOMS 1191 $125 $140 $160 to 52011 VOIL CLOTH CHAIR CUSHIONS mm 390 MILK STR VICEROY AUTO OIL soc KIDDY KARS RUBBER TIRED $595 Front Wheels are Ball Bearing ELECTRIC WASHERS CONNOR VTHERMO $18850 $19950 $12500 $13500 MAXWELL LOCOMOTIVE WASHER Only V59 Used about months real buy Equipped with Heater SEVEN PIECE WATER SETS $198 $295 $375 $450 $695 Some plain Others Decorate 1111mm CHOPPERS are COLEMAN GAS STOVES $ll95 $1495 NULAC SHELLAC Substitute PAINTS ENAMELS VARNISHES JAPALAC PAINTS ENAMELS VAR NISHES SPEEDWALL PAINTINMANY SHADES FLAT GLOSS SEMIGLOSS PAINTS RUBBER BELTING tip to wide carton STOVESVAND OVENS Advcfsity is sometinieshard upon man but for one man who can stand Prosperity tlicrc are hundred that will stand adversny BABY WALKERS of wood $159 BREAKFAST SETS 18 pcs at $1135 Rainbow Colours iii Glass VEE RUBBER BELTS PULLEYS WASTE PAPER anxsrs WHERE YOU BUY MORE FOR LESS 350 79c $125 $139 $149 Plain aiichcorated in many sizes BUOYOBOY CUSHIONS $175 $250 $280 $350 BUOYOBOY SAFETY FLOATS 13111011 CHOPPERS 7161 59c HANGING FLOWER POTS IN BLUE RED YELLOW WHITE 750 CbitiviiLCwEit CRYSTAL WARE Sherbets and Goblets Each $100 CocktailsLiquors and Juices E11 900 MAYFLOW ER CRYSTAL Goblets Tall and Low Sherbcts lin 75o Sherrics Cocktails and Juices 60c 700 LAUREL and MELODY CRYSTAL Goblets Sherbcts and Wines Ea 750 Cocktails and Fruit Juices 750 All crystal lSSllbjeCt to tax HARRY ARMSTRONG 98 104 DUNLOP sr Milk Recording Not New Practised Years Ago Milk recording isnot new sys tctn It was practised by the an cients thousands of years before the Christian era in more recent times before AD 900 milk recording was in common usage in the principality of Wales In the summer time the Welsh farmers migrated to the hills and turned their cows into untouched pasture Every day the yield of each cow was recorded and poured into common churn each farmer later receiving his equitable share ofrbutteriand cheese according to the yield of his cow onthat day The record was made by what was known as the Venedotian measure and not by weight The measure wasin accordance with the code of Vendotia the chief of the early States of Wales and was vessel of three thumbs width across the middle nine thumbs across the top and nine thumbs diagonally thumb was about an inch so that the Venc Cleaned like new is ReWrapped inCeL 6c per square foot Harmless ion Xdprse thissponge applicator 81111000 Phone Barrie 4761 Small Medium Sizes $150 $190 PYREX PBRCOLATORS $315 $365 PYREXIBOWL sure $141 $370 Plain Coloured and Bowls in setsm PYREX FLAVOUR SAVER PIE PLATES 59c 750 PHONE 2801 lotian measure held about gallon of niilk normal cow was expected to give about two gallons of milk day Ihreetimcsaday also well known in Wales in the twelfth century and the month of May was known as the month of three milkings clay ing farm about 3100 BC was relt cenlly unearthed tions of Ur of the Clialdees shows men milking cows in the barn and in room close by offi in the excava milking was cials strainer Calves duly muzzled are tied to the cows headstalls to encourage the cows to give more milk Read Examiner Classlfieth pouring into in ilk through huge stone jars With regard to the ancient rc cording of milk frieze represent saijcsladiestor Toronto Old established firm operating large number of retail candy and pastry stores inToronto requires few young women and girls to train as salesladies Excellent opportunity for advancement Apply by letter to Woolnough 67 Walker Avenue Tor onto Personal interviews will be arranged in Barrie 1INTI0IUCING ANeGleaning service in Barrie Weclean your chslerfields and uphol stered furniture right in your home or place OI bUSineSS VI by our most modenuand scientific MACHINES thuVsavoiding wear andsaving time and trouble of sending them out Restores Color No Muss TURE CLEANED READY TO USE shifty113001110 No Odtir FURNT 744076 Hours 11 All furhiture supervacuumed before shampopl Broadloom Cleaned perfectly on the floor Hundreds of de lightedcustornefs tn Torppto lter Lamp Chesterfleldsfeglllar 513 $700 to $750 Shades Chesterfield Chairs Hi regular size each$300 to $350 37Piece Suite regular size lophane Picked up StudioCouCh withVciishionsy $1759 and Delivered studio Without VIl$600 yfrespecti i=V bikini ztirackeddowni CarlpetsfandrRigsi 11PrfectlyiShumpooideanedbnzyol oors gave 11310507 of what it Costs to Send Them Out Does not effect the Sizing anger ofgshrinkage Revivesthenap Oriental Carpets at 70persquare Benecial 1111 1N9d Fabric our machines and methods are enddrsed by the four largest manufacturers of upholstery fab rics Anlingredientin the deter gent isan excellent nishing Compound for textiles which helps prolong the life of the fabric 817011110151 Finest Rugs The rubber sponge applicators we use are made ofheiaame soft yielding rubber as your bath sponge and absolutely harmless to the finest rug and carpet The leading weavers en eiy Cleaners Toronto 0603 Arid

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