JULY 15 1948I Iran Banninizxmoum BARBIE ONTARIO canal BEETON LEFROY WWWW July 12 ma mam rI was as xvi 31 Dunn of Broil3 in Visitlnn 11 Willi lil parlor Nauus in alilliizll idol liltl iiiuigblldlg SIllllIlg Moore llz falls Spirit and Mrs Suinxiii of lu IIIIIIIII III IIII II II III II IIII IIII II IrlIIl llI AlVllIIll MI 5Ler Fabyr holiday hI And II II mioio aurente Old litL at ltillozd Bay Muskoku ii IIIII II Cyril McDonald returner Bob Sltllll if iiihii iii9M2 to from the Barrie would to an liv on mdm mici2 minimum met anklrrvr WK li=Ultl iainn Crawford 12 iiaiold lion in PUFNg Lnloi has sold lltl arn II 1x II IIRIIIIIIIII IIII III III IIII AI we er III MI JIIIIIISIII III TIImIImI whh If nay II IIIIIhIIg Nrlib pi Ix nun copying his new home rllI Mill 3i tWli ljlIIWI 131 tori to it 3ibil lione lli 55 NO INNISFIL rillilll NKlm Tmmmv l5 dining Vim UK kill am paw mlhimbclimi order huh Inn with Mrs Leccc and WHINWHIFIIIII II IIIIII lni lo il Hold limn all tirade lo tlmMuricl Corner Ullul lllllltlS llllt for two weckS lIl IIII II igt 1521 it lan gwhi iIII IItIIIUI INHIde Gm NOMCI toiihialuialions to Mary Vt right IIIII IIIIII in rm II II II lhnnzm 14 IlIIIII VIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII ImIIh on slur the Home Economics II II airi Iii tworerr exam at Toronto Univcr Rrllmh ll law wzln Ig to ll Bulimia Ramon Alfred IIIII Iv HHIIUHV Mm II VI gt GrIIdII II leIirlxllt jIII IIAlilllllltll hell Ronald Lloyd and Duh 0f ppm thiI 11 Maritinu liminm II lI 1w Illili Aolil ileth Presser Sheila him1 Sunday at wmhn win5 Ml oi or unit ili mimil VII II ll anon Cnikstnwii wllro Sum Iv Sliaclian Mrs llowuian icturncd home to II Im pIhm hl II ltIIIIII ii 15 in II IIIII to irocllt lilllkliz Julzi Im Jatkr Rom Shm ht tjflm Imm congratulations to Tilt and Mn hlif EJi eIdltkmfeh 1111 MININ Il1gtIlIPIlrfrlIlfIfmmll unit nail5 am iialiiniIIII to Sinai trilasgiic I11= Il it Shirley Baxter Teddy lIlIIIllltl iIiIIi iItt StilllIlIhIIIlLIiIlIIIdl Mum MN WU IIIIIIHIIII WI AIIIIIII IIIIIII olinstone It hhHI Mao limp393 Melvin sump II 71 1I1 il Llntly WM hm WWII if IIIIIIIIIII WARREN llAR llaiiic agent aure was record and JI IHIIIIIIMII HIH Prer mm 11 01 Canada Life Assurance RVUM NWTS llh Miss Old lizind Heidi and Miss Man iltladlli mph SIIII XIII IIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIISIIIIIIITI Nail yn Company has Nahum rm MW ard HIIoC Miss Mac Outlayd oi rlIIIIIIIHII MIMI Rum II II III lIIri Iiiolliltj xxillrIIrIin liiuzaizi Inlti lllilralue lafrraun Sinlarch Av man bership in the Millionaires cllll II xllgll5 and IBlzCk ligt Xltliullll MIL his Li Im IIhIMIII IIII To Re II II well of Hamilton formerly of IWlhv 0f 1h IIImhl MI and 31 11 Nil 11 SIIIINHI to Barbara June AllilnRuth It IilHIIIIIIIImIgtII Slroud England Miss Belly Maw wwdvd MIN Hi IuIIIIIIInllolt thllllICIll iULflllIllI luaI r11 II II III III IIIIIII MI IIIIIIIIII III cue 11 If Tvxhlo DhnI Of the Royal II WW Mb My Nonlr in lllll llidvilillb lilitilliilil iiillliliinlhmm 3TH Ii Althur Jackullanice lynn have nle mm MW MW Milli Mllbtfllllli Mill MY JUSllCC iiildikiniglibilli flit hrlnxmlilllhsiL Jilllimi ll ll ill III IIII IIIIIfIIfIh HINIIRIIWIII hnmv Shoardown Mqu for his clients in lthtauada lllt whit Uf Thmnm mg DIIlImI TUIIIImIII In 11ml iner willingl at 11airgtiilv Marcliildon mum gthIm Doug Ybum total of at least Sltltltllltlll of lift mm of RONI Buck VIlIgInd hm WHIUIWI hut IonuialulalIioIin to lay it to iltilllt lilduoll llall III ZZIIIBIUTiay A1156 Jimnc insurance and annuities only few duygI tho loath Illttl1112lllllIhorI hutk In our hII IIuIlIIlrIuiuh tlelftIII iIltliillIlIlrIII luo II rascr II mmrod in 701195th IsplmlI NImrI High no Hi ii wllliss Roberta Black ltilllltlEllizljhh ifnime guilb SEYClyniAsh Glen McArthur llila Laws THtmh wellntSdily Jill 0f Illlll him lululpxnfnji ivxlmih Quinlan UH lu umnno repeat mm Blwkx Ml if millnumlw Uh AMM Names Ill tlllIlllllllltll orrloiuI Cr Donna Biclwcll lcd Burlch 1311le lil Jr mild Wld Rom Tl lasscd lllLlll School lIntiance McLean Marlin McAllisllr 15 01 51 39 VWHS 114 iIIm THIHHMH lmli will arolc MacDonald lilw Tilai lr SS NO 080 TO GRADE Louis tockburn Til lllllil SlflVlu 35 mild YUM IImmH ISIJIifiyr mm mm Wm lid lShintv Bay School TO GRADE lrrlcalmi Slesslir Friday wuh llllClllltlll In bllOUd ENIUJHEIHILI high Tlirlil blcliiud do 01 est sii ath eta Blthtll lulhl Anuis lilda UH it lll TO GRADE IIIIHIIIII CIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIltiIflIlilIlIIlIlzIIIO gIISIhiIiIlryotIiIiIiIiIiIIaIIrg HIIICIIIIISIIIII SIIIIIIIIII BIIIIIIIIIII RIIIII I10 III In the SUIIIIwmg chI IlIlltIlIIIlIollllllS llll tly illtIIllHliH III riIIIII11IIIlIl vi II Ir asIl ism lhoiInas llininiIxi iloill lii WHIKII aid Dawson II illIUIilltlI iiid sistci in thll sudden MIII IIIIII MIIIII II IIIIIIIIIII II Illoss To GRADE gmcklke BouiusI ITO illAllli ilitsv llarkolI icicauIiiIilnt WWII HINIIIIIIII IIIIII IIII IIHI filllwhimmlWWmbm Hi Joan Muri 11103 ltklllnl 111 1th lmcd marina illllll roulwu ori 10 lllADll ti Yvonne llobit insonI Bobby Bounty llic Jilly meeting of Ithe Unilerl IrIL IiI II II hum riml in mm NOHCM Bl TO RADF wian HM wMg md WA hpld the 95 ME loiontu mi lln iHlJul at Mt larlor iNl 31 31 77 ll loom list Thursday afternoon inh 11 mt rlld 10 RAPE 7nShlrley lms illiiiAlirljfiizoiilnbl had an littcndancc of 25 and also llLlilllllilllUHS to MiwS Alltl aret Robertson at St llama hv nn 51ml1n Ht 055 5111 II 30 Chum mcmhhrs ftho Baby rly Whiter and Audrey Stilton on hurch 101 Illqllii ljllfIn Hi MFS MAmlf NLRS Imam Hump UCStSI MrSI Th5 Roy passing their Entrance witlwtllr The Sunday Srliorr IanId run 10 GRADE tiCyill Hughes Im IIIfmd 12 members hat lllllll and to Miss lcan Nrililnilnlc was held at SpinnJJaIM Gordon Simpson Florence Taylor SS NO 15 IKNOCK VIII in 11 81nd wnh ivinggihf who passed to Grade 21 on luiark on Thursday last lliroi inlmmd Torry Hlv john WOluCyv TO GRADE on years work 30 md mhCh lluyiilglncnlbvl years work lhcr waK ideal and Ivonne Ililtl old 0mm Ymm lHl Maidie Iowan lohii Martinlmu ghif thiq AII intomqung School licnic had grand day slinipliana 70 T0 VIRADE IMamnmt R050 IISII SIIIIIIIIIIIII III III IWII IIItIIIIIIIII CIIIIIIIICIIWIIS lIIIIIIIIIIIChIIIII IIIIIIIIS IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIICII II IIIIIIIIIIII III III anieron Illil Kenneth Cromarty To GRADE 3Iihhh Kmhckh tIH Mq Ilhonnd after of mu miniunily or Killylcaull all ARI LII lsunlpmnoumcom II Ill Mint in Am walcs TO GRADE 7lloanor owzui which tho mowing program held their annual school picnu at Jhp lonuunmr 1Imf GRADE 4A1Vln Normnar Verna Shannon Bill Webb ylv Viv1 th 3th Innislil Park on June 14 Supper and Mrs lawis MllllillllV with 10 You TO GRADE 6241111 Alltllt iiSiiiaI LiiitiliizbcrsEericaly ducet bl ms sowed 630 mm mm ibcmmml dump in ITO GRADE 33055 camelon TO GRADE SMBcvcrlcv Tocli 11 id LddSllllllg down to hearty supper held in Gilfoid oimuuuily llall llillv Mundltv Hi Brian RCCVlQ ranc Dorothy Shuinon 1110 ha imp iAfler the dessert had been screed on Saturday last llls lhanluu Ill Donald Simpson Barbara To GRADE 3ymhid among Le 3b thoso in the hamth WU mum Whrwmp lIII MIMI IIIIIIIIIIIIII Imd Ann Terry HI Audrey Wales Dummy GibemSI WIIIIIIII IMIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIOIIIIlI AIIIIIIIII ywebb pIIIIy order wh II few mum by MM dunemg IIS IndIIIIdI 55 39 HI Bouills ITO CRADI ZivSelby Bowman Muihhlhma and JOVCO Smith and Angus Campbell of lhornion Sylvia and lllll1 Kll it 10 GRADE 2lunc FShcr George Burns Andrew Comm chorus Jesus Loves Me by all pl$lli UHNM WWI UM Mllllllw VVHiw Wjs IIIIiLIFY lsm Hlv Dmne RlChmdS gllaId lIelsey leiiiialdw ISIlianuon nbSI Am thoy had played lIllIlIIlIIIISiLIlIllltIlill2211I IIiliIIIIIlIiIiIIl W1 111053 evcz tamcs on the lawn the SENIOR GRADE lRobcrt ISOBELL SCOTTI Teamer Rdd II IIIIt ccn Gordon read very Iappreria Your lllltSlltllltltlll would lllit Fisher Annie Bouitis 105 we er live address As snrill token of to correct two errors in her car WW and cookies The WA reported rIiACE ROBINS TCIIChCI the esteem in which Mrs liiuce lthpllildcllct o1 last ll lual SS lNNleL WHY kll Uri IImlnlhccl dmx gm of It is held bv the pupils of lxillw the article reading Mr and Mrs riair ora SISI NOI GI 0R0 Edgar 55 mild illINDLIIU IIIIIIIIIIIV 15s 100ch was gopombd lcagli School Miss Audrey Sutton ronan should lune lcadI Mi TO CRADF BVeini Hutchin fnisl id The rth for rho Prosmlvd to MY 21ft 0111 1111 and Mrs Lewis llorlarily and To GRADE QRObmt W311i is Sllikl ti lllll lotions lo lr and JaCk Cllllendenl Leonard Takashi Yamamoto passed on AUHUSL meeting Will be on Icm DUI DHVSUn years work DCIHIIC0 go in Of thnrtks 110A 311 gumlvuii llylilnhnl WIISonBldg 10 GRADE 7R0naldI Slessor To GRADE 8Chnrl3 Alcom SIEIILJIIIII IISIIIIIflIiIEEQIIIJItIIy IIHI SIIIIIIIIIIIV IIIIMIIIIIIIIIII Donna btrachan DaicehDawsI0n Yoshihito IYamumoto ZZzwra II D011 Muyv Joan Anmb Sh 193 TO GRADE llIoulas Beaui ish Stewart Beamisli Marti21ml CeIHGPblllAglphlia lggliilld Slwyfl To GRADE 5Edhh K011 Grace July Sawyer Glenna Stewart Rogcr Mrs Coutts Torontols iSturgcon visiting her relatives here To GRADE 44mm BoamishI MrSI BI Keats is at prosenl iJean Matchctt Douglas Sawyer patient in the RV Hospital Barrie Slinday and livery Sundays 720 cm lris $530 Return Chlldren INCLUDING BUS AND STEAMER FARE BUSES LEAVE BARBIE Daylight Time Tickets and Information at BARRIEIBUS TERMINAL IIPHONE 3162 caiwcolicu LINES Margaret Sawyer TO GRADE ZAllan Stewart Maxilyn Todd TO GRADE SR 1H yer ETHEL TODD Teacher agt ss N0 ESSA Names in alphabetical order TO GRADE 8Robcrt Hunter TO GRADE 7G0rdon Ruther ford TO GRADE GMcrvyn Brolcy TO GRADE 5Georgina Dun gan Tommy Duggan Henry Szon crt TO GRADE 4D0ris ElliottI IO GRADE 3Donna Elliott Caroll Hunter Wednesiu clen Saw WednesdaYs 3506111 TO GRADE 2Jimmie Duegan Relurn SGerce Dlrect From The DOC MrSI MARGARET KUZYKI Teacher ss N0 VSUNNIDALE New Lowell School High School EntranceWilma McGillivray June Tivendalc TO GRADE Larry De Wilde Ken Duff Bob Duile Roddic Duff Rawn Leighton Rowe TO GRADE GRogcr Marlene Lockhart Glenn Mumberson Bob Patton Vii ginia Snow 7T0 GRADE 5Jim Bates Norine Duff ill promoted on years work Cleveland Keenan RuthMcGillivray Jim Rawn Alice Knowles Hr lrene Lock ha Tom Tivendale GRADE 3Ruth Staintonr TO GRADE 2Robert DeSchep per No gt13INNISF1LlTSA N0 Painswickl Names arranged alphdbetically tccondlth2nALpLQ Olihl peat honors not indicated Passed Entrance on ears wor Lloyd Byer John Warnica ary Warnica Grade I7 to 8R0bert Barnes Gwendolyn Keenan Ross Lynch beds Who wk Stunning alone ba niacin Clinical tests prove that baby nourishment from Libbys Baby Food thanfroIm similar amount of food which is strained qut nothomogenizcd Libbys the only Aiken of 1591 of bayogeztizing as well as straining frultS and vegetables HomogenizationI IbreaksIqu coIIiufse Ibres at leastvteii times ner than leodcsiroIod cells Thus the burden of breaking up the galls is lifted froin mmature digeIstiIve juices which crib im elyI begin asIsimiIlatiiIig thIe expoed nourishment to lebya gimmeI 0m BABXIFQQDSAE 915 STRAINED andIHoMerNIizsp aiiiiyrlinpmng Milk isI Hammisz Fred Reynolds to 7Mary Byer Jim Foster Marion Lynch Jim Muir Frances Reynolds 4406 hyllisGrier Roy BishI op to eNatali Reynolds 3Ito 4Kenny Barnes Howard Byer CJoslin Guest Jimmy Oliver theI Iextralprecauuon gt IlIioretta Reynolds Ronnie Simplt toI3NancyII Ford Gary in grams to 2Doug1as Alleri Larry Boyd EdIdy English Ross Falcon 61 John Ingram Carole Oliver Joan Pettit Michael ReynoldsIAl lan Stark Kenneth Warnica Marion Webb Teacher COULSONS HILL SCHOOL ss 12 Gwillimbury Names appear alphabetically Honors were indicated on pupils re orts rade to 9Ronald Sturgeon to 8Douglas Didicher Pa tricia Duvall iEarl Sturgeon ii to 7James Patchett to 6Elaine Cooke Leola Keast Arlene Sturgeon to 5Janice Qateman Robert Cooke Larry Edney Jack Bambly Joan Sturgeon to 4Mary Pa Can do and if an aIctuclly gtsI more FRI WI or IM hoe bacilli Houllhful loading in Your baby Jim nd your name and gun lichen Kneeshaw Ronald Kneeshaw to ZRobertv Duvall David IHambly Barbara Sutcliffc Teacher it fly IThetaipap an Australian snake hasra bite sopoisonous Ithatit will 53mm Ir Names in alphabetical order SfBelty Barkmv and friends here for some time HlvArthur Mumberson BlIRUby LTB attended church service in TO GRADE 4Garry Dull lHiI MATTHEWS Teach Grier Eilcen to 3BevIeth Kneshayv Paul kill home within four minutes Miss DorisGarvin St Cathar ines is visiting Mrs Garvin MLMA Miller are holi laying with Mr and Mrs Geo Coutts Miss Doreen Smith and Miss Ruth Smith visited for couple of days last week with Mrs John Paterson at Severn Bridgc Mrs Geo Smith and Kathleen accompanied by Glenn and Carley Smith Crown Hill visited over the weekend with Mr and Mrs Walter Smith Seaforth July 12 Miss Bernice Mason is attending Summer School in Toronto Mrs Willman Port Credit is visiting her mother Mrs Allan Bonney Williams Toronto and Mr and Mrs Jas Spence were in Owen Sound Sunday The United Church WA had their monthly meeting at thcliome of Mrs Bowen Minesingon JulyI Mr andIMrs Coutts Regina whohave been visiting relatives have returned home The members of the LOL and the United ChurchPSunday Both came lodges went to Orillia on Monday Misses Peggy and Patsy Adam son Mary Peacock and Eleanor Mason have returned home after being at Camp Neekaunis Wau baushcne for two weeks Mr and Mrs Ferguson and Mr and Mrs Ferguson Lois and Wayne Arman Mr and Mrs Ferguson OwenSound and Jim Smith Barrie spent Sun day with Mr and Mrs AI ismrmf Your nonprofit Hospital Plan giVes you more protection than evcrl iust when you need protection more than evcrI PAGE um lllli SlRAlli RillNlON TURKEYS 1N SIMCOE While tiaic am good numer iron was held atioi first class wlllllllil in Slln l2ll11ligtl on one County it turkey production happy day that is forging ahead most rapidly allMl mm One of the ltialill turkey ranches MM llmtllvd Um in Canada ed lit Simeoe 54411 RN lhe Pat 31 illsir Barrie lwlitri limbi tor the onion 11 lilStlEerll IN 1859 Sharla liltllLlllI The Midway islands 12110 miles itcpixsiltleiil northwest of Hanan Wtl discov Jiai 1Ct iiislerit cred in 11211 and Linlarval US ml 1r lazy itasliicr poSsrsriin in ran ill it Illllli iillioul electricligln llierr ari limes when every naturally want farm electric url 1illilll4lltt larninr Ml llclinih need or desire iiiiprownuuls If is young system one and ambitious lie sanls imple llllllrlll lllllll llillllllti and equip larul lllllllintlllllll Loam will lllIlll litrlillll his Hrk he prunidc this liioiie ill the Igll olrlor he thinks in term most dwiralrle terms lliese munn in hi slrcllglll and loans can laiuarlc in amounts lllllllllllillslwlnlllllllllllfllil bum lmmlh MN Huh Shhhri farmers llll ample time for rcpaynent The farmer specializing in lieloll thinks lillIllUVlllltlll lrcecloiu from The manager of our nearest hm hm branch can give you complete information about liarm dimw Yltilltl production Imprmllncnt Loans lie is The ioiilliIiuiau known how grinniner amious to Hl you Nllllll can help him then make the kind of progress ward to improve Boil Feed which will increase your Hth lulua water supply drainage lugs and add to your security 17m EBAlllGriORORIO Incorporated 1855 Branches BARRIEH Nettleton Math ALLANDALFrF Stevenlon Mgr TDALSTON II July 12 mg gddmgbellsarering MissAnnBentnamojII holidaying at Mrs Bertram Mtg Stranaghan and SyIVia have taken up residence in Guelph Rev andMrs MacTaggart Sin spent the weekend at the parson age KI Dalston girls plaiyseball here on Friday night against Oakland Hill girls ng Miss Norleen Baldwin has 1c turned home after visiting friends at Grenfel DSIRIIS ROSE AGAIN IIOsiris 0d bf the IaYlClEHl Egyptians was believed by his of the dead in the lower regions First Illlle For Health Regular elimination of wastes from the body is one of the para mount rules for good health Milv burnfa LamLiver Pills are of help to faulty elimination lllie combina tion of laxative and tonic drugs contained in these pills make them one of the most useful and best itenIiedies for minor disordered con ditions of the elhniimtory organs Millmma LenLiver Pills help ftpwshniata tholuv clean the coatedItongue sweeten the breath and eliminate Waste from thesyn item an afterdinner pill they relieve that bloated feeling and help indigestion Sold Int drug commEverywhere ach is with worshippersIto have been slain andgrisen again to become judge IrImagmqm on Becau5e hospita your need for greater than eve 4IaND THE RATES ARE LOW Elimination 01 Wrist 55 Day was Your Family IN ADVANCE NONPROFIT MOINTHtY miss PAYABLE ISINGlE SUBSCRI BERI SUBSCRIBER srouse me All CHILDREN UNDER 18 YEARS hall life higher thauevcr hospitalization protection isi rBlIueCIiltSSS has provided for that need Subscribers may howleceivc mini ISeml Private il Standard Ward $75 $150 for all COMMUNITY SERVICE Backed by the hospitals of Ontario themselves Blue Cross isra nonprot organization now protecting one family in every four in Ontario more Throughout Canada and than million Obtario participants the USA over 50 million people have let Blue Cross relieve them of the worry of hospital expense Bum cROSs protectsibe mapleBLUE cnoss is the people ENQUIRE ABOU GROUP ENROLMENT For full information write Plan for Hdspital Care 135 St Clair Ave West Totopto mum of 51 days of hospital carcrising t6 maximum of sixand allall monthsIlIArIIid cxrra benefits arenow addedIinclIucliIngXRayarid such modem medicatidnsas Penicillin