Baez prom Mr r=i Mrs Wrrtiori tir ronio tHl rrilI with Pei Gill Mrs Hugh Ariuioss BIILI at opera Hospital Barrie We are llllli Ili Isrllyf III pttal Mrs 1112 In ttzi rlitc it Itt1ltr virr Mi llis iaiali lxrssc terriiid lliss yiuiai itilii IIIIUIIIU ti le Broken in litll llllitl ial Itil or or llair rhinghng iv roof lll Illitk rite ziiir lie cniiiriwd in Ilnillllil Iiitllr ti His many fireiuis reed recon31 iirreiit Souk the th to other tl lilltt our the pluiseu to IliILI nus riliiess When your BACK ACIIESu amt il littltfx Barlmlie is often Caused by lazy kidney i111 action When kidneys getoutolorder excess and acids mdpoisons rcrmin intlic system Then barkerhc headache rheumatic pain dis littilf lurbcd rest or that iiied out leiling may soonfollow To help keep your kidneys working properlyuse Dodlls Kidney lills Tunetested popular sale nonhabiiIuriii rug Demmd Dodds Kidney Pills in the blue box with the red band Sold everywhere I35 Podds Kidnev Pills plant 7w Re9 They all say Yes to Kist ihe reaI Orange drink thats never amiss with miss Sparkling flavour some full of zest KIST is cooling drink with 3a true to the and refreshment promise ORANGE 105 suedePuts YOU YOURE ilt tlzirra by Ilrllritrl gtIu 1541 Shower for Marie Coulis Ni CRAIGHURSTM and mini ltl fret ilr Lump liLigV Mrs Juli sons tiozne riletitltttg the Will he ripsan Uti ritLtniliI HI the llstit le at Breton on Jure It iii lirrilltlg II Ila WI ti IJI1I1 tiii ieiiiiesitzry June 21 Iiiuni tors included hlrs Sum icilltrl in inlay Ivli 31 Leonard here on laltl tlari Irtrr IIIIII ll arid and fiIIJL tieiiE ilitlliii rl liaiilziu Wright Toronto at itrrgiit rll ttl lil II ui tii iitori IIIFIN itll to iiii Uin Elli iiiii iii to IN IIINA ironm iirrriaetriieri 1tialiii coiirariy VlHI ylt 311 let 311 1rt reii igerating Iiil gusoir was assisted in serving liuicli Lt leadership or rm Iirreisar serirees rizl be in itl it St lauis huiclr on Siiziiim June lit at 1145i innit la 1c theiniils or Shanty lia and at liiI uni Milli ltairoii Ward oi leiorrto tttlhlli lri Irrilriig health for soiiie iriire Harries lzitirier passed away It the illaiiie Hospital on Tuesday June iii his Htli year The funeral iseryree on llriiisday was ioiiiineiiir by ltey itlirll5tl1lil iri libi rbseiise ol his pastor ltei is lriisley litterriieirt was ii Sirouri tirtrlrlrl lnited WA and WM The United WA and tlS lirliti their lurie meeting at Mrs tiarU tlltt Fergirsons lllt ui iiteririaniif ot Ll TheSupply imle was tint poi ted shtpped valued at 530 ltlltlllll or Missionary books Jttr rillaltllttlltti among the members lor reading by the lnteraluxe Sttlt Iary It was planned to have thei guests at the Baby Hand and Illtlll mothers as guests at the July meet ing The WMS program on Strid errt Mission Fields and Vacation Sclrools was given by Alisa heli ard Jean Vrce Mrs Wright hirs Fred Mulliolland Mrs lcil Webb and Mrs lllack in the WA letter of appreciation was read from the Childrens Aid Sos tiety tor sewing done by thr Strorril Ineriihers plans were made tor littttttlltiglllle SS lrimaiy classroom and two quilts were res ported sold pleasant social time was enjoyed when Mrs Fer by Mrs iibbinsllrk on stable SUI mister June Mrs Roland Coriier spent Morr day in Toronto Miss Faith Bcatty of Maple spent Sunday at the parental home Mrs Chas Bawdin Toronto was visiting her sister Mrs William lSlHldon last week Harry Weeks of Parry Sound spent the weekend here with his mother Mrs Woeks Miss Marjorie Canning Mrs Frank Jones and Mrs Sinclail attended the WA convention in To ronto last Friday Mrs Gloria Davidson is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Recshc tore she joins her husband in Kingston Afterwards they expect to be living in lctnwawa Miss Bertha Scott who has had two weeks vacation with her sis ter Mrs Grose lcft Malton airport by plane Sunday night to return to her home in Winnipeg Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Walter Corner Sit on the occasion of their 5151 wedding anniversary last Thursday also to Mrs Corner who celebrated her birthday on Sunday Mrand Mrs WmKicr stead and Billy and Mr and Mrs Donald Coucher of Toronto spent Sunday with her Womens Institute The WI were entertained for their June meeting at thehome of Mrs Rees Therewas fine at tendance and two new members joined the Society Miss Fern Mrs Broley and Mauleigu mnypermeatetheii4hotighteeam Hampel of Barrie gavea most ins structivc demonstration on Doulton THE BARBIE EXAMI IN OUR TIME NER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA Iy Howie Hunt a=====oi=io===oi iBARRIE THURSD JUNE 10 MARKET it Eggs Were iaicly plentiful ult the market inclined to be iirnier asking up to 55c for large but the On Saturday with average was 40c to fade Fresh iadrsties and unions were lower in price shown Ll Cabbage plants were sold in any quantity ati IUI lgfie taiiirriower wcie for loiatoes by the bag advanced to $300 with very few uttered Average prices were as follows Icw cut but no box Joe Eggs according to size and quality doreri Dairy butter Frying chickens Boiling Fowl lb ltadislres Vegetables lrults Ii buricli Green Onions bunch Asparaguii lthubarb bunch lrluul In hterprtu THORNTON June lli and Mr liri tiridwell Visit ill in eiiiilet at IVIitlIIfs Mrs John lIti IUEE peirt lew dais lil iiek with her rter iii lLlrriJab 1111 atsoii of Niagara Falls perr the wet kerni wztlr her mulli er Mrs sprrieur Mr and lr trial tarr Mar gtirit and lay spent the week end with Hearts in Toronto The sympathy oi the ittlllltlllllllyl is exitmind to lr loo Mellon alrl III the death of her mother li ionrh ol liillylihgh lbe Wl ll irieei at Mrs tiltQuays on Friday luire ill at 121 pin Roll call itivolltt cookie recipe lioiiiii in charge of Home lleoiroiurcs Note the change oi day Will ompete at Guelph oirgratulatiiins to James Henry who won the lialiriuile race and Jirek llrethet who won ilie broad jump at the Simeoe Jr Farmers picnic at Al sion last Saturday They will represent Simcoc Jr Farmers at Guelph on June 25 in the events for the Ontario iiriirls Blackbird Battle There was real battle in Thorn ton one morning last week and over dozen lies were lost People living at the north end of iarric Street were surprised to nd dead blackbirds on their lawns and boulevards Some peo ple thought it was poison whilc hers Ilatchlcy Sta for the excel others thought they might have been shot but it was realibattlc among themselves very early in the morning We didnt hear what it was all about Trinity WA Mrs JasA Lennox president graciously entertained the ladies last Wednesday The always very iinteresting devotional period was taken by Mrs 1urncll Carr and Mrs Thompson and centred around Matthew the biISincss man Matthew was government official with an assured income He left his position to follow Christ We are waiting today for the business manhlatthmv to bring together in dustrial and commercial leaders of the world and invite Jesus to sit with them that Divine guidancc actions Considerable business was discussed The renovating of the kitchen of the church basement was considered and comiitee apj pointed to discuss plans and estim ates denite need was the par Isonagc verandah and this also will come up for immediate considera tion Mrs McCutcheon distributed further materials for bazaar work The result of personal written Whore DlD vou not that lovely MAN lug China and Miss McLaughlinpub message to the members of the con lic health nurse also of Barrie gregation concerning The Centa gave an educative talk on Health Day Frindprovcd very encouraging and the Prevention of Diseases assseveral contributions came in The Welfare committee reported Mrsijoggctt favored with solo Week With her that hamper of food had been donated to needy family Theiusuai hostess was assisted in serving dainty lunch by the lunch commit lee ALSTONV Durwa June Irene Jory has taken position in Barrie Spence visited his brother in HamiltonrecentlyfTT Rev and Mrs Pellcy were in Toronto last yyeek Doris Wilson spent the weeknd at her home here Mrs Stranaghanspent few days in Guelph recently Miss 1M Bidman Barrie spent the weekend at Watsons Rolling of Thornburywas weekend visitor at Browns Mr and Mrs McLean and family spent last Sunday at Nia gara Falls iBest wishes4eClarence Forbes and Miss Birch who were married last week Helpsupport the airls ball tea They play crown Hillggirls here an Friday night gt Mrs Watson is ending this da ghter Mitchell at Orillia Mis es Myrna andDouno Brovv Atthe close of th pleasant social sperit when delicious refreshmerits hour was took part in Miss Johnsonsrec al at Barrie Friday night Mrs Wm Muir and daughter Nova Scotia are visiting her par ents Mr and Mrs Forbes Mrs Handy Srhas returned from Toronto where she was guest at the RussellDales wed ding 57 rebred Holsteins $12 Geneljysrssea At the National Sale totalioffi75800 was realized on 57headOT purebrcd Holsteins for ageneral average of $1294 atthe NationaholsteinrSale May 31 the second highest average ever achieved at the National being exceeded by the 1946 gure $1509 In total of 29 more than half sold for at least $1000 The highest pricefbf $5000 was rEeTiIEd by McCague Al listen for sixmonthold bull calf Glenafton Kinsman an inebred son ve times AllCanadian Marksman McCague also got the highest price Toryaefemale $3100 for 45 yearold IGlenafton Laurie Dolly which is also by Marksman Another Marksmen ison con mceting the the hostess servch Guarding Ihc Chickens Against Parasites iAdvice from ACI lhe york ot guarding the ock iiijailhl parasites will be greatly far iIIilil where the riiateiials irreii tor nests and perthes are the horn iigiicks and crevices Iitlt serve as hiding places for lltjltw Likewise when the desigrir and construction of ihe nests and piielre is such that some parts may be removed to allow for corri plete inspieiion thus deterting the llttltl or miles before they be come numerous says lluriis man loultiy Department At The birds may to great extent litrltl themselves against body licm iI dust built of soil or ashes is ailble llit are found in greater abund ance on old birds than on thc young llrereforc keep the young birds away from the older ones at all tunes llear in mind that mites become very numerous during warm weather Whenever parasites are found take immediate action to destroy them Prompt use of the proper meth oils of destroying the lice and mites is the surest way of guarding the llock against parasites $1700 paid by Dr Flattr Terra Cotta to Emerson Chain Pride Margaret Fraser lent cow Ideal $1700 paid by Streetsville to Fraser Strecstville for bred heifer $1050 paid byl lozia Sunny Vale Farm to Houck Bramp ion for WynDLyn Sovereign Jean the 1947 Reserve AllCanad ian Heifer Calfpand $1500 paid by Roselawn Farms Richmond Hill to Mcaglicr Oakvillc for bred heifer Over 2000 attended the sale in cluding buyers from ChildGreat Britain as well as Canada and thcs United States chcn bulls sold for an average of $2814 milking females $1246 31 brcd hcifcrs $1006 11 ernmnmrrandrhcifcr Calf $1050 The Ontario Hospital Orillia rc ceivcd $1125 for an open yearling and $425 for thrccmonthsold calf NEW HEELS New heels add back interest to Canadian shoes this summer The slender curvaccous Louis inches high and tapered down to base no biggcr than 10 cent piece will be thechnice of petite women Tallwomen on the other hand will prefer the baby Lours or spool heel 218 inches copied signed by CersWell Beeton brought $3000 on the bid of synI dictate ofOxford County breeders Second highest price of the day vvas $3600 paid by Albert Stagg of Toronto to Quebec breeder for 4monthsold bull calf bOught for shipment Ito Italy Elmcroft Tradition consigned by Elmcroft Farm 0311 awe wasbought by alocalsyndb cate Top pricefora bred heifer was $2650 received byfAlbrtStagg for Springvale goveceign Arlene AL 16 years of age she completed aI record of 853lbs butterfat the highest epprted fera cow Thirold ereigrr dang entrippedthe op yearlings at $3500 Other high prices included $2000 Suttongin Mes Tunic entrain tatto ghter Inna out bredrheiter threemonthsold bull Mother Sov Sa goodbye to tractor tire in ation worriesffor long long htime Let us and sweightour tires by the VISOLU ON 100 method Youll get greater traction leea slip more drewbar pullI gtLJesstireVWear Save money tliis sure easy economical an See in today VOUR worrying It ItippitonSt MQRIEIONTARIO Potatoes ISlb bag Golden Bantam coin lb Wax and pencil pod beans lb bunch tiIt Seeds Soy beans lb Home llaklng Tea Biscuits doz Buns helsca biins lJate cookies doz larts Iris 107 Flowers Tulips dozen bunch Cabbage plants 25 Cauliflower each Alliston Co Parking Meters Removed After Six Months Trial Alliston Heraldi Alliston town l5 Son 16 ncil Orders council meeting on June decided to ask the Dual larkiiig Meter Company to remove the parking meters after the end of the trial period which is about June ptttes XIS SUMMER FALLOW OUTDATED Iltisn plants wi Alaii farmers throughout illi1tiaiiaila are Turning to regard riiiiiiierhillou as ewessiye eiil llHlIliill which much librc from the soil and gradually invites erosion techniques in cultural prac tices are taking its place to kill retrlmes too ii IllElle Ii IUL lllChtl0 $3 VIIII Iilltrills roots weeds retain fibre and restore Icrtillt For example olli barley sown early and lightly with Iertilirrr was up and cut hefore Iaiiailii lhisrle in the same lltltl could bloom eak iirerl thistle plants were easily killed by sexual Iall tltIIIlLl lions iihout loss of crop problems faster The manager Implements vary in the liast and West but theres grow ing belief that it may be wise to use implements which hold in urorroriio Incorporated I855 Branches BARRlEH Nettleton Mars AILANDALEI Stevenson Mgr years at its Those members who were in fa vor of the meters voted for their removal only because of the storm of opposition that has LIEQIIWUIIHISLII and kept alive by certain parties in 10wn and country five for traffic control was offered and traffic will rcycrt to the old system or lack of system that pre vailcd prior to the installation of the meters tion from the heels in favor at the French court of the 17 century WORK Fort tritiumins Pulp and 85000000 annually in transporta No paper mills alterna Helps to cleanse impurities from the body and tone tip the digestive organs It has helped tliousandswlio suiler from dyspepsia sour stomach plaiiits of the liver or kidneys On sale for more than 00 years Burdock available at drug counters everywhere The ltfilliuin 00 Limited Toronto Ont spend iiiiiiiii PEP tins or iltlIl on our own 948 the tllttrl trash near the surface IIlt IIN of shiny and stubble helps retain precious soil fibre do also do forage crops grown in rotation especially grasses tire of the easiest iys to keep abreast of practical new farm ing nietboils is to ask out nearest ttltlllltlllitl farm or agricultural college for bulle Iiuiely loans have helped many lariiiers increase their earnings of our nearest branch otters Ilirrt as part of the seriiei of iiioiny which this liank has proiiileil to Iatiadiirii farmers for 93 HHS biliousiiess headaches or minor com It should do the same for you Blood Bitters la P0wrlr9 pick up rgooucr or Wagner morons Oldsmobile here iiithe car with the cars unexcelled in appearance comfort or In its halcentiiry of automotive progressui Oldsmobile every year has lbuilt cars designer for theutrnost in reliability and ndisetisfgctidri Oldsmobile for 48 yoiitliful personiility built by the driving case comments oldest carinanufacturer only car that truly called Dynamic pick applied to out aFRlIllzlllR mirrorI and it is are mobile for $48 stintth word ally suitedriojthcrspiiitdj personality of thgserectiqnastyldactionengineered cars all Inzsparklingneiv colors attractive roomy Dynamicfie more than just Iteen itipn wordeiipei pep pourcrpickup and performance it gt iv No atter whatgfeeture orfquality you optional equipment at extra cost test1e titest imd greatest iiia long tin of iii in its soiliiuNttIvEItSAnCtlynamic Series Uldsnititiile interi9is preasthgproiiitmentsx tithe lehamicllfig Oldtmhile his will if any year oiMiiae1eMilesnto not momMATTE ini seekpldsmobilewhas jtjnclndiug the fallloll GM HydraMalia Drive be