The greatest THIS WEEKS ISSUE 7900 Copies AUTHORIIEO AS IICOND CLASS IAIL 70 DEPT OIIAA 85th YearNo 33 HOUSE OF HITS ALWAYS DELIGHTFULLY COOL FIRST WITH THE BEST IN BARBIE Last Showing TonightThur TIIAIVIERRIFIC COMEDY HIT VOICE of the Turtle Days Starting Tomorrow FRI SAT MON TUE CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT 230 pm SPECIAL MATINEE MON 230 PM adventure the new West has given the screen Cartoon 111188 or P180 CHARIIS Rllllftl Monkey Shines BUMMINSCUBURNIRIHUR EVE SIIOWS 650 and RM DAYS STARTS WED AUG 18 DEIRO SOIDIYIIlAlfttln tilt IIlIIS pun1 lthSlllNi ENTERTAINMENT HeIcI over Held Over THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY THE YEARS BIGGEST PICTURE towering above all others in thefury if liggiatnesisi other heart BE sues 655 and pm no mum DUFF communication alluvsnow SAT Evasaprm grins EXTRA SCREEN TREATS wVWARNERSBROVSENEWSCARTOON NDAY TUESDAY ve Shows nipvb actor lelh an exciting VIM llmfol mIgnetlmr YIN iiuuu sex ed 230pm 6331d9Pm Willi BARGAI IIAIIY BEIIIIIIIGIIES RIGIIARDIIWIS IlchIAIlII BRAKE mmqu pummel DAY CAMPS Carruthcrs Aveniug the program ARTHUR JOHNSTON is seen here receiving from John Wylie the trophy he won in the mile swim at the fifth annual Ilarric Regatta sponsored by the Young Mens Section of the Junior liamber of Com merce It INER STAFF IIIOIO 312 FINAL WEEK FOR COUNTY The day camps sponsored by the Simcoe County Recreation Cdmmit tee in cooperation with the local communities are being wound up this week Miss Alice Steer has been Ill Simcoc this summer conducting tlicse day camps under the general supervision of Miss Louise Colley county recreation director On Tuesday the boys and girls gathered at Midhurst for final program in which they had an im portant part of the planning Wednesday the Saurm group were at Allenwood Beach for airevening campfire and puppet show Tonight plans are completed for final program at the home of The final program at Ncwclzowcll will be on Friday afternoon with puppet show and picnic supper The day camps have been con ducted for the past six weeks and has included hikes singing games puppetry story tcl ling craftr painting andother ac tivities Over I000 Young Men was the fourth successive year for Johnston swmi and he is now practicing for the fer IIllllle marathon And Women Qualified lAs Safety Instructors You couldnt think of better sport to save your life says the Swimming and Water Safety Di rector of The Canadian Red Cross Society as this program carries on its thirdsummer of activity in Canada Present gures show that four out of ten Canadians will never learn to swim at all ve more out of the ten will swim crudely with undue exertion and withdoubtful pleasure only one out of the ten will become skilled swimmer The Red Cross The RoyalLife ior Intermediate and Senior levels saVlng Soclely the Ys and 311 Barrie has been actively associated those Who are working towardslwith this very fine Red Cross ob Water Safety have big job ahead jecve Over 1000 young men and women es its goal every Canadian will be have qualified as Canadian Red not only Skilled SWimmer bill Cross Water Safety Instructors in When the program finally reach to Win this EXAM CALLITHUMPIAN PARADE PLANNED FOR FARMERS DAY arrolL parade mar shal for the callithumplan par ade planned for the annual Far iucrs Day in Barrie has sent out letters to scores of business firms in an effort to solicit their support The event will be held Thurs day Scptvmbcr and Mr Mc arroll says there is no reason wily the parade should not be at least mile long Prizes will be given for the best decorated floats and vehicl es and full information can he obtained from the office of the liainber of Commerce IMPERIAL TOBACCO TO DONATE TIMER COSTING $2300 Arrangements have been complet ed with the Imperial Tobacco Co to install new Sports Timer in Barrie Arena It is expected that Illic ncw clock which is the last word in timing equipment will be ready for use about the first of October The clock will have sweep sec ond hand and an entirely new scor ing device Another feature is that when the full time has elapsed for each period the buzzer is automa tically started to end the period Barrie is very fortunate to receive one of these timers as there are on Iy four of them being installed this year atWihdsorfGalt Oshawa and Barrie It is stated that the clock and equipment cost $2300 safe and supervised swimming Second by training group of in structors competent both to teach the basicskills of swimming and to protect their pupils and thirdly by the settingup of nationwide COPPER moor or 450 pouuos FOUND IN VESPRA Last Tuesday afternoon 115 Little 256 Ellnbeth St Barrie found copper ingot weighing about 450 pounds The ingot was found in secluded spot south of the Sunnldale Road on on vesprz Although the block of metal was only thru fcet long one foot wide and five Inches thlckfit was so heavy it could not be lifted by two men tow truck was called to the scene and the ingot was fitted out with crane and taken to the Provincial Police headquarters The lngot bears the imprint 3696 IK Made in anada The metal ap pears to be copper and at eight cents pound it would be worth 530 turn scion EXAM RESULTS Below are the results of Grade 13 Illll in June After each subject indicated the standing obtained for glass littlltllSrlS 75 or more second SISHJ third 00657 credit attainH The certificates have been mailed to the students indicating the standing obtained in each subject and the marks in the subjects ml which they failed terms may be obtained at the ollcpialc Institute in case any students 1in to enter appeals Eleanor AdaliisonvaC EL llist It Alg Geom Hot 2001 FA Douglas Allcnr ICC EL Ilist 1in Chem lilllitlll AllenEC EL llisl loom Chem LA LC Lois AllsoppGcom Bot 7001 Beverley Anderson er EL lat LA LC FA FC Mervyn AyrcsEC EL Bot Item Ronald BlackstockEC EL first Alg Geom Trig Phys Chem FA FC William BlainoGeom Phys Chem FAc FC Kenneth BylesAlg Geom Bot 7001 William CaldwellAlg Geom Trig Phys Chem Eric ChannenEC EL Alg Geom Trig Phys Chem FA FC Jean ChantlerEL Hist Bot LAc LC Barbara ChurchillEC EL Geom Bot LA LC FA FL Barbara ClarkeBot 2001 FA FC Kenneth DavidsonEC Trig Ronald DaviesChem Marion DawsonEC EL Hist Marguerite DuvaIEEL Phys Chem FA Dorothy EmmsChem Phys FA Eileen FineEC EL Hist Bot 2001 LA LC FA FC Marvin FisherAlg Bot Zool FA FC Ruth GillanEC Chem LA Red Cross swmming tests at Jun Robert HalfyardAlg Geom Chem LA LC FA FC Margaret HandyEC EL HistTTBot 2001 LA LC FA FC Marion HarrisEC LA LC Norman HarrisEC Chem Gwennyth HoodEC EL sate swimmer trained to take care ibis Province and approximately Hist Bot 2001 of himSeIf andto look out for the needs of others in and on the wat er The Red Cross is tackling the problems of Water Safety in three ways First by nationwide publi city to stir public opinion towards Watch for the OPENING early in September of the AWNew ModernDance Hall near Highway 27 BARRIE de Nance Shirley Lnffman PINE CREST One mile east of Anten Mills onVespraFlos Townline Proprietor CHARLES MILLER 17000 pupils have passed the vari Edward HutchingsEC EL ous swimming and water safety Hist Algc Geom LA LC tests and may wear the Red Cross FA FC swimming emblems which are re Alg Geom Trig Chem FA FC cognized from coast to coast Read Examiner Classied Ads ARENA XHIBITION lsdnfBill Dolores Green Velma Lilli crop Don Tobin Dion Laws Alain Pinard Pierrette Public Skating Paquin on wednesdoyiFiiday Saturday Evefrom8to minim nouns2601c CHILDREN 1452 titanium innism in rarest DANCING EVERY NIGHT FEATURING ON SATURDAY NIGHTS Al Austin andihe HarmOnizers GABARET STYLE TABLES RESERVED Bring your potty and enjoy of Lake Simcoe dancing by the cool waters ADMISSION soc William HutchinsonEC EL Phys Sylvia JamiesonEC Hist Bot LA LC thosephalehnstonEGvcEIrc Chem Ralph KnowlesAlg Geom high Phys Joan McCorkindaleBot Z001 Chem FA FC Janice McCualgEC EL Alg Geom Trig LA LC FA FC Ross McCuaigEC EL Geom Trig Phys Chem FA John McLeanEC Hist Phys Chem LA LC Summer Skating sci Donald McMasterEC Hist rGeom Trig Phys Chem Donald MaxwellEC Chem Bonneah MooreFA HerbeMorrowEC EL Alg Geom Trig Phys Chem FA FC Orabelle MossEC EL Geom FA FC Gerald PattersonEC Alg Geomjc FA FC Donald ReidTGeom Bot 2001 cPhys Chem FA Anne RodgersEC EL Hist Bot Zoo LA L03 FA EC Beverley RoweEC EL Hist Alg Cabin Trig2 Phys Chem LA LC John ScottEC Alg Trig Anne SimpsonEC EL aGeomrvc Trigc Chem LA LC 2FA 2FC Helen SmithsEC 3EL Hist Geomc Bot Zool William SpanisEC EL Elizabeth gStairsEC3 EL Hist 3Bot 1Zool LA cLC FAcFCc Helen StoreyEC Hist 1FA cl Hilda StrachanChem Kathrine TerefenkoeHist Bot Leuise WalkerlBot LA FA 2FC43 Shirley WalkerEC FA Shirley WilsonEL Geom Chem Kathleen YoungEC EL Alg Geom Trig 2LA LC FA FC The following students wrotebut were not registered at the Barrie Collegiate Institute They passed in the subjects indicated Frank BatesEC Earl GilroyJJC Bernice LaughtonEC OF WELSH GUARDS The featured musical attraction of this years CNE will be the band of the famousWelsh Guards of Britain They will appear twice daily in concerts from the bandg shelL va Chm LA 3LC FA FC Joyce FieldtGeQm 3T1iig 244 1948 IMPERIAL THE BRRIEZ+E1XAMIN BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY AUGUST 12 Section 3Poges I3 018 Thur Fri Sat ALL COLOR FEATURE PROGRAM Thats My Girl With LYNNE ROBERTS DONALD BARRY PINKY LEE 4an Hit Action Picture Out California Way With ROY ROGERS MONTE HALE ADRIAN BOOTH Starts Monday August 16 This picture now play ing Shecrs Torontos big first run theatre timely as the news lEth RIDES THE BERLIN EXPRESSI loudcd with the treacherylof rrtnhmotionoi hutiads filmed FIRST American picture to fold In on Imldo warravaged Europe agent begin loumoy to Berlin RKO SEle MERLE DOLORES GREEN TO SKATE HERE DAFEVENING The Summer Skating School under the direction of Osborne Jolson has experienced two freak accidents and the skaters are ques tioning Will there be third Recently Margaret Milne of the Montreal Figure Skating Club and who was staying with her rela tives Mr and Mrs Badgely flliwhile practisingfa snin ind broke an ankle It nished her summer skating tor this year so she returned to Montreal Last week saw Mr Colson himself as victim of fall He received cut in one leg which required three stitches However the show still goes on and the enthusiastic crowd con tinue to wind their way for the regular Sunday Open House Don Laws favorite with the audience displayed hissecond solo of the season and proved he was destined for higher company with beauti fully executed number The Wash ington twins Fern Fletcher and Betty Lee Dent added something new to the program with dance session Which was thoroughly en joyed Other soloists Were Donna Marchinent Jacquelyn gOldham Belv Barber Joyce PalnienF and BrendQWatsori Next Sunday vvill see theNew the bladesralong with Alain Pal gverRANSi There will be Bus leav ing the Barrie Legion Building at pan Sharp for the Annual Zone DRUMHEAD SERVICE SUNDAY AUGUST15 ATMiooANn Bring your family and has9 ket lunch the picnic foi lowlng attire Midland Park onrmuu tram In 9th when York sensation Dolores Green on in Germanymgoimt the actual backdrop of bombwrecked citiesl FIGHT to death In an underground hideout brewery In Frankfurt OFF IIMITSI kinkwhore black market and deadly lnirlnve flourish ROBERT CHARLES YOBERONRYAN oKoivi mer Velma Lillicrop Pierrettc Pa quin Marion Wilson Shirley Luff inana Don Tobin Don Laws Patsy Shears Donna Mcswceney and Seven new nicmbers presented themselves to the club over the weekend in Suzanne Burt Hamil ton Carleton Hoffner Washington MinetsiiPark PAUL Margaret Fairley Hamilton Jean Lowrie New York Donna Rahn Hamilton and Joanne and Christ dueRobboLOshawafNoJoubf nose recruits will be seen in ac tion in the near future ReadExaminer Classifieds LION ooooooool if WED oNTiiEs NIGHT FirSIZSLQdiesEREE ADMISSION loooooono NIGHT SPOTLIGHT PRIZES cIVENhWAY FREE SNAPPY MUSIC BY THE Orchestra TUES 110 SAT IopjgcEononnsmn MBLERSM ii uWefhavelvbriiltia new addition tothefpavilioniwhicli aw will provideroomrforu 200 fmorepeople to sit at tables Bypass our iN youn RESERVATIONSJIARLXISQ THAT YOU WILL nor BE DISAPPOINTED Ii DancingEveny Week Night Recorded Music 159 750bit $1 Iidies Lunch Service is Tryour Delicious Wisdom ContBef Sandyvichdeio