THURSDAY MAY 20 1948 LAC Altlilntffv ii Utiaaa pciitI last week with his fatsin hert ltcv Win and Mist fivwinan ot Streetsvilte noted at Ll Dustos on5 Tuesday The inttubers of the Executive oi entic Sloane WI incl at Mis Dustos on liidav The May mettin of St WA was held on Mrs lird liiiiics Mr and Mrs Lane and SilllitTd Goldwater were Sintit isitoisl at Geo Johnstons Mrs Arthur Garvin and Mrs Smith of Muihnist visited at l5 Campbells last week Mr and Mrs Elmer Pratt liti tended the llichartisansGritbanii wedding at Vandort on Saturdayi Mr and Mrs Paul Donahue To ronto spent the Weekend with the killers SlSltl Mrs McKinstry Mr and Mrs Harry Maych Ewart and filaiion motored toI Hamilton on Monday to attend the graduation estrusN at Mcfylasteri University Congratulations to Marshall Maycs who was one oil The graduates All former pupils oi Minesing schools are invited to attend the ieunion this Weekend at the school There will be concert on Sunday at 23 pin banquet oni Saturday night liuicli service on Monday at pm Peters lednesday at rte Miller Mr and fills Siaaw Midland visited the Shzi family last week Rev Rubi Leery of Toronto visr lid with Mr and Mrs Hammond for the weekend Mr and Mrs Jno Jennett Bar isitcd with Mr and Mrs Andy Mistaiiiubcll on Sunday Mrs Ruby Bryer Chicago visit ed With her brothers Tom and Archie Duckwortii the past week Mr and Mrs Frank Woodrow and Iaul Toronto visited with Mr and Mrs Walter McMackon over the weekend Miss Kate McKcmei Toronto spent the weekend with her Sist ers Mrs Thos Duckwortli and Mrs McMackon loidon Watson Mr and Mrs Win Irwin Jit attended the wed ding of the formch sister Miss flinin Watson RN in Fergus May Mr and Mrs Wm Muir and Thos llowletl of Toronto Mr and Mrs Fraser Sutherland and Mr Jennctt Stroud AII and Mrs Win lcaryf Mr and Mrs Norman iilloughby Mr and Mrs StevensonMr and Mrs Albert Dempster Barrie anti Sandy =lcnipster of Orillia attended the funeral of the late Sanford Demp stcr on Sunday May lti ais come over me these days Often ii woman becomes panicky gives way to cars and nerves 7licn perfectly nnt ural changes dredakiiig place in her system And the unfortunate part is that these dark dreads and fears may cause nervousbreakdown Iiccalcssy Plenty of sleep fresh air VWlIOltSOIIIOfOOII and Dr Chases Nerve Food will help to build up your vitalily and tone up the whole system 7st that nerves andliystcria are forgotten Yes when youre in good shape physically antiminkemally with no condition of nerves to mng nify the slightest changeyou can keep serene and happy right through the most trying times So remember at the first sign of the dgets hysteria or nervous doubtsstart building yourself up with Dr Chases Nerve Food Youll rest better look better feel better Keep yourself in good condition with this timeproven remedy which has helped thou sands of Canadian women The name Dr Chase is your assurance Dr Chases NERVE FOOD EFORAHIPZPamiVMGI tworry Oftcauses Loss Of Sleep Worry is probably the most common cause of restlessness of hours of restful sleep Anxietics and fears all take their toll Such condition may eventually result in Inerv ousnss and irritability loss of appetite or fatigue If you suffer from nervous condition or rest lessness why not try Milburns Health and Nerve Pills Thousands hatv gt found Milburns Health and Nerve Pills benecial as general tonic to help build up the system and thusholp promote refreshing rest and sleep Ask your druggist for MilburnaEHealth and NervePills identied by the Bed Heart on the box The Milburn Co Limited Toronto Ont now she thrills tote rstwords Of her grandChild HEN deafness Iirsttlireatcncd Ito illiglll this modern grand mothers life yrrwhen she beganto miss much that was said and felt herself straining to hear sheWas inclined to accept it as inevitable Arall she was getting on in 31 The thought of wearinga heavy Ywired forfspiind Task sliepputfit years cumbersome liearing chi40f beiilg irpblledfhcr Then in neardcfpi if in Mrs John Barker unwind few days with Iiil sister in Barrie Mr and Mrs Wes diiiiileisoii Barrie called on tr ll2tg wife and family Sunday Congratulations to hit llyeiyn Piosser and Douglas Lartei who were marrin Saturday Mr and Mrs Win lulnpes nnd family of Dundas spent Sunday with Mrs Bates and Helen Miss Anne Paddisoii and friend of Toronto spent Mothers Day with the farmers mother Mr and Mrs Frank Minnbcison and Kathleen ookstowrr called on Mrs Bates and Helen Sunday Mr and Mrs Harold Bates and Beverly of Hamilton spent the weekend with the formers mother and sister Shower was held for the bride lobe Miss Irosser Wednesday night when she received many beautiful and useful presents Douglas thanked them in fey fitting vords Lunch was sitveil and dancmg was enjoyed the rest of the evening Ihcpeople of Angus and 30111 inunin were sorry to hear on May 13 that Sanford Dempstcr had passed away in the Alliston liospi 11 where he had gone the week before The funeral was held from his late residence Sunday with scrVicc in the United Church with ltcv Built and Rev It Lacey iii chargc Interment waslniade in the Angus ceiiiclcry Sympathy is ex tended to Mrs Dempster and the family May Alberta Key visited at Niagara during the weekend Mr and Mrs Powell have moved to the farm formerlyowned by Geo Bidwcll Mrs McLean was Winner on Mahcrs Nothing program night Weekend visitors were Mrs Sheffield Englehart with friends Mr and Mrs Earl Leigh Ifawke stone at Chas Simpsons Mr anti Mrs Wcs Johnstoli and Beth Ncill Pliclpston at Ii Bidwclls and Mrs Vincent Toronto Mr and Mrs Willis and family Barrie at Frasers Mr and Mrs Perch Hcalcy Orillia at Geo Ilea Icys Elgin lucky Double or last Monday and Mrs Riignian and troud at Rugmans May 17 spent the week end in Barrie Gordon Giflcn Si inidalc Corni ers spent Sunday at home Mrs Goodfell Stroud is visiting her son War low Mr and Mrs II Gi Douglas visited friends at ton for the weekend The Young People met Tuesday evening in the hall with Arthur Giffen Christian Culture convener in charge At the Mothers Day service held on May Judith Mary infant daughter of Mr and Mrs Ernest Dickinson was baptized Mrs Maw read paper on Cooperation between Home and Schoo Mrs Goodfcllow road poem fUnhappy Days Mrs Partridge conducted contests for the children At the close of the meeting splendid lunch was served The WI held their May meeting the East Ward School last Thursday afternoon with the new President Mrs Maw presid ing Roll call was answered by Say Sing or Whistle Letterpf thanks for treats were read from Mrs Partridge and Mrs John ston letter is being sent to the County Councilvgurging them to support the County Recreation pro gram May 17 Miss Nellie Kilpatrick is nursing Mrs Thos Atkinson Mr and Mrs George Nicholson Dodie and Renie of Toronto spent the weekend at Walter Corners Sr Mr Scott agent at CNR depot is on holidays at Algonqulnlggk Muskoka Mr McDonald is there lieving agent Bill rSheldon has been on the sick list during the week havmg had his tonsils removed in RV Hospital Barrie ahcatteudcd demonstriition of dierent harming aid It was the Acousticon Imperial the small light weight compact hearing aid that is so casilyvand comfortably worn so economical torusc She wears an Acousticon now And livesuthc rich normal active life shefthoughtx she had lostr withoutembarrassment discorhjdrt orcven bcingjconscious of the Acouiiticon that made itposaihlel Mr and Mrs Rae Stephenson and Mr and Mrs Frank Corner enjoyed shing trip to Mudd Lake over the weekend Sunday guests with Mr and Mrs Pete Letts were Min and Mrs Douglas Kivton and children Miss DorothysWright and Ilittle MISS Dorina Shaw of Uxbridge The rst gameiof baseball sched uled to take place willvbe played at Cookstdwn Tuesday evening Citizens hopthe local lads Will get off to goodstart 1Bill Stewart is spending few days with relativesfollowing ex ams atToronto University He will leave the rstof the week for his home in Kiplingil Sask The anniversary services of the United Church here will be ob served on Sunday May30 morn ing andveuening Rev Dr Chalmers of Toronto willsbeithe special speakerL Music wrll ghel tarnishedby Baker Hill Ladies Choir Eliminatll III 0N Tans AND wan MAY 25 AND 26 From to pm At QUEENS HOTEL Banana Aiiendihis FREE See the Acousticon Im rial Hen in Aid Try itwithout obligation Demonstration Youll thrill to the re axed lea ant treatingthis allimam hearing instrument promises you batter and waferthin battery the Acousticon Inile is so small it ts in your hand so light in weight you wear it com on use it inconapicuously You owe It to yourself to rear with Remember Athq demonstration is FREE on compact see it owered by the worlds smallest tahly WT0ront6i rst Health Regular eliimnatloa of Wastes from the body is one of the para inount rules for gnarl health Mil burna Luzliver Pills are of help to faulty elimination IIie combinw vtion of laxative and tonic druga contained inthmpills make them one of the moatmeful and beat remedies formlnor disorderedxcon dltiona of the eliminatory organs Milburna InaLiver Pills help to stimulate the liver clean the coated tongue sweeten the breath and eliminate waste from the sys tam As an afterdinner pill they relieve that bloated feeling and Iielp Indigestion if sold atdrug hero If Bat gal vli in Iiliilli gti ill oid called on ilaiiirn L1rvli on tslilillcil fannh 41 and father iml vlrs liar Baker riI it tla home of Auhar oxwoilli litthii it the lame of itl Illions liw IIlyvooti Jennctt until Claude Banting span The Community Club will meet Vi115118151W in the church Friday evening May 31 at DST Mr and Mrs It Dabsin and family spent Sunday Willi Mr and Mrs Ward of oldwater Barn Lost About 1030 Saturday night the lightning struck the barn of Capt If Ilicbaidson on on 11 form crly known as the Sam Stephenson farm The barn was toruplclely destroyed They Wire able to save the lItluLl unnei Beswir and lpi Elm tas Dunsnioie Kingston Iklll few days last week vii tilt736v tcis paients di and Ltctilf ILllljlltlt reading EliQuay Ltt Bantu IIIIXI igt NtlSUIl deiicious lentil Wes ociirane with seven and HX visitors present ding iradings were given by lt ilriuai Mrs Tarruthcrs and due by Marilyn Mr IPd it orIirane The study npdifm was taken by Mrs II 13 Thi program for June in to be taken by Mrs Iiizi Tvlcthiay at Mrs Stewart twizianif home iitllll limit Tilll over dainty lunch regular mettint of the W1 llltl at Mrs Jcnnctts vn members and two visitors 12v piwsiiit lloll call aiirvsivriil aiioiist cleaning hint vlis lu lis cavi Itlltlll on the lti Annual to lJt held In lite lot on June 17 lilt ll Jenneit Mrs Moorcs loioiito znitiiig WWWWWMHWECONCRETEBLOCKS Johnston and family and Mr and Mrs Slow ii and wit All Sizes Toronto spent lllt tlillltl vitii JIIIIILltlll SAN GRAVEL Mr and Mrs DELIVERED ANYWHERE Canada Concrete Block Tile to Mrs Downer valniiilay anth Thursday itlcrnuonr and quilted BARBIE ONT Box 151 Mrs 711 Hilliard Jack liaiitinti lilo iilitl Mi Ida Tmloi or with hi iziic lliv Minion ll inclting in tin llcib llorn Morris Drinklc on fishing ip Ilrv lo and ltcv If tluucli lliil It oii Shula ELI WYEBRIDGE iii Mr and Mrs Lorne rutlicis spent Iiicsiiay 111 Toronto llulden is isiling iiisistei who is very ill 111 Toronto Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Ktll Roderick on thu arrival of baby girl Luke Ilouiisonic loioiito iiidl brother Irwin visltczl lll1 their brothers Chas and lien chncsl lav Mrs liininii and Mr andl Mrs Robins and family spent 1hr weekend at their cottage Balm Beach Mr and Mrs liaiix Johnston are leaving this week to spend the summer at their cottage at Parry Sound Phone 3009 LOBLAWS it pm cairn GINGER am 27c Anpilivscmn nounu soon 233 CONtENIS ONLY LOBLAW QUALITY 3m PRIME RIB ROAST Jills 1345c SRORIRIB ROAST Ln 41c auoLIijMovto 111399 Boneless SHOULDER 35 Boneless BRISRIIIime 33c MIIf FED nomss moms vain SMALL CASING 3HT PIG PIIIIII SIIIISIIIII SMOKED WIIINIIRS SKINLESS LB 37c TDRUNSWICII SAUSAGE coouin 13536 BACON LIVER SAUSAGE 13 47c eqom HAM buicrous sucro 13 85c WehaiieaChoice Selection or SMoKnn Mairrs FOR THEoiiiiiAr WEEKan 3002 tans rite RV755 5557443155 msif can inronrni Rossmum DOG BISCUIT MIDGLEIS frail MAPLE LEAP 750m ILIIKES 9ng 81c TJIET IIIEIICII wax all 53 cgiamwnxatftii ITislfstltlIlsttlflic nntrr 29 svlcismu vie223cf NEWHWONDER wHiiirEtu IDIAL WHIfPING CIEAMV IIAIING iiiiiiiirizisieiimy NEW cannon 36c f7 nowmusnsi ONTARIO ASPIIRIIGUS to TEMHING nsn MEALSSERVE onEN mm crowncom Gm 313s 29 PM oi ARABIA srv APPLES bolting ONIONS295199 COFFEE no sun EGYHIAN Loaiaw GROCETERIAS co LIMITED msmr ammo IN ALL lOBlAW STORES TO SUIT YOUR MEIHOD OFMEKING lODlIIWS Arriving Fresh DailyONTARIO GROWN IEAF Laws cuculillllts GREEN ONIONS DISH HOTHOUSE TOMATOES SPINACH HoRHUBARIgV rGOBNC CHmPBtllj noun FOR LIGHTER MORE TENDER PIE CAEES AND PATRIE fI AV gW ulrs Fred Drum and Eloy3 Uf Ulliiia Siylklii Ilw ittcriclld lwith Mrs Jno ltrrier Sr NMWWMW Mr and Mrs Garnet Ieriier and May ll Mis Jno Iiiim Jr sprnt Sunday iiIIiihxvl flluldmri ilwitli her liiUlIitl at Militian ii Iomnto tins week GET AN EXTRA SUPPLY FOR THE HOLIDAY COTTAGE BRAND nhiisiiws itll FOR THAT PICNIC CHER HOUSE OLIVES 53c McIJIRENS ouvns staminaran PENN BRAND Plants itll are 23c KRAFT SALAD MUSTARD 2531 I7 LIBBYS MUSTARD mm ll JUILIIND SARDINIISit ms 19 SAM DRESSING 137c alarms mm 12037 35 YORK 3mm BOLOGNA 195ch Jtriiiiiracit 7521 35 MEAT saunas saunas trit 23c PARIS PAT 202 Mu SALMON SP hit It 19 Bnoonnun clams um 144 cm nihigiiiitismo 331 27 CREAM cunts narrate 19a rum it cum oz JAR PKG MORE PICNIC NEEDS LOBLAWS JACK Jlll BRAND analytic BUTTER isz LoaLAWs PERMIT icE QEEWKY IN IIIIITIIII BOX JAR SPIRATOGA POTATO cums at 29c LOBMWS murmurs much lf we PICNICKIT warn sarcoma mscurrs wmows this 21 waxmparm Aineronvs titti Itfl 31 warm smmmns moss arias DRINKINGCUPS ctovmur QPEKGIQQc normative smaws iswsemew i9c BAGS 5M SACKS nzcum on Rec GIANT PKG OREINCIIIE PIGRLIIS hlisl oz 5b SPECIAL TROPICGOIED HONEY 25c vanscams Ziii rumination savamm JAM rants Timesr mum cam Mix rattan nnmzisoup catechism qlriiilc mama FARRERS 9M2 iii552 PEREIICTION cocoa cows tit39 Jim PII musr this atfzziic DAVISGELHTINI rte17 samnm 1omomuo= tiling yawnmu mrmvnolm new nuanmavonmmsn mamon are 53 uninz TOMATO or lit 24 rum mus Jillian cum tails rum interim FUN in mi sim CONT mm malts mil LOILAWSIORIS ItiOZ CTN 021375b39