very successful 11 xi at 18 Nlilirn Rkitltllkl till Tlitli day June 17 midii nit ot the Wuiiiriis lltrltJ the total Vntoiiit ling proximately sou tiizlljitt to Sis with the wink o1 tiit Aid teat was tUhYtllltl is Stewart ithsllttl iii Christin Elis llultil liw Ferguson Mrs 31 Leeds and Mrs N113 ll tinlili guests tllllt Mrs Jan TOASTERS moxs CLOCKS 1th itADios LAMPS WASHERS tRONERs COFFEE MAKERS COFFEE TABLES DINNER SETS WAFFLE IRONS 139 Dunlop St Dial 3721 Jim serviceeverytlilng we Sell Prompt Reliable LEGTS GHAT Womanr Viewpoint on lhl and That lit tintixt All Jones and Mrs ll Altlicnyic Pouring tea during the attctnoon were Mrs Lowe Mrs Junior Moiitiigu Ttirnbiill LttLtttl ltlliilll Mrs Frank tiiiii ltmktl ti Illlll EPLETTS Gills lot aliiletiiiie ltlt cows xiirt Atwn All Mttui toll ii li tit 21 lengt ti iitli Iiittl lllcllr witm til tin lump1J1 itilrll boosc iizti iit ltll tint urn lllL liopi iiibti it lilt tiiZl Tin mitt Loiilrtl timing Mix lltltll inii intn ii 51 itttl iii Mrs Badglry igtlltl by tut thingiiici iie tliltlldlllttl it fly itoiiiin lltlt iuillt it timiutiiitiiittititci lltl toi llll llit BotA Siiiii llii tltl lim tuiiln ttllllltl low bowl of tlluW rims iiitroi tit livid Sittmii llll illitl iidlvgt lit ilyrz tltllt ltililllig tm tor lhu llltltl tii tho iloJ lul iiiitt llttlt gt Ult Miss llailw iltll ot lllt Irlwlll itllfl All litllt Ntitllb kliillltl liy li Mutton llt the cloning lllttlllli for tin iiirtll lithi lilo tniiiiiiiini llllllt tilt ltiiii El tiittti vctc ll liittlill iiiiwciit ll fl liiidyligy rliUlltntit ot tho soroiity gum an llllttrllll Litk on UlCt ctiltuin iiiid voiabtiliiiy and tho innting wi lilogtltivtl owr by tho llltltlllll 111 Alillfls lliirkcy St Andrews lioir brought very tttctttil ltlll to it close by Llilllllt ot otiii patiotings 11 Friday June lli St Andrews Mind and Ixgtt Road hoii held it print tiltlllt at Spivngwiitcr Park and on liitloy June 25 social tt1lllt was flhlll ill thc home of Mr Lilltl Mrs itiiiics Munro Maplc Avo whcrc the owning wits spent in contestsh singsong Etc Misses Margaret Chalmers vFlora McGregor and Dorothy Loth were in charge of the rctresliincnts and Don Homer headed the entertain iiicnt committee On Sunday Junc after the morning servtce COMMERCIAL Refrigeration Service REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES COOLAIRE REFRIGERATIOMBanieicm 97 Dunlop St Downstairs GENERAL wk new mi l5 CERTO Whyhoeof Certo give you TL ltynorejam Jelly Arid 1y gdocerto jams and jellies took hetterif mte better gt Itiell quite simple Certo if nothing but fruit pectinl the stance in fruit that oaks item inrm jellies jeltIts extracted endrened to helpyon make better lento EHQREAESZBARRIE AUTHORIZED DEALER ELECTRIC it LOTS FOR even300i 4849 PRESIDENT FIREMENS ASSN Phillip Blake it Midland has LCllt lltlKLl tricolth it the Silli Cur tu lircnzciis Association or Will49 llc iictccd lisoi Rulillibtll of Ellilttlt lIIilczl fillllcr circlcd Vicr pltrliltril BitMulkJi Bone 25 Sctltlal Exthmt Wini of Cold outer ii mumd an humorozy incin of Ultl dim and Cecil Appointed llLl of tilt iruttlolliitz Plum Ntlk llidth ioi lUiltlJr 11811 in the Simone ooiity Ltip toitm held at tintpltnrdcn this itiiniti and this tll by llittllltttl by tin taxicutwt otiitcis iiid two ltlt lliLll from hr Gimp lht illlllti liiltllt 111 be held lit Loidwnlul iltXl icplttllbvt plciulllixlloll of Li travelling clock tion in Toronto The on to of Lr Div 5m no on Jtllt 11 and ittso ciitcitaur ml llzt 1uiics tiil1iry of ot ltl at lllt homo of their prcstdcnt illis William Hill Sanford St Lilt lUl quilt was made illts Catlin itlill lllt pttstiltnt of lllr LA for liuiiiincn Mrs ltl grim milking the draw Mrs lltllllilllll llownizttivnlc was lht lucky tiniicr potuck Sliplltl with straw bcrrics and ice cream was enjoyed by all and the Visttiiig ladies thanked llhll hostess for lovely lllltllltltl on the lawn Wednesday evening June 23 Scy vrlil otticois and membch of the iLTD Hint at the Lodge roomto honor Lotccii McCiztckcn bridle vtobc The room was decorated for the occasion and inisccllnn cans shower was given Miss Mc Crackcn lldllqlltl of pconios was presented by Mrs ii Raymcs and the wcdding inustc was played by Sister Wynes Worshipftil Mistress Lavcnn Colt led Miss McCrzicken to the centrc of the hall and basket decorat cd in pin kaiid white was brought inby Sister Dorothy BeLL cor sage of red white and blue flow ers was presented to the bride clcct by 518161 Montgomery The luncheon table was decorated with blue and white flowers The itlowers were provided by Mrs Raymcs from her gardens at Ragwood Rancli near StrouduSev eral lovely gifts were presented and thanks were expressed by the happy recipient The evening was concluded with an enjoyable lunch at which thc Worshipful Mistress Sister Cole poured ten The Ladies Auxiliary to the Ki wanis Club of Barrie held tea and sale of baking on Wednesday June 23 at the home of Mrs Craig Peel St large gathering The money raised by the group is used to great extent to aid therRoyal Victoria Hospital The tea table was attractively decorated with white filet lace cloth centred by low bowl of pink snapdragon and roses and pink tapers Mrs Craig rand Mrs Aliniidulc titid lllcll clostng incct There was at no no nos DALroN GlLMOl Sulllldn Jtiiic 26 1918 in Knox mil to llzri Jul liingston wam HYIMFMMWNI Em mm hm lmrmre Mk pm uf All Illllmltpsult and tilt lttlc Mt llut Ncsbitt who is oii tlit stuff of Bdltw ivlll Mfr ll Ncsbitt of Midland ttiiistic received the guests lliosc poiiiiiig tea were Mrs AI Smith Mrs McCuaig Mrs Norris and Mrs Ai Smith ltowptioiiists were Mrs Adumson Mrs Frank Humi inoiid Mrs tlarkc and Mrs 13 ltobrtlboll in charge of the bake toblc vcrc Mrs Harry Smith M15 Thomson Mrs 12 Alton Mrs 11 Buchanan Mrs Phillips and Mrs McCarioll Helping in the kitchcnl were his 11 JacobLMis Rodgcis Mrs 11 Milne Mrs Hugh lltllllll and Mrs Henry Vamicibtok while Mrs Laking made the too Tca assistants WClt Mrs Har ris Mrs Stewart Mrs Cameron Mrs Jock Macliarn Mrs tzildwcll Mrs John Tom llllSult Mrst Griffin Mrs McDowell Mrs Norris Mrs John Ough Mrs Nes bitt Mrs Emerson Swain Mrs Morrison Mrs Salter Mrs MacDonald and Mrs McConkey iand Holly Burton Ave Sunday Schoolsm Hold Picnic at lnnisfil Park The Burton Ave United Church and Holly Sunday School Picnic was held on June 23 at lnnisl Park The cars and Barrie bus iloaded to capacity with enthusiastic girls and boys left the church at pm In very few minutes after the bus arrived at the park many of the girls and boys had their first swim llll were ready or the races The running events were begun with all girls and boys up to years of age Some were able to jmakc the nishing line and all en joyed winning prize Therfour boys showed promise of future Central United SST lili littlllt it St Vincents Park lo lit Wort year and liveyenrold girls and 3mm omitting cAigApA It Ntgtllll who ltlt iiiiiriicti on iiiii Church Midland llionipum tlltl dutiplittr liionipson ot Midland I1i div Picnic lune 23rd lht llllltlttll of Pntiatl lliiitcd School ciijoycd tittir an homily lrll iltlit 133 ihtvic wrrc rows and games for All thi boyr iiid girls zmd thc alter litiilll itisioiiciiitlctiuwith ii splendid iiitiiit uiipci lll churizt of tho hcginiiers races wic thc following tcachcrs Mrs lillltll ioiy Mrs negotirdie Mrs Hoit Mrs 11 Kcust Mrs Simp Fun llgt llintls tiimris of the races according follows Mus McMillan running Gail Osbornc liiiiiit lriitt iail hlclean shoc ruti kill lsbtlllit Dionne Pratt lutul luiiibtill Alis How licuvcr running June rigtit lllfil Sponsor Barbara iiiiphcll illcy iiicc June Aycist llilltlt tiimpbcll liitsy Spenser Mrs llowlctt running Lois Kciist Barbara Miiiniken Bernice Phiipott thrcclegged race Bar hora ttiiuitier JUHl Jimsrorcrsi Lois Kciist and June Owens Mrs Ncwson running Barbara 15 Perkins Donna Kiiighin Marion loniihicyw 1ll Barbara Perkins rind ttom rs lltlltl running Cnrol Beav or and Joan Micks Mrs leiiiiox running Comer on 11 lloxnil Porter paper race Ronnie Kiiighin Cameron Wayne Partridge Mimi Betty llook running Ray Wiilioii Walton Larry Brock tlircclcggcd rticc Roy and Wtil toii Billy linrl iltll Dick llobson Gziiiy Valley and Allan Money Mrs Jack Garner running Ken Beaver Bill llait Mike Browning whcelbarrow Billy Hart and Ken Beovcigcortjc Porter and Bobby Clouchlcy Lionel Donn and Don athletes Winners for other events were Girls MDiane Colpitts El la Kelcey Linda Lous boys of SH Ross Furzecott Joe Brewcr Greg Little Girls of 7Maigo Kclccy boys of 7Brian Wiles Gerry Perry Jim Robertson Girls of Barbar Blogg Jane Pratt Boys of hold Ncal George Hay Bobby eriy Girls of 9Norma McClellandAnn Hagin Lorraine Volley Mr Ray Burgess running Buster mm Walton Ralph Flemming Graham Creightohl Ml Llcw Beiivcr running Gerald Lcnovcr Ross Turnbull stick riico Ken Beaver Blister Walters Ross Turnbull Mr Mohlon Bench running Ir win White 109 llnrt Gerry Turn btill Neil Fox Members of the sports confinittee Colpitts Boys of 9L Henson PetenStratton Girls of lOSandrzi Furzecott Effie Campbell Doreen VSpearn Boys oil 10Ronnie Kel cey Ronnie Van Beverley Coch iane Girls of llDoris Odd Ellen Colpitts Barbara Ayerst Boys of llRonnie Eaton Howard Forbes Kenny Wilton Girls of 12Alma Stacey Jean Forbes Boys of 12 Ralph Lougheed Boys of 13 Wayne Stewart Tommy McDon Mel Robertson WheelBarrow race Ronnie Kelcey Ronnie Van fand mder+Mrma NcClelland and Lorrain Colpitts Ann Hagin and June Reid Girls 3leggect race 11 ryears and overKathleen Micks and Lorna McClelland Jetin Forbes and Alma Stacey Boys shoemixing raceBill Bulmer Ralph Lougheed Kenny Wilton Boys sack race 10 years and under ERonnie Kelcey Ronnie Van Bri an Wiles 11 years and over Wriyne Stewart Howard Forbes Kenny Wilton Girls kangaroo race 10 years and underNorma Girtsthreeilgged if 10 years included Mrs Beaver Dr Doidgt Maurice Bmr Dr Perkins and Ray Burgess Law Parker Kelcey and Mrs Campbell Lucky spot raceE Winters Teachers and Officers Mrs Dyer Mrs Ray Lougheed Ladies slipper kickingMrs Tomlinson Mrs Charles Spearn Helen Cochrane Threading the place it the chlul ld2l llccti Lotilson daughter oi Airs otilsoii bkttilld the wife oi Harvey Dozizild ltiiiibull Mrs llttMd Tinhbull of Utopia on Saturday Jinn 19 1948 it pm liit Ltltlllul Roy brother of the groom wore it ltnJLlttl jersey dress With whitc iitccwtorits md corszigc of Mrs rod roscs of the bridxs pnrcnts whciv the 1illL is the Still of Mr and mother of tht1 liiidc received in hitloin crepe dirty and ii corsiige of whitc ciiiiiittioiis assorted by the FOSOS WEDDINGS TlRNBlllOlll50l qiitrt iiiitdtgt Kfltllltllly took Ivy when otilmii Ltltd the late gtull of Mr andl 15 coiidnclcd by Sitiiiiionds The lltltlr and grown were ZN ciidctl by Mr Allcii Gibson sister it titr liiidc iiid llttsscil tittlsoii For the lllilllldgt the bride word rcccption wits held at tlioliome urooiiis mother who wore royal lilllt cicpt with coiszigc of pink tlllillitll$ For wedding trip to Toronto imt points south the bride wore flottcicti xhcct dress with grey top coat and white accessories They lll ltiltlt iii Utopia on their re turn WOODSIllacFARLANE lwo tlltllllrlts with the Alumin um libointoiics Arvtda Quebec wcrc iiitiriictl in the chapel of Holy Rosary Church Toronto when Marimict Elizabeth daugh of Mr and Mrs Peter irahmnc lyiacltiilanc bccdmc tho bridc of Edward Albcrt Woods son of Mr and Mrs Frctlcrick Micliacl Woods Thc chapel was decorated with white peonics gladioli and stocks llcv lithcr Frank McNab officiath and Mrs James Mul lon plnycd tho vcdding music iivcii in iiiziiiiiiizc by her father thc bridt tUlt gown of blush satin with tuilc vcii falling from lace headdress and carried cascade of willie roses and stcpli nnotis Miss Lcslic Shaver of Burlington was maid of honor and twin nieces of tlic groomBarbnia tutti Joan Woods Barrie were lower girls The senior attendant wore embossed blue nylon slicer withn iiowoi bondcati of yellow and blue stcplianolis tol match her bouquet and the flower giilswcrc in white printed or gonzo with noscgtiys and bandeauxl of pink coriiflowers and stcphnn oils The grooms brother Frank Woods was gioomsninn and ush crs wcrc Alexander Mitharlnne Montreal and John Woods KC of Barrie Aritcr reception at the Royal York Hotel the spend their honeymoon in the Latiicntians They will live at Arvidzi The bride is graduate of McMastcr Uiiveisity and the groom of the University of To couple left to Frederick Delicious Cool Drink Direction Motto tea exactly as usual While ico tilt hot pour into gloisos filled with cracked Add sugar and lemon to Ii EED can Read Examiner Classied Adlets WEIGHT 0F TURKEYS breeds of turkeys are propOition izitcly shortest in leg and the fet male leg is shorter than that ofiPymmid originally was 482 ith the mute AUTOMAGIQ Come in lloiiieinl See Me amazing STARTED LN 1461 The profession of bothersurgeon tiwliw mm Proportionate to their body was incorporated in England in Willi VWMUYWS and I0 wcight turkeys are shorter in the Hot by Edward sage of tlltlw roses llor uttciidztnt legs man Chickens The heavy TALL TOMB The tomb of Choops the Great high new Just one waster but it waste cohte MD disfer if the woods gm grail dine streamlined mmpaaandwithTWOagminnumbo you can exchange themin minutes minimise intum clothes washer and dishwasher Both operate at the ick of dial both haire washing features never befgte See out That demonstration May mwmumqnumuuumu SMITH EURNITURE STOVES 1gtAINTs 129 DUNLOP sr PHONE 4492 wmuiitmmcl WITHOUT cu needleA Kelcey and Mrs ough Boys of 14TedHOW010HT eAikensO Fleetham and Mrs Bill LL Little Mens 50yard dashBill Little Campbell of Holly by Frank Dob son Mrs Campbell wasthe oldest member at the picnic The prize for the largest family present went to Mrs Blogg Apicnic supper was enjoyed by all The bus left the park at oclockand returned its happy passengers to Burton Ave United Church The picnic was well at tended by parents and friends of both congregations Agift was presentedtoMrSrWi mil to or jellies 14mm Cuts to enaction the time cause with Crto youule fmie inflonglboilrecipel mom IonWnoiiioio logarithm canto noes nits 71 Give you 50 thermionic Jjellybecmnt precious fruit juice titanium awaynin steam inlong boiling spent over Move 3Retaim the lovely natural Yrihrfruit taste and colour Theft mitt mm important be ip oitlavor and colour not the underripe fruit out SUCCESS SURE EVINFOR DINNER gt HOWever inexperienced you nity be youll love no 1811143 You follow exactly the Rename vided with Certo Different frmto need different Theres Ieparate kitchen teoted recipe for each one JA rim neea IuygtqT arrie McClelland Lorn Campbell Doreen Spearn 11 years and over Eileen Colpitts Shirley Perry Alma Stacey Boys peanut race MRobertson Wilton Law son Girls peanut raceN McClel landD Knapp McClelland 0b Lambert and Mrs Btoii sent on Rt cm Hospital New Beeton June 244Nineyearold Blanche Corbett of Beeton softer ed compound fracture of the right thigh when zshenrodie herbi cycle into the path 101311 auto She was tossedoyer the hood and cratihed into the Bianeiie swltellihs Bond Hebd Provincial Constable Cowan investigated ARGENTINE SUNFLOWERS Will be 13074 thousand metric ton mutjin windshield smashing the glass fwas taken to the Steven Ron Memorial HGSpilialialiIAlljston where itwasj impossible to immd iately soothefractures due to the lts wise to protectyour creditPay lanche was riding her bicycle gun the main street of Beeton with itwo of herfrienrlsJean McKel vey and Verna HartfordBlanches bike COllldEdJNlih that ridden by Joan knocking it to the shoulder Roi the road while her bicycle Esweeved back into the path ofa car driven by Richard Williams of of Accordiiigito etst official es te the production of sunowl er seed in Argentine in 194748 tenant 2367 million lb which 56 per cent above the 194647orop end73per cent above the 193843 erase The area sown was fes Wellnessmdm 930 3100 $103 ASH Borrow$50i$100$3300$5001$1050 at HOUSEHOLD FINANCE withouren equal mortthlyinstalineiitsf FrbtgYouiitmalr dyerdue bills seasonal bills medical HOUSEHOLD FINANCE loan If youneed extra ash phOne write or come in andsee its for prompt courteous attention toyour money problems Well be glad to help you 55 Mlllllll Street Inn nd oor Ihono 2891 OillllA or Howm We or by appointment techneti tamtdonti olnocirby tom rmniiimunm 137a OUSEIIOLD FINANCE 12 lOANS estimations or emergency expenses with your fawnurmWliistlnCanadzistop if mymimwcac indnmiv nigh sorjbankiiblersecurityfllpto 24 months to repay in convenient mamaswean whiting AlMilbd unite or Mighgwmgn PENEIANGVB mt IHBSDAYWPYL 1W ki