Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Jul 1948, p. 6

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and LISTEN to your favorite artists on COLUMBIA lOIIIcIi lied and Green Label lopiilar RECORDS IIISM Somebody Illsrs Picture in Little Village Green ll li iii vi 003 ltcg Your iirilon liii IIItAlII Itlltlltr Ii iit3c illili RibStar Dust aiIIiIiiii Jpcrx ii tii Tic illl Who Were You Kissing Im oiiiiii ourtin Iirilblllc lly lliric llt IOillugats Niigilts The Mexican Shuffle lly iicr tiigat IOilJuiigle Rhuinbii lkl Baby IokI fly Xavier tiigit 75c 940 The Emperor Waltz Im Waiting for Ships that Never onie In Ily Ruddy iik IIZIlAII By Myself Where The pple Blossoms Fall By lluddy IOGCLSpring III December Talking to Myself About You By Ilitddy ark jiOIIonfess Love Somebody By Ruddy 711031 Slave for You The Night has Thousand Eyes fly Buddy aili 75e onzivo niy uysiii To Blame Thoughtless Hy Doris Day 75c 1062115 Ilie Sentimental Thing To Do Its Quiet Town By Doris Day ClOSIJts Magic Iit Eni in lloxl Iic rEm With Ribbon By Doris Day 75c TINGNone But the Lonely Heart On The Isle of May By Edin Duchin 750 763477 Moon Love The Story ofa Starry Night By Eddy Iiiichiii 75C T63480n the Ish of May Concerto For Two By Eddy DiIchin 75c 63494iur Love Save Me Dream By Eddy Duchin 75C 710704 Its Monday Every Day Air Conditioned Jungle By Duke Ellington 75c C063Iut Youself in My Ilace Baby The Wildest Gal in Town By Duke Ellington 75c C6295Slippery Horn Clouds in My Heart By Duke Ellington 750 ClOMYourc Over the Hill Mother Never Told Me By Artliur Godfrey 75e C1023Id Give Million Tomorrows Slap Er Down Again Paw By Arthur Godfrey 750 Clil8Hindustan Bedclia By Jan Garbcr 75c FilmDollys Lullaby CandyStore Blucs By Toni Harper 750 CllO5Ive Got News For You Keen andPJachy ByWoodyi Herimnir 73c iitiri 73c 75c 75c ark 75c 75 75e II Ie FIERCE STORM MAKES HAVOC tiieti1 of riim page xmel fit him ot of cog If ii Iiiiiiii ixeizizn ant st Isl pain wilcntzatvii on ia tii xilil icplociiig lt oil tin ilil stimul air Suite Sinipli 31 ll mag1 and ixI IlLIIIiiZ i1lt lc llllr tzilitt night Listing in ex they tiliiii out IaIti givnig onl vicli until the litllh we lntt iii wrilpiaiiits iiad lti Sttfttlt the liiltllitllf in few hour Itep li inst ziioiiiing Among the complaints ieceivid tlt Hllt finii iiiair who itllltliltl ila it had huge quantity of Illtiri Illiil that would spoil if in Ieuulii no ittwp his liveer optiat llli two instaurant opciiiv iuiipliieii that haltcooked Ii ml to Waste tieneialiy lllilt were ill ical complaints about the ponu or being 11 The citizens were tliiltlIV repriiting the lticakages to the FCC and they knew the line Illiil ntre out doing what they could While tclvgiaph service walt maintained tiiric were six polesI titlll lIlIilli icmity of St liu iiits llilk iWiCiAic coilis nowx The provincial police radio sta ion was out of order for several hoius when poles were toppled between the main office at Barrie and the tower about two miles north lciIphoni service was maintain cd with the Iillti of emergency generating equipment but there were delays on many long distance calls The storm extended throughout the district and reached from in Lit liii lrltlll vvllt itltl 01 Is gmlig spidkiili Angus and Camp Borden At the iiarlcs Newton farm on the north side of Barrie there were four big trccs blown down all within few hundred feet of the house Ollt largo spruce tell across the verandah and two poplar trees and maple blocked the driveway Mr Newton spent all Iucsday morniiigII clearing the trees away from the verandah and driveway Out in the same district the silo of Dr Fiook in Vcspra Township was blown over and the silo oft Isaac Carriithcrs was similarly tlattciicd by the high winds At the home of Charles Gilmore on Bayiicld street just outside Barrie there were several big trees down One large pine close to the house fortunately fell the other way otherwise it would have crashed through the house No person wasinjured Churchill in the south to Elinvalc In the north and west as far as INNISFIL ACCIDENT Last Saturday nightrthere was an accident on the 10th Line of Iiinisfil car driven by Donald Cochrane RR Barrie was struck Iby car driven by Stanley Hend erson Barrie The Hender son car was approaching theIhigh way from laneand was dam agedto about $50 The Cochrane car was damaged to the extent of about $200 Museum Exhibits Supplied by Slmcoo County Womenl Institute No 207 Photo of Church with Memorial Tablet to Governor Simcoe An attractive framed photograph of the church in Exeter England which holds memorial marker to Governor Simcoe has been given to the Museum by Mr Mac Laren of The Examiner The ivyclad church of oldfash ioned architecture makes not only pleasing picture but is link in memory of one who left his mark on the pioneer history of our county We are grateful to MrMacEareh and Miss LeWIs for these contributions as well as number OfUlhel exhibits Copy Altllttl DEFENCE MIN ISIER AND Brooke Lldxltlll iiiistor of National Defence with thi chiefs of the three aimed scv1ces iiid the Direc llic liltll above are torGeneral of Defence Reseaich itttllsllliV for ziuiliu iiie dcsti Services and ieeiicli iiiiiii Wtii them lies the task of Illlti Stll unto gtIlltttiilllllltlll to keep abreast of dcvclopiiiciiis in cilis CHIEFS Pictured above is the first official pliolohaph 0f lioli THE BARRIE momma or STAFF be equipped Iy of niiadasl the postwar Lliief of the oorduiatiiigr the ll machpie and the field of re lNNISIFIL NOTES lily RGSI Large rowds on Illaches Iiiiiisfil beaches to capacity over ltltlll week ends At iiiiusfil Park last Sun day it was estimated that over thousand cars were thlllllllttl About twothirds Hi thesi werel other than residents and at tth new rate of 30 cents it swcliedt the takings coiisidtiiibijw The miinageincnt were taxi to the Iiinit in handling the crowds This was the same at the other places where piciiickers were able to get near the water The coil ditions at Ilclle Ewart where the local summer residents have re quested the township to purchase piece of Iaiid so that those hack flOlIi the water front may have access to the water are demand ing that some action be taken They are willing that the nosis be assessed to them few than zigo township had Ijan oppor tunity to purchase all the railway property for few thousand dol lars but those in the seats of thc Potato Trucker Pleads Guilty to Two Charges Fined $60 and Costs llllilll guilty to opcrat were crowded withoui dealers license Clarcnccl uinining of Barrie potato llll cr was illltl $20 and costs Slillill Magistrate Gordon Fos tci on June Ill The same trucker pleaded gii and oiigm of potatoes fined $40 and costs of $1860 Department of evidence ItlII lliin den marked anada weri not of this quality the premises of Clarence Ining who had delivered the taloes he found quantity of New Brunswuk supply of Canada No tags Rev Dr WJ Mark Formerly of Elmvalc Injured in Crash to lllIHli presentation of the grade and was inspector Wilsnn of the Domin Agriculture llc said on Mayi ill be found potatoes at Caiin Bor No which Visiting Cum potatoes with the tags removed and nearby was BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA the local gaol for carch whereby members of the armed services vilI wu latest arms Pictured above are trout row left to tight Mills Deputy Minister for National Defctcc lion Brooke Claxtoii Dr soloiiliI Directotlciieial of Defence Research Back iow lcit to right in lcn Foiilkcs CB ElliI DSO eiiii ii stiff Air Marshall Robert Leckic tIl DSO DSC Ill chief of the Air Staff and Vice Admiral 11 in il tll RCN chief of Naval staff ICANAIHAN ARMY PHOTO Siiiiw HITS DRUNKARD FAST 101100 Continued from page one =lac trifle too untouched for the lltiiieptlis to which lie had fallen He appeared at his best as the noble hero aiiil was vell fitted for it in physique and hearing The mother the daughter tiic hero the viliaiii the foster bro ther and Crazy Agnes all played with an evenness of effort that left no holes in the performance anywhere The interpretation of the childs part was open to some question but the majority of the audience appeared to love it Use of local place names lid not appear to have the intended fch and caused the only character dropping of the evening Betwcensccnc songs and com munity singing kept things lively but possibly some persons might liayc been offended at the use to which certain sacred songs were in ck of po No ItoLicIi CoUIIT NBTES Five Months Imus Young formerly of Nova Scotia now of Iliadford was found glitllv of an assault upon an llycaiisid trait mute girl also of Bradford and sentenced to five months in the Ontario Ilefonnatory by vlagistraie Gordon Foster The assault nik on June 22 111 Ycung led the little giil down Lorena and when hei cries ittiaiiid passeiby she was Itilifnl with scratches Iaiiout the throat and chin The case was Iiieaid at Barrie July Three Years puni Albeit liioinhill of Lake viiw was sentenced to tiree years in Kingston penitenti for the attack on tlcorgeslm serwce sta tion opciator of Churchill on June I9 Thoinlilll lll head with gun which was later found to be toy one When lIart was able to beat him off Thoiiihill fled but was picked up by police later One Month John Janie llandly 23 form er Noya Scotian of Bradford was sentenced to one nibntii in causing dis 25 lllllilillCL Adjournment There was twoveek adjourn iiiciit called in several charges against Morley Rawn of Glencairn The charges were dangerous driv ing drunken driving and causing disturbance and were lliiid fol lowing aii incident on June 27 when Raswn is alleged to have ini pedcd progress of car in which Mrs Eileen Jamicson of Glencairn was iidiiig Occupants of the car said that Rawn after insulting Mrs Jamicsou in front of res taiilant lli Lisle followed the car in which she was passenger and ltitiltllyIili in sharply behind and in front of the car so that it was necessary for thcmto stop On several occasions Rawn said that he merely turned back once to see who was hogging the road and driving too slow and sec quurwww struck ilart about and time turned back to see why the car had stopped since he thought they might be in diffi CtlltlFS and wished to help llicHl Rawn is represented by Stewart KC GlEn Dcth of Glen cairii passenger with Rawn lli face charges of causing dlstuili ance when the ease beforc the couii July 11 Broke Dishes Richard George Ilaiisin taiiip Borden was Magistrate Foster as siiiaii aiec when he was found guilty ixgtiiil titllits of iicsciibcd by let an titZitil iuI Raf llowson ix lvytblatlsb Hitch OUT 3150 Of genital tiuii to disims and walls in tic lrlzllil lit Slfi plus $13va iv the in illi1L il $170 on II con 111 default pawl liiilty of Assault 10 of Bar ie gt tiid gulltv of an aisaiilt on iii Wilton Hos Iwp lie iiiru Slit Ill oi in days filll1kl1llilv UPHOLSTERING our Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs Repaired and Recovered Striitford Upliolsieriiig CO For Free Pickup Find Delivery Cull low it Sun Phone 4365 lrcc Estimates CONCRETE BLOCKS PLAIN SAND DELIVERED and ROCK FACE All Sizes GRAVEL ANYWHERE Canada Concrete Block it Tile 00 BARBIE ONT Rli9ne 3009 Box 151 policeman lbusy weekend mighty at that time could not sceI the advisability of this Now they will have to pin at the footage rate for small portion of thel same property probably trcblc the amount they would have needed to expend then The parks of Iiiiiisfil should be under commission so that such matters as these and recreational put Mr Dohcrty and his directors may not be quite as familiar with ilic towns and town attitudes as they might be The audience enjoyed the in formality of being seated at tables where they might smoke or sip cokcs if they wished The entire Ayton ten miles south east production was highly enjoyable Dr Mark wrfs driving in hisand those players will stirer find buldmrs and 0m nlrwmmlll automobile Iroin Ayton Ito Honea larger audience waiting for mm mulled hUll WWW ccr toliowuig the morning scrvicelthcm when they return later in 230111nggzllli IlimlrilI lfIIIIIlIIII at Ayton Presbyterian Church the season Hm About one mile and uarter promiseIa couple of years ago at north Ann at Ricki Cmn OIIEILIItgglISIC hng Hired for er car driven by Norman WIil II ters operator of nearby farm FIIIIUIIIIIIIII mznufimtmd IIII Iapproachcd from the east sichout of sideroad and struck the lright Slablc James was engaged to con hand d001 of DrI Marks can lgrltlslxlilh 221L01Lp51kf01ll1 Yisibiiity is poor ratI this intcrsccI month gave detailed account of mm mi the Vmw it many calls and much mileage at fpmtmmnm mm mm Cluwr d1 his work However therewis mmon much more that mav be accomI Dr Marks automobile was dam aged cxtcnswcly and the Walters Dmith dunng 0i car had the grill and front end badly crushed in Dr Mark suf Thc parks alone fcrcd lacerations about the lace requlrc Consul attention How and head as well as painful chest evor nights are the me When bruises He was attended by Dr most protection is desired and it Hugo 0t Avton who brought will be comfort to many women and children left aloneln their 221 the Hanovm hospllll for cottages that they have oan to The acctdcnt was investigated ask the telephone opciatm to send by the OMHIIIO Provmcial poIIce the poll and they will have as sistaIICC 9as soon as car can get tun10w FolCM AS ll result Of Andrews P1951 erian is decadent the sciViccs alSt Hanover werecancelled HANOVER July ti well known citizen was involved in an unfortunate accident near NOT on Sunday morning in the person of Rev Dr Mark minister 01 St Andrews Presbyterian Church Hanover as well as at HANDICAPPED GlItL 12 ASSAULTED IN BRADFORD Bradford Witness Bradford girl 12 years of age who is handicapped by being botii deafggiird dumb was assaulted inl field at the extension zitthe end of Drury St about nine oclocIk last evening by man Iof mature age according to lOcal police While police will not divulge names at the present moment it is understood that children saw 01 heard of the assault and at tracted the attention of man in the neighborhood attacker until the arrival of police who arrested him littlegirl suffered scratch her neck Church them there Bogus American Bills in Circulation Local residents andgl business people need to be on the alert for bogus Wdollar bill that may be passed on them local mer chantDeaIn Arbuthnot of Cedar Harbor store is out $10 plus goods purchasediauring The fans action when he handed one of hese inwat his LID ir ITS IIIISPRING ColumbideQineh WESTERN CLASSICS LLtlzeBye Bye Blues Take Me Out to the Ball Game By Hoosier HotshotsqlSe 010851 Had Dream Unloved and Unclaimed By Roy Aeuff 75eI C974Dont Give Your HeartI Never Trusta IWoman By Bob Atelier 750 normspingisiiodows on one TvtiI Boy Friim Texas and AiGiri FromTennessIee By Gene Autry I5c gloatPlay Filirw Lone Star Moon By Gene AutryI 750 Oltll9Sail Along Sllvery Moon There is aGoldtMlne in IThIeSky1 BY Gene Autry 75c 0111170 Iahoma Waltz JohiiI Other Wife By sunny Bond 75c CloiWhats Been Going On BliniiJAliey ByIJqltuny Bond inscplidi is also framed The following was inscribed on the memorial tablet in Exeter England of John Graves Simcoe the first GovernorGener Canada who died some miles out from here Simcoe Couniy and town Iwerecalled for him He al so called our own Lake Simcoe after his father Sacred to the memory of JOHN GRAVES SIMCOE LieutenantGeiieralin the Army and Colonel in the 22nd Regi ment ofFootwho died on the 26th day of October1806 77 IVWAgedI154I5gt In whOseplife and character the virtue of the man seem inentlyconspicuousthat it may be said He served the King and his country Withazeal onlygexcelledby his piety to wards hisGod This copy was brought from Exeter England by Alameda Lew is Barrie0nt1929i cad Examiner Classified Ads Am 910 Inf1111111130 Deborah ladle mpertodpecullartnwoment 52ym Doeothhmghyounrorfrom otnahu muyLyoaa m1 vi bin cast Cami poundttordlevuuchlyinptomsllinkhnml Comma coll thug ing granted cash allowance of $50 lDepartment of Reforestation for strong colonies mainly of young 77 tail Stretches in front of theihead morningsThe serial number is the only sure way of knowing that it is counterfeit money This is D02762437Em1 bill should be ined for this number when accepting CouncilfMecting Innisfil Council had an adjourn ed meeting at Churchill on July complete the business left in abeyance after the regular meet LARGEST STOCK 0F GENUINE REPLACEMENT SPRINGS AND5BEST EQUIPPED SPRING SHOP NORTH OF TORONTO COMPLETE STOCK OF ALL sraiNqacgnsstEs TGowan St FACING TRACKS The deputy reeveIwasappoinled delegate toIthe Conseryation Authority for the Nottawasaga Valley water shed The meeting is tube heldin Barrie heCOOkEtDWdFair BOard was III II Mile Cruise from Midland DAIDYjIeav200 return 630 MONDAY leave 800 mil returnnotm FRIDAY leave 830 am return noon citations IJHDNE 3400 also some work Iwith the road ma chinery II Action was requestedfrom the prevention ofthe saw fly on trees in townshipplots= Council to proceed with the necessary formalities to have street lighting in the villages of Strgud Lefroy and Blle Ewart The sanitaryinspector for dis trictreported staff made on his inspection He advised better handling of garbage covered tins and cIarefull removal of all litter Three factors essential forsuc cessful wintering of bees are II sunday cruise 0n MSI Midland Cityl Wednesday two ships Midland City and Sir City of Dover one sailings Str City of Dover Aduiissms Childien60c 120 Mile Cruise on Ms Midland Citydai1y except Sunday and Wednesday 200me return following noon FareDlnner Breakfast Lunch and Stateroom $1190 Single occupancy $13290 beessplentyvotcudiinesomessmres for othe winter and adequate vpro ALL SAILINGSI STANDARDVTMEW15777 lemonfmmyhg 3911 IITAXINCLIUDED IN Fairies AS SHOWN JGetlgta Bay Totliisl Johnny of Midland Liiiiiteil rewriting lt9 The tail of Comet always trails from thehead in direction away from the sun sothat when comet is moving away from the sun the 00m 0Livrs GLOBEIDESSIEIHII who held the f300f00131ad MarrhlnndII HEAD LETTIICEgLiLI pnrrrs clamormat spam Iaisuious Mow Washing Sensation viriiiins ENJOY ICED PBOMAR OFFEE SCOTIAN GOLD 2002 or MITCHELLS Tin PLAIN APPLE 811110 2002 Tin BLACK TEA 73 maroon their PIIIIIIY ILIIIIR lth119 mm 353 29 30 ASHORB 11832 RASPBERRY millilidiazlf 32 1111110101 WAGE If2l new PACK 20 cIIOIcE grail am IllegalaLed NATIVE NEW No1 ib45 YELLOW COOKING lbs 25 Native New Crop 2113 NEW CROP DUGH 88 APPLES LEMOWS NATIVE PASCAL No No FRESH Cello Btl llittwnii 0111111013 NATIVE FRESH USTOM ZSROUND LB IoR SPAGHETTILAQELLI HEAT SAIICE 27 FOR DISHES or WOOLENS nIIrrT 29 WALL CLEANER SPIC 81 SPAN 23 CLEANSER OLDDUTCH T11 MAPLE LEAF LAKES Jill 25 YUKON CLUB tContents Only 01110131 ALE 330$ 25 FAIRIIAVEN SARDINES 15 FANCY TOM JUICE all 11 FOR PRESERVING SEALER 10902 12 LIQUID cum CLARKS MW for cHRIsriizs FRESH 15 SODAS 25 32 IM N1I lb PRIMROSE SVlE SI Trsit MIXD 21 HIGH UALITYLOWoPRIOr ANNPAGE II Illk Bread =243OzlLOArIOqI ICWIIITIEIOaIInRowNIzI Package lie with IIIeguIarpkgBIIc Enssmoked snares Smoked boneless Pelmealed sLIcEDPEAMEALEn suan Iiiicii Iiiicoii roman III 15 73 II rsLIcED VFRESH KILLER MILKFED GRADEA gyms gilt55 ililtliLEIIS ii3 1553i cIIoici= MAPLE LEAF shawlpod FREISH KILLED GRADE tA Ibg 30 IIIIILIIIII rota 93 if FILLEIS IIJumbo LB Fir85077081181 BtIDbCh9 maritime sac mitten ms are

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