Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Apr 1948, p. 7

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ISSUE 7925 Copies AWNOIIIID AI RICOID CL IML l0 DIPL OWAIA CANADA THURSDAY BARRiE ONTARIO APRIL 29 1948 85th YeorNo 18 InjuryRiddled Ilyers The whole Itllllit of thc world Final traitsitalslatsrstl irstltle al Section 2Poges to 12 the solution to their problems would not be found in somalism or communistti but it would be found To recalled the day when lira had gradnatcd from the Agri KWVMWW cultural College at Guelph and told of the decision he made to return to the farm lli was not sorry the big scale farms of Russia were ho mad mg awnL nd not success glad that havc lived all life meeting of ilie North Siincoe Icd Mr Drury said the Governments rural community and dont cratcd Juniors in Vcspra TUWll of Canada had not treated the ship Hall at Midliursi April Iii farmers fairly On account of tari Mr Driiry was Iiitrodoccd by ills farmers had to pay enhanced Stewart Page agricultural icp prices for what they bought while own pcoplc lie said he felt the explanation was in the fact that tario in addressing the annual walk about the Barrie llycr dressmg room after they had been knocked high widcland handsome With 108 count by Port Arthur West End Bruins at Maple Leaf Gardens Saturday night in the first game of the bestoiscven Memorial Cup Finals would have given sufficient evidence that Hap Emms was merely trying to win on wing and prayer Paul Itlcgcr was lying on the table attended by physician Archie Campbell Besides sprained an kle Paul had cut on his hczid from an enemy slick Jerry Rcid the heady Owen Sound lad who made an honest attempt to play winning hockey for the Barrie fans suffered teeth had fallen out What actuu ally happened was Ray had woundl up behind his own not With the puck and was sailing down the left wing boards at terrific clip As he crossed the Port Arthur bliicllnc he spotch Woit moving into body him Up came the stick and when Benny connected the stick broke and caught Rayon the mouth In our estimation the check was clean from the ground up think any of you will ever be sorry for choosing the farm The spcakci thande Walter Coulis Wit by wytmamo there was an effort to keep down Mr Diiiry pointed out that some the mime or farm pmducls ZOYEAROLI INFANT Accgrdiug to law an infant is pcoplc had the impression that In suggesting mat young farm people gtSIIOUII begin to study person male or tiinale under 21 economic attairsNMr Driiry Asilltl years oi ago MEN AND YOUNG MENS SIZES IN STOCK $3750 $4750 to $5850 ODD TROUSERS All Sizes $695 $895 to $1350 STETSON HATS $850 $1000 others $225 to $550 BOYS SUITS to 16 years Two Pants from $1175 SEE OUR BOYS ODD PANTS FOR SCIIOOI land was illiinitablc but hc rcczill cd the days when the forests of iOntario wcrc descride as illimit table and also whcn the natural igas dcposus wcic siiiiilaily des lcribed lie added that it was now recognized fact that we had come WOW bl in the crid of thcsc illiniitablcs winding the adhesive Itiipo about md suggested the same was hlsykfeci 199 31d 0161 trim in regard to thc land Those all hummuhaving 511605 who handle the land should realize of the WiIltC cloth being iollcd the rospmlslbumya from his back by trainer Harry partridge llic Iciiiici liemici said he be initial crash on his nonsupportable ankle and he was forced to forget about the final period Ray Garipr had taken smash ing check from Bruin dcfcnccman Benny Woit that all but sent the pieces llying about the Gardens For the lirst time this year Ray came out on the wrong end of the blow Ills face was semaer with red as he wandered toward the bench and aftcr the game discov ery was made that ii number of The Womens Hospital Aid Of the Royal Victoria Hospital RUMMAGE SALE ODDFELLOWS TEMPLE Collier St SATURDAY MAY AM Any with contributions Please Phone 2374 or 4543 Our In Saturdays game Port Arthur had fast powerful club that were alert every moment possible Tlicy reversed the attack in unseen fashl ion stickhandlcd and passed with pro finesse BRUINS IRIO Thcir top scoring trio was Rudy lMigay Danny Lcwicki and Alf Childs Migay accounted for three while his wingmates Lcwicki and Childs potid two each This threesome were the whole Show When they broke they deadly and Lcwicki was usually the boy that took the final of threeway passing play Wearing number 19 on his sweater Lewicki had tremendous amount of speed which was only matched by Bar rics Bill Barrett The big edge that Bruins boasted on the nights pitiy was their time ly relays and abundance of stick handling ability On the other hand Barrie were way off their WindsoP Porcupine or Montreal form Passes were either behind Oral front Wingmcn were soldis gustcd that they refused to back IT MAY NOT BE YOUR FAULT BUT LAWSUIT CAN RESULT comprehensivc Liability Policy is the answer MALCOMSONS 41 Dunlop INSURANCE AGENCY Dial 3735 Collision RepairsTow Truck Expert Wheel Alignment and Balancing International MotOr Trucks Hart Garage 100 BRADFORD SlBarrIe PHONE 3026 DID YOU KNOW Your auiOmObile ins urance is Ofno effect when you use trailer UNLESS you obtain trailer endorsement from your company SARIEANILQNSURANCE aroma sr Harmhum is Still Time BARBIE Dial 4427 for DIPHTHERIA TOXOIDELINICS Clinia will be held for Immuniztitlon against Diphtheria for children from months to school age under the direction of Dr SmithyMedlcal Officer of Health at COMMUNITY HOUSE 45 TORONTO ST Doses will begiven on May 5th26th and Junc 16th at pm Sharp Babies will not be weighedmon VICTORIAN reference these dates Keep this notice for ORDER OF NURSES RRUSSELL in If 1DIRECIEDBY MRS GEORGE CADQGANI Ecc among tlielSkiiisli DIRECTED BY PRISSICK gt BarrioLibraryllall A1815pmFridoylApri130 slADULTS 50 en STUDENTS 25 cents made it 0R0 HOCKEY SENIOR CHAMPIONS For Johnny McLean rw Jack Hayes coach Eli1 the second year in succession Oakland Hill wood Fisher Gordon Dunsmorc manager Rec Flyers won the Oro honors They defeated Bill McLean lw Standing left to right Guthrie two straight games in the finals All Charlie Giorgianiii 1w Joe McLean John the players live in Oro Townhlp within one ny Smith Oscar IIickling Abner Quin mile of Barrie Motor Sales on the eastern Ian Eldon Tuck Allan Quinlan rw limits of Barrie Front row left to right Aubrey Hickling Miles Hickling Smith Studio Photo check an essential factor Flyers defence just wasnt worth hoot Jimmy Straclian in thcl nets alone held the home boys in tile game during the first pcriod would become scifsuilicient izlltVtd there was soriicthing about iarm life that developed character About 95 per cent of our jail population are urban and he Padded the beer parlors and the divorce courts would close up if tiicy depended on the farmers for their business The speaker suggested that On tarios only culture was on ill farms where some traditions had been built up In this connectioni he rcfcrLcd to tiic large proportion of farms that had been occupied by tho same family for over 100 years Mr Drury would like to see the time When country culture lie cmphasiicd the iiiiportanccg oi the family farm in tlic economyi WI LF TODDllESiitilsrls WEAR BARBIE Enrolment at Kindergarten Classes for the year September 1948 June 1949 Will Take Place In Barrier Public Schools As Indicated Below PRINCE OF WALES SCHOOL BRADFORD ST unenviable state of being unable l0 keeDDace mentally with our alters such Had tiicrc been 10 Straclians in the not it would not have made any difference Nothing nctmindcr docs could have stopped the shots jhat were allowed to be fired immy was sensational His play was excellent but no protection was given from the numerous Bruin spccdstcrs We doubt vcry much if Flycrs could come up with another bad game like this one The breaks were few and far between withl Viol ii rich intniciil per pCiiial some p00 checkmg thrown audience double treat when he Long and Gmepy throw their added to his ownsupcrb artistry tilm would by Novacek weight around quite frequently but when they did other oppon ents swept in grabbed the loose puck and climaxcd the thundering checks with goal One consolation remains If Ilyers can lose by mere two markers with that kind of hockey then watch out when they are clicking Another Bill Barrett and Whit Mousscau could have won the game FLYERS LATE RALLY Holding 2i0scorc at the start of the second period Ports shot the works and counted five times to carry an 83 margin in the third and final stanza when Flyers out scorcddhcm 52 Their usual rally was staged but ftir the rstogca sion it fell way back of the pace Goals by Lewicki Baccariand Migay made the lights read 50 before Rusty Aikin got credit for Flycrs goose egg breaker that deflectedoifdefenccman Pete Durhams skate into the cage Durham gave EFIyers another chance when he received penalty for hookingMaycr The locals ganged around Lorne Chabot and nally Mousseau scored by deecting Stan Longs wide blueline driveinto the open corner Childs Retrieved one of these efforts when he caught Gari cpy out of position as Ray was banging Woit at the blueline Flyers rocketed back swarmed intp the Bruin end pileup was caused and the puck was shot many times before Long fcuncLapassagcthaLwasnit block ed by leg or stick Then came bedlam when Childs scored his secondona rather uky effort Rudy Migay had given him perfect pass rearguards Childs managed to take it but Overskated thevpuck as he neared Jimmy Carrying right through she wrestled with Stra chan in the crease Meanwhile the Turnto page twelve please and behind Barries Concert Master of TSO iIn Barrie Recital IIlio Spiiiik concert iiinsltr of the Toronto Sympliony Orchestra iaan solo violinist of distinction was the happy choice for the final concert in the Canadian Music Celebrities Series at the Colleg iate Auditorium on Thursday cv cning April 15 110 gave the large the accompanimcntal genius of JLCO Barkiii and thus was able to play three major works which while of great contrast were re presentative of the true literature of inlcgratcd violin and piano Before introducing the artists Fisher director of the Collegiate Band which sponsors this presentation of outstanding Canadian musicians in recital commented on and thanked the audience for the enthusiastic sup portof their venture it was pram tically assured of being continued next season and he suggested some of the finer artists available Mr Spivak of Russian origin spent some time in England then came to Toronto in 1925 contrived neat correlation betwen his life itinerary and this program by presentingfirst the Sonata inD Major by Harindcl whose inusic was essentially English next Concerto by Khachaturian con temporary Russian and as the third major item Sonata for vio lin and piano by John Weinzwcig one of otir most promising Can adian composrs The iHaendel Sonata in four movements was given most sat isfactory performance by boiii violinist and pianist and appealed greatly to the responsive audience KHACHATURIAN CONCERTO Before the second number concerto by Khachaturian Mr Spivak explained that the com poser is one Of the most famous and well beloved in piescritjday usgiaTRauah Armenian his concerto is based on Armenian folk tunes and its modernism is not what we ordinarily expect but contains many beautiful song like melodies and fascinating folk rhythms The first movement Allegro had refreshing type 01 cadenza the second andante carried the poignancy of vibrant Gypsy strings over dram accompaniment atic expressive of marvellous harmoniccolor with movement ligc in important music circlcs Ccrlziiiilv does not stem from bile and IliltllOtIC approach in building llicii rcpcrtoirc The last group of numbers ob Vioiisly dclighlcd the audience with the more familiar idioms if that Iovcly singing melody of the iChopiii Nocturne in Flat with spot of shady intonation and what was likely the highlight of the entire program for many lepsy Airs by Sarazaic played with warmth and virtuosity probably not excelled in Barrie for many years For an encore Mr Spivak play cd his own arrangement of one of the most beautiful tunes lie hadl ever heardBachs Call on Tlicc Lord and when the and ITBTICFWCIC still reluctant to let him Ito granted them the charm ing Sicilicnnc and Rigaudon by Kricslcr Near the ciid of the program Principal II Heath expressed appreciation and thanks to alli concerned in the concert series mentioned the advantages of the of thc nation and warned llcavcni hpr the country if the family farm is supplanted by the large business iaim The spcakcr went back to cailyl Roman history and asserted thati the present plight of much of tliel land in Italy today could be tracch hack to the lime witch the family farmers were turned OfItlicir landl into the cities while the soil was1 tilled by slave labor lie addcdl that the same thing happened ml the Southern States when big business operators used slave labor to grow cotton In both these in stances the operators cared little for the conservation of the soil and they eventually ruined the land Speaking Of Russia Mr Drury said it wasstrangc that she had no food to export while Canada could grow far morclhan enough for her BLAKE ST COLLIER ST BURTON AVE Friday May 7930 1100 am Parents are requested to bring the pupils proper areas at the times indicated made only at theSe times who will be five years old by February presents series for town 60 milcsrfrom large centre and commented on the appropriateness and excel lencc of the fine grand piano which had been acquired so opl portuncly by the board and prov cn to be so adequate by Leo Bar kin few improvements would make future concerts greaterI joy to both pcrlbrmers and lis teners better manners on the part of few of the audience which can only be hoped for and better house management ade quate lighting quietness in outer halls etc which should be very easily accomplished LT It cars to reel ins dlets ISEE THESE GREAT FEATURES GLADYS GILLEM Americajgswggiy WdldlenTlaier an enchanting passage for violin played with muted remoteness The last movement was delight ful abandon of folk revel one m0lt meat in song the next in dance Spontancbus and not wholly un expected applause marked the end of even the first and second move ments of this work Leo Barkin alsoreveald him self as sold pianistwho was abl to completely captur his aud ience in the two nicely contrasted numbers Nocturne by Respighi and Svilla by Albeniz To the insistent demand of the audience he responded with one of the Icsserlheard Chopin Valses 3A1 short foreword was given by Mr Spivak to the Sonata for vioa lin and piano written by one of the AfOremOst young Canadian com Iposers John Weinzweig Inprelt vsenting such vultrafrnOdern music to Barrie audience which was iii the main not suitath prepared to fund istandrit one wasrgratfu1 for th selfwbrds of explanation godlinem but tokeep childrens 319th neat and cleariiagreod by modern psychologists to be strong influence forgood thatrmy last through life nullityJiliniiiint Malawian st PHONEZHI Picktlp andpelivcry as for example auditor the authority sincerity and very hcvident enthusiasm of his interpretation which even to the musicallyginaive members of fihc7audince made it realad venture into the newer realms of contemporary musicart To the occasional critic Of this choice of program number gonexmight ppint out that music education is pro gressive and pursucs an ever changing andbroadening art fun not embrace every such opportunity to gain familiarity wi the presentday trendoftlic art we may findOurselves in the own intimate muoic the Collegiate Band whose cverincreaslng pres DOUBLE tho deficiency must be paid by address if postage in underpaid DODLIKIKO chances Onefshect ofaverage lightweight AirMail paper and one light weight Air Mnilcnvclopeweigh ounce or less ThOAir Mail rate is 15 per Mounce to Greatr Britain Ec and Europe Ask at your Iociil Pout Ofce for rates allowlrero have letter weighcd whqn in doubt land by authority or on Emu Demand KL Pentium Conml DOLLY JACOBS The Little Ladf with Huchlephants THEBOUNDING OLYMPIANS East Comedylrampoline Novelty THE FLYING MELZORAS People Trick and Comedy Fly ing Act Tun RIDING CONLEYS people BarebackRiding Act Tonia BETTY warms Artists on the Tight W159 JACQUES GORDON 21 11 French Juggler on the Unicycle 212 HOURS OF CLEAN ENTERTAINMENT 31qund830 pm POPULAR PRICES ADULTS CpILpREN 917 VEVENINGS GENERALQ Adults73v3ilt Tuesday May 930 1100 am 200 300 pm KING GEORGE SCHOOL Wednesday May 930 1100 am VICTORIA SCHOOL Thursday May 930 1100 am 200 300 pm KING EDWARD SCHOOL 200 300 pm to the schools in their Spring enrolments may be Children may be enrolled fonadmission in September isi 1949 BARRIE PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD FeltSccyTreas Barrie Junior Chamber of Commerce orriia Clitoris ADMISSION chimes RESERVED Adults g5ocif SEATS OrChildreni$150 NOEXTRAS TO PAY Guaranteed By Tho Jr deinbpr Of cumineroo BARBIE JUNIOR CHAMBER or CO gjstoreyAllandcle VJaoksdns Grill mates smite Shim ETILCSCLPIICCS ArelCompIetclrrr it TICKETSAVAILABLEINOWEROMIANY or Tickets can be purchased at theafollcwlnglplnces Tamblyn

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