JULY 1948 mg 3533p EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA llers out Slump lRaycratt Takes Own Game wallop Motomen 91 ins can Defeat RCM 54 flutlut 15 to ilirst Wm in Ten tarts li 7L VV VVAV7VVVV VVVVWV VVVt itilti 41 ll 1VVV FE INSURED LOANS lmltd ml VV nth VVV VVV iiVVV VVVV AVVV VVV VVV VVVVVVVVV VVVVVV VV ttm the third Willi Constant EV WV rmwng mm HMHSVI it liiituiitboi ttlitti the initial szicki fliV ViV lVIViT ilVlWVi 1de Chm and uh Schmp pun lV tithitVt it VVV VV VV VV VV VVVV wmmm 3VV VVVVV VV VVV 1VVZiVEVLfVVVEAVVVVViilpVVVZi VVV lt VV mun VV gt gt 1VVVMVVV VVV VVVVV gnu In m3 VV VV Vininrlt untied as Vltcid ionncctcd VV VV VVVV VVVVVVVVV VVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVV VVVVVV mm WV Villtl liigt scttilltl conscctititc titltlblll VV VVV VVVV VVVVVV VVVVVVVV VVV VVVVVVV VV VVVHVV mm mu my murmiV Lliflt ilmx lilli it iii on it ilVtiitllM uticii Ilill Rainisbottoni VVV VVV VVVV VV VVVVV VV VVVVV VVVV VV VVV VVVVVVV VV VV VVVV VV VVVVVVVVVVVV VVV VVVVVVVV VV VV VV VV to lfiillil EtiiuntitId out second tilt gt Li VVV VVV V1 VV VV WM mew7 VV VV VV VV n1 iiid ttlltl Al SlituthukV VV VVV chem ti lztVlttl lifc inilliticd the run VV HVV MOUWBGCK gt taixrcwi in the bottom half as WV mm VVILVV 5V EilelliViiViiiVlhliletinitsVdbeiuema 13 31w lliiirs erred on his clout and VV ptglltlll tilfiti lt ir are ii tiiltti ulicii Milts erred on Cooks 1Vm PRES9710 ad VV Li VV VV CV V=iltViiiViiiraVriti ycaiiiu 31 mm 11 nhl ll Wilson HOME OF LAKES WHEAT Manitoba known as the home the World fc thti DES normtot takes 02 of the prov or 23mm square team could stoic in the iiqu is DDDFRESCRIPTION VVVVVV up VVVV ilViViVV liViViVii tVVtilVVlVV ftiibVitVVtVtiVtViVV VVtVnViViVVVVinV VV VV in tVlVi VtiV mm mum up as he raced mr VV IVV VIVV VVVV VVVV il tit Vukmu llupped Richardm v1 Ki fi ll viif my light mm and Murray scored Illh MM llltl AM LINLOLN llVlSltlll of lord gincciing lyllllt gttt ifltl tonifiiit iht Mttioi could li Hr mm LI mi iimmpsuuls double Patti Me Motor CUlelYly of Ciiiizidii liiiiiiicd iiiiiiiiiiiiiied iliiii iiiisciiis lung li ii silliiiiiviii liiiiis lm Illillt Hanan ii tawny dvraisis Tin lit AlL iiii 1N ll VHV mung lMccurdv doubted it would introduce brand new automobile in the feet three inches liilil road to highest point its VtmmV at VVVVHV Al in ill plow ililhonipson home 10W PliCLi field to be kliUWli its the Mklttlln llillvtitllll 110d illi fillil Wk llllll ll tilillllil hall tiil to timid illuXth ii lllll FUR ml The sixth and seventh were will be exclusive to the Canadian market and Will front grille and lizu hi hood ltcar itlltitlgt ie cuin mm mt um 1V LV vicorelcss innings but the eighth saw be distributed the Mercury and liiiiwlil teiiltlh iilvlcli eliminated lu hotly ilcsmii lWllVll VSilili that lit VlLtililiTLt tV mini nil llilllllV ti mnm bum Sid mld Roach across the Dominion In addition to the twodoor iVis inaxunuin tidth Vl ittncvcd foi liotn ioVni and mu my inn we V5 7r md lltllttl up With speed and covered tom sedan shown above the Meteor line Will in rcarV seats as web tL piotidiiig for Illalllklllullfv liililllv ln it Vii tuttiiii iiiViV $3 up The iniitlt Hm distance as Megers cludc the Ctistom fourdoor sedan and lqu titiptiV spacious Vliiggagc titiVll at lllt war the seats ne unit tinv top of the tannin oiiiti 25C nd is tliiil lililh ii 122 illi lVl5lthrov to first vcnt bounding out as well as deluxe series consisting of twodoor located in the comfort VoiicV lictuccn front and and titfml llltiltll aili ltllViiVlV up lViltli iiifVlWliil IllVIi li into right eld It was forgotten and fourdoor sedans Club CthVipczVind EtisiiitVss CtllliVJtViV lVtfll VllVlVWVLVVVVlC VIVlVViVl VVmeVIVV VmVlVV sllllbmly VlVLVS lml Vi LLVILVVI Sniff My Viddy wiii iii Vuiill as the lltiters two runs by Mcger Described by the makers as an iichoipoithion of i1 VilVlllVVt tVLV Vin ii ii It fill its VthVlet ininnVianV lltV do and flat Jltind llob Ilatt who banged out at our forward thinking from the standpoint of eii titltihgt the tai ln plum iiiVim lilo iliit ti lord Rim3i otfiiiii ltiinhV continued to misc Plygong Ll anti lUlll liiiil lliirtt iii ii ii iiiiiiiiicd wire passed ball iii toiliiiiinu GLOVES MIITS BALLS BATS MASKS ETC 37 1=l lilili Harris rallied strong in the ninth WWI1 illilhm IA IVth ysoni on Stilll hiav hittin by th to tunnjpintu wow SIMCOE BASEBALL saw lltAlv lliil lt imiii in ompltte htotk of Lints Billth ltttls lolts Lte LL pumnn or um batting order M06 Vitt it lt lllt out ADP 3313 VVx pow ii thr ti nil ll it Vihnts btgan with single and vrmmmnn in Hm iRliAIlibl ICJVVLV il The second half of the North hedule has Hint ii iv ii ii in Simooe baseball SC mud mm In mumd home of leased and the iii lxi this been to it llllt 10 bllllln 1W0 15 and mcs an as 011 tllt halt liil iiltiriinyk home mm dmlbkd Rdmehbmwm lows llllittt lllil ihim iiniiliit for fourth double play ended July 7Comngwmd0reemore 1mm in at Barrie lurk rhcii thcy ovoiflowcd thc Ititilll lliitltli foiyvi ihi crinr which1 il to IN lLl IL IN Md 0n Mil mlm Nun ml the itlicrs raLli IN opaco ran tip thcir sixth inking their final tliltll at CANADA lgtliiiiitlii Viii June at QtittliF tlic pinto oni litiwii matte ltl DIAL 3874 36 BAYFIELD ST lllllltllllltl MllllSllltt litin Ell13 ili caused liltlll to tzill lllllll ii it an ilittlliltdlitlt softball fixture lrcv ii talk from liiticc loi llil lvtiSlLl pittlltti Sltlllllg lJllii liiit llttimpgth VqumtV litiw tll Utopia gained vcllearnedLilS itiictory in the South Sinicoc Basc VV 12311 Flagged when tle hfanVdV for llit winners giving up it Iiitii it was tool fire ticket and lii 50mn in1nlt 19451 bLfozr1 lllllS bdtilt Ctlpiito cxpcri wont to the SiltJWLlS Mctartncv mdg um iiicntcd with Frank Hutchinson on relieved having to vacate his fllSli at Utopia Stroud had been riding VVVV VV VV VV high previous to mth defeat at lllt mound in the tigi It has position foi lllltll llmicvcr MllltSlllH were iniiiiis With two on the iaths llltl no the hands of Barrie Plycrs and IVtVoiis winn unmanncriy hosts llcrbic Thompson and Jerry Borden at Barrie that they mumhid on two inns Hold were the stars of the Prysons ggnemnz at Barrie liltV first Sittllxll im gonna VVviiViV 1ltVlVlVl50nVCiVlV9V UP Vth his July 23MIdeda Barrie finally llttitV taioiigh inh in ts ex iiV ionV can ingV games at 530 meVV gp mm mum Nu 11100 Vow totalV ReldV WVVh VV llllltz hills to the plate in the his consecutive doubles both driv im tilts in mull stcrtdyV ing home runs was an important pendable and versatile pliiycillill01 llowcd life with another single The SlllDllSO 01 the evening was acc pitchcr Morley Schandlcn who body out Mann fluid Vim1 hallfopligt ltlllCIiCCOllli1 Bowman Smnmld mm injury and we Scmmd Hm lm RWi Minmy scored on itioiizndsonsilliiil Miiiiiiy Richardson league out to Norris lliiliit riimnp loading batter failed to register AFL BY 15 11 singled lllflllllth ook andlhit to end his record of hitting forced to convert tlll infielder into craft was the next willow potlti $251801iLILIViVefmeVLfnhaha V2013 hiirlcr and as though he were doing it if ison Lit ihectl Don Bow ft bin fifth inning for five runs and add 11 fl mu Children $265 gave VVp 11 him but kept them Nabb tllll lllplt double and Brown anti lhonipson scattered and aided his own cause Single Pde bu or Mino It W213 lllllillilll lllllll sing June 28 at Queens Park Hal Lakings to right field des Monday hcn they defeated the winless AFL VV lined him as the eldmg Sta Vt clubs Al SheWChUk was Other 9133 Zigggnggdihfteigidcrggirh tIimees dur ei who changed the no hitter ing the game and it wasnt until tunc of the osdion he came through Wimp 991T ight Al the nal frame that 13x pm It lammed for double and twozissue ice VV VSVngVeS bQSVdes anVVmg walk for JOhnny MCGee WVVh CVVVCVVVV lngle was the itour times to bat three being otfi 010 mple and arkplug for the 13X VlctoryV Hep cial MoeHmes also showed well VilSVVVVVVlVlVV Bob maqu running cinch on the intermediate softball league Elliott on the mound for UtopiaV hits czich led tpllCU while Mcv Boornian who asrunning for Rayciaft which was lilllittiLWllllI by fanning nine batters and c0mlt li supcriir pitcling Flyiis hilltlgto 212hsbltlllifhzll HUGH NESSHURLS Julia it im BUSES LEAVE BA HIE ors as well His work during the him ml 1h mm WV Sundays WedneSdays hcavicst hitting lllll in till Eggiytacliiiiiiimiisolie tfitiledgdtrgcleta league Eight of the losers vcnt Lm Ctm runner realh further than seconleROM down swinging Low Vgavc up six base untilgtite fourth when Strnud safeties but his hurling was not scored at nearned run In heavyhitting tilt Stroudiip to previous performances Al Eniott with three hitsV Gardiner ninc pulled through with at 108 lhtllltih lik lilllllld Slx ht illllltill and Eaton with two each spear count over Bradford at Stroud 10 b0 lii ditfltllll til liiili headed the Utopiaattack Wright last Wednesday June 28 in 0f the We Tickets and Information at John Bowman Huge and Wallace lSouth Simcoc fixture Stroud giir DUleleS VCIO the Chi Him with two safeties apiece were tops nercd till their runs in the third bilge blows 0f the Vtliliiin court for Stroud Bowman and Flagcl and fourth innings to give Hugh ml ml hills Jim Cilll connected for doubles Ness who was replacing Johnny lleVVvV 13in VVMUHRV Vld Bi RVVY mmle 11 cm ion aso igiirct as lt lbsgggggAj Vinny most consistent hitter as he linked 3b ngies VVf webb foV Iglagcl Simom 81mth on um mmmd fm two singles llll his twobase hit CampbelliHV Wallace CfV Bradford but gave way in the bie Dymem contributed three at the batting stand Wlth three singles Miles Noms and Rames $1033 Ettleifswxexhiloostshebglgze ibotton were next With two Bob Bishop and Chuck Coursey HARRIS WW000 0147 15 th double and VV VpRYSONS VVVVVVVV 202 120 ogxg Clair Widdes two singles showed best for the Umpires Archie Marshall lo ted for plate Herb Dymcnt base lasgrsoaiglig MOIIlSOll 11 ICCU Three Singles fourth and an unearned tally in the lC fifth Falling further behind the ookstown Nine Wm rm pace troud mercy wen ug VV the mummies as Cookstown raced across with five etra markers Carr led the ookstown attack COOkStow hay been Showing with three singles Harry Couse gth bog barrels Snlce the return Lot gained two t6 support his win as did arry ouse their ace hurler Last Crawford and Hughes wrigth John Thursday June 24 they walked ov wman an Hu Ness received 91L JOhMy 8mm and Charges attic for thelonge hits 011 Conse from Stroud for an 110 win in the South Simcoe Softball League conksmwn 400 Xu 13 Stroud 000 00 Couse has placed Cookstown at the UmpirestV SpeckV plate EV C01 19D Of the Standmg and they loom ns base up asVa sure bet to rtin their Vgt Champwnsmp 77 EV iv Service Jennett cf Ncss and doitble byWebb UTOPIAGaldiner 55V McMnStOI fourth to Bus Carter after the dam lb Eaton 11 Elliott Ems 2U age was done Stroiin blasted out Miller Hanlon 1f Tucker 3bV 11 hits which included triple by Joe Mcgiini connected for tri pie in losing cause and could have stretched it into home run had he not fallen between first and second Ernie James with pair of twobase hits was also tower of strength for Bradford With Call EmmSL PllChlng 0110 Bradford gained run in each hit ball Barrie Junior Flyeis had of the first three frames but Stroud an easy time blinding 151 Will captured scvcn on five hits in their Doubles by John Couse and Lloyd Hughes in the first inning coupled with three singles gave VCookstown five runs in lightning time Stroud on settled down and tried desperately OVEI Pillglave Intermediates at half of the third to take the lcadi Arena Park June 28 in South which they never relinquished Al Simcoe baseball fixture It malk though the visitors drew to even 8d the FlyelS 3111 Straight Win illiterms in the fourth the bottom league competition half saw Stroud hit for three tallies Wib McArthur began the ball for 107 margin before Bradford 101ng the first venlllleio thc rallied for one in the seventh and plate with terrific circuit cloutna1 inning Jimmy Strachan got on due to 1111 Ken Tupling George Carson error and Paul Meger slammed Ernie James Austin Bowman Dan to hold the homgthers but they al lowed themfodaim mm the The Industrial Softball League is beginning to shape into closely contested loop as the players are gaining their diamond legs Laskt ThurSdayi June 24v the CGE par out triple to bring him home Fla el and Hugh Ness all garnered was the scene of bltterly fought Shortly aVVeVVV Moger crossed the VVVVVOE hVVS VVVVVCCQV battle between Underhills and Lake plate BRADFORD 111 400 View Dairy With the former emerg Th 10631 lads scam ed for in on to by an count STROUD 3007390 xto 11 iP five more runs in the secon or The leadwxchanged hands many three hitsV one of which was gt UmpiresR Giffen plate itnekbetorebnderhmycamemp in doublbwaonL Simmons and eeghawi 59 the Severn With three runs in the fourforfour average in the third winning rally VV palgraveungy taggehmmell in Dike Cotiihiching The winners led 10 at an unearned run in the top half of relrte ower at same VV of the first but the Dairy lads shov the fourth when nggtson walk time ingzll VV Cc crossed the plate on Jtrryisafcly at nine consecutive gameSL 13X scored the second Win another two in the sixth mum and more WM mm mm mm smvlv WWI ed across four in the second witVlVi ed and completh the rounds be St ouTa reply Theyadded two int forethe next three batters were ev om rancts ap on third and to one of UnderhillsioL retired CSB only son of Mrs Rita Staple margin 82 Underhills failed Out for mere jauntV Flyers ton and the late Louis Staple tobcore in the Ourth but they did took two runs in their half of ton Collingwood On Tuesday cross the plate in the fifthfor three the fourth and added another in June 22 was ordained to the Holy runsand wonthe gamelin the the sixth while holding Palgrave Priesthood in St Basilsweliurchr iAVV seventh scdrelegsV Toronto the service being con 1L Bell withiongltsjed the Under Paul Meger boasting triple dMUitVVecl by IVVVIVis hIVIVrVnViVnencefCVIVVardinVal ib and twosin les headed the Bar Ulgan TC 15 090 010n hm mad fonpwed 036 lt ur my wi ree aws riec Era folloytie rhur VV Th th th pped At IIaksview batteVrSWith ft Frank CaldwelVwas nexV mi 196 ID VV ijth1VVhVgeeV VV and Emma obtained one each Barv VV ViV VV VtVVon wasV tigVe VVVVVliglziayeiiei Ourmaintenance PdlicyiisnottosoIIVrepuirsf IithltLo Hf timer one FERGUSONVALE P9PeSl9lfl9PlWt Vggelgfgexgdsbggonmtggfg 2231 1i 29 the letter From AnptherCorresl VVVVVVVVVS EVVVVVVVVVVVV TVVVVVVVVVVVV gpnglmV Range and sum ltVVVtheNV we is spending fey days with cation send it expece and the Mm Geo Muir dot outlook Clientele toda tot attributing MIMI All Vi li bVVVVVmVVVVVe weekend VVVV thisVnow deal In mbintenoncobackgd up iVVVVVmV WV mg Blanigicguiiligiidgiiltcli Enjoy that ho trained efficientVVmochanlcs whoVKNOW lmchl tSrinwaterfaikv rick Be on hing pm mi back day Down Em we In Runs bum WithyouWhy DitSnturdaY Lh Mrs George Strath and the Vlstt ome or be muting dfliidnoyidie hf use as our multifamian do donut Ito hidt of Rodne Mr awaywit riends pa mm ordarl Dont 819th Pun LOW mm dont you with tifilionilllwitllelein Minim may Va mi mm clone thokidne he to olimi can en ackages of P05 SGNPNU and attended the Strath Reunion mime VVV VrV 0h Georgeyoure wonderful other food essentials that sure will at Sprmgwiitei Park Satultlalfu if which my be the petmute as VV Becauseiltco moltosohitftrucltgandbum it whichare sold 6nd best of low operatingcost QThisLisinLdViffeienl klndbt7servlciqndiVaVdilfoirditlf it band husky guy an imam and minor urlnniy 111 ust open package of malty make your 11 rich honeygolden Posts Grape And or cannot was only kids imd binariesVellum rlmn Doanii Nutriakes arid quicklike break din abciiitnotbttlll Welt Kidney VPle help the kidneys to fast win be ready can make scrumptimn cook 95 In The Examiner of July there mm im uritieii JUNE21 sacrament ii ndonly cakes and other good thing from corms ond clear the boa to St VV outIJbrihlilsxvorlgatPgstssaGrape 108 temdrwlll Put glixlilhiilifi iidgaflgil Prong for Do on thousands of other Canei Inchsin VVV Nuts Flakes flavor GrapeNutsFlakesmdassi gt it it irritate it attracts iii hm ion Win imiiei WeMaicivriwiiw gt ii 11 nt co ow on pc ws smc an danitniorggggg nouns me crllpcllmchy MaryanneNuts militant0 gmlrmrtesmnd it MW 9an mm Steele Street Barn aYe the itejammacked Flakelonourlway downtbuittlu cuts Ill topmost Mi Pllll Danktouting counters VV Vbog dr VY minerals and want napsVa mum MVV vV wagons lt caiV 55 trip and c9 otthiii it ll Qith ammoit VV MrV tit Vgt