Miss Dori in Fort William last week Unglallliiiliufgt erts and 5113 of lorontl Shaws for ion end Miss Myra W151i v1 Toronto bl In She lgt sziihiae aIlInIIit Rev Mr lilllWtll gt1ll Johns Limith is retirmg Verdun Maniom lhe liltilltlltl if hurelr held J1 tion last rlltft Roberts and llziziti I1 Kl received le1l2 table Mr and it and Mrs thzziles Linda of loromo end with lr lily at thrlr en Beach Miss Mary Stine11m tended Tululilu Nomad this year lliigt beer the Toronto tihtllJlLl tIfl now spending the it nier School in llaizulfou Fatally Injured in Motor IIIIleIIt hi Is extended to husband hind Iannly Mrs Walter Dttgar Inee Nelllyl who died as Sympat Thursday night The annual held from the houztv oi in James Neilly on Monday noon camsst HILL WE iiv Senora liter vb ll li rillll 11 sum Ili to any 11 older to 11mm 1111 Inuit ii out home toui is at her home tor tew lays iiiiil liu Melherson Guelph spent lt Total 253 Years the holiday llll Mr and Mrs JosI lIwI visit lllltll who at lJu Hit lmruuluil imna had Mr and Airs liIos Banks Ml1 1I 11 My ars toiheii l1i1III spent few days with Mr IN haul lluuter ill and mi 511W lllw lmna lll gt1 motor acculent east of Iozouto iilllltl illiii Steady Does It IN the matter of saving putting aside it deiiniieamoum each week or every pay lily usually shows bigger balance at theend 0f the year than if one waits for It convenient time to deposit larger amount the TilllllllLlllllrh oIiniIIIIIoIIIIreepisdepo It oi one dollar aiul ll1IlIl ttlll llilllIl deposits by mail if desired THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Hood Oicc Toromo Barrie Office 13 Dunlop Street 37 you In Business THE BARRIE EXAMINER INNISFIL NOTES By no 31 IlaIvy lratlie ilgtgtrrl Zhe holiday ken fol drum at Iii1 passed that peiiiui Nu lil gtllll up II lhe Slroud Rink grimma wlziel lll le SIoud ILil lIll ask of buildzug 1IIIk would have on liil it basis vItli the wiupayris lit the liltJ mills will not an Ill 12W 11 ttl IIll till LMW mu 00 centinuatidn school which residents of Lafontaine have built to care for the educational needs of for some time were held only 3311am ilrgtlgtgtllilli iill pay $101 but the average 1Lmn the area lgt less than II aiuouiit lltsttlts tiIIs v13 ll1il lililsl Iomun lillo Instr III fee years vill va paying furl It is share of Ipiiial lilltlll Lila July ii1l llllilh of lliilllllltlll ll1 The SS and Community picnic to Midland was well attended and all had good time Misses Mary and Pearl Morrison lllildll Siltilll it all of Ihorir liai latter two have lltl Iil lune11 all lIIIr lives lr Sharpe IIIv tltgtlltlltltl for The Ilfxltillv lull and Itau Dunn have none to Port weekend sign5 at Mn and 35 summon ers Kenwells were Chief Com Mr and Mrs James Fraser of llorunto spent the holidays with llr and Mrs Bert Caston Mr and Mrs Frank Reid Harn Ilton and MIT and Mrs Thos Dunn visited with JeanDunn at Sparrow Lake at the weekend Mr and Mrs Lockte and family of lluilalo spent July lth holidays with Mr and Mrs Ellerington Ilead llxauuner lassilied Ads and daughters Toronto were with Mrs lieadman for aufcw days Mr and Mrs Wesley Cowan Toronto spent the holiday week end IItl1III and Mrs Jos Evoy lie Wm and Mrs Newman of Sin syille spent couple of days with their relatives here last week Robert ruikshank is spending his summer holidays at his home in Toronto and attending Summer School Misses Dorothy ton left Dorothy School Sorry to report Wm Greavcs in Toronto Hospital having seri ous operation Mrs Greaves has been with him Misses Helen and Jean Richard son spent the long holiday with Mr and Mrs Currie Baldwin and other relatives Best wishes to Miss Coreen Mc gives per illlll llilthllltf privileges and Betty Cas tor Toronto on Sunday will attend Summer ii Imam SAWS75 lotre 71119571 EIPrpIICola and PIpsi are Ilia registered melt marl in Canada anepriCaln Campnny nfCIriIrida Limited SUMMER SSTma Mr and Mrs Douglas Readman July 5i The Holly WVA will he held next lednesday July at Mrs ll Lougheeds Mr and Mrs Thompson of Toronto are spending weeks vacation with the latters sister Mrs It Neil Your correspondent her husi band and Dorothy motored to NiagaiaoiitlieLake at the week end for short visit with Mrs Watson at 230 pml stable ll ieatherup of New Toronto Burton Kenwell Ken nett Massom of Long Branch Miss Margaret Stewart MrsWm Bennett and son iiandy of New Toroilll Holiday visitors in the commun ity over Dominion Day were Mr and Mrs Brown and Lewis at their cottage Jim McKelvey with this parents Mr and Mrs Bob Springer with the lattcrs parents Mr and Mrs Morrow and Har old Ilorrow at his home Your correspondent had letter from Bruce of RCAF Bcatton River BC last weekend He is in charge while Sgt Jordan is oni Ileave and had the monthly Ml Section reports to do and also has the typingr of stations Inpnthly re ports to do By his letter think he will be soon coining homeon leave Cracken and Louis latton who were married in St Johns Church on Saturday July Mr and Mrs Ed Moran Torl onto and Frank Moran of Evan ston Ill visited Mr and Mrs John Moran for few days and also attended the celebrations at Motuit St Louis Womens Institute The July meeting of the Craig hurst WI will be held at the home of Mrs Geo Snider on July 15 at 830 pm Roll callName an evergreen tree Mr Adamson of Midhurst is to be the speaker Lunch hostesses Mrs Podling ham Mrs Craig and Mrs Geo Kirton GRENFEL July The Grcnfel Young People pre lscnted their play Pair of Country Kids Baxter during the last two weeks Jack Parr Seriously Hurt The many friends of Jack Parr were sorry to hear that he met with serious accident on July While he was returning home from ia party last Friday morning the scar in which he was riding met lwith an accident on the Prince Edward rViaduct Toronto lt took several stitches to close the wound in his head He is the eldest son oioesitjc psi tease tel During July andaAugust Only OPEN WEDNESDAYS ALLfDAv In former years this changeiin store hours viiiththe long Week end for July and August only has proved satisfactory to both customers dndstalf iWe ask ydhr Cooperation ggain this year FURNITURE smiths PIIINT 121101194492 of Mr and Mrs Wilfred Parr Essa Station and was employed with the Bell Telephone 00 To ronto All wish for him speedy recovery Bride and Groom Honored Quite number gathered on IFriday evening at the home of er and Mrs Eli Worsnop in hon Jor of the bride and grciom Mr aners James Conley nee Joyce Worsnop witha7miscellane0tis shower The presented was leisBobsonreadrtheraddreshe gifts werebrought in by Billie Dobson and EdwiLScott There were many lovely gifts cipients thanked all for their kindness The evening was spent in dancing Farewell to Teacher On Monday afternoon June 28 the teacher of SS No MissLa borde held very enjoyable pic nic for the pupils and parents The afternoon was spent in races and games Just at the close led theirteacher on behalf of the pupilswith beautiful electric lamp At the same time Mrs and Mrs Scottpresented Miss Laborde with set of lovely book Club cf which MissLaborde was voicing her thanks Refrshments treat of vicevcjream and orange pop forall WA and Over 120 sat down tosupper in urday July There were tasty refreshments and treat of ice the sports with RevF Bunt ally Grenfel United Church July in hbnor of the Barrie Gun Club Harris pianist They the service very much Read Examingjlarsfleds BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA weekend III loronto and laul loronto visited at Wal iJuly at the home of the brides at Avcning and and presented them ining room whercthe gifts were decorated with pink and white streamers Miss The re the sports Charlie Scott read an address and Hilda McGirr present Wilbur Walton read an address endsfromrtheGrerifel Community president Miss Laborde agreplied were lserved The teacher had ISUIIVday School Picnic St Vincents Park Barrie on Sat cream for everyoneThen followed ASpecialservice was held in th Rev Buntiwas in charge of the service His subject wasAim at What is Above Music for the service was supplied by the AlliSg ton Mens Glee Club under the direction of Mr Mercer and Miss endered three beautiful numbers all of Which were much appreciated by large congregation The mem bers of the Barrie Gun Clubwho were present said they appreciated Saturday for Lsake wheic they will spen uinmer Mrs Parkhurst celebrated her birthday on July Her 5551435 with VIIS llulnaes Mis Donald Ferrier is visiting her sister in llaIuIlton and friends lll loionto this week spent Sunday at llalls MI anti fills to zpent July 1st at Stewart preached in the Bapw tist Church Sturday evening as Mr Henderson is haying holI 11 ll bl back for nexti 11 Mend Illina Quaqu 15 taking Sum sund 11km lomnto Iiui School course at Danfoith Kk luck leehiucal School Toronto MID pm lnl ii lh ll IIonthlev and Allan of Scouandy Ml Milllmylc dl Mix Ina lohnstone loionto at lriroiito me holidilvmii at daughter NamV Tm lllUJvmllflfi lIomblevs for tivoweeks Silo lm ML and MIS Jim Mr and Mrs llildoii Mrs Mrs IInlavson and daughter Torrens llIldon and Miss Marion Toronto Iovee of Sault Ste Marie are Mr and Mrs Fred Quantz and spent the holiday weekend at their their progress0 community Although 5C visiting wrth Mrs Chappell family Iort Credit spent the foliage Mr and Mrs Jack liutlett official opening etltlllOtlies Mis II Jack and David left on weekend wrth Mrs Geo Reid Ioronto at his home recently July it Mrs Jersle OConnor spent the llr and Mrs IIIaIIl VtitltltILf ter MeMaekoIIs Mr and Mrs lIreIIe Burton and family spent few days Willi friends at St Thomas Miss Dorothy West IINA ailil iIIeIId from lielleville spent Sun lay with the formers parentrh here Arthur Duckworth again alter an operation lesley Hospital Toronto much better llie strawberry iestiral held un der the auspices of the WA of the United hureh on Monday June 21 was success and well attend ed The friends of Neil Show of limagami former Angus boy will be sorry to hear that he has been very ill III the Toronto ieneral liospital All wish him speedy recovery Mr and Mrs John larllush De troit Mrs lleta liollinigsliead and Mr and Mrs MeGinnis and child ien Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Bernard larllush the past week is home In Wei feel ititi Thatswliat makes Kodak Veriehrome Film cvcryliodys film So easily so surely it gets the picture nmunupnpw Canadian Kodak Co Limited Toronto Rose dauchter of Mr and Mn Leslie ltoss and Itay Latimer eldest son of Mr and Mrs Fred Latimer who were married on parents Its made in Canada Kodak Film lhe film in the familiar yellow box fKODAK Is TRADEMARK Read Examiner Classifieds YES MADAME it is fact that praCtically cverytbinglyou use Wear or consume is affected for the better by chemistry Freon puts the freezeinto your THURSDAY JULY 15 1M8 and nieces gave her surprise July iparty rim and Jilt Muraton gr Ilts auon and family spent theI Mr and Teuom Tn xllgtl iaylf 913 nwziwre pmt week with trends at iash pas0r mire pm munch mum up lixidt several in few friends during the past All 4le Hp lr maltn and daughters Tommi in til Iii am llall Iran Mmm Nlm MI Harold Rutlett suffered bltikzll vi in Tummo wooi nose whilt it ht ball gaua iirs Mr le of loionto Is spelld week gm mkw wccmt Isiuti 1311 It 11 ac week eouSIn put gt 115 lm in Hospital Toronto for tieatnnnt In Sumpx smug plum on gt Mrs IAILKIIDY Toronto spent Congratulations to June Walton nounta tuna success llw tuxk1 ml with her SlSItIS lllt who passed her Entrance wrth hon 311 uqug can 01s also to Lois Curios and Him lltlli M1 and Mzs Goldsmith llo loiiing is spending couple Forbes who passed on their WEH and vIKllJlltl and Mr and VIIiiS ill NHKFHZI Falls ON work 1I Knapp and baby Toronto Gaston Toron Halls as dwltw 1aww Flaa 1y electric reffigerator chemical treatments mean better fabrics chemical Vlfertilizers helpfgrow it anebothistart DI the chemists laboratory The chemical industry is never satised It forever seeks new ivnyetocervc you in this in charge There were number of races and balligame very enjoyable evening was spentby ft yogifood Nylon hose andf Ingmaradulation