Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jun 1948, p. 14

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IIIF nilan EXAMINER BARRIE oNrAluo CANADA MWZTTJTZT7 me The Late Bridglund istMmys YP Entertain Land Surveyor Leave 50 Members Orillia CYO $162015 to Two Sons ISpringwater Park June ZI THURSDAY JUNE 10 1948 WD PAGE FOURTEEN And CD of 599 Foresters Dies Suddenly atISudbur ilacDoncil and Barrie and died slit ill lht i1r Colonel former Commanding llllti fulfiltil of offal tirtel tol wait liiiicia siicc in All iitll LIllllltlt The Huntsville Fozcstcr stated Al 1hr time of Col lcloilcllgt dcath il wilt has as England ll12 ltmzr only dlilitci Flair ccs lll Will lll flmiuioi Upon hearing of hiibantil death stir and licr litti tilw it once to Canada iilg at Mon lical lll liloii tlizi wi Halso nix1 Ilai itilll at liiiiuinity Iorontv Ihc talc ol 37v Marliozicli to litany iars connected hi laiio llcpaitnlcitl of 31 way llc gtIl Will the lItlllltlll Barrio bathiiizl and iltllc Existing regulations make before ltavml Itl Hat on it illegal for any Canadian yeah aili Jhcuhc resident to retain in his ll NWT Iii1 ltticrc possessron more than $10 in United States cash mix Ihc oloiicl has loin coilleictm with military lltc llc gttltfl overseas tlilii1 lhi lilol World War and iilicigiti Loin the coil tlict oloiicl It va whilc on actlvc livict that he tiltf lllx wLIi Anita to whom llt iilaiiacd tlllic in IIiilzlaiid You are required to turn in to your bank for ex changeintoConadianmoney any amount you have in excess of $l0 in United States funds without delay THERES BIASIIII The reason is that Canada must have the US dollars spent here by tour ists in order to make them available for the payment of imported goods and ser vices needed to keep pro ductionTand employment at high level llc leaves liciiiitil illtllllw III this as ll as other I1lll oi lOntaiio who Ill cherish the nilm dry of Jtltll kindly lrnndacon l1tlll2ll tfllllpfllllllll and highly skilled llilgiiiccr Much local sym pathy will be felt for Mrs Alar Doncll and the family REllllE lllfll BY RUBBIN Brings uick relief renseleu futdrying no Itrong odor has economical IOREIGN EXCHANGE CONTROL BOARD teen to lflKNfIW life insurance The middleaged man who 15de this question feared that at his age the cost of life insurance wqpld be prohibitive but chn were be much older Mutual lowcost life insurance would still prove good business Unfortunately many people realize the importance of life insu rance only when through age or other disability they are no longer able to secure it lilcinsurance programme should be started as early in life as possible Consultyour Mutual Life ofiCannda mauleday IHE Mllllfllllti HEAD OFFICE Providi life wuuuoo our 98 Representatives PHILLIPS Barrie Ont ARTHUR JOHNSTON Barrie Ont Branch Office 14 Peter St Orillia Ont RALPH LANG Branch Manager imeiemaneiii finchfacetssiren is mi if its to lSi 91331er Anglican IIItICI MAIIIUNIIIJ OBITUARY months ago StCatharines Mrs Florence II NIEIIIII livtx iorcllifllctili cltl ill ulilllit ll thtlcton pglxull ulis ii mood ilUll llltit it liiirii Sticct alter Shi hall to her thilit lor plactlc oi llaill lltlt rill illtlczx been all llillilil lllt iit hivhl Juno it lllt tautin lililtlllt and ilcrcl lt Kcil till linlty lillttil fhurch of which xllt in liltllllill lllltlllltlll was made iii lrlnity lTiiIlcd fciiie it and pallbcarcrs were Mcssrs Stewart olcurail If Munro Kenneth Nettlcfon Ittlsull and Frank Russell Mrs Nittlclon was the former Torlsa Henry daughter of the late Mr and Mrs James Henry Zlcr tathcr wa proiilincilt iii the early buslncss life of the She was the last surviving iiieml her of her gcncration of her fame ily She married Frank II Nettlllon who passed away lil licbruary 1043 She lt tur vlaillctt ll by two soils Frank of survived by Russell of Ilarrie and town and one daughter Mrs George Ilcndcrson tIlorciiccl of Vancouver BC There are live grandchildren Possessing quiet and unassum ing personality Mrs found the greatest pltftstlllt in her home and family circles She was actively interested for many years in the womens organizatidn of the United Church but aside from that sought no part in public life AIRS HOWARD IlANTING fAlliston lltllldt Ille deathoccurred of Bertha iane Flynn wife of IIoward Baill ing iii Stevenson Memorial llospi fat Alliston on Monday May 17 lflrlft surgical Operation was per furjlrlcd on Mrs Banting scvcn Later she submitted to another major operation in IIamilton General Hospital at that time her life being despaired of Hill making wonderful progress she was able to be moved to the Alliston Hospital about three months ago and seemed to he makI mg good progress until few days prior to her death great many friends will mourn her passing as she was friend to cvcryonc and good neighbor with cheery smile arid helping hand when needed Arrdaughterof the late Mr and Mrs John Flynn she was born at Stayncr on January 1887 and resided there until she married Howard Ranting at Bradens in Essa on December 100B Alter the marriage they took up resi dence in Ivy where they resided Illntil Ilfl22 when they bought farm dt Elm Grove moving to AI liston upon retirement two years ago MrsBanting was member of St Peters Church of England West Essa Possessed of musi Imusical ability both she and her husband were choir members Mrs daniingwas organist for several years at St Peters ahd since mov ing to town was member of St Andrcws Guild Left to mourn her loss are her husband twosons and two daugh ters Charles Banting 0f Essa andBcrt RI of Baffle Mrs Scott threnei Wot Guelph andMrsk Ross Retai of Alliston One son Wilbert died at the age of ve years Also surviving are three Wsisters and one brother Charles Flynn of old of Gilford MrsEIIa Davis Miss Agnes Flynn of Barrie The funeral took place on May 19 from St Andrews Church The senviceqwas taken by Rev Knight ofLakeview former min ister and Rev DWigmore Thepallbearers were Albert Ir win Oscar and Edger WhiteindeI David and Herb Dunn and Tom Banting Interment was Alliston Union Cemetery Among the many floral tributes were remembranees from Maple Leaf balls team Rundla Chapter ifhfiiiiids iil Ottawa the vccktild with friends here town Nettlefon aid MaitlI ms Bridglandot Toronto it Dannniun Iai surveyor tlult of $1620l523 to mil prCQlengs The gt051 both named as am oi the will are Cllilllt ttflif lill5llll Brldgland If Tor onto Zillli Satin Ldr Edgar Parl roll Bizdgzand of Edmonton family Well known it 2115 lliidglaiifl being the forum Allrs Maimc Perkins Personally consisted of book debts and promissory notes $639 mo Ivs Scctilcti by mortgage $38n 37 93 life insurance $2000 bank Iltl iililcr stocks 5131223820 sceurr no for lilllllly $30970 cash an arid 52 cash in the bank 513 iotlri and other personal property lllit at $230 In leaving his property to the liti UII and Solvly to his wife It llll ccttt that both soils should pitdcccasc tiliil Mr Bridgland ac cording to lhc will made no plu lision for his vlfeexccpt as aforcr Hflll knowing that she has assets of her own and little need Dittt June It IIdgar spent Ioronto las Mi coupic wcck Mix It Robinson and son IId dic gtuill few days last week iii loriiiito Miss Dolly Edgar and friciiu from Toronto VISIlCtl vith fricntb here on Saturday Mrs Dixon and two Clllldlttl have returned home after week and 311s of days in Mr and Mrs Iaulcy and daughter Wanda of Weston spent All and Mrs laugh spent Sunday with the latters parents Mr and Mrs 11 McFarland Woodr bridge Mr and Mrs Brocklvcll and two daughters Bradford spcnttllc weekend with Mr and Mrs ll BltifkWtll Mr and Mrs It Edgar and two children of Sudbury spent thi ttltlll with the forillcrs broth er Edgar and Mrs Edgar Sgt It Beyer who has been stalt tioncd at Gander is spending few days with his parents before going to Trenton where he is now stationed ion Hm June Mrml Mrs Fred Willis Tor onto spent Tuesday with Mrs Wm lardinc Mrs Fred Hunt Nancy and Joyce of Pine Grove arc visitors at the Rectory Mrs Laudcrkin has returned after two weeks with friends at London and Galt Mrs Joncszoronm visited over the weekend with her brother Jas Andrews and faintly Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Joe Noble on the arrival of daughter on June at Nevmarket Miss Willa Broderick of Vancou ver is home for twomonth holi day with hcr parents and brothers family Mrs Atkinson Sri and Mr and Mrs Atkinson of Streets villc and Mr and Mrs Walter Bell of Call called on Mrs Laird erkin Sunday Despite the threatening weather on Friday evening an interesting game of ball wasIplaycd by the local girls team and girls team from West Toronto The score was 108 in favor of the visitors GILFORD June 7I Mr and Mrs Gotham spent Sunday in Toronto Mr and Mrs Jorden of Oak villc are holidaying with Mrs Plant Miss Jean Griffiths of Sidney lBC spent several days last week with hcrIaunt Mrs Wilfred Neilly Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Douglas Ross on the birth of daughter in Barrie Hospital last week Mr and Mrs Murray Jancs and Tin Ifslaij Yo lll iiai Iiflstil on Iciictfiy tllit with tif ll il Fpilvitcr Park llir of tlzc tiltt Ulci Yfl illi Spti ial lllc Lil Ili illjllslll and Pres It fit ltin Tilth inc lt Illwtlll on tlzv occult1i Iuipliy lili llailii VISIIHIS ilitlial Gvil phot Jane iiliillll limtl it llirilet of ititfitlli lfl iii and ltililt lflItlIilI arranged fiiiupiiililuii lthcr iilcinbcis ut vita tiillitltilliv nitic IIthel Ilipkiil ilaigaict Iliciiilaii ilargarct Me llxiiinoii Lamar Sullivan lid Mar MAURICE GARABRANT guixhcd American itiolriiiastcr and famous English organist hiltltiiil tlllllpthtl School of huich Mitslc Ill into Jllllt 21 22 and llil at llll Iloyal toilsvrvufoiy of Music liu School is designed to assist cbiziy organists and choiriilastcrs ccssful Stssions brought registration from tl art of tailu tiller ltllllil on the faculty mu be km lam choirmaster at the huich of St Simon the Alttthllt Toronto owl lll NM ll vidcly known for his training of loy oicS Murie Iidlcy organistchoirmasttr Park Road Baptist Church whost mixed choir is one of the finest ll Toronto and John ozcns organl xci of the School and welLknown lecturer and writer on hllrch Mu SIC lhiec evening recitals fllililh and lleau slingci and lecturer have litcu engaged as lecturers at the lltrlfl Siliiliiici Tim from small churches and last years xiii1 at largt oi canist fXtfllttll of and oil Joan Siliftllall Icicsa Dim llllL and Maiat lldlili Jack Wallace une iilaslcr of ttltv llcau pltrfllltll the tolol film of tlil Marian Congress li ilUilJll Zititl lliV Iilor of Ilalzic Ilt also picsciit Ilarin tlub vll icsuiiic ac Illitlllt The ltliil Farm and Home Week lAt OAC June 14 to I8 Farm Iailtl lloiiic Week at tht Illilllt Atiiclllllllul lollcgc is all nounccll for the week of Junc to It inclusive the llltlt oi the ollcgc holds opin house and makes welcome iutclcslcd 111 any phara of farming lvAll elaborate pro llttS been ar Lay of this week The visltors day starts with lmchcon at noon tlleCl on the spacious lawns This is followed by the Livestock Parade in which Iigzh qualify individuals and lectures in be Opp my troups of the Icading breeds of public Information Summer School from John oxcns 133 College St loronto about CLowEs June Mr and Mrs Icrcv llomicv illlt ted the lIttcls mother at IIawkcI Stonc Visitors here are Mrs Shots well Edgar at Shelswclls Mr and hits Ilealeys The WI met at with 15 members present Keith Lees read all cxcellcntpapm on Citizenship hostesses tea Next meeting it Mrs Geofllcalcy and Ross ac companied by Mr aild Mrs Linfoot Toronto visited relatives at Sudbury and SaultStc Mariel recently Sorry to report that Mrs Henley had the misfortune to trac tureaonc wrist while on their trii and is confined to Orillia Soldiers resident in Memorial Hospital this can bc obtained lltl Linfoot at icoi Mrs Bidwcllsl Alis Mrs All chhaml and Mrs Art Benham assisted as will be at Mrs Shelswclls on July IfillI cattle bccf cattle homes llll and gthtcp are displayed lie llt crowds comfortably fililltd on ltlcachcrs ommcnts are given over loud speakers by members of the Animal Husbandry stall This Ilcalurc is followed by conducted uus to the Ficld Ilusbatidry plots itlltlitS ol grains corn trusses image and root crops are irown and new and improved lltllll arc being illlt2ftl In thc liymnasunn and in other Inuildings of the College education exhibits are being set up the benefit of thr visitors while irogrzim of music and cultural sub jsets is offered in the War Mem orial Ilall With Splillt and early summer work well advanced on Ontario firms this year it is expected that tle attendance at Farm and Home IIIcolt will break all previous re cords AW WAIT Vassar famous New York wom its college got its first woman or years with the elec 10fo firm of Sarah Blanding in 1946 Illlllllll Mr and Mrs Bowen of Toronto were visitors at the Rothwell home on Sunday Sorry to report that Miss Cassie Roberts had sick spell and is staying with her sister Mrs Fife in Orillia rMnand Mrs Hugh Sott of Chicago withitheir soneandearrboyr friend are visiting Mr and Mrs Gorham fora week Mr and Mrs Geo Mattenley of New Westminster BC renewed oldiacquaintanceships and friend ships one day last week lioEs YOUR NEWHOME NEED lHE FINALTOUCH 91 Order of Eastern Star Provincial Police Barrie members of St IPetersiandSt Andrews Guild Backachcj Mayhem I0lliidiiey Disorder Dullhpching pains in the back they be warning chkidney dis orders Dont neglect thesepainuI Dunns Kidney Pills stimulate the action of the kidneys help to elimj natethe wastes which may be the cause of backache and minor urinary the body of impurities Do lac thousandsrof other Cann iiianslhave dons When troubled take DeanaKidney AWE imitators Measured and Installed FBARRIEQ NGltIEERIlIGAC 17 Mulcaster St Phone 3744 Barrie PORTABLE WELDING ARC angelica GATE OR FENCE eunsANru nntees that Tide wil satised return used portign of your pack age to nlcr and purchase price wilth nded TIDE WORKS EXTRA MIRACIES lti gverything claimed for it In this advertisement If you are not com etely Spurn it til of St tilltim oii thc lillil Sunday of During this timc ranged by lhc ollcgc stall for each llltllt tllc product of the plant for An everyday film for Hairyday picturetakers Kodak VcIricliroiiie Film gives you more of those sparkling pruiscwinnitfg snapshots Canadian Kodak Cd Limited Toronto Its made in Canada Kodak Film the film in the familiar yellow box KODAK IS TRADEMARK We IIstabliscd 30 Years POLLARD Real Estate Broker9 Ilouscs Lots Tobacco General Farms exchanged tut N0 NEW LOWELL PIIONE 102i24 0r Achicl Dc Schcpper 45am June Ivy Junior Farmers Ivy Junior Farmers met in the school Wednesday night Miss Flora Durnin Home Economist showed some very interesting picl turcs on gardening and owersl The Rev Mr Simmonds led in discussion on The purpose of our life on earth and gave everyone message to carry with them It was decided that the meetings Wauld be continued through the summer months List Your Properties Willi us Proctor diliamblcs amazingdiscovery Out of the vast knowledge gained in wartime research comes Tide an amazing new product made to do the Whole familywash Tide does whats never been done beforewashes clothes cleaner than any soap yet leaves calors brighter And wattI till you see Tldes wonder side They blllow up like magic even in hardest water iwasiescioiiisicitmarQ GtsjclctliesddlIlingVWbilerlreirfc allle oars Attract es cleaner than aInysoap Nothingstoo dirty for Tldei Even grease stalned overalls comecleaner than with any soap because Tide not only leaves clothes freefrom ordinary dirt but actually removes dingy soap lm as Well Goodnews for shirts sheets towels and Other White things Tidpgets themdazzling white keepsthemdazillngwhite weekafter weekt ltsa modemmtraclelI Actually brightenscolorsimp ClEAIlEli Tlde comblxieiltlielclhnlng flower you iieeil forheary workclothes With the safety you IeIed foryour gay print dresses And allxyouc washable colorsactually cemerrfzhter cite mailing provevft iaiydcrdislrpqriIl Khddohdnds suds LongeEQ Procter Gamble unr do un the lastingsuds thauI anyfsoapfln hardest water Tidezcutstrease Illke magic washes dishes cleaner than any soap No acumin the wIptert Ngctoudy Dishesaud glassesrinse and dry sparkling clear4 even without wiping HARD WATER MEANS if 3003 milieu WI Wiltllelumilli wcslil IAIHynioeaIroduct

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