Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Jul 1948, p. 3

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Camp Bordenl lioiiis THURSDAY JULY 15 1943 erBRloGE 1311 mg ItlIJIIL Liirl ll firs inter iin petition in bimllx Ili tilltIAIIILi 101 IIiillt Drawn dash sun Slim Iloiizriia iliiiilil Silitlilil IllIl li lliiinimi lieomi I1121Iil v3 Illr pull Mrs Ind English and hm UH His IVlllilgt spent Ihursdu mm mm In Lindsay lil the horse races mum The rloweis on the HIIIII table ML Hi Mn the IIcsbytciian Church on 5pm Sunday were in memory late ilis McIIIzie The Institute Illtl zit the home of Allis Ilawn VIllt5lil itIltl zioon Mrs II Holden gave Inc paper on Citilcnslilp Mrs Downer gate reading on The BCgtI liook have liver Read The Blblc lunch was served by Mrs McClung and Mrs llziwii billfllulllg some lulllli ilsincr is 11 ILIilliulli Mr and Mrs ii Robins and funi gtpciitthc ucekeiid at Batu Ila spending lil MI zisseliiiun WISII him report the sick iist ipccui recovery lieu Iupscol and Mrs ifcilczin exitiii iic tisiting Willi the iat daughter Mrs Birch Marion Downer and ill 33 Transport Company 1Niilll AlliXi Illtlllll1 oi ti IAI IIIIII cl mug on the and toad Iillt geiiiii Illill llll ItIII Iiii iwwi ing on the ozone it and IINI train to icl It Army Vehicles climbing the hill lareiits ale requested to IidVIse tlieii children that these practises are extremely dangerous SOCIAL It II Durand of 13 Ipt Coy visited friends and relatives at Loiettcville PQ over Illl weekend Accompanying It Durand were Mrs Durand and baby Mac also Cadets Lapicrie Gagnon Boutin and Stead of the RCASC School lt Durand staleslhut the trip by car is little too much coup led with the heavy traffic and the distance travelled he expects to drive even in his sleep for about another week ltc Doohun proudly bought the Cigars etc when word came through that he was the proud father of 7lb 1001 baby girl Motlier and daughter are report ed to be doing well Miss Joan Moran has gone north for the tourist season Mrs Horne RN Barrie spent couple of days with Mrs Lucas last week Wilson and grandson Fort Erie spent few days at Carsons this week Mr and Mrs Terry Loftlis T0 ronto visited with Mrs Loftus on Sunday Andrew Loftus spent last week at his home SIIIMIIIIII oilinc Bites lleatIas eczema hives pimples scalessealliesathlete loot aiirllptlier externally caused skin troubles so If acting soothing antiseptic PRE CRIPTION Grcascless stainless Itch stops or 01 mone stocks ab Pnzgcnllrlorl mm of IIII Quick Stop itching of insect bites heat rash VESPRA MAY some $5 it ii of Toronto spent the weekj Lori at their respectiye llolllts KEY Iiii Ill ITIle 101111111 llt tltllltr EIicsbyltiy lllci tit it lada CHURCHILL Isiliiit Wing on be it Miss her cousin Mrs laughter All Mrs 11 Maisn Imiil Marriottl Wu Itt SiL Sloans Mrs Marshall liv the week with Illl iiiollici IIorncr it Stilton Mr and Mrs illan and lull and Mrs BIIIIIIIII of Io ronto are lltlllllll1 Mrs 11 Thomas Rev Reginald llaiillhton oi liar iie is in charge of notices of St Peters vliilc Illv Newtom Smith is on IIOIlliI Weekend visitors lie and Mrs Chile and family Toronto at Harry Sloans liuy Sloan and Miss Ihclma SIOIIII of loroiito Ill 1C II Sloans Miss lloris and Jim Banting and tlis Williams of Toronto with Mrs oliscuinpiicll Weekend visitors at lratts wcrc Mr and Mrs Inglis Billie and Allan Mr and Airs Mc Dowell Ross Stinson and Allan Browning Allan lliotvning has gone to Acton for weeks vacli lion On Monday Rev 1ied Ber ncr called Won Horticultural IIIMS The Annual Horticultural picnic of No District was held in Col lingwood Park on lcdnesday Those attending from this vicinity were Mr and Mrs King Mr and Mrs Neilly Mrs 11 Sloan Mr and Mrs llcive and Miss Georgie Ileivc Mrs Geo Constable and Anne and Sandy Of this group Mrs King brought home first prize for best arranged basket of flowers IluNtllIy for correct guess on bottle of nuts Mrs Sloan prize for oldest member present 11 mending Ml Read Examiner Classifieds Canadian railway for exam Input fwsjng morq Ian more nlumlnom In freight cars and paucpqor audios in INDUSTRY too more und moro articles gulf hging muloof aluminumfwushlng iv machinelubyforinstunceI EThc Ilcasons Tlicrchrclnan Altiininumislight strong casyto keep clean It is durable cannot=rust1t is economical because through research andlhrgcscilc 3proHuCtidiit1ic price has beenreducchZSZSIncc1939 Today lllClC than 1000 Canadiancompanics arc fashf IOflltlglllIillllllllll irito cauntlcss uScfuI and beautiful Shapes as varied as buses and aircraft garden toes and vacuum clcancrsff Tomorrow itsitdvautagcs will be adaptedgo make still orhcpaiticlcs which are lighter and more attractive NCXITIIIICYYOII go shopping 110ch how many things are made ofgaluminum filoittieiiIlthIIIIcifi Th aluminum prodbced in Canodo AFivecsShahtyiBay boys utmof Iasliyeqr feund its why 10 48 other countries the largest buyers abroad beirig lheAUniled King dom and lhe United States Our production was so igreulmlh aflerLCunodian manufacturer had been supplied we stillhad 85 left forexporlo voluf able source of foreign exchange Producers and Procossors of Aluminum for ONTREAL oUEIEc IOOOHTO VANCOUVER wmoson anadlanlnduslry and world Markets lxlltlul lL Jl Hi will make double High and Con tells Willu mi Mp Heard pay for the transportation Wood TUIHIIIU Iiii 1Illi1 it rlospital Childrens Hospital Toronto with Mr andl adopted and that the auditor mTf Prissick the home of Mrs Wm Simpson RENT GRADER CURRENT RATES iwirltil lEtl on July itlIlLvtln pr vii ixnlluii xxt Itdd IIIIIHE Itiidiwil er1 unsettli er ltlilnri Inert IItItIIlII Copy of Chub In Uhldlln Iil rrply of iiwi and wini ilt1 Pailda IIIIli IItl llllIi IIl KIHIIKII iiIK llIll igiillcd lot by llic Country Club Sampson County Clerk lotice of ltsilllllhll passed County Council tanakc the if Siiilcoc Viilgt1i Flyl en and further lclcl lililltllllt to adopt the Lt of 15tllillll at an tullv dilc lie also iilviscii the Codiin would Iiilllllt the lol ll1Lj mioiirits fioin vcsplzt Levy $737113 Road Vocational Stliooli Lllll iillcv izi tjznl lgtj lt unit In no lam1 for tiliiitloii School pupils IllHII would be 5320337 Inole this IS tliout IIII1SJZI school levyl but Vcspia is now in the lziilic Ilixllltl High School Area the ituuisition for School monies for IIHI received from the Secretary or the Board 55331115 This Iligli IIIIII Con cs 18 IllllllIlUIl School rate for the year and will undoubtedly raise the ILIXUS lint owing to the fact that the 111in School District of the pupils the levy in the sec tions should be greatly reduced lwo patients from Vesprzi were admitted to the Royal Victoria and two to the Sick The following accounts were passed Relief Accounts $29017 Iloud Voucher No $01034 II Robertson office rent $30 Font Watson lambs killed by dogs 530 County of Simcoe Hospital Accounts for indigents $1315 MOTIONS That we make the Township Graders available for hire to resi dents ofthe Township of Vesprzt ifund when they are not required for road work at price to be set after inquiry as to charge mode in neighboring TOWIlSIleS for similar machines That the Clerk write the De partment of Agriculture Toronto endorsing the move for the County of Sinicoe to make Countywide area spray Free Warble Fly providing the Department pay its share That the Clerk advertise for the loading and delivering 2000 yards of pitrun gravel That the auditors be be paid and that the Clerk bcuin structed to write the Department pointing out that the new system of reporting is very satisfactory Several Hydro contracts were approved The Council adjourned to meet on Monday August at pin CENTRAL 0R0 Jilly 12 Mr and Mrs Fred Patterson Orillia were Sunday visitors in the community Miss Margaret Hector came from Toronto with Mrs Pearcy to spend her holidays hcrc IhOsympathy of the community goes to the relatives of the late Miss Minnie McCulloch who passed away in Barrie on Satur report SHANTY BAY Wedding bells again on Satur day 17th inst Mrs Ball is still very sick Ball was 84 last week Glad to report that Mrs Fawkes is better and home again Visitors with Mr Fawkes Mr and Mrs Simpson Toronto and Bennett Mrs Harold McClelland Co bourg daughter of Palk is visiting with her mother With Mrs Taylor the weekend was Mrs hrock of Bayshore Long Island Staying with Mr and Mrs Winter is Herbert Blake of Guelph 84 years of age on July 13 wedding presentation was made to Mr and Mrs Ivan Rccvic at the home of Mrs Pugh recently Also with Mr and Mrs Winters Geo Kelly Toronto and Mr and Mrs Cobb Mr and Mrs Fawkes Jr and daughter with her moth or Mrs Perry and son zirc spending the summer with her parents Mr and Mrs Wilfred OVCI all MARKET ilo the Ililount required Hul omonomo BARRIE rc opplltdIIJII 12143 limes were itoriflti In lt llial Vegetables IrillLs Hr Iiii In lnc1 IIIIJIII Iiilitb lvllIn lillA II 1112 ii Seeds iI ll lvlbl Iolll It Home Making lllwuits don Ill buns Ilutc cookicrl loz 1is Illl Howlrs Iiimzitze plants iiIloloi piziiilK dol ILmls for Noiiizi IlllZIZS lrnv ollcl plilcs 111 anvil IIII lllltll the will of Alfred IiiInliziid Nomi vaccdistt clicluist lllllltl who died in 11100 ENLARGEMENT SPECIAL To Size in Beautiful TBEL MOUNT 49 Colored 55 Extra CALVIIIit HANS AND PURIIIIS YOUR DINTURIS OVERNIGHT IOU ml uriti qu mi In IIMKIIGIO HumO IIITISN Mib$llil TAMPAX MODERN SANITARY PROTECTION REGULAR suprx JUNIOR sites ENO SALT BUY TODAY5 98P WITTS Staying with Mr and Mrs Herc ward Martin over the weekend were Martin and family of Leaside Toronto Next Sunday morning at St Thomas Church the visiting preacher wilLbe Canon Cody MA DD LLD bridal shower took place at for heradaughter Joyce July The friends in the community wish her every happiness in her and cii PEROXIDE TOOTH PASTE182 for 35 IIIIIIIII FRUIT Ml FW= PHELPSTON Sunnidale Corners PL FURNACE POWERFUL HEATER FOR YOUR HOME he warns The Tweed Stnl OIL Implatr format Lin if lII as our of the row lulu II and sends It lurk Into the rum3 1m It unt RI XIir install so old tub IIIII11 to In III but KI Lc tliiiilney but Ibr iuiioile 11 No1 for free lIlIHKUI AIHI III Ill SATISIIIO use You ml Iic iilIthSICil In IInpldtc ltunaxc TWEED STEEL WORKS lTD ONIAIIO Ifill vll IHIJI Hllll lIlI II ilIttI Illl Im NEED Lougluco sill III IIII tli Imi IXIK ur Mrs Silicll Ilemhrs ITIII hll11lelvl II II ll Ilrilltllliil xiii Jill Illmtl the 11111 on lil III union it 1liolnr ninth lion il The best background mail can have akyMcIJWIIIIZ Norrwrcii UNION Lira MJ 20 flips Iii itllll tl Airlicilw lillJlllll lliuul law 1i IuiZI Iilllllili inii li iliziiao ill wi lllll iltl IIII ANDERSON DISTRICT MANAGER or Illinlop and Hayfield Barrie Iiiad IIxainincr Classifieds lIIY FIZVRII VICTIMS Where either here In Ontario or In the llnlted Stairs is there drlcr tll malclhan the Nlagara Icnlmulo Our family suffers with hay fever dining the summer and have nuny cold our Iiirdlcal cxpcrt check first WlIh your irrior to make sure you are suturing from hay fever lIlII not from ti Good Onlt lirio CIImfII for in fever is ROIP Ville Mugkr where hay fever victims are specially looked llflfr If asthma is your trouble lliricniic Arizona is one solution Arrange ments for rcsirlciitc must be IIIildL first through the American Consul 302 Buy 51 then through your local bunk HUSBAND worms have found out that my husband is sirp plngmut Would It be very had form If went to the girls land lady and Asked few things would like to know Heres qurslmu that Is hard to answer If you lovi your lipband hes worth figlilini to locp II up to you to iEIIIiic out your tactics Personally Id favor thr liiect approach Fund of through the landlady Have you thinuhitl out the whole matter villl your Init band FIIYING PAN RUST What can he dome will an iron frying pan that Is beginning to show rust marks who wished The pan was properly seasoned hen bought luv years ago Now the black surface SNIIh to be wearing off Rub off the rust Slams with coarse salt Brush with melted illolltllllll the bake In slow oven llub III butler paper or oil after each Wlllllld SACCIIAIIINII ANNING Can use satcharinc in cannan rasp berries What makes saccharine canned ruil hitter Better say diabetes expcrk to can the fruit williout saccharine llitrn add It as used Oven canning is good method for IIDDltIIICS Tap the berries into the jars oven IIIJI Williilil lids at 275 10 till the juice is drawn bill notboiling Fill the Inrs to overflowlng iismg one jar of IIIIIIIH fill the others Srieit on tops Before using add the sucrnnriiie1oo much of the sugar substitute Will make llic fruit bitter Boniciclcin i19 PARFm0L 501 39 IOOZ 79 SALOTYN TABLETS 100527 oz43 ml 79 BISOARBOO 4oz39ltoz109 EPSOM SALTS IIIIIIIIIIIIII Isoz11 POISON IIIY LOTION 4ol 23 801 39 iuntmnl SUNTMI LOTION loz 29d iuz 55 OOLO CREAM Iiinz 29d15lz 51 WINSUM LOTION 8nl49 SUPERLATHER SHAVING CREAM23 MILK OF MAONESIA Large 2001 Bottle KLEENEX 18 lot 35 BATHING CAPS lllllllEBlllERlllllRIN Reg15c69 OLEME SHAMPOO STYLE HEALTH SAFETIllll KLEENEBisat 60 SALTS SODA PHOSPHATE IIIIIIIscIII3999 33 JEROENS IIIAIIII cutout SOAP Iiu 79 ROSEBUO SOAP p53 or Reg 350 249 65 PROPHYelAOTlc IIII BRUSHES 295 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIuIIIIIIlqulunlIIIIIlIIIIII PIONIO SUPPLIES THERMOS BOTTLES Pint Bakelite Top 465 memos ironies Paul AIumIumup 15m LUNCH BOXES 89c THERMEXMOTOR Iucs WAX PAPER IOOh rolls wasp SILVER swim SERVIETTES 70 13 our 35153 DIXIE curs 1o 31w 25 WELCHS GRAPE lUlCE 2953c PAPER TOWELS ilnicrlakcl 15c MONTSERKALLLMIJUICE39L69HL 49 Container 25c Refundable Scull your qurslionrto KATE AITKEN 225 Jarvis Street Toronto Ont loem BRVICREEM Keeps the hair in place all day Guards agninsi and removes dandruff Gives hgir gleaming luslro IN NANDV tum IIIIIIII ID um IO 30 ID llCOIlOl I0 SIARCH MODESS SKSdei Soft Safe l1IIIIlIIIIIlIIIIII IIIII 60 cents 4o nus lARGE SIZE $1Ioo PILLS CREAMO NONALCOHOUC conrAms IANOIIN GROOMS THE All new life REEVES DKVNES eight went to the Scout Camp this week Thanks are due the men who drove them to Barrie all winter through the snow and mothers who let them go Staying vat Thc Larches are Mr and MszFredrick Hunt of Toronto Miss Ida Sinton of Long Branch MISS Browmng Buffalo NYSam Larkin Mrs Larkin and family of Toronto Mrs Crow and Debrafof Tort Of Holiday Hazard jDont takes chalice on summer complaint spoiling your vacation take along sup ply oDOOTORIOWLBRS EXTRACT 01 WILD STRAWBERRY At the rst symptom of diarrhoea intes tinal paint or summer com plaint take the prescribed amount of this pleasant and IveiremedyrLDOGTORW FOWLERS EXTRACT 01 WILD STRAWBERRY is an old family medicine widely used for nearly century WILLIAMS LV Delightful AlterShave Lotioni cunm even 00 005 25c VLARGE SIZE TUBE 65c DELIVERY 830 Wednesday 830 to 1230 pm Sciiurdciy Phone 265010 1000 pm Open every Sunday 12 no5 panallo IIIIIIlllllllll IllIlllllI if AQUA EFREE fsiCSifEHCURSliiloifV jDUleiESSPlCNICPLATESrrl8r2 Odes WT REFLEX CAMERAS weer snowm No 616 soo jrAkcsr snowmen 620 700 KODAK FILMS Fresh stock IIIIIIIIIIIIIIOIO III COOLING andAEFREIIIING 12s sac2 far 65 48s 123 IIllII FRESH srors Worries Completely SQUIBB DENTAL EQREA radrurtAcnc H01 wEAIHEIi commits Neuiralizes xgr EWM Spcial LUCIENLE coLocNE CHANEL COLOGNE ENTREle COLOGNE HOYTS COLOGNE PROLON BRISTLE 50c NYLON BRISTLE2 for 39 YOUTHS SIZE 350d TEK BRUSHES CLIPSHere cuters msncr PERSPIRATION ST UPS PERSPIRATION oooa Suyi PeggiLodeI Miss Radio 1941 EFT 50 HALEX PLATE Iiltusu New De Luxe KITON BRlSTLES JUNGLE mm 59 Rule Bridles Special Thurs FriJLoIn 830 can iiia

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