Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 May 1948, p. 10

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norm PRIME MINISTER KING INTR NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE PLAN Pittm allllui that lrodoec 311C ODUCES ulle kimtLl that lelxll Itl said 131 tttitxwz in 3134 ACONCRETE BLOCKS PLAIN and ROCK FACE All Sizes SAND GRAVEL DELIVERED ANYWHERE Canada Concrete Block Tile BARBIE ONT ll ft tllllisLIl tl xrtt pm llItIlI lttlt Hint llttti till 11 Itl lIIIIw nlnt obi ttl lllllltt litutmbuhl inlot he Import lIny tilIIII lllulltl III llu Swill ttf lio IIhite lllIl lilllllll lttlill llni liI ultltl lat ittttttl lllrlltl llwlll lllllf Holou lo llllltl lLt ltlltl tl lIiI llltll Phone 3009 Box 151 to the lotn sewne he had IaIvtu lls eoIIlIy 11 will in Ill illlili TllirTvi up for inimi they ivheti In llllll llUlI llealllI ii tlll llllltltltllltl lthl Mullui Welfare tslll oltl ltn llltIi lfllttl trr laul and WANI luseum Exhibits Supplied by Simon County Wouicnn Instituth gt2 What this new Security Plan will do for him Mutual lllL ol nvult tlttItIS ithztrautc at tll kl Hl etonu ILm enables you to fIrl your and II low tm N0 265 Sample of Homemade Wool arpet nturto lrmetzitm starts If ltlfl lf birth Intreaviug Innuallv to SL000 at am and grading up to iJlltfl tge It money reunitetlfor edututional purpmes when the lllllll ftlllk nniu mtx tpe the policy may be nrretnhrrtl for in unit alne othetutw it on In motioned It the cry low premium rate until atti of or he Ittttnntit Iluotne iv ntilahle lhc ash Value flllllll yearly nnI tinnhnds Ire pItl Annually detlarnl The Royal Museum carryIng on survey of the lltllt textIlc industry of Ontario hnens wear out and woollens vear destroyed moths these fugitive products are If something is not lot late shall find ourselves in the anomal ous position of having information on the textile arts of the Egyptians and the Incas but nothing on our own Miss sent SlllCtl All 11 slluflui Itnltunlarite II gile ll be fJfIl out and also am Allin dIsappeai lug It will Providing life insurance service Since l869 HEAD orrtce WAIERLOO ONI and we done BRANCH OFFICE Peter St ORIIJJA ONT RALPH ll IG BRANCH MANAGER llepresentativcs ARTHUR JOHNSTON Barri Reba piece Rothwell homemade carpet that had been once used in the llothwell home grown twisth spinning wheel Her mother dyed the different rotors arranged the pattern took it to local weaver in Bond The carpet stooda lot of wear the warp gave out first the yarn part stood the usage wond erfully well Only two pieces have been sent Department of the Museum throughout the provi lnce Another from Glengarry the yarn used woven over rags as iwarp The Department are pleased 1ll1 the samples has piece of the samecarpct for our County Musedm Gilford wool Ont PHILLIPS Barrie Om The wool was cards the family farm into yarn and lead in to Textile Miss Rothwell PHELPSTON May 24 Gannon who has been in Barrie is back ratihis homecgain Miss Dolores Lorette of New To ronto is visiting at Thos Skeltots the 211th there was betterzweather for gardening than for fishing Mr and Mrs Incidentally John Marrin and family Toronto renewed acquain tcnance in the village At the Altar Society card party this week Mrs Peter Fallon and Coughlin were win Holiday visitors Mr Peter Fallon and family of market Mr and Mrs James Mar ley and family Mary Stephens and John Sexton of Toionto at their homes MissConnie McNicoll To ronto with Bernadette MarleyfMr and Mrs Garvey Pt Severn and John Toner Barrie with Mrs Toner Miss Mary Loftus Toronto with heiwaients Mr and Mrs Nichols of Windsor with Mr and Mrs Kenny Mrs Sproule and Claudeand Joseph Loftus of Toronto at Kellys Miss Marion Loftus of New Toronto and Mrs Moreau LEAVEBARRIE Daylight Time gt To North Bay 1040 am it 125 pm 410 pm 15 To Toronto 655 am 105 pm 330 ij 425am toGravenhurst to Orlllia only St Sun 8r H01 To Owen Sound 1040 am 410 pm biomm except Sun 851101 1d except Sat Sun H01 BUS CONNEcrIoN Pawnee 700 pm 750 pm 940 pm y1005 pm 145am To Penelang 211040 am 1750pm 125 pm 7g 410 pm Sun H01 except Sat Sat Sena 1191 AT TORONTO OlplaWa andDelroil FARES narrow ji Round Trip Tax Included EALIFAxssreo QUEBEC 2775 REGINA 25945 CALGARY 17950 usnsj g1010 pm Avith Mr EDENVALEi 22 May 24 here attended OfMinesing he weekend Anumber fro the 50th annikersai Public School oVer Miss DorothyBoyd Barrie spent the weekend withgher grandparr nts M11 and Mrs gtHMiles sorry to rep Joyce Partridgeis conned to the RV Hospital followin tion for appendie is LastTusdayje ning bers of the local Minesing and Midhu service at Minesing Fm rctowrs May 24 visited we are art that WINNIPEG $482 an opera 35 TEREDB jo ed with srstcro 44 KCHNR rota pmvarr PARTIES AT LOW RATES AND INFORMATION Ar rie 311$ Terminal c3162 Mr and Mrs Shelswel with friends at Craighurst Weekendvisitorsmat their homes were Misses Frances Black Tor onto Clara Black Nevis and Mari an Dicker Toronto Mr and Mrs Fraser and children spent the weekend at Rosseau Alvin Bethune returned Ber THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA llllflll aIe three of the latest creations by ts N0 LACK OF VAlllhll in beach fashions this year Here top Canadian designers The dress nmker type utpper lcflt is of nylon printed twill carrying guy sail ilisli dedgn neat onepiece number in crisp nylon taffeta with con IraslzInr white piping is shown lLIpper rightl lhc coollookiug black and white twopiece suit belovvl is another nylon twill which should prove highly popular with those who find sunbathing as exhilarating as swimming Nylons pbility to keep weight properzn nfake it and ideal as shape quickdrying and light fabric for beach wear Enforcement of Liquor Act in Orillia is Lax Slates Deputy Reeve Dissatisfaction with the enforceI ment of the Liquor Control Act inl Urillia was expressed to the Town Council at special meeting last week by DeputyReeve Andrew ludliope The DeputyReeve brought up the subject of liquor enforcement shortly before the council adjourn ed He said he wished to discuss case where an rillia resident was fined $327 for illegal posses sionof liquor after he had been accused of bootlegging He said he felt this was pretty stifl line for first offender particularly when there is lot of bootlegging going on which isnt brought before the courts fl am bringing this up because think this should be brought to the attention of the police committee and the chief DeputyReeve Tud hope explained If you have any evidence you should take it up with the chief said Mayor Seymour stating he was confident Chief Car son woulditake appropriate action Questioned later about what he had meant concerning his charges Dcputylleeve Iudhope said he had had complaints about boot legging While he was not in 1poston to say how extensive any illegal traffic might be he had heard of different places describe as bootleg joints Asked if theopcrators had been proseetltedhe remarked Some of them have been up from time to time but never heard of any of them being fined $300vuntil this case the other day From other sources it was learn ed that in the case referred to police had evidence of the house holder b00tlegging but prosecuted the illegal possession charge first When the accused pleaded guilty the keeping for sale charge was dropped dcr the law this was an ad to the accused because if he had bee onvlcted on the keep ingfor sale chat the court would have had no alterna butto im pose prison term hand the Liquor makes provision case referred to thecourt observed that stiff fines had proven effective in discouraging illegal traffic in liquor MANY CONVICTIONS Police records show there were considerably morethan 100 convic tionS under the LCA inOrillia duringthe past year Chief Car son said as result of alertness on the part of theforce bootlegging was at low ebb inOri11iaV He said it was impOssible to stop the sale altogether and there may be but offenders were constantly be ing broughtinto court and thos who are found to haVe brOkenthe law are lined or imprisoned 1n onecasea few monthsagop ned $400and costs and large quantity of liquor seized Polic tive in preventing this Operator Pills maybe of help moms notch them for few days The WI will meet at Mrs Bldwells onJune Mrs Lees Cltizenship converter will be in the program Roll call vehement brlng tier first Ws rep eachto at he Jun woman other charge In ripaAIticulnirr places where the odd bottleissoldt notorious local bootleggcr was said that this proved more effec from carrying onillegal trade than attitude Strain Hard On Nerves Often keyedvnpneryer cause reallocation IndiaI billtyi and even nervousness Ify keyedpp nerves thnMilburna Health and Nerve previous jail terms The know ledge that such lilies might be im posetl had resulted in others giv Ing up the risk of continuing in the trade it was said If anyone has any evidence we are always willing to act on it said the chief stating he felt the police force had done an efficient job in keeping down the traffic Orillia NewsLetter BRENTWOOD 17 Miss Bernice Seymour Barrio spent Sunday at home Miss Elsie Stacey and Ross spent few days last week in Toronto Miss Bubbles Pollard of Tor onto spent the weekend at her home Mrs Wm Sharpe of Toronto spent few days with Mr and Mrs Gerald Truen The two new houses owned by Geo Fleur andDavid Davidson illC nearing completion Mr and Mrs Jackson and family 00 WWW aioeffese IiiMl UnitedSfotesdoflors al lowed for pleasure travel are limited to $l50 per person for the 12 months between NOV l5 I947 and Nov 15 19481 form Permit ob tainable iii any bank is required by anyone taking out of Canada morelhon $l0 US or more than total of $25 in Canadian and United States funds 6Speciol allowances of UllildSIOIes funds for strict ly business travel may be ecured but applicalionsv mus accompanied by certificom om employers DD Applications US funds for Lrovel for he or educational reosonsmust be made on special forms obtainable albanks lhis caution is given for Wilts guidance of the pdblic uncllo helpoyofd possible embdrrdssmenl at border points Lklllllll tints ii 055th ronrtcurxhtiuci continuum 0mwn also on cutter from and NervoiPilla are wall Mmemad 1m uw agenertt con ditlimerto helpbuildup the0yatem Theyxatimulate the nervouuystom improve the appetite aid digestion intro help promote refreshing rest Gel Millinrns Health and Nerve Pit at your nearest drug store today IMpnofaubatltutes Look to th mad the Bed Hmt mm on THURSDAY MAY 27 3948 =3o tfsytI Seymour of Oziiha slates construc ruflfzatl fut ion of new sewagedisposalplant plojccl expected to cost around 300W is due to be awarded in few on Prime Minister Praises Hon Earl Rowe in House On His 55113 Birthday Earl Rt John Bell of ColllllgWUctl as sani znspcctor red inspector and Lillilktlul under the Plant Discasvs For the triple duties his pay at Rowc monster wrth the last Conserva played Mr IntSunrise Ktttg poillulln govern faditlltl titlblx Sllt who lti Zin lieu May Holt ed th 55111 birthday Commons heartily congratu Act ltd llllilll lllrl wt un Irv warm Costs for toilmpvood in IMh ApILl amounted to $9918 publit cltHlofl ill tiLtilslufl lIftIlIt parties In miending Ill fetaItatterts the ltvkeuyte King paid tribute to the flue put llltlldhlx for and that Iseij Yb llllllgtl zlu Outlet 3rtultton lion Prime Munster lad letntscou xlro ttittiltbltltll tOlI llt lVltLS always gIeat pleasure loi matnllil wuh vli liIng and ltIlllltII can assuri ttaxs had the mint kunllv tlrttllilll trelnn toward llltlll May Iettproeate by offeruig lhen my good 1Itt and by cxv hop that lllUll rtlltl o====o=lo=====7 It ulti have them faIIIIeI Spring arrivals market last Saturdin were motels ttl Je ill bunches at 3e and lite and winter rived toru may bIIllIdasi utl that in that event many more oIIservatIes to congratulate lll tllesr Illubalit 1W tlilllittt Inaov oquhs at bunch anti beans Were offered again tatoes vere fIIuI lll price at $175 Small sre sold at few tulips sold at Site do and frareissus at Site bunch were still tile to 3th with fee extra large at 551 for AveIagcpricts were as follows Eggs ticcordhig to size and quality dozen Dairy butter 70c Frying chickens lb Yearling chickens Vegetables Fruits Ivitc Rhubarb bunch ilotaloes 7511 bag ol us lrogIesstve hete lIll them for 00 get fast fillyMAI NIAGARA lOAN $20 to V000 for and every purpose ha for No lZggs 4050c ltle 350 to Clilt 5th llt tiAttt Seeds Golden Bantam corn lb Wax and pencil pod beans lb 20e Soy beans lb Home flaking Bread 10200 Tea Biscuits 1oz Buns Chelsea buns lIes Date cookies dol larls and Get Tracey of Mintsing spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs lleuben llorncr Returns from England We are glad to have Mrs David Davidson home again after speIIIl mg the winter with her mother In England doz Storage eggs BITidford Cooperative already Most of these were bought for ship ment to Britain stored 672210 abetor Denllsl or hospital llllls Ifoal or Fuel Oil lt4gt dousellepairs Iflovlng Expenses Taxes at Old Bills lIFF INSURED at no extra cost If you have money problem or would lke financial advice free phone or call today My Amt for EXPERlENCE GlllE toun sun1105mm TRAcTOR noma PllLl ove lCHANGE smear1p mm TIRES The Goodyear changeover method makes it easy to switch from sluggish steel wheels to hardworkingm comfortable riding SureGrips With SoreGrips yourttractor will do more work in less time on less fuel Sure Grips pull better in any soil give super traction Call us today Or drop in and ask about the timesaving Goodyear changeover plan FOWLERS TIRE seamen 11 Clapperton St PHONE 4335 VULCANIZING RETREADING WILSON HUILDING Pp Square Barrie PHONE 2325 Barrie Ont ottoman HF WW If THERROVIthAttttcnoN tuner 314 MAY 28 830 900 nil in no 717 TilEh Jlllllljl 1000111th ptq31 740 ii 740 IllSSIIVE3C ONSERVAIIVIiltllli rawIainiierrwmcimw imamhf

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