Mort rwo THE BARBIE EXAMINER MEMBER OF tsruumm uuAW Class Weeklies of Catioda Published lhutsduy Morning by Audit Bureau of Circulation THE BARRIE EXAMINER LTD siistiinii Weekly Netispupers Association ElGHTYNINE lPOLLlNG BOOTHS iSlMCOE CENTRE MaclREN stnsctitprtoxs Elgllllltrt rhlllllg IMUIIISWillbtl Pkrsrcmr AH mama EDITOI Howls or Crest Britain $200 year loin Show centre limit it am warts United Stnlcs Sim scar WM rim US Mvmldi Jum IIie polling places have becnl iiistttt izitl liIlitliillilllllli have been lpmteii till lhllllill the riding by larger families Mucleans Magazine of April is Lu itiuzmng ruino 15 published it vigorous editOrial ussertingl rows or IlAltltlE there Were such conditions in Canada Inl Elm4 drilmWH lilS Hadi tdtlzs 53 Lotus the Canadian niitgzizhie the editorial asked is yum llmmy lllnxlllljlul Is the Canadian Government in conspiracy isiiimnsiui Triton IlllISIl Ilall uguinst marriage Is its secret slogan down gsrrbainmw fr Huh tit in Siibdiiisiozi Morrisons hunger with MotheihOod The editorial tiieii goes Brami $1 on to quote figures showing that the income Sulmwmm tax laws are heavily weighted against marK ried couples mid particularly those with tlillct loll ltttA Allillltllilt children ltiIZlIl II lelelL Nii titilitl llvil IlsliOlSf It does seem odd that country like Canr UM nda needs the artificial stimulus of immigra NH igllllmllr Hindlos schml Single copies So each VICEInfillth AND EUSINESS IANAGEI gWQ AIR FORCE DAY AT Altl BURDEN Air Force Day will be celebrated at the CillllBUlItll RCAF Stzitioii on Sziturdziy June 12 Wing Commander ililtz AFC the Commanding Ofticmz lius announced tliui the Station will be lit home to the general public btlwcfll 30 and in The program for the day includes parade and wrciitliInying Ceremony zit tlie Cciiotiipli in Barrie at 10 out In the afternoon it fly lllk splay 0f Vampire IN tillIll Wille Lion to increase its population Surely there ii illltll 1110111 With 5mm displays Ul llilllllllsis something wrong if we must seek out the 43Iiiifiiihlminiiiiii equipment model aircraft contests IlSlIitibi5L young pwple of other coumnes to em 15 EM ms Tran Ul Imbbl 51100 Clan DICMHIHUUHS by Sffvltt rich our own Perhaps in the message to the lo MW DENNIS glllded IOUFS 0f hilllgls IJiITIilfkS ml British people in their findings on population No riiurnton tlllliit llull other buildings continuous theatre periorni mile wlll also bl ll message for Canada Hriels Al IRISW DAVID CLARKE Well llJltvVII to thousands young and Mo til his vast radio audience it llII of Li lieiirtattiick on viitiriesdu night Mtiy l9 III for taro months of lost year he was thought to be making complete ictoveiy and had been about as uiil the previous veek He was inm in Iriiiisby Ont Illld work as gfotciy salesman shipping iIIIII in other occupations house No Slliilltl oziinitlriitv lItiII is it is gr II II ills in th ii in Ailvet IllTS and lully Other HHS 0f Itll01 Hw ll liltkllliflglltltlllllitllIlit lllllllliioulit IisngIlIdlfltll IGIILIIIS AtlllllSSltlll IS OI COWS In pubhc IMIUKIANT NEW AIR MAIL RATE Nu l0 loiiistvuk irnligc lid of frlltti He wus news editor of Iisllurs tile tSSlllttl till it liltlsl lllIt lthllllg illlI Bogmmng July next ordlnury onednmqu il ill liii Ill loiiit siliool tliirlniiiiiiiilgrgvgttiltiiniiiwiiiii instructive afternoon letters will be curried by air mail to the on Sunday mornings since 1940 lurger centres of Canada under new postall NU liiirrie people should niukhit ii point to visit lvlllmglllli lll VlSllm lr Iiistoii lluiold OsbornesI It on Neighborly News Ill 11ml Borden Sumo Jul 15 IlJ1StIltlllt Announcement to this effect was on lliiiitllltitl with the cooperation of In heavy In mode in the House of Commons by the Post No ntniinnu ViKlilLt Iinvlisllllllllli uiiiidlzm IWeekly Newspapers lllll served SpOllytllf lily Sliltirlldlll iml must General This new senlee which will Ililli iAssiitiuttoti iiii lAndy won his the attendance to at minimum This llll Mm Mm ilhll llllllllllllllll lll lull ti PM 11mm operate at first on the mflln network of thi 5mm illlliv lam llllllldqllslmss Inall Vlul we Should we it 11 Tlunscmmda All Lin mm may be exmnd No Minising hiiiige Hull Illtl ii ivris stiid tlizit itlit one letter WPWWMC by mm at mm mm ed to secondary feeder lines means that let No ziiifrl liliiltl llzirris nlio liviis Int nil Clilitfil neighboring air station weighing up to an ounce will recelve all Ilirllsl x11 Hu IS SHWWH xv its tlL If NH l3deiivtilc oiiiiiitinil Iliill WWI lid it lllllllllltl III FORE Day WADIllIlllljllfllII1llllllllllk mm treatment Whom or or they my No Alilcn Mills Scottsintlllltill Mm annual eyeinEiobu in RCAF in thlltllmr posmge They wnmls4mmjn record acmwu mdhnleven with the usual 4centstnmp now 2011 lo UItllllillt school house ii WUlwo and arrOld will illmvdliined to surface mail 20iince letter still TOWNSHIP or FLOS WNW 0n ODDQrLllmy tolblllllti0itRCAFwill require 12 cents postage if it is to go by Ni Ant Mrs lilhs Iuriunus ii Wllh orgamzn op uir and six cents for normal delivery Ye Hummus and vww splays llilcmft Io IIIlt Ilrlll Honky md other new it unt mus Tins new feature of the air mail servrce will house ll Wilglior Lllpmgelves tm mwlllm of Improve of great value not only iii expediting PhiIrwin mm seer No IIliiivnle lrnde building No SrVigo Mrs loits house Ilotiid of THE IIAIIIIIE EXAMINER also in lll cases where 111 one HleF In peacetime busnu 58 but any 1923 Force Dayu JUN 12 is the my mils of major consrderution Barrie Local Notes which the RCAF has an opportunity to play The PostmasterGeneral also announced No 45Alillirraps rt liflciis Murdoch renominutcd un lldewol L0 Show lppleclauon folthis his Department plans to make various WW illllllttllSIy by UFO Cent host All No qudillgilltlll lulwood Lung Sinicoc Others nominated Rev ll llospllallly which has been extended by improvements and extensions of an undis moms house No liEdenvzilc Community Hall TOWNSHIP SUNNIIALE Nu lrBILIIIIIUII John Nicolls house No 2Ncw Lowell Township Hall No SVCains Corners JilllltS lion ers house No 4Crows Corners Keith IIzir veys house Nu STory Hill No 6Sunnidzilc munity Hull No 7szisiigzi Bench lircd Malcs house Wasago Bench Improvement Dis tijctTown Hall Mosley St TOWNSHIP OF TINY No IWyebridge Stewart With ers house lt IE Morton Methodist minister IillllVdIt Coutts Clerk of Vtslllil Henry farmer Stiriiiidule II Wallace sot oi Wullricc and Mrs Willlilct formerly of Churchill was award ed the $500 Travelling Scholarship from Queens University BCI endets on annual inspection made Il tine showing zit Queens Park The No Platoon under captaincy closed nature iii the rural mail service civilians throughout Canada Now the Air FUlC zit Borden are inviting Burrie Citizens to visit them onlJunev 12 It is tip to us to WAR ON PESTS show 001 aDDICCiaIION by acccplmg 115 kind declaration of War On Pests and an hospitality urgent call for action by its member units lwith cooperution of all the citizens was made on Tuesday by the Junior Chamber of Com merce of Canada Making the statement on the Chambers behalf Philip Pugsley executive vicepresid ent of the national organization said that according to the authorities staggering food losses epidemics and many deaths have been attributed each year directly to several var ieties of insects Modern science enables their complete de LITTLE PLACE LOSE GOOD FRIEND Radio listeners in the town and rural coml munities of Ontario have lost good friendl in the death on May 19 oi Andy Clarke CBCs Neighborly News broadcaster for more than eight years He has left behind legtori of good neighbors and place that Will be hard to fill His Sunday morning broadcast of news and views of the small communities sponsored by the Canadian Weekly News Oinngc lllilll lt Corners Coin the Rodgers Ctip Board of Education failed to get quor um only four trustees attending Fred Morr stated that this was the first time such thing had occurr ed during his 26 years as secretary Thetreasurcr of the Victorian Order reported 553 members and gr No l2Lanives Corners Arthur mull Of 186 Vlslls math papers Association was off the air last Sunstruction today he said but to accomplish Mmchndons Ahouscg day morning for the first time this resultvthe support of all peoples in our NO 3Lmomme Community Simcoe County Briefs Hull No 4Wyevule Orange Ilrill No 5Highland Point Community Dominion is essential Number one target for 1948 will be house Retiiriiing officers appointed for thc ridings in Simcoc County were When Andy Clarke visited Gravenhurst two years ago to give his broadcast from the as follows Centre Howard Bert Muskoka community Mrs Enid Donahue The hold pests such as files mosquitoes etc The Hall ruin Midhurst East Leslie Archer Bannerrs Kahshe Lake correspondent dedi campalgn will be launched in June No GGibson William Horscfrills Lawson South Lorne AmHortman house cated little poem to him She called Andy ITherrMayor of Little Places and the name stuck In appreciation of his broadcasts and visits Andy was in fact made honorary mayor of numerous Ontario towns and villages and wasthe guest of honor at many fairs and re unions Andys kindly and slightly husky voice has been heard in thousands ofhomes on Sunday momlngsv Painting plcmre 0f the Action taken by the Junior Chambers and weeks events in what he always called those Junlor Boards of Trade by federal and pro important centres that lie QIItSlde lheblgivincial health andagricultural departments cities He broadcast NeighborlyNews 425 dd 179 through organized rural and urban antipest gPl SoXereign Chapter times an 1180 r03 Gas 15 cam aigns should immensely im rove the rin ssembl Ma listeners through the CBC international ser health and living standards of Canadians vice Since January he had been broadcasting ChIHCk Presdes da on behalf ofthe Blue Cross on or The SprmguAssembly of Spiy 3gt Hospital Plan Sovereign Chapter Rose Cruix As he was to all smaller communities Andy was held at the Masonic HallBar The CCF party needs to be more choosey in respect to its fellow travellers remarks was good friend to the Town of Barrie On WedneSdaYi May 19 the Farmers Advocate Bradford North James Dowling Nollnwasaga Over 300 at tended South Simcoc Conservative convention atBeeton Earl Rowe was unanimous choice Others named were Scanlon Brad ford Leadiayookstown ExWarden Carter Tecum ist The musical numbers were much appreciated Fby thejtirge gathering In the evening the 18th degree Prince of Rose Croix was con ferred by the Officers of the Chapter assisted by members of the Supreme Council and Past Most Wise Sovereigns The workl Statistics show that Canadian milk pro duction can be increased by 500000000 pounds annually and beef production by 133 000000 through proper fly control methods Incidence of typhoid fever dysentry sum mer complaint food poisoning and fpossibly infantile paralysis will be reduced perceptib TOWN OF PENETANG Town Hall Public Library and Power Station TWP OF WEST GWILLIMBURY No lBond Head Orange Hall No 2Middletown Willnm Woods house N0 3Cookstown Town Hall No 4+Coulsons Hill Orange Hull No 5Gilford Community Hall BRADFORD OrangeiHall and Town Hall 1y if effective action is taken ritual Among the candidates were father and son Thomas and Donald Ferguson of Shelburne Officers of Spry Shvereign Chap ter for 1948 are Monkman IPMWS Chittick MWS McCuaig lst General Dr JfR Graham 2nd General ME Niven Prelate DobSon Raphael Cameron Regis tiar CameronTreasurer JAllison Grand Marshal Monkman Almoner Mor ren of Elrick Audi numerous occasions he quoted news items MOSt Wise sovmelgn from the country correspondence of The Bar The litcandidates fromthe Val rie Examiner Andon his last broadcast he 1w of Barrie reported at four gave sin advance plug for the Barrie May 24th gilos Chtlellgigs 391161 Fish Derby He was an ardent fisherman him Knlghl of the East SW3 self In the last few years Andy has given Was puton by adegiee team mfn boosts fur Barries regattas and the campaign for the Barrie and District Memorial Hospital More and more one reads articles decry ing the constant demandson g0vernments for this thatand the otherthing The fact seems to be lost sight of that the government is the people an exchange points out The gov ernment has only the revenue it collects from the peopleand every time afavor is granted somebodypawmme who performed the work in im pressive manner were Thomp son RA Brown Varley Swinton Dr Kirkpatrick Tudhope Stan Coates MacDonald Brown Prittie Price and Lambie An orillia team has been performing the 15th ggrggwfor tmast time5mm of them Dr Kirkpatrick was among the originals Dinner was at St Andrews ChuchrmrLtheladies of th WA put on arsumptuous repastf Chittick MWS was chair man Toast to the Supreme Council was proposed by McConkey iTA Smith replied Toastto the candidates waslproi posed by G0Cameron Frank Perkins ofBarrie replied Visitor Knox was heard in two baritonf solos and lLanei Arnold of Cooksi town played tWo violin solos with WTuffoitd as piano Accompan Orilli Among those from Orillia tor Tufford Organist Sheirlock Guard Cameron Masonic Temple Representative PERSONALS Mr and Mrs William R055 and daughter Carol are guests of Miss Daigle and Mrs Dunnett 56EssavRoad for 7a few days Mrwand Mrs Douglas Kelsoand three children and Mr and Mrs Leonard Coleman and Douglas all of Straiford spent the vacation withJJMr and ellIts Kelsoi 423 Dunlop St BRITISH REMIQN POPULATION Those in Canada who support program of encouraging residentsoiL the United Klugel gt dom to come and settle in this country point The Elmira Signet discussing the question Tout theadyiintages to this country Howeve1ofspeedmgmotoristsmakesthisyerypertin the Manchester Guardianlof May emphasiz ent comment Public opinion council sup es the other side of the story the fact that such program isharmfuf Country because the m95tg0musWers 0LheLpopulatioWLbeingake In Great Britain Royal Commission on down Pepuiation has recentlyl completed itswork little safer for the mdestrian land the The report indicates that the populationwiiilmotorigt alike soon ceaseltoincrease andthe prOpOrtion of for safetys Sake and make this town elderly people will grow from year to year Conditions willget worse in Britdin lithe migration policy desired by the Dominions is The accidental death or George Buzz Beurling who crashed near Rome while on his way to Palestine to participate in the igontuiued The report adds This couldbei war in theHolyLarid removal one ofrCairi prevented only if the Dominions prepared to adas most distinguished airmen who had ceptgnot simply1 the young healthy and servedinthe last wanBefore items 21 years titerprlifelllxcbui3clfosssecfli0nofithehpopus fof age The hadshotdown 327enemyrplanes in lationincluding an appropriatejpercentage the defence OfMaltanor his brilliantland of thosevwho ore aburdencn the community heroic services Flight Lieutenant yBeurlihg INLTlIe report goes onto say that Britain could was honored with the DSOJhe DFC adfthe not balance the emigration by immigration MM and Bar from theontinent because the country was QSORE FEET nits WAY anhdtdtmirlme miles twisted limbsMmirlig yearn Good movement lilA few days agoa Torontoman waScon cted under the Criielty to Animals Act of TheManchesiegnardlani in xiiiinzvsome beating to death with stick nine ghquld bedtime to develop population monthold cocker spaniel that had wandered icy meats stepsto reduce infantmor into his onionpaichne is sadistic crea tit improved food and housing improving ture the Crown is re rtedassa in in an nual the OCR improving social nouncing convictionpgf the clawingold of audiecouamtcuconditions which may now be fender on whom the magistrate imposed 10er 0h0931n8to aVOlalz fine or $25000 and costs or 30 days The punishment Was full deberved butsmo lion lthrlheifelemello 800131 fitting onevwouid iiaiilebeenai severe iippliii3 nonritanswhich may now ration of the same kind of treatment are the housing ghave pu received union for over 60 for dludruundr akin disordrn too Got bottle Wylie it ionnl llt took up newspaper work tlilll on all the Toronto dailies of Vinton Weldon was awnrdcdi was done flawlessly with musicali Tue HARRIS Anvisci May 19 I898 Slim0e uunly Briefs dimers round ERIKIIVHII irc benefitting Ifuitt ditching unitIi ine belonging to thrust to drum their forms Teacher rind pu oils of Irossinnd School did ii nice Jul of tree planting on Arbor Day LZilgt twitches Ii IIIUUI Iltitti reported from olwell Plan Iliclpston pluns to slant bicyclelivery Geo Davis of Ivy boztsts if new livelund bike Ifezivy ruin intikes Spring crop look I1lt and green with good prospects zit sotin lltll ll Willoughby ookstoivin tllilillt izing in Newton Robinsiiii with it view to opening flood Tompkins lodge there uirutlicrs of Angus received word from ii friend in IIII USA offering him 580 Week to go it siiiirpsliiioter to help Ulltlt Sziin ii the Spanisli American War Iiiiioiil Churchill Sllililiitl ciirloud of horses to Winnipeg lizis Crawford of hi Strition lllkttl it to Niagara Falls llciiiy rytr lowain was reuppointvd to litltil grader for Vcspiu ii Slllll Il livliile on the job IIie funerul of liAlton Mcir thy on Saturday May ii in Tori oiitowus one of the largest ind most impressive ever vlllltSSttI Ill Toronto large nuiiiiier of iiicni vent to Toronto to attend lliosc froin Barrie vcre Judge Altlilllll Ii Little MPI oi OBrien ExMP Mayor Wells Ilxltluyors ii Sewrcy Hollow Dr Morton II II Stiutliy QC McCarthy McL Stevenson II lCollei II Iliiiniiicr lrziv llcy Williams Sum Wesley lJ Scull George Ilecdy iEIlis lladenliurst Martin lliurton George Hull II II MUlllSl Burton II Bennett Lott John Sissons IIllllk Jtick Harrie l0ll Notes lson Myers and Robt Mcek ing Fully 10000 persons vis ited St James Cemetery Sunday afternoon to VICW his grove Ilc ferring to this fact the Toronto News said No more striking evi dence of thcgpower of righteoust ncss has been witnessed in Toronto than the thronging of his lzist rcst ing plaice by thousands of men and women whose affection forhinr was bziscd solely upon the convic tion that he was true iHe LVIIS loved for his possession in such ltirge measure of the virtue of simple righteousness rnunliiicss and courage The into ac cident was described is follows Mr McCarthy was driving in his dog cart Sunday evening on his way to take the train for Ottawa Passing alchurch the noise of the organ frightened the fractious horse and it bolted The vehicle struck pole and was overturned Mr McCarthy thrown out violent seth Thomas Robinson township treasurer Tecumseth Cole man Rech of Innisfil Alex Fergu son Schombcrg James Fraser Iottenhrim The Lukes Mill at Bradtord totally destroyed by fire on night of May was proba bly the oldest gristinill in this County its toll brick chimney having been erected 75 years ago Gilbert Lukcs told The Exam iner the loss on building and con tents was estimated at from $125 000 to $150000 Thornton band engaged to provide music for iradford horse show Mid land horticultural society reported its membership doubled ESTABLISHED PIIFINISH roil EVERYSURFACE in SARicA THURSDAY MAY 27 1948 This lorlioraiion Dillrs you new and special SttliCC in the cure and inzinaigeincnt of your securities This Investor Service includes the collection of income detailed bookkeeping and COIllllIIllg security transactions in accordance with your instructions Illailddlllfhl we rcview your portfolio from time to time illlcl IIlIlkC suggestions us to sziles rctcritioiis pnrtitipzitton in rcoigziiiizutions Lind such other ltlltlll us may ipliczii zitlvisulile in your interests Write for our pamphlet Au lizriioi Xrlwrr for full liurticulnrs liltltltllllu rules its TORONTO GEN ERAITRUSTS IURIURAIION Helm fldi SJ Hm Sue lmoum ADMINISTIERING ASSITS IF $300000000 Iv his white horse were the words he expects to ltlkt the prize again this your for superior beating of big drum heads The stock and furniture of Buiiie Hotel were sold to Jos Anderton for $1500 unusual BLACKHEADS Iltlt are some of the strange bits of iiiloimution in Buriies 1897 Assessment HoltNo dogs in Word and no hogs in WeirIs illltl only deaths in Word mail rind only it births in Word only $50 personal taxable property in Word Advance editor tells of visit from loininy Sampson the celebrated riingc drummer who landed unconscious on the mud delighted to tell of the historic Qulckly help cl up me bllmmm from hearing the wordsDerry luvinx skin soft and smooth Prom our lllllllSkIlItll Aclirim on the Boync MUN ilionnis Sampson Surrounding the picture of King Willirim liltl in the interest of George Johnston Progressive Conservative Candidate or Slmcoe en re will be held at the places noted below These meetmgs Will be addressed by Mr IohnstOn and prominent speakers Come and hear the election issuesrdis cussed ELMVALE and WASAGA BEACH 28 puma pm 21 ptmt NEW LOWELL 5r SUNNIDALE CORNERS at pm Ds EVERYBODY WELCOME Varnishes Paints Enamels Wax n77 1e INSIDE fNDpursibr Herr forVSuledpyf Nutcomm Tm