Eustesueo is Published Thurs Wm THE BARBIE EXAMINEI LTD MucLAREN PRESIDEM Minuet EOIIOI WALLS YCEPRESIEENI AM BUSINESS IANAGEI Editorial our NEW eAirrsru Canadian interest in Newfoundland lltlSl been greatly heightened by the prospect of it joining Canada as tenth province While many woaid like to have seen larger ma jority for Joining Canada than the 3000 given it is difficult to how the will oi majority can be disregarded 320000 people live in Newfoundland It IIIIS has 1300 settlements with no more than 10 boasting 50001wpu1atioii Generations of bat tliiig with the elements Ill tiny isolated vil lages liaVe given to tho Newfoundlander capacity for hard work and ingenuity Ihc Newfoundlandci generally is jzick of alliiliiwi3 trades and master of fishing As seamen tVtI they have always been classed among the bcst small boat men in the world Newfoundland is Pulp and Paper Over 10000 iasiinm iiiuiiciisaf services icoiiitv vtiiiuii people are ciiiploycd by it About half this number dig iron ore under the seafloor at Ii$5i mamw EXAMINER MEMBER Class Weeklies of Canada Audit Burcuu of Circulation Canizdlafl Weekly Newspapers Association SUBSCRIPTIONS Canada or Great BIIIIIID $200 year United Sides year Sziaglc copies 5C each OPINIONS Or OTHERS AN IMPORTED FAR ASSET 51 undo Irlcsitinn tziiaizoAgriculture shown by giipeinmil on I80 lrrLs of drained Tlicdfnzd mzi Success of ex Iilbury district last year proves if lis crop lld the profit there is Sci iaiiiek iigtlili toms in ii near Iilbiii arid are by the new acreage ncar advantage to Canada of who can bring knowledge and tiiteiiyrises in Canada it of is In irl sk FSN OF WABTIME HOUSES iliid Eicc liessIlcriildi Morin for further 100 war Iill iddiion 50 1oic Apparently coiilent to their true value Orzlllu lUIIIIIlilIlfillS lIt below and lmlli these dwellings far native of Poland with his THE BARBIE EXAMINER BARRJE ONTARIO CANADA rd only topic iif contuml the KANII wliyl virlll1lyi the pro1 cccdizius of purl regul li ffitt The Iirior lufillltlll cltilziii Ieihaps Iii Nrtt Ztal 1ch in If gtUlll tflrz 111 It thci DOMINION COVERED si tll Only the House of Representativ es the elected chamber bri adcast since it is flu icol buztleground Tlic lcslative Council which is the upper and revising Ilousc does not go on the 15 al polit 2iir The broadens gocs 111 from only one lzlllill but is powerful enough cover the whole loiniii ion Nine iboul iiiicropluncs spnccd filmy iitliiii propagiyowntrs to curb Cliiiinititiilyuiiit mp dumb HULL Hf Rep Second in importance in the industries of lsiiiiotnmg the iti11itill of im houscs in respect OI ms and My Swim II other Bell Island the balance the labourers of the on MWP =Iii Furllici unless the cm nut ihc fact that uuun wartime houses Illt county iial contribute of overn Itll Lulu two towns izc nidt Ilillllltiilllt Sine liie er St Johns waterfront the civil servants and illiciti housing all toizsznitttd To sc siariiariis the very few happy breed whom Canadians will be glad to welcome us partners INDIAS TRADE COMMISSIONERS Under the title Iiidizigrani Information Services has been issuing ser ics of interesting bulletins that do much to keep people of other nations posted on the affairs of lndizr and the progress it is mak ing In the latest bulletin appears an article dealing with one feature of Indias efforts to develop its trade Tliisrcuds as follows The Indian Governments intention to es tablish wide network of Trade Commission ers and Trade Attaches in all important countries of the world was announced by Iii dias Commerce Minister Mr Neogy Mr Neogy who was addressing committcc of members of the Indian Merchants Chamber said that Trade Commissioner posts will soon be filled up in Egypt and Australia and of fices of the Trade Commissioner in Pakistan with an Assistant Trade Commissioner in Dacca w0uld also be established The Min farmers Allflgtlllil bliIVCilllllliltlpdilllts within Sinicoe the India couid agree on inn Why should the some at $3300 in Midland ftiiiii gisstsiiictit liltitttliui liouso tor evaninle iieisscsscti ind Sliivtl lll ollgucwood SOMETHING IIS IIIIRI Itolliiicood ICiiicipijsc Biilleiiiil While hundreds of ililtlltltsdilt using every means to attract visitors to anuda at acost of thous inds of dollars annually occusigiiallv an unfortun ate incident Such took place last weekend when 17 lSllOl Ontario town and fined ten dollars and cosis on charge laid by busy game overstci This was that ho was IlSlllllL whilo his boat was drifting regu lation probably unknown to 09 per cent of Canadian followiiii the charge he lind been informed by year roiiiid residents it was no offence provincial police officcrs confirming this opinion The damage occurs from the fact that this visit or told the court he had liccu coming here for ll years and csiiiiiated he had spout 530000 in that time lie drives thousands of miles to fish in Czlnadzi but states he has had enough and will inform his friends of the treatment rcccivcd It appears the Dcpartmcn officials could do little investigating if the facts of the casc are as reported and maybe rc rs desk catclics the iiciiilieis iiioiais While the House is on the innavrerunu That is gtill ocs out 3There are as there had to be tlltllll thc IlisteiiiiiL1eur oflokio lltl 15 war llttullsl of the FOLLOW POLITICS lltgtitit1illiltl of pariziiiicnt its advantages and its lhc POTATO GROWERS WILL BE WARNED iBLIGHT DANGER occurrs which does iiicstiniable lllllll Inllt Iiill l5 lllf must sciioiis yfllllglls disease of potatoes mid dur IIlUlilIIltllItlil was hailed into court iii an Eastern int recent years has caused serious loss iitliiiithc tomato industry in Ontario The amount of loss from his LtllSClSL is determined primarily by fishcriiieii The visitor complained to the court tlizit the vcathcr conditions which pro lic fishing license doesnt give this information and vnil from midsuiiuiier to curly full During hot dry weather the disease is relatively insignificant but the converse is iruc if wet weather prevails So sensitive is this discase to tea ther conditions that the Unith Stat es has Warning Service in oper ation whorbe growers through the medium of press and radio are constantly being informed of the impcndiiig danger of late blight MITSLCITSEIIICI that OIIICPS OftllTfIldCOmmlS aggingsfndghgmufnSimAmgumrmwiviniuitimgivciu timely information sinners would form important links between Indian commercial communities overseasond the government SPEEDING AND TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS In the city of Waterloo the Board of Trade is taking an active interest in speeding and traffic violations judging from news article which appeared in last WeeksWater loo Chronicle It reads as follOWS Col 11 Hensley suggested at the Board of Trade meeting Thursday that committee be ap pointed to appear before council to discuss speed ing and traffic violators in the city of Waterloo Several members felt motorists and especially motorcyclists who were in the habit of making un necessary noise should be prosecuted Mayor Hilliard said he had several complaints regarding excessive blowing of factory whistles early in the morning Tho matter would be brought up be fore council when thc committee is appointed Col Hensley recommended that letter be sent to every trucking company in town asking their drivers to keep within the speed limit and elimin ate unnecessary noise when driving on King St COI Hensley also thanked the Waterloo Chronicle for its good news coverag and constructive criti cism in the news setup PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS While many arestill trying to find the real meaning behind the victory of the Union Natlonale government inQuebec there is also great interest in the Alberta provincial campaign The Alberta Social Credit government has dropped all the policies which the public re garded as financial unorthodoxy particularly the national dividend of $2500 per month for everyone This has resulted in some internal party friction although opinions as to the extent of this division vary greatly Thepros pects of the party at the polls depehdbn this and on the advance made by the Liberal partyunder its new aggreslve young leader Harper Prowse The Party is not ex pected to gain any rural seats after itsheavy losses in Saskatchewan Ho TEN THINGS TO REMEMBER Hanover Post list of ten things to remembcrfif we would be successful in life has been given by MarshallField They are as follows The value oftimeThe success matter PEOPLE SHOlLl HAVESAY Tho Orillia NewsLetter Because of Orillias fastgrowiugdcbcnturedcbt some have been skeptica1 as to whether this is the of 3625000 addition to the local collcgiate for the purpose of serving the Qiilliii indDlsllltl High School Area The financing of $623000 in debentures for the addition followmg so closely the cudorsation of the 8850000 new power plant project the $350000 sewage disposal plant at costly sewer and water main Unnslillctionq 10 give the town debenture debt of close to 5000 00 and there has been some concern over the effect of such an obligation on the towns future credit Mayor Seymour and most members of the council are among those who are deeply conccrned debt of 82000000 would be more than double the previous high debtmark and is far fioma comforting outlook However there are some 19 dcemable features which should not be overlooked More than half the debt that is the $850000 in new debentures and about 3200000 51 remaining on the Mindeii debentures would be against the self sustainiiig Orillia electrical system which meets the paymcntsTfrom its own revenues Without tax assistance These debentures are 1ssued by the town tonicet legal requirements but are actually charge againstthe utility rather than the muniCi pal corporation itself The situation for the proposed $625000 debcn tures would be muchsimilar The town has been asked to issue all the debentures but seven other municipalities would share in the payments on al pro rata basis while the provincial government would meet the heavy burden of the cost School authorities hope that the latters sharenvould be 75 per cent and say that the Orillia prOJect would qualify for grants to the equivalent of this Insofar as theamount the town would be obliged to pay the total which is not expectedw to exceed $100000 Thus when analysed the debenture debt should nt affect Orillias credit standing nearly as much as might first appear However theTown Coun cils position in not wanting to take responSibility without first consulting the ratepayers through special election is understandable There W111 be few who willdisagree with Mayor Seymour when1 he says this is the fairest and mt practicalway of dealing with the problem There has been some question of legal barriers to holding such vote If this issov it is time such regulations were changed There is no reason why the people should not have the say on issues of such importance This paper believes the new High School Area plan would be forward step for the town and district and deserves endorsement At the same time we eiwfpgrsevrancehepleaMevofworkingriheedignity 7doltnotfeelthakthe+ightsvofselfexpressimshoal of Simplicity The worth of agcharacter Thepower be denied the ratepayerson the matter and the of kindness The influence of Exampleic obligation of duty The wisdom frgiconomy And the virtue of patience council is rightin exploring every avenurpf procedure to learn if there is legal basis for such Course time for Orillia to proceed with the con0 amount on fungicidal applications similar service being initiated in Canada lthis your extends from the Mari ltimes to Winnipeg The object of this warning service is to keep growers of these crops constantly informed re the danger of late blight and informed regard inty its control This is being done through the medium of the Can adian radio and press and key workch throughout the industry government officials directly cori nected with the industry which iii cludcs agricultural representatives Dominion sccd potato inspectors pathologists processing company managers and various other coop erators The organization is set up so that ench week or if urgent every day information is forwarded either by letter telephone or telegram to key pathologists at central office who Ianalyze the information sent in and prepare report This report is distribuled back to the agricultural public growing these crops so that thc growers may be guided recon trol measures recommended under existing conditions as they arise The potato and tomato growers ur advised to listen to the various larm broadcasts from their local Istation and check the press each week for special warning service news Anyone in North Simcoe find ing late blight in either potatoesor tomatoes is rgqpested to forward this infonation toisitwaWL Pai agricultural representative Whitside supervising inspector Box 129 Barrie Ont FALL FAIR DATES Alliston in 1949 Toronto CNE Aug27Sept 11 Coldwatep Sept 78 Barrie Sept 1314 Oro Sept 15 Dundalk Sept 1516 Midland Sept 1018 Collingwood Markdale Beeton Cookstown Meaford Schomberg Oct 89 Winter Fair oron Nov 1624 International Plowing Match at Lipdspy Oct 1215 YOUTHMIGKATION The Midland FreePress Heraldl suggests thatXouthMigration to cities may represent loss of $4000001t0 Midland property own ers Sept 2122 Sept 2829 ept 30Oct Oct 12 fruit and vegetable inspectors plant$101 Sept 2325 Parliament Radio In New Zealandl of bxfurther Ls llic gives to my uitel cl to follow poiilics mi kc people mire csoti and attend debates Most ii can IltI the uppul lillig to the broadens straight from the interruption being announcer break give the name gt lhe popu ientar broadcasts l0s istcrs to New 1hr uni lgttlltl there is no 115 of Mm 5r Lotti tiuy new csillisl ni parliamentary broods gt 39 ll grain lfllpltflltlll and fitiglit sheds wis up of ollcr staiions offering ti ciiuncrs llllln1lfbl rE llllgtl 1I bloodClimbing II ltltlxlilING FOR TIME dsnivuilacc is sccii in par ill itself mu arises from the bewecti particsfor the flu air The after ItlClI cl good time They prize most liiuh 1y eveniiiu hotirs So both lie twoparty IIoiisc tend itl uiruiine debates so that spiakcrs get the curly This siiiiieiiiiics masz ivcr illtlfl whether par liltilll to be business iritciiaiiiiuciit lllIIIlil sinieiiiiies the liioadcast while 111 sound can distort orcvcn nicnilicrs mcnniiiil The spokcii liirit till It2t El iioic slateiiicnt gtlil nitd by those llltililllti at the lllll lllt radio audience llut these are really minor draw lmcks lakcii all ltilllHl most New Yciliiilcrs would agrce that pur Eminent liroudcasiiiu is success uu 525 Years Ago lIIII HARRIE EXAMINER August 1923 Harrie Local Notes new well was sunk for the llarrie Waterworks Dept zing mcnting the supply by 350000 to 100000 gals day This flow was hippctl Ill121 feet To get still uQuw greater supply rofr watera10iiichi angmbvmgr mradipfmwinh gone well was sunk and at 118 feet be low thc surface water gushed up from the pipe at 291 gals per min tile or 119000 day Cost of drill ing such well was between $1000 and $1200 105 Garvin Inspector for North Simcoc inspec torzite offered two medals cacli vcar foi slandng in HS Entrance Buchanan Rollit only son of Dr Rollit of the Dental Corps and Mrs Rollit vonthe old medal and the silver one went to Margaret McMartin daughter of ME and Mrs James Mclvlzirtin lftt ulvlloltllliilf to go to Vcii with it or smile is cloully ictog It is taken literally tiiiic IIIF BARBIE ADVANCE July 33 1338 Harrie Local Vuits ilscxwli App ntrd member of the Board of TIIJIJI itiapiisrs iii lic iiAlia Ltmf imi Ntlllltluii lililtl ly IJudgc Aidgli vliitliis ll iieliiitiit Agrreu igme llli 1iIIilUI lnicu should not Iilze luff illiZti ii bohho LUlllliLligti Iilt Itliigp ll Illt iii livt been eiileitd lite ion Ito If tniplit gtIlJII uni found wcre nias of flanics lt Though tle If station lwould be btllllttl it iln the incantnizc also ci were callid Years Ago was szivcd sheds lilitl till contenzs were rtduted to ashes also bOa contents house and were rediiccd to ashes 15 well as two box cars on sidiim Busiiess nicii suffcriu Ilisgtfs of from $33 to $800 vcic LnldwiII Brown Ncclaiids uww ll trot ton and Son Ios Ottoii Hughes Maley and Hartley James Turner Son ciiiocs and tackle wcrc llnis Ilzirliy fl Sh Siiiith Iolal fire loss was st il I132605 In FillllllL 1L lictwccii Vziir II II lyiiclits of Jiio ailcy iiid Dr IIiIlii 30s Burli0 to flit flay Point and lltlllllil cacli with crew of six lllL nrlcy boat saich by illoys was the llllll ciifrc ESiiiicoc License coziiiiiissioiicrs uiuntcd liotcl iicciiscs to Iat Mc Avoy and tho ltoyzil IIlItl Licenscs wcrc refused to Webbs lIotcl Al ibiggest event of the season at Edenvalc was the picnic in Run erts Grove Harrie baiid supplying tlic music Mrs Frank dlc of Bethesda Wit able to rctuin home from hospital much imnrov edin health llans under way to get Continuation School 11 Lefroy There was bit attendantc at the UFO picnic at chroy and everybody had good GIT and Boys Club of Hziwkcstonc ciitcrtaincd the Shanty llziy groups to Iienci roast Bert litiwe of Angus has sold his farm 111d moved to Toronto with his family Htiying nearly over at Minesing Station and some are cutting wheat Tax rate for Vespru Township 102 mills of which the County levy took 410 mills Prepara storc at Cundlcs Mr and Mrs chry lcziviiizr Thornton for Pontypool where Mr Henry is to buy grain Choir and Sessibn held farewell for them Every one zit Guthric glad to see Ewen Caldwell home from RV Hospital after his operation All Shellswcll of Shanty Bay was ren dered unconscious for it halfhour when potato sprayer he was us ing exploded badly cutting his forehead llcr brother Charles took Car scholarship in 1922 signal honor was conferred upon Dr Edward Gallic when he was appointed Huntcrian Professor of Surgery in tlicRoyal College of Surgeons of England Supt chgar of thc GTR denied the rumor that the terminal was to be imoved to Gravcnhurst and lot of the freight traffic routed east of the Lake Boys Family show ed great form at Bigwin Tennis Tourney Boys KChis son Jack and daughter still going strong Pro and Jack made great team trimming strong pair 63 63 Jack defeated smith of Toronto 60 61 and Miss Dorothy trimmed Miss Goldmark of New York 61 64 Work started on large addition to the Welling ton Hotel Simcoe County Briefs Hay crop was thwtheaviestr in years and some wheat yields were 35 to 45 bushels to acre Two persons were killednear Crown 1ifill when speeding car trying lito avoid car turned somersault into ditch pinning occupants be nczithi brought instant death to Toronfo man and Woman Jury ifound the speed was excessive Eimvale received two downpours of rainwhich did vast amount of good jn dry =season The COACH lisp IIini Thth losing lioitsi line and IItLiililtlIJItlS ilotcl 3125s Ilii 172 ii Iiasci the tl liter of IIt thc dcinee of Pb fiiivcisily of Iciiiis Iuiu She was III the Illl lady lIllIVtlrll ll tcc lllt degree of lloctor of Iliilospliy Simcoc ouiily Ilricfs Ilircshiiit machines busy lyi inatt of Toronto of Mr oi Now iwriculunyil Society plnnuiri to build laige poultiy house and cattle gtlillltgt vlital at Ivy rt ported 201 sziiiipic Ileiiiiivul of Ilev Ios Yoniit and family from Urgiveiihursl to llilllfllil was felt great loss to the former Iliinll hurs bond under the lcadcrsliip Dziss pave fine music for the II liniployecs picnic at IlilYllllllllSL Several lixiil storms visitcdi Bradford and vicinity on August 11 Blacks new house added greatly to the beauty of Strond Ihc sidewalk at the cud of main St luczitly iiiiproveii The lioys had lio and smoky time ilcfon kcvs fire at iii Creek on Sunday Ihcy suecccdcd iii putting out the lifter fighting it for several hours On account of dif weath cr the pen crop in vicinity of Biutl ford ulniost in total failure When Mr and Mrs lhos llilcy of lurii bulls were driving to Alliston thcir tcniii ran away crashing vehicle by the roadside Mrs Riley was iiiihurt but her luisbani was thrown out on his bend and died in 48 hours An excursion for Tree iiiorc to Owen Sound was spoiled by prediction of an old wo man that the boat would sink and quite i1 itw stayed at home for that reason Spring crops around Cilwcll nearly all ruined by frost and dry weather Cookstowu BURDOCK BLOOD of tvcry type done by experienced priiitcrs All work done to yumsuns faction THE innit EXAMINER if BITTERS Helps to cleanse impurities from the body and tone up the digestive organs It has helped tliOusands who suffer from dyspepsia sourstomach biliousncss headaches or minor com plaints of the liver or kidneys On sale for more than 00 available at drug counters everywhere The Milburn Co It should do the same for you years Burdock BloodBitters in Limited Toronto Ont WESTERN CANADA mm mm coins 3v ails FRIES All ION nEGINA CALGARY $7950 VANCOUVER Subject to change $9020 21 liiil LIlll Visitors were Steeles Keiths luiin 11 Kim 11nd Ultnllllc Unit plcrrliluliuli lutl was tltll their lunch mtg and Queen ONE Ball PHONE Tickets and information at Barrieillus Iiiiiinal 73 COIIir St Phondlz WrmvrvisiondosSeer 11 71 Elitailgg ZLameOls es in 10ollusteposit It gt gt gt IM 30opiSize Contains 95 LargeleassesVn 18c Each or 21 35c Pth Deposit TFORFREAli Ang GlNGERALES CHARLES WILSONIJMITED LIOIAONTO offork Dhaka motieran 17900119 Mohlscrouproafand mlly locum most of II 150 room In chh hold WMvahand radio Forum mqnswmorwko well In would OMIde arrival 11 will mo iiiwoia St