Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Jul 1948, p. 2

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JULY 1948 rm BARBIE EXAMINERJBARRIE ouramo CANADA Ino===oaomo June 23 MM II Mrh andUMrs RIDubszmd and Wqu um 15 Spam as 85 iircy Stoclics was ironic for it Brantrfui ptonits bnghtened the dag 10me duh market last Saturday at 50 doz ongratulations to Erma Mcbin mm Wm wwg Strawberries were plentiful at an toy and Billy Gallop otPine Grove mg vuvcrngc price of 25c quart box School who passed their Entrance In and Jack we lw tild spawberties sold at 401 on their years work Imunhl Hm BELLEiinRT imak load oil Wednesday Players were there ll Johns Church from Aurore Newmarhrl Barrie of Toronto was the or Sunday land Ai ndale The ladies sorted Sidcan Iii liacctrlt of Tit intoi delicious supper in the Club illinmd prfl In the pcii in tin Liiiho vii nah Sui HDETTER EOR YOL Mr Ilrr hit for short IirrIiI Wivth an ppm llltiliddy at in it in Ilrocktslle 3mme mi Sun Mrs I1 wi ilalfiirri for outo cfl tia mi ivccrt with net limitn vxpcits advise Us to iolzixiwll vaf Emu minds and kccp our bodicsi MD irizi dllll Niilzt hobby or sport woi Manmm mm my year thore zit litl ironic Doris McKcitcv tl Law xvii home for home hm Irl llsr nd ML and Mrs BUM mi 1M are rainbow cuttiiuv at Ilullv Pk T4 IMW Ili tinIon irind 2i cl Bu to Mr Iii 3pm mme ilithi iii Building More llilif The annual Sunday School and gm punt box 50c lb was asked for choice spring capons Onions Itiuce and radishes were in good supply Fresh spinach was 50c for Lllt 6qt basket $500 was store and gtllitgr aaskcd for trailer load of sound Hearty ongmtululiaiis I1CVOLII 12inch Woolly black tuliiMiliillil All zmd white pups Were on the auc ilflllrgt now of Billllt on my man Jm butk at each June 25 lo Mus Sintlsi Avwage pnces were 33 allows Rodney also to Mr and 315 Eggs according to size and Brown on tiicli wedding ilIIIIlV nullity dozen 4555c on Saturday Jim 30 Mil Dairy butter 70c Mrs Reg Sllulvw on trunk 3ng OWL 40C 29 aIso hirthdav gitclings to 8pm mp0 1b we Win McIziddvn and her Gordon lapp whomi Vegfllcsv IYIIo wric on Jlti 11 and 01 035k TMII bar Illiirlislics bunch iiiiccn Onions bunch 5c Iilill lcttucc bunch 510c Asparagus bunch 1820c IRIrubzub bunch 5c10c Jun Spinach livql 4050c SchomS my mm mm tiardcn cross bunch 5c picnic in Springwaicr Iaik 01E heed Ioldcn Bantam corn lb 15c There will bc no scivicc Ill tho Wax and pencil pod beans lb 20c Anglican huich for llll ucxl two1 Soy beans lb 10c Home Baldn Sundays whilc Illv Maxim is on olidavs Ton Biscuits doz 30c Runs 30 mDespitc tho large crowd at Chelsea buns 15 30c church scrvicc Sunday 25c 40c Welcome to our dchiil Wt an tllit than in and BI thu li the tllflrl lot on IIILII 27 and Kings llrliifltl and ilt vlilt rain lIlIlt was lllr IltIcilloir Ill lllt Park last The Unich Sunday School viII nte cuokiesv doz be held at 1030 am and llllltll1artsl 1m service at 730 pm starting Sunl Flowers punts day July for IIII sdmincrl months Conununion will lt ob Hmlu down 50c abbagc plants for IC served on Sunday Caulillowcr plants doz 10C Point for Evcryl June 27 Use g1 DALSTON AGENTS Congratulations to Mcrvyn Han dy Marilyn Moorc Bob Hammer itirid Tommy Blight on passing their Entrance exams on their years work also tothc three little lgirls in Grade Elaine Lavender Phone 38 Donna Brown and Lorna McLean they havrng taken honors on their ycnrs work URRY BROS 38 Bayflcld St John Duckworth WA picnic will be held on Satin day July at St Vincents Park Barrie Supper at oclock fol lowed by sports Congratulations to Mr and Mrs James Conley lnee Joyce Wors nopl who were married on Satur day June 26 in Collier St United Church Barrie by the Rev Lewis Mr and Mrs Charles Iletlccr and family attended the Bowyci Gallaughcr wedding on Saturday June 26 in the United Church Richmond Hill Joan Dchcr re mained for couple of wucks holi day BETHESIDAW June Lti Congratulations to Miss Shirlcy Bailey on obtaining hcr Entruncc on her years work number of farmcrjs from tinK community attended Grassland Day on the farm of Ilulh ven Alliston on June 24 Mrs Wade and 50h Toronto arc holidaying at the homi of thc formers sister Mrs Smith and Mr Smith Mr and Mrs children Huntsville spent the weekend with Mrs Finlcys par ents Mr and Mrs McMas ter Mrs Max Munro Lila Ilziincyl and little daughter Calgary zir rived home this week and wrll spend the summer With her par ents Mr and Mrs Fred Raincy Mrs Goheen and school childrcn held heir annual school picnic ml Finley and Friday afternoon June 25 Sonic sixty adults and children sat down to bountiful picnic supper lhc children enjoyed game of ball and number of races Asociiil time was enjoyed by all ANGIESMM Zzl Mrs Thos Duckworth is visiting in Toronto Mr and Mrs Ralph Carmim and Bob have returned home after holiday Mrs McLackcric returned to Toronto after visit with Mrs Jessie OConnor Mr and Mrs Croft Brockvillc are visiting their daughter Mrs Mr and Mrs Arthur Herbert Richardson and Catharine of Tor onto visited Mr and Mrs Dean and other acquaintances on ch nesday Shower for Miss June Rose On Monday night June 21 Mrs Marshall and Mrs Vic McMas ter entertained about 45 ladies in the United church basement at The lWoleds Largest Automotive Slots Gives Widest Variety and Most Outstanding Valuu in TailoredbtoFit SEAT conic Individually Tailored from Master Patterns in III every cu Most sizes in stuckothers to order It the mo low prlcg ROYAL PLASTI oxrono INSULTEX PLAID GABARDINI Fins qualin Iibrcwcavca IIRIltISOllIuiInllflln pluid trt leather trim re patterns ast ze Rich mime mum 115 no Ilh xttawlda rlping protects scar TL bum Cray piping Add style lmnrtly styled and hard bands of grained on vesting leather to protect at BETBTORFRONTiuomSQIJXMlndibuutyto your SEATS SETS FORT FRONT SEA 660 150 IETSFOR FRONT SETS FOR morn Jr REAR 1425 szrs tonnes an 1325 IlABY AUTO SEATS the safe co fortsble and out of Wtrouble while motoring 7345 WRECKING supraMoro in and Handyman TRAILER COUPLERS BARE EAR T0 FRAME COUPLER Fastens lrectly to the cm frsmc of most models 3045 and utilizes the strength of the bumper as well See illustration above haul AND SOCKET COUPLER Sale and positive Designed for strength Ind long service BALL Aivn socrcrr courting Heavy duty steel construction lll ball 315 BUMPER coorrmr iFits bumpers up to wide For Iighttrnllers 2IINCH SUPERTSTIENGTE BECK1 ING BugUNIQUEng OWE Extr en menu on UNIVERSAL COUPLER BAR Will in jobs 89 our all bumpers and gives almost twice thegpulltng strength of most bars made of heavy tangle steel fialuminum finish 275 chairman row BAR For towing can and 4wheel trailers Will not sway zigzag orucut corners 860 BEE OUR COMPLETE DIST WF THESE AND MANY ADDI TIONAL ITEMS GUARANTEED REPLACEMENT ruling fldntiCaI to0riginaIEquipment penEnd Wrench Set 010 drop10m miscellaneous shower for Miss June 110563 bride of July lst She was the recipient of many IIIIIIIIISIIIIN HIAIAIHIS EnQutr 39 MUM 3963 varo 3959 Nousn 4989 giftslshe made very rest of the calving her ttlng speech The levenlng was spent in games and contests very dainty lunch was served Ll IVY June 26 The Ivy Junior Farmers meeting will be held in Ivy on Wednesday July VirrA number of Junior Farmers at tended the Ficld Day last Friday WA Meeting The monthly meeting of Christ Church WA was held at Mrs at Guelph Claude Bantings on June 25 with thirteen present Mrs Harry Bant ing read the Bible Acts 36421 Reports of the Annual Deanery were given by Mrst ennett Mrs Lee Banting and Mrs Banting The treasurer reported zi NEET MODOR NEET DEPILATORY 68 XBAZIN 3975 ARRID leo yoomII beautiful naturallooking cotnrr BLONDEIIAIRI IIIn Italr Italian with CONDITIONING 00 letter of thanks from Canon Judd for donation sent to Canadian ChurchiRelief AbroadAfter dis cussion on business arising from minutes the program committee took over Readings and poems were read by Mrs Jas McDermott Mrs Jennett Mrs Claude Banting Mrs Davis Mrs Simmonds and Mrs Elwood Jen nett The Benediction brought the meeting to close The hostess served delicious lunch and happy hour was enjoyed by all Thedadiesof Christ Church WA spent very pleasant afternoon and evening with Mrs Thompson Jen nett Big Bay Point onJune24 The 1ess served bountiful sup per who werethere felt that it waswa real treat to visit the beautiful spot ammonia June 25 Mrs Wm Alters and Betty were in Toronto for couple of days Eric Frizzell of Peteboro is holi daylng with Mr Victor Stobbsv of Halifaxispent the week visiting friends in this vicinity NilCARS TRUCKS TEACIURS We curlytho Isms tho widest range oIrrcpalr purl under one aritual In Omit dolortel Who make for original equipment an those known duality Direct buying savesyop many dolrl and our no lives van lullproteciion on evch purchase ALL1ARISINSTALLED IN his parents rThe annual ischooi Churchilliyball Lteam won tth gameThursday evening betvveen Churchill and ML Pleasantatillllt PleaSarrt Score 82 Mrfand Thomas Mrsr ACowan Mrs Sloangrnd Miss Mary Sloan attended the Janesrr Wigmoref wedding in Newmarket on Wednesday awnineivefof Fort William who made business trip to Sarnia duringtheWeek spent daywith and Mrs ReIVe on hisway home NOrths car and SS Nos 734 and Bvvas 11 Id atlnnisfll Park on Fri dew arid Watherbeirrg ideal good time is reported by all lquSLC Lucas and Miss Kay Ali via ELIZABETH is jBurrIoOnt lair bird irarrow lespape when lng south Origthe highway near Sgtcud minds evening The car lights went out quite suddenly and scar which was following them crashed into themwrecking Miss Allanscar They were rushed in RV Heapital Barrie where Miss Allan fluid ve stitches in the back or the head Lucas suffered slight concussion gand is still in bed We are thankful to okllOW they chine off without more serious in Eimmlrrer Classied Ads and Kidney Ills vrpinagf Proicm his wringJW ENLARcEMEmsl From Your Favorite Snapshot Negative To Site 618 ARENA FOLDER 63d Colored 55c Extra BaTHINc CAPS 35c45c65c7519 SUNvAN LOTION NOXZEMA SUNTAN on 30c60c NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM 436342 DOROTHY GRAY Hot Weather COLOGNEIch 200 100 No 300550 No 22 300650 GARDENIA 300550 CUIR DE RUSSIE 300550 MOTHKIL SUPERLATHER SHAVING CREAMlilti PEROXIDE ENGLISH LILAC LOTIONRei25c 19 kettle 33 the Skin From HarquI Sun Rays Sooihcs and Heals Sunburn Effectively 29I55d HINDS HONEYALMOND CREAM 29c49c98c IERCENS LOTION and FACE CREAM Both Ior 98 SUNBRELLA 75 WINSUM LOTION Ior Sunburn 49 LENTHERIC COLOGNE 125175 PACQUINS HAND CREAM and Trial Jar Both for 65 TAMBLYN 57 SUN coccrss 2549191oo WNW F0 POISON IVY LOTION 2339i and Dry Skin LUXPALMOLIVECAMAY SOAP vfc EVE The Perfect Hair Dremng of COTS SCRAP vorsou IVY SoftJajcNeat 12s 332 for 65 MODESS BELTS 29 FOR GARMENT STORAGEv nnno KLEENEX 182 for 356 OLD CREAM POWDER PADS 93 for 25 SHUMILK For All White Shoes 1525 PALM BEACH WHITE SHOE CLEANER 25c UNCUENTINE eoci CARRON OIL For Burns 2338 Quick Relief Granules EAR RINGING have been troubled uith rlnging in one for the past several months am 72 yum old What Is the cause Whit Istlie remedy Say our tutor ing in your Ir disease of the no case lioumcr you would other symptoms If the ringing IS your only symptom imp mic from LJI In that have our doctors think ittirfybt iicrvoin disorder In any use his best our clipMIS think to sue good doclor Your mind will then be at rest GOOD COOK an bun muf Ilns be made will bran flakes want my gran muffins like those In the Georgian Room Thats pretty high ner to shoot atGcorgian Iloom food Ilut here is rccrp that wtll torn out tip top bran muffins Soak 13 curs bran is one cup thick sour nu for 10 mrnutcs Add one well beaten egg cup brown sugar and one leaspo Add one cup slflcdall ourirntt ftrirr spoon bolting sod add one table spoon mcllcd shortening Illend lightly IiIl 1111I muffin tins two lhirds full Bake in 373 deg oven for 20 minutes GOOD KNITTING Lhvo dc slgncd and knitted tour sweaters thrc can patent the pattern Whom would you advise me to Contact Show your work to Mrs Allen knitting designer or Futons and Baldwins She will know where you can host market your dcsins and if they should be patcntc FAMILY ALLOWANCE Some one told me If child continues going to school after he Is 16 the babybonus may still be received Is this so or does it automatically stop It 16 Government ruling is that the Iamily allowancc cheques stop at age 10 The last cheque to be sent is in the rmnla of the 10th birth ay up scsl Send your questions to HATE AITKEN 225 Jarvis Street Toronto Ont TOOTH PASTEra12i9L354 AROMATIC CASCACRATet25523iet45c 39 R92I0079 6ozlleg25c 16 1602 Reg 50c 33 OLIVE OIL EXCELLINT QUALITY 4oz 39 to 69 iaoz119 lit02269 BEEF WINE and IRON Ilith Vitamin Bl 693m200 EPSOMWSALISIIEFJNEIIhEltIOIIIIILIllllllllcrIlbPISIIIBQ3 BORACIC ACIDL1lliPackagelactic 19 SAFETDRY KLEENER cqntainerzscRemnantsttallontin 60 BORACIC and COLD CREAM SOAP 2for27d usii BAU LAC andMisrWm rAkerswmr picnic of Print ROM ckbhdfob lovable conclude I03 Mpldtc Mon Iullupyomha In hull III 11ml Toni Professions Plastic Curlers hm more curling Isurflccumilhcyro ribbed traded all ower kcpliaig tomslipping Save mopay ovary limo you rem youiToni Plastic Curlers For Icllldt cost only8l25comclrra tyerylhing but curlers rm DELIVEriY Phone2650 Kills 36 Assorsturconou113o7ssso1es rKP Rrlf AVSP validating Regular Kftvr with fibre curler $150 Refill withdutmurlrrs $125 THOS Thursf 8130 Wednesday 830 to 830 pm squirqu ammo PinOm every Sunday ISO FIRSTTKIDITEMST FIRST AID KITS COMPACT 125 aov scour 350 SAMARITANL 175 swrmoor ADHESIV Izj yard zocrf ryi yardV15zlx2z yards20Ilf x2z yards 25 335 ALLPURPOSE GAUZE mi 254Syarlls 15s it cAqu BANDAGESQ tecizotessoi it scratch cAuzr yard 35aras11o 12 to to pan but pHIIOV Item ham tum gfpili 7R do AI HOUSEHOLD INSECTICIDE 801 25c 16 ox 43 3291 73c raa Att msscrs Leaves No Soap Residue HALO acedeem COCOANULOIL 182 for 35 DRENE 3967l107 mru21m63assec STAZE 3959 BRECK drycin 15 FITCH CREAM 1oo CLIFTON CREAM 15 SHASTA 59 LUSTRE CREME sac55 FRUIT SALT Get rgtist 0mm HEADACHE ACIDjINDICESTION CONSTIPATION and crunctocmrss Illqu ltAIIIIESIZ After hos 3871

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