Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jun 1948, p. 13

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3w mariner ACTORS IN FRANCE THE BARR mm mm onramo CANADA we runner we 10 1948 We Pile Butler for Prysons RUNS lN 4TH ECOOKSTOWN WIN MAGANI HITS BRADFORD DEFEAT MT PLEASANT 86 Bludftlld nine are drawing of the igihfiutfiy quarter the vaiLilltl have bl ifeerut Aglttitjtlil ii rmh utes llliii li li Since lti and PlftillS tiiill kept their tlndi seventh and homered again driv to Jerry Reid whb had it when they wallop fdoabled llowever Thompson ed Ctil in sciiiut soiioaititailed to touch first base on his fiXkH lliri 0W have In rounds and was taggedbul at the Wilts to place then on top the bench Two SILgILS by Fife and loop ClH have yet to wtii ti Straiisnian plus pair of doubles eatite consequently continui to off the bats of Cec Cook and enjoy lilt cellar Richardson meant four unneeded Ietiittd with the in was Mur counters in the eighth my lllt who worked on the CUE scored one in the sixth iiiuumt Mvr allowed eight bitsuuce lit the seventh and one in tllettieti lllitt striktotit ic the eighth to finish their rallies runs to earn his first iissigiunent Bill Raycrafts triple was the only Bill lttiicraft node his initial extra has hit they secured from feateti string intact ltirt lhursduying at Sh As can Nine Deieatedlsql wards the top of the standing Last Tuesday J1me titty iftzligA ed Mt Pic by at 36 otttil and perfoziziett tin tzick till Ilti Itsezr gtotitid The loss sttoictr ilt licastit ftiitrtiilj Milo Elm Ltiltit The untilti tallied early off lliiill liipliiit smech rtttllid ltcltlrt ti tiLiclad ililftl when ilziianz afulg Caith Litigliit lupliiitz but was out Itllt to ail vtizict to tioiitf They cutthtid four niois Iii llit fouitii wini Carter Collins Siiiioiii and lititiio l1 itltilttitis Litl 11KI tll ti ittt liit ttil Hill ii Sit2 ATROUD tiiiitiii gait lutll tarts llt the illtl Iltii lit lttt iiwriS ttrltlll iii ltll tiatrliti litiilI tiillt siziporteti start of the szasou and was pre Fife after the opening frame final lzigfi to Httvd itth iiitilt hittingv Richardson and Stransnian bead Iligtill5 itlt given their heads ed the hit departments for the early and stormed for three runs fritters with three each Two our two hits Fife led off willitiapieco vent to Fife Cook and walk Itfcturdy reached fiist duc llioiiipson Walsh led the losers to hit tHUI ll illJlHW wk of the plate with three Mallioii gioundu out to first but depend and ltaycruftfollowed with two able Murray llirhtirrfsoii doubled PRYSONSFifeI McCurdy to drive in two runs Ilob IllltllCuuk 3b Richardson ilb Plat 11 struck out to biiiiit Mm Stiatis Stiaiismaii 25 Reid 55 Thompson Still to the plate Mtii tittittipll cf hllcspie rf romprtl liltlliiitlrtiit home to carry CUEThompson 3b 30 margin iiiallion 2baRaycraft Martin ti Clint lhoiiipsoii iciitral Elic Gibbons lItampb11 McGib rics itiitial batter their walk hon ss Ruddick cf Boorman roiii Fife and Bob Itltillion struck PHYSQNS 300 610 14045 16 fast for home run to pull Within 03 3200 001 alo ti one count of tho Irillers lheI ltLliil liosiie EltitIItiilI llthLly 94 MI pi MM in Some ltl tzitiii Iii ttlltti illllt till it ititii pf tbi lI1 fifth and gttlli fiaiiies to make the liil ltllil tiiltl titi flowitci tit were not able to hold Ilil liigtiziiitv Bradford llll and the lliii broke the tie with two iiiiis ii olfim and Siniqu toured back than and thit llJ to an um and itii llii llte utnr on two for llltitk biiiiis ff lllt to Illiuili at sliiiit and lit llttl for tv out but singled to scoic tiiiiiiii trial liii ttittfl ituir ii ijiit fiiiiibii illit lfiittit cioiitf Iliuf lll lilttgtllill iil lx itli liziltji ttiolitiiftd liiilJolil fotti lilt llilti flilifilw otid Ioiitf llil iiiit and ii IIlt liliti iiitl on hr and liail follii 1i tfotiblt iililr poppet it it lfltt IUI Martini with tliiie hits ltti the wiiiiicis at the plat followed by Coini and olliiis with two cath For Mt Pleasant it was fiiffiii Willi tbret llll liti led the Unit iiin ltllfi in the lati the contest lItfiiri iiid garnered two each liiadfo if fitpliiii 12b STROUD HOCKEY IllIiB won the Ontario Young Rey Webb Elwiiod Webb cipt Fraser Mum pm Rural Hockey Association Intermediate 131Lanubcll Harold Spence Zlitf Iarscaddtii filinuiiiIii llutlw it Championshipfor 194748 Roy Reynolds president Jam it Here are the players and team officials BACK ROW loft toriggbtRmifaVicsMaur IIIIIlII1II IIIAIIMIIIIIIIIII AIIRIIIIIII FRONT ROW left to right Don Wallace icc Warnia Albert Reynolds George Young Jug iimfwmw IIII 9mm Rod Black Alvin Webb manager Johnny Gordon Slicring Eddie Webb Jack Hughes 31 1i Siiaclic Jim Wilson coach Austin Bowman scytrcas Wood tt Bill Wright ABSENT Charlie lilarshall Dan Flagcl ttrtuuont SECOND ROW left to right She BowI SMITH STUDIO PHOTO Ml ll1 man CliailIIc ipIoulc Vicepiesitltiit Jack Good Job Series Ended or County Town Might Lose fitr 1iltiitf lb Walsh Ill statics of Stewait It itiiilti of It llil tolfun lt lili Eli fourth fitiiiie saw liysoiis pump 1fome magi1 for six tallies on the same iiiim her of hits Singles by Straiisnian llionip son Gillespie Cook and lticliard son to tan with llatts double tic counted for the comfortable edge which Bob Angeloffs crew obtain ed llerbie fhoinpson slammed mm on May 29 homer in the fifth to add illlutllel wppksI run and the game dutckly bccziinel rout Thompson canic tip in liotii Ilitiiitlri Huil lfiftlt HI tooitslowit llltl lolitI Stroud lillllttl inillitiiit litilillcs tit tip tour liltgt ovei the etlllliltlllt iotitc titdI fanned four while Siiaclie pitching his fourth tllltt lll four nights illov rd seven liitiiiif stiuck out four Ntllhtl liltitlllthllldll issued ti walk iawfoid and lluitnes lcd thsl tooltstoiili attack With two hits iiich littitty ouse and aii tft lttlltttl with gtllitligt lIlohIiiy llix on with two safeties was hit big EXHIBITQRSI Fifteen hundred exhibitors from rc thirtytwo different countries served space at the Canadian Iti teriiational Trade Fair which was officially opened by His Excellen cy the Governor General in Ior lift vlfll if flllti tliifltl ti buyers and businessmen from sixty countries will be attend ing to View the wide variety of products on display TO SAVE YOU WORRY you are worrying alibutImanagement of property planning the disposition of your estate the building or purchase of borne or similar problems perhaps we can relieve you of some of your worries and help you decide some of the perplexing points about beur future plans We offera complete trus service some phase of which may be real helpt0 you May we discuss your problems with you No obligation of course THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Head Olcc Toronto Barrie Office 13 Dunlap Stroll 37 you in Builnlu Theres placcfor youodthis main Takeyour choice like to organize and direct would youlike ItoIchaIrInI auscIfuIl trade or perhaps you like outdoor activities will Ifactiori aplenty Theres opportunity in decoupling Anny Acting Forge5 including advairictriittit to commissioned rankfifjyoif have YYQhatiiiakcsi new thin cxgrfbeforc andI recouping pictureyou ireI assured of lifetime pension tufted yourscwiceisxqinpletod II ifStp right lAsl the aciirErltCIiii In Amongyr for enlistment particulars ringwnlr yquIIccrciggIcg who tllsBICSGSF and education Veterans should Write idcliiotilistcd belowzr Nth SPrsomielI Depot King Street Wyn KINGS10NQnmio No EPcrsonucl D9909 0119fle tark Military Howdy ITORONTQiQutarioAI No Personucl in the next two III Inings IIAIr The Canadian Army ActiveFoIige offersiiiorcIoppoItuiiIti II IIthIII fOuIIhI ftnd Ann Bowen each SOFTBALL HAS SIX union The Intermediate Softball LUIIIIIH is the last to get under way this season and has six teams partici pating so it should be successful lEntrics are from Christies 13X RCASC Minesing and two from Copaco one of which will be known as AF of Copaco clubs will pltiy their home games at Shear Park with Christies using Queens Park ilii their stamping grounds All games commence at pm The schedule is It follows June llCopaco at Christies RCASC ill Mincsiiip 14Minesing at Christies RCASC at AF of Copaco at 13X IllChristies at 13X IllAF of at Minesing RCASC at Copaco 21Christics at RCASC AF of at Copaco Minesing at 13X 23RCASC at 13X 25Copaco at Mincsing Christies at AF of 28RCASC at Minesing 13X at AF of Christies at Copaco 30Cliristies at Minesinrr July 2AF of at RCASC 13X at Copaco 513X at Christies Mincsing at AF of Copaco at RCASC 713X at Miinesring 9RCASC at Christies Copaco afriAF of L7 12AF of at Christies 13X at RCASC Copaco at Mincsing 16Copaco7af Christies AF of at 13X RCASC at Minesing 19Mincsing at Christies 13X atCopaco AF of at RCASC 2313X at Christies RCASC at Copaco AF of at Mincsing gt 264Minesing at 13X AF of at ICopaco Christies at RCASC COPACO TIRES CLOUT VALLEYS 1F0R29541Wl Gopaco twoyear champions of the ladjcsLsoff noticethat they were again the team to beat Wednesday June at Queens Park they opened their season with 294 win overVal ley Taxi The winners smartly uniformed in deep green and yellow found little difficulty in tropncing the Second Batrie7meiitty Packers grabbed 30 lead in lDGIQpning frame stretchedit to 15 in the third and cdntinued to roll for 14 Valleys lift the score sheet in sixthI and seventh framesbut failed to reach pitcher 31er Draper Dqt kappHzet Marjorie tlhompson and Hare scored four ap for thewinners which in pluded home ruiis by jBettyu Cpnninham was tops for Valley accqunting for two runs Shewchuk andJones copAC0Kahiier 1b Bow gn rf Draper cfKnapp ss Lang bwiThOmpson 3b Hare Bowen if Miller 1c VALLEYLennox 2b Wright 2b Allsopp 3b Cunningham cf Miller THard to Take one aII runs Hare Draper scored one But Barrie Did inzGood Grace Midland Scribe Midland Free Press Ileraldl Although it was only natural that they should be bitterly disI appointed in the Memorial Cup re sults Ilarric fans seem to have taken the bitter pill with pretty fair grace on the whole Ouri friends on The Ilxaininer poiiifcd out few differences in opinion as to the work of the referees radio announcer Foster Hewitt andrtbe machinations of the CAHA but limited their remarks within the bounds of reason The gcperal feeling in the County Town seems to be that win lose or draw the Flycis were it good bunch of ladsl individually which is perhaps tlie best way to look at the whole afq fair now that its all over Not having seen the games or liczird any of the broadcasts we arcl not in position to comment on those angles We do llVLV01 share tlicirfccling that there was something lackingr in both CAHA and OHA direction this Winter Officials of those bodies have ad should have boon dropped long ago Inclusion of the three Foitl go to the Memorial Cup winners warsinitial TOTTENHAMS FIRST Inna mittcd as much in recent decisions latcas they may have been as far as this past season was concerned There will be no more instances so they say of team like the new junior champs Port Arthur pick ing up three topflight replace lmcnts at the last moment That Stroud nine handed Toffcnham their first defeat of theSoutli Simcoe softball season last Wed nesday June2 at Stroud when Elwood Webb banged out home run in the seventh inning to clinch 76 victory Stroud helda 60 lead to the sixth when Tottcnliamwrallied for five runs In thetopIIofI the seven th the visitors addeda single to draweven It looked like extra innings but withtw0awayWebb provided the winning punch If stopped Toffcnhams witi streak at Ifour straight The victors hitched ronfo three run margin in the first frame lwhen IJohnny Johnston connected for homer to drive in three iuns Austin Bowman added another in the second when he Wilbubled and crossed the plate on Ipassed bulls were hits and two errors allowed JohnnySnache and RodBlack to score in the third after which Thornton of Tottenham taking care of the pitchingchores set tled down and hurled airtight ball Through five innings the losers could muster but three safeties off Snache But in the sixth they came to life tuning theirIbatting eyes reached the starry mounds Imanfor two Idgubles cou le with three errors and awalkrtor total otfiveuiunsf Pendergrass wahdcred over for the tyingrun win the Seventh via somejpoorball Handling Elwood Webb prayed to be the main factor in the triumph with his long homeIriin to add to his triple Iandsingl Bowman and On Specially Prep WASAGABEACH Ibis Barrie roster along with five was wartimc measure and surely William lads took away just litl lie of the glory that should rightly it 0utsrde Communication tflrilliti Packet limesi The twoyear suspension handcd out to All itiiirdii Barrie llItl dclcnccniziii by the President of the Canadian Amateur lltitlicj As sociation is not likely to Stick While there can be little question that illilltlfl deserved some kind of penalty for his actions in the final tttiiiie of the lileiiiorial up scriis the twoyear rtip appears to be definitely out of line and it is al FIVE ENTRIE INTERMEDIATE BASEBALL Barrie liiteriiicdiatcs are if ltillt last underway in the North Sim coe baseball loop consisting of Colliiituvood rgciiiorc Combines Pcncttinc Midland and amp it ll tl III CAR Ugtllltl prob iblt fit it it st it21 will be llRlltLlltd after an appeal Collincwood were separate en mad try as were Ireeiiiore but due to probably um CAHA on mile shortage of playing material tough about the matter as result they aintibainiatcd and are expect of Coach Hap Emins IilIttlgllll ed to lipid one of hp 5mng speeches and general conduct and Clubs 11 chvcmlI it IsIIpIossilIilethhaItI iiiIIsIItcad of hemp II pll ic mas isc suspension plfffllhlmlgtiil 123 if should have been imposed on Eiiims instead of Guarda Commenting on thesorics The Citmp Utlltltll ItllStS Id ht 9015 Barrie Examiner opens its remarks that the itlllit Will he xtltllltttl that with the pungent phrase Words 1351 btitll Fail Us It is surprising to think double Schedule will be play that Words could ever fail Mr ed with Barrie games LUllllittllclllg Kennulh WHHSI PUIUCUIHFIYWhen at 530 pm at the Arena Park mm to hUCkcy and the The BARRIE GAMES but thats what the man says How hme IICOmbmvs at Barrio ever Ken was Wise enough to wait I4 another week until everything LlTBmS in ICtlg cooled off before going over the mgncM Baffle factors which led to the Flycrs 23Biirrie at Midland downfall 26Midland at Barrie However The Examiner docs ilkBarrie at Loinbincs throw one barb at broadcaster Fos iClWmuw fer Hewitt claiming that Mr Hew 4BIC Camp Bordon ittdwziIs very partial to IIEIort rthur 7Icnefanit ltrBillllC iuI ecumc qt en 50 WHO Other half of the schedule to be way Port Arum success and as rclcased later July disappointed when Barrie scored The peoplcofv Barrie who heard Mi the broadcasts are said to be much less friendly to Mr Hewitt few weeks before the same people SPORTS CALENDAR incensed at The Toronto Daily Star fbr the way one of the writers des cribed the Barrie team Probably this just as well that the series ended as soon as it did or else the County Town might have cut itself off from all outside communica tion THORNTON ADDED TO SOUTH SIMCOE BASEBALL LEAGUE Since receiving the first sched ule for the South Simcoe Baseball League Thornton has been added to the loop which nOWconsists of eight teams The originalIsched tile is printed elscWhere inItIhE is sue TbeiThornton games are as follows June 3Pa1grave at Thornton 7Th0rnton at Barrie llUfopia at Thornton lSThornton atBeeton fitThornton at Utopia 21Beeton at Thornton 25Thornton at Palgrave 29Tliornt0n at Palgrave 5Barrie at Thornton 8Ivy at Thornton lGThornton at Stroud 23Allision at Thornton Friday JuneI 11 BUZStrond at Thornton BarrieatFilEiav Jiiniorsi Aug 4Thornton at Ivy Monday June 14 Ivy at Barrie Arena ParlehSBO Friday June 11 Barrie at Creemore Juvenile Tuesday June 15 arriat Penetang Intermdj christianteach labelled the ball with two Iblows Shache on the moiindIhurled good ball giving up but five hits to Toftenham Hurst was VIthe lbsers ILmosf effective piayerjwiiitiwii hits Stioud 312 00011 10 Tottenhairf 000 005143 SOFTBALL SENIOR Thursday June 10 lrysotls at RCAF Shear CGE at Hzirris Queensi Tuesday June lF CGE at PrySons Queens Harris at RCAI Sheari All games 045 pm INTERMEDIATE Friday June 11 Copaco at Christies Qucens RCASC lMltlQllll Monday June 14 Minesing at Christies ItQiieensi RCASC at AF of Shear CIopaco at 13X Wednesday June 16 Christies at 13X LADIES Thursday June 10 Valley at Newmarket Friday June 11 Copaco at Shanty Bay Wednesday June 167777 Slianty Bay at Copaco Shear pm Newmarket ati Valley Queens 77 pm BASEBALL ulyi tltiiioicycie Races Ctlfed IYos flauntnous clgmltoscreii front plowth to you the air Perlottion Iieclt Wqlietlieil Stroud Ne aiidSpciice elicit tlilfl iiiiltlwl it not Utiliter ii it ill for Stroud ilillttILIl for ookstowii tlllt AN EDDY QUALITY rnooucr vzi Misc SHEEtS today and often crciy day Its real treat anytime So whenever youre thirsty or want to add delightito moment of relaxa tion drink Pepsi Remember you gut more for your money in that big iloiincc bottle 15173141301413olirlflcpii are lit rrgitlrrrillrailr murltsili iiriiiilir Irpiilfolii uiiuiiv lrjilllillttllll Limited weresaid to have become quite 21Pockagesoff MUFFETS and colorful GLASS TUMBILER To introduce Muets to new friends we make this exceptional offer two packages of Muffcts and color ful glass tumbler price Order from your GrocIer today Enjoy thelWholeGrainyou need Appetizing whole grainIMiilfets con tain the minerals roteins and food energy of the win wheat Islglit to dollglii the eye of any connoisseur AnglllieyIre better their am today Iituuse ovoiy Stunting you smoke isnow diedteil right Iuslve process Iltnown is to ensure you cigarette all at bargain Molten of GUAKER OATS Wolcly Barrackamizilbth SIFteti IDNDONiOntario llutlshctushciialporfminfrcslmesstiilui rt Cha el ibWood if 11 Pp mailmandnmtoz Saturday June 12 if Elwin Iii will Linihui including 100 mile in Mixes and25c FRENCH VHORSE SHOW 522 aritsczrtr me France The bestperche SWEET at or It stuck Int the country

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