Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 May 1948, p. 5

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Lilldii aunt in Toronto John Devine gtprnt llrc holiday at his home in litMerton About 20 of the YPL mot by bus to itltllitl ull Saturday anti Mtlt taken on tour of the At Weekend visitors hllgti Utctir Sproule at Womb Mr and Mr Jack Bannister and Johnny lai ence Bannister and Mr and Mrs Gordon Brown of Toronto at ll Banntslers Mrs illiiti Jordon ofCoIdwater and Miss Jennie Jor don of Toronto and Miss Juan Wood of Barrie at Mr Wallace Woods Mrs lucas Toronto at Abe Iruaxs Mrs Lacey and Mrs UIitlld lilih WU MIA ml While tiililllp wind Francrs Toronto at flarkc Frenchs Mr and bits Reg French of Toronto with relatives Mr and Mrs Anderson at Will Frenchs Mrs Rd Leonard and faintly and Mrs Don Maxwell and family at Mrs Frenchs Mr and Mrs Clifford Brown andfaintly of Lan sing at Mrs Browns Mr and Mrs80ard and family Tod onto at Mrs Scarletls Plump tender beans cooked as only Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the provisions of the Election ActSection 88 poll will be opened in from eightoclock in the foreman until five oclock in the afternoon and from seven oclock in the afteriioo until ten oclock in the afternoon The polling place for the Eiecttiral Districtnf Simcoe Centre will hie located at for the purpose of receiving the votesof railivay em ployees sailors andtraveliers whose employment is such is tonecessitate their absence from time ttrtime from theirordinary place of residence or who have reason to believe thatthey will be absent upon the day fixed The ballot box willbe opened and Itliervotes counteriiat oclock in the afternoon of Monday the 7th day of June 1948atthe saidplace Dateatt Barrie this 17th day titMay 1943 ffscitliii IIQiolily3f boil We invite Your Patronage and IDELIVER scorers Jas llacllvll Views IlZitl II II The llrlllrlll tutliih LI irtdtulS rwir the Strand ltlIi or Crawford Alliston lrl owning Jun parrots Inst week Mrs fi ZooIitvl if xii vIcAtrrsler and sililkldlll 1mm MW fl lt ill Ioit taitinr ull Saturday Will Sirlmlil Milm illi ll Scottish spent it LUVWL It dIILIII I31 the Battle llospita In appendicitis operation Mrs JcAllrsttr and ILHHIUH 111 31 spent Sunday In Colling All Ii Inn in the RV llwb llorriing is rsrtng lull Mayil dd vi on The United WMS mrr Mr and flit li Duncan andi Bobby and Mr and All Darnari Rd mm 2tllll=l gtptllt tlonda at Im art Joririsuns JUII ter atlsuli wood ittt relatn cs er nlh flintalum Toronto at It Gun Vm1 11A mph Huntleys Mr and Mrs Strapli tune to cut one tool llrtrsllirlllt ol Uirllia at tIEt lilttlttlgt home 5mm mm IIIiII Ilie Unilrd ltitrclr trtm her WIll be xvztinltawn ilrKI Smut May ill on tittoltlrl of Hot all Stuart Toronto with his family tnrersarj Sunday SItutI rI fi Itisurrl tune ltlJtl otigralulaiions to 3dr Jr ti letIyn Wcllwowl IU It been awarded il cni UI Nursing Scrcncx lltiI tii May 24 Don limb of Toronto spent tltc holiday at lilnlcrult Farm Qmmnc mu Mrs Ilolt Mijorio toy and Mr and dirt IrrcdE Irtr intrnl Mrs It Mooney Mrs sold their farm to Joint wp llrollr Ilsther Downer Pearl of Crown Hill Mr anti rlr Ivrl and ecil Newton attended the vis and tarnin are niorztrt to tiiivn funeral of Mr Atkinson tSuszniah wood Braclrtor the summer lloltl Stayner on iedrrcsday Maw mm Him Hm The conununity was shocked who have been isrtrnr it the when it was ltllllltil on lirrday of trotnewot their son iitlzaai ii the sudden death of Alan ianlcss Ottawa for the pagtt timtlllr ltllll Iittlt son of Mr and hits llarolrl HI the uiryorrtrrtr rI glitch Wanlcss The little lull in some University Krrrixstoir on tinr=g rnunner Iilfttl lln lid of iltc cls home to etlar Ilarlnn Inst eIr leertit and holiday ltltntr nr Illdtd Mr and Mrs Win lIlIItuI land Toronto with ltIirlltl here lracc iortlon lotorrlo iIr llcr mother Mary lioaIe Iornnto at lltrb Wallaces Addie Alton To lcllt and fell into the cistern strrlt vl nu his head Ilead Examiner Classifieds To get thr casli rate for You sure look swell in that dress lIxanrintr Classifieds these must Omit ml Ilcr llltdllll lItItm MM Within cleaned at NIIStltlttl be lit before noon Vetlmdays Ml Bulb mill IIr loony Wickluni Mr and Mrs ut llit Ilolly Mr and Mrs Todd lib of Whitby Mr arid Mrs hae of lodcricli Mr and Mrs lot turd with Mrs Fm Ilzilicltson WO Mrs McGaltghey and Mrs Mans Mrs Collins and Iiillv zillion ot Coldwattr Shirley Elliott at ilrtl land Mr and Mrs lratier mt ltttlh of Toronto at Vllrtill Wice Mrs and Mrs Allan Wire and Margaret Mr and Mrs litrs Wice Jr and Verna Wice ot loronto at Illdon Wices Ball Team Social Evening The Stroud ball learn sIrtitlIolttI social evening in the Iiall Ixrtlt day May 21 rolcinole prizes were won by Mrs Nclson and Roderick Black and the iItIIlt honors went to Mrs Barber and lioss littbbert The remainder of Im Hayfield 11 mm IIIIIIIII mrnlwl How you can suit ererytrrstc with these lWOTlODllli varieties of Van Camps Pork and litans Theres Van Camps Pork and Hearts with Tomato Sauce May 24 Bowman Allen spent few days last Week in Chatham hit Marjorie Anderson rillia spent the weekend with Helen Cochrane You enjoy boh Miss Helen Webb llamiltonI styles So get several II tins next time you Spent the holiday under the partn shop tal root Mr and Mrs Joe Simpson and Peggy spent this holiday with the formersaunt Mrs liobt Gibbons Mrs Leonard Martin and Wayne were in Goldwater with her friend Miss Carrie Levering last week end Francis OHalloran and Don Coughlin spentthe weekend with theirIaunt and uncleflVIr and Mrs Tim OConnell Mrs Reich Mrs Arkley and Mr and Mrs Neil Jones Ronald and Kenneth Toronto were Sunday visitors at John COivans Mr and Mrs Allati Wice and Margaret Mr and Mrs Charlie Wice and Miss Verna Wice Ior onto spent the holiday with friends here Mr and Mrs Bob Marisol and family St Thomas and Mr and Mrs Allan Wilson and family Lindsay visited over the weekend with Mr and Mrs Wilsqn Mr find Mrs Howard Kelcey and Doris Toronto spent IIthc holiday with the formers brother Harry Kelcey Mrs Parker IKeIcey re tuinedto the city with them for few days The Knock ScwirigCirele met iast Wednesday at Mrs John Cow answith el vcn members present After she meeting the ladies prepared blocks for Quilt The proceeds from tickets on this quilt are tribe in aid of the SQ Child rens Hospital The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs Parker Kelcley good attendance is re quested as there will be an elec Van Camps know how with the finest Canadian pork and it lclICIOtIS spicy tomatosnrice And theres Van CampsNerr FriglimdSyle Beans with Pork Youll nd the snmeiuicy Van Camps quality beans The same generous morsels of sweet Canadian Ipork But it won derful distinctive sauce thats all its uivnzi rich appetizing blend of real rimamt and tomato sauce THE ELECTION ACT Form 25 Referred to in Section 88 NOTICE OF HOLDING AN ADVANCE POLL OR POLLS FOR RAILWAY EMPLYEESSAILORS AND TRAVELLERS ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF SIMCOE CENTRE Friday and Saturday the 4th and 5tlidays of June 1948 BARBIE YMCA ALLANDALE roll call response is to be vers sALrjg Returning Officer arming was ilirtil dancing lniird WA Afternoon Tea lfw itritrd Church WA held an Saturday Ma Baskets UL ind blossoms beau and lllr bk lriblt lrllt were well put llr mtiul time at the ass cruoyed by all lir CHURCHILL liollnran drl Slum of Toronto hitldll lnited Wills and The tlay Isletting of thc tans was held at Mrs Harvey RuII stun In good rttcridanCe Mrs llllllttl roli lllwitll ll llw rooti Socrc lEiilri tSltt Wth answered Ikll tlirstttras pills lot tlu hair itlt IiILl litllilrltil ll Tlr lotirl Womens Institute afternoon May 20 Jtli rrtttirul meeting held ttendcd Inc was pre Ntlsull and Mrs original toll call about the person was answered Splendid tvtlurh of the past dammit rn actrte and busy is of trtillirrilillV charitable ttllltlrllilliill Ltsll t2t 532 with 47 meni ind an riitliilgl attendance of included onvrntron rtllf l3 Wright choice Rally in wtwiative procrarn majority osirii Institute fees to t7llltltltl paper man on tlie motto Alznnti is our who knows your unit and likes otr rust the some llilIItl hit gt read meeting llii Itlltrlrgt from Mon and tIZgt liIltIll lilitll erai It the Ilnli Writ iritvttsttirtt plug all Ml ltrrt Itllcfi JarIvor lanlarnl thinking Mrs John Luca es of the conuuunrt tlr lll 5tixzLlI Mi Iotid was made curm net of llt 30 slimliilguunk memg It iarson mat an article on lroneer Vtlou Loye tcrwtins Locus than otlzl tt throng Itiiitll ltllgt rtati tron ldttllr til the and IN WttllA rid amt oilnl mitt Is LI liratun llllt lid chapter holiday tltttors it Mr and Mrs ll Sloan Sloan of Unit hits It Clara and tainzlj Donnelly lottrcil and intro and ftlrs tlcti zrtt Ilotiricrlj liilollllr closed the niccllllgs with prayer Arrangements Were made for the annual birthday party Jlltlc 15 at the home of Mrs Allan whorl Lefroy WA members wrli be lllVll rfl gltests STERING Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs Repaired and Recovered Stratford llpiiolstering Co For Free Pickup And Deliveryi Call towe Son Phone 4365 Paint intg farm trip lat iizing showrng trail KrII gave readings and Igt It lmtrl took the worship Lancaster was told manner The irictlrrigclosrd wait tlillll lAIltl Itaycr Il llrilllll IHIIrthli with Sinclair lillbtil SitZia asked to rtl writtat pro lent ill the absence litrte tater read from Mt ltcitc thank ocutrtr for their Itmxvrs cards etc xiiirid soon be back home again ii lrs Sterilrerrrrctrtl the Ithstlll Mrs firearm Morons Will BUY YOUR CAR FOR CASH BAliltlIl ll an llli Jutm he had Mrs Jetrsit llllliltfl the country and Mrs and Wm Financial Mm lutolilo rrni Mrs 13 llarrtc Mr and tatuii and Hath St art scrytcc and ousrtttws DLIC Illll ILt gtt llitltil Till Ill rllll Fclir lunm lliilllltdy Ivan Thomas luronto Ilorrrrr run Mrs chair Kuwait tlrccr AI ook Ilonalrl IUlollto titriigtr Ilene rritl Ilartrara Toronto linker wrth It for tr it out of The ttrogirr MIS gills of and hoping she itllll Mrs Nelson of the itltllttt5 enjoyed bV wires and some they still unpr to Mrs llitlrt owan sang wwrtly livrning Pray iltltI ouservation nut Ila drtrloprircrit of our Nat rrrI lzrtitltttN tttctrd ati lit plcrnlitl ga talk Mrs ariitisrni ati tr patItalics of salt another Nelson cori illll dull the awarded products roots and and larrrr plants iorlltwhilc tillerant metting was concluded with sumptuous lunch Willl Iltt Ulllli Free Estimates Ii fILLllIlt Hl lllON 2488 RENNJES SEEDS om PKG SEDS Shelli VEGETABLE sms wit LAWN Slmso EVERGREEN vrLI HAND mm entrain wiltrtitrr Pownars eta Blililllil ruins ltEICBlIliiilltiiillli in vein witou want CRACKED unlit COTTIGI MIND Loni5W5 moment Salli una as Ila rite Ila 29 53 oinI 35c Z7= PKG PKG MINITOMATO KETCIIlll Haulm TOMATO sauce PIIIIKFLBEIIIIS Zolfihs HEIN ii TOMATOSAUCI Zozfilrts IOBLIIWS JACK Jill BUTTn 35c 239w ILRESHLY cR0UNDrr carer smmrm FIVE ROSES illOUR NOODLE SOUP tionof officersand atuiltingThe vim Li LOBLA WiQUALITY BEEP PRIME BIB ROAST SHORT BIB 8035 lt BLADE ROASTBLADE REMOVED LB 40c Boneless suournlins Ls 38a Boneless Bmsm PLATE Ls 36 FIRST BIBS LEW17c LB 42 02 is 28$ iii MIX IMO rites WHEN VAILAIL ClllSCll GOLDEN IAR iiiLariw CARTON ruin on Mt memo rite LEAF 132Tlij9peningOI 45 Meanttrailer tumor1 Guarantee SqtisiactioIi CMCNNEN initiatingBlatant units tutu GOFIFEES uItl it Pacino sAIiINGLinIIISiigim BliELESHllllTSVVEIILA Tilt 3UTHE PIG PorkSIiilSliIllf sMoKEn SIDE Bllllllll SKINLESS WEEKS SMOKED IIIIIIIIIIIZIIIIIIINI WEST IMF 7411337ciZC LEI45c LB 59 335 IBMC REDHOSIT CH 11mm divas NEWPORT noMANj Cllocomm GalDENIM RIM 59 liltEtitiL rot crnitn RunWm mm sensual stringl am wix tilt term 560 MAPLE crunsn rannwv tra29sg iomtsbits em conr sum cum WINIIIIIE CHAN 45 wont so zitri 17c extreme Fire BENZ In time SMALL CASING Ioftizzsa madam ulllliZW mm Til32 N21 if err BIND 0N smear gIIf his rmurihm BAKE SLICE ll STYLE sILtIcrg SllCEllllllllllBIIiMfDriItcrous 66 as KW755 ViiifllS WGMW Specially rainbow NEAKIY FARMSONTARIO lllIlSll Just Arifwd First TheiSeastm ONTARIO GROWN SHEA NawI criticunison 11m inmosts snirswm macepgx f=iFROM SELECTED BOSE BUD INEW SPRING LARGE IBUNCHES it Now available CE in all Stores Jim 219 Icmin LARGE BUNCHES 30c be if LE1 limos mm to COMCINTIAYIII uni INOSOI gt In Item Fitnml NICE ROM EGYPTNO GRADE consume on oursnio GROWN oiuna

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