Latrrrsaaam EXAMINER Clan SIAM sure tribe Published Thursday Mowing by THE BARBIE EXAMINER LTD MocLAREN FHESIDENI If IANAGING BITCH WALLS VcEPRESIOLNI AND animus IAhAEER iui states i1ll uu t1 recent United N43 oiis survey of the world gm iniwspriiit supply that the world Is suffering shortage of FARM LIFE IS BEST iiespiiiit together ir1tlwllltlllrl In this issue of The Barrie Examiner we ty iii its distribution tipoll liiciiiiazicial have several stories and articles in IUllliiiti Post World production whole nud oroil tion with our annual Salute to Agriciiltiirif out let Urltld itmI Simcoe County is one of the richest lgllLlll tiiral counties in Ontario In this connection ruinous nu longer loud problem representative from the Ontario llgt1lsiiys the liarnicis Advocate The noise of tile mom of Agriculture speaking at the Coiiiiliftlood may be somethings done or not done Council sessiOn on Monday afternoon said one hundred or ilir hundred miles train the iiiil THE BARRIE EXA Pauli i11lli Warning isPlain in Ontario Vote Pu 0r both salisfiic rte ltjtlllS of satisflkiluuli tal pail of demo That has been II Wm ONTARIO CANADA some Iie contributed betvv ccf Woo and Simona 1m cf Ankh This financed over the growing ur ii 1c gttrklilgti$ and tlieirgii fisirr LII pg 50 dail newspaper bdvcf snd Ilia liu all Tlicul Ulllliliiilifl the cal renal 25 Ulnssluiil IIl throughout the caiiipaign THE BARBIE LMINER Junc than Burlr Local Notes is Lure Aitlxbzsliup Walsh br lu min on If F0 III at ixrl lUL Lkih Ma lIIIthl lln out Irilltll III LulI cl wicliuontd 1W Dix 01 TI i1111l on on no Ill 51 er strong and effective tin trLxlivli ll isms no amateur Good going Wednesday lune vfaiy horn in owing hi ens 30m ud unduqu 100 pm that coniionted iziziivl determined iiii quasii in Thursday July lst Return Limit Leave decline the Lllrl 10 Ow pisi Dir lc 5it Ontario since pro ails Lis1lll11tl lli tii ljrllliill As iesult there If 512W Im Ilzdiltllilc 3h tion not lalor than midnight l1t Iiie the SJ mu INN and his giiriiuiii Zilllliil nl of me Monday Iuly 5t Considerable hastily fillmi to ignore 1t cannot be incl DW hm pawl Timon shown are Standard i513 Id Wm mrugtum hutUh and Nd tiidults l3e tllllilltli llk loiigl For hm and Iurlh mlmllio vui J1II liaridouLs at the ex royuwnwol TILAOI Alan 4siiiig of poiiiiig tLfI Ias Mint IIIA gt llllllg eiminious sums Hz 519 11 HQ bulmf jolt at lllL public rhool picnicll Vs vv tummy llhflty sucii as that mpmmnf fl niiiziiws am im In canilicsf LL lm the llxdio cycle mu rwvgwii 33 Nu disti iliiiiel in the ciiildrchl am Ktilt paved Willi cm 1Hm for the twin rlluill there xvirel zi1f Llt1gtlll LII ill lu mun Elli Illltuilll 11 11 oiIiI Iillul xi special groups or iiidiiiduals mmdy lnialch of tiu lmaiaie lls Ouiil III In the llillLlilt ociriis Sooner or hit rut in st in UIILV Mr the uue 0f new wpb 15 L1 bpiq 2x Md rlhmujjx Ii mwl fix Uiiliiln tltllloli and thc re gum pm pm ha was was almost ten mnliun dollals Bill ltl ail gUVLlllllltllA will hii to llllill Il mm 1icent litlclill bvelcctiom asainluo at io ph in Isuninicr cashmere hose very McMilIcn were soon on the trail littt ii ei JSIICllllllre 115 We enjoy It lll 51mm Cmmy Hill IUIIUII Ill11354 IIII III II III 21 lmpm Vntcieirlitlllf glaring ltlikfligts oi ELM Wm nuiwll miecial d1 Lit pan mens fine ul bieiikrittk tillill lint is not merely vocation or an ULLIIIMLIOII losses of piopi Ill and llillliil lllt M1 mm ML um all furlI103 titlztktviul Mnm5toll mill Me sprain as3lzfiltld ialkwulg Slums 1013 am 1ll ix vrii Wo paiiy rihlknl ii in bottom Illi iii LQislil If is way If life and If Idlgt peluntildt NIH 11m IH Siam hm m4 mer my lmm CMi mmpair thief litpans 111 pi ogitss on 11gt Aw 01 the people in our province it is the ltl 11 ouldiii iuuiy ippoiaud liom Wm 11me lm WM Upmmn Mn mm up WNW worm Mm Newton Rflblllsfifl Mclllodllsl way of life This is not only because of UK llllun Leicahst is Ililliltfl wth bi nil one of WWW up my timid WI bid for lliiotjl Hump In mm mm simcoe uuuiy Briefs Ultimo will Mlllilnnsuura IlszmuruV or mm cycle iack uric an obstruction Jim BNW 0r IVY hgmnm mdn those WllfJSt research work icsiillcd iii dc iilopiiiciit of eight resistant tl1illf of ours and other grains whose years of patient rc search will inraii millions to me iaiiiieis of Canada lh loiildcn is Wtll named tori such an llllllfVtlllllll deeprooted pleasure that comes from workl ing with the soil and with plants and anim als given to the man or woman imbich With the true spirit of rural living It is not only because the quietiide of rural life and work calmness of spirit and peace of I5lull 211 Unixl candidates ri1 in 2d out of the pump imp Lu Ink WASH GemKL Amok Ivy rm provnpm ISML wallhplllnr Quinn MM pom total of Sn seals did the successful cycling homo fioni lll Iillriitiziiin5520fl cash Canon Murphy Itbp1lrllutl his klglltvlllllll Kiln mm mm lClIIfilltllllt have clear 11llllll mm and pnmpmilicld specuil SBIVILL forvcyclists dIWUI WI LVN HIV no mgiat St Pauls Chinch lnlugr on sing folk iiicnricd considerable lltbf ltllplk in thtllUlL 15 Heeplions the small Liberal lll mmm liii lhI iiihan centres siphoned off That party polled over wesi hair of Lot 21 Con ii Essa must limousine the Vesiuu cinder in tiiliiio an initially niinoiil 5dplnlS and could not bii Speaking generally and with some Iw1m 11le foes was so badly ciit wah Iii15 51mm WMpgto start from PO iii pin ining afternoon those attending III35 Wht lmh 5131100 the roof of riIiards house glVL vch pedal that In lllllld that are destroyed by lllf IIOlby llllllblt lli Illiiy Ilt Illll lhI ijlll Elf days Suzhn Strength Huh uh UCWSMV MUN WUUML liyA rst wcung 33 spleud In the Vllldgc Among of city streets and thlllllltlc lllSlllllg liltliell fommvntmg 11 mt omgusm IV1mpil lllllgfltl 53 Pk lllllfulinl CHIIIIIdIIIL ll liild Whlli iiii him up loi scveial days llfhitse Board 079 boxes were iifll1051 Itlllllllll 0550 WON Im llh still smaller CCF Vole in the 11 Burn H1 wunhpr mm iftled and 158 were sold at 015 and OICIWId 110 iv 841W Almd md yon 0f IndIISLIY and comnwrce Thelection prominent financial wcckly rc is more than that to the W31 Wily 1m marked that it was outstanding for its prom In rural living doing the work of perlising lhll some politicians feeling no petuating the CiaflSmanShll 0f the glCill coiiipiiiiclioii in promising electors every Creator there is an abiding sense of litall thing within sight and plenty out of sight ness to the source and fountain of all litc Continuinth said Its very easy thing for political lalioi unions have thrown all their min second place in total popular rimnuth bchiiiil political party vote ll was only able to elect Ithn ribbed nndcrvrsls ASMSHIUL their iiieiiibcis dollar for lll iiixi and they are backed lh aiiiplc funds Canadas IOCCL time in the first liisloi lllt Graham EinwaluArmstrong Mr Benson Mr Young Wm Moni5 met Johnson Messrs Mullen lelfl HillkthlLl teachers who boarded Mr Orchards gone to England in get hirgcih Ill 11 was prcsrdciil iiiniof monch lllt1l to Iiiiii In mlwmwd dmilli terrible accident near Elin hats ill omitg Ilcidy iiiuilsipve He had almost finished long list of specials ladics Illlflldlgglng 11th Slime at pp mlwheir the supporting rock gave the stone fell on him crush coumiy Move similar advantage to the Progressive Conservatives The final outcome was disastrous to the Liberal Party While Win It There is close contact with the things that politicians to offer prospcctivc supporters the are fundamental in life And there are the world with fence around it in exchange for things which have given to our farm people votes All too seldom are they allcd upon 11 Stllrdyv Upright Character keen Visuiii to explain in detail where the moncy is to to look into the future and healthy DhilO come from and who will be blinded the bills sophv me t0 matCh healthy b00163 uid There is never any doubt about who is ok ininds pected to pay the bills ifsome of these high There is satisfaction in rural living that priced schemcs are put into effect But when cannot be found in the purely manmade ex the promises arcbeiiigmade little emphasis istence in urban centres There is beauty all IS given to the fact that its the tiixppymns around beauty of colour and form and de purse the politicians are bring 50 gm Wm sign perfect because it has been made by the Great Architect of the Universe There is time for thought as thefarmer works in the fields plowing harrowing sowing and reaping Working as an individualist plowing the lone ly furrow following his cattle on the hillsides and in the valleys or working in the wood lands the farmer truly finds tongues in trees books in the running brooks sermOus in stories and good in everything Robert Burns Scotlands great national poet com posed his greatest works in his mind as he followed his team and plowed across the fields of his little farm So our rural people in the quiet loneliness of their daily tasks find time to think and develop the philosophy of life that he who works as natural ser vant Of the Creator of all things comes closest to the ideal of man at peace with himself and the world This rural way of life is the backbone of our country and its democracy From it have sprung our great leaders in the sciences the professions and in government men who have in their younger days amidst rural sur roundings learned to think for themselves to have proper evaluation of what are the first things that must come first and an appreciation of the fact that man can only receive back from life what he puts into it These are the things that make men the servants of humanity which is the true role 70f our rural people as they live and work in the open spaces of the countryside W0 OPINIONS OF OTHERS TIIE TOURIST TRADE St Catliaiincs Standard The tourist trade is not oneway street by any means Last year Canadians in trach spent Skills 000000 in the United States The average Aiiiciican coming into Canada spent two dollars the average Canadian going into fhc Slates spent SH The portcnls are for heavy invasion from the South It is natural ticnd people come North in the summcr and in the winter travel South Geography cannot be changed nor natural tenden cies eliminated There is also reservoir of HO 000000 people in the United States of America many of them wanting to go soiiicwncrc in the holiday season for AN UNREASONABLE REQUEST lGd1lCll Signal Star Sometimes there Is attached to death notice in newspaper the request that newspapers in some other City or town copy the notice few days ago there was such request in Toronto paper papers in Britain being askd to copy the noticeot death Persons making such requests must have notion that newspaper people see every other paper that is published and scan its columns for such notices There is perhaps one chance in hundred sometimes not one chance in thousand that the request lllbc seen The sciisiblc thing to do when it is desired that the death he recorded in paper at distance is to send the notice to that paper by mail telegram or telephone SENATE REFORM The Ottawa Journal Recently the Otlawa Journal reported that lead ing minister of the Dominion Cabinet had made three suggestions for overhauling the Senate Have half that body appointed bythe Dominion Government the other half by the provinces Have Senators appointed for 10year term and eligible for reappoiiitmenl Make retirement compulsory at 80 Tliose suggestionsarejust asrnnelytodayasfdrey were when advanced by Finance Minister Fielding in 1923aiid requoted by the Journal in its 25 years ago column The late Mr Fieldings sensible Suggestions the all IS ATOMIC BYPRODUCTSEFIGVHT DISEASE Medical men in Britain are soon to call on atom aid for important new experiments in diagnosing serious diseases according to the irinitedrrrKingdomwtontnlylnformationBul lctlnl large atomic pile at Harwell Research Station Berks will start Operating very short mcnf could increase that return manyfold But until that is done the Senate will remain mainly heaven on oath for retired politicians lt9 EXPORTING BRAINS To USA The Montreal Gazette Qur best brains are still beingveigporled to the United States and one of the reasons is the higher incometax in Canada The core ofrfhg Loss sible surplus for export to the Continent The atomic doctors will work in close collabor ation with NOrth American specialists who already have atomic byproducts in use The Gleepj smallscale pile at Harwell lsfulreadyiWOOkinfISD samplescf radios active chemicals monthcarbon sodium 35Mowwlowlox LETTERS them Surely too on such an caslon our main thoroughfare and route of the parade could have received little more attention in the way of flags andorbunting to prove not only that we wished to honor them on this their day but also an expression of their valued patronage in the past rOne store alone is to be commended for displaying the colors but little of the sameloresight on the part of others would have added materi ally to the occasion Having the Air Force at nearby Camp Borden is not new venture they liave been there for years 1rainedpilots during world war yet from the attitude 1of the public ovenafter witnessing the splendid deportment and precision of the men fin uniform inwcarryjngiout Tears Ago THE BARBIEIWEXAmNhniiarmer lindwwmwith six legs the extras to the EDITOR AVE WE lllGlIlIN To the Editor The Barrie Examiner Dear Sir As an onlooker standing beside Saturday morning June 12 during the Memorial Service at the Ceno taph on Air Force Day we could iiot help but feel somewhat de jecled dignity and respect shown for our fallen comrades by some people another old sweat on at the outward lack of Surely it is not great hardship cople to maintain absolute silence during the playing of Last Post nor that follows linuous from across the street during this solemn occasion the memory of those who made the supreme sacrifice was without doubt in the mindsof several Im sure routed and beyond all semblance of decency the brief moment The sounds of con chatter especially for idle commemorating disgraceful utterly unwar Goodness knows what troops standing hat noise going on around Very Aheir part of the ceremony one could not help but feel in coming awa HOW SOON ALL IS FOR GO TEN plus ly It W111pmducenougpatomm by products few more which would permit the Senatefo share VETERAN for Britains OWII Immedlate needs and 1303 with the Commons some of the vital work of govein IIIIlIluIlilufuIIDuv W257 adian citizens lies in themlddlejncome groups and creased quantities from the newpile W111 meet not in thelowest brackets It is the young profe riserresearch wOrkers aniLdoctors sional worker or the Youngbusiness executiv who an over Britain scales who begins looking southwards and who also These radioactive elements are the trail begins to realize the comparatively higher Canadian blazers of greatnew discoveries in medical I333 demandst Yet these represent our best trained an most energetic class which lSTZTpable of giving sclence When fed mmgmeaseqtlssyes Of the the country high quality ofservice and leadership humanbody they act like radium Mr Abbott is not answering the problem of Theycan lietraced through the most com rcmigration by making the striking statement that most mace three out ofevery four Canadians arepaying less pgated frozeiies 13rd nto the income tax than they would in the United States par The trueranswer to the problem will come when threoutofrfour of the middlejncome classavthe class we are losing start paying less taxation than they wouldbelowthevbbrder ulngsvdcposits in Canadian banksln GENERADSMUTS GEES manlong Mrngfrpmi to new Manchester Guardian Weekly hisbio 33950 millions Demanddeposits also great world statesman hasfallenfand withhini roxjmatel 224 mummg to mate this country will undergo period of anxiety and Engens mans husmeas airbags of temporary eclipse Mr Churchill speakg tPetli Erd th ex edJIthBLma assertigpproxlmately $7vmllilonsduringg 3y us mess n1 82 sores will havd feltfabout the defeat of General Smuts months and United party in the South African election Churchill spoke of General Smuts as trusted friend andsaid thathe crowned with the seal of lasting triumphxth act of magnanimity of the British grkivenment that dfollowed the 8011011 AfrgIan Viar grilles lea er of the Australan pposiion at mus said that General Smuts defeat waSa Calamity 33m the land would cause shock throughout the Empire in Influence so the church Nationalist candidate who defeafdgthe tGQneral ft mag 10 by zzoivotes in his constituencyof tanner on was nc Mr Cdu Elessis The General has accepted the they of Seat in Pretoria East Mr Malan the leader 30 maran 11 it the Nationalist party said that General Smuts succeed 1m life001mm and diacrlcedfhlmself to protect Mr Hofmeyer the by Prime Minister The Nationalist partys will men oorrn MeaniFounder whatnot immacnamumier Mush Io white supremacy and strongly against State Wlmmigratzion from Britain In fact itpolled flower yous thanfthe United party and though the annulment 01 the rural constituencies helped to give 01 seats the smallness of the majority edlsposeitviogoveruiwlth station haiififihe past been Republican in favour Brown Barries 01 hard passed away at the age He had bCBKLlIl business irr 51119133 Of 39513 511999 from Barrie over 50 years Mrs McCOrmiEk Wife of REV Tch Cormick rector of Christ Church Reformed Episcopal Barrie for severalyears was knocked down by an auto inDetroit and fatally injured never regaining conscious ness ranks manager of th Aurr Fovnr3tepufand In The ial la Arabi Karakiile Sheep Co large mlylmedmm mill Krona FSllImcsuwetk 31 111501 was 05mmmichshoml VA ideal more new industry $500 VPmbmwn NW omcgpLAm Simcoe Foresters ng at Camp Niagara unde 4tol Alex Cowan 0C was rep resented byaadoiai or no of an TownCouncil pliiced an order foruadozen silent cops with an Drillia firm for Satlety Silent Policemenfa regulator that might be run over by car but mansmisused Ives mm as Marriottan recent graduate or 010 College Of optometryof Ontario will be associati ed with him in the prac tice origptoniotry at his 003100 all mm 33 we tnere perfectly still with arms at the presentmust have thought with ized with the following officerszl dest mer pointed in Wm dldm 35C ladiIs black cotton staliilessiWIW hose at life to 25c pair ladics fiiiclmfl his bdmun few WWW laftcr hpr arrived Mr M0111b up was dead In the Orange lgpllllolgu up lGrand Lodge of Ontario West MONTHLY ACCOUNPIS llhe Directors of the Chainhci1278 Vtle Illiliillldi mined by announced with regret that thclccrtificatc 436 reinstated 232 Bookkeeping Sellice AIBA Spcedboiit ilaccs will not bconhdxawn by certificate 5597 Bus INCOME TAX lummmnon Booth Bus hold at llarric this summer Ay To meet the anticipated increase lamb Bing in tourist business the Board of 01 ML bmg mm bot Stand COORSIOW let to William Directors opened the Information WW mmmumly the BllmilRobinson ThOS Ammd Booth fOr June this year in addi Ithlng Eh zlnllb Essa left his horses and buggy iii tion to July and August as during mp mm mlmb 11m Cookstown hotel shed While he sent it to the Baiiic RLClCillllllllwus away shopping tramp quiebl Ipended l298 expelled 53 died 179 Tender for new grand RETURNS PREPARED Phone 2107 BARRIE the past two seasons Howell iart Comm 1y drove off with the team Learn ridge the attendant reported that for the period May 23 to June Kqlgllgfm MP mg of this ML Arnold and Harry pOnse to the recent request for ac commodation for the student figure skaters who will chtralning at the The Canadian visitors stopping at Barrie Arena during July and the booth were from BritishCol AUEUSL 50ml 0f 10 YOIIDBOI umbia Manitoba Quebec as we members of the troupe Will be ac he handled 79 enquiries of which 33 were from US points includ ing Pennsylvania Maryland West Virginia New York and Illinois as Ontario During lhispcriod companied bi Imrcnt and Mr Mr Partridge located acwmmodu Colson is anxmusto sublet furn tion for 10 tourists in nearby lodges gished apartments houses or cotta and tourist homes gcs for these parties lhose who The Chamber wisth to ucknow might be able to make singic roomsl ledge the kindness Mrs Harris or familyaccommodation available of Harris Flower hop who has for the period are askd to leave offered to supply flowers for the their names and addresses with the bed at the front of the Information Chamber Of COmmOICL 00100 1010 Lv phone 3305 Farmers Day would come back to its original At the Directors board meeting position by astrongspring mute on June the Chamber officers nzddqguguihwadl gilt discussed tentative plans for this Sn 015 years Farmers Day in Barrie 1n luons Advancement me an effort to improve this gala event 3mm and increased SIVIYSS for 1948 the townspeople and par practically all branchesbf Barrie ticularly the rural residents who Prngyterial WMSlGAdelegaies Will be our guests on Farmers registered and the treasurers re DEW 11 WING 10 SUEEBSI aCUVI ties for this years celebrationr P01t5h0veq $28379 Fused The Chamber of Commerce office Barrie Womens Institute rCOigan will be pleased to hear from you Stcnographer Moving to Toronto Mrs Millers the eflicient Oice clerk at the Chamber since its formation has submitted her resig nation Eleanor is moving to Toronto early in July as her hus the RV Hospital Training School band is now in business there The Miss Barbara Kidd whose standing Directors accepted her resignation with regret and she leaves Barrie WaS glinggkczhfygrEgdal with the best mire omit the Chamber members bad smash occurred north of Orillia when big McLaughlin car owned and driven by Wm Finlayson Conservative candidate for East Simcoe skidded on wet road and crashed into telegraph pole The driver was rendered tina conscious and sustained serious in juries Three passengers escaped with little injury Lukcs decided to rebuild his mill in Brad ford which was destroyedgby irerl Midland man paid $400for selling some home brew Old smelter at Midland to be torn down and scrapped Collingwodd Council had no response to its advt for tax collector Bradford Board of Education gave orders for plans for new high school to cost $44000 Parents of chdren who stole owers from grounds at Collingwood school had to pay damages whn the young culprits appeared in court Monoi Hon Pres Mrs Chas Drury Pres EMrsT RIIiixtable Vice Pros Mrs 0rd Secy Mrs Alex Brown Trees Mrs Tordiff Seven nurses graduated from vellinsulated poultry house for winter is the coolest house for poultry in summer Oh Darling do care if youcant cook or clean or sew or read an no as long as you remember to serve me ersey ld Tyme ice cream 37 my monmeni To rononTG ICE CREAM unt MILK being attached Ofthe right Eorreservnonswrlteorwlre IhLManugor well In it vent906 anticipated arrival 11 lt was paid for twm ewe lambs who 50 find what an expert declared to have the silldest curl of any he had eyer seen GrowPineapple ir425 PARTY tiNizsenabieusio serve thousand vfomilieslwlio wouldotherwie lidWWII games Consideraiesharingolpay lines is important commands level of service iorOIlii