no you mean Otmim THE BARBIE ExAMINIIR unmisnu m4 MEMBER OF Publned Thomy Morning by tTTIE BARBIE EXAMINER LTD MacIAREN passion AM new woo WALLS Claus Weeklies of Canada VCEFRESlDENi no Business IANAGEI Circulation Association ANDAIJSM IN PARKS In the Town of Barrie as elsewhere there is constunt battle going on between those who are trying to protect public property and those who are determined to destroy fBtenntms Auto Ellctrk lStaff Enjoy Outing at lOro Beach on 27th ears Ago Add Baum Canadian Wee SUBSCRIPTIONS Canada or Gftn Britain $200 year Lnited Suns year singie copies 5ceach Newspapers of Bieiinansifuto Elec I2 their lt and children delightful outdoor get io Btiltli on luesday Jul 27 With weiner lilt Iiiixln flIICIIVI It were pieScnt The prov clttltd swunnnngwsohoail iuong led by Ali Potter Scott With his accordion Scott as hostess played oie part of hunks was tendered intnnnn and the hostess by Litilk in his reply Bill ii the hope that gatherings nature be an annual event iIIIL IIARRIE EXAMINER August 16 1313 Ihrrie lUtal otc Er itiittii villi ifo ilIW to iiil lull has come to ltdlllit this and it is to be hoped that its bid for peucetIIl negotiations with the Arab states will be followed up by rigorous suppression of the fanatical terror ists who were responsible for the withdrawal ofthe Britt3h and the subsequent open war fare between the two peoples Zionism start ed as religious Intiveineiit but it llllS de IL nil yi Vi IllES IIFALITI 111 ilhtnl Xlll 54 lilli Allilit unit in llJf twin it 1tflilli Itost he jtlllltvl 11 lion Iiton pizrsz ll lltllltlll II and lt slilt Egg oi problem To contend with every summer Members of the Parks Board have the same At Queens Park one recent night vandals upsetnll the picnic tables and benches twisted the swing chains into knots tind ripped up plants and trampled the flower beds It was nut long ago that the toilets at Shetir Park were smashed and rendered tinI fit for use Measured in dollars and cents such damage does not cost very much money But when gardener or caretaker spends hours caring for flower bed and daily takes the time to clean up refuse and keep the grounds clean it is disheartening to discover that his efforts are rewarded by deliberate destruction The members of the Parks Board are naturally reluctant to improve and exl tend recreation facilities when they know there are persons who have absolutely no consideration for public property Fortunately the vast majority of boys and there was seldom any damage cauSed at clared that his personal View Is that 0160 charges about dairytrust It is simply arine iife Arab Stemsgghose few4WOrdsi some up find themselves They arevirtually stitiourfct ed by Arab states which are antagonistic to girls in arewell behaved They can find enough outlets for their energy in the natural fun of children and in the orggnizcd veloped into politich and belligerent one on It cun never succeed on that basis pray for the pence oi Jerusaieiti they shall pros per Illlll love thee EDITORIIILTTOTES hole proprietor in the town of Bowm llllVlllt lms offered each inenjber of the muni cipal council tree lodging over 1in weekend and lured any of them to sleep with the noise that is allowed on the main street at all hours of the night Council found he had protested year ago in the name of his patrons but it hud been filed and no action followed It will be taken now This years summer truffic say Highways Department officials calls for more cure courtesy lilltl common sense on the part of drivers and pedestrians than over before Eighty per cent of motor accltientiinvolve either two drivers or driver and ti pedest ritni rind in almost every case more care or programs that are readily available The chairman Of the Parks Commission even went so far as to say that all the children in the east end were well behaved because St Vincents Park However fcwkboys making nuisances of themselves can bring criticismagalnst an entire geneaation of children Last sum mer an epidemic of electric light smashing in Queens Park was brought to halt as soon as one example wasmade of the per1 petrators public service wold be rendered to the commiinity by any boy or girl whol would assist the authorities in catching those who are causing the trouble These misdei meanors have been reported to the policez BUTTER SHORTAGE PROBLEM The persistent demands for the legaliz atlon of the sale of margarine have hitherto made no impression upon any government at Ottawa and the recent intensification of those demands coupled with the passing of measure by the Senate favoring snob sale were passed over without any action by the House Of Commons The chief opponent of margarine has been the dairy industry and 532 that industry commands numerousli votes in Canada the party leaders and even the Socialists have been unwilling to risk the loss of those votes But nOW the National Dairy Council has come out in favor Of the sale of suitable substitute This should dispose of the rel peated statements that have been made of the existence of vicious dairy trust There isno dairy trust in Canada The largest deal ers in butter are the packing houses who would be the largest dealers in margarine if its sale were permitted The situation is one of extreme necessity owing to the shortage of butter and Its increasing price because production has not kept upwith the growing consumption Another factor in the situation is said to be the Governmeptssubsidy of cheese manu facture so as to obtain supply Of cheese to bosent to Britain where cheese is badly needed and where the futureuof the Can adian dairy industry export market still lies It is claimed that by wiping out thel subsidy on cheese by lowering the price at which cheese is sold to Britain the produc tion of butter in Canada would be increased and the price sharply lowered Thus the probl Which faces the country is not one to be lved by making ridiculous one as to the best means of meeting the present butter shortage and the best of the three plans suggested bythe National Dairy Council is that of providing suitable sub stitutepwhlch can be none other than marg couftESyOr better judgment on the part of one of the two could avoid the accident It is significant that Hon Thomas Ken nedy Ontarios Minister of Agriculture dc tnargnrine should be allowed toenter Can tidfiilt is significant also that under the threat of the worst butter scarcity Canada ever has experienced the National Dairy Council of Canada has suggested the temp Orary legalization of suitable substitute butter spread presumably oleomnrgarine The citizens of Preston Ont have re stricted area bylaw planned jointly for sev eral years by the municipal council and the town planning commission But before it be by the ratepayers and get the approval of the Municipal Board which will have the measure fully explained on Sept 10 The de sirability of having vote of the people where expenditure of public money is in volvedis steadily growing in favor as It wise protective measure for those who pay theI municipal taxes comes effective it will have to be endorsedl From Ann Arbor Mich comes the report ofthe invention Ofa new typeof iron that fits like fishbowl over apolio victims chest and allows him unprecedented freedom of movement The respirator made mostly of plexiglass lined on the edges with foam rub berfitsilikefa shallow glass bowl overthe patients chest and stomach Its weight is only three to five pounds According to its developers the machine works on the same principle as the iron lung It can be Operated by single pump mechanism and could be pOwered by the motor of vacuum cleaner If this device works out according to expec tations it will be of wonderful benefit to those who suffer from the dreaded polio disease OM Within the last four weeks pillion riding on mOtorcycles had resulted in death for two women riders On Aug at East Oro collision occurred between motor cycle and motor car driven bya Toronto man who was making lefthand turn Riding on the pillion behind the driver of the motorcycle sat young Toronto woman When the motor cycle crashed into the car the woman was thrown over the car landing on the road meeting instantdeath with fractured skull month previous July girl of 18 met death in somewhat similar way in Guelph Ina heavy rainstorm the driver of the motor cycle applied his brakes at an intersection and swung left to avoid hitting an auto which was backing out from curb The force Of the impact jarred the rider sothaLLshe fell to the road and she received multiple frac ture OHhe skull resulting in herdeathlhe verdict of thecoronerb jury which investigat ed the fatality attached to its verdict of PRAY FOR THE PEACE OFIJERULSALEM An Associated Press dispatch from Tel Aviv repdrted that Israels Government made its first direct bid for peace negotiations with thdppsitlon in which the Jews inPalestine the Zionist plan to dominate the country and they now must realize thatifnthey are to establish even partial stategln Palestine they must make peaceiwith Their neighbors accidental deatlharider recommending that thepractice of more than one person ridkl ing on motorcycle should be prohibited These twofatalgccidents should be stern Warnringeofmthecliangeelottpraeticescon demned by the coroners jury fffGPINIoiIs or OTHERS vBY PERMISSION FROM CHICAGO ThegTorohto Telegram In Ottawaen Thursday eveiningwthe band of the The claim of thegrews to an ancestral right public whole of Palestine is withoittiffoundas tion The ancient Israelites under SamsOn Banirand David were contlrftially at war with thervtribes and particularly with the Phili tiries who occupiedithe coatital regions41f The Jews Insist dominating the whole brightening wittbits present predominant Ar bpoptilattontheijtll only be inviting mention Ofancient historytrhe Hebrews am Ire chided muons themselves and Oftsjuch divisionumong pie zgtiertaiu that there can be no ent helmet the anus and by mutual momentutbempt Wethub force of arms Milittltijttdlm ctr not only her mm in Palestinethub he iname event withall the champions of Canadian Liberalism Vforegathered but as they listen toithe Guardsband play they may if they think of it wonder whether it is notall somewhat too ridiculous Herethey are gathered to elect ileaderof 211 IlIIIltoIi ulttzt lluuuiilon ntk Iifllilll in tlu stuff UI 311 ino MIS inl cl litr IL tllil their IiiLlciILILe llll loz inutnir ii liltlill Willi ind Mlx II lnieo Vance iitcluzcit tlli ti tvllctl irontnyc tI 11 out Iion lili lllillilll liie iz Inuit the Io tul lritpiini llll Risky At tho l1llt nniiiti the enirc Sltlltnt WI lllt rli Ullttts tlttltili llt ll Siillk lkalli ll 8cm lIcis in llltl IiI lll13l lr litienvnltg loztt Alillills Wilson lrw lClImulc sneertil ilrlilii il llll1 VickiIV Tilers liIJ It=ck wn ilzc lIttS itip It ilze mil lllll Ila Lillil ll lxsELc Ii liln llllltl oi tht thumpmmlizp tuiiiiinivnl if IIHsS printind this BC prmr to limiterml ll the storm White of prwtii row be tween Illl lllllll Board of Edn cution unit Illl lilliliiln Fratern lion lht Iltlrlitl oilziclint to lit In lltlllltil to tn the principiil Ll uliul iii In gtUlt 111 the nioiiinwincnt of the schools ilipenlotlio the Minister of litiiicu lion l7ilili commun It sineSong isliulcl lll llilll luik nude ill$liUl Kiwanis luh with lllllllllIlIl Ilndy us di rector Iiud ljlinic limit 15 song lender The linvuinnns pLIicl Ill ex penses lizisx liilwnrd Srlg Icy 124 Essa Rood died in hospital Iii Fort William ZIon injuries rc ceiied iroin tolling 30 feet into the hold of simmer of which he was iircinun The store formerly occupied by Elmore Dunlop St was divided into two one be1 ing token byA Goodtellow and Walter ooper for shoe busi ness The former had grocery store on Owen St seven years and Mr Cooper was with Neills store several years tint Simcoe ounty Briefs continuation school under joint board from school section it and 16 to be opened in Lefroy at the Full icrni till sub jccis in 1st and 2nd term to be taught Over one hundred registered in the family book at the ScythesvBantinu reunion held of Killnrney Bench Mrs Sarah Anti Scythcs was the oldest persont present while Ralph ta babyivwas the youngcst Honey crop 40 less and the pound price was up cents Current year was the fourth driest in tho last ten years Considerable rust rc portcd in Simcoc WIICIII but alsike turning out well 150 persons were present from Canada and USA at the 7th annual reunion of the McConkey Family in St Vin centslark Tom Spccrs CPR agent at Byng Inlet built wire less radio and installed it in his fathers home at Ivy George Mooneynlyears of Gwillimfv bury coming up to Bradford with horse and buggy ran broadside into train and was killed boys attempt to smoke out wasps host at The Woods the old OBrien Homestead at Shanty Bay resulted in fire It was one Of the old landmarks of the village the original house having been built in 1832 Loss was estimatedat about $10900 with 50 insurance 50I Years Ago HIdln August 18 898 Barrie Local otes The Electric Light question as to the TOwn buying out the Barrie Electric Light Cos plant and busi ness was warmly threshed out on the platform at two publiecmeet nn THE BARRIE ADVANCErfi ings called by Mayor Wells Ex Mayor Pepler and Boys ap peared for the Company and those supporting the bylaw were Reeve McLean Haughton Lennox Mayor Wells Councillors Frawley Burton At meet ing in Ward V1 speakers against the bylaw were CounPeacock Lett Ellis Boys andTFMayorfPepWThe ing which had many sharp inter changeshad letterslrom Colling wood warning against the failure of municipal ownershipof public GovernorGenerals Foot Guards Lwill play atthie Liberal garden party It willnodoubt be charming great party and toldeclaije its farreaching principles here they are manifestingan expression of democ racysovereignty free individualigrp and all the resounding evidences of nationalindependenc and persOnal dignity and yet incidentally but conspicu ously one James Caesar PetrilloOf Chicagohas his ipudgy finger in the pie and calls the tune to which they dance It appears to its everlasting Chicagotype of deba dation that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police has not among its distinctions the pOssessionof band with union label Its performtinceTherefore lat thevgarden party Was forbidden andttbe union band 101 the Foot Guardshas been substituted Such are the humiliating ramifications Of internationl labor such is the subservience Of national leaders theft at Chicagoan can isstie fantastic edict and have It Obeyed in Ottayva The band of the ButternutGenital Fdot Ottaan by permission or Petdllo iwili Indy Canadatwesmpd onward Far Th Irmonmcnt gfronomo Pod HOMO Wroond untuylotcmlmoutd 1he750r60ln ouchlwlll hmpvdobulhandmdib Fummatlomwiihbrwln III Mdmwwoll Iii dd fxyOuodcntkW Orrin ilitcuun Till Ii in thut town final de wus not rentlied at either CTR was building it from main track cost of ion to give accommodation Ilrown and Samuel 3211 grain mcrchnnts oi RV Hospital acknow ltt tine list of donations for month of July Barrie and SavingsCowhicli luid Ibed capital of 3250000 ad ml interest on deposits xlclnity formerly of Oro ad 3nd ti new blacksmith shop lirkei Square just east of Victoria Hotel till kinds of Itliinu hoisUShocitig etc done promptly nndnt low An Advance ad Moment Ictid Make your will 13ml will forms can be had at it iliUlCC ottice for cents n=ti to uny port of Canada Sinicoe County Briefs UanHIWSQOHIIIIS Leslie of Innislil was sent to lltisillllll for treatment of his nimi lllCll had been injured by Illowing sharp piece of granite lllltn oil dish in which the ilil rus plzicvd ack Slu tli Mill of Dr SlilVCn of tlnllzu who had served in US Anny in both cavalry and infant iij several years was killed in tiibu Mr Fiizgcrnld of Wu xIlt drew load of old straw into held and then set re to it inn inking out another lead his ltIIll load caught fire with the risult that the wagon was destroy lllI one horse was fatally horned Geo Cooke of tookstown threshcd 720 bushels of lull wheat for Coleman Oakland Farm in hours an giverin of bushels minute Mrs Kneeshaw of Bradford went to Toronto to have needle token from one of her hands The needle about an inch long was located by Xrays in one thumb and cxtricated with comparative case number of Stroud citizens took in an excursion to Ni oglllli Falls and had grand time In heavy storm with liltle winds which visited Minesing Tracey took shelter in the shed beneath his barn 1n the terrific wind the barn was blown from its foundatioh and Mr Tracey was pinned beneath the falling timbers but heiwas saved from death by ianning mill which eased the weight of timbers Thebtiilding was wreck and many trees were struck by lightning Coulter and Hogate who bought several cailoadsof horses atoundCOOks town had gray horse standing 19 hands high without shoes and weighing 1600 lbs WHAT GEVOMETRY MEANS HALLS of Norwich England who has bccn appointed by Norwich Union Life as Secretary for Canada Mr Hulls was born In linglunti in 1916 began his education the Yarmntith lrnninttii School in Norfolk and finished his Cambridge senior examination In 1931 He entered the service ol Norwich Union in 1913 ind served in the new business and Actimiizil Departments until August 1939 Already active inyihc Army Re serve he was called to the regular Army at the outset of war in August 1939 joining us private He was shipped overseas to France In September i192 and experi enced the tragic evacuation of Dun kirk on the first of June 1940 Already ti siziil sergeant he was commissioned in September Illill rind the nctir future saw him in tion in Northnfricn While in Africa he volunteered us puriichtitisi with the first Air bornetDiwsion us soon as the divi siOn was formed in 1943 He saw service with this division as puru troopcr in Africa liniy Western Desert Finncc Belgium Holland Germany land Norway staying with it until it was disbanded in December 1945 He was then trams fcrrcd to Stall Division Headquar ters for some months with the rank of Major His war services ended with de mobilization in April 1946 with the rank of Lieiitol which he Obtained in Norway HM Kinl Ilziakon awarded him the Norwe gian Liberty Medal in 1946 In May of 1946 he returned to the Head Office of the NOrwich Union Life and was appointed Dc partmcntal Manager of one of the new business sections He was up pointed Secretary for Canada tin June 1948 He is interested in sports such as cricket soccer swimmingrtcnnis and fishing He married Patricia Lawrence then serving in the WAAF in 1942 She is member of the Roy al Acadamy of Dancing in London England and holder of their bronze medal for the Advance Tenching examination They have lone daugh ter born in Norwich England Susan Margaret 11 months Of age er Halls is member of the Norwich Branch of Chartergd Inr surance Institute mtgti Women are more likely to have gastric ulcersthanmen males are chiefly affected by duodenal ulcers IINIRY SCHOOL IROINDr liIlll iflt runny which look worse By REV MORRISON For proof Jiist lllYt down any itllllCtSSlim line these days MONOIONOIS DIET Mulberry loaves are the oxclti sivt diet of Sllkiillll thlitiltintl liee Pints llcrnld We had occusion to spcnti ll couple of hours in and around II rural school the other in was indeed like the deserted illnijl Although the inside was tidy Inili Hmmu In good order the grounds whichI no the showwindow were in 2i and sad stole of netlcct Crux viis knee high blue wood believe SERVICES they cull It chicory pave the cross good run for the tithe of schooll for retail and wholesale businesses ground crop And it just scenich to me that the plaice looked cvenl more forlorn than just tiny no cause it usually resounded to thcl Incon tax forms shouts of children at play and thud completed of then fcct racing on the uronntlf Weekly or Monthly means tlitq worst have Silll INQUHHES lxvyTED lhouulrllitrc are some which look Oaks Dial 4603 better In the summer there cer elected field would l1lt looked be This school ground is not by any Audits Tammi qunbalttmt flange Picturesque Residence with fourteen rooms completer modernized Beautifully siiiiutcd in the centre of eight acres of woodland Quiet restful and yet very convenient on Highway 11 two miles south of Barrie CURRENT LOCAL HOSPITAL RATES TELEPHONE BARBIE 4268 OR WRITE MISS FLORENCE BREAKWELL Painswick Ont nuunuunnunnuuuuun Rush And Strain Hard On Nerves Often keyedup nerves cause restlessness Irrita bllity and even nervousness If you suffer from keyedup nerves that Milburns Health and Nerve Pills may be of help Miibums Healthsud Nerve well bnlucedlmedlpino fathom Wng Wound may peeda getterul giggi ditioner to help build up the system They stimulate the nervousi system improve the appetite aid digestion and thus help promote refreshing rest Get Milburns Health and Nerve Pills at your nearest drug store today Accept no substitutesw Look for thomdo mark the Bed Heart win Milburn 00 Lhniud mm Ont emf In Greek the word geometry means earth measurement EVERYBODTS BUSIyEss 7y When we speak Of med being successful itisrgeriA erally assumed that we are referring to large incomes and prominent positions But while these are signs of mess they are by no means its on yar StIC Actually believe any 7min is successful who uses hisenergies andtalentii the best Of his ability His earn bemodestdiuf he tries to improve himselfkand his environment if heis He pndableragrOOableand help gt ful if he cares for his family 9413 their needs be is truly importance ShOw meaman withdrew qualities and will Ireproud toxigim hii acquaintance The best objective sureflyp to strive for success in the ibeadf=885e Of fr more this better world Thaworldisbettrbecouae cps tire imprance which has achieved zsuccen through meeting peoplea need for mmipllecurityAnditopn rcribtiss to the Madden Of the whole tiationthmugh ino vmmpin public and vital Induciol which bandit every thing VNm Orr DislaIIce his summer TWIITIVTDmelceuscddatfsiieidebutthfhltwmej YZl1hlltllitle More able said svitihbograsfare lddfdlusifsffst as Piffible mke LongDisinsenvjoef34 Haven sphedieitb trailing ofour ctilihiiig prbgtanito crowdstire best serving attheloiveatpossiblocosti tr Plusunseentechnicalimprovemenm ar