THIS weeks ISSUE 7900 Copies AUIKOEIZED AI SICOIID CLASI IAIL PO DEPL DHAIA Condition THE YearNot 34 Water In Kempenfeldt Bay Again tobelested Dr Scott directorrof the Sirricoe County Health Unit attend ed the Barrie Town Council meet ing last Monday night to explain the condition of the water in Kern penfeldt Bay Aceording to samples taken during May and June by Sanitary Inspector Stanley Sharp the water was polluted to varying degrees After being told there were no reports for July and August De puty Reeve llart asked Dr Scott to have samples taken now and if any sections of the Bay were cori sidered unsafe for bathing then warning signs should be erected According to the report presented by Dr Scott there were four rea sons why the water in the Bay was polluted First the sewage disposal plant was not big enough for the population and at times raw sewage was going into the bay second sliiilge was being pumped out of the sludge basin iii such manner that some of this was reaching the Bay third the creek from the land fill disposal site was being pol ALLfsroN MAN IN MODEL AIRCRAFT CONTEST DETROIT One of the dualicrs in the Ply mouth lntcrnational Model Air craft Contest in Detroit August 18 to 23 is Don Patterson 01 Allis ton Don has designedehnd built control line model airplane power ed by small gasoline motor which has been officially clocked at 128 mph This is pretty fast when you consider that his model only has wingspread of 24 inches With minor propeller changes Mr Pat terson expects to push this speed up toia maximum of 50 mph and hopes to take home part of the 57800 prize money being offered to contestants from the United States and Canada and from as far away as Belgium Hawaii and Puerto Rico This is the seond international model aircraft contest sponsored by Plymouth dealers from coast to coast Mr Patterson is being spon sored jointly by tlie two distri Plymouth dealers Fred Gregory of Bradford and Lawrence Gratin of Alliston Although MrPatterson as only entered one of the co rol line speed events there 44 other events open to con stants who qualied complete program of enter tainment which includes night baseball game at Briggs Stadium between Detroit Tigers and St Louis Browns Midget Auto races at Detroit Speedway and trips through the plants of Chrysler Cor porationfof Canada Ltd has been to round out the daily 1e of events $3000000 GRANDSTAND Thcrewisialvvays much to arouse the wonder and admiration of visi tors to the Canadian National Ex hibition but very outoftheor dingLattraction is offered this yearthe mammoth new grand stand This magnicent structure has been erected at acost of $3000000 It combines new ideas for comfort and safety The speed and ease with which capacity crowd of 25000 can enter or leave the standis truly remarkable lifted from decaying garbage and this was being carried to the Hay fourth many sanitary sewers frorii houses were connected to stoiiii sewers and this sewage was being carried directly into the Bay When Ald Merrick asked Dr Scott if the Bay was fit for swimm out according to the reports for May and June the reply was that the water was suitable for swim iriing east of Iiayvrew Irirk Ald lriffin said he thought the isaiiitaiy inspector was lax in not reporting the condition to the town learlier iii the season but Dr Scott lstated that the reports had been imadc to the Barrie board of health which was their 111 operation Ald Mary Laurie member of the health corniirittce said there was to have been written report from the board of heplth to the town council but it washievcr sent When asked about the general health in Barrie Ir Scott said there was some scarlet fcveisome cases of measles and one case of polio 7I1Wt1117771llOWltllOlClheVCDIIL ditiori in Barrie was fair FRED STEVENSON manager of the Allarrdalc Branch of the Bank of Toronto for the past 14 years The fine new bank building in Allandalc will be officially open ed for business on Wednesday morning of next week Aug 25 One Blurrie Mon Show Women How to Make Flapicicks at CNE 7A Marrory of Barrie is one of six brave men who are deter mined to show the supremacy of the male in pancake making on September Food Products and Merchants Day at the CNE They will line up along side25 women to compete for the top prize of $50 to go to whoever is quickest in turning out the three best ap jacks The 11yearold twin sons of Mr and Mrs Stuart Brantford are among the 68 who are entering their favorite Grandmas birthday cake and the 66 who will display their choice for Bobbys birthday cake Fiftyeight are ehtering the shirt ironing competition 46 the elem entary public speaking competi ition 58 the spelling bee and 90 women will model housadresses of their own make Read Examiner Classifieds Colorful Parade Open Annual Although the skies were ver cast hundreds of citizens lined the main streets of Barrie on Wednes day evening August 11 to watch the second annual Lionsparade The parade was the opening cere many of the threeday carnival at the Post OfficTSiftiareJ Derry Sullivan parade marv Chubby Hollywood shal rode in decorated jeep hauling the motor boat which was tlibig prizefiii the draw Following the Lions oat was the RCAF Band under the direction of FltLt Kenneth Hardy The band members were on truck proVVided by Cook Construction Prize Winners in the parade weret truck and float section Lowe and Sons wifh aberib boned babyjcomplete With bonnet and bottleina bed mounted high on theroofofia van Jeep section Bdulclerfel Green owersr Auto sectfdu Caruso andLCom pany car completelyCovered with evergreens and owers house with vehicle covered with Horse drawn sectionzWestons Bread wagon topped with alarge imitation wedding cake Among the other interesting en tries in the parade wereithe follow ing elaborate display by the Can adian Tire Corporation Jersey cow on Lakeview Dairy TruckHar ris Flower Shop display Canadian Legion Band under directionpf Craig Hamilton Parks Boarddis play with playground Sllde and plants and flowers Donald Camer on playingabagplpes on Stratli dee flransporfi and cloWu per forming on the roof of Wonder Bnkery truck cornucopiaon Corn er Cupboard Biikery truck Afeatuie of the childrens par ade was the cowboy section with ponies provided by Bill Mchuley new young coujboys onthelrvafis Lions Cairiival anf steeds made big hit with the Md as they passed along the main streets Prize winners in the childrens sectioniof the parade were tricy cle1 John Richardson87 Innis 2HBilly Byer COLHIEIILCOBSICI wagonRalph Flemming and of Bayfield streetwith fishing boat2Marilyn and Andrew Dyment of Peel street with tulip garden Doll carriagel Mary Grose 80 Grove Sandra Flemming 114 Bayfield 3rShirley Mallioii 38 Collier Fancy dress1 Barbara Bur dette StVincent gypsy2Bv erley Anne Watson 116 Peel Linda Robinsonl 14 St Vincentas Cinderella Fancy costumeif Michael Rob rinson 44 St Vincent as Tarzan Bob Kennington 34 Pgarkside GaryKendington Judges f01 the parade were Grant Mayor of the Rotary Club Jack jMacLaren or the Kiwanis Club andRobert Bibby of the Canadian Legion The prize money totallgd $60 Runnersup in the parade were the fpllowing floats and vehicle displays Canadian Tire Corpora tion Barrie Tent and Awning Hare ris FlowerShop McEachern and Flynn Wonder Bread Hudson Mo tors Dangereld Motors The judges for the childrens sec tion of the parade were Dr Seymour Arthur Johnston and Kenneth Robinson Following the parade hundreds of the spectators converged on the Post Office Square for the opening night of thecarnival There was brief lull in the proceedings during the latter part of the even ing when the electric power went off However the lights were soon restored and the festivities were continued until latehour BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA INNISFIL TOWNSHIP PARK on Lake Simcoe is one of the best parks in Ontario that is owned by rural municipality Twentythree yearsagothewlownsliip issued 10101111118301 $20000 to biiy 85 acres of land and these 10 Ministerial Association RRIE THURSDAY AUGUST 19 1948 Section lPoges XAMINER to6 Charity Games of Chance Stopped Friday Night Lions Annual Carnival bentures are now paid off The park has fine beaches picnic grounds and other facil ities that are used by tens of thousands of rrpersonsrannnalfr Many visitorsfas WUIILZTT Iiiiiisffl iepltleirts make use of the park Stand Against Gambling 1c Lc special meeting of the Barrie and District Ministerial Associa3 All JlltllllJflS were present sit the Town oliiicil meeting last Monday night with the exception of Ald James During committee discussion Ald Marjorie Hamilton was in the chair issued The Barrie Ilxariiiiier gt County have solicited the position tciial Association in this regard Belcskcy Innisfil St spoke of the water coming over from the east side of the road onto his pro perty llc agreed to build up his retaining wall if the town would put in the fill and Ald Griffin chairman of the board of works thought his department could get the problem settled as was protested we believe is This view is supported by the Ald Corbett inquired about the water course in the vicinity of 118 St Ald Griffin said he thought this was one of the mat ters sidetracked iii the estimates and he would enquire into the engineers report who promote such affairs Reeve Clark and Deputy Reeve Hart introduced bylaw to pro vide f0 laying down sanitary sewer on Cook St from Blake to Keifrpcnfeldt The bylaw was ap proved ister is representative person Reeve Clark introduced bylaw to Iicenscbicycles at 75 cents He said it had been reeomrnendedby The position of the Association is crystal clear iouiicemeirts frequently made by all the Irotcslant churches icpre lam head up the hunter horso SilliOfl iii the Ministerial Association at Ilairie is well known to the ass and mm of $100 Wm be government of this tllOVlllCLMtllld to the peopln generally Espeerallyfawmdm the well mi is this the case of those who conduct such arnivals and as far as possible prohibiteddii public places proper place in our democratic way of life If is incumbent theref fore upon the leaders of those havnrg such convictions to protest the Day comm Bacon Hog Contest open violation of the laws of the land as well as the spiritual convic Junior lions of the soul This notwithstanding the very good intent of thoselacmwonwnt 131 This was doomfirst to protect the cliiI1 dren of our own faith from the perils of gambling Secondly as mod HS year nth PlOglam under patriotic duty to support the laws of the province and thus offset theim general Slporvmon 0f materialistic and communistie disregard for such regulations It is also established as matter ofehiirch polity that the min In the case under consideration the protest was notnierely that ofixdiudividiial lion was lreld on Tuesday morning and the following statement wasbom gm and heavy and Single itllllllt is chairman of the heavy RE THE PROTEST AftINHI GAMBLING Arising from protest against gilllillllllfl at the recent Carnival iui Ilarrie the Press 111 the ily of Toronto and in some towns in Sinicoo mmmmmhp 1mm mm of the Barrie and District Minisl The official pro Such gambling nioral vice which must be curbedi laws of this province Such being the case the rights of conscience and of minorities have living and 01mm Ummmdmg features W1 but ofpeople whose tzarrrrrzrs DOROTHY JOHNSON Last Friday night 103 WINS BOAT MOTOR LIONS CLUB DRAW The winner of the boat and outboard motor ruffled by the Lions Hub of Barrie last Fri day night was Miss Dorothy Johnson 152 Maple Avenue Barrie The boat and motor were valued at approximately $500 and the sale at price of one dollar was made on Monday afternoon liiitoii Thompson chairman of the carnival and Noel Stephenson in charge of the draw took the boat to Miss Johnsons home The presentation was made by Dr Seymour presi dent of the Lions Hub milled about in consternation address sysierii announced tha bingo game was among those two previous nights and also Kiwanis and Legion carnivals Rev Ilunzphreys vice iprcsrdcin of the Barrie and Il siiit Lillriiistcrial Association and pizsfoil of the First Baptist Church toid Ilic filarrie Examiner that he trad rol iccrved coiirplriirit on Friday eiii ling The complaint had come from mother who did not want her children playing the grains of ehance she claimed being opl erated it the Lions aiiirval EMT oomph1717th car riivallalioirfifljlf pin to make L1 personal investigation He said he iwas surprised to find such Rfllllfll totalof 82500 in prizes will he offered this year at the 9611i annual ro Fall Fair to be held on Wed nesday September 15 Irwin McMahon secretarytreas urer reports that there will be in creased prize money for teams road horses Bert Gucst of horse tctthll prize of $25 will be awarded there will be special prize of $15i for the best horse on the line Fred Kennedy of Barrie will stake In harness racing $100 will be awarded for the 228 class and $125 in the free for all include Ayrshire Red and White Boys and Girls Club FERGUSON is regional mari ager for the Georgian Bay district of the HydroElectric Power Com mission of Ontario and lie now makes his home in Barrie Mr Ferguson liaman office in the Town Hallrand headniiiiistrs the terri tory from Bpnadford to Burks Falls There are 650 employees through The school fair erI be highlight libson PSI opening at am School teachers and school trustees througliotitfh district are cooper ating in thisvcnture John Reid of 0m Station is Rotary ianon If Cody where involved pessimistic elements Christian concern for their otvn children inspired siicli protest REV Two Thousand at Arena presidcnt of the Oro Agricultural Society for his second term and plans are well under way for the Oro Fair to be just as fine as if CLEMENTS President Ministerial Association out this district 45 of them being at the Barrie office Mr Ferguson joined the HEPC at Toronto as an assistant engineer 34 years ago WLAMA COMING EVENTS the policecommission to provide stolen Deptin Reeve Hart stig gcsted 10 cents and Ald Mary Laurie also thought 75 cents was too much for some children Mayor Mayor said it wouldrequire 75 cents for the town even on the plan First andsec ond readings were given and the bylaw was held over for final decision Deputy Clerk Ernest Burton was appointed delegate to the annual meeting of the Municipal Association to be held in Kings ton on Sept 202122 When Ald Hamblyintroduced recommendation for certain street lights Ald Poucher suggested Barrie should have better lights like some of the small villages he felt that many oftheBarrie streetlights were hidden in the trees The Mayor said better liglit standards were on order POLICE RECOVER $6324ESTOLEN Coons IN IULY In the statistical report present ed by SgtH Peel to theBar rie Ponce Commission for the monthggf July it was shown that there were 21 convictions under the ligggr control act fines collected totalled $180 Three persons were imprisoned in default of paying their fines Under the highway traffic act therewere 37 cases prosecuted and 33 convictions registered Fines imposed andeollcted amounted to to breakl check on the number of bicycles An estimated crowd of 2000 witi nessed the best allround per formance yet staged by Olsboriic Colsonrandnhis Summer Ice School at the Barrie Arenalast Sunday evening The effects of the tire less instructing of Colson himself MaryJane HalStead and Gerry Blair were never so evident as they were last Sunday evening The motto now reads come early andtiyand find seat Every soloist who performed before the huge throng received an encore nearly every movement was applauded heartin and above all the program was the top frolic to be placedin the local arena There wasnt one skater who outshone the others the program was so expertly arranged Dolores Green of the Brooklyn Junior Figure Skating Club 1185 yet to and the dodge her nervous ailment but nevertheless displayed skillful musical selection Only her sec ond 5010 since taking to the ice Dolores shows signs of promis ing future Patsy Shears of Owen Sound failed to besheved to back seat when honors were being received Patsywskated ilovely routine which rated her back for another solo this coming Sunday Nancy Gail Smith was another soloist well received Velma Lillicrropkdespite an un expected Sit down came up with her most successful skating pro BANK OF TORONTO OPENSABUILDING OPEN WAAGA BEACH SUN AMUSEMENTS EVIDENCE GATHERED lheamusements and stores at wasaga Beach ivere open again last Sunday as usual after being closed on August The merrygoround pinball machines bowling alleys and other games were in full opera tion Sgt David Hamilton of Bar rie andia squad of provincial roundsjthe police checked 23064 building will $5000 be beneficial to the eyes and ame $132 Six persons wereconvicted jun derthe criminal code and four cases were dismiSSedZOne person who AUGUST 25 hTheEank of Torotito which has was imprisoned and lime were been located iiiA11andale for over Igiven suspended SentenceThe Val 50 fears has now builta modern be of goodsrecqvered including building equipped with the latest stolen cars was $632470 fire andburglarvproof vault and While making their nightly safety deposit boxes Thenew be opened on Wed doCts and found nineunlocked nesdayAug 25 during July ThebranCh wus originally pay Prosecutions under the town by office for the Grand Trunk Rail laws totalled nine in July and way and was located in the Both there were six convictions and well block The late HenryMode three dismissals Finesfotalled 517 land was the first manager In Sevenbicycles were stolen in 1907 When the late Mr Henwood July and17 other thefts werere was manager iniBarrie the YMCA ported Other items from the re building was erected andan office port follow intoxicated in charge provided for the bank This was of auto forgery fraud auto still mainly pay office for the thefts burglary housebreaking railway and was run as sub shopbreakingl branch fromBarrle In 1923 A1 hagt landale became separate unit In CREEMORE PURCHASE the past 15 years the business has Smith0f the Creemore eitpanded until the present prem Star has purchased the residence ises have beeomeiinadequate of the James Hawkins estate for Fred Stevenson the present manager says he is lookingrfor ward to increasing the number of friends in Allandale and the sur rounding district and invites thysts were thought to prevent everyone to drop in to look over drunkenness the new office Emeralds were once believed to police were at the beach and obtained evidence of all places that were yiolating the Lords Day Act These reports were referred to OroWn Attorney Frank Hammond of Barrie rThe Crown Attorney mustrefer the reports to Attorney General Leslie Blackwell who must be consulted before any prosecu tions can berrwijed out violafions of the Lords Day Act gram since her first showing be fore the public The Mintgrikating ClumeOtl tawa should feel proud of the spotlight captured bytheir three stars Don Tobin Pierrette Paquin and Alain Pinard Tobinunner up inhthe canadian junior mens championships last year showed why he won first imihisr free skating 3A slenderlad he has an abundance of talent while hand ling his skates with the utmost confidence dancer on the stage gopld not have been more grace Pinard arias third in the chaml pionships laSt year andalong with Tobin plans towntern in the 1948 paradeii Vilewas born in Paris France Paquin fs gold medalistand in 1947 was paitiipant it the Junior Ladies championships She has vmuchf ability and should rate strong chance in this years competition Another performer on the night who willbefryingfoxhomnsminwmust be met the the ladies division waSVShirley Luffiiian of Montreali Shirley most certainly will be in the run ning as proven by her classy rou title during open house Donna McSweeney of Hamilton is denitely corner Perhaps little overshadowed by the older skaters on the program shewith stood the excitement with smooth arrangement With more experience she can rise to great heights in theskating world Those who unpacked their bag gage over the weekend were Evelyn Bastow London Bessie Henry St Catharines Dr and gt imsteorgeMcKeown and daughV kins Hamilton Chantecler Hotel and director of hotels have afine opportunity right Harry Morisbn Lay hasbeen in the past Appointed Controller ff Chantecler HOTEL Que Dance at Baxter Friday Aug 27 to the music of Paxtons orchestra From The Financial Post Dancing from 930 to 1130 221fb Harljy Morison Lay 158 youngDance at Cookstown pavilion Canadtan comparatively new every Friday to Don Gilkes and Canadian 13115111955 tourism Re his orchestra Admission 50c 3011b cently appointed centroller of The Dance Wednesday night Aug 25 Shanty Bay Hall Snack bar The Cliantecler Hills Estate Inc at Sircud Mountaineers Admission St Adele Que he believes resort 50c 20th The family reunion of the Bibby now to help correct imbalandedn familywill be held at the borne our trade with the United States of Mr and Mrs Guilfoyle Worsley 81 Saturday Aug 21 34b Rteopening service Churchill United Church Sunday August 22 atll am Reverend Lancaster Maurice Esten lithe Lions Club Carnival was closed up at the Post Office Square Some 2000 persons while Voice over the public the officials of the club had tbceiiwarned to close up because there had been complaint The lights at the various booths were turned off and the stopped Groceries and other bingo prizes lvere auctioned off at bargain prices It was the third and final night of the carnival and the games operated were the same as those operated on the earlier in 1118180213011 at the rown and Anchor and wheels of fortune and other games being played wih flitrrroney being pas sod iittixs the table sound truck was advertising Win three dollars for one and six dollars for two at jinnxii and Anchor The clergyman went to his home and then called thevHarrie police station The constable pri dirty re ferreddudhun II Ieel who was at his home Off duty Rev Mr Humphreys described Turn to page three please CANON CODY STRESSES CANADA AS INHERITANCE Canada is Our Inheritance Let Us Adorn It This was the theme of the address delivered to the Club of Barrie at the Thursday luncheon Aug12 by Canada said is the battleground seemingly insurmountable obstacles in the way of political problems have been solved and put into effective rise Confedera tlic speaker ition was the most outstanding ex ample of this Dire to the four distinct areas the Maritimes Central Provinces the Prairies and the Mountain Districts each with its own particular way of living and its own distinctive was emphatically problems it stated by the that it just wouldnt work Time has dis proved this and shown to the world that alargc 7country with small population scattered over large area Can be welded into one unit and work harmoniously True inert naive bcn instances of dis scnsion and friction there still are and probably always will be but this is of small account consider ing the vastness of the organiza tion Another important con sideration was the fact thatCan ada has two languages While this has not actually been settled defin itely still the two races have co operated to show that they can live peacefully together under the satire rule Canon Cody concluded his re marks by stating that Canada is the examplerheld up to the world for its ability to live harmonioust with its neighborsto the south to take its place in the British Com monwealth of Nations as one of the leading members and to rule its people under one central gov ernment composed of their elected representatives from each pro vince Canon Cody was introduced and thanked our behalf of the club by Canon Cody has been summer resident of Barrie for the past 35 minister Music by the church choir years at his home on Kempenfeldt 34b Hill Barrie FlYers Jr AI StartTrMct Byarrie Flyers 194s OHA Junior and Eastern Canada hockey champions will commence framing for the 194849 season at Barrie Arena on Monday Oct Subscribers seat sale for the OHA schedule which startsarouhd Novemberifwilltbe opened to night Thursday at Emms Electric Store Elizabeth St Fat particulars 00 this plan for sub He also says that Canadian resorts scribers seats arecontained in an should be first to promote greaterl advertisement on the front page travel by Canadians within Canada third seem 0f 1151155119 The Born at Barrie 0ntLay isagrearwmExammer grandson of William Lyon Macken NeXt Seasons omcml Souvenir zie and son of the lateHM Lay Programwm be biggerI newslen and the former Janet His mother is sister of Canadas Prime Minister Lay finished high school at Barrie juSt inn lime to join the iRCAF in 1939112 served on thecastand west coasts Alaska and Newfoundland Leaving the airforce as squadron leader he went baClctoschool and this year graduated in arts from University of Western Ontario IOne of his strongest beliefs about liisnew job is that there is more to tourism thanthe encouragement of travel that vacationists demands customers satin fled His work leaves little sparetime to indulge hobbiesbut one of his favorites is painting He also holds commercial pilots license and takes an occasional hop over the Lauren tians His wife and three small children Helen Janet and Alisonalso claim some attention Lay is married to Margaret Adele Thompson tzer LindaFort William Jean Mc Neil Toronto Eric Noble Hamil ton Dr and Mrs Pratt Woodstock Katherine Lister Ain herst Nova Scotia and Joyce Per duties and betterftlian ever HaZCn Edge hasbeen lining up this feature for the past couple of weeksjandre ports that only afevwmore adver tising spaces are available Un less more pages are addedf con tractsi forspace will likely close by theend ofthem0nth Officials of Barrie Flyers Hockey Club will remain asfor1the past three seasons Charles Christie president ArChie Marshall secre tarytreasurer Howard Norris manager Leighton Hap Emms coach Harry Partridge will no doubt again have the trainers As to players the Flyers will have around 40 prospectsto choose from in the amateur school at the Arena in September comprising boys the Flyers have signed along with youthfulsprospecfs belonging to Buffalo Bisxons and Springfield Indians To great extent Coach Emms must start toviebuild as he loses such stalwarts of the 1948 can adian finalists as Jim Strachan Ray Gariepy Chick Guarda Gil St Pierre Bill Barrett Rusty Alkln Jerry Reid Bruno Favero Ray Mayer WhitMousseau all of whom are on some bro clubs serve list and now over age for junior hockey But there is goodvnueleusGF lastyears players to startwith including goalie Gilly ayer de fencemen Slan Long and Bob Bingley forWards Paul Meger Sid McNabney Don Ashbee andGeo Ford Also Ward Brandgw regti efencemanwifhlastiyears Oshawa Generals is property of Barrie Flyers The big Winnipeg boy waspnly with stalna on loan last season as Flyers had surplus of defencemen If is expectedhfhatv the Junior group in the OHA will comi prise the same clubs as last year wlfhfthe possibletiexception of Young Rangrs who might be dropped in favor of Wellandor Hamilton WindsorgSpitfiijes St Catharines Teepees Stratford Kroehlers Galt Rockets Marla boros sr Mikes Oshawa Guelph Bilfrriores will all be back There is lnew arenafready inGuelpb Most of these items hayegbeen building uprosters duringthezolfr season St Michaels will likely be powerhouse again Father Ted Flanagan manager has an nounced Joe Primedu will coach and most oflastjyears promising yoimg team will be Oilhand plus some notable newcdrners includf ing stai centre Don Rope from Winnipeg MOnarchs and Len Haley from Edmonton BUS DRIVER EXONEBATED Driver Stwm in charzdof Grand Valley bus win but over Chris Nicolau 54 causing hindeathat Warm was completelynxoiieru by coroners jury which had used goodfjudgnieut ing the bus