THIS WEEKS ISSUE 7950 Copies AUTHORIZED AS SECURI CLASS HAIL DEPT OIIAWA birth Year No 28 HOUSE OF HITS FIRST WITH THE BEST IN BARBIE THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY ALAN Continuous Show Dbows Saturdaymo flielidoffl Asras powderkeg fbr explosive That addlake fury is hunting the Orients most dar ing criminal in the Orients most dangerous city Paramount Picture llicParis oFtIie Orienrl EVE SHOWS 655 and pm PLUS CARTOON AND NEWS MON TUES DAYS ONLY EVE snowsIT and pm me New STAR FROM swaoan MORGAN IINDIOIIS inWARNER BROS DAYS STARTING WED JULY 14 Matine RIIBERI MAUREEN CLIFTON Wedat 230 pm GRANADA ENTERTAINMENT MON was WED MAT WEI 230 2VHrls ofGOmedyand Music 32 IN GAY TECIINICOIZOIL ENTRAI COLoR CARTOON calEVSHQWS mm BARRIE ONTARIO Former Barrie LacrosseStar TORNADO HITS Star goaltender for Barries lacrosse team of 1892 Judge James McCurry died in North lBay on June 30 1948 age 81 years glle was dean of the North Bay legal profession and juvenile court judge He had been in fail ing health for many months but tonly seriously ill for one week Hewas buried in St Marys Ccme Itery North Bay on July Jim McCurry was in Barrie for three years 1890 to 1893 artic lled to the law firm of Crcswickc and chson Later he graduated fromOsgoodc Hall The Barrio lacrosc team of 189092 captained by William Moore only surviving mcmbcrstill living in town climaxcd three great seasons in 892 by winning the intermediate cha ionship Of Ontario Then the arric team played off with Stratford senior champions for AllOntario honors lost in Stratford by one goal tied the game in Barrie missing the victory by only one goal on the round Of Judge McCuiry The North Bay Nugget said Judge McCurry was one of North Bays most respected and wclllikcd residents for more than 40 years Noted for his integrity and the justice of his decisions Judge Me Curry played an outstanding role as juvenile court judge in North Bay deep love for children and an understanding of their prob lems led him to follow up cases of juvenile offenders brought before him and to attempt to bring about their rehabilitation after they had passed through the hands of the court One of the most colorful magis tratcs in North Bays history tJudgc McCurry presided over city police corut from November 26 1934 until his appointment in 1942 to the juvenile court Noted for lthis keen sense of humor his ibarbcd wit was the joy and terror of lawyers who argued their cases before him during his years as magistrate Born at Guelph James Hamil ton McCurry was the son of the late Judge McCurry and Mrs McCurry of Parry Sound He at tended the University of Toronto first practice was at Parry Sound Leaving the legal profession for before coming to NorthBay in 1904 After hisarrival in this city he became associated in law prac tice with the late McGaug hey In later years he was in law partnership with Rey nolds KC During the First World War lJudge McCurry served as lieu tenant in the Canadianarmy and after the war he returned to North Bay tOresume work as lawyer In 1934 he was appointed ma gistrate succeeding the late McGaughey He presided over city police court until 1942 when he was appointed juvenile court and graduated in law in 1894 His time he prospected in the Yukon lJudge McCurry Dies at 81 ADJOURNMENT TO SEPTEMBER 10 IN MARKET DISPUTE An adjournment to Septem ber 10 has been granted In the dispute between Fred Dobson and market vendors against the Town of Barrie in connection with the market facilities The vendors had writ Is sued against the munlclpallfy charging that the Town of Barrie had no legal authority to evict the vendors from the market building The matter was first before the court on June 22 was then adjhurned to June 29 and the second ud journmcnt was granted to ex tend over the summer months The Town Council have let contract for the construction of new market bulldingI but plans to proceed have been held up pending decision rc gardlng the exact location of the proposed new building Second Year Varsity Five Barrie Girls Recent examination results in clude the names of live Barrie girls who have successfully com pletcd their second year at the University of Toronto Marie Salter passed her second year in Modern Languages and History and the following their second year Arts Nina Milieu Frances Bell Frances Craig and Helen Reeve judge One of North Bays bestknown curlers Judge McCurry was an honorary member of the North Bay Curling Club He maintained his cnthusiasmrfor curling right up until the time of his death andl was one of the most important skips in North Bay Club He was also keen and active member of the North Bay Lawn Bowling Asl sociation Judge McCurry was one of the early members of the North Bay land district Bar Association and he was formerly active in the Knights of Columbus and the Holy Name Society Judge McCurry is survived by his wife three daughters Con stance Margaret and Janet Mc Curry and one sister Miss May McCurry Toronto fAlthough he never sought poli tical office himself Judge McCurry atfairs staunch Liberal crisp wit and ability as debate were well known COMING EVEITIS Hubbert reunion at Springwatcr Park Wednesday July 14 Bring your basket 28b 19th annual Cochrane reunion willbe heldat lnnisfil Park Sat urday July 17 28b Leo sDaucePawlioii MOdein Spacious 4AirCondilioned Belle 10 miles from Barrie Ewart miles frOm Churchill PRESENTS his Orchestra Saturday EREEARKING JGENTsvsoq 011 their departurefroin Barrie wish to tak thisopportuitr to an whoslhqvliefso kindly extended friendship oind patronage during the past three and one hoilffyeoirs at the gt1 to express their gratitude andigood Wisheij LADIES life CAMP RAWLEY PORT gum ist Monday evening tornado lllrtl the residents in the vicin of Port Severn on Georgian Ella No person was injured but inainagc anzonntcd to several thou Irillltltlllllltlh particularly to prop ltli owned by Mr and Mrs Otto ltanson oi Ilairie About eight oclock the skies Idarkcnod ominously and the ll5 Itl Imiletl inland from the Bay to waitls ainp Ilawlcy which is loanwl by Mr and Mrs Ilawson Fillfoot water tower and tank toppled to the ground llllllltil garage was lifted and llHlllltI away An litinch cedar iliev was torn up and three giant leans were shattered Several small buildings were flattened The main building at Camp iltawley was not struck but the autos of some of the Visitors were damaged by storm tossed debris in the water in the district sev eral persons were nearly drowned as they had difficulty handling their boats In the high wind IRIII llie monthly meeting at the Com munity House lliursday June 211 was spiced bythc hospitality of Jayeec Ileil Gilgewho was right on the bit with cigars for all those present May you have many more youngtins We wish to thank Miss Vina Mc Kenzie and her Saint John Ambul ancc helpers for their kindness in returning and finishing up the blood typing of the group The committee in charge of this project under Ithc chairmanship of Cliff Arnold and Alf Johnson will now be able lto present to the hospital the blood typcs of the Javcccs so they can ibe used in cases of emergency Joe Caruso introduced his guest and future member John Quinn of Harmoin Grill and he was welcom icd by president ch ChurchThe lfollowing members were introduced lin turn by Lines Norm John ston Crowc Don Johnson Howard Gibbiiis George Truman Ken Clute John Wylie The formal application was conducted by Vice president Bill Merrick Best wishes were extended to his Bill LaPlantc Bank of Commerce on their respective transfers These men have been great asset to the lorganization and sorry to lose them The speaker of the evening being unable to be present at the last minute gave the chairman of the Barrie Town Regatta an opportunity to present tentative program to the group and all committee chair men were selected and briefed on their respective jobs 77 The Sergeant at Arms Ralph Cun ningham dida cr itable job and certainly caught good many of the members flatf ted The ticket sales for the lucky Idraws is proving hot one with the 11 team captains vigorously work ing in order to be in for the hid den prize for the group selling the greatest number of tickets There are no favorites to date in the scheme however Ken Clute the lost man is making some very rash statements in regard to the group under team Captain Terry Harris Maybe he willbemade to pay up for this yet VESPRA DISTRICT JUNIOR FARMERS ELECT OFFICERS meeting of the Vespra Junior Farmers directors was held at the FOrestry Hall Midhurst on Mon day June 21 THfellowmg of ficers were elected Pres Duncan Moore VicePres Leona John ston SecyTreas Mrs Coup land Advisory Directors Fern Hampel Carl Dorand andErl Richardson meeting and Weiner roast will be held at the pavilion Midhurst Park on Tuesday evening July 13 at 830 DST All interested are asked to turn out and help make the Vespra Junior Farmers success it PAINTED DESERT The painted desert in northeast Arizona is sOcalled from colorfulrocks was actively interested in politica Paul Sims Bank Of Toronto and we are indeed hmmei Static Select BARRIE its bright CANADA THURSDAY JULY I948 FARMERS DAY THURS SEPT Farmers Day lbls year bu been yet for Thursday Sept This was decided on Tues day at the regulu directors meeting of the Barrie Chain her of Commerce liarlie Griffin ind Fred Kelly who head up tbls years committee are asklng for the full cooperation of all humbcr members and other Interested so that the farmers of the Barrie district my enjoy real hollday in town on the day of the event Tentative plans are lald to continue the contests whlch proved so successful last year and which drew the support of thousands of rural residents THREE POSTPONED SENIOR GAMES BEFORE PLAYOFFS The senior softball situation is finding itself involved now that three postponed games are to be played The schedule was com pleted on Tuesday but the Air For have two games one with Irysons and one with Harris while Harris also have one with ICE to play The games are im portant to Harris and RCAF sincc they are lighting it out for second position in the standing League officials are attempting to finish the rst round of the playoffs before the CGE plant is closed for vacation but the post poncmenst makc italmost impos sible IIOWCVCI there will be games at Queens and Shear Park on Thursday and Tuesday nights although who will be playing has not been determined The play offs could start next Tuesdaybut will probably commence Thursday July 15 Share in American Hotel Sold by Mr Mrs Soyko To Michael Shewchuk Mr and Mrs William Soyko have disposed of their interest in the American Hotel IShcwchuk with whom they have to Michael been in partnership for the past three and onehalf years Thel business will now be carried on entirely by Mr Shcwchuk Mr and Mrs Soyko are planI ning to take an extended holidayf before entering any new business venture Thunderstorms Bring Cooler Weather During the past week the wea ther was generally warm until after the rain and thunderstorms of Monday and Tuesday Temperl aturcs were High Low 65 43 77 77 82 84 73 74 53 MAKE CANOE 40 47 52 63 63 RESTAURANT VIA TRENT CANAL KAWARIHA LAKES Bill Linton and Jack Harristvo 16yearold Barrie boys completed canoe trip through the Trent Canal system and the Kawaitha Lakes last week They started their trip by canoe from Gamebridge just south of lake Simcoe on Saturday June 26 They obtained their pass to go through the locks and they travel led through 16 locks and two lift locks on the 90milevoyage Only one portage Was necessary when lock gate at Fenelon Falls was itgmporarily out of order Jack and Bill found the going rough on the lakes with high winds and choppy waters However with their sleeping bags tentand pro visions their cedar canoe Was well loaded and they weathered the reughwrsrwithoitnshap Each night they camped out and cooked their own meals and while theweather was wet the first three days it was clearfor the balance of the trip At Peterborough the boys were met by their parents the following Saturday and they came back to Barrie by car jobs they are already planning another canoe trip ARENAI MrlrosborneColson and his faculty wish to extendhcarty thanks to all the people of the communitywho have Offered accommodation to the Skaters from cutof town rustic inVnubl to watch eithibitidns Americon Hotel the staff land students evening at pm General of figure neviSunder id on Wednesday Fridayfand eVenings from tol0pmj Admissicin 60 Food Held Over Years on Broadway Now on the Screen 32 Months on the Air Abie Irish Rose Its the AllTime Laugh Hit HMPERIAbk Air Conditioned MONDAY TUESDAY Carrier lllUll IIIIUIII tllllSO ll lllll EDNESDAY COMEDYIS CARTOON Coming IF You KNEW SUSIE If its NEW see am the IMPERIAL CLUB79 Full Course Meals FINEST SALADS SANDWICHES IN TOWN 12noon to 10 pm Better Surroun COST NO MORE DANCINGSAT NIGHTJB ppm to 12 Marc Brewer dings 01 Toronto LEclAlfSchjf working at their summer SATURDAYIatT SNAPPv MuSIC BYTTHE MinetsPa lt10PIECE ORCHESTRA it willprivid roomfor 200 more people to sitatztables PLEASE RUTJN YOUR RESERVATmS EAR $0 TnATTOuWILI NOT BE DISAIPOINTED noon OPENSQOfCLocE DancinsEveryWekth 10rohesjiraiIfUES To SAT Sal RccOrdediMusic We havejlfbullf apnew addition tothe pavilion whitihgv