Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Jul 1948, p. 1

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AGETWO mammaasmommocsmn THURSDAY Joni 1943 BARRIE EXAMINER MEMBER OF This Weeklies of Canada Audit Burtan of Circulation ariatiiszr Wefhly Newpupers SifilSclilllEtixs 11 Jill or limit Biliaiir Crazed Sta Single Lcpii may An Extra $5895 From Government 50 25 ForRVH In 1948 Years Ago Years Ago THE FRIENDLY Asaociillon rm Bjtlutli4 L122er IR Bin 5mm BdIIIr Kiwanis Club With Presi tltIII Jruit Hubbard in the chair 11gt CMW tsumiuw tau Published Thursday Morning by THE BARBIE EXAMINER LTD MaCLAREN PRESIDENT Ana IANAGIhG Ebltol WALLS VacsFarsiozsi no counts IANAGER parents HEN asked what she liked about bterlrng Trims dewnor in our Savings lhpart is merit midi liLc thrlireu llv txuhwplrere comer This pleased us ginally fur iii our dealings Marcia ic Royall awful Ull gum Ontario 315 ea IIIL BARR ADVANCE JUNL 1598 Kim from was Il Although he had long since passed the Barrie Local Notes ll Webb wrote threatening we CLAIMS IllRAL ASSESSMENT lNlAIR During the recent session of County Coun cil Reeve Fred Hunter thclllllrltLll said he did not feel the bests of assessment as pre sented was fairto the rural municipalities Referring particularly to taxes for the secon dary school at Alliston Mr limiter said the Town of Alliston with 31 per ccnt or the high school population would be paying only about 10 per cent of the school taxes whili the Township of Iecumscth with school popu lation approximately the satire as Allistoii lt would be paying thrce times the proportion of secondary school taxes The equalized assessmcut schedule as adop ted at the June session would scent to bear out the rcinarks of Reeve llurilcr llic eight urban municipalities with population of 44000 have total usscssmcnt of onlys$22 281000 But the 17 townships with popu lation of 38000 have total cqualizcd asscss merit of 334729000 In other words thc urban municipalities with population 00th great er have an assessment Which is 5124480110 legs Tim towns iir Simcoc County have large industrial plants many fine stores pavcd streets with sidcwalks and lighting lhc thousands or good homes llith electricity and water pumped from municipal systcms The great majority of urban homes also have wagc service and nearby schools Bill not withstanding the fact there are huge busi ness establishments in the towns and there are more homes and people in the urban centres the assessment in the townships is millions of dollars greater Whenever the subject of equalization is in troduced in the County Council Reeve Wil liam Gunningham of Alliston urges the idea of getting back to the former method of making theequalizationion the basis of pro perty transfers as recorded at the Registry Office for the previous year While he is an urban resident Mr Cunningham urgcs this plan although itwuld mean that urban as sessments would go up and rural assessments would be correspondingly lower But Reeve Evans of Bradford chairman of the Equalization Committeemnd County Assessor Eric SimpSon and others say this would not be feasible because urban sales are inflated above normal Last March c0nfcrence of assessors was held in Barrie md Gray assessment commissioner for Toronto emphasized the importance of considering the earning pow er ofproperty in makingthe assessment If the earning power was given consideration in Simcoe County then the assessment on farms and rural properties would belowereihand the assessment on certain urban properties would be increased While Mr Cunningham has strong differences with Mr Gray on cer tain aspects Of assessment it would appear they would both reach the same end in equalization for Simcoe County Eornrariy yearsthe rural residents have rifelt they were taxed proportionately higher than their urban cousins Reeve Fred Hunter started the county councillors thinking about the basis of taxation when he spoke at the June session and there is no doubt that he will investigate the matter further If he puts as much energy and study into the subject has hedid when studying the larger high school area plan the ratepayers may expect himdobrlnghrmatterbefore the county councilagain with plansfor someaction to be taken THEWL TEWWIE MASO Very unexpectedly On Tuesday June 22 1948 death came to Wm Mason owner and publisher of the twodailies of Northern Ontario 77 The Sudbury Star and The North Bay Nugget The end came two weeks after was stricken with an attack of coronary thrombosis Born sixty yearsago at Walkerton Ont Mr Mason had his firstnewspaper experience with the Walkerton Telescope starting as printers devil By his vigorousunflinchin qualities his keeninterest in news paper W9 he resolutely built up that line of advanmrednumber of fuencc and Wealth is two chief objectives were his continual improvlng newspapers and the deve10p mentroiNorthern Ontario and thejwelfee andprogress of itspeop1e1n bothof these he played great part One commentator said his work will neVer be erased Mr Masonshowed practical sympathy fzwlth many charitable projects Forexample dynamic lowesahdmruliantof ganizlng ability to Red Cross Worker Mas spn aSUchsIinnan was an immense racism in ralisinglmore than halfmillion dollars duringthewar years Amember ofthf $9110 frd forseverai years the last publlc jfunction sci which he ofCiated was turningAttic first sod for new scltoolilnthchlckcICity thoofflce of The Barrie Examlnerwe av had for Isonre years an example of much the welfare or the north country ever in Masons mindlgIIavingHa tap the weekly newSpapers he wspaperjhl the membership Weekly Newspapers Associ tiling up asuverup or the yin ordinarily used itwas Mason to Offer some hisnorth country giver hedeclared tuxckiy paper stage Mr Mason never lost iintcrusl ill the activities and admncunents in thc chklj Press rurrccr 0R rsorurxr TAXATION Ithc question of Illttt versus indirect tax iation New impetus was given to the dis Icussions last month when Professor Mc lliougall of Queens University spoke on tax rtion to the Canadian Manufacturers Associ ation Ilic Professors argument that the burden of income tax tour principal direct dirch taxes should be substituted is hotly contestdd in many circlcc lliose who disagree With the learned econ omist point out that the whole theory of democratic govcrumcut ofby and for the ledge on the part of thc votcr1lrcy also point out that every cent of goes to the government elected by the people to the ultimate tax payer INIIilI SAMSENIminlS SUMMIT FOR ARMS Representatives remarks the Manchester Guardian Weekly By 346 vbtcs to it agreed to appropriations which were 31 per cent less than the amount sought by President Truman for thc Navy andl per cent less for the Army and Air Force Nevertheless the amount vot cd 310100672250 for the three Services was thc largest military budch in peacetime in American history It was divided up as fol lows 85618203000 for 700000 men in the Army 83686733250 for 552000 men in the Navy and 3891730000 for 444500mcn in the Air Force General Bradley spoke of Soviet armed forces as having an approximate total of 4000000 men and 14000 planes and Mr Forrestal Defence Secretary said that the international situation had deteriorated and time flows against us Mr Royall Army Secretary spoke of his faith that war could be avoided but added We cannot risk the safe ty of our country either on the assumption that war will not come at all or that it will be deferred for any particular number of years EDITORIAL NOTES good crop is promised around the world but the Farmers Avocate points out that around the world there areialmost 200 mils lion more stomachs than therevere before the war rtouriist remarkedstouusthes other day The averageidriving sped through your main business section is much too fast and many drivers have litth regard for pedestri ans He was not farWrong Official figures from Ottawa show that cominielcial failures for the first quarter of 1948 are the most numerous since 1942 for the same period Very good evidence that the ma in business must keep on his toes to hotd his trade Union officials in Australia are unhappy about the rsultsoTTvinningashoijler wor ing Week in 1948 Thousands of thrifty Work ersscorningthe rextra leisure are Working on two jobs and dozens of laborhungry em ployers are putting on extra shifts at night Unionileaders saywit Wnullifies iwhat they fought 50 years to get new method of weighing freight trains is being tested in Minnesota which may save railWays thousands othillars yearly Under this system individual freight cars are run over stationary scale at three miles an hour An automatic register shows front and rear truck Weights which permit computing the total weight Under this system hand ling tlme could be sharply cut and trains continuing subject of debate in Ottawa Is Itax discourages production and that Illx pcoplc prosupposes an atvarcncss and know direct tnx Indirch taxvs oilcn pyramid in being passcdi lecn the arms budget of the United States chairman erc 1111 It purl tlci oil Jami it own 71 lr grincling and lmniil cf llrgtrlicrl ii Mi Sixth report rill Illr Lilr Hr IlltllvLrltd Lad ltvll Iiillr culliillllltr IIIri aynig lin ilw srcoiltl ultiirir ltliii ml olciin on the lltioz Motion ipay tlii baiaiicr led to curl 1121 was llirtl 15 ertnna 1411 111 $150 It Ii Moirlami Lords and Mtullllitl by 311 Iinblc that tliz llr Lu accepted Ilir tilltgtllli iii1iirc along the north vii xln wt by Mr Mcthiiroll Ilc Itlnlirll lln tilt was bicakiuy and probably doc to thc Slillllllii oi lllr building on tln north side iv tiirrc was instillicicul Iliilllrlit It 13 moved by ll Goodall and moonlitd by vaMiIlin that lit7 ninltci be Itllllltl back to tho propcity coni linittci tor luzlhcr illuhlliullll 21ml ioporl III llll itlJMlltr ol Wainn Willlni Mrs II liable iipoitcd lnl 1hr Hllllludslllj ttvlillllillin incctmg had llttll held Willi Siiaiialuiii rcprcscnlatiw tlic voinons Hospital Aid and icpicciitiilivc ut the Nursis llllllllfll It was occultd to lllrzlll schol irsiup of $50 for tour morith was not safe from the axe of the House oflwmm itchUM and 830 for iitiirJiiorillis coursia III gtlllillly at St Michacls Hospital Ioronto This would illil Vllllllilll Ices Iii one case the nursc Would not get inunrtinancr so it varf lltlllllllltllll td that the board grant 11 further $100 to hpr towards maintenance in this casc 11 was moved by II Robertson and MIUlltlill by Dr Gray that lIiis report be adopted Mrs litlds applied that 23100 bc tzrkcii from the Leeds Scholarship Fund for this purpord In addition to those iriciiiiored above other inciubcrs ol tireboard present were buttered George Irickc and Charles Knight i7 CHAMIIER or COMMERCE luorEs Appliance Dealers Would Be Hard Ilit EA Twiss Chamber president announced that if the 25 tax on electrical goods is lifted this week thc Barrie merclizuils would lose in excess of 35000 This was de icrmincd as result of survey taken on Monday afternoon The Chamber dcspatclred telegram to Julian Ferguson MP enquiring if system could be devised so the merchants could obtain rebate for the tax already paid on their stock on hand Transtantra Highway Neea When Canadians speak of the need for first class trimsCanada highway they usually do so in terms of attracting more American tourists While this desirable two reasons much closer to Ironic should be considered Firsl good transCanada high way would give Canadians an op riilttl Lhc or $20 lltrl would llir IUWEI Luirlitll lililcn ulai of housi at th Mary and Llizabclir Sb via protcclml from lit not Tim IIIIJIIIc lklhlllfllltc irrll for tire payineii of 60 accounts mulling to 51 96170 Rport of 111 rimting took up two full col of space ill The Advance prohibiting cattle rimp ulitl pics from gunning it Zaigi has not IiIlHIttI in tho lirxs Block though they roamed atom as though they owned cvcry thing in srglit apt Clark of Iolliiltzwood bought the steamer Lillie for $3110 and ii Nin iailrd in iuliiiicrm to be frul tritiuport Al tumting of liarrhdlrecsv Hoard 1131 boxts utrc offered and sold 111 and Hd 1b buyers vrn1Wlntton Iillilll 2min Perkins and 110th urll At the Town Council llctu DIILIniiIl stated that good wooden sidewalks could br built Iinboi onlyl or 23c 11 rod Dc pnty Ilccxl iilducll criticized liu board of works for having njnlil $1000 for only part of im piovcnicnts which Iti to cost only $031 ml Iian Godfreysnnlitary bandn Un Irand pcra Ilotisc and it was enthusiastically rmclvll William Viiir brotheroi James lair Barrie and employed in Chicago was bliiidnylir he feIW oiLirjiteam radiator and brok one thigh Frank Illirpl was in the list of students atloronto Univctsilv who look 3A dcgrlc With Iron II Iroisrs Simcoc ouirty Briefs Ito thousand and one hundred iukels were sold in connection tvilh cnlrc Sirncoe farincrs ex cursion to Guelph Strawber llvgt an unusually good crop and Ill brisk demand The June slssion of the County Council was held in Collingwood with Coun Dcvllt in the Wardens chair the road and bridges coimnillee was asked to consider grant ofslth to repair or rebuild the bridge over Willow Creek motion to have the Council take ii trip to Beeton to inspecL the work done on the House of Re fuge was voted down amajority rcgarding such jaunt as just 11 wast of tinic and labor The ireusurcrs statement showcdrc ccipis of $14318907 and expendi lurcs of 313004012 with cash bal ance of $324155 Large con grcgirtions attended the rcopening of Sutherlands church near Now ton Robinson Total cost of re pairs amounting to $140 was covered by contributions at the irrorninescrgice New grand stand in Agricultural Park Cooks town just finished In cricket match III Cooksiowti between A1 lliston and Cookstown the lOrmer won by 114 runs Churchill brass band reorganized under the leadership of King chroy On Sunday about $200 was sub scribed towards the cost of new Roman Catholic Church atBeIIe Ewart John Bell grain mer chant erecting brick grain house at New Lowell With office and Sophia ci cek risul as Large crowd attendC fixing Window ai Midhurstf riclldcd build two bathing llUllSt for the use of the towns people particularly the It Iiildrens Shelter BC sal aries fixed bv the Board provrdcd tor Ilrllthiir ainounling to 31150 1W Adam of Glencairn for club bing who ovrr the head so hard that truth resulted Was Illlld in Barrie Police ourt line and costs amounting to $2975 In fail ilig lreidllr for over year Daniel Quinlarr ouiily lreasirrer died on June 10 Miss Adele Robert son daughter of Mr and Mrs 11 Ilolmtson won the Marian Dickinson Scholarship in HouSe hold Ilconoruics at the University inf loronto entitling her to $200 t11II and years course at Colum ilna University Harold Lloyd Iill Safcty Last was tii big at luaclron at um Dreamland flhew tre The proposed boys camp ouicrnpeincldt Bay was voted idowu to at meeting of the xlboysCouncil Montagu llmeds left this week on an ex itynded trip to the West expecting to go as lzir HS Scuttic Wash Powell and just recently lllOl cd into their store at 02 Dunlop $1 fornicrly occupied by Barrie 1Fair of 36 llunlop St Slmcoc County Briefs New public school to be built at Stroud McArthur of Bond Ilcnd was so badly injured wlrcn Iris horscs ran away that he died Two men near Angus were caught selling whisky illegal Iy and Magistrate Jeffs fined one 3600 and the other $500 plus costs in each case Sproule who was born in fooksiown farin ed in IZssu and later was builder in Alliston died in Toronto aged 69 years Wye bridgeWI raised nearly $100 int winter and planned to use it for building cement sidewalks Dr Glcndenning resigned di rector of East Simcoe Agricultural Society because of his strong stand in favor of horse racing Rev Morris addressed large biecling at Lefroy in the interests of better educational advantages am as result continuation SCIIW ilt Lofroy or Churchill was looked for the harness business at Cookstown from McCullough Mr Sutherland and Mr McArthur of West Gwillinbury were hauling timber when of the teams be came frightene and run into the other Mr McAr or received se vere injuries and died in Barrie Hospital shortly alterwards Crown Hill young people in the Lplay The Colonels Maid have becn kept busy putting ntheir production Tire hurchill correspondent wrote It is good to hove Htrxtables bus liliezrunildg between Barrieand Newmarkct We feel we are on the map now When barley is being produced for melting purposes it is particu larly important that the harvested crop be protected from the weather Indistricts where rain is frequent poitrinity of travelrrgrhc breadth of their country without dctours into the USA Another sound rea son for hardsurfaced allweir ther road is its contribution to our defence system in times of national emergency The government at Ottawa should and neighbors to the south and cooperate with the pro vinces in seeing this undertaking through The fedgaluwauthorities gave leadcisTlTip in the develop ment of our railroads and should do the same for modern motor trafficrmNormally matterfor provincial responsibility this road should be supervised by Domin ion Highway Oommission which could ensure uniformity of qual ity and construction Public works projects are being delayed waiting for the next de pression The transCanada high way deserves to be the exception to this rule Name Omitted Apologies to our good friend Mr Cy Allison of the Canadian National Railways stationBarrie TMI an error Mr Allisons weighed while in motion we Anyone who heard the terrific crash on otherinterests which steadilyincreusedhis Thursday afternoon during the accident at the Five Points Could hardly fail to be convinced of the need ofprotectipn of traf fic at this intersection which Is so heavily itravelled Many onlookers have beenheard to express wonder that there have not been numerous accidents at that placeand have voiced the opinion that stop lights or man to direct traffic should be provided 37 name was omitted from the listof the 1948 Chamber supporters In the stdre front Tdhthowell ap pointed agent in steamer Enterprise The first draftof Methodist ministers show cd charges filled as follows Bar rie Burton Ave Young Angus Wass Minesing In gram Wyevale Partridge Cookstown Campbell Bee ton and Tottenharn Mark Chap man Innisfil Geo Walker FIRST ROAD DIESELS IN CANADA vllilway mouvapower in can ada entered new phase with the delivery at Montreal to the CNR of two powerful diesel electric road locomotives First of their kind to be placed in regular service in Canada the new tripleunit 4500 hp road gi ants will operate on the CNRs freight run betWeen Toronto and Montreal tospeed the service be tween these two large centres of Canadian industrial life June 24 issueof The Barrie Examinp erl Not onlyisMrTAlIion an en thusiastic member of the Chamber but we arefcorrinually indebted to him for thmanmimgw en 1n helping out with Chamber activities LONG NORTHERN RIVER Measured to the head of Peace River the MacKenzie River has length of more than 2000 miles and is navigablefor 1292 miles Compulsoryvoting mailforms or decried incanada was advocated by Hon DL Mace LarchLieutcnantGovernor ofNew Brunsi wick as he deploredubeforegtmcj Canadian Federation zof Mayors public apathyfdlspluyj ed at the polls in municipalcontest He serviceajin public life also Called upon more citizens to offers their do believe that mens than has reliched thetime inhislife that hey can do so it ishis duty to run for municipal Council 6gt AReuters dispatch from London England announces that the Kinghab relinquished his royal style and tltleof Emperor of In die by proclamation In the London Gazette This step forecast some months ago is one of the changes following thetransfer of pow er to India and Pakistan The effect of the Defamation is to exclude the words Emper or of Indiaifromizmmbolnage documents My WWII andmedalszheKIng will no longer sign himseir George In their iniperator but sin Georgenj 14 TROIIT ford H9101 prominent and centrally lowed moi of the 750 room In inchrhml rim payers both ottoman aluminum wrllo orerI the Monw well In if 4mm rival ll I7 Barrie for the during harvest time capstookingnis iisi6h ladvisable when the crop is being cured in the stock Quick Relief From Summer complaints rrerqnck rlrf1oiif diarrhoea intestinal pains ses sickness runner embleieh EXTRACT or WILD STRAW BERRY This dependable family remedy is one of the most effective and best known me icines for bowel complaints gist on DOCTOR POWLZEInfS xixraw or WILD STRAWBERRY Large Glass 186 Each on We ibutor 3101 350 P1usi Deposit kiddies Iiicy also drcldtll to buy slide for with clients iii rwry rlcpdlUlclll6nllig3 ESIuImNlliurlghgrr have turned at spirit of irhndly tuxlllmtlllull ctlicierrcy combined till Ii IirDUIml linenat so those We we prrvllcgid togerve gt Muskoka and John Hobley was at one time office use DOCTOR rownnns for8aoiemdi0rilth eonrig THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Nod Olu Toronto Barrio Office I3 Dunlop Strut 37 you In business Institute in 1915 He served his drug appicnimsliip vrili ll Maclgncn and later kllIlrIIUIl Smith He graduated from the On lario ollogc of Pharmacy Vllll honors in 1020 and bought his pre cnt business in Wiilkeiton in I02h It is ilourislring lnisrness Mr illtl Ml Illilrliy lmvv 11 ne new home in tlicllruci County glown llc loir Ilrcs obity 15 coinplcling Iris ipprcntipcsliip in his Iaillici store William liar native of Barrie Mr IIobIcy rr of Ilzurrc is IiiotlrcriuIaw was chosen 115 president of IIllllIlI Miss Marion Harris is niece association with over 1300 mornjot Mr and Mrs Iloblcy hers at the 1917 convention all this is considered Read Examiner Classified Adlets one of the highest honors open in his prolessron to practising drug gist Mrs Hobley also spent Irerl carly years in the Ilurric vicinity She is the former IIrrnu Webb daughter of Mrs Webb and the late Robert Webb of Innisill Mrs ELECT Horror 948 PRESIDENT DRUGGISIS ASSN Presiding at the annual convenv tion of the Ontario Retail Drug gists Association at the Ilizucau Laurier Ottawa over the Juhe lit weekend was Allin Iloblcy of Walkertbn ANDERSON MONTHLY ACCOUNTS Bookkeeping Service INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED Phone 2107 BARBIE Webb is graduate of Barrie Busi neSs College and was for several years on the staff of Harry Smith druggist Alan Hobley is son of the IatcMr and Mrs John Ilobley manager for the Barrie Public Utilities and wellknown musi cian here Alan Hobley graduated with honors from Barrie Collegiate Jack Agnew bought atiuthe biggest construction building ieEOIIlfTriilgmg and riage of ersarr and June Mrs brother birthdays respectively chdncsdav Campbell RCAI purchased way iir uuihistury NEW CA LES telephones switchboards and build ings areallf quired to provide more telephone service for more poop than ever before The work gcmiahead at the fastest possible pace It takes skillit tell time it takes mOney It will itimhtcly bring faste telephonejservioe to eve applicant when and as hcwantsi The publiccan be assured thbgwe will continue to provide thebest telephon ser cp at the lowest Iconsan or cannot miiv 777 iiiiiiii clearer more rideprrdabl Cf mm nn

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