Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Aug 1948, p. 14

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Rear FOURTEEN FRUIT TWINS SUNDAE 20c lillNtH nh lii iill CEROYSONS N333 ACka As tria no liziaiiy fr ce ream ii wn an Sim ii mmij rl ilIlllll ST Lu liiliiili f33ss3sssss4l li iinl lgt yml lllth hi axon acm Ilium ilc ii ii vi nli and ll Wan Learn tiii tllll wcic isitors illl Wigs nus Qtiaiil Mary St LN lctcilioio and lklllll M1 and Mrs foylc ii iiiui lrs llioriuis lhans oi At Derwin School liitlitl titul liriulitii inc llSlIHlii llt laltvrs of Hairdressing mm llrll Ross St for Mr and lis Win lams hayi illt holidaying iu gmhug 315 ltilllllllll homo by Montiml up inqul lawn and lctcrlioio 33 DUNLOI ST or Phone Barrie 3962 This is Govcrnmcnt chis ircil School ihcrcyou LllL thoroughly trained for loy crnment examinations Mrs Mary Luck Mrs licd Sim lnions loronio and Mrs llcn lllllS oi lrinccipn isitcd with Mr and Mrs ilcimic tollicr St last ccl Mrs Agnes Michell from Rich mond Hill lSllLd Barric on Thurs day oi last wcck and attcndcd thc SEE or RENT The Amazin New FILTER QUEEN CANADASBAGLEss VACUUM CLEANER FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION WRITE 0R PHONE HART PHONE 3451 25 ROSS STBAltItIE THE UNITED CHURCH Trinity Anglican Church Minesing Charge Minister REV gtW CLEMENTS BD The annual Congregatibnal Church Service in Springwater Park Mid burst at 11 am REV CD CROSS BA LTH Rector Organist Mrs Roberts SUNDAY AUGUST 221940 Trinity 13 800 AMHOLY COMMUNION 1100 AlMMORNING PRAYER Guest Preacher The Rev Pooley BA LTh Christ Church Omemee 700 PMEvening Prayer Mr Bruce Fraser PUBLIC WORSHIP CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH 11 AM MinisterREV LEWIS Central Beginners Primarylmeet at 11 AM Come to Gods House on His Day Collier St United Church arid Central United Church St Andrews Presbyterian and First Baptist Churches UNION SERVICES SUNDAY AUGUSTZZDTTFL ll AMREV GARBUTT SMITH of Strathroy will preach Collier SBaptist Church Independent PMsREX 1SaglUMPHltEYS REV MITCHELL noisier SEE SUNDAYS AUGUST 22 1948 945 AMBIBLE SCHOOL 1100 iAMMORNING WORSHIP 700 PMEVENING WORSHIP Thgljaastor will preach at both servrces Mon Service Wed 78 PMMidweek Prayer Service Aug 29Mr Earle Flid Sept SRev Thos White Spt 12 ll arnO1F Repre sentative TumsBarrie cattle gt gt The trueilisaints attend church AUGUST 22 1948 every Sunday if theware physb IIAIMTHOIlness Meeting Cally able 230PMSUNDAY SCHOOL Visitors COrdiallyWelc61ne Members of Service Clubiwill find this sermon of special interest Both Serviceis inFirst Baptist Church JCS4 The Salvation Arm 60 COLLIER ST The Home of Friendly Worship Sr Captain and MrsDEv Strachan Too pMLSaivatiAnMeting Awlcame awaits you at the Army Gospel Haii itliEff FREE METHODIST SUNDAYrAUGUST 22 1948 ll AJVL BREAKING 0F BREAD PMaosper Meeting Wed 8PM Prayer Meetinz Welcomaeats free No collection CHURCHL 1200 BayfieldSt Phone4512 REV AND ministh SUNDAY AUGUST 22 1948 venueUnited Tune in ton cam cantor Church Light and Life Gospel program Carder 3A Minister mm Mr Ray Williams we sr is up WORSHIEONTLY Burtan SUNDAY SCHOOL 230 pm Fellowship Meeting 330 PM EVANGELISTIC MEETING 730 PM Prayer ServiceThursday pm MINISTER Sc tee ai ram mania spent hcI MRS CHASE llU liil It lL illik on Scpl Mr and ylr ll Stiichau of li lZUll form yli Bibby iioyi holid at it loint ciiiciiaincd hi gtllltlllil honic for lii da Sully Hiosa lll sacrumu illlllilllliitll to li Joscpli lihliin oi llctroit llcccnt Sunday zsztois 1lll Mr iiiid llis gtiigll iviicu ilill ycrv Mr and Mi llin lcacock and son loitlil Mr and lis Fred ton Mr and Mrs Ashton Lyons ot Crossland and Mr lioctor ot ivlaniloulin Island Among the twentynine minis ltlS from the Toronto untcrcncc who will attend the biennial nicot ing of the General ouncil of thc United Church of anada opcmnei in ancoucr on Sept 21 illt two ltioni Siincoo ounty rllcv Lcwis of Barrio and Rev Morrison ot ycilc Mrs John Woods accompan ied hct lathcr Russcll Hiiydcn home to Montrcal last Friday and will remain thcrclor tow days Mr aiiers Frcdcrick Woods oi Toronto are staying in Hiirric With thiir son John Woods and ilaniily at the prcscnl time Miss llorothy Falconer formerly of Gravcnhurst and cmploycd by lsllli1lt iiiiiys xziy lliilli un Willi toilic l1gt llt rd lillii itfcnil iiic lxisi annual proiril ioiill Lott il Iiic tiilii icis Length of Ni ii lllltl il thc Kin id llotil lozonio Bland and son Billy all of lilllillli xxxxcheo marriage With Nllllum aar Movie son Mr and Mrs MOJIL Toronto Rev James ilryottiieil by glav Vi tidrngjanlid ul Hammad of while glm KKllll l1 3ill latte 3xlil it 630 ochx mwAI to one place ilctl Udlt4 In l937 many tons oi sinl shortly marched to in riii piochncti TBURSDAY AUGUST 19 1948 siege to iak place Represiiber at it ill srmzi rox WAR it ulaz held Ca cL Avog k1 VIE Mr and gnu lagc by inlet Church 343 Gilliail am 39 it lr and Mi human alti or EXCISE max ylr Wes We May to Hopi lt iiiiiicil Im1 Ns all Mi liu Albums llznslop St lSJLiti ml 7777777 Enables Offer if ii leuzch iiiiiigi to Like pliicc Scptcnibci till 11 iii the socnco tuna liioiii3 BURNER ELECTRIC HOT PLATES ill xudr lw Hi 3430 8340 $675 5790 ci tLiliii mi xll and fills liaitoii lldllllliLH tiiilcl HI Tim for lilailf yr if 8m 1w man ii Mi illtitiiil hilticcyl it itUmwtiy1Lllll llllrl LRNER CAMP STOVILS $1325 it iii iiin II Ur tintclinisori sot of and Ml COLEMAN BURNER CAMP STOV lLS $735 ics lltlltilJiSLiIl lciia Nova Nb around music was tin3211 by outing to lukg plucg lg luticr llall llll blhlhl RADIAIORS 2995 liiiiliiioii ozgaiost ut the Mll AWHBL 34M II Inf ifi Mr and Mrs lilllrel Scott Ncw Im ton Robinson wish to announce mm llic czigacciiuii of tlicii yuungc lziii iiccptiozi was llkltl if ltoiiin ii It for it ucszs who were tkl by the iiiothcr navy blue crcpc thlt hiit cissorics to match and tho was mother tlllll tcal blue lilac iittlsttttlt Jor ttltlll trip by plane to Mont liaioi ic calmd lid Milli gtllt4 acct is IIlil Clllltl look llcn olii saiililiiic brides incliuii on bill ugly cv iilt to tic litiili tiay Falls Qllcbcc tlic britll mini ii sciil blown slioitic coa it luv Niall hat and icccssoriw to iizatcli lit oizl off llh and Mix Moon will rcsiilc in hp llllll xiii Slil pinto billowing tlicii tiip ol tci iwi babyt li4 Kirk lit ltlll OBITUARY unwell JOHN MORRISON pah iiicii iiiitctii John lloriltiou Rcfeico and Mrs iiiil Ehcy can Jasicr of thc tourt of Kings Bciicli li o2 lci It lltiitgt iio iii wt iiiil iIilP io llit Province of Manitoba died In liz sitititigfu Wmiiipcgz on Saturday Aug 14 viii lzi il Ari liiiicsluiiy illo had been in failing health for may im lbili Alilllliiiii past your Deceased was son land Rh is 1olloronlutliil the late Mr and lrs James hc liil lti tho rwccpiiUH lHld illoirison Flos louuiship 1h rccciy he lmino ii the lridcs parcno ml his primary education at ioss lu braiics nothci li tl drcss Hillard and llllthult schools then at MH lilizo ltltl cicpc lilui Sull icnticd Barrio Tollcuiatc and Bar dals pal iziiuliziii pill0 110 iiii Model School Aflcr teaching at tllil llitlli 1cgt Ni 11 001 ciivalc for two years hc wcnl cw oi rink rows The Lillmlll yrs in 1003 lnlilll Normal ilt la ziiiithcr woio powder blur lIC Scliool course in Winnipeg he was iami mic icccssoiics and corlizrmcipal of Continuation School saiuc of rcd ioscs Mrs lom THUG int Swan Lake and liehern for of humd Liralidmollltl of the bride tsunic years In 1009 he commenced and Mrs llobcit lcmlllt LlCill Hum study law under the late Sir of he ltllt Morin Albert pOUICd Hugh John Macdonald in Winni tca ycr sixty RIWSli llWC meg graduating with BA and delicious bullet luncheon lucstsiy mm993 in 1913 He practiced wcrc prcscnt from Toronto Brad law in Winnipeg till 1932 when he iord Becton Cookstown Cami was appointed Refcrcepand Master Bordcn lilford of the Court of the Kinus Bench mung away the bride wore ailiu Manitoba which position he oc ialc liluc lIiiulish liiic licss vitllilllllitd 11 llli lellll Fill1mm cum and grey accessoricchars he was on the staff of the and pale blue purse They left for Manitoba Law School as lecturer honeymoon at South lliycr antlilml he acted as arbitrator for the points furthcr north loycrnment on several disputes wrA Left to mourn are his wife the llllliliSNDI1K former Miss Lamont of Trchern no cgindLiluglil on lllltdtlzly Augtwo daughters Ellltlbelll Dean 1939 ii homo ot lici of Women at the United College parents Mr iiidMrs Frcd SandciWinnipeu and Gwenda teacher ri jniIIm Floicncc Audrey San on the staff of the William Whyte Lcslic lxcdcr son of Mr and NIH iatcd from Manitoba Law School dcr bccainc tlic lllll of larnct School and son Keith gtwho grad Lislic lmcdcr liraccbiiduc the last May Surviving also are two irolilcctric lowci Commission is Rm Lay00k United hiirch iiiinistcis Mrs Ward Vancouver the Briiccbiidcc oilicc of tho Hy bcing translcrrcd by thc Commis sion to Barrio Miss Falconcrs mother cxpccts torcmain in Bracc bridge iravcnhurst Banner Mrs Mary Quinlan and Miss Eyclyn Qtllllllltl have arrived home after visiting with Dr and Mrs Hugh eMonaghan Hamburg NY and also with relatives in Erie Pa Mrs Moniighan and Mrs Ste phcn Rice of Toronto accompanied them to Barrio on their return FZT ELMVALB Don Drysdale and Russ Wheth am left Monday night for Regina Saskl to assist in the harvest Rev and Mrs McFarlane and family enjoyed couple of days this week with friends in Bellevrlle WEST ORO August 16 Sunday School next Sunday August 22 at oclock Mr Johnson pastor of the churchrwill preach Faint URRY BROS Bayeld St Phone 3874 BUTcam Now LOCATED Phone Number is still 3214 with same DELIVERIESV Fresh Cured MEATS FISH also CORNER CUPBOARD canes PASTRTETC Vp1EASEiiNOTEV ALL OVER TOWN POUETRand VEGETABLES ister olliriiitinti The room was tastefully dccoratcd with pink and blue tapcrs and strcamirs with pink and bliic tlowois prcdominat mg liven in marriage by her fathci thc bridc was cowncd in strcct lcngth dress of pink tatlcta and shoulder length veil heldin place by halo of oianifc blossoms She wore corsagc of pink roses Ilcr only other adornment wasa string of her mothers pearls Her only lzittcndant was her sister Mrs Marion McConnell taste gowncd in powder blue talicta lress matching that of thc brides She wore corsagc of tea roses with headdress also of roses The groom was supported by the brides brother William Sander of Barrie The brides mother wore navy sheer with white accessories while the grooms inother wore navy suit with white accessories north the happy couple will reside on LaclierStreet Orillia MOOREHATTON piettyrwedding took place on Saturday August 1948 in Si AndrewisChuichrfBareriefwhenx Join Hutton daughter of Mr and Mrer Hutton Barrie was unit On their return from short trip ind Mrs Rev Reid Vanleck lIvlill and three brothers Mor rison Hamilton Morrison Fonthill and Morrison Bar rie Interment was in Winnipeg on Tuesday Aug 17 Read Examiner Classifieds Clothing tldtlgllld ainpbcll and Mis the in it Mr vrtson ilobcrtgoii Stioiiil the isiiiiriauc to zikc placc Saturday September 11 otloclt it ii irii iiid Mai Autos to Mr Fraith iliiol Hi MulWood lutoliloE to lake lilillU iil llol lrinity huiclr Bond llcad Scpi Mrs uiiiouiicc tlic cngzigcinczit of llltli rlaiiiilitcr Jcai xltility to Harold iliihcit ltolicrtson son of Mrs Roll the and hui ch lhc iiiiiziigunicnt is ililtOlllltcil of lcaiiicc daughter of Mrs Mitchell and the liilc Mr liltttlti lilllllll Mitchell oclock Mr and Mrs llorrison laiiisvick Wish to announce lll cngagcincnt ot llltlt daughter ltnhy to Mr ocil llobcrtson soul of Rcv llcziyc Mr and Mrs Wcllington Wil son lioigctown hit wish to im ciiizagcincnt daughter Lilly ltobcrta to Norman Elwood chb son of Mr and MILL Alvin chb lainswick iittlic wedding to tiiko place on Septcnn HUUIICC bcr Englsh China GiftShop Sterling Silver rton ll 11 Souvenirs Of Canada and Barrie PHONE 2395 DICK STEELE Cor ColliemS Baylield li nioic son of Mis iilinoic and tin liltc Mi Alfred illllllllL tlic cdl ding to takc plzicc on Supt ll il Burton Avc Unitcil hurch it 300 the plzicc Scptciiibcr ii at the Robert son cottagc llthcl lark BlllVilliill Li COUTTSfCHILDRENSSH and Accessor iind Mrs llulMllSiill son of Mrs lllp Downcy iiinnin latk Mi Ellll Uiiiicil Mincsini 30 JamiS Andrew lilw Iilp iiiiirriiigc to takc Hp ot thci 82 MARY ST BARRIES Knox Ifresbytcrian IS NOW SHOWING IN SEE OUR DISPLAY OF USEFUL GIFTS in Hailiand CWoodenware flannels weatersf cardigans piillOVers in cottons and wools 214 Boys Gabardine Raincoats Hats colors beige navy sizes to 6xlReg $1275 ame +2 on BabyCarriage or Bathi nette meansa big saying Se 001 assortment of ffweu kDonllne of carriage range mg in price from $3495 to $4195 Aii rother maxchair diseinlhe storevreduc ed10 ies from lOMinutes to lOCYearsrl Mothers Prepare Now to SCHOOL OPENINC 25 REDUCTION ONiLITTLE GIRLS SUMMER DRESSES 20 ON BLEUSESANDSKIRISmQ+ on all kinds of overalls cotton prints gabardiriestyinllsjnd venom rm among 40 Baylield St We Deliver Dial 3664 PHONE 5145 SPOONSFORKS LETTER OPENERS LAPEL PINS

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