Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Aug 1948, p. 9

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Draper booted Frank Kril MAC 9011311919th After funding Cookstown off the ile Iiashitei Hits Each as Prysons Even Series With IIarris Richardson FLYERS UPSET PARBUILDERS HERE BY 42 ihlBtltltlci ju eiiti in the BA playj 1111 who lich had tiirrirs obtaining win in tacit limp Itll Illt 1111 Irkl 81121112 madam 313am ONTARIO canons Newmorket Defeat if Copoco Girls 145 DRUBBED 156 31 131111919139 ball swamped 111111 11 TIIIIIS ircw loMl 11 iidrusdny lli lirribliml sni Qtltt lnrh iscore liret the fifth Lltuichtill littered back to ten ItiUZill lthl ltwo runs LUlbctlc itlgic by iSilsLlutt and Doirdltowr plan11 1111111 on thr sucks and 31 sr Hun Huron icilcil them with 1lilt 11 hen two Were away Th Iil deadlock was broker by Lea her second gamed 111e Edith tirr ZINE to Mar on the to iiter what 111 catching tip 111 druid ill the 11h cute way to in he llrvorts in innd for Sitt 1111 gt1 1112 winners ui in iuiiicrcd single 11 111 fourth and sixth Kwl14vilil 11 ithe hornestris ill the ixtli when mm mm ttt 11 It didnt take Prysons Grill long to place the Scttlor Softball lowing Frank Kcil to 21v finals on even rooting Ratherpeeved at having blown the 11 15 11141 mil lfff first encounter they ruffled their hair gronndtlicir teeth and HE Jumm Tm through whh hhhmhh eh Quid UpriUpn to even the bestotseven series at one game apiece shallows with limiting the count rend 44 the It was Ed Elsassers turn on the mound and the southpaw 111 ml WWI setcrith came through in great style although he was tagged for 11 wli all The same winnms Hm th vb l1tts Six on the night failed to touch his inside ball and his pd mmh mm 43 exceptional control was evident in his giving only two walks 111 134 Witt over Lilitrltlilli ttriil lte first two games more will to ad Jliic 13 1111115 llitriclnil shtttlizt lltcit ltitl 87l while 511ill1 ttctty Blake UlllitUlV ittl to hint his hp v1 lh ttltd ll gtltlkt out nine llatiy touw 11121 with one of his top when he fanned ciwht 1111l away no 11cc lliiszt 11 iliJlL allowed 11114115111 111 in the plate hir My uiite hair inc111 11111 and hm 19 itt saw 31 11 iii tit ti llihu rc it the int iiinlulillitl sciur but Mahmud with that who in failed 11 11 mg 1111 run littrtlrlttl 11 1111 5Ktlltll 111 ilir it 1112 11 rtll tin1 111111 vn frail tituicl ll llztitei and 1111111 liutlttriurd tlltlllllll 1111111 of 1111 iric hit mill runny two while lrlr ltli tll 911 1111 1111111 cl lliylii Monti llirw itIKf tics and Dot lttvr itll were licsl lull Villlr 10x stabie 5111 lctl worked lliS wary around 1h sacks to btolc on John rum 111111111 the spud and Luin 1V Hpbasv mm ka flack Luke Turnbull worked llltlulisl working his IUUILl mm his second straight game and 11 three days set the fitizlct found the pressure too heavy to not went the distance for the iirrt iillovtil eight salttics in luluout records rhlltdllfltlbl AT MlNESlNG lisltltd in the eighth as Mac Lon wwwmmng mt WW lled to my illvll with two bits Fish COOKSTOWN 0011100 100 carry Although he iiich away ctttlttcuru 000 121 turn lliilter clulllicd eight 7A 1112 liie 10s is hopped to the front in 1111 intiitii truth three countersh on thr 5119 littllllil of hits lai Sinclair 111111 on IIridie urrs drive and llll ousru along with Lloyd oburii porurdcd out triples for two rum olitnn scored later when llill Ultlllctr fired to centre field lliuicirill icuiiincd one marker ill the bottom half as Mac Constable iiisclrd anti tallied when threeless hits titan Elsasser and Inimcd eight batters his mates LOT FOR 35 ENIS failed to recognize his tireless el The biggest thirtyyv Ctllh fort and contributed fivc errors to worth of education cittcittriiiiiicnt nullify 115 fen rand recreation you can buy mr No scoring resulted in the frrsll where is at the Canadian National 111nm Exhibition in Toronto Sharply rising costs forccd the directors to as the win was mild in mp Sec charge an additional dime from lltl Prysoiis were away to fly thc 25c charged over 110 t111 ill rwl on irti by Tim third marsh tliiuv 11 111111 hr ksuics raced in itrll 111 They du p1vitvd the l11 ill the 111111 and 11 iii 1710 11 111 11111111 Valley in 131th llltl 111 11111 11 1111 bottom hall of the 111111 licjlin Mlmrrt gtliritrl Illl llllll rull llltitil itl ilvioir seven Heron walked only brittcr but llillitr clipped an riJ nroniar Copaco assured llltllgtlt of playoll spot in tlic liitrrnwdmtc Softball loop Vitiiiegttlr Aug when they tliltlglll till top of IitL$Ltlllll tilt with Mirnauni Played on the lustrs diamond rushed to the front ill the llict as lendriff mart Cliff Mc tiu slioltcd the cover for it lllli 110 1ilt and made an cosy Jamil lot hwhjir iiiiitt when Jimmy Stiacliaii hmm stirrtlc 11111 vl Kllltl 1111 start Leadoff man Murray Mun Corrcspondcttts are rcqticsled to have their news in by luesday will Real Estate Brokers And General Insurance OSBORN GARVEY Listings invitcdon llomes Businessepr Farms Summer Cottages and Lots MONEY TO LOAN ON MORTGAGES WILSON ItllG Suite9 Phone Barrie 5229 If You Indulge In Over Eating Soumess of the stomach billousness heartburn headaches belching or other temporary disturbances are often caused by overindulgence In such cases Burdock Blood Bitters should give quick relief Burdock Blood Bitters is pure vegetable oompound for minor disorders of the stomach liver and bowels It stimulates the action of the stomach and digestive organs thus Improving digestion rid elimination Youll find BBB on sale at drng counters everywhere Accept no substitutes Specify Burdock Blood Bitters The 11111111111 00 Limited common Richardson connected for single and lion Matt was generous enough to slap brint fora sacrifice Cliirc Goring their attempted to play his part according to Hoyle and knocked it fly to centre field which Gord Roach dropped at lowing Richardson to streak home Goring tallied on Moe Stransmans fly out to right field Harris wont scoreless once more and liysons led 21 going into the top halfiof the third The next runs to cross the plate were in the fourth when both clubs hit for counters Once again schoolboy Richardson succeeded in rolling the ball when he drew walk the only ticket Turnbttll issued Ilatt popped bttt Miles crrcd Richardson iii holding his bitSCfIS trapped and went out at second Goring theirlived to the murderous row reputationand cloutcd double brirtging Plait home free Moe Stransman hammered iii 1115 second run of the game when he flied to centre field scoring Gor ing JimMcCurdy followed with single but Elsasset hit into fieldcrs choice toend the proces sion The first pulse from the Motor men was in the bottom half of the fourth Fred Norris the hero of the opening game grounded out second to first but Hal Laking and Doug Ramsay connected for sin gles and Laking tallied on Jack lurnbttlls long fly to centre Tire fifth was another tworun inning for the Grillers as they mounted the score without any trottble Murray Fife finally spoke up with single but was forced out at second allowing Jerry Reid to occupy his first baso sack Bud Kashner clouted hard single placing Reiin scoring position and he tallied on an error to Lorne Davies at third Richardson grounded out to second but Kash ner crossed the plate on the play Prysons stroked for another counter in the eighth as Richard son singled and came across as Moe Hines erred on Gorings hit Harris finally started their late rally but this time it failed to bring victory In the bottom half of the eighth Steve Hines singled Norris sacri ficed him to second and Hal Lak ing brought him the rest of the way with single Doug Ram say smashed through with dou ble sending Laking to third but both runners died on the sacks In which saw George Miles capture the only hit btit iis soon IRichardson brought them paco smashed their 1V to 11 11112 Victory to llltlt into thirdplch tie with 13X Wes leriy travelled the com pletc road for the Pucker to end their losing streak at iottr games Although they were timer lictidcd acuity turnt their lmd assumeat cried periodically 13ml Marshall workcd his way around for only run iii the first and tlrry added four in the hccond bvtort Minc sing rallied for llllit The lromc stcrs tied the count at ifi iii thr third btit Copaco soared in front to stay in the fourth with three runs They kept marching in the sixth and seventh while Miiicsinr were trying to come back from the floor crossing lltc plate three times in both the sixth and seventh stanzas Earl Marshall with five szrfctics topped the Copnco attack and add cd mttch spirit to the infield Loughccd salvaged lllltL Mincsing 131 Crawford Miles garnered tlircc apiccc Uinpiiescorgc W114 Adams bases Ray lhor plate CAMPEAIISITCHES 186 AFLYERS WIN AT CAMP BORDEN Barrie Intcrmcdizitcs gripped stronger hold onsccond place in the North Siiiiboe Intermediate Baseball League Sunday A1111 when they walloppcd RCAF 180 at Camp Borden It was the Colts eighth victory as against four losses RCAF have yct to hit the wrn column Larry Campcau took the mound forthe local Cictvand gave up five hits while his males were ciaim ing 16 off the combined hurling of Denbglfne and Paisley Coltssliovcd their nose in front in the first frame with three sin gles and from that pointmn IlCAl never saw the light Herbie Thompson began the prooession when he Singied attcr George Lc Gear had flied out Rusty lAikin followed with walk and Murray home with wellplaced drive Camp eau couldnt help his situation when he flied out but Patti Mcgcr produced with single to bring Richardson across the plate 1n thesecond free pass to Bruce Kerr single by Bell and sacrice by Strachan which the and 111137111th connected for hard grounder Easy to roll the last of the ninthrthey netted RCAF fumbled accounted for two one more when Elsasser gave it ms before Flycrs let out with free ticket to Moe Hines and br0 four runs on three hits and the same number of walks delightful to smoke PIPE SMOKERS ASK FOR OGDENS CUI PL ther Steve singled but that was all as Fred Norris ied to short for the final out Cells were sweatihg as they came to bat in the third because of slim 54 margin butthey went to work In 1111 wcoud Johnny Ftllls pul ti double With two away but Ruled to advance as Don Siiitiiioits inillltltil to first lwo hits until urns run brought cliccrs fioin thcl rt ltllllt third Wtrlirisley zit imrt started the ball rolling 11133 ritlhliitilil Hillier iliiVEfIVitAI litl ttuiitrd but Straclran singled tlltlllll ilillicr to third Murray lllt tollowed with quick hit to Iriic llillici but SlliiClltlll was llilllltd at the plzilc They added two in the fourth rii llotitIe walked took sccond on an attempted sacrifice by Bruce lit1r which lltltlll fumbled and birth runners tallied as licltis sin Jltil ollinuwood gathered their first hit in llltvlllllllltlh Lou Fawcctt 5111 zlcd 1n the sixth they captured run on no safeties Leonard was ilic first man to the platc and he was struck by Lt pitchcd ball Ilcron Wclll out second to first lthut Ran 111 down to Fife which Moe erred on iiiiiliitslcy groundcdto theinfic1d and was let go in an attempt to catch Leonard at the plate bttt the play failed double by Cook with Fawcclt aboard in the seventh was all Col liucwood could rally for as Hillier scttlcd down and forced the next two batters to fly to Fcltis in cen trc licld Thrcc singles were credited to Jimmy Strachan which won him batting honors on the clicnings dis play Clitl McArthur and Johnny lcitis were next in line with two safeties apiece Fife gained the re maininghit Len Cook and Lou 1ztwcctt supplied single hits for Collingwood COBLINGWOOD Randell if Aleckdf Walmsley Barrett of lorrill 211 Jackson Fawcett 3b Switzei 1b Cook 1b Fryer rf Leonard rf Heron lSAthIEMcArthur 3b Stiach an 1b Fife ss Meger P1011110 111 Hagan 11 Kerr 2bEmes 2b Fcl tis cf Simmons rfHilliei Collingwood 000 001 12 Barrie 101200 X4 UmpiresA Thompson plate Richardson bases tx CHARLIE sEaGRAM WILL GIVE FREE TENNIS LESSONS Charles Seagram wellenown tennis player and enthusiast has volunteered his assistance to the Recreation Office to act as an in structor forlessons in basic ten nis This will create greater in terest and improvement in play for the many younger participants TlVIurray Richardson were the big three in the Grillers victory each pnlributlng two singles Clare Murray Fife Bud Kashrler 211191 peau was the victim of pitched balland Meger walked setting the the evening Ramsay and Laking oring and Jim McCurdy garner stage for Kerr and his single ed one hit apiece for Prysons threebase blow came from the bat Hal Laking and Doug Ramsay of Bell to clear the bases and with three safeties each were far Stmclan broughthm the Test Of in from of an platemen during the trip wrth onebase hit When hadnt shown their retrue form 94 Edge through Tthe schedule but both They 11919 the Air FOICe SCOIO have been prominent figures inthe 1955 Wlle Proceedingfwmc playoffs StevewHinesigaineditwo eCamPeaue 301705591118791819411 the while Moe Hines Ge6fgeMiles fotrrth Their rivals gained sin and Gord Roach connected for 316 run in the fth butRIIStV one each Aikin nullified this mistake by Box score punching out home run with lctliifs strictest11 Cllarlcitie mar Blah L519 Barrie 1111 111118 10 suitors Phene 73684 bFanned for Rdachiriltli ing Stransinan Richardson 10 Prysmis doubles abr Thompson aboard inthe sixth Flyers replied with onein the 11 coaowomiiocma topHm ommwwmruupo littlemercy as they raced for one in the seventh and ve in thc e1ghth Air Force could notmus ter any sort of rally Nocwooc Platt rf Goring cf Stransman 2b McCurdy Meger Elsasserp wreathch aim codewords HO oooocoeorac Herb Thompson with three hits eaehled the Colts attack While John Bateman Larry Campeau and In ooamumuswand 5163 HARRIS Hines 1b Miles 2b SHines ss Norris 1f Letting rf Ramsay Turnbull Davies 3b Roach cf nShewchuk Gilmore 3b bKnapp winning effort nHIIIS and Gard nr led the ROARattack with two apiecewitlr the remaining safety coming from Martin N0PLAGEFOR BUSINESS MAN T9 rankhm srAvNEn The Stayuer Sun qhtends that Tthp Main Street is no place for business mm 10 Dark cnoobuvwo HNJ bits1195101 codabgwwomiabm aFannedjor Dlivies 111 8th Summary Runs batted in Gor Hins Laklng Turnbuli sacrifices Norris Plait left on bases Harris harmony FREE TRANSFERS 1N Goring UmpiresFA Marsha EVERY PACKAGE TOO plate It yment WOMENS INTERESTS AT ONE Down through the years decade alter decade the Canadian Nation alExhibition has been notedior Its attention to womens Interests Tlteectivitleis of the womens de partment are more diversified this yearthan ever before FMIIIOM bottlemaking needlework desirin lrt dometiescience handicrafts ki chen plannini tebnagpmctlvii hhrehhz ties etc etc otter proirun of VCIIWO 141 the smoke had cleared Barrie held bottom half but the Colts showed Jimmy Strachan Pauli Meger an hsepternber 39 631127110 1LLL TRANSFERITIM oral Guinea when strings eune TASTE SWELL FOUR and seriously pulled away Camwho hmtammdtheigam for the first time this year on the new courts at Queens Park which Were constructed for public use by the Parks Board It will be impossible to give individual lessons but Mr Sea g1am says the beginner can learn crderahle from group lessons Arrangements have been made 10 give four lessons during the month of August with the possibility of these classes continuing during part of Spteinbr The Board of Parks Manage menthaVe heartily concurred in such classes being introducgdin order thaLiulLedvantagerwill be taken of the new facilities offer ed in theparkui ofngtm classes will be heldi lmSaturday 14th pm Thursday 19th 430 pm Tuesday 24th 430 pm Saturday 29111 Should the attendance warrant it an endeavor will bemade to have these classes carry on throughout part of Septembereir Bell contributed two each to the To further increase interest rin thisv pleasant sport Which isshow ingareviva1 inaBarrie it is the Recreatirm Councils intention to stage boys tiritlmgirls junior tournament late in Augustor early There is no intention to idisre gard the Ladult players but for the institutiOrr of such championships tp A11 111 111 lights 1111 sirHum 112 llllit liltlli 11 llii11l 1131111 11 111 111211 1111le 11 hTwo Members of RCAF To Represent Canada In the Olympic Games lioclzty 1111 the only poit 1111 which the litlr tlillllltK Iilllll for armrnis llyzitpic cirilltiirc IlllIUWill in 111 iogtttrp oi the victotioti lliAl llr1 illlll tcc liocrtcj 311111111 bers of ltic Air 1occ 5311 llillll Villillttlll ltcrlisrmltt int and Sgt icoiic Doc lltruibloiriiito arc at procrth cit route to lIhrllniirl to represent triiidt in 1111 ltillll coming iympic t11111S Sgt Vuraioui iioot lllhiitclr 17541 villizlliltlitl is till ointwo representatives in the lightheavy weight llVlSltill crirduatc of Eristvicw High School Variilcatt jbincd the Air Force in 1911 as physical training and drill instruct or been stationed at No 11 ltcpair llu pot Trenton Sgt Plumb vctcinn of almost 10 years ill the 11Aii represents Canada as ligzhtwcicht wrestlcr Bcfoic nllnllllt in the Air Forcc he attended cntrai ommcrcc and Central Technical liich Schools in Toronto During the second world war he stayed otciscns for two years as an armourcr in No RCAFI Bdrnbcr Group 110 is now stationed at 11041 Station Triton illl llritl to during the present season Fur ihcr information as to ages rules and regulations ctc will be forth coming 111 an rzirly crtiiioii of The Examiner armorIii Even for double the price you cant buy anything better than it was felt int junior tournaments were hall that couldbe handled Hey 515 see How SNAzzv BIKE Looks WITH THESE New TRANSFERS ourr MY OWN INITIALS TOO Gee tr loo FLAKES TRA For the past two years 111 has Penetqnguishene How A800T HELPING Me PUT QUAKER WHEAT noon it possible Siorhltcii QuirLl Stop itching of insert 111 tiilillcclcrl ti tloribiv Elatioric lltillllltlltl nrullttii 1111 ltobbin ltllllti and lur ilnlri prurvd the girl of the 11111 c1311 l11lll1 lllm HUlllii rzrn 111 tor the tornls it ltif ellnee Hiresi leafiar Litre heat rash 11utlllfte 111 troubles 11 11 in 1111 1il1 1rii1 ampbvll 1111 of it 11113 viii1111Ellln=haihtrhnz iyjlcri tlh lever to lill mates is tiiv rloiltitl llit 1111 1111 llllcc If1 llltldi hiilii PRESCRIPT 51 dl5irtspirh itotis or 111 1111 1011 013 PRESCRIPTION mm initialisation 31111319111191 Warrime Taxes and Orders 24 on 55 Coke eAuF sum at Askfor it either way 791 trademarks mean tbesame thing Authorized Bottler of CocaCola un der contract with CocaCola Ltd PENETANG BOTTLING CO LIMITEDT Phone 440 110qu1 11th nit memoir NEWroars $21j911 SrgLOUis $2989 CHICAGO $2299 DETROIT 791405 Subjec toenailge atomsaup NFORMATIONATEQ BARRIEBUSIBBMINAL 13 CyolyllerSt Phone 310 =12QUAKEB WHEAT FIAKES KS sorrel wrsa HA0 HALF THE ENERGY or THOSEKIDS QUAKEK WHEAT FLAKES MUST eeoooo lORTHEMI NSFER ON

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