Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Aug 1948, p. 5

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PAGE dim iv loud Tubacto rup llmlli oi ilrs lli livi zill ild itll It IV llt ii gt luliiiilii ll And ittl gtit Lil Homo ll lIt Sits tiiiiiiing lgt has in tll llopiltl ilr iidi tullili kind ind no BARRIE EXAMINER rows gt iIi ii Li in IJ and lazing ll ii Muslin 3h Irdll HI slitiiitr ullttl ilt Mrs Nott Sunday li and kit rsllttl tlic latitt Mrs liozii AIM Bill Kit Lilltl Juli lrvfitllr are spending lI with ll tiirolgt llil and fills it liii vickciii iiil Mr siiirlullll tlrull lxltlilil ioiih with his and ttlrtli at lliaiiipton Johnston and lllltiltll til lluiicltun Atll holidaying will tlic ltllll irotliv li Alvinbl Al llzlllllgt London igtll lcr gttgtltl Mrs Newbiiiy who with Mr and ill lIrinbcr ifl ill tIItl hits liirnltoii tdllttl lltlll tray Allan and Horn Illmill Toronto ir ititlitlllll suita trnrr ith tinii irilliitiltlll Mr and Mrs Iltll Npick than and Audrey lilpiir lit litlltlllll at Jnxiizli ilcairch with tin ir cousin biotins Sharp of To ionto lliliill Sllilllilf holidaying on ilrc tarin Mrs Mather riturircd homc aitci time with livi son and family iicar llanriltoir irrrr ccs iilzrtlini lrci iiiiidtlitiizlitci llllllt1 with her 1L1 thiipicll llgt Bohr airi gtiriv flit tvtIJIl Liliilir il It rlr iitfll IAfilUil Toronto zttal tlcir Mitvhcli on the IUlltiIl Iailtllsoll Solo barn Toronto at Mr zrssiliiiaiis Hornii Stacey and friend loi onto ith thc iorincis parents Mr and Mrs Stevens and child no at lllilll Johnstons Mr and Mrs IVtlllllllll at their cottagc Marion Downer IUltlllltlrWllll lltl parents Miss Iiarhaia Ircstoii of loioirto with Mr and Mrs lrcstoir BELLE EWARTE All loronlo seemed to town for the Civic holiday llic Sunday School picnic last lhtirsday was the best evera good time and grand day The Ladies Aid archolding llltll animal bazaar on the church grounds on Thursday afternoon August 12 The Anniversary ser vices are to be held Aug if at 730 prrr liev Smith will be the speaker iForem Aft be iii OOH rum mo lt 1108th At Camp Princess Alice Miniiicog Is Georgian Bay Sunday July 25 brought host of visitors the most being from Barrie The visitors log recorded the fol lowing iianies Mr and Mrs Hamilton Mr and Mrs ll Trap nell Mr and Mrs Charles Vickers Mr and Mrs II JSfibbaid Mrs Long Mr and Mrs Jas Kemp liarold Kemp Miss Rodgers Midshipman John McCabe of the Barrie Corps Mrs Monica Gill Mrs Mariel Mrs Fox Mrs John Partridge Mrs Eleanor Brett Mrs Flora Marion Miss Nora Brett Mr and Mrs INelsori CPO Wm Leminorr of the Barrie Corps Al Brett Art Marion Mr and Mrs Collier all giiilngfBarrie addresses From Cookstown Mrs Leinmon Leinmon Mr and Mrs Lemmon and former cadets Jas Arnold John Houghton Don Wes son Bruce McMaster Rowe amouomw BARRIE MARKET ll auralch slrurpl or in Saturday iviti ilri of Vegetable Wczc included the first to iitit iiiiii Id fairly plentiful it itlttc Very ot Inrlristiirgs caleodulzi hy unusual lisgtp rlr Tull tools tliili fitiirittttltx also ll iLIis ll iiiiliitn and swim xllow chinaiitiiciiiiinis tli plcirtitirl at an for the oqt loirrio acicc pims of lilo ismkcl Average prices Were as follows lfitj accorddii to size and tililiili tilltil till70c lioiigirg foul lb 40c Spring chickcns lb 50 Vegetables Fruits Etc Ncw potatoes tiitl iizrdizhis bunch liten Onions bunch Lent lettuce hunch Spinach tirrit Iltrlll tit tint basket IIKIIS tairots bunches llttl tiit habkvt ihcilaiiis tiot aciizpbcrs tlriie MAI5 tiiit liiispliciiius qt box lllit all litix Wild lilistllicllli qt Ilonie Baking lczi Biscuits doz Iliins hclsca buns 40C 5c 5c 5l0c 25w the tile i5c 45c $150 50c 75c $1 3340c tlQtlc 40c Dtitc cookies doz lirrts itoz Flowers Plants llvcilastriig flowers bch ut flowers bunch Fresh lavender bunch Sage bunch lNNISBFIlaNOTESW Lj Another Death at rossiiig On Sunday evening car loaded with young people coming east on uunty Road 2i at NO sideroad innisfri smashed head0n into truck southbound which had irot stopped before crossing the county road Again there was no stop sign Iiowcvcr when finally scttlcdgt down tarriily who livencar the corner knew at least one was dead the driver 0fthe car who summers at Bonsecours Beach Air Ameri can girl frorri California pas senger and three others were al so more or less seriously injured Mr and Mrs King who were owners of the truck southbound were not so seriously injured was eating an ice cream cone when all went black girl passenger of the car said Where am now and what has happened She had been car ried to the Henry home County Engineer Jones when told of the accident promised that signs would be erected at these crossings at once Innisfll Councrl were told that signs were unob tainable Chief James of Innisfil police investigated as did also the provincial police who were at the scene CA Gay Weekend Along the Shpre Most of the shore associations held some sort of fieldday rer gatta or sports day oventhe week end At Alcona Beach they had their usual parade in costumes This was the best ever and the judges were hard pressed to de cide on the winners At Cedar Harbor pavilion the reserved table and dancing plan inaugurated there went over very big with the summer residents from many of the beaches to discuss matters ths messl the llcniy one vide proper toilets who BARRIE ONTARIO lMANY MATTERS UP ATCOUNCIL all iltsi UI Ilitili lion the Ilcllci if Cloud attention rc lrtlI millage coi rilill nihit Ktdltllllil Hi hultiilli ul liHUlrlilii tl Alumni speaking ilrltii the during Si itaiu IiiJaw Iii Ilzt gtliitt lit tint rltlbl innit he tliili til now lIll district Hillrllllitlltltllii up Lot Mlllitirill action and tliatl tlaigi and formal rpplrcatioiii llt lllttlill to lli piopcr iiit tin Saiilsbrig speaking ill rcfcrg to mattris pertaining toi iiraiic ingaidiin shoicz llllrlilt and many ltltli hvi= llttvll rilcliltiilt of lllt imanxhip council but have rrivir got all lttltliri Iiiitttc lh aira for litll we are onE Stiltliiil incorporation into cpu lliilIt nniniiipalitv iiicliidos froiiij on to llcilc liwart and toii lI liaiold Slivppard spoke Itlilltll ll roadway rilJariiit to his pith put trading to the lzikc llici only thing We can at all is thcl road llptlvititilh car he addrd Arthur Wciiistorlt lllt lllltillttll oil on Ilzikcisvillc Road at his propcity which had lltill pronn ind lllitt ycars and was only partly don The ltllifl tillrlttili lltll Red by the iccve for dirt Uililitlitill stirlcd the work was within for the hydro to move 11 poles back The dclciliitiolt fclt tlitlt Illt road could bl lllllltlttl with the nilJV lini whcrc it is otrncii agreed and be rcpiiu sinlcil at itltlllllf iii llille linltl nixt Sunday tlAllllAGiI illtliON laiciiig Ittllllslrll appeared in rciacncc to conditions of garbage parts and disposal He claims diffi ctiliy in getting the garbage out of cans owing to the material irot lltillt wrapped iii paper arid cans not cleaned out it was difficult gutting his help to handle under these conditions Iic askcd that the residents be rcqiicstcd to use Diopcl receptacles and wrap garb tlitt lll papa solicitor appeared on behalf of lco llieibaum who was rctiis ed liccnseto carry on his hirsi lllss lpOtlllOOlll dancing cth this ycarf Coiiiiscl pirinlcd out that no icrcd against his client Ed hel convrctions have chi been regis asked that his Client be given his via pi oiiziscs lliilii ovcizicnts lliill bi ciiclil iii llir ohci Conn lodd statsd he had seen the place operated last summer during Sunday evening and had recommended that the license be withheld this year He would now withdraw his opposition 02 license DONATION TO ILOWMEN donation of $25 was voted to the South Simcoe Plowrneirs As sociation represented by Gilmour Reive CLERK TO APPLY FOR STREET LIGHTS By unanimous motion the Clerk was directed to makeformal zip plication on behalf of Belle Ewart Lefroygand Stroud villages to have street lighting installed NOTICE TO CLEAN UP grocery vegetable and fish and chip store reported as uri sanitary lias been notified to clean up inside and out and also to pro for himself all toErbneet the requirements of the Dept Of Health Otherwise the establishment will be closed by the Department SPRAYED FOR SAWFLY Onthe request of recent mo tion of Council the Dept of Lands and Forests has sprayed the plot license this year llrw was being iolatd as sev opinioii hairy roiilo CANADA ti suggested using Litter iia alien building Noaciiuo hiker CORRESPONDENCE in It It Quito lfiijs til 311 row xlrrgi ititdll oil ill iiflil lit tiifiittlcirrl Vlitll lllL do tuilit tiny WortIii about two from of the tiny she 35 livinill Krlt including Milli littlllllltlltILIi ms of tho Police Chief who suet Site Illt riitcd civttliiitllcv gvrttd that roads rust and cst lltl it tliiuueh roads and restrictnl lllllil signs be erected in populated areas toun lodu suggested that on Jlllt Fvirirr do more patrol ill tout rushad of two men riding till oiic car all thc time it ua suggested the Chief iiiakcl himself familiar with townslaipl Ili and inloitc tinin The iirii icportvd that the taxr cab rial incri upeiatiiig without li ttIIBI proper insurance That piopcr atdioii be taken or the by lrt repealed was the ground iil touiicil after it vote taken on the matter derided to mectkiii Labor Day Monday Sept ii The ltscv felt that the holiday should lu hf open for ciiipioyois who riiiialit have to attend Council BONBEERISW Mrs Northcy Oshawa is visi tor at the home of her cousin Shortridgc Mr and Mrs lirown hiticricli spent the holiday Weekend at the lllllMlllillt Mrs lerol IIlllVllltl dauglt tors Kingston arc visiting the Hip well lniiiilics haw Mr Timil Tomlin and Walt Toronto wcre vcclt ilitl viritors at has Wtitts toiigrritulatioirs to ll liip tll who cclclilalctl birthday on Sunday with his family at liiiiistll larli Viil Kitclv and Miss Jenny loI and Mr and Mrs Emmett Lynd Soiiris Mann Were guests of Mrs iardine last week Mr and Mrs Nelson Sliatforil and Mr arid Mrs Wihiiot IIIIYLS lottcnlram were guests of Mr and Mrs Lyons last week Mrs Norma Freehorn and daugh tcr Miss Mary Freeborn Toronto were guests of Mrs McAithur and Mrs Hurling over the week cnd pr It TRURSDAY AUGUST i948 WEBSTER ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL WIRING SERVICE OiifBURNER SALES SERVICE PHONE 3230 BARR The best background man can have ymoamw NORWICH UNION Ines KdlA iZf Jam MR ANDERSON DISTRICT MANAGER For Dunlap and Hayfield Barrie Our furnace Cleaning Service WE ARE EQUIPPED TO SAVE YOU Time Fuel Money TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS SERVICE PLAN Scrape accumulated shale off furnace section Vacuum furnace thoroughly Vacuum chimney pipes and chimney itself lteseal cleanout doors Replace any worn out pipes Complete Job s500 Plus costs of replacing any pipes Your furnace worked hard all last winter Have it made ready for next winter Our Men will be Courteous Clean Efficient PLEASE PHONE EARLY FOR AN APPOINTMENT Cameron Ellis Gibson Ltd In 65 Bradford Si Barrie Phone 3855 Irma stirrer5mm llR67 doesitt just tease it ACCOUNTANTS PepsiColoandepriauiliere iikredu dc krVC Jr appreciated the chance to dresslat the 7th Lme and hlghway for mime COMMorcanadabmud Canada Barrie Branch and Lieut and Mrs Inesorr of Barrie also visited the Camn in other than shorts and beach attire and dance to music secOnd Sunday RCSCC Kempenfeldt were duty division with Lieut Fox officer of the Watch The Cadets worked intwohour watches from chairman of the Navy League of 2200 10 pint until 700 pm the inext morning patrolling the dif ferent barracks keeping very close watch for fire Several fire alarms were rung and the barracks were cleared in two minutes On Monday the cadets had sema phore signalling in the mprping only to the top orchestras of To ronto which is piovidedtby the orchestra there Wm EXPENSIVE MANUSCRIPTS Lewis Carrolls original manu script Of Alices Adventures Und er Ground which he later ex panded intoLAlices Adventures in Wonderland sold for $50000 sawfly Chas gtHenry agent for SHOW WW SCHOOL is Chaered Branch 97 Barristers BARRISIER and cutter practice in the after noon $56 to $1000 TuesdaySwrmming instruction and sailing in dinghies movies in the evening Wednesdaycutter practice amt sailing Cadets Hamilton Kemp left mover nightcrulsetoiCdantslw Tomb returning the next afternoon Thursdaytliecadets spent the whole day sailing in small dinghies ro vnuv run second overnight cruise left with Cadets Chapman Trapnell Veitch Assure your family and yourself of health and comfort next winter and Drummond goingand return Borrow to buy yOurj fuel supply ing on Friday now Household FinanceCanadas mining instructive features in one gigantic FridayRCSCC werechecked out by the Crmp Doctor In the after oldest3ind largestconvsurner nance organization makes this easy by exhibition Dont miss any of them The famous WelshGuardsBand brought from noon akit muster wascompleted and at OclocktlierCadets fleftby lending you the necessary money and Spreading the payments over fiuiii sfifi unit to meet highest fell standards 41 thousand thrilling enter GfatBritei TheiNtidnal H9155 Shbw lumbar Craft 312 for Midland where MotoriShow FloWeI Show AgriCulturel 35301315 waswetmg and arrlvedshome at 6pm Industry transportation Qnparade Allenjoyed very good camp in et ther newestwondersgofscience and electronics spite seven days wea The food Was better than the pre $509 Bus its templatevenomiguanavz SCHOOI authoritiesagree REOIand only RED builds the school bus that hrouholuol WIS IMMPOIIcF Spectacular forigiiiij exhibitsL The greatest rshowvof all time presented before they CNEs gigantic newgrandstand aIId Starring Olsen Johnson Dont missOnesingle feature of the worlds greatest annual ex hibitlon Come to theCNE vious year and the cadets rcceiveii excellent medical attention several yisiting sick bay but none seriously ill Most of the visits appeared to be from etc Regular parades will be carried enduring the month of August each Thursday night at730 pm Barries RSCSS Cutter Crew has an unbeaten record winning in 19441rom Windsor and North Bay Barries 2nd ivisfon Crew winning the championship and lst Division Crew placing second Keri Myles coxd the Winning crewand Doug las Fraieighcoxd the second crew In 1945 Barrie again 00k the championship defeating Coiling Vl wood Smut Ste MarieItuntsville Ken Bytes coxd the whining crewi In 1846 Barrie again champions Carrot available tho many Chocolate bars aslongas 24 months outIOaHS are made quickly Without en dorsers or guarantors or other bankabie security Toapply fer Ii loan to buyfuel phone writefor visit us TuniiTliI Willow0144 to mm1thwCBCWIdnudaj night Iliumgo root III 2nd oor MIMI 23 10mm 0N lel or by opppinlmonl Mud inruldonu noorby lowing Wmmqib ousenoro FINANCE domdnitrotion yum atom Emir 56B AND SrnwcEb iN CANADA glvi maximum safetyu LAnd lheyiiuroniuimploll REO manufactures gnomblesqorvicas undrguuruntefesiu cpmpletobuswno mitebuy Ihut rncku REO uioncjresponsible for the high quality and Complete safety of RED school buses from tires to top Colin in or chiller full Delivery guaranteodd BARBIE MOTOR sues STEEL STREEEBIIRRIE lion ofsludentsllssqfrilian unyiYes Vdiiy school bus on directlle REG SAFETY SCHOOL BUS T350 BARRISTER 24 IRosstBlirckBrrie Bank wPhone

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