PagzIIrwrszz THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA IENEW SCHEDULE SFOITING AN KENDIZR MUST OH MY NHIVIt Church rs iiitri mm the Wsl ILL ma 1601 Kb it IILI II Willie it hltfllatit out the days when Delft Plait til flyWin flank June ILil MINUS BEETON lluc to the litllttl of lime ton from tlz liffczinSinttot for for Baseball League lied tile hid ti in il Ei lle Lttli315t= Hittite lliitzii ilillnlleltl lit LlJHll lam and Altr auto iiilti in of Junnil ltru litused schedule fullov IiLiiiic at LllLliltlr Allisloti tit lIiiiili Mansfield at lltitituii icciuor it liltilfllltltt lloiniint at Hunt it itrll ltf iFORBASEBALL Allistoi ill llaiiic it ltltll at lltttlitlt llaiiie at Mansfield Morning at Ailmtoti tictmoic at Hattie Mansfield tit Allitoii Hscltlt til lfiitiiliii Allistoii at tietiioi lttitlft lt littitll lloiidiigs at Mansfield ticeiuore at Allistoii Mansfield at litltll Harrie at lloiiiiiips lloriuiiijs at triemore Allistoii at Mansfield liveiett at Barrie trceinori it fIvirett Mansfield tit litirrie Allistoii ill lloiniiies Jt locust lockcr is aa ill the piecedii llit lioiit Vllt1l lltr lfitlll UlllllltlJ iii doubleaction turn the Iti it ltli spacious iiii llltltf io gtiitllllt if lllltl1lti 11 turwlti ied7mcz Emma Woman 5454 PM of 715 mid Secmtfq am not worried because few years ago bought lensfoii Bond from the onfcderation Life that now guaran tees me MONTHLY llll Ifllt Lllil at age fiftyfive Talking tootlier business women find that piany of them have also bought lension llonds frOm Confederation Life ttiii lltttti llli and fiotl rioti fistulars fiiiic Illon with extruding tltiifi illl Ifltllllllltt parallel to the fraiiii tll at on iliiiitl is to inzifa infiltration of the ii it new builtiii iI iitilitiiin sytini pro litl Lifl lliioi tittib Lilli lllltl txltll flilt of the iivi lIii piiiii=ziil Hilillb ifliitI piiiiiits tip lll ii nutritious pail ch 11 2i 5ftigiiliiiii13iiillflliffi NEWMARkET TIES lliltilltillttlll the fuse of flzi tfl 88 EXHIBITION liilcilorvxirc Itlitl tiidi liiir IIicpped for their settsoii tintr fioiii tli Iieiilrtil tii tab hate been traditional lot nuns pliitttltliiiri iiiiibtlt littuicil fabrics tl opaco igirls travelled to Now Iiiiiiltit for an exhibition till last Iopiildi iii fashions ti Itcior tltioriitinig tii iii tfiitlititl flf steiii ii fillllt flu most iiiit1ttil lbiiisday May 27 and found still tpposition awaitiiii them The iiit gtie twitvi bilatlil iitli blue titilpi but tin5 the lllll liuf Illltlltlln lltllll tailor fiixons tied the Packers iLll in hard fought contest liflitiitfiiltIllll tori tl siitltiinli thdllllt gas and It appeared cry shortly after he began our car to Itillloll oil it tiiil Litii ilitlti tili iwith lien ill LhWew it it yxIllVIM liit do lilliilJ it iiiiiicictif HH id KVilaii ittt illli Lin tiiib lain titll in liiiliit broken away am really grateful to the Confedera tion Life Representative who first showed me the benefits of this Pension Bond plan for women like myself recommend any business woman to get in touch with the Confederation Life to find out how easy it is for her to provide for an income for life when Iflltlll tidy in lithll iirliltifli litil liiiil lii ii iiliif litflltt ii ll ilf it ilct tititi ii it alilltltlli iIiiii tilltlllf wmdow iflili flttllti lull hp Irl1r lii lll poi um id look it has llttli iviiitiliiiied with llliiltlltlttt bol ltl Hf lltittlliI lilviiililulll in titiilitl IIlt illipil itlitllt of both from iiai titliir ftibfics lli iii il tt tliilltl ill to ill tll tilit ll at stoiio7rxx lltil icotzotat mi iiilii Iiitflt iiiit lift Iii lil lttliilll Ill lIiiiet ioiiib tbi iii2v lord Erwin lliich of additional cl 13 pi xii iliipaliili As Motormen Defeat RCAP ClL Potato Sprays and Dusfs ussiire dependable lowcost protection against Idtslllltlnc insects liliglits other fiingous diseases IIIClIlI POTATO DUSTS EIEIEIIinIX Contains 3I lllll and 73 copper with iccial carricrsticker 1g IIV cflcctivIc against early and late blight lcalliopprrs and Illtlltn DEETROX 57 oiitiiiiis lllll and copper Specially prepared for control if lilltlll llltl Ill til ltllUUUIIU trtilhl 11 Is UH IS tttlt II TRIOX Ti dust illrivet blight and other fiingoiis from fixed copper Gives effective colitro diseases 530 rIlustsTniuy be applied at any time except during irind an rum hey do not depend upon dew for their action ClL POTATO DEENATE 50W The 50 iiltraiiiicron IJIIIEIRAYS for control iIifltztiflioppirs flea beetles flol many other insects infestiiig orchards and used as barn and livestock spray DEIECOP oiitaiiIislHYl and fixed copper LikeDectrox it controls blight and lltblrlltlIVU Illittli Ill 13 Fllttlft IV ire Hired for Spljd rather Illftll dust was ff insecticide Recommended onido potato beetles and crtatti truck crops tidely For Early and Late Bligh PERENOX highly concentrated fungicidal powder which cont 50 copper TRlCOP lriIltisic In Dceiiate 50 it can aim ppcr Sulphate containingr 52 copper firadding used as combined fungicideiinsecticide AllILA TL Potato Spray nialeriuls come ready to use Just mix lllllL water They tcillnot cl og nozzles BUY FROM YOUR DEALER INDUSTRIES rLiMi Agricultural Chemicals Division Halifar biannual Toronto CANADIAN TED Chatham tint Winnipeg New Westminster Do you spend your nightsgug and turning 11 brduhalt9sl3 Detouget 112 morning tired irritable and w1thoutI an appetite VIrffyou aufer from such condition you will nd Milburns Health and Nerve Pills most helpful Elhey stimulate the appetite the nervous system aid digestion and thus help to promote refreshing sleep and generally iinprove rimdawn condition vmarkuie Rodriguez oit saiefiit all arugeiiiipIItga ThoTMttbiirnCo minim mom oat lt appeals that Jack Inukt liiriibull has titan pitching tears ahead which vi confrarj to pub lic opinion litanioiitl eiitliusiii had luiiiiiill on his way out of flu sport but the tltllllll piiiahsl proved tlicj vvri vioin when ho lIbltltll lll IlItiilllt to did llziriis Motors to 13 ltliil onto spi tit the Weekend at llor tpontlt iitti liCAl lhc Ilyers lh lieibittiii riputation ftiimcd into sutuiilssioii to drop to third place in the senior iftball standing llarris llll their sccoiid straight ltiilttlt now close on llliI heel of the lititziitulcadiiis lrysons itlll liirnliiill liiikcd liilt lllilllillli hurlins with tho relinquishing of llltlt six hits hi the other sidc fftirris siipportcd the display with ill bits off the combined pitchqu of llriicc Low and lini McCartney llrlrrors piovctl costly to the losers with seven five of them by third baseman loc lrcwcr Harris opened the scorin in llll first inning lltlllt Noriis stowscrum vrcnrtn Third on luzsis ball and came home on Hal tine single Three were added in tilt third when Miles singledtidvaiiccd throth an error by llrewer on Norris ground cr and both made Iastcal Lakin flied out to lied l0llllllt inrilif field btif Lurin Davies proved his worth with home run ltlycrs rolled for two in the fourth Cam Iicllet the batting star of the night singled and rounded fhobases on lion Parkers circuit clout Slater walde in the sixth and scored when TicllctI tripled llic latfertiricd to make at short who in turn relayed to Ittimstiy at the plate to beat the runner by two steps when he walked two and allowed two hits for two runs McCartney came to the mound and rctired the had crossed the plate They count ed four in the seventh on five safe illcd hotnc butNorris threw to Davies Ithl Thursday ttlllllt it iiieiir Park Harris scnl Low to the showers Newton Robinson lttf li iligt June hime iortlii weekend Mr and Mrs Daft llrapcr Tor ner Mr and Mrs flurry of litirrie tat lltilberts los lahncr ric visited Mrs Council for few days last week Miss Laurette friend from Toronto spent Sunday at lloughtons few days last week with sister Mrs Btifciiiiui Mrs lhillips Mrs ltlilliizan Mr and Mrs Bill blilligfdn and child ren spent Sunday at It Lccsoiis Mr and Mrs Houghfon and Mr and Mrs lloughton lloiiplitoiis Mr and Mrs Iico Harrisou and Iilarie ancrwhs Tl UaTijistiii Spctll Sunday with Mr and Ill1 lllll Mrs If Nichols of Ricbvale The Junior Fiiiincrs lance Kin Cookstown Saturday cvciiiiigwas well attended by all except the orchestra lhe vacancy was ex Ipcrtly filled by their own talent and tiplcasant evening was spent by all Several neighbors and friends at tended the Helm aJcIssop wed ding in the church Saturday after noon Mrs Ilcrbcrt Latiderkin of Toronto was organist and Mrs lialt lhapor was soloist The guests enjoyed sumptuous wed ding breakfast in the Sunday School room served bythc WMS Last Wednesday afternoon the WMS met of Mrs Hunghtons Hindlc of Cookstown gave an in teresting address on The Home School and Church The social hour followed The next side but not before five more runs meeting is to bein picnic form tics to complete theii total chorge Miles Fred Norris and Hal Laking connected forfwo hits each to lead Harris at bat were good for one bit lCam Tielletwas the top man at like plate for the Air Fofee with three hits 11100 Low Ron Park crr and Jii McCartney received one single each RCAFBrcwer 3b Fortune if Slater lb McCartney 2b Pump iAlin ss Tiellet lf Wilson Parker Low Wallace 2brGribbling HARRIS4Hincs 1b Ramcsbot All other performers for the motorincn Get organism litilbmna main grid NeivePillii Looi Ifbr in ioni lb Miles 2b Norris 1f Fry II Fletcher Frew and Clark Unionville at Mr ILaking if Davies ss Turnbull pvl Ramsay Chappel Roach cIf IVGlllfitQIQI 3b Arthur ciimiifccf June Mr and Mrs GrantAnsdell and family visited ielativcsat Black wateiSunday Sunday visitors Mrs Sackville Toronto Mr and Mrs Hector and children Messrs and Mrs Tlios Fletchers Mr and Mrs Clarence Hewitt and son Gamebridge at Mr and Mrs McKays Mr and Mrs Hector and baby Mr and Mrs Hector Mr and Mrs Raney Ray Hector Gough Misses ConstanceLJnne and Margaret Hector and Shirley Gray with Mrs Win Pearcy Mrs SuirrianJini and Helen Mr Sur man Sr Arthur Blackbdrn Tor onto with Mr and Mrs Wm Mc Geology is thawscience of and present conditions of the earth linnox lluwc of Newiiiiirket was and rintit Vtttttttltlil iiid lt llioriitoii Continuation Oliver Ioniicllund Fay of Bar llarvcy and Mrs llcrt Iloopcr Barrio spent her with twentyfive presents Mistl usual iiititiiai iit available coniplhieiiljii ext ili lltll Sirti Mist riy iiiloiii lllllt and wide riiie ioiti colt tr liine lotvr of ltarric spent the ttlt lll llli Mix Alfred llionip son Mr lcnnox is spending it couple of vceks fill her brother ili lillltiflf ioif Mrs lidl Morrison liit llflttf to Ilit house formerly own floilmvell Closing of Home Schools Discussed lliv tiiistier of lissa School Area litiil llitlllIH in Woods School to find ways and nittins to keep down Uni of their suggestions ivis for Woods and Mt Pleasant schools to combine with llioriiton School which is to be closed it the end of this month At the llltLllIlL in Woods there was cori suicizible opposition to the plan fioiii the parents with children at ttllllllj the school While we would lititc to see the school closid and how all sympathy with the par tlllS we must realize that there is no so kicking against the bricks and unless we can sinccst some alternative the former two schools ngogefhcr with Bradcns and Cedar Grove will be closed Unless there is cooperation between the rate of Anczisfci spent Sunday at llsl payers Lllld school board our school taxes will lellltilttl by twelve 10 tttliiumsiutliliDotDIDttmt ilClfS BIBLNAL LAND The ancient land of lransJnrdan was known in the time of Moses His Edom and Moab THEY LOOK CUTE T00 Removal of freckles is frowned upon by health experts There is no safe way to remove them as they arecomring matter 01 pig mcnt in the deep layers of the skin 0idat4ii5ii6oit Man Youre Crazy Forgtyonr ugel Thousan are or II II tit 70 fr peI ping up with strex oiiuiliis tank for weaky run own teellui duottulcly to bodys lack of iron which Inmuy men and women call old try Ostrex louti lohletsfoiep young very day New get acquainted size For sale at all drug stores everywhere only 600 sriioiin Licensed Auctioneer EXPERIENCED LIVESTOCK MAN ii For Successful Sale DIAL 3281 012 PHONESTROUD f1AtnritE FULLrsIzE CCtCIdictn made parts glwciysAvailable Priced fromto RUBBER HOSE With ISA01032050 coupling 25 $255 RUBBER HOSE Withcoupling 50$525l RUBBER HOSE any length ft 10c crfeehng tiits lriiilim itTi point into the last half of the final fiaiiic vanitiiket tallied for three runs on four hits to thaw even with the highly pub licixcd visitors Copaco took the lead from the start by runs by Miller and Kash iicr but Ncwnitirkef replied ill their turn to count once ltiflic Draperi and Lil Bakoigeorgc scored two more in the second and llot Knapp once in the third to taki subr tantial margin Ilowever NtWlttftlktl came sonrr iiig back in the third frame to pull within one of tlic lackeis Us borne Mclnnis and McGrathc toubbcd successive hits to obtain the runs llotli clubs went scoreless in the fourth but the visitors garnered one rim in the fifth and sixth iii Iiiiis to one of Ntlllllltt to hold threerun edge before the Knapp and llaxcl Langy led Copaco hitters with three cacb connected for triple tovcotmf their final run Edith Hare Mar jorie Thompson and Ellie Draper weirIc credited with two each KflSlllltll LONG AND BONY python 30 feet Iona has in about ME rally Aim Miller Mickey Kasbncr Dot coil ribs she wishes to retire BEFORE you INSt um CONSI llT Confederation Life Association HEAD OFFICE TORONTO Representative HpUGHTON Bahia CombatfThat cough Dr Woods Norway Pine Syrup Is pionipt pleasant and effectual remedy for coughs colds hoarseaess sore throat bronchitis spasmodic croiip uthma and bronchial troubles URKRIIRE HAVEA COCACOLA Safeioecttve inexpensive and dependable lil passages and bring quick relief for coughs and colds Got supply of Dr Woodls Norway Pixie Syrup today The Milliurn 00 Limited Toronto Out HED MMM EG Coke LruE Mith REG Ailfora eitlzcr win trademick mean the Joti in fixing Woods Norway Pine Syrup helps to loosen phlegm and mucosclcar the TURF EDGEBS GRASS CATCHERS AND GRASSSHEABS 412043 io qyfiel St gt mm CocaOoh ewe wirechinecocoa Lia