Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jul 1948, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE mfw BOND HEAD Lwwm at tZxi vi lillll pit It Illt mall in Iiiiti tlin IIIIIIEIJ Iltlliil if Il lioia lIlIltl than nizi Ill Ifi lflu mind Illiil URRY BROS 36 Hayfield St EXTRA SAFEIY Ilioiie Real Estate Brokers Il CENTRAL ORO June 2i Ilcw1tt Allierley land with clZlIiVC and Mrs ltflc lll Lille lltdihizison Stuvait Wood Hilda Sliatlian Itll illilltlttl Ill 4lil at Guelph last in to Mr and Mrs birth of son llllilliil Hospital and woe son slitlll ends of Thus Flet sv to learn that he xin mu ly after an opera Il lt Hospital Barrie vxptrled home soon Ii slll Memorial Service at how lu ijtlllll Lhurch des titaw rain drew large tion from Toronto Barrie and thv surrounding town In lll was In charge Iilt Ferguson of Barrie Iii iztvndanri Mr Ilearn gtlIlllttl and picached taken III Cor mun not to know you save Jesus crucified Rev irtlui of Cooks Dean of South Ill the service III few well Ilt Hiltotl congratu ii good wishes to the rev Ilezirn Mrs Roy Toronto at the conclu mt tIviltloics beautifully Ill oi entitled Heard lll itltl HI listls SHIV Senior Institute Senior lllsllllllt met on June filo lhowns Willi Ill Inein to wit It was decided to ioi 112 lni 23 meeting in the painc Ill the local Park and IlIl the four surrounding vlimii ll Art Kneeshang gave Hillt on her work at Moose Fac lrl in the Indian School IlllI work done by the Indians lll Iis Atchcson gave talk on Arts and Crafts and showed lllitllll lune by some of her pup ii Iloll call was answered by our full name Meeting closed by itpIatinu the Lords Prayer lItlH Itnli nni Tm II til liinl lgt served by the hostesses It llipnvll and Mrs Brown And General Insurance OSB RN GARVEY Listings Illlll on Homes Businesses Farms Summer ottages and Lots MONM To LOAN ON MORTGAGES WILsox iIii Suite Phone liarric 5229 on Guaranteed Trust Certicates Ifirlill for any amount for term of In mun litllllllllifftl both as to principal and Interest Interest cheques mailed to imrli linlllels on Inc date or at holders tiiillnii may Iw allowed to accumulate at iroiiipounilintprest An itlral iiivcsuncnt for individuals com panies authorized by law for cemetery boards executors and other trustees 3THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Head Office Toronfo Barrie Office l3 Dunlop Street D37 years In Buslneis mcL AND Onion travellingbag Rev Stubbs it his Ii riicNAi showman on host NIW GA ANT After an evening of games lunch was served by theladies Makers of THE WORLDS FINESI completed Wiring readyfor Hydro this week inhale20 RUPBERu was weekend visitor at the home family at Whitby at the close of let root of IIIRIIIIIN SAIL When the line Empress of Canada cleared from Montreal rc ccntly Ior Livcipool she carried group of Anglican and IIpiscopalian bishops who will attend this suin niers Lambetli onferencc Inlondun In the picture are shown left to right front row Bishop Lyons of and Ontario Bishop Broiighall of Niagara Bishop Dixon Lwwsemwwwwwsce Tle BARRIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA anadian Pacific of Montreal Archbishop Kingston of Nova Scotia MINESING Bob lcnnnts Toronto is visit me at the mouse Mrs John Ilowright of Stayner is visiting relatives here Mrs Prewettof Islington is visit ing her sister Mrs Wilmot Took Mrs lllR0llllll Gary and Bobby of Kirkland Lake are ISII ing at Ronalds Miss Jeanette Stainton Toronto was the guest of her cousin Miss Jessie Foyston last week 11 Miss Florcncc Pratt of Painswick of her brother Elmer Pratt Eleven children were baptized ata special service in St Peters Church on Sunday evening Ruth Sriglcy and Kathlyn Pricsr left on Saturday to spend the sum mer at Camp Rawlcy Port Severn Mr and Mrs Gordon Graham of Port Crpdit Mr and Mrs Gra ham of Cundlcs spent Sunday at Reg Srigleys Mr and Mrs Culham of Edenvalc and Mrs Culham of Stayncr and Nancy Duinford spent Sunday at the lattcrs home here At the YPU on Friday evening pen and pencil set was presented to Garnet White who rejoins his the school year Recently several members of thc Horticulture flocicty beautificd the corner at Iht naentrancc to the village planting mugho pines and cd of beautiful red geramums Miss Carmeta Srigley RN Of Hamilton and Mrs Berta Couton of Edmonton spent Monday and Tuesday at Srigleys when the latter wascn her way home from the Authors Convention at Otta Death of Walter Johnston Sincere sympathy to Messrs Geo and Irvin Johnston who were bereaved by the deathofthcir Walter at Vancouver Johnston left Minesing as young man but still had wide circle of friends here who looked forward to hISVlSItS Farewell Gifts to Mrs Spratt Mrs Spratt left for her home at Ottawa on Saturday On Wednes day nig she was guest of honor at ga boring at the home of Mr and Mrs Channen and was=pre seated with abcautiful aeropak WYEERIDCE MAJ lrimate of the touch of England in Canada Bishop iipcnter of Alabama and Bishop Beverley of Tor onto Ilack row lashop llilllam of Saskatoon Bishop Jefferson ofOttava llisliop Sovereign of Athabaska llishop lillflllollH of Kcewatin Bishop Kinsolving of Arizona and Illllllt Moorhezid of Fredericton Canadianv lacific Photo EvEIiETT June Alf Wismcr Toronto is visiting his brother Geofgc Sorry to report Raymond Eriklcy ill Doreen Stacey Toronto is hav ing weeks holiday with her par ents Mrs Downer spent few days atlthe home of her daughter in Pctorlwrongh Doug Townes Elmvalc is holi daving with his grandparents Mr and Mrs Ellery Mrs MaudRobins has returned after spending some time with her sister in Hillsdalc Mrs Lummis and Mr and Mrs Robins and family spent the weekend at Balm Beach very successful strawberry fes tivaLwas held in the basement of the Anglican Church Thursday evening Mr and Mrs Howard Toolc Mr Goodham and Mrs Rawn and We hope he will soon recovcr spent the Murielattendcd the Field Day ini Guelph FridIy NEW LOWELL one 28 Watson Rowe spcnt Sunday Vllll his mother at Newton Robinson Mrs Paddison spent few days last week in Angus with Mr and MrsC Plaxton Mrfand Mrs Harold Bates and Bcvcrlcy of Hamilton and Mr and Mrs Wm Maps of Dundas spent Sunday with Mrs Bates and Helen Miss Mathews held picnicon the school grounds for her pupils andparcnts lunch was served and all spent an enjoyable after noon TaonoIHInngluuuun June Price of Coulson is visiting at Fred Archers Mrs Herb Hornsby weekend at Gravenhurst Mr and Mrs Arthur French of Mitchell called on Mrs French spent Spurgeon Brown and Eric llvyv IIlilI nolds suffered injuries to hands Mr and Mrs Lloyd Armstrong Carol and Billie are at Englchart for week Mr and Mrs Ronald Trew and son returned home after holidayingV at Herman Trcws Mr and Mrs Geo Emins and family Coulson visited at Archers and Emms on Sunday Mrs Collcy TorOnto spent the weekend with her mother Mrs Scarlett who is ill Allard and Fred Reynolds Harf old French and Wallace Kclls aic holidaying at their homes Leighton Sniderwas takcn Sunnybrook Hospital All wish for him soon return to health Mr and Mrs Jack Bannister and son Lefroy spent Saturday with Mr and Mrs Bannister Mr and Mrs Bailey Brown and Ertle and Ruth Brown of Toronto visited at Irwin Elliotts on Sun day On Top at Flcld Day In the Flos School Area day hcld recently Waverley School carried off top honors with Donna Kulczycki winning the In termediate girls championship Pat Crowe the Intermediate Boys and Marie Crowc the Junior Girls In all Waverley school won 14 first 15 seconds thirds Waverley Senior School Report GRADE TO IIAnnctta IIoskin Ruth Hornsby Joy Hornsly Thomas Kulczycki Ralph Ladou ceur Ralph McWattcrs Doreen Reynolds Kenneth Snider GRADE TO 7Pcarl Corlctt Lois Corlctt Thomas Crowc Carol Crowc Elizabeth Kulczycki David May Ruth Snider GRADE TO GMaurccn Drin klc Maxine Drinkill William Grccn John Hoskin Cccile Kul czycki Delphine Kulczycki Donna Kulczycki Wilma Reynolds Alden Scarl Alvin Stacey Bob Stacey Joyce Stacey JESTERS DIDNT JESI jester was originally kind of minstrcl or professional reciter of romances Later jOSICl came June 28 to mean clownish wit Ol blthooii All lllltl Mrs Ii MOIIISOII are kept by noblemen for their mnuse spending few days at Roscniont Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Leonard Walton on the birth of daughter Mrs Lightfoot has bought house in Alliston and is moving there immediately Mr and Mrs Sproulc Oiillia weekend with Mr and Mrs Harry Smith Mrs chg of Rodney and Mr and Mrs Dave Taylor of Toronto were weekend visitors with tho Bellamys Mr and Mrs Cccil Morris and Mrs Emerson Morris of Toronto and Mr and Mrs Raymond Morris of Huntsville visited the family plot in Egbert cemetery on Sunday SHOCKPROOF EXPLOSIVE It is practically impossible for shock to explode maximitc used as bursting charge for armor piercing projectiles nuuuuunu BOOKKEEPING and ACCOUNTING SERVICES fOT retail and wholesale businesses Income tax forms completed eekly or Monthly Audits IRIES INVITED Dial 4603 anI the to field Easy does it with Kodak Verichromc Film in your camera You just aim and shoot and get the picture Canadian Kodak CO Limited Toronto Its made in Canada Kodak Film the film in the familiar yellow box KODAK IS TRADEMARK see WESTERN CANADA voun nuov come In us in An 10 IouunLniLux WINNIPEG $4820 REGINA $5945 CALGARY $7950 VANCOUVER $7845 DSubjcct to change Tickets and Information at Banie Bus Terminal 73 30111 St Phone 3162 If l1 9L7v mewvm THURSDAY JULY av 1918 rm TH Jimqu CT 30 hMsr NANZ ave an address andMislt Jessie Foyston made the presentation Earlier in the week the pupils Of the High School gave Mrs Spratt beautiful purse and pupils of Grades VII and VIII presented her with lgglaewalbmicrorc WE UTOPIA ztf June 28 Miss Mabel Hurrel Toronto spent the weekend with her cousm Jack Ellis Mr and Mrs Ernest Ellis have their home Mr and Mrs Wilbert McCan and Jche Were inTorontO few days this week Joycejs doingas well as can beexpeCted following an operation on Saturday This weeks baseball score re suits were EalgraVe 9Utopia at PalgraVe and on Friday Utopia up the good work boys Choir Enfortained Stroud on Utopia dianiondnKeep ThelWA of the UnitedChurch entertained the members of the Angus choir at Strawberry sup per and very enjoyable sOCIal time at Mr and Mrs Arthur Dobsons Monday evening file Aided DUI WFJI ll Esfabllsedt 30 Yearsl POLLARD nelrEstate Broker Houses Lotsrobacco General Finms exchanged RicNo NEW LOWELL PHONE 102124 orAchiel De Schepper 4523 List Your Properties with us PRODUCT OF GENERAL across Mary LORD moms theu you see car thats way up in value andwway down In priceiyoure Icoking ataPontiac or Pontiac the ncstcar in the lowprice eld is pricied so close to the ldwgst that you can hord Panfiacsif you can aOrd any new car Andjouly PontiacgivesyouvthewcnderquIInES sleek Silver Streak design and all integrity Of Pontiac engineering based on Pontiacs famous6and 8Lcylinder LHead engines 4Pontiac ftir 1948 is the most comfortable car Pontiac has everraChievcd thankato shockprooftriple cushionedwride and Unisteel Body by Fisherwith no draftiiventilation As always there Pontiacs eXceptional safety and strengtheconomy power and performance alli rencd eventfurther in Pontiac for 1948 Pontiac is prOduced in Fleetleader Fleetleader SpeCiuLTorpedo and 8cylinder Bedouin varietyC of models And this year Pontiac offers as optional equipment at extra cost On certain models the greatest contribution to driving case in the histOry of the IthOl car the GM 1HydramaticDrive

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