Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jun 1948, p. 4

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THURSDAY JUNE 17 1948 77 77 CENTRE VESPRA WI Personal Serwce eal Estate Sales xwith Mr rng presiding in lint l5 years 880 an avera Henry ElriCk Mi 77 regulazIIIintentry IIuI IeritIte 000 00 19 lir7ilr7if $1 WEDDINGS en 6r it Womanl Viewpoint This and That time the the t7 Canadian 7st itiiiiai1tlib when they were ctitrrlst iLtu Mist Houston lamp Elati lait sen TILL tilltrl honor irtira Ilsl 77 thin home lll gtllsl and scenti the absence of iis Wailwiir At lance was good ttcitai7 several sitos Itcll call Stiggrerlulb lot In piuviitg Our Coii mtty Mrs Ntllztln ll chaigr of pit grain and social urcllritc intro dticcd Mr rlozrison who gave bright and interesting talk on coriirriiinav betterment as related to farm life oeiter living cc di tions to unite lite broader and more loILlI technical agricul ture soci stridies and as Mr rlorrisoi at put it general tdressiiig up of farm life to make it more iiierrstiizg and encouiag 132 for young people Mir Ottawav read paper tell rich rim Srvczit wetcling of gath rig at the King served iiiitJlxl trip lgt it after wh iru ayalr was from llallli we new Illtltltlll 31 iii Higcli tlrs dwaid Hutu Toronto which she ttciuled and given for Miss Amy from New Zealand llt great deal of information concernzng Institute activities and ilciiigt Hook Mrs Hugh Wiilnccltle in that country er incl ioi Mrs Stanley iiltgty Mrs iltli Mclxcnric An attractive addition to full progran was the singing by Mrs liloza AiLltltl lis lrltgt ilmlltitel of Springtime and The The slutltllt ntirscu and iii irid ini Royal iii li Hospital 7sts to lr sticzr graduate llrlitt of 25th iiii their tizcnds feel 70 Izeri lllglllrllll tired It Iiititiril lt ill ltili or D011vlyrliiICliriltliauisVegetabletriiii lgml Lilrn Ihm 1t tamIr li LIASIS IlllllllItlillll5ltllSl1iuslItllhliaiil II rm IHI IN rm IIIV ll to id by Lila ligt llttlr hillili stomar lll IUIIII Illtil II lilai fliec with Mrs Robertson it tte piano This was much en Jioycd IlieI ifteinoon ended with to fiesliiirriits riid rriioying the beau tiful wide lawn and flower beds magay with iris Next iizeeting July ii Mrs Neurons with quilt ir7lliviiigsioii The party was kept ilIltllliitlldltli tktlt it til tiirILIHIJU igt lliirhiltl Illhl ll HWIU illld SPUI limttS alus was by Wally Perkins and All Shepherd delicious lunch was served at midnight The Wotiiaiis Auxiliary of Trin gmle Bum hold the an Thompsonville United Church was iiiial tea at the home of Mrs Lowe lunlop St on Iliursday June Ill Receiving the many guests were Mrs Cross Mrs Donaldson and Mrs Lowe In the dining room at lovely flowercentred table Mrs Garry Lee and Mrs It Robinson Mrs It llaughton 51nd Mrs Sims Mrs Hall and Mrs lieniiox poured tea Other inerti hers of thc Senior WA Parish Aid Evening llranch WA and Jun7 ior ruild assisted with the tea sale of halting and fancy work ommuiiity House was the set ting for the reception following the nurses graduation of the Royal Victoria Hospital last Thurs day evening There was large gathering othfriends of the grad IiiIates and other guests including the Hon Kelley of Hamil ton Minister of Health The Sllp zcriiitendeiit Miss Helen Shariahan7 and Mrs James Ferguson wife of the president of the board rel ccived Community House was KNOWLESWAKNOCK Of wide interest was the mar7 iage on Saturday of Madclein Joyce Cranberry daughter of Mrs tarnock and the late James By ard Warnock to Mr Douglas Wig ham Knowles son of Mr andl Mrs Percy Douglas Knowles Ven irehdcacon Sawers assisted by rm Dowker officiated in Grace ChurchondhmHill Toton to Mr Frederick Silvester was at the organ and the wedding music was composed by Mr Percy Knowles Mr James Donald Warnoek gave his sister in marriage and she were graceful Juliet gown of white satin the net yoke appliquedIIvath lovers knots and the bustle skirt ending in long train ullet cap of pearls held her ngertip eil7aiid she carried ite iris bouvardra and roses ciic Bvard Warnock ier brides maid was frockcd jade green moire and carric Joanna Hill roses Mr JCiii DEvereux Knowles was ooinsnian for his brother and the ushers were Mr Sydney King Montreal Mr Harry Smith and Mr Tony Hutchi7 son The reception was held at the country home of Col and Mrs George McLarcn near Thornhill The bride and groom will live in Toronto Among the guests was Mildl Shopoll of Oveiiden College thel bride having been student there BELLMcKNIGIIT 7Decorated with Spring flowers the setting for beautiful Wedding on Saturday June 12 1948 when Lorna ElEleddaeldllis daughter of MrIand Mrs Earl McKnight Cookstown was united in mar riagc to Ernest Fowler Bell of To ronto The service was conducted by RevIi Atkinson Given in marriage by her father the bride wore gown of white slipper satin with long train and embroidered with white silk and gold threads Her wedding veil was ageinbroidered net with coronet of seed pearls She was attended by her younger sister Margaret wearing gown of ice blue silver brocade and net with matching headdressof blue net The groom was assisted by Ross Saunders of Barrie Ushers were Glenn of Barrie and gtD Mc7 Knight brother of the bride Mrs7 Reynolds of Beeton presided at the organ and the soloist was MISS Atkinson ATCM of To ronto who sang Because and Through the Years The reception was held at the fun community the tiny at sellirtlrint of Latontaine uhich now has milliondollar 5e pota industry on June icially Ilttl its new 375000 tlnuation tllool The village is the centre of the uspcrity realized in the northern half of Tiny Ifbwnship by its tenchCanadia settlers With the mth of thepotato seed industry the population has grown and with the demth for better and closer education facrlities Containing four class rooms the noneschool building also has liltiUIliil training room home eco uuiiiics department assembly hall and playroom for girls Textile weaving will be one of the crafts taught in the home economics de partment All workis bilingual In the stlltitll which has been in use since building began four years ago The remarkable growthfrom an average farming district to one which today has earned distinction with the seed industry ls credited to the work of the parish priest IILV Thomas Marchildon Father Marcliildon with the assistance of the Ontario Department of Agri culture representatives encour aged and proved the possibilities of specializing in the growth of pota toes for seed SHELSWELLCOUTIS Midhurst United Church was the scene ofa pretty summer wed7 ding on Saturday afternoon June 1948 when Rev Clem ents of Minesing united in the holy bonds of matrimony Philip Mel ville Shelswell son of Mixiand Mrs Roy Shclswell Hawkcstone and Margaret Marie Coiitts daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Geo Coutts othIidhurst The matron of honor was Mavis Coutts the brides sister and the flower girls were Betty Coutts and Karol Attire Coutts cousins of the bride both of Cookstown Wal lace Shclswell brother of the groom was groomsman and thcl ushers were Morley Shelswell the grooms brother and WalterI Coutts Midhurst brother of the bride Given in marriage by Mr Geoi Coutts the bride was charmingly dressed in flowered net over taf7 feta headdress of orange blossoms fingErtip veil and cascade of roses and stephanotis The bridesmaid was in blue taffeta Her head dress was of orange blossoms andl she carried cascade of carnations The grooms favors were to his bride pearl necklace to the groomsman tie pin set to thci ushers ties to the soloist pen and pencil set to organist and bridesmaid compacts to flower district IIlL high my lil icpritt Sultie of arranged in the past Activity mulel for number of chb lle ltKul lttrlltih lltiIdeIlIli tilIltt real BY appointing The Sterling Trusts Corporation as your executor you assured of the personal ulttliiluli of senior estate officer plus the once of executives specially trained investments their combined rttoiitiis Law ran through ll expert in business estate insurance estate accounts Parry cot Iltl from purchased Lolhngwood and Heath real Cti matters Cook Mrs Francis lolak has pllltlifisI ed summer cottage in Tollendal laik from Toronto farm on on Mary Luck Estate The home of the late Miss Liova has been sold tol This specialized service costs no more than would execiitor7the fees Surrogate Court be allowd individual Mrs Litlllil Sinclairl Hessc has piiichascd the from the IN STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Hood Olke Ionnto Barrie Office 13 Dunlap Street 11 you In amino tii ney Adelaide St Swain Mr and now living itithc Burton Avc they purchased from Joseph Sharpe Cameron Toronto lizrsl moved to the home on Cotter Ave built by Murray lratt Stanley Applcgate his farm on Con Essa Stevenson Ultcrson lliitl house on St VincentSt raceutly purchased from Mr Thompson and moved to Road Mis Dobsoii are new home on Bartley former home Mr and Mrs James Poppleton Waubaushene wmltheir now home iormerly occupiedxoby Capt and Mrs Milncr Richard Stwlc he new home on Clzipperton St Ioii completion by Johns Dixon Richmond Hill is moving to the Mrs Kcarns in lliclpston moved into Holgatc St has sold have Moles do not care for tcgetablc matter They burrow to get food which consists grubs crickets centipedcs iiiillipcdes insect eggs and such like animal dict earth Icutwornis beetles worms wire spiders moving to the Will occupy whm and Mrs ll worms Mrs Harvey ripps the farm on the purchased have Penetririg James Switer Mr and Mrs Rtiytiolds Ioronto have purchased the and Mrs Cripps Iloys St Saunders Blackwater Zeigler have purchased their home on Shirley Ave Mr from horn of Mr and Mrs moved anti Mrs have and los and Mrs Toipliiison have purchased th fine duplex on Maple Ave from Mr and Mrs It at zr home of the brides parents the ngI locketSI THATS VERY SENSIBLE PURCHASE MILOVEi delightfully decorated with rin to go out My work is all gut flowIIIcrs and the coIIffchanIrIl sriJIiIdIfarslcienzrryo reggngalctesslggg IMIrs David SutherIimd of fBrag WHY DIDNT YOUBUY COUPLE wrc es as arrange to or was organist Bi Day Mi and corsage Of CUOW FOSCS She hurstythe 50105 gang Perfect HuhIhWhatdIyouIsyI OhyIOdu that help build up the old muscle mean 058 ma YIC oneYEO ProteinsHercules And Posts done and unbelievable as it may seem my washing is on incns Hospital Aid of hich Mrs was assisted by the rooms moth the line washing no IIlIIIIIOIIIfnlblCI 17 9107th W010 deIer Iin navy blue Shaggy with pink Love and Love You Truly accessories and corsage of pink reception was held at en Posts GrapeNms IGmIIIeNuSIFlakeS sure have SOt IrOSCSI home of Mr Iand Mrs Geo Coutts Theyre some dish em Sim WI II II Barrio CUHCEialCI After the reception the btldeghere th binds motherwasdlrtha Theyre so cleverly madeof fund PhOSRhONSPWhatS that icrw aster Idrn nsirtuIie held their IIarmual 500161 and groom km for Northern ress prin crepe an two grahm you knowreany d1 for mm amazed at its speeding gathering hear the close of the tariq the bride wearing arsliwr grooms motherIwore atpowdcr vine Canadian Wm and malted Thats for Sturdy bone and III when mm last ThursdaymerEnglish gabardine with Britishrblue siiit Guests were present barley sound teeth noon at the home of Miss Jessie an qccessories and corsage of red from Orillia Bradford Newmar The sure taste out of this Eating PostsGrapeNuts Flakes ldndlmK ldn he HunlCl hemlmnfeldt St Afters r05e5 lkCt Stroul Ck5twni Staym world darlingbut youre torget eVery day no wonder Im such on their return they WilllCoulson Hawkestone and Oro out it for anything 00 08 WdS belve imCipa Irestde at Niagara Falls Station ting that other reason why go for husky guy Posts GrapeNuts Flakes And Posts GrapeNuts Flakes Heath made few remarks the sow commmee 0f hCh ELLISLOCKHART or the we dmg mp to the fEnergy you mean The carbo gIVe you iron forthe bloodand MisEvclyn Goreis converter ar In New Lowe Unit7d77Ch77777l7 ThsangllslandsyandtheUiiited 74 mnng mscmmmns to threeron June III IIIIIIII RCVI DIIIIIiIJIIrIiITIIII States the bride wore powder hydratesthat load you up With en other food essentials ergy so they call youthe human teachers who are leavmg the Staffoff1clatingI took place the map blue surt and white shortic dynamo areSay dPtzsts GIrapehIIIuts Flakes tountampens to 13 Mercer and age of Norman Ellis son of Mr wrth matching black accessories II tea Iea rig tromItheI Allister Rutherford clock to and Mrs Ellisl of Mimico to The neWIyWd couple Wm rCSlde nght And What 818 more lhms packageso letsltave somequrck D7 Welt A150 the plesenlation Helen Amelia Lockhart daughter HaWkeswne of coffee percolator was madcef Mr and Mrs John Lockhart w7 neighbour could possibly crit icise thanks to my new The Shir thoroughness and case Features cast aluminum Gyjrator has nger tip control Stream lined Tub Splashproof metal cover Lifcvtimc lubricated rubber i6 DziitoTC NEsbitt whoiirhg mwowenf married later this month WOW The matron of honor was Mrs Poetryas Gael Presentation W35and the junior brid Smad wildest SEEDING PRACTICE Mimitowas groomsmanoand the 77 71 The calendar is an unsafe guide ushers were Marsden Ellis of EMMS ELECTRIC that close Tam or im 7n7marriage er er or prac rca purposes seeding the bride was bgagmuy dressed needs to use his weather sense Shirt trainI Her oorlength veil was caught to sweetheart halo wrth babys breath 7I or from bridesmaids Wore floorlength Knox read some appropriate McNamara of Newtonbrook mounted motorlNo shifting geiirsSilcntCESAnpprovrl= New Lowen Howard Pridham Of for seeding practice for seasonHumber Bay and Roy Lockhart of 77i1i7 7777 77777777 77datethat7is77carly77 forione year 47 Elizabeth St Phone 4383 Barrie may be late for another One in ivory satin With neon yoke and and her flowers were red roses The matron of honor was in blue Sheep with shouldemength frocks of yellow nylon with match mg halos brill g2fk15 3559512113 gt earrings to thewmatron of honor pin to juniorIII bridesmaids pearls to groomsman and ushers tie clips Mrs Dingvyall play wedding music and the 5010 151 was Mr Chas Stainton II AII the homHILIIhIIIIIIIIIdIIIIS paIIII brides mother receiving in white figured jersey with matching ac cessories and corsageofxed while the groom IIIIIII IIIILIIIIIIII was in blue figured crepe with blaekjageesseriqsandigorsageof7 IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII 7For the honeymoon spent on iiilefilftizgginegigrazeii titted crepe dress wrth we rite acw II gt 22 =7 II I7 II 7I Ii IIIISIIIIIIIceIIIIIIINIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIIIRIEOIIfIE IIIII IIIIII 71059 g71 73 rrrhofgwmfeliifsof Certainly 7not kitdivledgeofthc uncertaintiesof life simply artun IIIII IIIIIIII ogamgge rmgggg itrirrriiingerrcamiririsenciiion man The NewbeeirIerfSleep crLisunirersbiabedsi cirhereiri at feleigvetetjl3el trotChiraduvrablei Covers in the New Shadesldt KIroehlIerLSOfabdsorganiseAvailable with Chciirs to Match QTth origami DAVENPORTS 7priced from $6qu up irw questioningIfaithiiiyburabilityitoprotectIhimandprovideforhis needs Havefyou forgotten something Would henIcontinue to jhave all of mothrsattention and ahonieIfre to growupin ifyou ivereipreihaturlyfr taken from your family You will enjoy youthome more if you provide n0wfor income to meet the mortgage payments andyfamilyrexpenses should the day come Wheiryourfaanrily is7on its oWn Call inzyour ImperialLifcirepresentativetoday and find out hoynyowoan do itmtivcnientlyLquickly BRANCH OEEICEo 11 it chink ofTorohtoButldtng Barrio PHONE449Z But Miss Whlther said deem edlyrthatthwlce dupeshould 77 wiresenttoNmScrviwcieuinwc 77 5i raimnltimn nunerrin recommciliiAIiM

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