THURSDAY izlsassex 11111 131131 UNE 31948 IMAM reckless off Iiysons Grill tame back 1111111 the floor last Thursday at Qitrcus ltilgt etzrau Jack the the Senior softball opener expense and copped the Bob Angeloff proved to the fill er Elixir Mttltrtl fllrti itiist and the ling them about 111am movrzo orroinNo cmanus nun SNowrmwrNG knuwltdge book who was roannng Fighting desperately to imatters into his own lltindown Fooling 1111111111111 Caused By Nervous trouble Strained tense nerves tire often the cause of restless nights Improper rest night after night is quickly followed by loss of appetite irritability and tired rundown condition For disorders such as these Milburns Health Th lithium 00 mired Toronto Ont THE 13111131211 TELLS vou Ifyou fill dipper with water anti drink front it you can see how much is left But tiltll you drain the balanced plant 177ml content ffoni soil the lmwto g0 ahmit this result isnt immediater obs vious Your overworked soil gradually becomes exhausted letting you doth by degrees on quantity anti quality of crops The task of restoring im buck tonmPal poverishcd soil in fertility is slow one If you areiiot getting substantial yields of the best duality crops have your soil testcdmn expert Soil test ing in experienced bands will indicatvwhathus to be done to restore the proper balance of plant foods with all that farm earnings and Naive Pills no highly beneficial The iron and other Ingredien they contain help to improve the blood content stimulate the nervoul system and the appetite aid digestion thus helping to promote sleep Mllburna Health and Nerve Pills are sold at drug counters everywhero ms can Motormen lose to Grillets 136 Senior League Openett bpctd lluy otlpitd 13 Luke Park to capture 136 victozy 11I111bull lot the same manner oil of Harri Motor rnjtuns and llu rate at1ong con Chmnpmmh lhini lhcn liiltnmc unified his hit to lllllcs at 11147 batting king thrust softball at the Grillcrs and counted three times in thcjr half of the fifth ithnorc reached lfirst via an error by Jerry Reid at shortstop pull the game from the fire Iurnbull took this means to you through profitable farm production The Central Experimental 1149 WHiIe RossCluomc was hurling Or you can contact your nearest ex peritncntalfurrn or agricultural college The longer you allow your soil to tloteriorate the longer it will take to bringitv This Bank has been offering the iiitportant service of money to Canadian farmers for morelll the Second fill lhle hits yearsrOur experienced man agcr in your district tinder stands your problems and is willingr to considcrloans for purposes that will increase 43 IIOIJNELLY scoREs LAST or SEVENTH ernor WIN 65 great 11111121 1112 thrilling rota Fl 1sda 1115 Lltirct 311191 loscrs Inc Hitting Dixt wet tlttlt it 38 littLl 1111111111 of i1 Stzonti shot 111 f1oi1t 3111114 lifi mo gttndtvisao dump Harris head first 3mm wngm In tutu mumj Hpemli1iiii Iii5 LtArILLl tliiiliipiulhllll MM BUli ing itself was feared 11x lit cx HIM itllllig lion Il3gt 111 Bun Giltd Inns looped ruin the l1ttic U1 diluuh 1W bl15 313 timid tut ml in it nip field Last year the tiriliets itietiiflm glKNm milV 2de 1nd to mgr tin1 my thou the Mutumwn mm MW and the ice in in third when inlsassct Hmhmmml won 72 but as playing weeksifWPt Im fill The ninth itpi1i1g 2121 passed by Harris betmac strong ilVLW 3m dwnwd tailwndeis tor they lEt1l to plate four times to pull riiint one Strutttis stablishrd had l1v that has good 11151 to thin or Gilmore llit1111p1111 111l llow mfwumy Hm 5vth mm fltl1a Richardson pulled uric1th rho pmvmm NW NW Tum paw hurler lid Elsassm found mg WM rim failed Ututltll 111 the 11fth 111111 difficuhv in but two 11111111245 Vim errors allowrd illlllttfi to lit titt while 111 claimed 12 victims Iu ilhh Filmlmwdlm dun icon in the ixth nw nuunuikc 1mm mm mtliunond enthusias Willi ht1r ag mu anal Hm my 1111 onlr eight hits lii5illisund mmd my are hits by llimncllx l1loi titl With an overflov 11f confident NW mnwmumi plI An lUlc and iShipplty can illonnellr in their moundsman Bobs fieldimmnfii RSifll my work himself ot for lla 1111 ing charges went wide open and llfl HHH Km up dmm ping counter lantltc bases with lllllt anti hf Mdmuy glviundud LIIFIIUY rtook Ill Dunlnvy 5itlinore but lltthardson connctl Hm RN mmun UNI led for l1i second consecutin two Im 31 NM Rm liatzllu to some Fife leftfieldcr Ill room 112 sr11ot1noNr 13011 Mail olilltllnd 111111111111 1111 wllnlllu ifllOflltlilcln at 1atnp llordon con 3mg 2h UWlml lb 11mm mum bun11 mm Sitiltllt llouman cf lla1 11 idouble to b11111 llltllaltttill across 3km llit pllt0 The Motor111141 rather peeved at nrk 1115355 GRADING Ill 53 51P55f5 WW Ws passial ball and tingle lii Alli Hines sent lilmoic 111 for the first Miles flied out to Heal but Lorne Davis caught on to grooved ball and dclivcrctl 1t to latt in the outfield After the catch Iurnhull and flour tallnd end the count Letting lrysons down order hands and Harris bounced back from the bit frame to repeat in the sixth Len Chappel replacing Noriis obtain ed single and pushed onward when Doug Ramsay walkcd passed ball and single by lotd Roach tied the game at it lies fore the third out was made llam say anti Roach had rounded the sacks Now finding themsclvcs in the wrong end of the count Irysons jumped from the stalls and bunch three hits by Fife hlcCurdv 1nd Moe Strausman coupled with walk and two errors to score four times and take tworun lead Dying down in the eighth the Grillch went all out in the ninth and four hits hettsd them five runs to give them grand total of 13 runs while Harris failed to possess the necessary 1tamina to rise twice and ended with six Murray Richardson Moc Fife and Moe Hines led all batters with three hits each McCurdy and Flatt gained credit for two each PRYSONSFife 3b McCurdy Richardson 1b Plait If Cook rf Stransman 2b Reid 53 Thompson cf Elsasscf 11 HARRISHines lb Miles 2b Davis 55 Laking rf Fry rt Norris If Chappel If Ramsuy Shcw chuk cf Roach cf Gilmore 3b Turnbull Prysons Harris 002 020 40513 13 000 033 DUO6 ll Wag CLUBINE HURLER LEFROY SWAMPED BY MT PLEASANT threehit ball Mount Pleasant had no trouble in rolling to an 80 winFennells held an 86 over chroy in the South Simcoe League Tuesday May 23 The winners struck quickly counting their opening run on the first man to bat walk from moundsman Donnelly and took second by virt ofan error passed ball an single by MacDonald sent hi home Clubine and Stewart added two Heldscorelessi made third they made up for lost time in the next frame by having three men round the bases neeshaw connect ed for ho in the fifth and Giffen count his second run in the sixth complete the rput Donnelly Ruffett and Taylor iwere the only players to hit safc efroyDi1ring the seven no member of the losing club advanced any further than base Clubines spectacular first pi hing effort gave himseven ikeoutvictims lt Giffen drew talk 35 ALBERT CLIFTON 21 Charlotte annual Chamber of fonunerce Fish Derby adthtion to the eight and onehalf sizeahle specimen Mr litton brought in the largest St Barrie was the winner of the on May 24 this year In pound trout he also caught another Several fishermen caught three or our trout but ind1v1dual fish of the day Brumfliow HindsGood Gain RCAI Defeats 061 by 193 RCAF made CGEs dcbut into the senior softball league sad one last Thursday evening at Shear Park when thev wallopcd Ithe Electricians 193 before com parativcly small crowd for sea sons opener Helped by pitcher Bruce Lows twohit effort the Air Force bunched lt singles and extra basc blows into one of the most decis ive defeats recorded in Barries top flight league total of 11 errors did not soothe the losers aching hearts Moundsman Al Wiggs newcom cr to local softball circles regis tered eight strikeouts in six in nings but support was nil to back his tirelessdisplay Bill Raycrpft buried in the sevent but gave way to Bob Mallion the eighth duc to sore arm STROUDSQB WIN OVER FENNELLS LED BY NACHE Stroudsihrecrun rally in the seventh inning was the margin neededf0 defeat Fennells 98 in 1113311 sfart of the South Simcoc Softban League Tuesday May 25 at fraud The game was wide open freeswinging affair which thrilled the large crowd Moving into the final frame count and Stroud were in for their last bat ting DanFlagel reached first by virtue of Charlie Fletchers error and moundsman Johnny Snache followed with long triple to bring him home fly ball muff ed by Frank Todd allowed Elwood Webb to hop on the initial sack With the tiebreaking run sitting on the bases Jack Bowman singl eLantLCharlic Wrightndvanccd Webb via an error ona fielders choice Hugh Ness was the hero with his timely single to send Webb scampering in to win the ball game and finish terrific comebackby Stroud The winners grabbed an early lead in the initial innings and held 54 margin in the second The fourth saw Fennells count fourtimes on the same number of hits to take the lead for the first time In the sixth Stroud counted nmmpia21855 Branches gt mu114 NettlotonMgIso ALANDAERfF Stoveniihm Mar Entrotorouloi Plate umpireiwaLRalphdReive and bases were taken care of by Mansfield HarriSon LEEROYVV MT PLEASANT 000 000040 120 311x41 oncewltenllsSS scozethn R0 Blacks fumbled grdtindor Snch set the three batters fdcing him in thertop half of the Seventh down in order and set the stage for the rally Johnny Snache was easily the big gun for the winners as he smacked tWO successive triples anda single Black also gained credit for three hits with two sin gles and double John Bowman and Hugh Ness were tWOhit play ers Fighting in 51 losing cause Frank Todd and RossNeIlly hammered out three apiece one ofTodds being hOme run inthe rst in Beach Willsucpcrl and Work for pthe needsbfvSimcpeeCntre He is young alert ttndrisfpledqedilo give YdiiACTIlErepresentation in lhnl3ll Provincial Legislq tuvreV0te Beach lune 1K H4 For in RfegardlePW Ville formicGovernment HEADQUARTEBSLLfBBELIZABETIILSTp lciiination or transportation Phone 5074 goodfortwo FENNELLSG1 Xneeshaw Todd cf Ewings SS Kneeshaw 1b ToddllprellZb STROUDwAJBowman 2b Black rf Johnston cJElage1ss Snache Webb cf Bowman Wright lb Nessvtlbx Stroud Fennells 13l 400041le fANous May 29 Mr and Mrs Britten Mrs Smith and Miss Ida Varo of Tor onto spent last weekend with Mr and Mrs Eldon Latimer Jas Linklater of Detroit is visit 111 his brother Chas Linklateu he Anu ltnd Chprch cltotr spent an enteya le eveningin the church room Games and sing aon Were held lifter which de lici or lunch was served Miss Valerie Dexter organist was Ere seated wIthafglft the mam ers of the choir lin ss if HughesC Neiliyab Fletcher List Your Properties with us 23070017349 11 The Flyers booming bats never let up and when the smoke had cleared altolal of seven extra base hits had been garnered made up of two borne runs one triple and four doubles The long distance runs were struck by Orm Pamp lin who is 11 righthitnded batter but placed two beautiful succes siveifly balls over Mallions head in right field Jim McCartney one of the top hitters in the league last season connected for two doubles and triple to share heavy bombardment with lamplin First baseinan Charlie Slater surprised himself when he found he had tied McCartney for top batting honors of the night with three wellplaced singles for six 1times at the plate Two sensational catches by Cain Ticllct and Karl Schroeder of the Flyers gave Jolm Fan something to cheer about Schroeder was playing Jimmy Boorman at deep centre when Boorman swung late and sent long fly ball out to the reverse of the shift Schroeder hustled over and grabbed it in on the runlicllet in left field was similar only he stabbedthc catch infoul territory Air Force scored four times in each of the first four innings giv ing them 160 lead to coast along Pampllllshomc run in The fifth his second of the game was the only run tallied in the frame as Wiggs fanned Slater and Wallace in succession and then threw Tiellet out at titst The seventh proved better for CGEWiAs time went on Low was showing signs of losing his con trol the frame but ccived free pass lsack and Lloyd King came through you 81inlelrsingle 4m stole third and second respectively Trying to pick Martin off third catcher George Wilson overthrew the bag and Martin and King sprinted home to break the goose egg for CGE Flyers garnered two runs in the eighth while King rounded the four stations in the ninth to corn plete the losors total RCAFWilson Parker rf Schroeder Tf McCartney 2b Pamp Slater 1b Wallace 3b Fortune 1fTiellet 1f Gribbling 3b HARRIS ONTARIO CANADA Your lElltou St athanncs Lt111r1h 11 Murdy Campbell led off in popped Moot to and Snachet0 cross the plate Slater at first Les Adartin rew to the initial First Assembly of Worlds Church Council STERING Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs Repaired and Recovered Stratford tlpholsterlng Co For Free Pickup And Delivery Call Cliudla young Lpic thine been appointed dellgates zoi the first asscriibly of the Wotld Council of Churches incl211 11 Amsterdam Holland August 22 to lSept The youths are Jordon UPHOL England 111 Canadar Elm1 Stain1 ton Toronto 1l1urch of ll1 ctplrsx Miss hteile jotkc Iftgti 3111a 1Tl1c Ullllxtl Church of 11111 odor and Miss Anne Iilit lo gas 13 ronto Ilrtsbyttrian tnutcl Canadav Ich U1 Gallagher itli etul Secular 11f lhl Canadian Phom 43f hillmaus Cnllitll of Churches stated that ptcpaialurt conference of 7111 adian delegates mil be held 111 Tltv ronlo at the Canadian School 11 Missions on June to acquaint delegates uttli lb Asselribly tnw lgran and study group JUllllltf illiir liis li 1Ltl ll llili Habit i11111 1f1l LU 11 mmc MW lr Gallagher has been nanndi ltillt of lilt tifltal consultant till the Assembly Anothct consuliartl is Itof titurge lliown InA etsily of Toronto invitilitr Illt 111111111s51111 on 11111111t1o11l Affairs litads of lllt nnatiian conumnri ions hart informed the t1111tl1i11 Council of thuithcs of then porl to the all to ltaytr by the world hurtl1 group Canadian tlltlttlltgt partmpatctl 111 1111 cr Mitt lgtll11l Manx havt Illlliillli all to l11 Newspaper and radio ItpltNtltrir lives from all over the world l1 asked for press mirthgm to row the Amsterdam lsscinbly l1a1le Taft has bten named lnatl of 1111 1111 often mar day Its ublicity hurtan to direct 111lo111i real 11111 anytime ho lltllLVcl yunit thirsty or 1111 In add le light to moment of relaxation drink aPepsiltt111c111l1ctyt111gel lllult for your nouny in that big llountc bottle ation Outstanding church lead crs will be heard on the air tan athan churches have been 13 platcs in the Assembly l1l1 OMPAltAllVlEIX NEW The accortlcon was invented by Damian of Vienna in 1829 Fl11 Lt lbw outlaw rvcltailrworvlr 1111111411 My vll 1111 1111 11 Inna 11 A56 NADAN TRANS 1er craftlf Walsh 1b Campbell Martin 2b King 3b Wiggs pLe May It CGE 000v000 201 Il RCAF Establised 30 Years POLLARD Real Estate Broker nonconfLots Tobacco general Farms exchanged moms 112124 amt Thorium on gt at Mini 444 410lt02x19 14 deal the can do lit Fir11111181111 11 CGELThompson cf Boorman 55 McGibhon Mallion rf Ray sun TIN Blue Book your Crumdiuu National Time Tabla guide Erery where in CW statesma on NM moms OrAtihlel De Schepper The International Limited Canadaspiciiti International train has fOrttlmost half icentury maintained regular daily service between Montreal Toronto and Chicago Inaugurated July lst 1900 to link these importantcentres and the intervening industrial xegions by fast convenient daily ServiccTheInternational Limitcdhas been aii essential facior in the trmendous deieldpmsqtthterghbst steered iasrves jj 1311133Eisii1ntidtisymlift$511163thanmatttandgtor fanatic has prOvtded xsomethingspecial in speedy railway travel courteous service of course and every 15 comfort of modern equipment It has assured smooth ride overla pcrfect roadbed witlteaSycurvesv and long tangents doullc trackitll gateway with automatic block signals Itsthe short fastroute Thelnternationtil Limited 9110 full of scenic interest by day Electsinviting for oyernight travel if Next time travel comfortably arrive refreshed on Thcdnternational ti Limited serving Montreal Cornwall Brockville1Kingstori Believillc 13 Port Hope Oshawa Torbntb Hamilion Brantford london Samia Chicago COURTESY Allocating Whetheratboneor going places in allyauf contacts toitbCaoadim National you will expirim courtesy mid twice 91va Manfrdal Toronto only