Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jun 1948, p. 13

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no F0va THE BARRIE EXAMINER HARRIET ONTARIO CANADA II 7w WNWW gfIiIIeIIIgligileIIIItBSIIIIIling Johnston Addresseleenuded Forests Are it pioducc Lotta and lltltil and IPC Meeting at PenetangHeld to Be Flood Cause andth optics gowtntnclit lrgtr II to the mam Izmir Emmi tulidllttiltj arc II II III IIIIIIII IIII II It auditnu at li ll Kn LA MSLA assoc Ltl citatin tally tt tltu of Tara Assocmm II press nliLlL in VI 7n lsl7wlllt2sll all Pciictang at Hit in Tttonto on Mai 30 WHEN liliknl SUI IfUll $130 mm II II ilistlat lizgltt T0 1hr titllwl titlit izt llm lllltltbli of Georgi 43 mot he said icd up Thc Barn lilllrl 3L tutllti lilll for Currie xi lt7 lclt lsilllllli of Stpizitt Dear i5th lilt l2ttlllyf iltllililCtl 54 74lll LVl Phplnll Your ttxnt 191 lltit Jo ttt7rttcd pclsous tri inarkct SCthc mun hlslm of brick brilli L7 lAIl ImIhl 7III77II 77 77 Ml LutAl ilistotti 77 WW II lo tho t7lto ill7 iilltlli7l 1h mull it lita Stt it mut of blur it might in Lg ll WH MM 1477 lIJilll ii haw tltc tozld chaotic Ull tllitllmlils hays Ydll tcltiig lttw Lulus Although hillt tlllis satniltiwrl ll LL tn lilo stitziilncss of the it tllltlzllg sands All tlils leltilitt lr Johnston said licitiwul to tltr fact that gittclation ill Lam to that thtrt comClara gunrtntiou human linings at has font liitiltj in the gum ili tailnt to undctstttnd trccs rill Litttl llitll tins tlii not chum to he spcctacti ll i7t4rt7ttctl that litst constdcra iut lllzl haw tttcd Ito do my tixt in all lownltplantntig is tho III IIIIIIII illtzti tdill it lttisIt wotc givcngam lchnlso cztttcizctl tin and trim gt ititg ttlil said the lllltl lpiattltc oi planting loicst lrccs oti lth II 77 7I7 7I IIlII 77 lspugutl tllticsitig tumor at thc tt lllc llttil he said was for Iiirc VI SIIIIIIIIIII IIII gontstt of ins Ibricf tddrcss IIit7 stltctsou of trees When lawl ll 73L 71 Lamar IN my my was ANDERSle of ltiiutittiII If V5 bV gomllt llnzv Hi you who litxic isitttl onc dollar and 112 big on In l7t7 of z7 Xtittiifl II lI IIIIllIillflIII Deacon that ilrrsdin Vlitltltt SIN 31 tunic siVxIllllllll fIIilJIIlIIIIIIlIlIIIIIIIfl IIlcfllmld din wrll its thc latgcr South Hum Wm my it who sittw II7I I7I IIIlfI lIL mm unlit tltics will llllllkIgIC ltitsus ltliltll of 11717 77 17 blgutr tmlv is tvltum fvcllnl of 17 11 IImII murmur tifficois lillV Ill PEN 11W ll 7ttln7sI and boxiuty which docs I70 the my II Mn IlIllI ix lttzlll lllllllliii lllul txisl lll our Canadian mm gwwm in iIIt Im lltlgtllli lL lottcllilig lip huu accomplish tit7t7tn titics hc statcd Hc and Lori Tlittts what ntalus Kodak Vctitlirotiic lVilitl CtrIitHl him So molly LISTEN HERE ARTHUK ARENT You rorzccrrwc vourz BEAUTIFUL SHOES IVE POLISHED wim NUGGET it 7i ttit lilx wilt itiilflillls and those it his iartv it titttiiutcd this to wcilarranlcd oping it llll litt Sandi2 7l and Stttlipson St antil wvrt ll and Waltti 2m into tii ifillli prior to Hill lltli Now York lllltll ti Knivl Zl Mays i3t 77 away in llillll ncr lllttt lt VtSlllllllltl TLIllli tllz ldl ago liit ll lIt iiitit at lll SISSHNS Pulp and Paper Labor in pmtqmplSimcol uttrtng ltiat pcriod ho lllltilltgtl first its now Iorotito llllt super highway It had7 llllgtl boon ptoptiswd to run tilt 3it7w load around lch cast sidc oi lmko Snitmo itlll Mr Johnston littillli1tti that tho two paved iozttis thcndy running itito Barrio lwtic not cnotigh to cairy tho hugcl lainouiit of itltlflt rolling north llo was finally assured iii SHi that thc lli road Wtilllti ht built Vlil Nil tliiicncc Vaiti of Hart2 aiAlC Against Communismlllmrn sisttt of ziiititi if tid ot llic talk now that tho rond Sicphrttx ltutrlz lotttiato lhtlI llltut iclmn to combat tllllilll olidliltrowttllillfrotii Willlll Lcandci Szilidcls fatnilr li llllilt lzhtlll llllllllitllll lmt tit lhc lltll iii your May 27 issui itiy Frud ittirit ails litt to sonic lliltltil of tho platt liltiilttl at tho lzcar of tho llall llaniiig Mill on Ross St lhis sitc was thc plath of thc Dalcy homo itt 1870 about 187 acquirid by William llolirrt ltth1 who built it lilztcksttiith shopi ind houst to tho wcsl living tlitrcf sonic ycars and tn lllt curly ltltIilll moving away Andrcw of thc Barr and Horny shops rcntcd thc placc about ltltl7i Latct ltvI tiok mcr lilt Barr and lilll tlcw brick building on llayficldi SL continuing thcrc for Stiltllf tats Mr Atidrcw was town councillor and protiitticnt itizciiz passing away in thc curly tars of 1900 IPSBcing natch of Barrio Iiuiil7i iti tattadaan lliult unions tlttltlttl upon at tho ltttllt toiuclittuti oi thc titarto lapcl Mill Triton tliaitticd ItlIv lllt iti gillllllltllll tlrothcrliood of lapcr IMaltcis and lhclittcrnattotitil Brolt lll lizcrgc lit own Ilill and conz llltllllitlli of Pulp Suiphttc and tnprt Mills Workcts hold itl lo tottto lVllt couisc tilltlltlll was tnztppcd in rcwltiltoti utitinitiiouisly adopt cd by llit oiirtntton whosc pro tmliii iittrrcd to tho scrious thtmls to thc Canadian labor lllttlllvlll iron traincd Russian acciils in tlic guise of Canadian Iiiolttical party who havc lttll at point in load to Warcrchi will partd liitit lit road from latrliy lo Parry Sound will llt starttd livvntunlly thi two roads from North Bay and Parry Sound llllllt on down to lorottto Mr Johnston ncxt touchcd on anti tunilttllysclcctcd ticcs on all hilt MAKES HS SlllIlt ii iill up liic fish lll thc fain ll in pouch listi lillcls or Siltth lli tttlill tizixtutc of whtlv iilt tntl iotisottitnc Witic cuts th manual oilincss of tho fish and uh tlillitotis flavor lhc school tintstioti llit itl whichl ho is particularly tll vcrstd having llJttt ltustcc himsclf for Milllt Sill Ivcats llc told of tho sc cititlig of lll schools at lcntititng litilontaltic and clscwhcrc iti lllt riding Prior to lhursdtiy nights tltcttttig ho had attcntid gathcr in ol lcnclzing luhlic Sclioo trinplitig to llllilllilll tltt ttioicllloard whcrc turthcr rcqttcsts had iiicnt with How to tho romplctc and ltiitlll ovcrthrow of thc ttcc lttcltipttultt of our anadlan way of inc and thc cn7la7ctiicnt of tho anndtail pcoplc thc throat to world pcttcc by tho succcss of llltIS tgtnts lti crcating chaos and dis ordcr throughout thc iolll and Ithc rlttd loi militant action to wards rclorm on tho pat of till who holich iti atid dcstrc to pro iscrvc our doinottatic institutions as nitans of cliniinztting cottliittl tstii iii dcmotizitic oulitrics by strikitig at its roots lhc Convontion plcdgcd itsclf it tho rcsolittion to cotipcratioti with lrcc and democratically con llolltd tradc unions to rcinovc lhc cziitsvs of the growth of commun ismtn coopciatc with all organ izations in Canada in praising our prcscnt way of life IS cornpnrcd withIthc life in Russia kccping in mind that nlcic bragging will from the victims lhc cvils and Ilccn put hofotc him Lonccriiing tho hydro question th7 cnltc Simcoc rcprcscntativc said llt had rcctintuittidcd that tho northcrti part of Hot Township llt addcd to tho lctivlattg arca fot powcr supcrvision Mr Dulicau has doiic sonic rcry finc work hcrc particularly in thc inatttr of adding rural littcs hc tctiiatkcd Barrio how ovcr will remain tho hydro ccn llt of thc county hc added Throughout his talk Mr John ston spokc highly of the county Dixi Mclhcc MVP for sim coc East being ill at tho time Mr Johnston said hcJizid taken on tho duty of pushing plans for tho ncw Matthcdash forest to com plclion Farm WomeVn Help ll sttrcly it Igcls Ilu pittuna Canadian Kodak Io Limitcd loronfo its made in Canada Kodak Film the film in the familiar yellow box KODAK IS TRADEMARK NowIyou can enioy town V7 12freshboked cake with thdt homemade flavor wcakncsscs which do exist in our present socittlfltbticF to advocate Farm women are to be givcnl wholchcartcd cooperation of labor llPlllUIllty t0 Slly hth 21 fillln and management by sympathctic Qum Showdbe planned and What approach to each OlllOlVS problems IInl 0f qunpmcm Shflld 139 for the purpose of eliminating in SflJFd Add comb and case dustrial strife and the creation of nglllbcenum III II II lmlc mdmt ldcnts of Canada and the elimina not tlclcat an opponent not lidclpesig Farm Homes lifcfm albrcsi Housmg Corporation In Dominion non of any factors which tend to icakcn our soctal SolIlddllty ano Operate in Better Faini House Competition and prizes up to $400 willbc awarded in each proviiIicc The competition will be in thel form of answers and comments to list of questions which will be provided and the replies will be usedMbytlie7Corporatiotrdn developing new farm house plans The competition is open to any local group of farm women already to rctardour progress and to ad VV NUGGET vocatc that stops be taken through thc Trach and Labor Congress of 1349 Canada the American Federation of Labor the International Cham DIDTI SHOES her of Commerce and other inter THIS national organizations to devclopI II MORNING WV when you take thecasy modern way to baking snooess with Campbells Cake Mix atcr ilndEStiindiVngan 1n or used frankness on the part of European employch towards their employees which alone can restore Operating as unit in thoScIenlilloyccs that trust and The questions which are desm condence in free institutions ed to fimwhat the housewife which is essential itcommunism is wanfsffor practical and comfort 10 b0 held In CheCkw able farm home must be discussed 9I at local group meetings and the Are Robot Railroads answersugnd wmnengs to rep resent consi ere 70 inion of New Development the group as whole 77777 Full information will be madp St Thomas TimesJournal avaiiable migroups of farm wom If and when there is unhappilyv en from the departmentdesignatcd may war military men predict to supervise the competition by it will be DUShbutt0n7 affair eachprovincial government join that few men Will push buttons ing with the Corporation in spon hm underground dugout and Sen sonng the contest mwWWI71womvrmMug Even 1f you ve never made cake in your llfc you can turn outIIIaIchocolgtehggldonIor Spice cake 7II youlLbe proud to serveHand dolt every time No fuss niuss or bother All you do is add milk or water mix and pop in thoven You can make cupcakes layer cakes loaf cakesenjoy themplainice them pour hot sauce over them or Itop whipped Cream and berries carrying large crew of technicians who just went along to watch how it worked has crossed the Atlantic both ways by simply pushing but ton TheI devices in the machine did all the thinking Housewives cannow put coursedinner in an electric OvenIset the hills and got ciMrBttt7oiieVr Because babys digestive system is immature his rst solid foods often cause digestive upsetslEven foods whichbave been commercially straindcontain manyirritatingcoatse Wt 01 the afternoon lemming lilo bres and unbroken food cellswllich 7fin Ill meal Perfecuy Cked7 babys digestivg juices have bard The latest automobileshave buiIlt 1me penaladds AI Illl Jacks and 7in event of tlroI7 II troublcall that the drlver has to ButILtbby sj Foods the Only 00de which are first do is press aIbutton and ther 71IstralneIdthIet1 homogenizedseldom cauge digestive jacks itself upf II upsets This is because Libbysexclusive homogeniza And now 1901 aSIif robomall tion process explodes the GOd7cells7add7pulvelizes Amadpermqn 150031195 73 Spice 17 themughmes Taliesin ml YOUR WEDDING Thetjextta ne texruremakes 77 bot yardandlfthey thinksitIisIin ATTENDANTS JUttTMIX ANDBAKE Libbys Baby Foods extraeasy falliblc the Whole System of rail VI 77 Tr amp IKEnowa mos grocers You fan ejoy homemade cake oftenfhjs easy77cc77+c7ciii II lrggymggfsllregseapggha economicalway So bIesure to ask for CAMPBELLS the gaffegrafjcsarfgaylgaggs II cake that 1s blended by experts the makers of of wally amuletland tankcorps m7 77 Campbells Flour and Blossom otcanada Flour itll Eltfaealiidiln ill $321323 Strgltltidllndoumedly robot age iSV apprmchmg An American plane ORANGEBUTTERFIROSlmhdenclous II 917 Mia W9 95 ll 2th sOrana tth mm I2 cups Sifted loin Sinai 3tbsps0iaiigii Juice Mixes 17V3VCrfIamgF mngIYIIIIFPItfVIIIII VV 27I7Ad 7ISif sugargray7III11 enII orotaI yI t7 Adil7oianglrind andeiliceinid beartogether 77 ThiSamountwillIic thetop andsids ofacak927i1icbesysgug II V7 militantalwaysbeprepareduienI to Libbys anthem Ont mils and paints coupleup cars go fast or slow on gradientstIandI at Bm ugggsgggfsgrggdaphasia 009$ AREIIIIBOTH bIegms III II II vra rils ralw om an and lesglein to carryI7IouIt tlisgalepex Leadlng Jewellers periments on theirttraIcks 77 Hittle militant too 7ltgt7 toidigestsf reading may be revolutionized The mm electronicequipment is housed in mutiluizm lit building by the depot and with hymn out any human aid thg device will start and stop trains change sig II II IV Keep Seye4Pdclggtlmdff an II lung complay camel Alsolry Camels 77 Tea Biscuit Mi Mauve was first patented as um dye by Sir WilllamH Perkins in

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