Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Apr 1948, p. 15

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MAY 5331131an Tv BA ERIE BmIE ONTARIO CANADA FAQs VV Vm leatherpushers who are entering warranted him netmiutliru Vltll the Central Ontario Boxing Cham rm the second team pionahips and Olympic Trials at The rsiisitioli lineagetritmitrir in Toronto on May and are Ivan Waimsiey of Windsor Spit roundmg no Shape and although res forthc third club was rnteil CoOp TurkeyFeeds She on expeneme have on his ne chore in tilting the We are pleased to announce to roved eno Ug under Arcme shoes of Terry hawchuck llil wm lllEths xoiumo sew ftutltointirzt txlaill lllllitV 1151on be MEETING MAY Van Mr ONTARIO swung WW BULLETIN Wollly Miller president of Aw lulum5 WALLY FORD Barrie Indies Soltball lngur Illthlllll SEFUM TEAM lllllCI llW till cur luluyrnemint prewmr Hl 903 girls Interested in playing soft pt pi mu MW r1 114 this year and partltuhirli Hr umhhy W1 the Illanugrry teams pea DEFENCE VVViEVVVinV Vut VtheV ingui Roy Group Uttlllt lint Rotmtson Gait mu Lung Barrio Max Qumkmmml VFW Wk Uttilfdil Burrlt lltti locum Rt itlririi omwumly 730 Pm CETRE rpem J1 iillilllttl Klein RlittllllL ttitl Sltlltll Basketball l3 and ll lfars hilmh Hd Blno H5 pier Bani Jimmy Ultlilt WHANU Um Vh hm hm monorail rrturn to the RIGHT WING Qtiailll o1 hliiuttlnng turn ll mgr ghhqhhr hhkmr ut il tire doubtful Chuck mgr hpnag two Nutrllr CHEM ghhhtv outing lull no on in ended Itunilvhli Two oulslde Clubs lhunty Boy my Wmdsm Uht Allnhllullf hilulltilrl Vi runV snhhhhy mght hm nth and Dixons from VewmarkeL VVV LEFT WING Anne llllltlt llltll lzlegitit 45in Urlllm tintl liirnntn think 918 lo joln the group hull MFR Jill My lnngren Marlboros ilill Stinmill Glltl Hi AUUVI USICU IN EUUI tUllllUN lliiatllt tnllegc played Ullllllhlll huhv ll it dttfitilllis Should COACH laiv Untuiio Division zuiadiau maki for rousln summer vi ljlUll championships mild HAD anh BHH lmnm Alldmson OShawu BEL MINT Ull goal Wlll 33 seeunrlto go which with lltllllllltlvlltilil stlitx with HmW my 331 ngVWl 511 tillth in 8111 llui litmus wa unduuhtedlt lviwt other irked llli liilunlu no Monday HA Mr ml hr Mm MM lhlm hl it vi liltin VVdflkd 10 lo Rwrnf Flm VHF VV mlm hummus humiliation of Tommy iiiIii IU hit Minimum Itd sec llie next shown of rttrettiun Mtlllallltiiri ul lili in il LLUIIl liilli lii ll lx HAN wiiw mrrlc Btl my an nmshmh Uh lms will be Conununily liousc kliim gtuyuV hlh VVVV VV VV VVVVVV forlorn otVVtheV Vicanilllli Threele VV VVVVVV HVVVVVVVV VVVVV litnut mil Wendi ten iViVlr Monday May nt 130 pm me SphllS Illll JV VVVVVVIV ilhVVnnrl11 mm luiuntu Yul tls lili tiii ms hlock is LUlllPUEttl of Begin llutltt rump iii rm hm lliiljl lnrlr lIil lvlltliw err it rt ii ton to ners Elel Advnncetl Tumbling and inntiuns 101 tirt liilltl til WP qswagv 14 Unit wlii ltLl vlldlll 1H within livid tiliiil ln tip m3 Atlttmtiil iiittl lnzi third mlth 1mm v2 My WW Mm hltl hand llr1 wrth 11 lll In llmhzim mt 1111th SVW8 Allllllll ill tnit hnvt ttn nothuw il VEIIVVRVMV VVlV 1V1 Vt VHll 3m rtumulup mtl lillllllb rqun All Wm iil Elixirshill 2111lllwiumilkmd 341334 limit that am tn llllrv in inll 2033 lJivtiir inward ll tlirlltiiilll lz will liiiuliull IiillniHln ill 10 VV VV 3n wit in VVVHV VVV VVV VVV VVVtVVU VVV VV Midget NHL Hockev AllTill lawlullHf 41 Ii imam Th WW 51 KWCm letullllilgl or illihlil 11 from ll lltlllllltlll ll Th Billlll llitttIitiiiii uum during llltll lfill 534013 Who Kitlhd li marlth Lmhhh hi2 fh1 in have approved the lchp rf WU VVVVVVVVHV VVVHVVVV VVVVUl iiiiiiiii their opponents every hm VL In VVVVMVVVVVVVVVVVVVV HVViVV VVVV VV um and crests for the winnng teams in the 51le VVV VVV mch til the wny VIheir astounding ghmh hhhmlg in JUNO liiiliiliii Vol ommeree VVVVViVVVVVVVV VTVVSVVH 6le ninlitv took them to the DNA mmn WMJIHF Vl fhi ilh hlimchx VnVthtV DUCK StIHVs illtl team WV VV VV VVI VVV VV3 iiiiliiuzils against hilt mud Vings Nioiill litult rimrl our 13 VV VVV VVVV VVVVVVVV VV 1rmm VUtVtchebV Will he zuhlsvd as him as VVlVl mil iVllVV VV HVAV ii VVle Mm Shuucd V1 Strong mpumuunV UVVhUVv VV1VVVVVVVVV VVV VVV VVVVV VVV VVVVV ViVVVVVVV VVViVViVVtVo lliVVlV VVVVVVVV VVVVV VVVVVVVVVVl Ky ale Vallilllltll ll llHll Idlllttllvrlllnitftlfx Ithillvlldi lm Anvr dllnnli 10 Unfilan gill HIHMI Wh Im hm illenlll ill lllt lltllllllilv Hun VVVV oi the lwstultlirec series in Gnlttl Filiirikiiiiz titllllt We mini Vso tm lrlhlll arrived it Is Hulll id WU illHi Mk 19hr mlhtd hh Slhltk trim tlrr nii Em mg rlimnim lillil txplisnt sin lolmmly 10 Wily The Senior iiie Ulltl nuui vtultzni nu llt 12 2l lWIN ll tittilmi lliirt in lht return contest when WNW lOIHl that iimilul ii ifiiIm iili ledlallt shill llltll oignnimlionxil out for utilise to the lilltiililt lMW Lilli it lltllhibili ii Meeting for tonight and on Friday Burrie liiitkev vrtlteriw Mm mm tho mils 20 NR my ltxdn um ti oi iluuuiuiiu May the ladies get together at 10x ULr mlhml must ummng mm mm MW tklmll Cmmmmhy mm luv VVIVVVVV VVVV V0 VVthlIVVVIVUl it tVVUiitiVV rhghtm Uh Barrie mu Thhy were hth Tm mhmmm VVWVVVI VVVVV VVVV yr lllltVl lthe season Stu mm Hm iliiiiniitcil in the limit tilt hut 1W tor the itltllilltt 11 mi WWW Wt tHliri 411 BlV and Di lKinIn ions hf Newnmlkut have forwarded AVVVIV VKIV tVVVHU VVJi Ni Hi iVU vhhihm of Wm while Chum VVHVVHM4 VmVVVHV VVVVVV Vin iItV iiVilo liihVitViuu VVVH hm hm applications L0 mt the IVVVVVVI lVVVVVV BVVlVUVVVtIIIlVlV ViViVV instill VlVaillliVyut VIVhhhV their third SPVVSML hum Vi ll VVlVViiitldnil ii luulrrtlm VVVVV VVVVVVVVV Ci kt lose llllllttJl Jm iw unthlitu ltqllkblb vill receive 1mm llltlt ll sport ltlitlil tinny tn vv iilnhnndfulof loom litigmmm by ml new vxpcu glinlertrllul li ltltltullttluil IttlhiHH lums liieked up smoothxorylvting lid iiluti lllltl lllltlt IINCll ill VVV VV VV No limit Even me playgmund vhunhswrs Euclirhosr tlirpi ltillln 3311 11 alvii VlleVl mm V0an sound to VV3VVVVVVVVVVVVVVW VVVllVVVli lVVlV iVIV VV VV VVH VVV VVV VVVVVVVVVV N05 to it will izire ittc ltlltfll down the ccn in un ossing whm ins lnn cittlit to 1V VV start queries and it is mmShun nhp mgr 1m 9mm rim til hid Manbney flew in via dmn thm lltL ltlbllc tintl Separate making the second gnul rm intuit Hf Vsllllllglleld Indians comp and V= Attttlltdllt llltlllllllltll Schools will he having their an to third team ntlllllllillltil llum llllmmmt Cthk Gllrda REALLY nuaVl preclosmg league all or gathermu uh high UNVth Illtltll hesitation was purchased Louisiana when it It lillllllll 377 Yong whICh indfkanvo Slm points for lheirh ltltlllt ll vr mm Ilclllint it round Dill from llmmr by tum Toronto 12 rout linim Tm Mining lpn YHHN trierfever we are still trying tlrteilce The tuieknctin Gil Slot in li to comb hockey out of our lniir 30m inf rslh WIT1 Vl Mm was ubmgncd to elieve VVVVVVVVVVVVV9in VVHVVVlVVV lVH VMLCi MONTHLY VUIVHUVV milrm MVVVVV er Can Lucrosse 10 in LH mW Ftrltchin in the nets at intervals Ct lll lIHIW llUKKlEPING AND NiOW youfmn youhi9h We have received the pdrenniul lillrl and the thud MIN uul liter his brother Hiy joined hclitlulilntlilmgfidut lwl Him ll lllttitlli rnX FllVlCl owen 9P0 50 Pinllb Mr tiiestioninu ttb quicker with DAB the nw wonder tlt junior tor Another mm mvmmy In mnks coming from 05h mka Mmmmms paintVVthoVlVVVleuvesdno sneaks Wc votild be interested in hearing lm C11 selfvcltlmm if EWV oPmm you is WIPE trom anyone who isinterestcd in 050 10 mm WW ON With PP Pad lhe organization 0llllls sport cith thh wrmllt Willi 1i liiiiiir fumde tree er as ptirticipaht or sponsor pmfWth Illlillllh thi WIN and 01 lllllnli lllt lgtlililll 514111 hour away It is hoped 31250 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV league ghhhts my hi my gt Vuku only an Jim at QUDQVhSV Balk Will be ready 01 opportunities to lisplu Vthtn llllt smut Play Within the next it days or fmm Chlll dumh umundvmmw lwo Qli Then 15 dimCUIU I1QllE1rE IN GOAL II ooimi Muhuthavion 211 necessar meta Thi Win pm mumht U1 in Vbt th Dr Jams gDiights for the backstops but the the Oshawa Genemis in mm mum lkS Board have decided not to la hardl he lworded 11 three Hill nhV 3m hold up further construction be menu shuhhuh hrhhhhm mm Wmninlnnlln C11 so of this lack It is felt that hi Amoin CalifunlInnu comrs markedand push and 3le VNVUP Anni om Iohnmlu 0th grew plav can at least one us cam ftf mnnlntnce even it the plavcis 305m 110 JCd liimfi DANGERFIELD gt might have to include little extra gooseeggs although he Vpiuritl mad work in Chasing loose bnhsV every game compared to in hli MOTORS Boxing or Who alternated with liiuuiy injIIl Doug Peacock Harold Quinlan Strachon and still platreil Sitillltl and Fred Conron the three local Nevertheless Mayers ichievmueiu our many feed litmus that they Thompsons coaching W17 mv eve may now procure complete line to give good accmmt ofthm collect up to Omaha llil34111gt WW of ctrop Turkey Feeds from us serve will be hoped that these sor rolled right along with Vnim During the past few vears it has three aspirants will providethe 5103 the same as they would have not been VpOSslble to obtain the stimulus necessary for local re done Willi SaWCthk and 0114 high quality ingredients in suf vival in the manly art top of the league standing jicient supply to manufacture Coop Drama Despite Wlllslllt tlltlllllilllllll QuolityTurkey Feedsirzgen It isindeedunfortunate that from the DEA tinnls Barrie VV oughtjuantities to meet the grow bOth theyBarrie Drama Clllb and Flyers Walmsley handled on enor ingdcmand Burton UmtEd are Ocng mous number ot shuts uid could During the past three years the fgffgggontieogmg Samteh not be blamed for tho llytts iii United Farmers VCoOperative Co my Hall and the after it gm complishment Ltd have made thorough stVudy of Church It is sureV howeven that 0010 llllllltlQnHlVV leqlllrtel3 9f both will provide pleasing drama Furkeys and are in DDSllIOYl to fill entertainment at Stransmans Stlachan lellnitelv showed he Wasa top man in the pliyoll bill it took him while to hit his stride in the schedule 11 requirements for high quality km Turkey Feed The recent findings WANTS munnmmns MOVE RAYGARVIEPYH QN DlllliNtl from the Ontario Agricultural Col FROM JAIL VV unanimous verdict for tlieVilcV ammo your LESS fwm VV 1090 Turkey Experimental Farms Removar from countyjaus of heme berth swung toItay loiicuv IVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Of file all embodied in CoOp Turkey murderersV sentenced to hang was 0l th iFlytlS MOVE lV VVVV VV p3 Feeds Theseare findings based on urged last week by Grey Country stated heirwasi the driving loire VH POIOmS 31295 Ontario conditions anthus Vassure Councn in resolution It Wm be behindthe club Iluv took the 1130 1ih21r2V3852V you of the best feed underVyour local sent to both the Provincial and i011 0f captain in 99110115 liSllVUll conditions Dominion governments and to and needed little tViViVne Vto estuhlislli mm 249 000 Turkey Starter every county in Ontario himself as capa ice genera nighin fortiied in au essential it Was suggested in the resolu VHis peVlViVathVy reeordVVViVeVochVed oVnew KKVVVleW VVVnntaftei the roteinsminerls and vitamins This tion thatihey be kept in the peni 16 Was 16T 11 VETS is medium textured mashthar tentiary until eXecution LhatheVdVVeSIredVVtVo thay iVVuthw than Offlhesses in Canada and feels gritty and will not ash in 598 0n W10 Miif the poults beak Highlygalalable Read Examiner Classifieds close raco bctieVenV Max iiV OW YO and nutritious Quackenbush and Chuck iVllllVlVtVlil VanetYV 19 Comp Turk Grow Mash for the other srcle of the acargunitl 7A saw Max win out by onVement gil ViV 5fdugoghieugnfsgidagaghlgcoiegxgic The though opinions changed some Unprecedenled iiauy 77 afte wVatc ng Vindgor nocxwoot Alghgggatggfggaghmor factthat Happy Emms sent his asseswlo right wingers who ltap SVfitVed With milk togive that finish 139an to sail around Quack 81817333 preglurrs IVM Guarda with his famous poke OYenGmgthS 57 Flr root check and Bobby Robertson of duEPEQlalVlVhmader0T hiEthVagg 9me LV ht VP WEV ht GVVVVVROEkeVS made up VVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVV VVV Cllambrqysl VVVVVVdVIVfVJSVVglVIVVV infillth Lththn ity VVQV VV team defence whiletsmn Long Vand Butcher LinensV Pastel 1y 30 HighlnsulaanValue Fieri Gocgan orStCaiharmus erspys and SVVVVVVVVVV lth of breeders FeedVVyoVuerlurkchs onVCo Tur ysound rdeadener JiEYMashes mm tor hesLLEs eBESLStSMLA 31361 SE 93nd highest cash returnsi Low in cost Permanent AController ofH VSimcoe District cumin and sewn HARDWARE Teepees captured the third guard rlina JERRY REID VV Jerry Reid as pivothaVn on theVV rst team ended close contestin votes Jerry was hard pressed by Gilly St Pierre Barrie centre machine who nished second in the leagues scoring race How eVer Reid really came into his own as the season progressedand Miami Crepes Minn Shun lfiinszcn amines iMAKEYOUll SUMMER SERVICES BARRIE VV played exceptionally usteadyvr h0ck Vi4PBayfield St ey bog1 On theroad andftthVVOme 0001 Charm 1st ierreV ofVcourSreVVpVace $th VV gt 6M cond ndWindsors JimmyUnlaj yours in anyoneV 3V nosedoutVGaitistw1ggief Wylie theoriin team position tgofounlovclushe Nequugsmn gym arise out Of shov F1 ers aul Me erinv the rins ietriililg ySlOtAhali01kmg pi DelsghP lt forward like Paul prdbaljly wont fully lVed be foundtor quite some time The VV ntue iron man anked trony Reid Vfoerost of the winter and formed along with Red Favero one or the top trim in the juniOr circuit nay Timgren of Marlboioswos sure second while Gleir Sonmor of Guelph BiltmoresVivas the lone member of his team tbb men tiohed and he made the third left Wing berths CHUCK BLAIR struggle for right wing took place bgeen Chuck Blair of Osir odestly pricedjV Today um Tuning rpc er7an CamdnnNoJTintorSchmMilnnguloimiico yd Firestongpegler VV VVV1 STRANAGHAN 2s VV Orgasms to HWaG Haidyof Windsorrand George Armstrong of Stratford with Blair receiving the nodr Haidy wound up second while Armstrongthe lea ugs top scorer Vand supposedly th Amost Valuable than to his team found himself in the tliligdtaltem

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