Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Aug 1948, p. 12

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UGUSTlQ 1948 PAGE TWELVE THURSDAY BARBIE BARR QWARIPJAMD LARGE NUMBER OF FARM 12943 class will be unusually large eer an attractive possibility llow milk dstrrbitigtn prSLIrarIaItflIoIleIZI llilllZNlS GRADUATE IN 49 om norrrail yearly graduation is citr diversion to fields otherIthan tion and teens I111IrIILIIIiIn The about 3th Agriculture Lstartcularly cvrdent lit and strum lilylrtIhIImwnI trcriu lUWleilS Wider use It is expected that proportionit from the past records of Agricui Uonnriron Ian liIUIIiIlolI AIGIICIBS VINE riillillil MINUS and 1lrllI agraullziral uriiver students will take up tarruJig tarsi graduating classes Their merits 11K ritflvll iliie tendenty Lite has been for some Comment cjl to dclt Liself From The Capital IiIiiisvirI Butter arganne Feature Article ill llt1s1 tiscneri 1131 11 than 2144 fen lly ARNOLD Ii88 aim1 31711 ouo farms r1 hours wzll Ititlvt addedIlni success of 11111 promo naturism pILIjbabl Mil 31 n111i IIIIIIIIIIII II III III II II IIIIIIziIIHPIL Ina 12 bduu pluulmzhg manna II 19 11 um gra 1115 I1UQII us tal ll Silcll lit lust ya 111 pillihnd lLLlt ll Llll 1111 lll llltil hlhlillhzni btll 1fltliIIIl fingg Agnoiiiudal L121 tf1lt itlslillL ll threatcnid Bittii produc cerozrarc ill tariatl lt gt11 islaritrul part 11 ticu Hunwhn HUN Mimis mum mm mun WmCh 21 lltllmpilfllttl fill that lllt II III II II III II mug 1i11 If ac or lit1 1xlvllilil In IUEHL 11 the 211111 hand inattzarsiic is 1icpt111e1i on the population of 115l 31 TitW lal The pliilltlclgiin or mix Higu i1 111w Iilrstilll high Iliitt5 of 11 gt on 11 liar 112 llltt 111 Illa gt 11 iii cll ll 11 Iim tltL lltl Let lul oil is lltli under iiioriop liHuIHVS iltkti51 ls lud lul control The ill Italy lliiilltltlltilt It ItLtls min riu that onus gaving evidence off 11111 its counterpart ill margarine Slothl iii the inn riairioooly and once the litllltl 1n 11l i1 Iv lvrlnl that province lkltattil WWI ll ItllI ltjrll 111 1111dI1 has biklr iindcr JV Hf It IIIII Illl 11 ed FillliH of Ami in lEiLil lliwldf Icui and weakened tnzs margarine 11 on Ill It If lr impruorropolv wrll l=c fiu to set its WWW ldtk il liioiI 1111 the 11111 mm mm mum plum mail elriiiiiiated Such birds3 1s not lls poliii 1va my mumpd hi rril nuke high production LcI gt Hllhm to be paid for in Arrivircan dollars casv ucscixcs to bi Mum pumpiumu ms l111 transferring pullcts from mumm iodzav 1111 in laying roartow every bird 1111 be carefully handled and Ir Another point the llilllvl makes 11111 111111 the flock irrilcss it is that taiiadian industry was built to urban shoppcis anoi 11 egg laying ability and depends on pioicctixc taiills gt out the inconvenience 511511 weak unthirfty pul its Alter lit of $11111 t1 di Illt 11lgt Kikklttl il llilii Ii WMIi Lthcrr members in ttllii tlill Lituptivii out of the pzciizre LUlIlu11iI ii ilm 19H tvhei they dul no cor trillLilt seat rThevom lllltltl the lrowsc tvc 111 the 111 1111 1i1 liziitcr short pii 111 mu soiizi zirconi did not have 11111 In iiiilazts ruit hanrur were seem dc= iilltlitt Huber vio re Illl1i 11ivilklliltill1l IMERGENCY MONEY Borrow $50 $100 8300 8500 $1000 at 011515110111FINANCE without in dorsers or hankable security Up to 24 months to repay in convenient equal monthly instalments Prater Your Credit Its wise to protect your credit Pay overdue bills seasonal bills medical or emergency expenses with your HOUSEHOLD lirNANcc loan If you need extra cash phonc write or come in and see us for prompt courteous attention to your money problems Well be glad to help you Tum iniTlit llliirtltrCanadar top irrjrln JImw CBC llIdnuda lgill 55 Mlliluuun Strut ll 2nd Floor P11011623 ORILLIA ONT Hour to or by appoinlmul loco made lo residents of rinurby lmk SERVINGTHE rLrLiLic srnc 187B 17 FINANCE itimk to revive Zirize the orgarixaioi the evpcriiruc neci Ebete seriously ll rho iiiiwtllllilvlll Du the encoui 11 Zlicy LLLeiveii 13 Ziltll dcierriiiriatroi 21111 ts their very 111 iii subsequent cite Slll for file l1 llllli la illIIttl1 1111 111111 Hch 51111111 11 111a ll toi1eiilron loliservors 1121 liogrcssivo lCoriscrvata 1113115thnirivfully notcd over 11trillltlll of the liblt leral onveniior oiLiaiiiatioLL com linittce The Naiional ori ltllllttll IS Llllllllil tip 111 It weeks ltwall be held in exactly the Ottawas Colombia The Cs are sceking1 lit Iltltltl find new platform This reunion will also afford thcm the occasion of making an inventory of their orLiruiiaiioii al resources Favorite entries in the leader ship race to daic arc Ontarios Pre I111icr Drew and Saskatchewans John Dicfciibakcr Among those on active service at present in PC ranks they arc probably the most capable The rank and file of the party would like to know however the identiiv of n1oder11miracle man who could restore to the party the national scope ihaiis in present day Canadian politics prere quisite of success Thursday night parade was can itlllIllIlllIY says the farther ikariadi ltiltlltll peak of 33 jponnds pir capita Today butter 1gtlilllgtlill at its peak as It poiinds l1111sliriztstecizpbutzer rshorlugc is same spot as the Liberal tonveruion oren Aft 11 in ilL Lltl the lltttgtgtlly coura iziirrt rived be only With no txttplltlllS pzmiiiciior has been ade to meet the Canadian needs even when butter corisuiizptmri Lir cousin piroii is about 37 pounds ipir 1117Llil n11cEi higher than the glIrirtu States In lit1c butter cori gpci capitai What must be con sidcred against the iiconvcruencc the longstcrm stability of tch ari adian dairy industry The sale of margariric would restrict the lorri es11c butter market on which the Canadian iariiicr depends butter production would further decline Looked Like Barn Fire Near Elmvale But Was Pea Straw Last Monday evening several cars lioiri the surrounding district converged on huge tire atthe farm of Lon Argy RR lilmvalc rlho ilare oi the tire coirld be seen from as far away as Wasaga Beach and it appeared that barn or house was going up in flames liowevcr close inspection showcd that Mr Argy was burning huge stack of pea straw in the middle of field lie had harvest ed and thresth 90 bags of peas and then set tire to the dried plants The fire sent flames shooting over Ia hundred feet in the air and the blaze roared for more than two hours Mrs Lemmon mother of PO Bill ILemmon who is at present at Roy al Roads Naval College just out side of the cityof Victoria in British Columbia Mrs Lcmmon has kindly loaned the letter to be read to the Cadets Some of the highlights are as follows Bill ar ccllcd so that the olficets andcadl lived on tram yiCh was ets of RCSCC Kempcnfeldt could attend the Lions Carnival which was on Thursday night letter has been received by hours late and special ship was arranged to take them to the College arriving at 9307511nday Aug Physical training is large part of the training with swimming lessons in an indoor pool boxing track events etc also being included The 32 cadets are lhese tariils causi lllllil prices for the goods he has to buy The ban on butler substitutes is one of Lhc fcw forms of protection the farmer enjoys as long as other protective tarills remain the farmer insists that llt is entitled at least to tch protection the margarine ban ll lords llllil What would be the Lillict on the urban woikeruif Canadas dairy in dustry was undermined by lifting the ban on margarine lhe ef fect thi lllllllll visuahzes is reduction lll his purchasing power which would ultimately result in unemployment in industry It would force farmers oil the land into the city competing with city workers for the jobs they now hold and the farmer throws out the reminder that with cheap but ter in the thirties went brcadlincs and unemployment The sale of margarine would cause serious dislocation in others besides the dairy industry It would harm Canadas bacon export market because Pork products are natural side line of small farrn er who also keeps few cows The cream goes into butter and the skim milk is fed to hogs or chick ens another big export industry It is safe to state that if many cream producers went out of busi ness because of ruinous prices our hog market would stiller and it is already at dangerous point There are two sound solutions to the margarine problem Both of these solutions should be given ser ious consideration These are AI Maintain the ban on margarine while giving the farmer adequate incentive and support to increase butter production for domestic con sumption consumers subsidy should be paid to reduce the cost to the consumer If for any rea son Canadian butter production is still inadequate New Zealand but ter should be imported under Gov ernment control or The im portation or production of margar ine should be undertaken excluv sively by Crown company while the price quality and quantity of margarine produced is regulated according to the needs of the dairy industry and of we consumer These proposals are sound and reasonable They afford protec tion and encouragement to the far mer They guard against private margarine monopoly They assure 1211 an coarse rough meatyI ohitltulllluls should be discarded ll linney Dominion llxI iiiItllltlllill Station Charlottetown 121 511 ct dccp fullbodied birds Iltttl hacked and broadbreastedg 1i with clean cut head and fach Itlcan close feathering llltlltilltri ilih and vigor ag does also iii prominent eye and alcrtg car riagc lfisiard the boardcrnkccp only 211i zvorkcr DE IIllu IIAHIIIII PULLETS lo not neglect the latchatchetlf lpillcls at this time of the year lhc task of growrng good pullclsl lliiic has to ollerduring the surn riicr months tilll be made riiiicli easier by taking 11111 advantage of what Mother Na 3002 Size Contains Large Glasses gt 180 Each Plus Deposit for 350 Because it does the rest Kodak Vcriclirome Film makes all your picturetaking Surelire gives you clear sparkling snapshots every time Canadian Kodak 30 Limited Toronto Its made in Canada Kodak Film the film in the familiar yellow box KODAK IS TRADEMARK the Greatest Value rAbs 12oz Size Contains Large Glasses 100 Plus Deposit divided into two divisions and Bill adequale supplies Of bread ITS GIVE US is in Victory Division named after Spread under all Clrcumsmnccs Neigon5yla Shi Th inth They establisheffectivcvpolicyi sparse nrNG which meets the requirements of division is called Renown Bills division went to sea on the CayuI the farmer and the urban worker ga and Renown went on the Crc alike scent Both ships met the HMCS II Sheffield On Saturday the cad ets went on sight seeing tour LARGEST STOCK OF winding up with dinner at the Prince Robert House Victoria GINGER ALEs CHARIES WILSON llMITEDrrLrI TORONTO 61 Distributor for Barrie and Orillia District GEORGE WW GENUINE REPLACEMENT SPRINGS AND BEST EQUIPPED SPRING SHOP NORTH OF TORONTO COMPLETE STOCK OF ALL SPRING ACCESSORIES Gowan St FACING TRACKS Allandale P110NE3400 An amusing incident appears in the Toronto Telegram of Aug 13 copy of which follows Esquimalt BC Aug 12A school of whales provided unex pcctcd thrills for 32 adventure sceking sea cadets during 24 hour voyage in open boats The cruise known as Operation Shipwreck was part of sea cadet instructors courseat the Canadian Services College HMCS Royal Roads BC Sailing in 324 foot naval cutters the cadets were seeking camp site near William Head in Juan de Fuca Strait when their boats were suddenly sur rounded by whales At rst there were just oncor two said Gerald Waugh of Ver dun Quebec but inside of 15 min utes there muSthave been40 or 50 around us rin NEW Mummnwmmmwmam Linus 1111115 111111111 TREETIE nooIIWEAu alongsrde and lllS dorsal was higher than our heads stated Dan VLd Fowler of Welland OntarioL Today auto makers acclaim Goodyear The 32 cadets were selectedfrom Canadas 6500 sea cadets to under go special intructor training Among them was Bill Lemmdn of Supercushion as the rstinew kind of BET in 15 years and have made it standard equipment 01 11 large proportion of their new carsilI your Goodyear dealer check your tires before you start your vacation If IItIheyIreI OKhe1ltgll you was If not hell show you the new Goodyear DeLuxe lire Actual road tests prove that it gives 34 more nonskid mileage than the famous Goodypar fire it Barrie ThursdayAugT191vill be regu lar parade night and the Band will be very busy getting ready for vvtheir trip to Elmvale Fair The crew Will be getting down to real practice as it is possible they will go to Hamilton to row on Septlt23 tbejannual Hamilton Regatta 200000 dis in19f17f mm gta SuperCushion chanfseover for II II II II IV II IV yourcut ffrHArs VVERYJSENSIBIE PURCHASE MLOVEaI he WHY 2qu you COUPLE II II II H1ih Whatd you say Oh you Ithht help buildup the oldmusgcle meanthosemaltyrichhoneygoldg pl1 IA ti gt enIiIsts Granite2111I Flakes Grachixxlss Fixes essure rhaveOZDI During hotgummu months up of eyreome is lemt usbtitespecially children dire more rarGoodyrTFacwryFreshh 1Theyzre ISO cleverly madequ 33nd phosphoruswhats that susceptible to dianhoea anteatinalI GoonRIUFEGUARD are Reelireicenelyyog II 93 kay pains and summer Complaint SAFEWWBES may vbiInIgIaImadian wheat and malted dggattgetgpr sturdy bones and At IthBIIIIIII symptoms mothers Now SuperCushioma areinterchanze gt ableltithjyqurpftieltt tires2 antunbenevabrifsmoaer softer IsaferI aimost like oating FideSee your Goodyear dealer about Teplacesl Its deep tread is wider and atterI Itofgrip the road resist skids in all WOOL CONSUMPTION HEAVY gdiretions Stronger Supertwisl cord Canadian domestic production and gives mOre bodyI strength Hugkir imports of wool fabrics totalled 511011132 am Ifginforced forrgreaterI 3119 has bu inrm pounds aa 60091751111 ramMr BATTERIES PlaySafe See your 6601 Dealer ggggmtlmtaair forajprevacaogfire check REMEMBER99 0F TIRETROUBIES OCCUR IN THE lASI 165 OF TIIRERIIFE ooroarowmnsnx They sure taste out of this Eating PostsGrapeNuts Flakes use safety chamber ratalnIs 1m ampleresewe of darlingsjut youre torget every day no wonder Im suclia TRAIOIT OPWILD SWAMPREE $533513 ym 1113313535112 Em$2 ngtthatotherisaslgp IzvhyIgo tor husky guyi Thls timetested remedy is fast completelgpuhatheredLifeGuarda 111 any rap 14 95 And Posts GraperNuts Flakes acting and dependable for adults make linen now intsifriw Tnergy youfrneaanlie carbo giVevyou ironfor the windand or children Be mm to specify hfgleliiih ztmriiglerasproiziiigg l5 ydrates that10811131011 up with enI other food essentialsf the nameDwToai ram 33550 11 39 In malls SaYiPosts GrapNuts Flakes save your Illa are ready wveat right from the um gt03 mm 3W Package lets have some quick 3331 if Mjo RE utopia RIDE ouIGooDyEARTLjREsITHAN oujAuv OlfllKIIND

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