Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 May 1948, p. 4

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enauI Warmns Viewpoint on This and That Following the evening scnier ltrtliic Vlitrrarg II be Judge for Fig2 toe Collier Unfit tr lli Iia May we the tctrclilrtn Duntanj titt Miss lritcu tl it ltLtVt ston for iii Ii11 in Buffer so mothers lemhz llllillltl writes llre contpriiiiurse lilllll bllt tilllll 475 her job because of tune Utfl rtitalrtl thti llti snort lltIIlll tt Htlriz hits Jenn trtorrnttaet liI ltllforri llailn Altll lllnut am Mr lllrli lililrilA The charrntan Xliillltl ttrv llit lurr of the Latlcit Itlrrlrtll plusltlclll of the WMS it In Izaif sq illgt tonunx of he tIIlIlll paid Iilrltlt err of Mrs hittrtair ti ottottiid St Thomas ti Mcfonkcy ehrirri filtr Sl1rltl ilctnatg tormmtttr lil lilli Ital ltltlrit gttIrllI gttlr rml active career in Iiarrw lililt llltli2lilll cottnttutttty titrtrrs and in the church llr ltlii rf under ed invaluable rice rl itnrv ItIIi Do nounii Itlllll Ilt missed tr ruucli ltllltlllllllllltp presented the wrtit reply Iw it rttlltl lt littgti lr riot lohil lJ jtti are often asked Uric ImiUhIn MCIIMHI srlcr llr ilt trali Iirtlltl mum strut that ill had tamtr r1 deep Iltll nr daughter too in lllrlllc as all his tfe hat spent lost llill month Now nppottrllncltl Im moral to Inlgrn ounty but hp hop llUlH ll Htllltl pill of ed to itdllt back often to visit liar tantfi engraxtt Judge district ticcessrlatml rn ltttII discomfort In of lurarlolistInriiisuer for torinn who rilllll llll lllUlf lItll nrunl Ii our IUI so little more when you VI hINu in hm lillI Maxwell House Its aches and nciirzrlgrr pains The name Ilr llltt liIV ltllatlol tr rrllr purrc inllpllllltl delicious blend the of worlds choicest nirciinsrs II YUP dllllilnly Hll5 Iluy lluxucll House TCBWS GENUlNlZ LAMB Quality ME LEGS 55c LOINS lb FRONTS lb 32c erw lb Red or Blue Brand BEEF ROUND STEAK or ROASTS Ih BONELESS ROLLED BRISKET lb SPECIAL ROLLED VIEAL FRONTS HOMEMADE HAM SAUSAGE lb 35c nos 29 COLLIER ST mart 5W3 IWIiChtd merit mean that all is not happy in thestumtny seldom follow Ia Libby meal 49c lSc ll 35c BURG STEAK lb 300 BUTTER LARD SHORTENING Full Line Smoked and Cooked Meats BARRIE FREE DELIVERY Phone 3750 IBARRIE IWiew For yourbabnyibbys takes double precautiou After straining fruits and vegetables Libbys homogenizethem This exclusive Libby process frees the nourishment held in toughWalled foodI cells so that babys digestive Juices easily Imixwtth this nourisho Withlthe problem of digestionmadeIejtraeasy this way baby getsIaIl the nourishment in his food and avoids digestive upsets Hell ihdiciite his preference for Libbys by laughing and cooin Team which rue human Ing fog turnMin HIIMIM Food Your Inky Just and your HOMO Ill Minibarrim Gilda MOM to the ill ulc rt 2i rzv llr nalise Igermr elliirl ll illti Ir Isuil riI rlzx li IV Ititil Ztt Reginald tiorhlcn in rtai ifl Fulfill t3 illrlrlti at tl tinrortin on tIlt wt Eu Itll In Ensitil lr irJl lit In IIal IIIIA Lfti rtri xtitt ll IL pt Irvan IItr lliunnc quintuplets who will In it lrl ill or lint Irtrgttrll mirth tutti irl ml litlllilrll trstnltn llc Im it lltv Illrzl wool It ilt rrcv tttigt but tlltiv ttrln Illlllll Mnra amI roiti it Ilfu expect to lie in Iri riuo It lurlI lltl til to la Ilr make good lllili It tnml teJ Ilr June But lllrtt II in birthday party Io III III lll tat IItrrrII be it lI lll llir tr Itrllll lllil Mrs llilhozirn ititi Inur III Il small farm at lirote llarnc otrrent It llzttl itnsts will he the lllltt Hist who have Iiierr their tclloe stud lllri during the past year ltr IIIt tItlll1 Iapa llionnc plans MI et utl IneJorIr oil the IrtlI lll lltrttl ol lil lattir llUllIL The laidics uiliary to the itanadian llltlll Iltlfl pretty and sticcesstul Sprint ten and bake sale on iednesdaj May ll ill the new Legion Hall liven St lhehrrndn some new drapes and Venetian blinds were an attractire setting for the many ten tablesuihicli crrr gay with Springflowers Mrs Linda Itcltis arid Mrs Marjorie lodges presided ably at the tea table lovely with handsome lace cloth centred with silver bowl of golden flowers silter candelabra and yellow tapers Tea assistants were in charge of Mrs lrace Bury Mrs Nora Charette and Mrs Ger lrude Stine the bake table Mrs Dorothy Jones Mm lltlllll Marlilt gan most gratifying sum was rcaIrcd At the home of Mr and Mrs II II 137 Durith aIsmaII party was held hill 0121 20 on the occasion of Jimmy quiors 13 on mrs dy ay honor of hernioce Miss Marion fit is llIIlfIl inong tlit hucsts RIISSLIHI Reg NII 01 ForomoI whose were Mrs IId Scott his greatt grandmother and Mrs Andy his godmother About 20 tttest attr nded successful sale of homemade baking was held at Trinity Parish Hall on May lI under auspices of Ihe Junior Guild of which Mrs lrayis president There was nice assortment of baking as ar ranged by the Guild In charge was Mrs Allister Rutherford chairman of the finance committee Tea was served by the social com mittee of which Mrs Reg Richard sort is chairman Mrs Thomas Loue entertained at trousseau lea oanaturday May 22 at her home 168 Drrhlop Street for her daughter Leah who is to be married on Saturday next in Triti ity Anglican Church to John Rob ertAHarvey of Toronto Mrs Lowe Mrs Harvey and Leah received the many guests The tea table was prettily decorat ed with pink tulips and white tap ers Those who poured tea were Mrs Reginald Howden ofloronto Mrs Clinton Cross Mrs Simpson of Toronto Mrs Howard Felt Mrs George Ullrnan Mrs Montagu Leeds Mrs Isaacs Mrs Hix Isaacs and Mrs Fawcett until waits llHIiltIlh hate to Irril about Itotlll in Jones party Mrs Humphrey Harvey and Mrs John Calvert who each gave tea Mrs Amos Bushell bathroom shower Mrs Harvey Mitchell luncheon and Mrs Harry Startup an aunt of Mr Harvey dinner and pantry shelf shower The former II Weldon 118 Codringtonr St are hoIdingI BlOssom TimeReuniop on Tuesday June It in the form a3 box social Mrs Weldon ihas opened her hOme for the gathering uncle mirsical program WIII provided by the former pupils of Mrs WeldOn Ladies will bring boxes and contribution of 25c by the gentlemen will gotothe Cana dianI Save the Children Fund MtNTs PAVILION OPENING MAY 22 ATTRACTS 1202 ZIi rt Irltn across the Helilt bad its largest VI Lentil last Sat llll 2202 dancerSI act For mt LI usurier any crowd to srrtni optrung Zilr Straus itinrll Itxrttl runny flowers and Ant oi rongtattrlaiion Flowers Itilrillll vl orchestra stand were ill Int on from tIurfts Lowe llon Emery Iii Illottglas llcrigei and the boys of ti tt IIllltIIIrr tlrrpia lovely potted IrIl tr tn lobby was front Mrs ISUannnan Among Ihosr plcsctrt on Saturday ltrill clr llts Worship and Mrs tlldlil Irtri ololicl and Mrs flatly Ian leorgc Johnston IMII Ilecre Lockliart of Itrtrlgt1I lownshrp and many pri Cate paints at resriVed tables From Toronto there was Pop Snnth titad of large trucking itItlllttlli lIur clt It waitresses to look alter the tables and five more at the big new refreshment booth where hris Spanis was Ill charge lloug Ilctlgcr assisted the manager Ion In busy opening nrulrt Ill look Irne after the customers The orchestra the Ramblers ltllrttltll by first saxophonist Bob lowell were excrllent At the piano was harIts McMnrlin with Camille limpoli on drums Billy Sparris on string bass Don Reid WILIRIAIW anti Cameron Stewart on saxcs also Fred lrifiths of Toron to on saxophone Jerry Carruihers star trurnpclcr who has been away from Barrie for several years made his reappearance here and gave decided lift to the music The other trumpeter Bob Hunter was unable to play owing to sudden bereavement irt his family The orchestra at Minels is to be ol lhornbury aunts of the bride toIlc lea assistants were Mrs Wright Mrs Allan Fisher Mrs Letslunan Mrs Evans of T0 lrorito Mrs McKee Mrs Bell Mrs Collis Misses Vera Lyons Marguerite McKinley Phyllis Johnson Rhoda Young Beth Norris Ruth Brother Norma Maanten of London the maid of Ihonor Elinor Mitchell of Tomato JI JI and Mary Isaacs of Thornbury Mrs Smith held tea arriage to James Dales is to take place on June Miss Russellfs Imother Mrs Russell of 48 Playler Avenue was present also Mrs Douglas Culham and Mrs Illerbert Finlay of Collingwood Mrs JLISscll is graduate of the Royal Victoria Hospitaal Among those who have criter tained in honor of MissLITLOwe in recent weeks are Mrs Howard Feltat tea Mrs George Ullman and Mrs Frank Hammond bridge party Misses Beth Norris and Phyllis Johnson miscellaneous shower at the formers home Col lier St Public School teachers tea at the home of Mrs Ag new In Toronto Mr and Mrii Humphrey Harvey entertained at family dinner party at tile Old Mill in honor of Miss Lowe and their sonJohn Robert Har vey whose marriage takes place on May 29 in Barrie Others who entertained for the brideelect were Mrs Mathew Ward dinner in Officers of the ladies sectionOf Barrie Golf and Country Club were elected at recent meeting as follows President Mrsi Empke vicepresident Mrs Chittick captain Mrs Pat terson vicecaptain Mrs Harris secretarytreasurer Mrs Douglas Ramsay delegate to coun ty association Mrs Erial McNabb handicap committee Mrs Currie Mrs Vera MacKenzie Mrs Palmer flower committee Mrs MacKenzie MrsW Little Mrs iMcNabb pupilsgot Mrs Clara Are on going through the functional mid ram hot esxfael so narrow strung timi fben no tryLydinl Pmkhams vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms Plukhsm Compound IMhGBWFtD tonic start ixniftljlllltiilm 3ttltrl1igc Sam Barrie teIcomEd as Irr possibly could tint one thing went midine In Mr Strtrnsman Light atir most people The checking fac ttmtltigtlnlt 10 Stand lr rlltl of the night and time before severali pie tir straightened out HOW tan says he wishes Ltse tor this matter and 7r1ltp tlittklllg department ttrspzteI the continued cool taunt blunt had another ood no for thr holiday night thirty in 15 Hum AJLUWC 53 Iirttl some time next month IIllilll this week there will be tlrttlit mm on Friday and Satur iria trltgt Iwas opened officirrlly for the iiitil II stason on Saturday evening May mUSlC Will be rWlllnfi l0 30 been built for the men with 69 had first low net and Cliff and Mrs Johnny Johnson new and good Fairwaysyareuin workThey Should be ready in couple of weelfs now that new pondenceor Lets Chat Thse will rirrmrsi Maegan air to ms aran EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA arm1W FEDBRAIED ms ANNUAL PICNIC SATURDAY MAY 29 iSaturday May 29 Township Hall in the evening It I25 TIMETABLE AND LISTI llrllllt whose marriage to Mr John OF EVENTS ltotwr llarch son of Mr and Mrs lirrrplne llarrey Toronto will Anglican Church Barrie penmmng herd on alto sax on certain nights land lion McBride will appear at high jump softball throw ereiiionies He also is of NetrISZUHWS irrailicl arnmrr that he was planning spec ial attractions for Miriets It be announced from time to tinre There is regular boat service by Ilelaneys and regular bus service incorporated villages trig run off liti Lun Iilack your lunch basktetkand eiijoy social hour at the park pavilion at supper time Barrio Golfnnd Cuunhy Club CUIIH I0 Iht lllCt ill MItllllllhlI Township Hall 830 pm Good 22 with dinner and dance Bert Gage who is steward again this Women Drivers Keep year prepared fine repast for the Wm Cors in Better Shape Currie president welcomed Than Men soySIMechdniC the guests and spoke briefly of the clubs plans for the season Mrs Empire spoke for the ladies in IIIbettm shape than men says Jim Willis told of improvementsI veteran garageman James AI Hum which had been made to the clubI uI wont comm Inysdf on house facilities Dyment whether not they are safer told about the tournaments IWlllLllIdriversIIIhe continues nbm women had been planned wrth Midland many have sense enough to and Aurora rain that the know vet little Following the dinner the guestsll rabout what makes car tick remained for dancmg vrth WtillyicomCquentlv they take their mm Perkins and his threepiece orchesI rofessronal mot mechanic tra provrdrng musrc Another 28 people added to the attendance for goes wrong the dancing This year the club directorate ion the other hand the average consists of Currie president man alleles himself as preny Dymcnt mens captain HotIra mEChanlC SO he is inclined Robinson secretarydreasurer let things E0 or try 10 fix them mmee RL pI Merrick Chmmmnpreeding major repairs that could greens committee Clyde Johnsonhaw been owed by an early chairman membership VISIt to quailMd Chants Among the many improvements Official statistics show that last around the clubhouse recounted by year women drivers made up 191 Mr Willis was the complete re per cent of the total numberof modelling of both mens and ladies licensed drivers in Ontario But dressing rooms In the ladres side women drivers wereIinvoived in showers have been added more only 43 per cent of the total num lockcrs and screenedin lounge ber of traffic accidents throughout Both the mens and ladies locker the province rooms have been expanded andl However the sameofficial source havenew roofing and decorations cautiously adds that no gures number of new lockers have are available oh=the mileage driven Iby women So its still anybodys On Monday May 24 there were 30 men entered in the Iiihole sweepstakes inlhc morning Low gross of 81 was shot by Jim Wil Iis for first money Jack Rodgers argument Brown with 70 hadecond RoyI Merrick and Harry Reid were tied for third with 73 In the afternoon there were six couples in the mixed fourball foursomes Lorne Arnold and Mrs CL Chittick were first with 83 net Currie and Mrs HAI Patterson won second prize with 85 Among those playing on Monday was the former club champion Jim McFadden Mr and Mrs McFad den nowI residing in Cooksville spent the geekend asguests of Mr Despite the chilly Weather and rain of recent weeks the Barrie course is in good shape having wintered wellv The tees are all finestyle but the greens need more equipment has been added Dont put advance notices of events to raise money in certes be charged to senderat the regu lar rte Use Coming Events for such notices wilt Merrillll Plans have been completed by the executive of the North Simch IFederaled Juniors affiliated with glhy Ontario Junior Farmers As Isociation to hold their annual rficld day picnic and darite next The softball tournariwnts for boys and girls and standard field events will be staged at Midhirrst ark the ball games to start at grill pm and the field events at 3th put DST The juniors Fdance Will be held at Midliurst Competing teams and individual entries will be selected at the IMidhursl Field Day for entry in the Ontario Junior Farmers Field IDay to be held at the Ontario Ill If LOWE IIIIIIIIIIIIIII tAgritultural College Friday June Admission couple While are necessarily restricted to meni borsI friends of mu mpmbprs Wm liaii Remover llarrnlessmleaves welcome outing and join in the dance Committee Fletcher tiring 5tIeIeach or $1le per competitive evems Unwanted hair retrievedinstantly from face arms legs With Flash chairman Harry French Allan BrownI Patterson Miss liclen Caldwell ltItI nixBoys and Girls soft In pm MM 29 Truvaball games t5 innings finals in 300 munStandard events boys The Quality Tea SAMBA ORANGE Briton skin soft and smooth You cant mm da lose Money promptly refunthd if hair grows back after third ap Illlr3lld plication with no questions asked Complete treatment $2 postpaid Romney Howard rCDsrl0stago extrai Mrs John KARI2X PRODUCTS Dept 299 Box 22 Station Montreal Que limitr was by no means completeIIIIIIIIII high IIIIIIpI girlsmward IIn fiowdery of Newrnarket is mm brdIId IIm Ijel tlletllllttl for piano and All Shep IIIIII IIIIIIIIKIIIII Im INTI IIIIII runes as vocalist and master ofI 400 itllUlllplmlln General Field Day RulesAll Mr Strarisman informed The Ex competitors must be members of the associationfi0m farms or tin Rall Tearifllntries to be sent to the secretary Mrs John Patterson Barrie RR Phone Barrie lt iltil TFHHSDUIL inning in Mint not later than Thursdth llarrre All lht manager is IOOIt May Team 90 $1 each team mg for now is some llltv warm to supply one umpiml and one weather to go with the most altrac scorekeeper List of players to be Ilc pavrlion north of Toronto urnbd in to mu committee at park notlater than 1245 pm DST DINNER DANC Field EventsEntries taken at the park when the events are be uuuuau Women drivers keep their cars cilia Willis chairman house comImmself Generally he Winds ulr Require Attention Eihe Immediate use of Dr Wood Norway Pint Syrup relieves spasms of coughing helps to cut phlegm arid mucus open the air passages and soothe the irritation Dr Wcods Norway Pine Syrup contains no harmful ingredients nor habitforming drugs It has bge householdremedy for nearly 50 years 3011 sale at drug counters everywhere IllillHilmeoLimibdlorpgo0 Grand new who bah at hamI Heres the successorrto perishable yeastnew Fleischmanns Rbyai Fast RisingDry Yeast itneeds no refrigerationit keepsfresh inIyouLcnps board tillyou need it Takes the place of fresh yeast inmth recipe Youll be thrilled with its fast rising action delighted with thedelettable avor and texture of yourbttking cafe anycop sunlimms uinm IND Yiltiitiuti rumIDOLI II II For 19515 BRANFLAKES haves avortint htbit iratiitpfltstif iium natural lo unnatural bulls 094 muunusnuugnugqnuqonaWun nnh SLACKS SPORTSWEAR SHEARD Custom Dressmaking and Design 82 MARY sr 1un PHONE 5145 uwuunu nnunuuunu THE FRIENDin ATMOSPHERE WHEN asked what she liliiid about Sterling Trusts depositor in our Savings Depart ment said like the friendly atmosphere This pleased us greatly for in orrr dealings with clients in every departruentsavings Pllllthwrllltlllgllgt5tIllllVi aimed at spirit of friendly IetHiperalioIr efciency combined with it personal interest in those we are privileged to serve JTHE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Head Office Toronto Brunch om 13 Dunlap SL Battle J7 yum In Business You NMHWMLTII ii lliorthsjtt Mani TOO because bran IHURSDAYJIAY 27 tors AD THIS mayo vamsm sugar 32 populll

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