is Gig Vt mrsmmm mimocmn 24th Ann al convention Winning ery THURSDAY MAfjIh 194 hoist will keep traffic off the mail etae and eliminate railway ring n52 gunman um um up and Amp Mould Fumtun uuig333pm3m35 ummuwdnmhawxmmrad momma hound REVISE N0 11 ROlIE NEAR ouvnnucasr Vtilh li llight iiitt Su Surface tzzitfic The ltl3tl highim unit punk lcl the prizwiit pummn LEFROY WMMC it it Miss Marjorie Canning spent iSaturduy wztti Mn McDonnin in bccl brittrct lll llzidgi to to Russ Presbyterian to mm Um Lttttliutc has received to or tltllilsitl at the Pres Urittta Lhuich at Woodhrtdge titltilllllttlili call has already Hm TERC is Nilltmiia loionto spdtl tlicltlittl by Toronto Presbyt nu NT ENTAR the Weekend wrth ltrl sister tir 1329 wka =i and mil tic before Mrierl1lgdr Hurry Wight tii at tiicu session thisilh Bf Examlw Mrs Jcoantksi spending tilticj fvlittiftinis tn mun Tamn Klnudnh It ngtxi Sir mm mm hm 50 H3 and um um tlltgt guilt mun lull mum NM mum no it been minister ail ill 41mSlAmhmllDalliir in Parry Sound wt was martyred by Iroquois lndi Mr and Mrs Gordon Rowat tutti II ions somewhere within the connes Clllldfcn mith Mr and Mrs Eco lot Mcdontc Township Our Church LOWHH CWkSluwni humid HAVING MOVED TO LARGER AUMMUIIATION ARE NOW MORE AIHIQIIAIELY EQIIIIEII TO GIVE THEIR CUSTOM iucinburs have decided to mark MiYufd MW RUSSkShtlIdU lull lllt itPPIUaChinS TCFLOtlltnaly 1mm we my d1 ENS QIIIKER SERVICE IN ALI HUNG REPAIRS AN IiIiIIiAfILIENlS Wm wmbmcd swim and lejftottagt tit Cltdl Loki Mushoim tityin Ur Tummox rst parish ltl Donna and Miss Bcriiin tiui Print of Mt St Louis The star Ltlllill mun commemorating the Murtyrl errolllfmxrllf Will be prtaclied by Rev nings Ulllgiulh lil35lzl Lawlnr BA of Bniiie who was horn and mixed in the Parish mg and VlSllUll lllt pics Ill pirsidcnt Mrs Alli presid billtt our plans werc made pub ltnptint vus pi lc Hunk gt The tfittiztuixtr 5212 i1r irpzneiitt over 1300 uttui convention VI Union qt 301 in RKPlfiitiliUlt plucc on Siltlil litltlt Multili tlItil lehif tt uiil limii and Mull in llllil it Mu lliLJH Atctiin on llLtl list In ll 1le Mr and Mrs ll Gtosc lilitl WMS mmermg Mai Gwen and Sheila uut Sun July 1943 Fl be 13 0erldiiyvith Mix and Mix iultltill sotnil activities sport events Grosc in Port llopc tiziidcir Party and an Old Timc Sunday lSlLolS with Mr unit lluncc On July an outdoor Mrs lctt Lctts Wclc Mrs John znss will be ugngd by aw Show and sun Garnet littlc dough ll ii llw lilvil il iii tilliili 11 llli tanning ilti ti ltritliic lllu Lunw at Mt lit iitlll lltl it Hi inntin ml li tltliilr ltiiltil lll llitu quotas II ITS SPRING VGIVE US RING AT OUR NEW LOCATION Gowan St Allandale FACING TRACKS PHONE 3400 iii lltlllll ritlttl 3mup till itlitiitilxtiulitizi xi tlii wt titrittuii lilii pic Eilllll ui luiunu tiiittt ll im cd Roll call lit the event has drawn vcry iiiint of ccs Sonic iif tinladies Huturing comment front promiii blttutlhl Slips 1le llmwi twirl Ill men throughout the lluiuintnn Wlllkll tlt SUM Wli HillIixl ha hm now begun 10 mp iiig paintr on Current lIvtuts tlr in that since St Anthony DankI rim by SW tiIlt of Illt treat llerncs of early glillffim Imqnymyv mslm ltuuudizin liisto his Tcrccntcnttrv sunk MW Show tlm House Jacob Built and Ullll and nt nutitmwidc importation At the Mnrtyrs Shrine Midland lillltlli Iiw tttlt Itlltlllltl lilt ll lllltt yllll punt ttlli rllll iluii lliltllt in pumps tit ti lt iitlll timipr 4l il Tim liptiil liiiw llii llull iilli iHliIllh iii if it lt iiliiitt Hm Country itlltl rcud soilit of ittlilllivv hurls from those bunkn Kilt hit1 li ipippioxmnigiy1537662 Cunqdiuns werl mqiee Prisonund Politicdurt Fred Ldbourervico ltt nth inf i1u train ttlll ill xltil 312 but gunpftv til iiilli1lll lnli ltdll lilit iii llll llit MAKESURE YOUHAVE titlilil lliuliit tilu THE RIGHT KIND OF itii and lit ttilliizc tn ilAttl llit tlttiii lull liv ltll Sillll vuit llll liititllllltltit tllilltll illltl in III llllltlllllllt liil the past two years liuiiliuiii in titcitioit directly from lit had brilliant Schol lzislit rurrrr iiiil llllS was climxcd li mn ill lillil lieu Ilt obtuiticd his Phi tlltt llli thv lliilll 1hr ltiivtrsiti ut Toronto Mr iltllvl li yaitiwil lll tlii lllt is iirilliuiit spcukci uiid both lit and li floss urc highly rosinct til llit transfer iill liktly taki il fintun itlntl plum in ltllli iii iil ltll ltltil lllt izuiic lllt Viitltllllilltt lizirito Dr will have two tllterlItb iutiiuuu iiid iivcniiipa scrvicc Ill liti tcriiooii scrvicc at it itiizil church il lvitlltillr lilhll it LlABlLllY INSURANCE llflllll tiu mi licfinanciallyliiilile it tunilicrsit iiiituuwtliciu litidili iiijurv iir darlingc Illtlt piopcrt Docs tour iltWLlll Liability liisuruncc pulicv cmcr against tlicsc risks and against itlicrs for which you may lic dircctly or cvcn indircctly rcspunsihlc YourLiability lnsiiriincc policy should insnrcvnu against cvcr piixsiliiliti if liability which tlic Iiiiiiinion uul lrminciiil laws Mrill itllllll VIIIlliIlit it In lmlc in out allcillbrilciug IJuiiily Illiii North Atticrim kiiiipunics Liability Iiisumncc lolic iniii lic liiid to ovct till risks Iluy snfc ct oiir Agent or Ilrukci go over your Liability Policy and make sure you are properly protcctcd limit4 Icc litf Mfry wrungJ tumult Hi fitviftll INSllllslNCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA touriniijs CANADIAN HEAD OFFICETORONTO IiTIRE MARINE CASUALTY Service Ofces throughout Canada lNSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA thiEMllllY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA litl AlliNCL lNSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA PHILADELPHIA HRE AND MARINE lNSURANCE COMPANY fiti itlti iit llli tiitiliiit lthtllllt and liiltllt tllllllltlttl tltc iiitiiii int sciiicc und shuttling togctlici ugcs lll jliitll Wttllltl lllilElt litltllllS tulliiii tui iuiiuiiititiwiit to tliiint nit tlzc purl ni youth tlicn ll litu itrnitiit yinitii poti llll lit ftlz Slillilxlt lltillit tittniilili iil llll lilt llos ptli txciitt tiiltlltittl llll tl Miss ill lullui til tiitiuurt litlii iii tllll lttl iii liitillitioii lllllttlS lit gtllc Yl drltifutcx ziutl cxtcutivc lilttltlttl lllilll5tltgt in tlic building nutlicr in urliicti it tlitlilii iiitt llcud suit ill tXtLllltll of thc Grccnslzidc cstutc was uwuidcd $2755 in dam brought in Vutiizliun itciiiorc Slur $2755 to Parents at Stanley Greenslode Who was Killed by Car Lloyd Ultcllslildt st lltlLllI Stuulci tin was struck ind killcd by an unto in July Illill five mitts south of Bond On Friday Olivcr Nichol iii action Jzinics ClOWlllCl court jury was costs in against ussizn plus civil oi llis lillllltltilil llltl in lltlI one told tliiil Stunlcy Grcenslndc was driving 1115 auto south of Bond llic iiuul scssinn nnciioti Sunday cad wlicn another vehicle sidc Llltllititill uudcr lllt liudcislijp of ion ltill Cuokstnttii who lcd in 1h singing of rpiiituals Tlic Stroiid intciwlcuiiiiiinzitionul Yl group ctiiiductcd tlic uftcrnonn WillSllll with Ross lliibbcit giving llit ttlltt$S Miss Muigurct Smith Toronto swiped Gitusludc not out of hiscai and wciit to tlic Greenslude auto spcuk to provincial lll0 constable He was return iii to his car when the Crowther uito swcrvcd twice and struck him Rev Stanley Grccnsladc pastor mloncu ivlvmlu the unis of Centennial United Church and nut Youth tllltltIlCt in Oslo was mmth Church sludc parents of the victim will rcccivc tlic tilllt tho iuroutti tXtttlllVL always llllltldtltttl Slic cxprcsscd lici uppticiutiou ol lllt wurm wcl itccivcd when visitingr ifhcrc tcit i2 or ptiiplc 1LStlll tlllltltlltt Simcoc lt presuming cxcutivci Slic tlicn how word picture of lllL confor wncc tll tlic Sttlilt lllilt tolling of connnittec brought in their report thanking organizations wlio had the ucud in Europe and Asia for missionurics and funds Slic SlltSSCd thc fact that thc young Collier St United Barrie and Mrs Green sum of $2500 The mlnticc will be ust for cxpcnses tiklll FWD people of this country must not 10 fail as the young people of other lands are dcpcnding on us Following this the resolutions the various people anti made the individual whether iindthcbaitmugv glingin the foils ofvvcakness poverty or misfortune is hopeless to The Salvation Tthrmyfs work isthe re clamation of humanbeings no matter how seemingly hopeless or degraded through the understanding heart and the human touch which experienCe hits proven to be so effective This work of bringing material aid and spiritual hopto men women or childreifwho have become victims ofself orv Circum ystanccHMUST go onAnd it is YOUR Dollars that make it possible viGtvetlNR0iiStY iiAsf YEAR riully Ipqdby that personali services of 1hr VSalvqiioli Amiylin its MidiEntity omit Ehildronsoinu GonaruIHospiilf Chllmmdsnmrnor compo Oiairoiksriiorr Missingnimdsigsmiu Mcps Hostels Ohiman CPARSONS Treasurei TFOSTER Obioclivosq incision marSundaySchool mksmiliww wcckcnd such it inagniticcntvsuc Ccss lwo trophies sponsored by Pres bytery were presented during the afternoon baseball to thc Edcn vale YPU thc zittcnduncc cup for thc union having the most full tiinc dclcgatcs returned to the Cookstown YPU The third tro phy which is held by the winners of the drama festival had already been prcscntcd to Crcemorc Ross Bcattic retiring president then introduced tlic new president Ross Hubbcrt and invited him to take over which he did In his speech of Acceptance Mr Hiibbert explained that MiBeattiehad re tired because of his pressing duties as president of the Provincial Young Farmers Association The new president then called upon the minister of the church Rev VMr Eagle to conduct the commun ion service This was truly one of the inspiring events of the con vention when about 200 young peo ple and their friends made their wayftothcfront and Rneeled around the communion table to participate in the Lords Supper This brought Wcheconvention to close and the young people then artook of an excellent lunch in the church parlor providedmbyfthe class With mutual expressions of esteem the young peOple said goodbye to their hosts and left the village with warm spot in their hearts for the people of the community Ci AThcfforegoingjLawoiidensation ofjthe report of the Creemore Star 7777 NEW DIESELS FOR ONE tlic JtSllll Fathers will hold lcr ttllltllltl ttltlllllllIIUI their bin llltlllthi St Anthony Daniel and or foul that this is the one tllltli should bc national in clinr itlti llnwtvci we feel thin the ttltlJliiIlUll at Mt St Louis is of purtictilur siguitlczuicc to residents ui Mcdontc both Caitliolic and nort tutliolic own Saint Mctlnntcwidc cclc iiiutinn is thcrcforc most fitting Alltltlllltl Old Tiiiicrs Protestant us wcllhs Catholic iii Toronto iilt making cxtcnsivc preparations for ll Although we ncvcr intcndcd at any tiuw to keep our ccccbrution conned in parochial way thc enthusiasm of thc Mcdontc fortu rcsidyntswould have bccn mult than cnniiitli to brak such burri tlS btlltllf of the RcUninn Cont mittic would likc to extend to you iniost cordial invitation to llltltd ihc Icrccntcnary celebra tious Yours vcry truly REV THOMAS HAYES PP Church of St Louis Mount St Louis May 1948 mm May 10 Mr and Mrs Don Palmer took in the Icc Rcvuc on Saturday cvcn ing Mrs Brewster Toronto was visiting friends in town over the weekend Mrs Cobourn teacher at Roches Poirit was home for the weekend Mrs Mllncr Unionvillc is the guest of honcousins Mr and Mrs Galbraith Mr and Mrs McLean visitcd Mr and Mrs Gummerson on Sun day at Bond Head Rev and Mrs Built of An gus were the guests of Mr and Mrs Palmer on Sunday Mr and Mrs Hoogendyk have purchased home in Creemore and intend moving shortly Mr Gault and Mr Kenny attend ed meeting of Simcoe Presbytery St Anthony Diinicl is Mcdontcs in Orillia last Tuesday Mr Barlow who used to be CNR agent here and is now retired and living in Thornton is in the Wellesley Hospital Toronto His many friends wish him speedy recovery The bowling club Held at Euchre on Friday evening in their new club house Prize winners wereas follows Mrs Dale Mrs McDonald Cobourn Aiken Proctor and Camplin Agussing con test was won by Swiiinerton GILFORD Margart were in Tom on Saturday Mr and MrfA FoSter Col lingwood were callers at Lou Neillys on Sunday FredJenkins of Edmonton lAita is spending week with his daugh ter Mrs Neilly Mrs Luck spoke on Christian Stewardship at the Ebenezer WMS meeting held at Mrs JTHamiltonsn Mrs Graham is visiting herl daughter Mr Manning recuper ating from stay ina hospital in Toronto The Gilford WI have accom May 10 most woy prOJect last month adopting little French child for year through the Save the Children Fund This has all been done by generous contribu tion from each member Returns After 50 Years Atteran absence of fifty years Winnifred Nilly ccntl ally about two foot long with wingsprcud of about six foot rcncwcd week His liomc is in Courtenay North Dakota the employ of Standard Oil Co for 20 years In around Courtenay he mentioned that the area around the Rcd River is inundated llit and also intuitd sotcrzil tilllul books she tIliJtl rcudiniz pziptr Mtlllty tunt lluy iliippi ncss was ictid by Mrs Alluii rind at prizc winning cssuy on lliv Book of Books lilktll by Lucllu lloniiclly lhi inwtini closcdl with the National Allllltlll ilttii which nicc lunch was Stlkttl bi Illt Itll lltlSlL Mrs Milton Iitlil IIY lilMIII AUTO Fitbytitldild Grunt lllt of 119 Wlicclcr ave is in serious Culldi tion at Toronto East Gcncrul llnst pitiil front injurics sullcrcd wlitn struck by our on Lcc uvc in iNJiinnn III Iliishcd tn lllt liospitul by lllt cur driver William Williams of Win cvu avc ho was found to have fracturcd skull and brokcn log Police say Grant was running south on Lee uvc wlicn he llllltd into the path of the auto which was travelling it 10 mph Tllt motorist was not dctuiucd bc WIDE AND SHORT lhc osprey or fish luiwk is usu acquaintance licrc lust Harry has been in speaking of tliingsl ROOFING TAR AND GRAVEL SHINGLING noon COATING or PAINTING INSUL BRIO and OTHER SIDING All Work Guaranteed GEORGE HOLLY BRADFORD ONT Free estimating Harry Mowder nativg of Gilford The rst two of eighteen 650 ihOrsepower diesellocomotives to be usedby the pnadin National Rtilwaysin the complete dieselizai tiori mittslines on Prince Edward Island havebeen delivered to th runway by the Canadian Locomm tiv Company WallonCBE executive vicepresident CNR said the new diesels will be used in passenger freight and sWitching services On the Island unguided 36 Item POLLARD 11 oat lotqu Bram Hanson Lots Tobacco gartert Fm circulated n3 NO NEW WWELL mom mm or Aehlel Bottom ism Your prawn with til NOTICE Singer Sewing Machines Are Serviced From Our Office In COLLINGWOOD NEW AND RECONIIIIIONEI MACIIINES AVAILABLE Liberal Traded IN YOUR IL Free Service On TERMS nAllovamce MACHINES Minor Repairs Phone or Write Your SINGER SEWING CENIRE 37 IIURONTARIO SIT ESTABLISHED 1899 til ir ill ill COLLINGwoon IE Its GreatvItcelin0r Yes its great feeling as young married cmtplc toliiiililc to Spilltl your liiidgctcil income enjoy life with it frcc mind ilt have prdvided fnrpour fun tiuciitul Life Funii lncon This plan cmliplctnly solvcs your muticull creates an estate that WI gt imlcpcmlcncc lt is plan nliitli guarantees IIItIIItIll iiiiscynu know that iily8 ntiirc with Lou ic Iliui problem It auto give your falliin thcui an iuiiiicdiittc and rcgiiliir monthly IlltOIIlO to replace the loss of your salary iii the event of your death In addition at tlic cud of tlic incomepaying period your dependents receive the full finc value of tlic policy Ask your C01 tive about this plan today THE lllNllNENllll llFE HEAD OFFICE itincnuil Lifc representa iiisiiiiiiici COMPANY TORONTO BRANCH GRANT MAYOR We l50 Dunlap Street Barrie til Varnishes Pa Enamels Wax iiNsioitAND OUTSIDE for salieibyji 1msitsJEANthtiMPmW 7+ riii Fl Purely Ca adlun Compdny it inls i543