WWWv arirw um swam rtvo emu 3mm om ADA lOfficers of Loci 517 UEClO iPresent Letter to The Examiner THE BRRIE EXAMINER MEMBER Hum Class Weeklies of Clriedl lbllthd nil1d Mild Audit Bureau of Circulation THE BARBIE EXAMINKI LTD Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association TVTLY 3W June lmal Macmille SUBSCRlPIIONS Elll llARHllL fTXAMlNER FRESIDEM nu HAWth MOI Canada or Great Britain 520 year WALLS United States 3300 Year ltt skliiii when by ULll paper lrl by refusing the advertise Vcgrnrstbrsr AND eusmrss 3mm Single will Mh llictzl slilrililllcd by our local and secondly by adverse editorlnl coml 1iul without tiltctnpl to contact our officers in to the facts amt ttc lcti niniuc interference agsitm our local Union proved that the English under socialism at wp um Hymnc and member twp 517 tam wort can mil you to afford our membership the wine privileges granted by yourl My in other oigulllliililm in Barrie and District by accepting our least have not lost their sense of humor lie wrote Following the mandate of the electors the British Government has nationalized num ber of industries What is the result wo man said to me This nationalization is REMEMBER THE BEST lNiElllISlS BARRIE lednesday June 10 Will be art important day in the industrial history of Barrie On xl previous occasion to present the above request very queer thing The more 3011 0W the 19 mg standards of any one group of citizens tannot but help the entire ULLlllltLl it min l1LLLlL rn mm my the employees of the Barrie Works of yUU seem to have itinluruuih Burrit at inch lz into uns ltit utluitntxtruttmr it itiill in cm l1 Milli Iilti gt he Camdmn genera Ellen fomgdnv Islam Ml5 Mucxellzm What do you mean RV lurlkijmffi Limits 35 SIKZdGEfgcgwmg$01 bpfdfiil mm ttiillltii til titlt Hl lllliltx llll ilti illltli til tle wlsl 111 It WM 13 dam Planer 3d mm Wmk mill tf Letnose We feel that our interest wtli best be served in unity with any person in Ink tiltlittllgt it tllmm dun un IHWI 1Ulllll Ullmd Licculml Rmm She Silid We Own the Billlk of England those who lluC sittLtInsitllly carried on many years of dealing withl Such muting at tjntp Amerma lCIO me burglimilg but have 18531110119 Wl 0W lllt will llllllLS illv vmilnn lubwl willies the aunt tllt iorotti lillllllilltl xiii ilttnlor billltt lot get in will be by secret ballot lit le VlilJli lilu titxi few rays it vote wt con re ergo mm mm It can llmx the Qumrm My dud LVFF coal Wt 0w mfg Idl9ll ilml ittIlntpnts iiunid in the Barrie Works Canadian General Electric didum ms Wm Hm mh lllli pill lltllittls llitillfllllt lillt Eliillloli bttng ton in and cannot get it will on the train fol my Hunky dvmmm whom mm me people our mam WI ml or RtiilliUllS BOMG holiday pint out it lit itplcstllloti in Collective bargaining with the Company Wm wumuig um Hm The Barrie Examiner is not opposed to the by our lnmn llH or 10 The results of this vote we feel will be rg mm Wm My ttulllllLlOIl of ltllt unions Ax it llllllltl lilt llgtl uitsuci lo WilLllILl lllv Billllt llllllloyws GE want ings of other candidates hits no purl ltmm ii 01 ii it ttl In or fact1111119lJRSlWiniuSIm9 We been We in am that Mr Mwmlwld whose ten to who In Itn iiiTIi unions oruanized at two Barrie industries pmntnontly dispinyttl in ttn lnslisstic of your Dawn is Ill ll Wilmer 5pm at if It Is instances lllls new umm ll hm hm of liILii 17 ill 11 and to our knowledge as officers and committee YOUR mm md b0 lll lllu Illll llllll illiililll ji 1m jutl itmen of this local have at any time ullRAuhK pille not minonl 0mm in to pain llll lltllitiio lltllztllliittil oi illlfll resigned as itittrilJtIis luumv Jum my 11 DUNmu A3 2111 ll WWW dwt llllhhltllhcSidepresident Olive Cole mm haw been MKUStl mg TU Lllt lllhsz Mt mm ml 1m um rItItottltttt gttiltblltil ill rosbic llliilfltiul secretary Ruby Batters IllRLHT Ml AND Hwlnmy151Bul5nwl mlv 1111011 lmlm TlgulmULJOXln lillit for it long time lluiirttltl iturge llrorne lulford Knapp committee glnglilhmnI ttis Goot unions llif 1111111113 Mull Dear Sir As llltLlllli summer illossoins tnil LgrtItit itlli are signs of iiu wuqquuwwuuq To the Editor The Burrit Exanirnr Dear Sn iwrtxstnu fiidluilul and determining fuel by correspondence Ind contact Candidate inI the no tit tlttliuli oilt cirtlcti ullitvii several of whom have met with you on two Mi lotllll lrit it unme it known titrt Ulsluli ill Barrie only for the purqu of making cchnomic Sr 10 NW SHMIH I111 Hmlb Hiltnmunmns in the twin standard of our trrembcn who are employees ul of the Canadian General Electric We feel that 10 thus improve the llv Party for tin visitor to lliillll and petulanttil THURSDAY JUNE 10 1948 WWW mm LETTERS reed om EDITOR THE INTERFERENCE AT DREWS MEETING 100MilltlHililllitstiflllflliflstllllilill tttcn tiort under todays conditions particularly if you wish to maintain your investment llgtilltill As the innin netn2 for tF ihrouuii our llltttil Sttxitv you out plut your holdings llillltl theixiic anti Silftillti11 of hill lvllrl utmlurzi lull llnnl lllf llltllillll ioiitiililttt Ul lili Itiilitnntitiri and tIrttot fill the hit Iiillt tllll ttmtnt tI tnouuiil of the lltltflcgtgtlt unsetuilivtt lithIiitipttoL which iUmn yaw mtit liiititi tlill Sllllc Pillllphlelsllluv been lmriblued by life in lllt Stirling and stlilililti lmilnI signs resident of Defioll tinni tiolllllt lf lST 11R 1N0 H3 or it out unit utticersnrttl organizers all around 115 up nf pit lluI mn nnnnl ilnIt Hi 20 II lrsusilnl012101113 ital llul print lllu wwII WM blL llLZl 01s i1 lllllil till tltlltl community the matter has betn opened town Mum 1mm II tllnlln lll 1t the general ptibllc to discuss And it is well to mm LS MM Years Years Ago mil8inWilma5mm om 3m 153511 understand some of the facts WC Stillid for Home llilllli Sign nltti olitt lllllll The fact lilmt taught public Sexlit1miniml2muffin Pup it fillcclhhil llllttllm school lllllJiL in lilt thlltill system 75 editotiill last tilth why he lldVUtlmg gt no ibllshed letter from lt luv Won mt rni lillli1h EXAMINER tin BARR EXAMINER yum mummm mm bdrm MN Ilnwlml frilllltllltiift lokjo annn inn WI W45 19 pl 1L Muy1 1923 June 189 predation mm high qkilled just under 100000 persons were the former ttesldeni 0f L091 517lenmg my Ill ll fllllllmlI If ll mm Votes name Local Notes permnmm SMALLER THAN cannon killed find more than 100000 were lie FONSHEd The pamphlet Hunted by lmlm mum Hum Umomm UN titllVilllltlll which filled 3000 pairs of new boots anti Thu ppmle of nunt would mu BidI ll all 919131 Um the UECIO several days lillCl were llltllded 1111l tnni full lo show liltI liitziirtls ilitIitil ilit Wm Mm MIL reqmmimm Show being Slaughtvwd in the 01 been deeply nmwd as was by 21111211 inilcs compared to anadas from the copy Offered to US previously There mum Drumimp HipInlays asks itil Edgar Evans its candidatefor standtof fl llilndz hlitngt the sitiiking appearanth 1111lfhlll1 lllvmb WW Il ll kIn to lliril St nth Snncoc At the sixth qtriinti 105 woo so on mar ring carcut her lillilllit ins With citatng the 11s 0f 91mm Sigma ml Immhllhlr Illuhu it Hi lnl mml tititiual itcnnion of Scoltlslh Rite ket Saturdaywashed Ht 130 ll group of high llllpllSlfi young mil Unlllts W05 llllly llll ilthll it lhludhflt lrvligmzllu Masons in tltc Valley of Barrie poring unwashcitll 10c tljoull licoplc 1th comnttgtt from the 111211 mhm ACCOU T9 have received 9t er wtct optla mg 0111 liil Vcic til candidates for the ol arric we rcptcscnc rnusrc icacrcrs an Sillicrvlhtlih ll MONTHLYI Tlnhlwlc ill illli onthis page We are laldgc of Perfection ill Bro Thornton lawn social Friday evcn prcscnt there was complimentary Wily Programs 100 Wl bL kllt lb pu 15m Vtltcr Dull honored willi an lint Saturday morning found it in the extreme S0UV9Y1FS Bookkee in Service aho Charged Wm undue murmnnu am address accompanied with an easy lcw cycllSlS still on the return feel Confident that Mr Fishers with not obtaining the facts The latter prob Cm and bouquet Mrs Duff mp some distance mm town lancous applause for their vital tip Frorn the first monwnls of spon INCOME TAX remarkable directing and the co THE ASSESSOR PROBLEM Thieves still eratln north of carance to 1m operation of the Barrie folk rcspon ably lefelh to 01f The Creemom Stu bu Barrie till pot cgppers was demanding dominion millsuntil me lIIemling 59 young 90 RETURNS pREPARED early exmtemen 11 it esi Who WOlld Want be mimicle 339550 Thornton President of CNR stolen from Eady P0 and Mr smoothly pcrforriicd program and Pie t0 Wi Cominue Pmdum Signed Whether you we to ca Ig ESDCClally in an Ulbn anlllClimllW is mm at luncheon tendered to him and Mchllan had quantity of outs in the final surging chords of the Wills 511 lhls nation 01 Withdrawal 1315 faCt That 111 tion of responsibility with so many angles to it that Mm omcials on May 23 by the carried off from his burn Kniglilsbridge March it was ii cludcs Robert MacDonald the former presid ent who sent us letter last Week HoWever we do not consider it in the best interests of this community to have the UE CIO organized here Since the public have been brought into the subject the people of Barrie should find out just who are the nat ioltal leaders of this union and their record Life Magazine just recently printed com prehensive list of the top laborunions when founded membership dues and fees etc and great many other facts which were supplied by those unions Life stated Some unions like the Communistdominated United Electrical Workers refused to reveal any details of their membership or finances In Canada the statement has been made by responsible publications like the Globe and Mail the Financial Post and outstanding weekly newspapers that theUECIO is Com munistdominated The employees of CGE should be sure of matters like this before tie ing up with any union It is certainly mat ter of vital importance to this community Barrie is for Democracy and the Canadian way of life not foreigncontrolledrotwside influences Barrie Works of the CGE is model plant for working conditions and it has been pride of the people of the community Despite statements to the contrary the employees are paid as high or higher thancther Barrie workers under comparable conditions The benefits are excellent such as eight paid statutory holidays time and onehalf for overtime shift premiums fiveday week sick ness protection pension plan eligibility Ihere have been many instances where the man agement has helped people out of minor dif ficulties In fact it was reasonably happy family ofemployees until the present attempt to organize So far as pay is concerned the increase granted year ago following nego tiationsinToronto was granted all across the board in Barrie Probably the most important feature of this whole affair has been overlookedJThe Chamber of Commerce hasissueda state ment which appears on page one and we risk the publicto study it carefully The future of Barrieissomething in which all our citizens have stake it is wonder there are not more appeals glance at the present assessment of Crcemore for instance would indicate that the assessmcntyis much too low if recent sales of plOPEIliCStlllQ to be considered any true appraisal of values it does look strange to see properlywhich changes ownership at say $4000 appear on the assessment roll as valued at 16 or 18 hundred dollars On the other hand it should be understood that as long as the assessor valuation is uniform and general it makes no differ ence whether it is high or low high assessors valuation means lower mill mic and vice versa if the assessor should decide that his valuations are low he would naturally have to raise the assessment on every piece of property The raise in property value is general and if your neighbors home is sold at present day inated prices your home takesmon correspondingly increaSed value The high cosh of building at present has put premium valuation on anything thatican be consid ered home It is good time to sell providing you do not have to buy again There is however something radically wrong with our economics when residence in town or village will command higher price than well built onehundredacrc farm Alfred Herrickha Georgian Bay sailor was given 20 days in jail for carrying large knife it was stated that hebougbt the knife up town and was returning to the Collingwood dock threatening to use it on his captain with whom he had some difference Rev Mr Tagagi Japanese missionary on 11 visit to town told meeting in Allandale that best quality of tea in Japan is worth $10 ii lb and inferior grades $250 lb No Co of the Boys Brigade was under lhe command of LtCol James Ward and the boys on in spection by Capt Hendersonl Lieuts MCPhee and Ale Cowan did the movements with fine prel cision Flower thieVes oper ating on wtown lawns and gardens Mrs TVW Georgen died in her 79th year She and her hus band born in London England came here via Toronto in 1873 and opened Barries first drug store on the site later occupied by the Mn sic Hall and the Martin Moore block lown Conricilcmphasizcd that en thusiastic cooperation between people and employees would soon wipe out deficits Dr Simpson unanimously nominated by Liberal Conventionat Elmvale Central Methodist Church reported receipts of $7628 for past year Icrcy IF Hoadlcy for merly of the Knox Presbyterian Church Hamilton takes over his new duties in Collier St Metho dist Church In the opening mtttch of the South Simcoe Base ball League Joe Milns Bear Cats mauled the Knock Greyshirls to the tune of 25 to The result of the start of the Barrie Church League was to for St Andrews against Trinity The Mtly Procession and Reception of the Sodality of St Marys Church was one of the loveliest lteld in connec tion with the church Over75 girls joined in the procession around the churclt and their num bers wcrc augmented by the Altar Boys FORECAST ADJUSTMENT Oshawa Daily Times Gazette new trend in child welfare work whereby institution before going to foster homes was forecast by NoraFrances Henderson secretary of the Asso ciation of Childrens Aid Societies of Ontario at the annual meeting of the local CAS Miss Henderson former Controller in Hamil tons ciiycouncil admitted that such program will mean increased cost but pointed out that board members on Childrens Aid Society faced serious responsibility to future generations Some time ago Miss Henderson said Bellevuc Hospital carried out an 11 year survey ofmaladjusted children who came from baby institutions In all cases it was found that they had shallow infantile personalities because they lacked the warm motherly love which every child musthave From that sur vey sprang the policy of sending children direct to foster home but in many casesit has been found that the child cannot adjust himself to thefoster home so he is transferrefio another foster home With each transfer the speaker said the child loses some more of his confidence The new trend is to send the child to an institu tion for temporary stay while he adjusts himself and then send him to foster home where he will receive the loving care he needs Miss Henderson said warn you this will cost money Miss Henderson emphaticallyistressedrher belief that Childrens Aid Socities should not depend too much on municipal grants to carry on their work Each community must have substantial nancial interest in its organization for there is no substitute for dynamic community spirit she continued She also warned that private societies such as these must offermore adequateservlces to trained social service workers 7Becausesprivatfistitutions are not offering high enough monetary inducements to graduate workst of the latter are gOing Simcoe County Briefs pi94soeialandeoneertin lit townhall Midhurst yielded $38 Crown Hill talent put on the play The Colonels Maid Midhurst girls having organized ball team were busy practising for July lsl Geo Crawford an old resident of Oro Station dropped dead Wednesday evening funeral on Saturday to Brick Church Potatoes still being shippedfrom Pcnctang in carload lots number of cottages being built uj Tiny Beach Mldlands tax rate ldown two mills was 40 mills and assessment up $20000 number of Brad ford citizens went in body to Lakes to express sympathy with him in his fire loss and to offer him encouragement to re build Some miscreata broke intothe premises of the British American Oil Co at Penetang opened the gate of one ofnthe large oil tanks allowing 3164 gal lons to run to waste Had the other tank which WALtull been used in the operation 12000 gal lons would have been lost Rev Amos f0 landale Presbyterian Church e1 ed President of OntarioUFQ Excellent Fragrant at Essa Music Festival Given ol Thornton Simcoe County Briefs There was lively competition between James Lennox anIap plicartt for ti license for the hotel at Dalston and those opposing license The latter had been beat en on every occasion and The Ad vance commented as followsi The place needs hotel about as much as it needs lawyer and were the latter to come he would not be there over 24 hours When the matter came before the commission those speaking in favor of the license were John Whitney Richard Bolton James Wreggett Thoa Jory John Geancs and Lennox Those oppos ing the license were Henry Smith Wm Cook Richard Eddy Young Wesley Brown and Jos WillingThe license was re fused Fergusonvale farmers have started statute labor Masons there ware building stone milk housefor John Richardson Churchill creamery averaging about 1500 lbs of buffer week Fine town bell weighing 400 lbsbeing erected in Cookstown te made its first appearance Lake view cheese factory at Gutlirltr commenced operations with Thos Guthrie as cheese maker ECL THE POVERTY cremains In AmericanAffairs published quarterly in EOVernment jobs bylineNational Industrial Conference BoardrfWlniselectlng board of directors Miss iter dscussin En lish Henderson said dont choose nice quiet people pmw Elmira Ta gr 3CITWWioplefwiilriilSlrouble because all conditions under theLabor Government as progress is made in turmorl Forgetpast history and he had seen them and his interview on the look to the tire Chtiose not active blood for subject with onephlegmatic Englishwoman your commit and boards put to the number of 69 to have photo takeWRoad grader filling long felt need gs ltav got 91ng at Edenvale wrfh SzCiCampbell as buflir for three rings He had to kill and dress 60 headmf cattle during season The YP arranging on By ThorntonCo ThennualTasa was held at Thornton Arena June under the directionpof Mrs Ida McKelvey for the senior pupils and iPauL McKelvey the janiorpupils The 10116 ing pro crowd of interested folk Masjtedwholr Godf Savetlie KingIfs verses and OYGOG of Lavef elementary choir The Sentinel Fairy and fillet IUsxwflh agGladsomevMind Girls igii School ChorusWaltz tor strawberry festival at ly onslunem McKleI and Mn Pul Motel MafrierReidi audiences he year no Krnqldiol cooknlowhuwal tMililicmlllmnisl for the evening Rose oilingWrights gridjTal fr he 399L112mg1m8h IVirrna Wood ghthtiezed stands ii Elementary ChoirrTlie Lincoln Irena The pud Slacks and Slack Sm shire Poacher moot comma seated on chairs on the and Charlie is MygDarlirig II Massed ChoirThe Lords Pray him Ilflllm er and Thanksgiving Hymn drucinthe Au 1160 Board provi 11 Boys Ensemble Old Man Milliomllk for the supper We River and capital Ship Elementary Choir 1venirtg Weillfl to iidd IWordot me the excellent Malawi Hymh Vow toi Then My children both merit in Country Worship his King SeconglaryCholrASoulhem 8mm $318331th their arm and One woridr by request 17mm order wastrelfeet Jon Watchersarid Yes 3on Ones the Canada Reeve Truax ably filled the ICOUTS TO LEASE P162038 position 01 chairman and Mr 93 pigeons draglo Woods spoke briefly on the value I806 ID ll of music incur lives lled During the evening the pupil of Crackdown and Thornton lolal experience of warming in spiration This meeting of musi 13943 Torry Avenue Detroit Mich cians from two happily neighbor May 20 1948 Pupils of as noun commas at GrenIElislarteditiperntioris thus titration schools prrrntd Mir Bestir 129 ANNE MCKAY KEPPEL Mrs Lucian BARBIE ing Filled Mattress oneThu on Regain $2395 to spa50 pr We haw been fortunate in securing quantifyof Gold Medailifaffiosscs that were refillnudist the mammalian theyrrweresoiledor torn iirmrml shipping flhese mattresses have sheeii repaired and rewrapped of the factory and sold to BE triplicesgforuuiclcsale Slies are 33 40 amid6 in maltressea stoubstantial rcdilcfiiinst