Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jun 1948, p. 4

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much Mrs Jack llJltl Lip llatlttcii 29 31 iloiia ll Utia The lovely to lg 11 15M citd at Ktt but Id be it liliilni 1i flu i2ll 11 it tt not lrili ruiiiiii Hat liiriixi121 Luv lt1lttllitv Rb Doualit lilllcl tool pi iii pittstiosm 11 pitacid 111 1122 tilairil llni lii CHANGE 0f tlnt oltouli Illslov tor the in mi nintiah liil Are you lzoim lltrnii vs 51 livingitllvj 11 1l ii l1 I111 thouii JR Nil ii and rlz Hallii ltl aiming iii Nudist lb and l1 llabn Lirhlzxvlnblh Mk loiiiiitu ll ilid li 111111 Bitlino lont1t loi ronicritmi oi thonnn Midland 11 to bet llillllll Iltsvl LYDIA PINKHAMS YCoults Childrens Shop CLOTHING AND ACCESSORIES From 10 Minutes to 10 Years Come and see our Selection of Baby Gifts and Novelties 24 OWENSTREET DIAL 4914 BARBIE llic Lulirs 11iliiry zie Kn 2Would Shorter Skirts Really Help the illClad ltitlitlulll1 threecourse meals Two young Iiitiqstolie xm nipt kins Kitinilil il ii tiziw llliit 111 tlttl to lot1 lt llli biopic ll 111l 111 til mm iitibii ilUl ll all llii iliilll ill ill thirst1 l1l iliiili lo pioilt1ei illu Pi look could be luiiiiitl llli lad lllltl ltl lll 11 lliiioic tin 1c 1115 llrl ciioiiliI lllll 1o Llv it to with and it thew iii1e tlnzt no lllitlii 111 ltllnlli to no to it liiiitvil State litill1i litistl the Maisliall plan l1c1tii lSA ltltnltlrlltil lilttlttl food and 1111tc1iiilr tor tlicI rehabilitation of the nations oi Western lIurope lliis maltrm will actually be lilll ln orderi to prmulc these billions of assisti ance to the ittlllllt and badly clothed people of Europe the liti liistrial economy of the countries 11 North America must be mainl tamed at high level During the war the ltXlllt inl vlustry was tremendously expanded to liltll the Deeds of millions oil lltlllllll men and the equipment necess to wage war Now thatl the war is over these industries must look to other outlets for theirl hoods or lay otl their men It isI well cnoueh to say that they should clothe the people otlluropc but except for the means provided in such plans as outlined by Gener al Marshall that is impossible be cause the people of Europe LtillllUli buy clothes and tlli textile indus tries of themselves cannot afford to make their goods for IlUllllllK So actually the new look in womens fashions is helping tlie situation rather than hindering It Women by cutting four inches oil the length of their skirts can help to clothe the people of Europe by the same token all the people of anada who have been catnip tourcourse meals could feed the hungry of tlieorll by eating If it were as easy zisil11t most of us would eat Ilireeeotnse meals and gladly give the fourth to the hungry So lets keep our textile mills busy lets keep employment high and let us be in position to have the cash to help thosercold and hungry people of Europe lltt SillthKlNG LAKE The Great Salt Lake in Utah now covers an area of about 1500 square miles loss than lltits original area MAfiCS Rica Chocolate JDipsl Cream shortening and sugar Add egg bent Adj tbs mated orange rind and tops orange juice Sift together sifted all pur pose lluur tsp salt 12 Is Magic Baking Poivder MILCEIII Rolldough thin out accrerLng to dla gtoven10 min Cgeicent Cookler Follow above recipe cut with crescent cut ter Bake srreadwlth melted sweet choco ate rinkte with nely chapped wa nut merits Fllled Cookies Follow above reclpe cut wltbgound cutter Iut smaller found from cen ter of the rounds Bake lhen spread plain round with melted sweet chocolate top lwith doughnut round Cosoanul Sllcku Follow above re cipecutln strips by 34 Brush with milk sprln kle with cocoa nut Bake Dlp ends in melted sweet chocolate Dunn Squat Follow above re cipe cut dough In squares wit antry wbel law 93 pecanlmeat In center of each Bake Dip cor nets in melted owth choco 21m ldr Mcilwain ot Barrie was united 1in marriage Burtch of Waverley became the lson of Mr and Mrs Walter Forbes home of the brides parents Where guests and lilacs TTecdpllw Bake Miriam Hadden and the late EHadden brother James ttlie Ibrlde wore MISS tltl IthIth daughteramt around this community li iwlilx a1 trgt Hinton lie liarrio is seen here the Llttltiitllllll exercisesl the t7iiiu1asiiv ol loioiilo Miss lliiatoi iflullildlt iii lltlllitll Nuisir uunnua Wimoirios Wu NIHNMl0MHUN Mr and Mrs An leiietang St the setting for their daughter Loint li lirskiiic Brown ot twin Sound soil of Mrs lililll and the late Samuel Brown of Men Sound on Saturday itf lrllltiilll llllit lllltl liev Ern csi 11 unrelated and Wedding Vil llft lo11 Ul iltnieoii the Jean lldillt iiii1 11 11 ot llltlidt was played Mrs ham Maltoniroii lhe biide nape by by in mar hm was was DH veii father drtssed 111 powder blue ercpe and carried shower bouquet of phtlia insts She was attended by her sister Mrs Ben Sieliiig of Seaioiih lhe urooinsnian was Mr Noiinan Brown of Owen Sound lolloi11 wedding trip by motor to Eastern Ontario Mr and Mrs Brown will reside at Owen Sound ltlt CLARKEMCILWAIN lovely wedding took place in Ioroiito Saturday morning June illill when Dorothy Ruth Mcll waiii daughter of Mr and Mrs to William Rufus Clarke son oi Mr and Mrs larke of Oshawa The brother of the bride Rev Mcilwain conducted the ceremony liven away by her father the bride wore twopiece aqua corded silk suit with llin tail back coral pink straw open crown hat with sand accessories and carried corsalze of red roses and white earnations Ihg matron of honor was Misl McIIwain of Sarnia who wore rose coral gabardine and black Milan straw hat The reception was held at the Diet Kitchen Toronto where the brides motherreceived in dove jersey and carried corsage of Sweetheart roses The grooms mother assisted wearing flowered crepe and carried bouquet of Talisman roses For her wedding tiipto tlie Peterborough district the bride were her wedding apparel with coral pink threequarter length coat with black Milan straw hat shoes and gloves Qin thciitreturn they will reside in Brantford FORBESBURTCH colorful wedding took place Saturday May 29 1948 at piii when Marion Joy Burtch only daughter oi Mr and Mrs Henry bride of Clarence Elmer Forbes of Dalston The wedding cere mony held on the lawn of the brides parents was conducted by Rev Morrison Given in marriage by her father the bride was charmingly gowned lin floorlength white rayon with niarquisette long skirt and tted bodice She carried bouquet of red roses and white carnations The bridesmaid Miss Kareen Dev itt Toronto was gowned in floor Ilength rose taffeta and carried and pink corsage of cream roses carnations The groomsman was Earl Forbes brother of the groom Toronto Organist was MlssE Rumble who played The Lords Prayer during the signing of tliemm The reception Washeld atthe from Trenton Hespeler Gait Torontoj Barrie 0rillia and Alliston attended The house was decorated with tulips narcissis For the wedding trip to Toronto Niagara Fallgaud Buffalo the grey liar and Coat bride wore riblue jersey dresswith McigsseriAbDENL The marriage in Trinity Angll eit to is Um Own Ceiicspoiidcziti laigcst crowds assuri ti ecal arena on Friday for the Music Festival unv tiic iipcnisioii of Gtilgllid llaitoii The stage was bii11iutl decorated wrth palms and cinat1ons With the liciiitz llieil ciaiid piano and lllc lllitlVtrlv lozis giiimu together with loud sphibtl all tlltltd the progruiii mat xtlk Suit when it was me the utclld was ptttkctl to llitl ilittlS rover two tliousaiitli and 21c tlltltl its good The Cathedral tloy horistcis tiicd 11 ll llcv ltonan lllfyltti of loionto was certaur tr 111 and much engoycd by til It was wonderful upliurttllh ii 11 llzcse rad he ltl to school in llarricl and took The Examiner errr iiiict ll 1m alld coming to licctpn to lltlllil titlllth and other sports lilltl linoaii is itiaiid llltill 11ml living Hllditltll Work with and litlltltl5 ile composes music and his chor 11rvs Ntlll Arc Marie to one of lilm own coiiiposilions Ihe lllct 1o litlitl that MW of their nuisic in lllltll and composed by llltltll number of the mm mm mammawm 01 er 2000 Packed Arena Atf Beeton For Music Festival Boy CharistgrsBig Feature 23 Culgun group of girls accompan ied by M15 Frances Kelly sang Maria cl very Well Taking it all in all it was Misslwondczful evening Miss Barton is to be Loiitalttlutcd cry highly on lltl born musician and has such marl cllotis During presciitcd teachers and pupils tattoos Potter and Joan Campbell of Iot tciihani them ull lit and told the piocteds of the festival were go 111 this clioiistcis unila close with the inasstvc audience sticccssliil work She is it way llic with Willi the pupils program she was 50 gifts from the The prescin by Donna TREE HAS EVERYTHING Perhaps the worlds most re markable tree is the Morlche Palm of Venezuela lts fruit is edible the juice is made into beer the sap into wine and the pith into bread it provides thatch for flin lines cordiige titid nets Its wood is good Were made Miss Barton thanked litr gracious manner audience that the to Suiinybrook Hospital So meat evening was brought to inc fiiem Father Itoiian was an 3111mm Canada till the rafters for Dlllldlll Adlai boy and was educated mining lie THE PROGRAM The numbers on the delightfully rendeicd piograin Save Soul lltll Uiiison Praise Solo The Song of the Gondolar ilotiin Were lod Killlll Praise My by Massed Choir the ttlussi Junior Dcpl Selection Tim icht Song Schubortl t5 iSclcctetLJ Soup The Illuschi llyinri of Trumpet thorus stoiiei by SS No and No if Ad ljttlil Nos and Ill King lwp and Nos and 24 lecunisetli ll liaiio lni sane Solos and one pave toga 9y Unimn Sung Hum Loyal iiims iWhittich 10 Three The famous is ier wms Purl Sung Tm Lime Trwl Hell ill1 lk li lllcsc KNITl Sclitlbciti ll Vocal Solo Lloyd Syhizi aiit oau are so liitltiRm ifhrceviul Sum The um mm 911 CUImmmi llarp lliat nee lhrouuh Taras ST lllr audience lhcy won Ltitljnnllslu lush lmk Sum losim music rlioliisl11p awarded by the liiinoi lelllt of Toronto and litilldlliill Sylvia studies v1ol111 with IIhe Spivak of Toronto and Joan stlnlics piano with Clifford Pooling loioiilti The schools did iiiarveloiislyi cll and it would be yery diftil cult to make choice although portrait gown of traditional liitc satin fashioned vith rutllidl cape neckline with bristle lor111 111 long train iiialchine l1ciul dress held her fingeintip length veil and she carried cascade oil red roses eardcnias and bouvardia Mrs larence liadden sisterin law of the bride was matron of honor uowncd in orchid tatletai with yellow picture hat and orchid gloves Miss Laura iiadden sister of the bride was bridesmaid wear ing gown of pearl grey silk jersey with matching picture hat and gloves Both attendants carriedl cascades of yellow carnations5 daisies and bouvardia The flower girl Barbara Jean Hadden niece of the bride was frocked in pale yellow organdy with matching poke bonnet and gloves She carried noscgay of orchid sweet peas and boiivardia Lloyd McKee of Barrie acted as groomsman for his brother and the ushers were Harry Hadden and Ray Heaslip of Barrie The reception was held at the brides sisterinlaws home where the bridal table was decorated with pink and white andtall pink tap ers The brides mother receivcd the guests wearing burgundy crepe with black accessories and cor sage of Spring flowers She was assisted by the grooms mother who chose pale blue silk dress with matching accessories and acorsagc 0f Snringil0wlt2rs WFor their wedding trip to Nia gara Falls and Buffalo the bride donneda suit of pale blue gabar dine with navy flowered hat and accessories and corsage of gar denias and rosebuds Guests were present from Tor onto Alliston Cpokstown Orillia Stayner and Shanty Bay sac12V zz No Im not stockingr any morel suits My customers are not buying any new ones Vsince they have been taking the old suilsto NilService Cleaners can Churchof Miss GIOria Wirinh frjed youngest daughter of Mrs to Clifton McKee 5011 of Mr and Mrs HnMcKee Barrie was solem nized by Rev TD Cross on wasplayedby IiiWright nGiven in marriage bybergeldest clings Reversion Coir1rsiiririiicrs 1AFMT3PII SaturdaYUMaY 1948 Theorgan with Canada rabieis 1100s scrubs 39c 59c tinMb lemma Brno af $115357 our 0C ast We can helpbqwith Summer healt Iatallr quunulm LOCAL IRADENARRS Ina DRUG SPECIALS Englisthealth Salts lb 596 Calamine Lotion oz 19c Minergl Oil 16 oz 33c 40 02 63c SIMPIIFIED sum cm moose Designed to do the most for SPECIALS the skin inlthe shortest mea Nylon Nail sure of time Milky Liquid Cleanser 250 Ardena Skin Tonic 125 to 2775 Velva Cream Mask 250 nndt Astringent Cream 250 and 450 Lille Lotion 185rx or AllDay Foundation 125 Shaving Brushes 69c Nylon Hair gt Brushes V79c Bobby Pins 5c Sun Glasses 29c39c49c 77 WELLINGIQN horn mock AND rouu tutr mm mg Because Posts Bran Flakelp lit need to help kdbp tantrum Jesuits And Postrlllrin Halter Supply damn hack for moroeiuorniogflt9rjtor or SHEARD Dresstiiiikig and Design PHONE 5145 WWhuuuunu nnuuunu THURSDAY JUNE loanis SAMBA TEA BAGS SMOKING AND IllllOSlllOSl Smoking may have stilllcllllltg to do With coronary thrombosis among wom en say some health experts 0n the aicragc snioktrsiwere found to get coronary thrombosis It years earlier than nonsmokers the higher incidence ugwWWNu+ WEDDING c0sz Trousseau Lingerie MISTY RICH lvceiCream BRICKS Kkovah in Seltzer stir You Null laosrsf amnion all your Intent vi wordys hi9 yon youzoning are still 25c Takeout QSUNDAES 5c SUMMER SALINES Sal Hepatica 33C 63c Enos Fruit Salts 59c 98c Salts 29c 79c Bromo Seltzer 25c 49c 95 29c 57 SUMMER COIiOGNES Tussy Summer Cologne 85c VTweed $125 $175 $300 Lucien Lelong $150 $250 350 Arden Blue GigSSJ$lL75 Yardley Lotus 1$1L50$Z501 fCUSDENS rum librarians onloy lifelike thls na pnny roomyqu

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