Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jun 1948, p. 6

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PAGE SIX TWO MEN DIE PLANE wcitrat Continued roiri page one Cub was not away but at that moment party of the Toledo flyers as there awaiting the sixth Miss mother and Sister Kroll from Gravctthuzst to Barrie and identified the bodies of Rich ant Plugs Miss Margaret mx If friends in Barrie on Friday Opetaior or the loledo Ilytng Mr and Mrs Servrcc Mr Tracy was the own er of the six planes in the flight He said Mr Richards was licens cd pilot vztri several hours flying tune to his trcdti old melt ing Iltilltrllltlttitls and Pier were martini lt lrt is hid Jt ii the pm through at the Toledo Altt rt zvtth her calls for ac llItlt daughter eat Saturday ficd iii Toledo morning to nau goouhyc and tell her husband to be careful Ilctss was also married but had no Cltllv iron Mr Viilly assisted lr Tracy tti CARPENTER Jim Pierce PHONE 4313 for Alterations And New Building ping again left sandwrchcs for the fore they lLlllIllttl of the lturst party 121 what had IlOlltt ruptcd several During the first three months of Some of these accidents were caused by FAULTY CAR BRAKES STITCH IN TIME at 65 Collier sr El HAGAN Service Manager ed at First Prize Mrs Rowatv 2nd PrizeMr LMcLeanv 3rd Prize Mrs Fine endeavour to serve you better BARRIE ti i117 DUNLOP ST ANTHRACITE 131133 LICOKE STOVENUT gtrocitsomits EGGiSt IfBRIQUETSt e13 nit Co im BEETON Walker is lsltltig plane Mr Valley spoke to Parker Tracy lead mm and uncie river the weekend passed on the information Mr Tracy then flew with William vttkend Nth htt DHNMS Mrs Strtrpson of Toronto guest of Mrs lrenc Barton Gugm Dori Palmer and Garry were in Toronto on Fralay Service of Now York is visit int his brothers Wilfred and liari arrangements bodies to be taken care of and livi the telcphtitni iclattvmdo be rioti These details occupitd the afternoon and Mr Tracy orth Mr Kroll had had nothing call since early morning gt0 Mrs top lllllt birthday party to make coffee and two men liei to relate Illillllltl itavit ltct tragic news to the other JKIIIIIILI wttht was itiitr mm cctt gtltiit11l than in 111111 Throught im lm Vegprl Sn1m The 01 out he ltlthlllCt ilrc llltlllls fared mum Minimum we ummimedi my 1941 traffic accidents killed 155 people Iti Ontario 1947 traffic accidents killed 101 people iii Ontario 1948 traffic accidents killed 86 people iii Ontario Give Safety Break Bring in your car or truck for Our Complete Brake Service Dangerfield Motors Phone 2487 QAPPRECIATIONu publicin theopening of our new Salesv room Office andWorkshop as now lodatr 140 iiunIOvatfrd AND WE SAY THANILYOU RESULT OF THEDRAWING CONTEST Now with more space and increased facilities we will Complete Plumbing Installations Additigns Alterations Repairs Harold Forster PHONE 4465 EGG STOVE NUT PEA UCKstAr nonunion react Miss Gertrude Miller spent the 11 rrll tll 11 lBllLtll 11211 111 sons 1w It Little Gregory oppitig whosclllW mother and father are both pilots was riot quite old enough to real littppctrcd sight of his ironic However he do that his lttotliti lllllt sccond birthday party Do you KNOW Barrie Fuel Dealers COALTPRICES unnuuun anodebonny zigyNlilRACITE Ariadne tumor xIttelStipply supplyco IieWIsifltoliertson 50911 Co IiSOnIItd ELECTION RE tinsw Mrs Ellison of ngata his is lSltllig Mrs Bell Bill WaLson of Cullillgwuutl ttis home for the weekend Paul Barton was the guest or hzst Cartill at page one tppo in the north the tinppm It fourth lllntt when in itclt added up SERVAIIVIIS PLEASED ta lite towns on Cullt is huge crowd and going evening The iisctvruitis ere well pleased Etlll lct res is lit Simcoe Centre and in le other two Simcoe tidings expressed disappotutmcn It 11 George Drew lost his tul If ttEtIlllI 111311 Park Alton 30 oclock the oiiscivativcs Barrie loittted victory parade scores of cars making noisy vccsucn through the streets Led by tit ctttpitgt1 officials approxi nuittly 230 of the party supporters tlt tored out to Morning where they illust tily tlt entertained by Mr George LI toftce and sandwiches tui take aridicc cream were sttvvd l1 litlil and Mr Bench expres tuttgtiitlniotrs to Mr John 1W telephone and Mr Loughecd pct wholly called at the tlfl$l tritee rooms but he was to see Mr iitvec lltilm to lztii tiltltil 1n llt Iticil cottimtttcc rooms not much comfort for the suppotitzs of Mr Henry The Lib 1lt litl ticxi encouraged by 1111 oveil organiation and good meet 11 and they could loot understandl lt lic icsults at the polls wcrci trimrly The CF supporters gathcrcdl mound lr Loughccd and visited gt1ttt1 homes of members throughl out the evening They had not cxl titttttldtt witi llillllS riding buti thcy had hoped to get larger vote However the CCIcrs were eluted lll the results itr otltcr parts of the province and were particularlyr happy to ltitlll that their party would again be the official opposii tiott llr Beach the Independent CIIII dtdatc had probably worked harder1 and staged tnorc cttctgctic com patgtt than any other candidate in Simcoe Centre lle personally can1 vassed hundreds upon hundreds of voters and his supporters did expect larger vote than the 1716 WlllCltl placed him fourth It was the first time for the Union tfElO101l to have it candidl ato in Simcoe Centre and Mrl Clrttrlebois the candidate did not do much campaigning outside hisa own municipality Their vote of 507 might have been taken front each of the other parties In DuffcrinSimcoe the Progres sive Conservative candidttc RevA Downer was again an easy vrn tier Whilehis vote of 7064 was about 2000 less than three years ago he collected more than the other two candidates combined Dr Maitland Liberal got 4498 land the CCF Rorabcck got 95 votes In Simcoe East Dr McPhec Progressive Conservative was again voted into power but his total of 6416 was about 1000 less than in 1943 The Liberals tinder William Moore gained more than 17000votcs to 5366 but it was not enough to overtake Dr McPhee The CCF candidate in Simcoe thetr outlined Barr iuldrcss by wishing the Juniors in in short discussion and the Juniors Ave graduated frotn Queens Univcrsity in Arts Bob TarBush son of Mr and East Lionel DiOn got 3012 votes about the same number as the CCF candidate got three years ago Throughout the 90 ridings in Ont ario the total vote polled was 1709 000 The Progressive Conservatives with 53 winning candidates polled 706000 votes In the voting the Liberals were second but theirr497 000 votes were good for only 12 seats TheVCCF were able to concentrate their 459000Notes for 22 seats Only 47000 votes went to other candid ates Compared with 1943 the Conser vatives lost75000 votes the Liberals gained mm and the CCF showed gain of 64000 LOW CONTINENT There is no point In Australia high enough to retain Show all year rotind ALS SHOE SHINE at LANGS BILLIARD ROOM 110 thinlop Street f$2o5o $113511 ms BARRIE EXAMINER mama ONTARIO CANADA Vespra Juniors Organized Walter Coutts is Convener 0N WATER rtzcetitlg or the Vespra Juniors iiir held in the Mtdhprst Pavilion on Friday ctrting June under tlit tntflttilslzlp of the North Sint cm Federated Juniors Association John Zilclntyie assistant agri cultural itpresctitutivc acted as chairman The speaker Albert Barr assocrzite director of exten ston Otitario Department of Agri ciltttic wax introduced by Stewart Page agricultural representtvl live lt Barr reviewed the develop Merlin oupland bOIli of Barrie considered advisable to mum tnetit of Junior Farmer activities or umrlo He reminded those prel sent that the Junior Farmer mottol is Self Help and Community Betl tertnent Methods of organization within the individual county were With respect to the success of local organizations Mr stressed the need for each member to cooperate fully He told of some of the ptOJects and activi ties which had proven successful iti counties where he had served as agricultural representative Mr Barr then gave ii brief outline of ttlptgtttl constitution of local Junior groups He concluded his Vcspra Township complete success it they thoultt decide to organize local group Following the address there was fititlttl to fortn it local Club of the North Simcoe Itcdcratcd Juniors UNIVERSITY RESULTS The following Barrie candidates have been successful itt obtaining standitig in their respective courses at universities Jack McCaw son of Mr and Mrs 11 McCaw 75 Owen St graduated frotn University of T0 tonto itt Arts 110 is nOw distri buting manager for Collins Bev cragcs Barrie Joan McBride daughter of Mr and Mrs McBride 611 Maple Mrs II IarBush 74 Toronto StI rcccchd his degree Bachelor of Arts from University of Western Ontario 110 graduated from Wa tcrloo College George Rooke passed his third year iii Mechanical Engincring at University of Toronto Leighton Clark son of Mrs Clark 23Charlottc St corn plctcd his fourth year Civil Eti gincering at Unwersity of To ronto Ross Rodgers son of Mr and Mrs Rodgers 29 C13 perton St completed his sccon ycat Civil Engineering at University of Toronto Arthur Ashton son of Mrand Mrs Ashton 86 Sanford St follows 111 Walter Coutts as convener of the group Duision and Crown HillDuncan Moore and Georgia Rix both of Barrie RR tlidluirst Walter Flora Peacock Courts and tcrson and Gordon Hickling both of Barrie RR tiretifclwIrttnk Ford and Mrs 1111 Mintsing and Anlen Mills Leona Johnston Minesing and Ewart Mayes Antcri Mills IidenvaIcA11an McNabb Mine sing and Mrs Donald McDonald Antin Mills The Directors plan to meet in the near future to elect ofliccrs and draw up plans for regular monthly mccttngs and projects in which the group is interested live stock ntdgtng meeting was arranged to be held at the farm of Harry Foy stoit Mtncsing on June 16 at pm Other activities of more interest to the girls will be planned later Following the business of the wetting Miss Louise Colley rec reiitton director for Simcoe County tsSistttl by Miss Iern Hainpcl of Barrie conducted recreational program of songs and games which was enjoyed by all Refreshments tit served by committee under tlu direction of Mrs Merlin Coup 155 Boys and 25 Girls Organize for Clubs in South Simcoe Eight boys and girlsiclub pto iccts are being promoted in South Simcoe by the Dept of Agricul tnrc Alliston There are 155 mem bers and also25 girls in garden clubs At ii meeting at Newton Robin soil cltib officers were elected as Reef Calf Club 116 members Keith Kcll Gilford IlCSL Murray Warnica Vicepres Pat OLcary Lorettosficcy Calvin Ireland Ev erett clttb leader Dairy Calf Club 21 members Graham Wilson Alliston Pres Bill Bicthet Tottcnham Vicepres Allen Neilly Gilford Sccy Kenneth Wilson Alliston leader Swine Club 114 members John tell Gilford Pics Allan Horncrt Bradford Vicepros Murray Jelly Bradford Secy Gordon Brethct lottcnham leader Grain Cltib 27 members Don Harvey Cookstown Pres Lawr ence Wiggins Bradford Vicepres Charlie Wilcox Bceton Sccy Robert Brown Bradford leader Potato Club 18 members Doug las Kerr Alliston Pres Joe Leach Alliston Vicepres Mariam Mc tMann Alliston Secy Herbert Dunn Alliston leader These clubs are supported by lgrants from the Departments of completed his third year in Min Agrichtilturcyand sponsored by ag ing Geology at Utrivcrsityfoflbilribultural societies There are quite ronto Allan Fraser son of Mr and Mrs Fraser 190 Blake St finished third year Mining Geol number if new members this season Boys and girls in the calf clubs bought their calves and are now keeping records of operations ogy at University of Toronto and is now employedat Sudbury Douglas Peacock son of Mr and Mrs Stanley Peacock 47 Worsley St completed second year For estry at University of Toronto BilEnghamTaongof Mrr Mrs Graham 27 WCumber land St and Austin Stoncham son of Mr and Mrs Stone ham 197 Bradford St each com pleted first year Pass at Waterloo College HartleyTuck RR Barrie fin ished his first year at the Can adian Memorial Chiropractic Col lege Toronto Mary Grahamdaughter of Mrs Graham 67 High St and Norma Hinton daughter of Mr and Mrs Hinton 12 Park side Drivc graduatedjfrom their Dental Nursing course at Univer sity Of Toronto Harry Lay Lay 74 Blake St graduated from Western University in Busi ness Administration Jim Horn Horn 43 Sanford St completed his third yearChemicaI Engineer ing at University of Toronto rKay Henry daughter of Mr and Mrs Henry IOOAKempcn feldtg Stgraduaed in Artemii Universi Toronto Maurice rre son Of Mr and Mrs 13 re 176 Elizabeth St graduated in Optometry at the University of Toronto Robert Chittick son of Mr and Mrs Chittick 66 Worslcy St graduated in Arts fromMcMaster University and has taken posi tion in Hamilton of any Otheg students tellus Of their examination results as some names may easily have been Over looked by us in checking the re suits WIENERS ilb f2 irritations ST Arts son of Mrs son of Mrs PORK SAUSAGE lb 5113 box lbr31c FRESHBOILING FOWL 39c BUTTER lb 67c ICE CREAM BRICKS 26c sUNDAErOPgiNoisc SPECIAL lb bag of Rolled ats FREE with Meat Orders of 9500 or Dont forget to get your Carnation or Partners Wife Milk BayvieWJGrocery some Registered Yorkshire sows bought casing and it had to be abandon tnndlestordon Wright Barrie od ltftil and Bernice Mason Midhurst pump on 015 Cciistt VCSPIHWMTS JOIN 13 wells but owing to the nature of St was also cleaned out with good lfrom it is only slightly over 100 gallons minute display in Commission Office the top of one of the wells while being cleaned It measures 418x 478x3 and weighs lbs 075 mason JUNE 10 1048 RESTRICTIONS Continued front page one Toronto SIICEIS The flow froml one was increased from less thatrl 100 gallons to little over 300 gal Ions minute but unfortunately break occurred in the other well install of these It was hoped to both the formation at its base which was found to contain quite large percentage of fine sand it was not pump it third flowing well on Simcoe results but it is not as good well and the total being obtained rather interesting stone is on the Public Utilities It floated to Recently the two rescrvoirs at the foot of Mary St and tire stand pipe on James St have all been thoroughly cleatth and the stand pipe has received new coat of paint STONE THAT FLOATED from pro motif breeders are dis tributed in grain club members were suppli with certified bar Icy or oats citlicr Montcalm or Galore Members iii the potato club bought certified Katahdin po tatoes Plans are being made for the annual bus tour for club mem bers HOT SPOT thti the planet Mercury is itr the part of its orbit closest to the sun the temperature on the side facing the sun is about 773 degrees Fahrenheit It IBIIEIMN SON ornamental Iron Workers MAKERS OF WROUGHT IRON PORCH AND STAIR RAILING FURNITURE FIRE SIDE FURNISHINGS ETC WELDERS BLACKSMITIIS ORILLIA Plant and Office at 86 James St Phone 2852 Buy Paints Direct from Factory to You At Wholesale Prices Suitable for use on wood cement or metal surfaces AVAILABLE IN OR GALLON TINS HOUSE PAINT White Ivory Cream Shutter Green or Medium Brown $325 pcr Gal INTERIOR FINISHES Plat White $310 per Gal White enamel $395 per Gal FLOOR ENAMELS Tan or Red DOI Gal ALLPURPOSE CLEAR VARNISH $265 per Girl BARN PAINT Red $265per Gal ALUMINUM PAINT Ready Mixed DEPT P0 BOX 90 KETCIIIIP BLACK TEA BABY FOODS LOW PRICES Btl ECTAR ORANGE PEKOE Ska th Assonran Tins ElNZ GRAPEFRUIT JUICE at VINEGAR AYLMER Pectin Added EINZ CIDER 1602 Btl 13 33 2401 Jar KRAFT $350 per Gal REMIT IN FULL OR SEND DEPOSIT BALANCE WILL BE SHIPPED C0D Make postal orders out to PURE PAINT VARNISH CO STATION TORONTO CATELLI COOKED SPAGHETII SHORTENING DOMESTIC BEEHIVE coitit SYRUP DELICIOUS CANNED MEAT itauoii sroittt FANCY =1 29 1202 2091 Tin 12 Ilb ill 65 34 Tin CHICKEN uanntr 23 WMWE For apartment cottage or kitchen the THRIFTEE is efcient de endable yet mid get size an light as afeniber Can be stored under sink or tablc Save soap hotlwater time with an economical new THRIFTEE for your daily wash year factqry guarlntee CASWOT TWE PAWW Vi SEEIT row AT Etatarts FURNITURE irissarzaili2e ELECTRIC pHONE 3721 139 Dunlop St Barrie 366 lb box15 are DIRNER 727 35 ANN PAGE PEANUT BUTTER titer BULK narrs SHREDDED WHEAT CAMEBELLS VEGETABLE 16 35 ANCY BULK PITTED 1b FANCY APPLE win it got ymsur 15 mamas fast10 ASSORTED PUDDINGS Juniors 25 GLEANSER our burnt iit FOR LASTING SHINE mar wax eja 59 HIGH QUALITY Low IPRicE sprout SPINACH FINER Fnesuen it ItoKAti COFFEE$3351 ctisroM encode rcnorcia SKINLESS if 24 951 atrial uphill IMPORTED NEW CROP No 1400 lb 86 WINESAP EXTRA FANCY198W APPLES IMPOitiEO YELLOW COOKING No 211319 1325 Ilium lllicn 19 NATIVE onOwwNa Move CURLY LEAF No NATIVE GROWN No BIIDISIIIIS VVNATIVE no4 VNATIIVELNEwg cROP No FLAVOURA Finestsaunter WELL TRIMMED 13 this You MORE WITHILEBS WASTE vrnssn Amanda chores Burrs sLADhaOtvalour f5 vii BONELESS accuse Show SHANKLESS doz 510 43 no GREEN ONIONS meats zsbchs 29 PuttEs lb 45

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